r' m iu üVS tOUw>Idmk 751 em P»tesIi MkdÇu*"ta c , Ii, se# OSme Ume"te devote theaiclvca I +* o,ýI a lic Hedcci mot belkftys 'di gieor tic orkz.Irm rte rais. what .Iisl*dptf1. lt dlsdvuta o f e«rjn pi î tp mrket la ujiebeaket. 1Parmieucal iu»g tels aiwdùbu "ard, liu mspsi4rêfià V4* tr~tok t ilk"nd, dalxying anid ôlr 1)tu*afied tar nl the general prattice of tbat Set9 stretc of country, that lie along the Iaàcj% By WALTER NOBLE BURNS. LLOYDMINSTÉR, SASK-Wee Donald'î Lome-cooing vas luke the triumph oi a Roman conqueror retnrnlng trou a victorlon, campagu. Tht great Clydesdale stallion Lad won the champtonablp of the Unted Statesanad Canada et the Chicago Llvestock Exposition the gréat- cest show of Its klnd bcld on thc continent. Thé neya Lad bec» flushed bath by vIre. The Board af inade ca" togetber in a spécial meet- ing. The vlctory oft tii.huon vas tatin à Scivi c event. A message c of ngratulation vau Swrcd ta 1. Wcaver, bis oer. speeches vere joade vR«ybcdy shook bande viiieverybody, aise. Whcn finaIy W. Donad ?epped fironibis _____________ prtivate car la the old home town. the whtr sunlgut glltened on bis uieek brova bide. ho viu led tbrougb cbacrlug erovds..W ihlncd *otcred by 5fr Thomnas Sliauglnmy for th bs Lleydiningtées' main abtret Hors. snd mer buahel of bard spnlng vhcat ai Uie New York W= vu - & a.punis.Dauques. 'Thaes wviz Land-'i . -The Iouwng year the p",eenir .lui4ratlelvflt4ry fer ft o*rmfn to John 111mes et modAi, [ n 191811; t. tlý 7f8v ixit4y 4M.by Pami Garlach of ,Allen, SULk Beau«r Wbeelrwon t &ainal te 1a14, 1915 and fi.tWi 1p1 ~ i9S. BaanaiLua e o f f MrQç, Mpin.wons fuLamer la tMc " hreelonround about the tm OvQ- la 1918. Mtcel i bnda capiured t 1,k perionuiprduiaWthp trluph 01the glant Uic houriln 1919and 11>2o. Clydeeidl. The amal i perfection. ltu tr Peace iver ~country, se tar noti as te he mluds, vas net due suranch ta bis brecdlng andalucai hi the reg[= iet Uic mlanlg= u-Uice Uiec are of ibi ovue*à aite cCmndim camsun ih ainci ther e egiteen houri io day in $u.- mer--,pro&d d besit t v on Uh i mt prise in sud soni tuai t ýi i nt tepaittm P". the ocapetiioagaluat the cotinen t aitue Cen- dcov:r and *alfaabay and iit he *et athome .teswiL Expostionat PhIladephUia170The. *.ht. ouiising i éca lemes4t go tu tue sain,;région csrrnlcd, oui&a nternationai bhori makig ofhome ai UMice ChicagoWorld's FbPa i u 89.Oaly for Cead vmth Uic ho telis ten yers, hoveve, aî weitrn Canada by ic ai~ hndasndai n Gain--~ bec.la custlus conpetiionor thech.- Na7 hpo, sb rd *tirandavetc b ihévyGrainh. vraind ~ ~ ~ ~ pilnbp sud &-u& ng Unidécade, onc otil*s R ay S h o , ii a co lu oe t i wt b t4 y th Ut ro i in bs tro u ieL e ter bu t n g er ;omietllont h i et tkat tic Unltcd Sitesa aflov t hte Pau trou Weitern Canada. bu te fer lail,«" m'àdîolnia, 0-~rled Tis record tu, the incas! remarkuble vben h OR. a gencrous iare 01 tba Priaes.M&BY bine lb conaldercd liai lit7y Ori if. the suggestion * ibiona vrebrouglibath m rcsmt*ôinter- that vhcst oould lii gué.n sucoeinytea ]and gatiualbomear"t intije, bornei, shcep, hW no.0far narthas ithe Weterncm!adlan prairies andcvia.wumet Ou ail sides vith- protouud iceptielana Winm Tv. Ymu la Saaueca. &New Wbist lavaisJuiL Fr«a ona ui, Jour. W. L.ucai of Cayley, fila., won th, Scager Wbelq la faus es icvend over for champion- susepsaca efor ct fer th, second bis vork'lu crlglatlunev- ad pcnectteg eld 7u n se u«Onbu Tc W mde it si« fo "-MU=Ofh*at.Ho bad much tu do lInmak- Canda e Lai ic câ f ti. hea chmpin g MarquIs the #itplele -dtY «If C nd u cana" tu cbéa telo fta e L et jpý' Oncof1the Most opl v liries lauth, United .mot, . Rt toc-co wuMiftedin quis. Whele, r orlguate-dmbcsrwheat aud vbact, it vas Bot dlagrq.d.J. C. lgliLJof b s aiest vanlety la Begob. cdBOli apm Dabida, Who l he ibwivPreceditgycans bd trOm Sbiiit. tenJsi i7 ci'lc' Marquis. Br vou vnthe Iternaionai honares. "snner .p rcea 01 t 55117 ilpedng qii*lhy, il 1 apas. and theU dadalo f th wgmbtw the ruai and carly frouts, By the unis ruaitrakoe. M~ Kasit ~Ui~ ~ 1filsa .ppearA= ucluCa",da .lth,. Irs imini wi tuatt44s M4 "it aml ii anthf Mr. juus,, épâ fIp iney-ra & T= 1 Omâ h.hn rh l e atid inthé~I, ~ps eauW"a. t Caadaioeti. &I* Whtimtu leés#at7 t* Sonne "hm fortha se mdaansplcushinvth fontdbavee xovB vobéat yal blbw pcré 000L G* *tai £zoïntthe ams e oit- f tutoui are Eand,'.l 1i puttea a tho DamDilà* *Bye» an ti au .d. 'U h htQyb . latii anadis. Nth wat k4&u aie ~ abgha 5 bie.Tl e lai rreard prW4ie. is. worb tasip<,j r .61 theu North acsaSiSn cisoa esu'enN as. béad.t i..oa pst0 ~ 7. ISsmatmulwbet ogiust beank are çr vi ibi pnhais tet1 c e r, 1i w~*~sWhe B, diAOlu orti.liaio last v en udul f ii Donald transtinental fines of thc Canadian National Railviys otfvirich Prince Albet titu roui SuagerWicfrqapii Rosiberu, la anc ot Uice aorjailg ceutclg. Itlul what may Le cslled lightly ttmbcrcd prairie It là undulatlng am neva tered iAnd' doted vitu coppleçs of pgar sud ether sOmo irees, eailly grubcd oMt *if aee Aarnd; lt'àllecd to romain, fnrnlah- lu in heffen fer sbock sud vlnd-breiks for ctiones lan t effié .Prtliis. In:tetf fertile bit thai the beavicat *lmlgito.l~recstca. aieccnrred. Most of ie eies a*ic c tuat Lave bit th,ér vèpnh tria ,IPsinail m a. hla a of ïole â -s al taanus vhe bègaq -annin1- uuIu* tadtticu 61ai hevaie of dfeiMed~ figasullwSq J* als epct hiffaera mtroute O14 asmasaymeft OW picoumest btaroni tote smoà& wulii and Sm ai sing uitfront sw *0%0 u sr4t>bP* oumitihegreateai oppor- *=t Maxt ess tii mktfà t es-the poar muate Kv.s fiuuL~Usçattle, ALeup, LOi.sudm hop aS *aUfttoulftwatlg bis laid&. VUkder an cua"it anspal m nion by Uic gai- eruueý« ti% arijt ins »ai purebrid iv- -4à u .boex ca cd.Tifs tedcyte paie à»d Wh.. lt g ail b d do** kata a, iilh tcatdaiIêaY d$thopulwala liaibave, kil r-, earried oet International honor at aieUicChicago show Lare camne tic. this reglon. Dirylnmg RIeLISore. of ProfiL Dalrylug Las beconie lna recent yeurs s large Iiidaitry. Witu governct financini .4id, ciea- cerics have bceeected lu inany tavu. uply in# firmens vlth a fine local inarket for tiei, dair7 praducti, theciecamenles fiave been pria tical serqffl On the value ocf daîrlu; *d auj b Lad aZsfsog huuc lubuflding up dailvy hàtide.u, mev if the ab-ea4dfoawisit' cton-Ï ol~i f ary &gR Iolansfe ta predi th4Ït ub1 regisai -in te i.becomoane of -te e ie., dalYlug ai of Caas&a. Proucionaibeef ajtt1c, iiecp 3,0 oad, aRaa .pcçpeàoo itusir nulie tu ais cuite-na shc#p mcwnd bY a'«M Vicrê af v' reglan the*hilaithe lddays off' iMg bc ibm cpsn.aoe pFarmeuu- lu s$&hum'a j kceptaian1dpbawltroning pra. hic ie AnycapI Whoe vstitils ccentry ad " * flolriiabxg coansd alde-*OU ukefrner lp~qsa~nqptpdiatonce vi ha i ~Zdo lullnsc~kMd saon rops lasse. satiait ouapilil n glthei ~-paei cmth UNorthn AwmmueleU ctta.