Lofaifor ttweo mrt to ov 22.000; m'9y in- strunmts filec SEVERAL LOÔCAL PFALS Dy A. K. SOWERS 8.curity Titi and Truet Comparty Buiness ofAtii.re0order's off'e for~ the week endug Jsnuary 14. 1122. NOâster o couvegances146. Numbée or chatte! l ortrages, $5. Nube r o!trut deeds and mnortga- ges. 46.1 Total number or Instruments Bled, 226. Total amoiint o! bsRnâ, $221,911-79. Business has been brlak wth toann above the average. The e tllowtng are the more ImPOrt- ant deals. ln Waulcegan Aex Hein andi Frank G. Smth pur- thased the Murray block at Genesee and Miadison streets for In'tlr'ted J. Chassncey Sbarpnacit bought the 1), T Webb building occuplesi by the rlsîty Newis oni Madison treet for $20. 000 N'ater C. and Arthuor T. Coode bought part of the ld i Ztt proairtY An the weqt. aide Sheridan roasi. aouth of Washington street troin (.. J. Jo)us for indlcated $5,000.00. Frank H. Butter bouglt the Georre Butter place on aorth aide Rdgeland avenue oppoaite Poplar atreet for $2.- A F. Beaublen bonght the. A. C. Ward place on eat aide 1Iickr et. north of Cener treet for $6,000-00. Elitabeti G. Moore snd hupband boueb.tihe Mary A. Lux PrOPertY On Ridgeland avenue opposite Hickory et for $3675.00. Andrew J. Dever snd wtt. bouit thse Catherine Black place on Glien 'tock avenue snd Belvidere treet for $2,00.00. lne i.Forest Margaret GrtDth bougist thie John G;rigîtis prperty on north aide Noble avenue jut euat of UcKinley road for jorgen id.Hanenc bought a lot o iortli aide Wisemoala aven»eJOUIt -West of western avenue froan John 1)riffitfor ludicatesi $2,N00.00 sud gave back trust ded for 000.00. Fred G. Waker bouet th. e O. C. Flend place on nortli Id lAnde av- enu at of Iliilaavenue fer ludi- euted $9.00».0ansd gave bathr truat derd fer 812.30.00. lni Highland Parkt ('barlea 1. Rarbongli snd vife bought tihe Kayser lot on east aide Libden a&Y- rune s, Vine avenue for tebdlcsted $4.- ravid &L Pierma ou iiglt tbhe C. W. lueklay place at moailne rond MdiiSt John* n eMr i,ted $2,W. .t on West Zuaide L «OAeg 44 14 ouglt the WsdPtop Il, wley ereet for 14,, .4N M u MARY OOS 1lCWE NCE ipon a the. Ob, evef 55 5usydayS M*, it Wu a tes, pridtotatuai out a paralel vitltel oraA= SMme modiste today tu foflow tit plan linaakag yoor jà. What, au awazcd and d=istur ronse you viii acive-" dear mit=nl ofury oo voldn'nth 11 ut regular hem axer' And su y viii b. won o-vr tSutelb. reu hemn.not implz beeuseItl' -5h thLing. but prinipaily becase. t Ile *o tnday arti9tic *ad beautiful- An irregor hm Utne is vbleved in Iis kollnsky-timeied Mdlo Formosa-colored Caton, mulla of okted fro t gialerx fopr teuBtau Sctcne. *0a:Uto-' ing arne-c cnyoh2ri"a! vIies,. luit u I a s Su long agsu ýiaobd elniti -es tau n5bvepa, 1 or tykf1h miceatseafte cEitbOl ldealmon.-Klas Ot Fi Letre lenny ld antn whereI.oon casbut owaulu ongpi. mbdy rememrbauheth e man's l«» 1 or anyo t ta lahsie daes. h 18 tiona retu* rn di Ic tb coia theietotleseeivautoso anda te i by tise i th ol àf tint o 11 mute't ~ This -valution u*,604,P ta lla atmplant n Itson eaat ôla 1o tion. malg tal 0tf ls.,4,p Goiretur. d b, teauerof5t o rd ut evlw hrbçrn~ lan alwayae ab tean uatr bui'da of tglea."ý n ded vut a 1?vt 56,104»i0tii. true ctuIs 4 ti liaw n Is~ tbudesiak0g tlea f ir.ciies enois fer landail ovesp ln vdthe t ttte eom*~souune tomiat.-a'olege thefa- j tSd elict.erUese at tthe "o a bore itfe prl balane.By r..dtn= Iti lIaeees ie ae hie nUAfA*>Me.au eLgbts ele tppe. leth Btegfl-inlesproportil te sae l stongeti&d Ssa ytise aeeimanfé "as ueqteh « ctaia tntse 4u)---naenaa ti i. toa aqî ie vuI A qlQ Rfl CUSS(Satrand 30.0 ROADTER319.00 RJkStarer~ad De414,00- TOURTG CAR34.0 TO]UJG CARStarter aud Demointable Rimi) 443.00 COUPE 580.00, SEDAN 645M TON TIUCK 430.00 p. 0. B. »TM WÂI TuX AA" > 7111GB? ADTIONL WISO &OHM WAUKQAýN' LIBERTY VILLE Phone 32 j- i tWinand sud vf.boght , .50tplace tu Bilima u bSlv- l'ion ons east aide Channel tek.for là ditrated "3.90.0. In1 Grant Township Frans Stantonansd Margaret I. itîchel mugit 40 acres ln North Laet 1-4. section 13 from J. Seely Grkale> for nominal conalderatIon. In Wrren Township H. P. Cameron bouglt the Mabel E.L Str-ohsin arin or 100 acres lua21W 1-4 ot Section 21. for ludicatesi 116,.. 1. Libertyville Townsbaip Bernard Pytlik andi vite bought the. Jaeger 16.12 acres la et;pcqi St for $5,0t0tfli. . In Cuba Townsip Stiiridan Trifst and Savngs Banik tooittitI. Lu property lu Chicago EMgi anda for indicated $8,W.00. te b. linown as Barrington Hilii trust. ln West Deerfleld Louia. F. and vile bouglt 40 are -'aNW 1-4, section 7, frei Fsnuy os- es for iýdlcated $10000.00. Inla Derfleid Village * R. 11 Parerson sud vite bongit 2 lotta a 0emans subdivision for $2ý. 300.00. ln Vernon Townehip Tiiomai BYrne bougt Lbe Wester- fdMartau Section 9. 10 sud 1l, frein tire Rie D. Kitto estate for12,150 No ePerpituai Moti on. Perpétuali motion !wiîsbeeq the- drrnm cf ij-soTaries ('ir îentuarles. Maiiy amen b>a.e lttt>oU't l i l primnted on tht' ,,.iing ,nd li tlon ut per- peInit b,,t -,Iut ail have fallei. If stw a i ;chidn"%vet-re Invente], It urould, ater t':Ibafl heen ontc seltln motion, keep in motion tiilmt dra- Ing on .iny externial iource -Jt înergv. k Iarbtîsae cf tIi, o'ri.i s, elitret , ,nirovert Lthe e'ttsl piple or iutlle' tonsrvatiînî ifen ergy 11, i Sce the etaitishmenî of tuat îlrrii.,ple the searl, ot a perp)et- ual îmoton lad heen jaged viîim~ary. , Iepetusîmtions have beeat founcîpsi on isels.lîusatt bara<o, on ep la su5lîîtitoi. 011 eetictty iîil aa- istti. 1 it In e%érý Caase the resut base l aillire. ASale. of Oveý-,r CGrepe de iM£ 2>'000 S511k Blouses inything te Cet er. suburtsatle (In employnaent of(.M obeUnia cook-It you eine out andi - 1fer sne go"May une My garage :rvI i ýau tise revoiîr vont on . teofutour car and evea buy U»rri. .pOw#reý UIl b sery ph ý1 divides- sa amt' lut ax Rodin£ Imaportnt il it la f« aking a bisgh-grd,! paint goWMs stastltaso folInupllaek et-Lln*.Anotier ~.gusnt10v 1$t lotIn"f- roauge j *Ut .ta ive a ur, ". ebsel , al p LOn! 12.50- WalsWU~ 16.50- t3ist$ 22.50- -4 Here arc, tholisatids (if bloume with hundreds &f styles t. eee ro t ,t)ei4r!ous prices *bicli repreeent-"the gretest valuee in the 3» st ea4Ung.. Iblou,--eevcnt we have ei,ï.r attempted. Ten nye r ci'dto gye you a idea'ý. d their desirabilit %Êtd then.there are manY, mnymOre witàhik ai wool 'embroidery, 'iteadi7, meta *redapaLUe k, frugigand lacleasfo embefi.sbments. t 'Demr dei ton a &au coun» day ai to ara ter if becali cen al terod * lprepa -sel to J. Deiu court reemif tinuai uirday er wt not,", luanc Febwu We'vE set.tha "W, »On. Jusi lie W. tiat a Md it. Ghines- Georgettes-Ponguee- Tricoletes-Satins- affets-7 Tub Slls-Jersey-s VALUES sur passing any in yars, provU thie mp$t , "on- iahn* wdutin. hi.comwuy h. ver wibwinod, ,ail ordin4 mvMciaga oiran$3 M~ $13 .~a8l blottee. This i boyond < p aion.ofthe'kid. OC