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Libertyville Independent, 26 Jan 1922, p. 1

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LIERY VILLE. LAKE MC OUNTY INDEPENDFHI' WOU*I XXX. NIMBER 4- -MME 3 3WÀDS ILAIE COUNTY IS CULS SlO WDOWN SUEDFOR $59000 IN SMALL CASE co or hrdy .A apel iSely the praeclpe was fiied but itle1 pre .Oemands that somiething I sumed tint lhe suit Ia the resut of the clone next Saturday as he up payrnent of Campbelrrbll for de grants oontlnuanoe lion, as the board consIdered i o Claire 2dwards Bat urday ,de- ih n a dabsow daiml In thecases o!ru u .G«o. LOBial-11nd Vernon E. CurtaisE SE E4 N ,Oqa*t Park baaker, chargad u'th con- im"aO 1 defraufi the state of inter- $9 N O L ton alip.ard in the. circuit court at Wau»e5sn and askred for a continu- L fE L N E iNcMesof arguments in a motion for a separate trial for lhe governor. 'judge *Edwards made it plain tint Brîgs-utfra on ait couiil for batihie defense.and the n sitfrao tagnt prcaecUtion muet appear neat Satur- Mrs. Georgiana F. Prester day morllIng aI 9: 30 o'clock prepared of Libertyville ta arguste miotonl. and tial no mat- ter if Ur. Curtis, wlio la quarani h issSiy n aiy 11 becaufe bis son la III wllb diptherla, InaeaMrsses o!austian late rlda fl can appéar In court, a piea muet be en edatess fAsitasFia i teî.d eRhêr by him or hie counsei b. e the praeclpes in two damage suite prepared ta plead for hlm. totalliitg $150,000 in the Laits Cotny Alexander F. Beaublen. local coun- circuit court againat Mrs. Georgiana -sel for the. defense, andl Atty. Rtalpi F. Preson o! Libel-tyvllle, wife of Wil- J. Dady, local counsel for te sta liam Preston' weathy Chicago real es- irel UAty. . . Wlirrsn wrain s ate dealer, and altiongh no bill o! court and agreed tint there be no ag- Particulara bas been fiied Il la under- reements out-o! coult for furtber con stood thatcharges o! slander wilil b. tinuances betwýeefl now andl net Sat- preferreal by the HolUins Sitera. ut-day. The actresses were named in a bill -.1 want la know by thât ime wheth for partition of property that mrs. er w aregôlg totry hiscaýs orPreston fied againat her husband last; ertw. cared golg 10 rdsli. c"Ie or summer, demandlng a division tiere ual, dectarwattuthe Ewardse'Im ot 1or and naming the Hollins sisters as intend 10 w tewhl oe mon o!co-defendenha because the latter bad We've spent two monîba now wl thout purchaseal a residence fram Peeon gettinz aywer-wiich MrS. Preston tated ah. W.un ."W. are ready' for a speedy triai." edfr t emr werom e ite charged "ga re Alty. Bebie t W l tat ber buaiand bad flot given ber "so ae , cod ty lkr the share o! tbe proceeai or tii. sale. Judg Edard asuredthecousel Tbe same day the bil for partition Je*ud b e arsure efi Btii. counsutwae filed ' MrB. Prestpn aloo filea a h. -onl b. ereneat$atrdaybutbill for divorce. charglag Preston with tiat e at taI re ie expected tepl>ea85a tathr fes.atog h l sud ta hear te argumentsou thie me- flot neanuo y offne altii dvoe I 1 Uffl for a separate triai for the. g0v ii. Tii. simultans lliling of lte 100 44gor. Tiie judge la Planning a hwo bis created much gasalv, lwilcb came #*seft tp ta New Orleans wnet es the pt* f "1IN a r U» ta cof*iile p pay- the *mu tw% leupota" . Wo t. visï am ltum1.Mca cur *taI be cm adJouru court until M5rch 'he non action however, bu cratp Slarge number o! attorneys beina amc ectmnt î la belieealia eeUrt ibis morning t0 dispdse o!r au- everytblng had blown oVdr. The. Pres- line malters. so te judge null be able ton divorce bill also nas dropped lazt ta complet. is plana for the trip. rail and tbey have been living la Chi. Thon e-e apiriteal nords between cago. They own a beautiful renldence bth te counsel1 for the doeese and at Libertyville niiere tbey liveal up ta the. state. Aty. Beaublen In lie open-- hst summer, andl tiey alao onn a fine Iug of lhe hearlng declareal th1-t he un- farm near tbis village. derslood that tie contînuance nas ta b. loft up 10 lie State's Attorney C. Fred Mortmer of Sangamon county. BARKIN41 OfDOm with tbe consent o! the court and ag- reeen byconsl. tSAVESuie declared, "W, haven't asked for anY tle e ht lear." Ss At TIWO FROM lastnigh wit refr ie econtin D Dance a!fte case today on accounit o! Iineas in Mr. Curtis',tamily. îTwo yoUng men living, near "I have no objection 10 the caunsel 1 ietvleaeoecm making these motions but I do wantL ietvl aeo rcm ta get some action," te judge sald. by the fumes OLDES.TWIOMAN IN I I ýpý b okin , &oc o t,ine WsT>'iw onigahtl i-ibeY lad .heen ovr -COmNTiOBSERVES. IM by ga '. bid the bai kng cfthe 104TII BIRTIIDAY "'Grandma" King of Zion passes another milestone; is quitefeeble "Granalma" Reliai King oI Zion celebraleal ian 1041h birthday Monday Site fiste oldesit resident of Lai,- Counly anal periops th. oldesl o! lbe Sate as sali. "Granalma",Kin g waîî bort, Januat-y 23.' 1818 aI St. John. N. B. Site sas on. o! aleven chihdren. ahI thte test o! niom at-c non deal. More1 han bal! a century ago Mra. King ven t la Califot-nia la live ana l u vas tiare many yeacs agI tIhat she final met Dr. 'iE>ale Oben hanas. spaaklng at Oaklandl, Cal. Site caims tiat iy prayer alone she nas cuceal of a cancer o!ftae longue. Si. bas ieexp a residant' o! Zion mani' vears. Mca. King vas tae moliar o! nine chilidren. six daugiters anal thte. sons, On. daugitar. ageal 82, resideq la California. Ulp ta tire. yeacs ago Mra. King vas quit. active but since liat bas been confIneal 10 lie bouse moat O! lie ime, Site* sînys bas been a staunci Republîcan anal voted for Preaident Hardbng at lie ast lec- tîon: Si. vas set-y feebie but ho aisteal upon being taien to lie Polît lu an auto. Overseet- 1oliva sent an automobile for bar. .lliaugh sia naa proual la bava reacheal h.t-1041h iirtitday Mca. King did uat have a big cehebralbofl today. lier frienda titoughl that a big psty mbght ave-excite ber andal îîahps htave harmful effacts. Thal site vilI live tb see thîe second coring of Christ la th. tlrm convic- tion o! Mrs. King. In fact sie cdaimsý thltI Christ appeareal 10 ber ln a vis- ion a'yeac ago anal Informedi bar she noulal livet e e bhlm- cotue. dognot bt-aurhit aitît- wn-suiniiuli cls svauld lisse dîcît The viclinîs sera- Ruidali Jensîn. Josephli fcî ing. ili liste ieen siaying ai lb. Thomas Vandeusat-! fatrn, four miles norttio! Lilbaî yvilue. Mr. Vander- nerf efI a loantit agîîfoi, a iP 10 Hoilanal. (If laie Mr-.,. Vendei--erf andalfariiy [as.lîcen quaîantinîil for si-arlt-IcI veriin otipart of helia ons.. Elfering. a bratitar or Mrs. Vandar- sset-. anal Jensen lia-ean stýIsing iii lbe otht-ipart oh rii te outs' Tih. Iso yaîinn' men relurneal home -arly Saturday morning anal before ;etit-bng fIllea lie alose nithtsort coul anal loseal tb. trafts. Several bout-s laler Mca. Xandcr- serf nas. a-akene,.- vy the bariing oh lie dogwnitci tan fitst ltrn ber part ofthle bouse ta the nindon o! tae room occupied iy the young inen. Altracleal byte ttange actions O! lia animai %Ica. Vanderner! vent to lie vindow o! lie rogrnanal beard the laboreal braatbbng of lie men. Site feareal 10 enter lb. roonti bon- avec because of lie quarantine rt- strictions. Site calleal itr mother, Mca. Elleting. htrn a nearby fatrn- house analsite discove.real the pigil oh the tvo men. Dir. Galîaway ns. summoneal anal ai once ardereal Jensen 10 ba rernoveal to lie ViClOt-y '%emorial hosphlal aI Waukegan. Il vas alaleal ai lia hos- pital Monday liaI ha ba out o! danger Elferittg is galliflg along all rigltai is borne. Why Il Existe. #X ,rlona entamoioglst ialins te bt-l ddoiereal usatuinesln l't-îîîhg- Sur. W't dot intos wbs t 1hl, bol our guess lg liaItte ciigger existe bleui' fonlia put-posa o! gîvîne ipeople emetbiitg te do s-ban they inl;ght otit- erwise ba corfottably dolng nnhibng. INDEPE'NDENT Lake Counpoy 's Big Weekly IBErTYVLLE. LAME CMMNT, ILIOIS, THURSDAY, JA*4ARY 26, 1922. ABANDONI3D CHIL Cli R(iE; WARi '1SSUED MON] Olga BeIlei of Highwooda es Ginio Bellei deserted and infant Gino Bellai o! Hlgivooa lua day nas arresteal anal bonal lihe grand Jury on a change of desertlon made by bis vife, Bllei ln the court o! Justice loulson lHe nas releasiea on bond. Accordiag tolite atatemeut by bis ni!., Relier lefI is nig cil Ocloher 151h of hast yeai sinca bas refused 10 supporh or 10 hive bl t.esamte bouse. apenals bis lime hanging aroun pool roomB o! HlghnoQd, vaylng attention ta, is !amly. Witen brougit before lie Ji Behli made an effort 10 defend self in stating ibat ehadita work and heen unabie to find during lie lasI îno year. Mdrs. tinlt-adicled lie staternent, deil tiaI ici husianalbaad norked tbrcc months bn lthe Ino yeare sic hall been forcen 10 5Oppor chilal andl berseif. The. cilalis il 'ai of age. wflIctimates lîharic against Belhel set-ions. Corîlable 1hi P. laulev mmi airesî - ibis mYor-iing on a si aigni-il b%. Justice C(oulson. A!t tenir-c' iii oth sides of lte tîiultil~e ..;.,-ke-d nbere h. bail BelIe-i Nij n i--snt ni make i t-c-I u f Iuinl aioui fijîloit in I 'il EGET LICENSE AND WED AT5 '"L IN TuiEon Libertyville couple rout clerk out of bed at 4 a. for license Yoi1 oflen beard ofahel.coupl goit marrled itchore ibreakfast. it cemai ned for James L. Vand Viola M. Gabele. two well1 i ouiig licople at Liberlyville. to -iuî h a casc jizhb home ta Lake T'ý hispatciliî- u ) Joli1e t.1 1e l co n11iarsue- hoe -il day or Iso2 1il h o- l fiiucn Ju ,î ice J aumei-1h- lochi- -es idence, 801 Raynora .11 lî-c rtclock mn flic rvotning. Titi couplle Nias accompanical by the bride's pat ents. Mr. anîl \ts, John <iabele t'f Libett3 ite. Tie taîbai s ho is emîîloyed ai a milI 'lther- mas tînahie tlu avE- lus work îîntiî tîiîdoighl ic> e .exîi]aincd, su flic% mailealfor, hîrn 'Plie decided i th lev ssould lbe un- able to final arts ancnb Waukcgan who soîîld issue a maîriage hîcense at ltaI bouc. and ltes faIlt thiat thte sarne candition would be founal In Cicago anal Il otitar cauntvseats ncaruy. so they wanl10 Jaoli. Il s-as stîlI dark nien lteyreacheal liher. A depuîx county clark nas founal and tb.eiiarriage lîcense was bssued ai four a*cloci. 'Pie couple tien Proceedeal la the homne o! lie justice nier. lie mat-nage nas pe- hormeal. Tic>- aid notrmake known their future plans. BACK SMALL IN F16HIT AGAINST CEMENT TRU'ST I-iigîiway execulises oh aiglît mid- dl. nestern stalea Salut-day hall in lina nîlihlbhepolic>- adopteal by lIa. Smalo! îahuaiîîg ta bltcosalcon) struction contracta ratier titan suit mil to exorbitant price dernanals ni lie ment trust. The officlals. assarnlled aI lia four- teenli sonual meeting oh 1h, Mbssias Ippi Vallev Conhat-ence o! State Hlghway Depacîtents aItte Hotel Sherman, also vent on record as fa- vot-inÉ state onnersblp anal operatbon o! cemeol plants ta combat itigh prîces. 'Piet-solution rctîes liaI prit-as non are onîy 10 par cent honer than on Janusry. 1911, anal liat prIcea Ihanwvan 001In accord with ecanom- lc conditions prevailing. Oui' thie. neeka ago Frank T. Siteets. aîîperlntantiant of iiginsys o! hIllnoiz, refuseal t .1a contradl for- 4,000.000 batroils of cernent, be- cause of lhe pnice. A, E. Hirsl.igit- way cornrnislooer of Wlsonsin, salal lih tyets' att-ta, coutemplateda a e- duction o! aI heast 16 cents s bat-teh. bîhinols alroady bas an appropriation for sassta cemeent plant. WAUKEGAN WEEKIY SUN $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVA -De ESCAPES NAVAL WORE NO OVER- GMT IHOSPITAL; BE(1S COAT IN 20 YRS. FOR PROTECTION Tewnr l',ttshavpterrer fo d. Mootcki't age nt aItthe ST IE disnCrr tton of the Chicago, ml Ernest Jeffery of Libertyville h hr & Mlwa kee electrir 1her Pope BenedicI. KV rase te the au- tells police of beating he ýi .h corner' downtown Friday prem. head of-tit Catiolic churcli received ebattlng niit friends. apparentlycet Sept. 8, 1914. Ths *as>less titan six__ forlable. while te liermomeler was onmonths after h. uas *Tvated te the Ernest Jeffery, Lbertyvile, a pa- iovering around the zero mark, a. 5Mo-cardlnalshlp. H. was horn of noble i tient at tie Great Lakes naval hospî- those listeniug lu is converation ver teparents at Pegli, near Genoa, llaly. tliappeareal at tbe Waukegan police were siiverigbI e zi t oigahU Nov. 21 1854. His fatheenvias Marchez stalon Mna mornlng t 2 o'clockda~ d ep!o relg1 OlgaDell Chisa. nd tld o e8cpingbareheadd frm d ath afriand asked. H. C. Educated at Capronican cllege and lie psyehlatrlc ward after iavlng "A properli' coaleal steam englue theOJ Acaalemy o!fte Ecclesialical bie been, beaten iy guards. He begged for la always s5teaming." philosophized njd as ordaineal te the »iesthood In 1878 prolection, aaylng b. nas afraid hoa Mr. Moody; "I iaven't norit an over- Ir de .nstkn aM.rd Sanb a oulal be beaten more. severlyif it lIn 20 yeara. The one I own bas su ad dinal Rampolla wd for four years nat was returne<l. been banging on th. salle book for secretary of lie Nunolature la SutaIn. Jeffery naa permitted te occupi' a thbSIlengîhi O! lime anal hasnot beeu e. e 91h asaglldaert'o cell for lie night. Tuesday the police tolttbed." id the the Cythrer aM la i 1907 Pope plus turned the affair over te lie local post "I guesa tba's rght." cimealIn id lite gave hlm lb. appolatlnent of atciblit o!ftie Anbenican Leglon te conduct Jualge ,P, L Persona, "l've known g 11.OP of the. ....0'flb04=a He was made an Investigation and ftnal out uBat ion You tint long and never saw you Justice a cardinal lanMa«, 1914. afce much Iruli there le u inte story. oe wearing an overcoa." Pope Benedial vas muci fecel y Accorallag te Jeffery hoservealve aL hlm- the borrarsanmd, sotrow o! the norlal seas about seven monlis rcelin1 a soughl nar and many limes t-led to bring Injuri' t0 ils head hIlci s.ubject hm vIl a e p Blit a' rieut appeal for a ay h bso ORiDEREnvaDhspta ,caring peace vas lissued ýofe neek after bisaIretakasnecoe.SE . MFT inbcoronalion. The appeal faileal te bring 1i recelveal a paso Saturday te viait -s Ibat resuls8, as ,diabld hitler elan for my lIhîla girl at Liberlyville." ha tlid FE~ (UTTD I rt the a Cisîmas trc nluJenuary and in lte' police. "I returned aarly,.',ate sup- F LU I1ILDRENf 1 "le'* July. 1915 ha hMdn t-led le brfng per, andl was playlng carda nien 1 was ,a lie about lpeacenego tions. in March. informedal li a s t0 e Iocked np. El-li.1916,.li. reposeld 1 attenips and in 1 demandeal te 1Iow why but neone Homer W. Hutchinson, Lake Variant Am eria nuart sconclfilitor be- bda nfeadsaid 1 would fnt con- 1Zurich, divorce suit argued 4tOrY, Presîdent Wilson ta Ibis lfect reaci- cause. Tiey fold me i lied tireatenedî in circuit court f00011 cd Washington nien Germaniy and someone. but 1 iadn't Tien the offic-___ fle- ar te Unitedl States nana lnvoivî'd in a er summoned several guards and afier Homer W. Hutchinson, Lake Zurich, 1hl >1- d cO Iccii.Tevtcnapo-1te a iamdm n edm d o! President Wlson's peace note 1 fast he ordered them lae sînike me. Sahunday was ordered hy Jualge Ed- in 1917 but In spîte o! titis lire. One man sîruck me*squarely bluite Wards. in tbe Cir cuit court. t0 seil mOntits later lie Unitedl Statès ent ereal moutit; anolier kicked me In lie at-m. bis $ý0O0 summer home ah Lake Zut- lie nar. anotiter eititer st-ucit on klcked me la ici and brlng loto court titelpro- The Pope's mosl memorahle appeal lie sîomacit and still another st-ucit ceeds se liaI lie money cao be dl- for peace vas fimea n hluil own band- me over the head vitit a club. videal anal usea te pt-ovine food, cloti- C K nxiting on Auguat 8, 1917, anal asiteal ."About teon 'clock Ibat nightI vlie ing anal shalter for Huichlnson's four belilgerent rulera 10 end te slrugle. 1Immasla XX 6ar t » qde i.wo-àbte.mte r Dut-lng lha peace conferena. 111e piufl lIaIt* ýf M ô "uyt4taeU wéeIsaneal lu boitai! o n& tra a u: rai'lat I euot Wilson Itad a Privai. conferescagai an automoble ié e te k eh support another dautghlen. joue tht Pope Beneaict ai lthe vatican "'1'eY treal us miserblY and 1 don't Ilulciinson recanîlyi'lileal suit for etInw sn uaY Questions social and la dare go back. They gay Were only air- divorce citarging bis vite nli adul- teruational nature nere dsmeed. service men anal liatIti doesnl mie lery. Mca. IHutchiuson flhed aut ans- m. The aettleinenî oftheita760 year old anY differonce niotier ne dia or net." wer, denylng the illegations analin It-iai pnoblem vas receiveal vili great, Jeffery laId thea police i. al 'vit- lut-n accusIng hlm o! belng a habit- pleasune hi' lie vatican nio lasued 'nesseal a ianging In Europe nilla la ual drnkard anda ieng lie possessor a, message congratulaling tbe princi- lie arn»' andlbaal communicateal lia o! an ungovernable temper li"ndrlng le Whîo palsis nte negaîlaîlons i tact te Senalan "Tom"' Watsonio la upon insaniti'. WeIL lnvestlgatlag suci maltera and thinIts Hutchinson bold lie court tint lie Lda and that posbli lte officera aItlite Station liad onhy $53 Inbils pocel anal $10 la knowno y"'u ' have taken offenseata Ibis. Ha says lie bai at Lake Zurich andl the aO ,rn D J I ýEUUfEftSho ase inacomplaineal t0 othan sen- home properly. He aise declared eCoun- stors about tie Irealment accordeal that lie mnoved to LaIke Zurich. aftet- tIM R. ur EDENI thte ex-service men. Ha has lattera ho lh. had l a large fortune in Cii- of iheli , JFIN D, ONFRI. [fl DI ias recelveal frntm lies. senatot-s. inI cago durlng lb. war andl 00w maies ,ago ai te over seas itanging nich hha daims a living from ils summer reBorI. a veue, FROM COUNTY JAIL te have niluesseal ha says a iag o! Mca. Hutchinson. aiso chargeil thai sanal was lied laelite feet o!flte victl- ler husitana delaed heIng lte father Trio plead guilty and receive fines of $100 each this morning The - atngea,gei- n the county courtI for consvictiolns of blinal piggers anal bond lggers liii- ieen s80 ili many of ice siol :o..aoflate have de cialeal Iat it [s tmire profitable ta pleal guill>ttan to tight thaîr casas anal ha conviý&td anyway, so Monday tht-e. pleadei gull-analnet-e fineal $100 atidlcosi. a' ý-lei-atolier. who was in j0îilbacîmîse ofInabilily Io pSy a fine.usas ulv lby order o! the -court. 'Ph. trio suit piî-.deîlguilîy s-are Malt Jare, NIrs. ',iiii Saroci. anal A. Santi. tlb. [sur being from Higi- nood. JosephliJaniiswski hîsîl been in bail two weks becats. tif iiîability to taise a fine oh $100, so t1hcaiit decideal ta release iim. 'Pie othiers, Anno Sctot anal Tony Talc,. laien some mina ago In a Mar- ket street raid. anîl who have itean ln Jail avec since. sie also raiesseal frant the counly rourt. SEND SON 0f DR. J. H1. BLANKS ýTO ASYLUM MONDAY Johnî Lewis BIais, 21, son o! Dr. J. H. Blanis, clty healti liii' siclan o!fZMon. Mondai' vas adjualgeal o! unaound md tînal laken 1te'Eh- gin tospilal foc insane. Young Blanis is a gi-analson o! tie ale John A. Lewils, nito aim- ei ta be t'e Elijai. lie Sedonal. anal lia succassor o! John Alexander Danýle. foundar o!fZMon, aspd nio fougit Wlbur Glenn Vol~ foc rnany yaara. lairing titatkVolva nas the uaurper f lte Jovat- o! Dovie anal whiict- situld hava gens 10 ibm. Young Blanka balieveal tiat ha ns. citosen te carry on tia religlous1 nonk o! hil.grandafaîer anal thua la salal t0 have hean rasponsibla for1 liae unbalancing of ils mInd. 1 Admita H-iling Doctor In amplifying his stony 10 the police aler Jefferi' salal tint Dr. Taylor o! ltae naval station bad struci Mim viii. ho vas baing helal. Jeffere says ha suc- ceede luIn iteaklng ansi' andl hit lie doctor nilhhils fiat, inocing hlm agalnst a beal, It 'vas tien, ha says. that an officer struck hlm la Inte mout. Ha demandealtla mon niat 1 meant by slrlking an officet- In tie iavy, - 'Many of lte men in lie hospital at thte station noula comjlain o! con- ditions but thare t- afraal t do se," Jeffery salal. $150,000 IiG SCIIOOL IS VOTED MOR JII4JAND PK. ýTwo propositions carry almnost unanimously in election there Shturday Plie coislitiîction or a Juioor iigh sciîaol costig $1150,000 on lie Elm place site,:1infDistict I107, Highlandl Park. c ai e d by a vole o! 134 againat 29. hoI an eleclion Salut-day. 'Ph. au- lborizationofo a bond Issue o! $110,- 000 alsa waa approseal by a vote o! 1,0 agaiosi l1t. 'Pie nOasat-uct-ut-c ilI be ocaleal oîn lia ile syhtac tie primat-y anal lotat-nedisie scitooi buildings sae o- cateal. shîch it blgise ibis district titre. hbuildings, il ltelng tite larger o! lie Ino districts. Jesse Orith bs suparlinennt aIf thItisalatici. E. B. Mettzel. president ohf lite scifiol board. expacts to have tet-y- lbing hn shape go liat construction wori on te buibding cao begin April 1. as lie board nihb atempî 10 hava- the. scuiool caady for occupsoci' by lie fitst oh Decsrnbat-. next, Th'Pe teaching o! sevacal btanches oh sludy bas bean iincet-.albecause itere avs, 001enougi ronm, butt vili Ithie nen structure a lar-ge auditorium, I gyrnaium, classiêooms, siopa, a lai- 0 rtaory' foc liete iactlig o! science, iat-a bing 1ibnned. oh Ibeir four chilîdren. Hutchinson declared Ihat ha htad brftbghh suit upon ber suggestion thiat ha gel a divortce andti laI i sN al agreed la bis obtaining il upon any charge he a5w fitI 10bring. Hutchinson Saturday agt-eed ho per- mît hle nîfe [o go borna anal gel Etny furniture anal bedding aie rnay need as nahi as a six montis supply oh grocerles. ICESIIOULD BE CIIEAP NEXT SUI MER IS CLAM Wages paid ice cutters now is back to pre-war level; men get 25 ots. and hour Tîtat lthe price of icîe next som- mec shoulal ha greatîyrcealuceal la pt-lýe is indicalcîl hi'le tact liaI lia owners o!flthe lar-ge ieeitouses tirougtoul Lake Coîînty at- artvesl- ing on. o!the blggesl cropsIb lhiit iaocy anal lia coat oh harvaallng itleI baci ai pt-e-ver lavaIs. Tis shouhld b. the means o! raduclng lie itigh price o! tce tiat pravalleal ltrî out lia nar vian isior vas bigi. anal icit condition itas prevalleal sinca. Thie cutling and al ttveshlng of Ira Is belng don. by laborers win are palal twenty-flve cents an itour ouI o! vilibfiai' are onigeal 10 pay $7 a veek for themr room anal boa-d. 'Pia te ltae nage scale ltat prevaîls '-1 Paalaock's laie. On sorna of (ho alther big laies lte nagesarate ts-enly sevan cents an bouc b he enohave ta psy ;8 a nse for tliit-board. This maies thte scala pt-actically lie jsarne. flguring on lie basîs of an elgit bou- day. Thi. la mucit les r han lie tea houa. onners bava pabld In sevet-al years. i Anoîber thIng bIltai- favor la that tie tce la o! a sallsfactory lbicinass 1 forvitilea mre nina Incihiesnas harveslea lie Most o! it.la hftom, tlise 10fout-taon boches.in tilcki nas *hbcisaegai-dea as an idea! thicie. ONI KILLED4NE BADLY HURT IN AUTOACCIDE«, Joe Garwood of Grayslak*g crustied to death, Sun' Smith's skull fractured Jo. Garvood, 62, vas crash t* deali. anal But- Smith, 124, rec04* fi-actureal akuil; bath neil kn tee identa of GraYslake, FnidaY'. about 7 o'clock vian ana lan vbicihiey nene .uBa Fox Lakete 1tIeir homesOf, la te maailon.andaahaif mI4àM 1 o! Fox Lakte. Tii. fatal accident occurred Ott Ib sama place niera Dr. QP. C gi Waukegan dentifft. nau 1111. yeans ago. Mn. 'andl Mrs. Garnogalru Grayslake for mini' yeaxs and, sane-evce man, iiavIag be«e4 eres w1 e l el nova l In ù gan. Rlay Walsh, son of John WalsII Fox Lake, discovereal ltaemon iiUW under lh. machina andal nertv Il la belleveal liaI the care overu bush aflen t bad rundeald 3 corner and nas lying on Ia sid norli o! tii.corner- allthaide Ç«-, roada. Young Walsh., unable t th. machine, got Lavrengee anal bis fatier, John Walih o hlmu and lhe vlclims nana f rom under lie car. The men nana Identifleal by pdï anal lattera on their pras The body' of = roo n to Ingleside anal Smitnwa lakm Sunnybnook aI Woaster Laite it1 dîlion being van' citicai. ,- The vlctim'a car apý&rentlyw"v$ ung nlortbi. nien thie accident coner's Inquest vas belal at Sunnybrook Sanllarlum bY J. LU Taylor. Garwood former!l i ons aides a i~eCl,1* 1 brotb.ii-In-Ian 0ai B. J. Isotli0et luire, a firsl cousin of George of Round LIÀte. Smth la unmarrled analbu as braking on lie SS lIie, but 1eaW bas beau ltrubklg. go Jla M ' H. Smilt. andl breller et. 1-f Slmith of Grayalaits, andl .bttM Dell Smith o! Round Lake. <iTCLIJEON CAR TIIAT CAMRE SL Ur ~c The description o! a big automWb nhitci bas been useal in tramas«U booze ln Chicago to, a point nies'. nas plcked up anal conveyed to ' consho bY Tieron 'W. Davis et C cago. under art-est nit jamese Furlong also o! Ibat clii', laill« acily viti thlat of the car vhical t-led four or ive bandits 'voiah lbe abois taI killeal William PF sen, Wlnlht-op Harbor moloreyaleý lîceman, gt Beach, c"' tie evenitt& Frlday, Jan. 13. anal lie Lakte o=~ autiorities have men on lte t o! te mut-dat-et-s via xpect 10 id Important dev.iopmenls nililu1 next fan alsys. Davis. wio nas convîctailtau. counti' court hbee Ina vaks ago a charge o! bouse t-unnlng, aller.- Ing arrealeal by lie ZMon polle.d rehieveal of a large quantity « l s liquai. After luis arres at , citatgeal niti iavlng made a III that ha voul gel George Strelé, siatant citie! o! police o! Zimt. Just before lie shoolpg et! Wl ian Officar Sînala racai'ved a lin' enlog anoymoua latter. Il Is nol believeal liaI D«vis1 anything tla do vili lie ahootluj Pelarsen. but because Il vas Jean liaI behiad plcied up bacs. iila cago.nhilci had iren baulsal la car ansnering lia decriptioW 0f one nicicat-tied tie assassinsi. atîthorilles grilleal Davis anal l'un ail nhght !olowîngtheïr arts aueeding.i Atly. Wxn. A. Deane. Who 1 Davis' attorney vahe vas lnm» ý la the booze running ca.se,1 o! ils former clients arne«t 54 belng halal la the li' bail ni long. anal got Jualge Claire C varda bi;issue a nrlt o!fi*gSbI piusa. hua obtatin tlghein "* Davis andl FtnlOng nr niai $50o -baidml aiild Hat-ry Hoyt anl hein caigi, sel for nazI Saburdai States Attorney' A. V.- go befone lie hat-si'of e andas:k tat-a large ferea lort-hle arreat andl Peterselta layers, as mosl dastardl «da alen aven oommtled la anal 1! the Per eratom hrougil-la t-la It W doubî reanît la g

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