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Libertyville Independent, 26 Jan 1922, p. 10

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ïrXddz 7izOd7 4 I 4 r ~* 4., m-OFFlces as Scea' ~ DICcu3inViecs f UC - uss'a1 -V ow ib I Nefw headiuaatff of tiseI Aume.4.aaCearalci Csaite fe ts , l f ,W.«bÀaV Oi4 orarluees & r--- ofak m tAmolSa xCt. <mai Çommukse fer Eslael 1.1., La.., aetLu'dua" lw te en V h.adqrberaet tisa Commdttee lu waale bw I Cast aiLieheduq AtotUnbeievslje Finanea. A*aon 1-Flotte. IGld lace le made by wlindlng SUl jet noate. peSwcau à t expands lu Oirer vire arosu dm iLhi. eafg lsdenty decresses. ITWO %Med fer tiNa yWM ola drawn Chi =P., tetsof water welgh tii hbsiesa that as mli and j samne and posseathe saine bulk space, SCorne to Ion if YOU're WianMd Strong Th. e ret cf a h.autiful omleica a clear radint, youthful face, in Mi broughi about 4 good heUt, and if M4 t h. rut ci the macbiLnery cf the -hedchb CaPe -~ona t.hoe -0h8 Ruch Pn1ýb indragpd cwn, Ibis l b ttm tb lina t uw rlght ruiedy, nsmidy, Dr. Pieu'. FY*-. vt ^« uripdi. Faded, jsded, _w»,weak, nSvous, del vom i eped fbon*and 4 Dr~ Pîmrc. It m" "e vq= mtronadde~k womm e ol.. Fm a i lbgoAmoelcuiile ve fifty yemavao ei nov on gui. ýdr a lquid or tablet iormn, or und M t Lt = iowefo'ro .Ya advn S. for a tralpack- .TWO DOLLARS FOIR ONE Iu BuildngMaterial from GOVERNMNTCAMP-. Lumber, Doore, Wijidws R.ofr Paper, Wall Board, Pie, Valves, EIe&ic Suppies %&ditoms and'Many Othier Items. Comle 0Tody 'repaeto 1Buy! ,fou WmLLOR50Oto 76% ON EVERYTIHNG MWON E. VEATCH, Trustee Gut Lakea, MI. Phono North (hCago 2M~. Wrecklng 2Sh4 aegimeut Bldgs, Camp La'wreaue-e..', <-EDNA M. COLMÂN H~id'War'Building et 3.3- 17th St., N.W., Russia andi pronsinent Ru"s-' ~ ~ f e i CbsTodyfugfrh nte apuo aiding tde, Russian poopla wbo ver. vidima ef a. aslingon D.C.,basprudi Sag fcrt aothr oseviktyranny. Political de tlut$s aoa aie it challenge te the publice Wteest. From the bey win-imosbet ndrlft, usatwh *ow on tihe second floar, the Unitedi States and Rmsien smporsiln taSovet rie hsite ,aaRn efforst wbo gags are flutteing togther over a sigu which announcea coucentrateti on the aid ofi.uie cttidaogli tic hoadquarter of the American Central -Comittce for Russian frontiers. auassan lief, mc.Bear in nind," thse Princet'scoatinue, htibin e are lb vs l tha vry roinlia GeeralGrat bd h, wrlcug ta aid thse Russian refugees isbaare tirivesi out- It as n tis eryroo tht Gnerl Ganthadhiside of Russia sy lihe Bolslievjk. There are nov et hast e>ffice doring his terni as Secretary of Wac iu 1865 5iig one million of them and vo are abut tihe ouly society in ishere hlie atchei lbh construction ai the War, State and thsparticular fieldi ai charitable varie. Z4avy building acres, the street. Herm witls his portrait "Lack af fundsin u espeuilil.fer tie vlthdrawal of abey. ber desk4 the. Princes, Canlacuacue, liii qrend- varions other organizations which wmern lu rt ellevating daughttr& hersa i the White Hanse during hi& Presi entiel the wxrechdtiesî aif iese nuforlunaste people. administration, ia directinq e cempalgn of rmercy end vast "The horrible tragedy ai it l," saidt he Princes. sadly, ccoaasulc paieutiality. Like lier tirstingssbed grandaire «thalt th refugees are thi. intellectuels or educted clan,. &lie dec net thin i ernsc which admit of defeat. wlo can ant i i li e the bacinbone of future reganeration Afler resldenco: cf tveuty years in Rosas, broken liy af their nation andtihle stabilsation cf thefrengeverasnen bhoirt visita te lier native landi, Princes, Caritacurene iil if they cen be saved f rom stervation and epitinc untikui*iiliietivt ac tr aitclgruac fuer famsily bas once mare leicu up ber resitieuce lu tic Boishevlk cule in terminate&«eY cd.to aiit ihsyo tepltclto"o Nationl Capial, ele e acrgellcally esliting the "Yots sec, tic Russians we lbelligae atilthey bcd te theeRussie ren-plua.Wehvcfuei"tcariii.Pnes "an eeI sud 1mpahy rao an d neis f iendsin li er work Altied Cause andi are naw dying fram calti, Imunger andi empisaticaîîy, "te have an w affiliation witb uypîsialgou shi ler E lb . Rainrfuhgeesouttide af Russie, af whom there diseaàsi, drivez. frein their aisu landte taneder i pblexile, supwhzt are nov maretiehn one million, nsny *g hein init iery haping; praying and trying ta Sund soMe meaus of a live.. wbterCarsloaia r oshvk andi destitution. hooti ihere et present iticesnajcrity of instanctes irrespeti0W ofthe. plit ebllein l, ns? l9spak 0gaitu vriWl vich lier beartIs sens- i#nouate b. founti." H"W. tire f o ati a Mrive' or an adeisin apig-ra 9 e ogt tsgàLeof tbi meicn "Daca uaet ti Havesf project provide 'fet tises PublicitY cupsagu, yet every mail tringi chseckes ta aid aur varic. e mi Wd~urternCentral Commit- people?," lievas aketi. "Our' acliievtibent in figures for thc two years of au0 ai tien tee for Russian "Mr. Hoaver's effarts do uçt inelutie relief for any ie ýl87A05.6 sent abroatini addition ta 43 cases afi f clotblng Relief Imc., te Russian ref ugte oulsîde afi BIssa," th. Princes, ex- and tiruga. al of which lbai liei obtainict hrougb lie persanal efforts Wcslsintan to plaineti. "He lias sent usi a checkeo tavhcihab ee ftic spiendid members ai aur Board. be i doser eau- sent hlmt by iabae for ticse.. Our evenbeati expenses have been smaIl tirongh tiecocoperation tact with other "Our refugees are witicly satteriet," &ie cotinuado f Amerlcan officiais and tiseir wives, aud blrough the Redi Crossud national organi- "Vie have nlot as yet obtained tihe numbers in France, aller orgairabioiia, lntie investigatiossal ant i dstributional endi af tie ratiaois and lie- E-nglnt,-Spain, Italy antd Austuia, bu.uSadnva work, sud ve have been cabecause of thiita give praciicafly ail the cause the. growth Polnti, Finlenti Swiizecland Germssuy, iConcsati nople futis receivedtd a'the aid of tic refugees. ant importance aud the Baikais states andi éhina lucre are abatoe "With sncb a spirit actuatiiig aur erganizatian, we f tel confident *S& ~ of thii, orie de- million, mont of ishoun are in deiperate sacet. tisat Arericans wiii respend ta our appesi on tb, behaîf of thec tran tai se "lu Consiantinople the situation pcawî r 4.w3 itrse Bsal aevisus, ta a soud iv t bilnithe ud n emha e t n-There about 75,000 reugm are living in ahacles, have RnSsia's heintret nhe aus enl iv. t uilti a ic mn tenta, cellars sud bacrcien ci tic concentration rmaluln abroa mintis of ra t ti.use heoghan mse ve haemy ". -~.... ilenal characler. the vlcinlty. A large nuruber are the ageti, thc babies, alse liios iftas rasonaa hu.tidlasat oehv ei Thisala nt a nev the I, ecrypled and vountictrin tm he vas, Tice recesved inlatic lest fuisdays. -. ~~ varie. Our coin- lira"4 auo luaiyiut a iit a cî î The personnel af the offleeraandi boacrd afDirectors of tie Asied- Honocs'y PresidesitmCsanci W. ediot; Vic ces Raot.i soite. wus or- sediie, food anti clotising.cn Central Conimitte. for Russaan Relief, Ineirprated are »J toilais. 'nýcd sud lu- "T cannot fSud sards te a pnf à pIetur bd raffi e Samsuel Gomupers, John . Maot, Cyra I . Corissck, Treasurer# corporati lu <splct the P"9g4 af lese uo-Bolslvik Russiaus ic Sanuelc McRéberts; Atlug Seciretaiy, Aloe. Kaialoff; Ai Treas- 191 bya goupPrices erlaleti "Ti.1aretisiuaby he undrcd1,urer, J. F. O'Meara.Board of Dicectars, Princets Cantacuzesie. Chair-. 19f9 bYe&frients a ven osly as kv tiausanti dollars pertinonda vwil tion minu &.AriSenmuel L Beren, Mcm. Charles H. Boysston, ret. iof he riads flie entire lot, focrort relief wov ar hem=ense ayýstenutîaed erick M. Corse, Mss. Frederlele I. Coudent, Chare I. Crane, Charles Rusa, lzuodlg tuat vacen feet a uman sufflcienlly on fisc or six francs G. Dawes, Henry' H. tieBacli, James -Duncasn, Mèr, Gregory Irvolslr tic cliamm-n>pet d<ay. Otto H. Kahn, Heras H. Kalsst, )Mn. Robent -Lana' lii , Wbat maies tlicir saion mare pitieble Io tuat lucre MeCornuieleSeamuel MeRoberts, Gre M. P. Murphy. Honore Pal- lneo rs te e tiseCnsaMis-le.Thy c ldne nw, ttr almer, ~ ~ Mca. T. M..0 î.1ud ,gWilli W. bÏon cf Seuctor emignate te Soviet Russie isitiiout risliug their lives sud Rackhill, Ellu Rzot, Jr, Charlies .= Vjssf, Charles H. Sabln, Mont- glihu Rocite b ave ne fonda ta go elseviere unleas e gise tihe ey.' gcomery Scinyler, James A. StMlmen, Robert Winsor. T,. tade ln England eofinmu sud women in factorles working behlud dfrty wIndowBsudthe saie emplayeem workng bebind dlean wIudows, reveal an average of from 5 to 15 per cent more efficiency in the latter than la the former. This la because the dIigy rld' ut off a certain am.cint of ARMY NDNAY GOODS Heavy Work Shoes .S. Munson last 32 Gffette Sofetyltazr Complete with' .0 blades ..... ---------10 Khaki Breeches For Me nand Wonen;, (Ideal for skating 15 Pair........ WooI Bocks, 10 Mepair, 3 pair....-10 Cotton Bocks' 35 20cpair, 2 paxr...5. CttnWok.Bocks 25c Navy WooI Sweater Brand new, ail sizes 29 worth $6 295 tanvas Gloves and15 Mitts, Pair Wool Army Gloves35 par ------.---- 5 Leather Mitts, lined 5 Pair Navy Overails Navy Juinpers 12 Overails with bib 95e' pair ... Cotton Arnjy Shirts50 eah..0 Wcol Army Shirts M11%l Reclaimied .... 1 Jersey Shirts 95 New ._..._ 5 Marine Shirts eah . .......2.75 WAUKEGAN ARMY AND* NAVY STORE _..204 South Genesee St.],J PýRICE£S REDUCED Effective Jan. 16 Lowest In The History 0f The Ford Mo-tor Go. CH , AM (Starter and Demountable Rims) 300 M,ÀIASTER390 ~OAS'lER(Starter and Demountable Rime) 4 14.00 ~W~N CAR348.00 19RING CAR (Starter and Demountable Rims) 443.00' COUPE'580.00 MAN645-00 TON IUJ<xK430,00 r. 0. ]B. DECTEr O N" W" TAX AMM FRRIHTADDITINA WILSN &OHM WAUKEQAN Phone 51 r'c -HA T anc are akit Fia ing T sci. but] the. The sti geai plat spaý boia spo T tirs Co le c dis] as dlol wv pput are 15 ml Pal are n là -t LIBERTYVI LLE, Phone 32 ý r'eli mi

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