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Libertyville Independent, 26 Jan 1922, p. 11

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Lïertyv)ille Indepenident I,àe Comatyndependeni -Waukegon Weekly Sun Girls learn a lot at school, says the Charlestonî Gazette. The " fre shmen" at ani eastern eollege for girls say that a intn shauld earn $2Oý,OW a year before hc is to, be considered as marriageable, but the seniors put the figures at $2,OOO. Santa Claus-was banished front Zion City because ffoliva doesn't beieve in lhirn. For ourselves, observesi the Buffalo Express, we f ixd if casier to believe ini Santa Claus than in Voliva. With the states of Illiîîois and Wiscowiin rejecting the bids on cernent, it miust be that we are to bave a showdown as top costs i that connnodity. Or are we to lose part of the year in Iocking horns over the proposcd supply 1 WILSON SCIJOOL PUPILS AUIÀ IJAPPY "FA'MILY', Pupfls earn how te cook and how te do other necessary housework HAVE GOOD THINGS TO EAT Tics Wilson sebool CO4a for tuis veek 'anti ust are Dorotby Floodi sud Norma Smith. The diabvasicern ai-e Margaret Itutit, Josepins Ptasso- it, wvice basIveheipera, Donlati Floodi anti Hiliy Waitace, escit si-v- lug for tva veeks. Tics lunch or dinug nom et te acitool la lu tics bassinent cf tice bundtlng. viere ve cool sud serve tics luncht mcoridlg lte e menu. Tics equlpint 1lie luncictooxu con- &iala ot Ivo long lubies aI itihci lirt>' pupila cao be conforiably- tased. A china closet ceulaiuing tine fol- lovlng disbes. mugi, aeup bovis. Splates, glaises, kuives. foi-ha, tes apoons, tablespoons andt te serving bovis. On lh. ktchen cabinet are tva diffrsut sîzeti ketlîsa, hisd kuife, scup ladie anti a large kilcicen spoon- Tic. cooklug ,a done on a large tre.- bhuer ocl i ste. Belveen 10 sud il o'clcck lice cocha go dovu sal.rs aud coo wvit la on te menu for tat day. aise sel- lUg lb. tables. Aller- lunch lthe dihvaaicsrs scrapa S onf snd ple op tic. dishe On a large 'gootien tes table. take tem te lice &ink te bc vasitet. Ailtic. resu>' n«eeasr>' rtiles used il u sing diahles Io placet à-arthes luk, sncb as t'*b tish pan, »aap, avies, tuait- cltie anti sourlug povticra. Wicen te tisies are vaîbhet, 'siped sud put itO caarcstc siling imlflear la avept, chairs p> put in place fer te follovlug day. Otier articles for ac ln Ibis scitl are tics fre1555 cocker anti electrlc toaster. Tice board cf directersfoiniathlit milk and gioceries osed th ie puPila. * Papai- loveis snd paper napklns asc are sonse!lte oticer supplies fui-- uitedt e tic s chool. Al ciildruen f rom tics Furt grade lu tbe Eightic, boys anti girls bot, bave esouns part l intéitonaekeePing tuaitk'vben lhele lui-n comes. Tics oltier boys or girls bave under teir charge one or Ivo chicldren from tics firaItti-se grades vho are always vtllng anti anxlous te bave titeir lui-n comeIn uorder taI ticey ina>'be able le have te "fuof ufing Il, as licey dIteu say. Wbatever Ihe>' do la veli dons sud enjoyeti b-,men. Tice menu for the >ear of 1922 bas been as foliove: Monday .................. Spaghetti Tuesday .... teamboat Poatoe Wednesday ................. Cocos Ticursday ............... Pea Soup FrIday ................. Mik toast Second veek: Monda>', Whicte Sauce anti Drieti Beef Teseday ...............Beau goul) Wstiiestiay .........Baksd F0151055 Tituraday .............. Coin 5001 Fritia>'........ ....... ....... Rice Iafi,d eyl*n. 1e 8 en 4ila sccîilu inte luciau ocean cethlie sutheru end of Bm- dustan. ccn3)ituting s Brillith colon>'. Tics raing cf coconuts la lice princi- pal pursuit. Rire sud tee aiso are greo. Thce chie! minerai for export la plumbago. Serne goild làined. Tics mniufactures chleS>' cousi3tlu ticé working of agrtsuiturci prodocts, as lte majcrg of corlr',tl oh. (n the i. lgri m'a Roaci. We mni a>'fe a thoousanti lmes; but a long as v. are ashameti cf 00: fallu",,Oke long as v. do nt bel:. lealy acquiesce, as long as vs do not tr'> te ccautort ourmelves for It b>' a careful parade of Our otbei- Viruel, v. arwI-.thlulpilgrimaro.d.-Arthur Cici-stopicer Beaison Orcathc Threuch thi"Sd 'l'h. caterpllar bas n o e yet ho doos s ragular A No. 1 job of breaih ing. -He bas a moulh, but nature bas [se arrangeti itMat lie can utilise Ibis ergan excisvel>' for fmotng anti doesut bave 10 breaibe tireughit il, e de. ail bis breating trongit spEciai apparatus conasting o une .boieseu eacb ide of ie body. .es0t. lBc Rcimemboi-ce ilm bucr titi t a. la a prç.rtillY -on t10 ho cSSi-vetl In thce - sce cf osai-y IThe Exide Battery S tation Have No Competition The OnIy Authorized Service'-Station ini Northern Illinois. HANDLNG - DELCO - REmy - KLAXON CONNECTICU¶'f BRIGGS AND STRATFON Switches and Reguating Systemsi Exdde BatteriesmC for Autos av Exide Bat -Lak andGenesee St. e nt, Charge aid R,,adio Phone Phone 2244 and Repair Batteries. CASH BONUS FOR EX-SERVICE E Chiamber of Commerce tells why men in serivce are en- titied to bonus C 0F C TO VOTE ON PLAN Thce Waukegan - Nortb Chicago Cicamber et Commerce snd In tact every fubamber linlthe United States, wiii bolti an election In a week or ten daye te vote on tbe bonus C)ropost- lion for ex-service men, anti the Daiy Sun during Ibis tume viilpilt a few arguments bolb for anti againet the plan no Ibat tics metobers cao famil- tarize ltemeelves siîit lutea greater salent before casting thicei vote. Tice first of thtse argumeseIsIn favor of tbe genera 1 caEh bonus as foliows: Tite policy adop)teti 1-y3ite United States bati a tvo foiti pirpoee,-to se- lect lice men within gis-en age limita wbo ehouiti enter the amnieti forces anti vli tiste resoitlt at the men ot corresponding ages were designated who shoolti remain out of the ai-mat foreces anti devote tbei- energies lu running lice raliroadth ie ablp-yards. rte industries, etc., wbich constttutedl thce gratindustriai imachine ltaI StP* purted the lermeti forces. For lte mon assigned t0 armed forces tice Uniteti States fixed lila psy;ltae men vto i-e- mained te man. tbe Industrial machine t ie Unitedi States aliovsd 1.0 receive s-ery iuch icigbsr pay,-frequeiitly ili obooermai psy offereti as an in.- ducement for men te leave one es- ser.'ialitntiustry and go te another. The manner lInvicIc thlie selertive serv ice law worked 16 clear' froin lice figures for lice men vico registered undc- Ihatliaw Iu 1917. Thce regis lrant3i b-tveen cte ageg o! 21 anti 30 lotaicti 8,577,00Q; of chése men 2.679- (0f0 were assignedte u'<~sone,"--.. e., the only class upon whicis <ails wer si-made for avInai m iiitary sers uce, -andi 5,S97.000 eré gi'.efldefer-et classification,-]. e , ailowedtieto or at sucb occupationg ais iiscy chose snd for whalsver concpeflýstion shey coulti obtain. Excspt inlice second hait o! tbe Civil War, vbeu there vas 8some re. roui1se te compoleory seivice. lthe United States earier relieti Open thce solunteer systen le i-aise and main- ahniIts armies. Varions premitini vrere offai-St by national sud local au- thorîties 10 induce, voloitteerslte comte tar-ward. but il remnisti eentlsllyý true that: each man d'ecidsui for hlm self wheticer or flot ite vould enter the armed forces . Ilte receut var there vas a fondamental diffeteniit. The greater part cf lte nu ere elaced lu the armeti service by oQei- atton of iaw. TicsY May bave gone williigly. on the whoie. but ticsy vere selecteti by public aulbcsrity foi-ltaI dut>' vbereag by operaion of lte sanie kv theti- comrades sud neigh- bora, perbapg of thes sanie physical abilily sud age, vere left le vOrk In inustry and commerc-e. Tics nisn bers of the armed forces vio vers i oiunteers vers subject 1 lte tesaine econciO discrliinations as ticsmin vice iav, sud shouiti he considered as belcnglng la evsry respect in tbe sanie categorY. The. basic psy for members of the armed forces vas $30 a inonth Plus uecessSi-y cloîbing snd living e- penses. Out of Ibis psy a PrivaIs wltb dependeilte cadtei le sbI$15 te titeS.ose anaverstge of $7 for lu- sorailce. ant imalte paynts for lice rLiberty bonds be vas urgedti t boy. The man iche vas lef t free la worlc in indtrires, on the other itand, net oniy cool inacedte 0obtain thes rate of compensation vhjcb tics soltier bati given up boutocreased Il by tvoand lbree limes. Thcis leatths conuioln of te Senate Comolîtîse on Finance vhicic recommended passage o!flthe bill outlined t IPage 19 Of ibis PanuPi- let. These enuhsd net onl>' a Ds- cuniar>' advsutage. but tbey also cati tics conforts andi cotlveniel<t5of thelT homes, sud avolded the dangers andi discouforts ofliltary service. Ail indices are incomplets sud con- tain defecte, buLIàey at least Indi- cate thte course of eeonomic avents. Tics index of lte Bureau cf LaOr slatisties for union vages par wvek atoodti t 112 uin May, 1917; 1he levai of 1913 vws laken as 100 lu Ibis In- dex, In May,. 1919, titis index h"a increased in 148. Sucit su index dos net shcov aWtqiai veekl>' sarutuga, but thcei-ste if the regular day le vorked. Compilations of average sarutoga ac- Inu>' yreceiveti by emplcyees, viceth- et- union or iiWiuflion. lu repressuta- tive tudustriai estallsimeuts uitte UuIted States, vîitlte average for December, 1914. taken as 101D. Shov titat lu May, 1917. titu index vas 1,41 vitersas lu May, 1919. Il vas 206,- su increase cf 40 per cent. Tics course of economie events may aliso be uderstooti f-m esticuatels of inconte recently' ma"ieb>' a private agency couducteti under tics auspices Eof a, di-ectorats, on vhich, labor or- ganlzatious, manufacturai-a associa- tions, sud aoclettefl of econonnistà have i-epresent5tiou. According te Ethee e stituatea lice national Income lu 19116 vas $58,900,000 sud $66,000,- 000,000 In 1919, or*$447 pW capita lu e b former yesr and $629 lu the lat- ter. TInsse figures vould meau that lu tIbla eriot lte average inoome Pçr famil>' cf five icadiisu b>' 191n a mc ..an s. Oi". . ie tniîîîîîiouttics P-itioef o! Catututa, lakes ls naine fi-cm lhe river con svblt il ande. Andth ie river heara tics nains cf a nation ot Indiana helonging lu ticsgiest Algon,. quise famlly'. Ticsnaine la saldt 1 h deriveti freintheo Algonquin vord adatwa, le Irade, le boy anti sali, anti vas appliedti le lis parlicuiar tInca becanise l vas noisifoi- Its telu coit isai, fors uii, iacco. A 8,ný.'- Mater. Wlfs (opeulng btstccltoxes)-r7vs iafi ReeriatliaIs sent lionne, tsar. se Ihat you cm choosa. I1uysel!1Dite titis oes but If you preter licecter, why, 11cript. - boh.Boso ra FINE PRoiRAM H IiT FOR AGRICULTUR. THTA JHOE TON I UNS &1 ONFERENCU J IN1~~ Several farMers from Lake Çounty expected to attend .course at Springfield OPENS THURSOAY MORNING Urbana, IEL, Jan. 24-Pie nmajor discussions, Ito vhicb viii be ln ect- ed as many minuor problems sse pos- sible, vili be the genersi Procedure of the agricltural conference of farmers and scienists calle<l bp 'c Ment David McKinley of the ,,tat, University tb be held here Jasui2iy 26 and 27. These discussions are: I. A Quarter Century ofArîu ai Progress la Illinois, a Ilet (w o AccomPliabments; r, NewerPbs of Agricultoi-sl Progres; 3. !tgricu- tui-e ln ils Relation te Other Inter- est$; 4 Next Steps lu Agricjuiîur,,l Deelopmsnt ln Illinois. A Pro'ran for a Better Balance Agriculîci 3. The Place of ltse Agriculttî-al CoIN-g,- andi Experiment Station of the, 1POr- ally of Illinoois In an Illinois Progcc'm for Agricultursi fleelopinent. Thee raIttres <discussions wi ho beld Tbursday morning, aflernoün cand evening snd lte lest two i i iiay xorning snd affernoon. Frank 1. Mann, president or the Illinois Fermnera' Instlute wiliiî ide at tie frI session andi the foi- lowing viii epeak: E. Davenr>ort, Dean of the College of Agrleniîîîe,-e Raiph'AlIsn, Delavan; W. W.iiJiý) buro, Peoria; J. C. Blair, profçsgor of Hiriculture; L. M. Smniit, ciiI in Charge of Publication 0f the soui Survey; P. H. Rankin. PrOfeos- oý AgrIcuiturai College Extension. lion. B. M. Davidson, Direc ,r c(f State Dspartment of Agricultuie, m 1 preside aithtecsmeeting at victhi o Neyer Phases of Agricultuire Pl() gresâ' viii be diacusseti. Spfa1-rý are: F. I. Mann, Giioan; G. A lng, Decatur; E. T. Robbins. Dosut' County advisor; 1). 0. Tbomnpecn, Chicago, Albin Sandera, Chicago. Speakers at lthe program on iic 26th vicen "Agriculture ln lis Rla- tions tb Othet' lulerests," vili be(Ils- cussed, are; Dr. Thomnas N. Carver, Harvard Uiversity; Dr. Davicd Nin- ley of tics Stacs Univsrsity. Dean Davenport viii preaiie at the S". afon. *'Next Steps ln Agiicltorat Dccie- opinent lnIllinois" viii be d' re on the morning of tics 27th. Speak- ers are: E. T. 'Meharry, Attîka, loti.; A. N. Âbbott, Marri-ton; W. S. Corse, White Hall; H. W. M%nford, Illinois Agricultural association; W.N Rudd, Morgs» Park andi J. V. Stevenson, Streattir. The final session vtf raite ln con. ideration of tice place of thes Agri- Ilia-al CoUlege and Experimeut St.a- tion at thes 'Univeraity ln the prograin for Agricultural Improvemeut. Speak- ers are Dr. W. L. Burlison, head of the Agronomy department; Protes- soi- Handachain; X. L. Malier, Wood- ford County Adiysor and Eugeue Davsnport, Dean and DIrector. Pres- Ident Kinley of the university wiii preaide. NORTH PRAIRIE "'S..-NsORTH PRAIRIE --- Mrs. Grant Mrris snd daugittai Doris visited MHi-. Bsn Melville andi Gladys ou Titurada>'. Mrs. Ferry, lice leaciter o! Northt Pi-air-te scicool vîth Ethel Giheen, Janet Ferry, Evelyn Scott, Maris Jeitansen anti Victor Melville attend- eti s meeting at Llbertyville Salor- day. Tics speakers' auhiecta vers on "'Heallt anti -Brd." Ticstalou birda vasilustratet viit many col- oreti lities. A very pretty moi-le "Suav Whitie" vas aiov lunlte ait- termoon. Titere vere siso somne pi(- turas of the Glacier National Park. Roy' Griffin ta recovering afler be. ing aick fer a fsv tisys. Titeeihiltiuin vite vesperfect lu atteutance for te fou-t moutic o! editaci viicit sutistiJan""r>'ltic, ai-c: Helen Scot, John Couuacl Ralpit Lindabi, Forence 3ciausem, KendUtiiCi-syford. George Conneli, Norman Lindahi, Ethel Gibson, Marie .oinseu. Mahel Pfieegsr sud Johnu Johnu Grifftu. MÉ. sutdIfra. . Ci-syford anti fant- f17 and Mi. sut Mim. R. W. Ferry spenl Sunda>' ethehome of Mr. sud Mrs. Samuel Johnuson. Quito a numicer of te chilidren atayet borne froni sciool MontS>' te- canas l vas se colti. Tics Primai-y A sud B Sunda>' achool classes mta at lice home of lie. W. K. Wilby Salurda>' le maka theîr Sunda>' sciool hochas. There vèe about feurleen ciildi-en vîit ticir tetciters, Mns. W. IL Wlhby sud Miss Abicta Schtlz. No Pi-acf - ý.-. of (isola. Buffon anti oticer uauralixs of eti tinie baïlveti that huniafi balug frons 10 te 15 test lInight had ose.ln. habitedthfes cartit, but Ibis idea la novr setIrelldocrstiteti. "Et jDoradO." Ml Dorado emasn uSpanlit"th*, golden," sud vas the name hestcwed on a fabulons cil>' beleveti toe: si lu thes lterlor O! Southt inies. MaIy friutieSaexpedctiîonasnel cul tu WE INSURE GLASSES ACAINST BREAKAGE Thra. Doctors Two i-our Service 109 South Gaos@* St. ili .1N. Geneset ltt Waukigan, 111. Illinîois schools, of whItch coly X, 'w Carry ecurriculm courses or lb- su uction aiong public bealth lt1os are net Inactive vitit respect 10o n-; ligiteninent of tudentS lu Ibis re- epect, accordlng to a report by tics atate departmsnt of publie hbasIli. - Mauy couniy and city superntenê- enta have adopled definile sudWvilt formeti ieaitic educational progrant of oe kinti or anether. qome cr tbei's, prograrn.a seek te teach baSlc hab- ita te te chiltirsu dlretly vIcle others appeal toelte parents and teachèrs for liceir ce-opuralion. , Metheds enc$oyed bysnome achools 10 teach tice popils direetly are the. givgof hsaith pthylets,' the shsbr.,, Ing et itealth educationai motion pe-' ture films snd the display of heltti exbibit equlpment. Indirect methods.. embacepubichealtit lectures snd m'rrs, before pareol-leachera' assocIa- tioRM. anti perhapseicsnot effective o! aIl, mioceographeti ieaitit circulai-s for parents. The latter cqpsttutes a single snd Inexpensîve efeans. one page cir- culera dealing viit some phase ot acicool obilti beaitit presercatlon may ice prepared fi-om lime to lime, mini- eograpbsd anti piaced lunlte bande of evsry chilti ln achool viit iuntruc- tions to take It home. lie Be0ç SYove -On Mle J>rth Shovïé Our Biggest, Valu-es. INà Winter Coats Only in the fact that Spring inerchandise will soon begin to arrive wiîfl its dernand for space, *couild justify sucli price reductions as these. AUl coats in~ this reiarkable collection are of umiforrn satisfying quality to whieb this store's patrons are accustonîcd. Two Groups At Low Prices Tics qualît> cf lices. Coata canno w n e > aJutget b>' lte pî-tcing for aacioee ta vrtit more titan double tics sale pries. Tics> are fasitionedet fins voolen fahi&% iper- $1O.0o, $19.75 Frocks of Silk and Wool Il le not abuse their Incrediably loy prices wiic It ,Ive luterest lttis groscp ort, rocks, but lice modes are newvw anti va ried icit maltes ciceoslng al the more tiEigitfui. Fi-acka of elika anti fine voolene as 10w as $9.M8 $14.75 <Second F1001) January Sale UndermusLinsII Scores of women havi---found a delightful surprise i this unusual opportwii- ty to buy underrnuslins at a big saving. Such qualities at the pî'ices quoted have been unknowâ~ for years. IT 1 LOT Clovns anti Envelopa Chemise- Gev us sud Euvelcpc Chemise- Gevas anti L enlise-~. 98C I$1.49 I$. 'The New Hats. This advanee display presents hats ao unus- ually charxning it seems as if 11 ring hersel$ bas. stepped forward and taken -aIl handi their faslon.- ing and ber gay whirnsies have coWoed the whoIk mode. Jùst to corne in and sce these bat-to r tbem on would be a real pleasure. Special at $6.95 A group o! nov milltueryoe!sl sund strass coubluallou Si, vei-y apectal>' prîceti. Tie alertals si-e of conti-aslu; oblqré jet barmouitng Iu eftecb. Winter Milliery Ali Winler Hala lu tics Clear-ance 5*3eare rodlà"e clearance. Tics>'asi-smatie o9 Peson Volvets, DUsclYX = Jsut- Solille. Citoice, $.5~.$c5 - '--p 4 Toilet Goods Specials Jergen's Lotion This velI- knovn Make et lotion la made of Ben- son and Al- moud. It pre- nervet h e skin and la specially prie- ed at 27e Bervie Maving Orean This shaving Creain le es- peclally prep..red for use vith cold vater. It las PecIaily prie- edaKt 19C Joslyn'a Odorless Pepilatory An excellent bair removed. This la the regular $1.00 ize and the sale price wle a lim- ited quantity lasta l13 59C (Firet Floor)

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