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Libertyville Independent, 26 Jan 1922, p. 12

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tupyof fi5ner cen higero PEDUCTIONS LOOKED FOR ielayed purcliases ot dresa g9ods toi- sprlng, due te tise trike lu thse Closis and suit fndnatrY'. tise4r eritti the appreachiua ppefltng -of q6l- lection and nsmlng of prices isi cor- çpratiou l attIoa _ ad viler 4,, lhieriçe Dalla f arport fe1 tase swool market 94affecting veol nidï w eorsted dresa eeds. Prirea cè9oefrus. and the 5359. 14 of qWnveoola below normal. .4c- csrdng te statlatics there is nov 4,. U"GOpounds of yoodltu tise Boston -sue.as against 139.,000 po1>0_4 oDne ~er ago, exclusive of goverfi- sst-nt holdings. Originally tise goi ernnsent owued eisuuî 10000000 pounds, of vool, whlich lias been reduced io 18,0t0OO p.ounds. Quotatlons for fine wools aie about 25 per cent higher tisan ln minsddummer. ln tie marktet for worsted yarns, Viices remain atitbigis levels vith ad- vances expected, since spinners state tisat quotaUloza for yarna are subeet le wishdrawals or canges of prîce. For, two isundred and fortier half- èbleod, ;1,75 le $185 les sked and for Iwo liundred and fiulles delaine, spin- <sers are paying $1110 te $216 a ponsd.- Hence lirai prices for vool and a oreted dreisa goods -vits ad- vances lnldlcated ame tu, be expected. As for tise labor situation, a redlit. tioa ln vages for nil operatves la thse one tisougist nov oppermoet ln thse mindB of mlil treasurers, yet oe ésI ai raid 1bs and tise otiser tIare flot. This for thse reason- liat four efthtie fergest nuits lu New England are bie- Ang eperated at 90 pier cent eft tieir esoacit: lfa tise production of cotten on f rorsted goods. \ 'itie BaCk of tise lMsu" ta v* ci;culaesiSel-u. lOw rs a / couteaîbtw m sov York a"s mwvza task te çm'duaaa. 'Buck te h" sud Ea t smmie ne a*@ b WI.ml tic Ib uh o - -b to"h PaduasGarea lm or f te «1411 e1t the Fwrlat tou~ ft. -h s acig intbat stspe Rvm spcrtim Owen xMooneta Aý" nâ Ille." The 'Wcoe.. eMarried *Tbe Max Vise Susileal «A NW7dk-Opea Town' lalu tobu «aeve y amwUlsoUgisîfu l uc beneil et In tedci. for thl# A-on'ci Yes-' M "" ag ' I's a cetalnty tisai "Lise sud Let "Salut-day Nigis" viii net b. cou. pIleftvitboni a liaIt4ubscu The Umwmuslua " CissnIey P R a to uPitburg Su Bues Keicbas Lulshet sho. folrsa orpet suipes' someat teteamrevv ambSs «ADortHomue la Tt la estimateCI thtiI if a simple grgtln »C 0< spoxtse a a welgis a V ain) tould be isoe ttheaIls.Bomtpois, ewiy IvOUldrepel oaCh otiser vils a *WSic et 112,00000tons. -.- Why «Colonel" la Pqmpias. Anotbi e ruon wsy lise grand otd ttti1e 0< Cullaa nsalisthet la it Ja se deoicratl tisatItil preedsils "obltly and! houer atire lnvar sud eae -IenaotiPost. i-il , riu Tetephon. Date&. 1"e am vItd1bsê lfor commer. lUsvilnsttileaunnte-y 28, et 5eJvaCoun, vils elgIsI tetoqaend ut sa ee th i s PubSe psy Stato, 4 b-etI 5gpet om Thé "a *swtu» or m kounlier sstrciugl prididlsgrena huts fi said le bave forelols! tl a cI.lotu Wasbngt«as )£ N»Mi -TO ai charte et f-cm tise oi- te 15ff furIl TIIOUSANDS OWU LIFE TO CULL 1W RADIOS Coast guard wreless chaîn1 averts disasters, saving ships and victims SYSTEM IS PERFECTED1 .ouis, atrung alrsng tise coasta lu a 'arialenework. savedunlold ives1 09mmander W. E. Reynolds, Chie! ef the. Cosat Guard Service, sys per-1 fection efthtie radio lu llfe-ssving sud1 lu preventing ship dIsasters at gs la oeeoettise vouders e! tise age. Strung along tise coagle for lis service tiser. are 2,240 miles of tels- phono liues. made up o! 1800 miles1 of overisead lne and 440 miles ef cabRe. Over tisese vires information of! Mainle disasions la -transnitteti sud quick ssommons are couveyed telt brlug revenue cutters sud ether re., tue slips te dlstreasad veesels. isear- Mig their Resala or premius tl,'e. Thougis lie Coast Guard la main tlaed by tise Govemmnent aI uutall ceai the service reuderod al astance fast yea te vesseRa valued aI more tisais $80.9000 00O. Tie,.vess as- slsted bai on board at lis. tinte et mia3h&ps 14013 persons. Beaidos ltese. .21.persons vwoe reacuet by cosat guard oflicers on enlisted men froin ppoil lu vater dsaster,. Tise dosa guard la coveilg a vide range et public service. Waranug are sent te vessela at sea ltlung of lmpelug dangers, sud close co-op- eailn bas beau eatabllaised vils other brandhes eftfie (loverument bu patrol of coast waters sud lu tise en- foicament of tise custemsansd otiser laws. LUCY ÛASTON KICKS ABOUT NeWfKICK, 'FURE-URAÀL' IN FAtIS «Tus-tus at1$atise nev vallop in cig- arettessys Lucy Page Gaston, et whicl tises-e la aufficient la eue cigar- et te deliver a jolt as iseavy as two ounces o!fvisiskey. Because of tisis "torturaI." vithise attendant sud peasant puncis. thse use e! tise cigarat la lacreasing even ami- ong thse girls la amall country te*as. The introduction o! tiis poison may egplsla tl. passion for "plla."l 1%eTiso uraI poison Inuoeelcgaret b4 a m ues kick lian Ivo ounces of wisky. Young girls do't seeni le resIse suMd are smoking as tisey novrer umobRie betore. especlaly tise youug anYMOl wyeaUl U s. A ea &go thevas no smoking anolg amaii tovma irls,1 sald Lucy Page Gastqu. Roya&ty Asks Favera. Roy-alty ta flot averse te askin4 fav$Of etgreat mon, and wvisn lise prime.cenaot Of Hoftilaumaed tisat Wr Charles Macana, thée "cotton king,- wus a frieud ef Ms. Carnegie, le asisos If le voultI net use i"s indue ithl thse »mIW=lare twartIgettinig su en- devinent ftud eslabliàlied fer tise p- b-e>of te gi-ast palace or peace. Ilivteuste puater. 110cs -doa, lise pool, vasthse pricecfluuliitpustes', sud feunsi isL~ouanaie afruitful subject oetbisa :tt.os- & beh- soua portrait ef hislU h ery Vutlie thseoriginal, h, deftaegtiat tihe a-iaI lad perpetrales a f"ls nos&. Wiennear his eusd ha sai! hoe vas dying eutntfcisarity lg fthe ipdenlaker, wv is tled."ýtQ uru a Uively Ho<sd" IN UT4J W*E1 One man seveijyout about tMead Woman b4rshaken UR; Cars magJed THE -DRIV ER RUNSAWY 'Trwe men ver tnJused andI a venia ba.l= baketi up as a resuit 4nau au- to ebfa ccident oa, Siseridan red,' cqt~or Belvideres lirtly attf'r nom, Rqa oths cars vers smaaised. 'eaken to tise police istatbi,'tse umen pae tb-ir amrues aJo. ifiroxupa lisleside and Bd Turner eoriRound1 lÀke. Ir4e voman vas Mra. G. P. Ko- euek. qi Nots County street.- 1 Turner vas badly cut about thie - Rigt aide etrbiseisead visen thse car lit visteli Se as ridlng overturned twice. Hironimus vas also tlrevu fion tise car but landed on top aud, visile In- jueed and acratched eeverely, an exaut Imalien sisoue d bis wounds to e of e!ne conzequence. Accordtag b otieseaoi-y tbld by tise zuft, tisey isad corne 10 Waukegar i L a Ford car wvitis the intention ef el- cisangbng for a truck and vent te tise eutablisment of Wayne Vogel ou show tisen t tat hie ovifcar vas a S faster macisine and,,to prove fisa, lie tR wOsse &ad!conférence. les start.d te drive tisentat a fast clip tlccping<jocs. oatreuc. . ~aleng Sheridan road. te rin costeenc. nv dawig S Isrz. Iteeneke was drivuug norts on Shseridan road and visen Vogel sald: 'Tisare' a wonan 1 knew. If tisis Clv- vepleauy good, l'il show yen 1mw to DEFI3NSE 0F AR .1 a. ofsMa :heresr, tlr BUCI IWA DICILTÀt averved visen tis e ieaca&ht lu U tise càr lrak and tosse lise Ford SP ED D eat. vas spne .e h u d SPE DEDUP ODU kusocked unconsclous visonlie atrucis lise greund. A deepgais vas cutlal at- lis fheaÉl Believing jury is over-tired a-Vogel skipped as soouý as tise aaald- torneys for defense wiII out eut occurred and visen tis-e poslice at. tenipted te Bind him sisortly after tise case short accident, lie iad net returned tonhis ales place on Waler street. mAge FINGERPRNT EVaDECE UP caliad le hold court for FINERPINTEVIENC UP'tby..but visen tise police vise bad gene. Sfter Voget failed te locallilm San Fancisco, Jan. 25-Tise de- lu lime, Ilironimue sud Turner vere fense of Rose"e 'Fatty" Arbucisie vas ieqnlred te forfeit $50 bond as a belug speelled up today. In tis e lut guaiate.e o their appearance visen tisat tise juryla already over-tired vîististe et»e la tai-en up. tise long dravu eut proceedngs, tise Mrs. Koeneke signad a ..ompIalnt coniedian's attorneys plan le present againat tise lb-e.men cisarglng thoeat bis case lu as shiort a peried as posat. vils recisiesa driving sud aIse Wl th bie. bfiuig lntoxicated. Bots men firmly de- Severai vîtuessea vere-sacheduled i.ied tisat they lad bae dnlnking, Tur te ie. cailed teday te tllU ef occasions uer stallug t ho le iad neyer tai-eu a on vhicis tley observed VîrgWna.a- rinklù bshtie. ppe. vtti reeponsibillty for visose A mediesi examnatbon aetishe police deatis Arbuckie la ciared. tsar lier station vas givtdn Turner vise suffered clothing in apparent piroxysms of tise severeat lujury et tise accident. pain. ,Baverai atîitee vîwli b. recaures! te Milteu Carison, vise described hlm- close ls.gesu b bs bead. Hironims self as tise orlgnator rethtie tlieryl- vas CultslIglllIy about lte forehead lis preferred te tsi-tu fac-lisat flug- but vuabhle drive tise remnente of or prinîs may be forge-i, an expert tle fLIvier fron thse etene ofthtie ac- caltes te cotrevert th. states luger cîdent Ou Shseridan rend ltiste police pt-icI evidence, vas ou tise stand as stations. rourt OP"$&d e. tifled tisat hliean --" M L noS A EM N tectiy prcasouncsd pecullarltls"ilutise liuger riut In usreaons on tise door of rooni1219 ofethte boltIsuite la " AIT AMTC whah tise Arbuckle party vas llfi ON Y>LIMt and ihi I.O.PÉ l lhuettte ex- p®rt, identlte&~as lIes.etrArbucisi, suPeninsposd. over tlise.oetVu-glus 15 Rappe. He lated. hevevet,, tisaItiser, ver. lu Isa opinion sinîlarlties belveen Wasingtonjgn. 26.w-T4s dans pic- tise alleged lunger printa belveen lise ture ofthlie uatle<a finances dr&'Wn by detendsist sud tise.f e! hrinnchs Secretary Melien, sud lteisard joIt msade On tise opposite door fer tise pur-.lie a4mlnteMdte tise rep#ilican plan poses Of demeustration te tise jury, for a soldiers' bonus linanoed by tax. Adelpis Jusel 1thtie Ban Francisco po. atlen sud lise forelgu debt, tltrev &Lin lic deparimeut, aRme testilled lio' iad sliadovs ever a joint meeting teday buckle's lunger ps-luIs andt iose on tiseeoftise republlcen stenng comislte,. dean. et tise senate and lhe bouse, vitcis Kate Burennau, energetlc Chantier- vas held Lu au altemplte break lise maltI, aain furnialedth ie liglg iglIt legialativ e leg-jam confreutlng con- et humer lu tise second trial. Iunlier greas. tbhIcl brOgue, ah. bold ofthtie $P-50 tîp Mellon's reneved opposition te a soi given lier by Arbucicle vise-nse ean- diers' bonus did net surprise lise a-e- ed hie roons sud ef hie ofterlng lier publican leaders, commlttad teoOn.. a drink vils tise roman-: Melon lias ropeatedly opposed a sol- 'Auyisedy vils a map like yeura diers' bonus on tise groundstisaItishe Ouglit te liks a drink or iquer." country eanscIaftord oun sud tisst If One ver. undertaken It vould resuît NUED ROAD- SIfiNS TO DIECT TOUR:s ISTS TO WAUKEWA But Il publican1 lng le pu ling lise: vils a soi ratai-yoe asatply ti aucluga eitises-prt Tise Ciamiser et Commerce le'egue debt vokIing upen s plan te put up tive expenafet tise-long reatI siga drectlug tr-effic Ilinugli . Tiey I Wisukegau ans! North Chilcago. O1" tisat sudh et tise s ignealaueîOd aI the cutrve refundin conectiug Waaisnteu streel aud noIes, cor Watkeasn gad. Msny Persons tii-' over oun Iug north, e! Waukegiau i oad poau up doliaM 0 Wattkegun because tisey.go Ilirougl tlie Sc on tisat i-oas! and t= aaest ou Grnnd tisat how ln tise avenxue, tis umiqaustise ýWaukegsu tor s4jt bbusssdistrict. vice men. Altisdiihtie Çlianbee c Coin- Tiey v moi-ce dosea not itt"4e ouide a way mu e!r 1*5e qqçupty, tu aou iuy tisaI P1049 take-'up wltbhtise . -oiwaaise-cleso udd tien th#b P"àe ps,:im w~ lg auasthserie tise Ont8retIon e1l~aT~ treet beut tisa sud *hkga e~ lla enov l134oMI n li Pppotr ton t S $4UÏs»gu lut the »»,te la net- go ma -ptisu cnbgcois- thé, tbeq stdrabso*f 1lo 1n alectico %ve-efIt" gl Cail tu ras bas!- ld Axc lug tO WXkI sdforth' Ci.i- astUPl' cage planymala, atlylt,] pubticai Thé Priscn systeew. sas saleo sft-,ts erem?" e rvaIs orI vianes.= eC :tajPcutln-e. 22 trous a uciat conseuees proved dàscncortiug te lise r. leaders, vison tliey are seek- pual tisiugli legiilalbon, coup- t uudiug- ef tie tosreigudelit Bidierii) bonus. tc, have tlie sec .isàt ne indIreet mens oetflu- asoldiers* bonusaby rnalgi iscipal or. lulorol tis te for- btI could m*ke Il acy leas su Ilihat wyul bavle bo b borne in g un b tise taxpayer," fou4 , lbis tlndeciarallon I meang veuls! jopadae the ig e! libertr bosa, vlctery ertIDost etIniebtedîseseand utatasidag, Oblgatloiss et the auiv rtouai ate billicts et e@tlvlly ha»rasaIRidespit rau prepsired SeApl tn 'as' et thse - elcn pledge mto! compensation for ex-ser- rare insistent, liovver. tisI at befeusad for cr onu et 40 té S obts-' ý;o rle= è t e - os blc s~ Jepso4it e e*sra el bit t et t 0£bots crime aielas tise etalliseq0t et- woa5ioievmlu Loado.'n, lu dlti>ln- 4 80 Did Lotb uf Otheral sustaflSdmas reoma imatieles.IA: Votln u a sne-v tling le ene NoMb IM104,*bets Pope Clemutn XogI «99410 aide tun Wo, se, vso sked viseli- tise cim4é w as-siofthIle Eo%îî 4ù er ber lusiaus! las! voed, replIes!: Ut. M1"sg1ltu ROM., " a tmsems "TesMleussaway fi-osas t icy, 4*SAM tRie Ci-minalrafler th issu Rie uezc. ilIs A!e-' ssnes'vet!*hn. G104 irst A il oemy lu "y abject do't MW as t iae.Tne ?Psa"sudoz. brds anr e l Ésyles Md ane in AU " Mdeu wiiftl.s, Se.thens in .«r Ma&juosstreet uiudowuv a . eloot YOMr. BZ» SETS 3.81 - ,BLop At-- The- G10b4 and Save Moneyi e Sale AndWintoepNot Ijaif Over gray, tac and white Bilgt 72 84 Iachs six.. Tlioy Êell regu- iarYt Sai 65 50Suecial for tlit sale, 30 BLANKETS 4A9 SUvY Plaîd Woolaap Bienkets i. ge»ls, gi-y nyud pinS. Tisey Mr 4t4xgt-inch as ans! seRl r9gularlY at $6.00. Weaderfu flluesat ahI 15 , 6 Clfarafce prîe ....46 DAUM TY CRU Iu pretty pick and bRu. et- fttea. Tisey aret84x4leis Ies» sud bave scalloped etgee. Avay tisey go aI eniy 1kf COTTON Thoe aretfull aise »lankist la a good veiglit. Tbey com* ba4 white, tan or gr-ay vils amrfls!bordesaans! tise neg Wprice.la $3.50. Greeî values at .59 WOOL BLANKECTS 7.45 Splendid vool Blaukretu . v. euder and! pick. Tisey &are < 80-lacis e"sud viii give n» end of vear. icatuot M110 ln tisase you De i7 4C onir..... 0 IWe lucluded arnOxfords in tu affei, Blsok Vil ait Patent loather aMi Putups fn Satin, Patent misuda LOmit&. Xuy lu one-atrap style ,ith Baby louis ReeIs. Thsy coat the maker more, Ven fiaserBocadet Sutin finis. Tliey soiregu- Witis a besutîfut Brocaded Balla finish. Oui- iegu- lase t at. . .... - . .0Ilas 1 0 sets markes! - 69 OE PEZÂDO AND S"Te 14avy Crochet Batituiisi ajidome patterne.1 1%4 PM0<$7.50 Values, Fer Clearan.ce ........................-..8 ' SED ipEE&D8A" )SETS, Tht.. ire ltaê rte»ouoeCrochiet sets la eh".~s tW dogi& Euoe for Cere.fE, -2 ~Lg lxS-lnh Roueynoon",aseets. IEx- J trnnsy fIe vave- ICEt557woman knowl Ith*bal Opeoisi at ................................ BE» SPIEDS A"D SETS la beautiUel Erocs.ded Crochet affecte, Yeu'lI bt deUighted vIi tist. 16.60 Values e ....a ..... e ............ . IBE» 8PREADS A»D SETS Y&uislt»e Ïrbib enbroidered affecte la' eharmnig .Cerac a ans4 .............. . 2. 5 TABLE COVEES ss-lnchs Mereertxsd Table Cuvera. Somn e lu rôod aê*d o»4tyle and!soi.K.re la heinatitched affecta,... .. 1.35' at.---------. It Iery vniaknows tise"name-lvs ltise s ndalrd et qiialityr, Thme ai-e 4x6i aPWll Cases £t eniy . . .... Nu onef tria acy le 0~and ors ce-daee vas gr Gev. Tise Forges, fense. wa vain net gui Date pected Couw tered a Curtii because Agi-ent apposar sonaRliP Judge geparat nence ( ed Snu .Def e %en se ofthtie j fair an4 Resut trial te -Forgee inow Curtis * cases. tact ii severar asked doestRh Curtis STIen tien. lih "Bec; as-, tise 'Curtis Lapo tisaI "p cution apprea4 intimin Date torney begin asked nextb 'datetil trial date b Import court t goern vîtscu tlon c(b to ledel& '7 asices decidii least son's Edwar Tise .tls, Le ate E .spired state roluru '20 lt 'ber Il Ster Prosse Mted the liE I COTTON EÂTTING I3ig 3-lb i~o1ls of pure white cot- ton. Enoif~h for a Ml size coin- iorter..Yeryspecial 1.19 ai roil OOMFOETEEas Big fitai"ecoinforters* Silkoline covered and flled with pure white cottm on.Iledges. Amsrted colore at 3 A Clearance Of. Wooiws putmps and Oxf ords" Worth Up To $8 At Mi£dmWinter Clearance 'of %4~Sets and Spreads, <lxiss-laeh is 1>11vCases vIis sgood linea htalais.They are very durale~sans" 2 »b en sale At .................- 5c q BED SETS

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