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Libertyville Independent, 26 Jan 1922, p. 3

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PLEADS qUILTY Acknowiedges he imperson- ated officer; court puts off sentence until next term 'Henry Woertz, former Waukegan :ewocman, who recently was arestedl on Charges of! ittempting tor extori moaney froni a woman kt the Wash- lierahôtel ripou ilireats of arrest. £84 also wtb 'Impronatnlg an o!- lcer, Thursda&y pleaded goity in the Couty co0urt to th1e latter charge. Judge P. L. Persons wtbheld sen- tence unW the nexitarm of court. In regard tu0 the charge of sttauipted extort.lon, the mater was contlnuad. Itils belleved tisat wlien the court IMposes sentence ai the next lacut, Woortz witllie paroled and thai tbe ocharge of attenxpteid extortlon wili nôt lie poalied If lita conduct meets witis the approvai oft he court and thse states attorney. The case o! Alderman Anthony Sala. alderman of the Second ward, Nortis Chifago, waa uP thts morning * for argument on a motion 1.0 quasis tise lndtctmneuti againet him, charg- ln& th. sale or lntolcaling liquoir. Atty. Mtax L. t'czyborskl, counzel for the e 4fonse argued that thie affidavit * accompanylng the Information was 'W bnufficient because It gave the stats ,attorney Judiclal powers, and that iý-~e charge liadtflot been lnvestiîgted .fur the porpose of ascertsinlng whether thera were responsible grounds for msklng unte arrest. sud wich ahoutd cone 10 the attention of the Couety court. lHe argued tat tise manner lnwlilch thte bill was filed! ma* t possible for a county or town ' .ttorney to put any person lu ttre * mercy and of the caprice or malice o! suci officiai. He dectared thal Mlk Velios. who made complaint to thetetate's attorneY, lcaging Aider- man Satata ant Herman L..ndemnan. former policeman of Northi Chicago, wtth vloattug the prohlbltory Iaw. was nol even a citizen of thîs court 1.1, and that Saîsta, belug an ornîlcal. had a rlght in vieil placets ut varlotîs kinds to determîne wbati s goifle on He s a referred tu tille tacittatVi lias 0ow is chiarger! aitlit solatîil c! the prohîbitory law. Jeudge Personit ovérruled the mii lion to qîtasît, liittie case of A141 Sa tata, and alita tie mot ion ftiti bill of particulars. 'llie mot ion toi .l .arale trial foi Salat i aIli beai giwd nexl Monday atternoon UAndeman was nut repiesenteil lîý an attorfiel . udge lPersane declsiti, that lie would apitîatu lac 5cr Iic t hlm tIis afternoon. &FAM WOIRIPR(> EIRESED FINE SINCE JAN. 1ST Spriuield, Ill. Jan, 19.-Facm work progrptiied a iii satrcely any inter- ruption tîtring lth. first bal! of Jan- tary when the temperature was nor- mal Ot a ittiie below witb practlcally no precipîlat ion, the semi-mothîr re. port of tir edrertil bureaitutfmarkets snd crottps Unitates cave. No damiage aiilaieiitl> cas doue hy tire Ici' whlch coveredi whe.t thîà latter part of December, the report says. Titei' lfias aIl disapitearedl fromt auy section oftlita tate Th% ocndiion o!fteé plant appeers to hi' good t0 excellent lu ail ateas. Fartera are reltîtaut to liaitt it cocn aI ireent pricesansd ver> lit- tle corn bas becit moî'ing front titi' faris. The farmer evideuily le waitlng for a better prince and sales are expacted wlien 4o1 cents je rescb ed agalo. General report saý rye bat an ex cellenl appeacauce lu al localities Forage poisoning amoag ta horsc'î le reportad 10 sorte citent but the î~dlaease la nt general. Other classes o! liva stock are lu excellent baaltb as a cule. UÀttle demand le beng made for fartn labor and the' supll',aitmore than mple. THE INDEPEN DENT always put$ LIbertyville frst. ARLINGTON ,jq OTEL Good Meals 50e WAUKEGAN, ILL. FRED ÛRABBE - ALICTIONEERING PARAM AND STOCK SAItS A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. WAUKEGAN PHONE 2441 uBnRTyvuILE EMI)M, 1HLI.MDY. JAMARY 26, 1922. ~ o 'p~g~PONED FOR WEEK li. tria. auee. towec, on LF eNtCi enJUS CcndgCted by'WLnZ~O Br' JAMES MORGAN Ali conmuniriions inteuded for Il thba columo sbould lie sddcassad io Wiltiani J. Wood, 202 Clark ave., (Covynlght. 192t. br Jaiiissmo,-.î J Waukagau. 111. AN immiGRtANTs SON 1767-Match 15, Andrew Jack. son bom Iln Union coun- iy, N. C. 1781-1tlke prlaoner by th. Brilel. 1791-Marffl dMms Rachel Don- laooe-(liid Oaries Dlckinion In a dueL 1815-Januaiy 8& won the Bat- Us el New Orleans. 1817.18-Put down the Seminole ladlana in Florida. 1821-Qévernor of the terrltory of FIorcd. j A NDREW JACKBON, the unlet- tered back-woodeman, treadlng ai the heels of John Qnlncy Adams, thse mnts cultured ln ait the Une, presents the sharpest contranit 10 le seen lu the procession of prasîdents. Theelirat president born lu a log cabtn, Jackson could flot dlaim as bis )wfl even that lowly dwellng ln the North Carolina forent but entered the worid bomeleuan ad fathedl .Soruna from poor Irisih Imigrants, bis pir- ente bad been la thse country only twu years wlSe the glaier Bank loto an unnarked grave a few daya before3 Andrew'e blrth.>leaylIig lits fate hp wltliont a roof or an acre. No other among American leader@ recetved from thse War of Independence sncb a legacy of bitter mamomles as it beqoeatbed to, Jacksoon.That Ravage etruggle between Whig and Torn swept away bis brave mother aud both of bIs brothers; scattered bie k[m- dred and left hlm, at fifteen, alone ln thse world. A ragged. rovlng walf of thse Revo- lotion, lie grew up as wlld as a weed. Wih no baud above hlm. his higli spirite led hlm loto the temptaious of e n ti el Pl Il k, m fi tr tg tg a u P d t t t Game No. 163; i1-15 23-18. 26 19 7 14 24 20 6 10 22 17 9 12 30 26 13 22 25 9 5 14 26 23 2 7d 29 25 14 17 21 14 31 22 il 15 19 10 7 14 211 24 8 il 10 17 22 18e' 25 22 1 5 17 26 18 9 il 15 27 23 4 8a 23 19b 10 14e 19 10 14 23 5 14i 32 28 12 16 94 19 1U 18 t)rawn MARKT RPO S AI TRDE iphtheria'in home of Curtis, MARKT RPýO <S AD TADE co-defendant, haIts case up leveceiment Helpt Farmer by i.Zving for Iast Saturday Out Infor'mstoa Regarding Sup- piles and Prieesa. <aes Attorney C. F. Mortimar said Frlday nlg4t tisat argumnst for Prpmare tae Untoitiet. aDo.tnnt separate trial1 focGovrnor Lau Oit kEtit5iUi*>lmal] and Ve.-s> uris. set at Watt lu a strict smuse tlipre can be mocl thngSs a efai btae Do kaln for aturdb, woold be poe1.pon- sue thnglas "fir raà" wen ad for one waek, liacausa Vernon eter party lias the advantage of< Curtis la qusrantined ai is home, ratly superlor info stien- UP tethe wbera lits son lias djihtherla. il la finie tise bureau 0ofissrkeis and erop sated thal both defendaistas eauld ittioates or thea United States De- ha lu court wbau please aie entared parîment of' Agriculture watt estas- snd uiWtions made. lsled mont trattanctionslu tIse mar- The cons tIl titonalty 0f the 19081 keting o!frt producis were, la tht stste treasury adI uudoubtadîy willl senne, unfair. Thtis was due to tise bp tesed liy tha states hîgliest fact that the laylrg aide aimnttIn- tribunal befora the Iterest scandai varbably lied vîîstly baller Informa- lu the state teasurer's office la -nal. don ragartllng supplies, hoth avaalile t> setiled. Tba question uf the con and prospective, future producticu, illtuiloualily of the art bas beau itico urrent tiroughont tha country', alsad lunlthe court proceadtogs liera and probable mevesuania of the prç& against Gov. Staîl and Verne E. Cor- cets.lis oni tbe charge o! consplrlng te de- PlslegUiCfar~ o tIe gosefraud the tate o! interent earntase footing wllh thse bayer, su fra in ono inte funda, formation la cotcerned, se that the lu tbe civil suite againet the lasi lement of chance apples aqul oilve state teassurers, fied somes timec boili. la the aitm of the Depaemesnt Of ago lu Springfield liy Attorney Gen- Agriculture. For thîs, Iî galbera e eral Brundage, for an accountl.ng of a-Inlarest sarnînge on state fonds dur- ary avallable acrap o! Information MIuIg ibir termas, It le raported tisat f atbng to supplies. current quotaioswthebadafense o! somte of tise former e sud other fondamental conditions ln- ireasurers wll lie bagad largely onY fluiecng marreta arranges tise tnfor ltse pies.tisat tise 1908 adI ls uncon. mation In readable fortu snd makea stitutional. It readtly avaliabte toe eryone havtng ltat Treasurer Andrew Russelte une et IL. bts anser te thse attorney ganeral's 0fhfre thse department took up ibIs suit, ralses the consthlutmtoaiy o! watt, tise faermer waaDt wliolly wlth-. the adi. Last weelc bis attorneysa Out market rports. Newspapers, trade sought te force the cansa ta trial lm- ournats, te- !rapli compartneand~ medlately, but were bloeked by Judge many other organlzattoua. as welt as Smith of Springfield, wlio said none tndiridu#As, dbtrlbuted Ln tlie rural o! the civil sus resultleg from tise ditrimt reports that pnrported te lie state treasury would lie trled until markt Iformitin. nforunaelythe criminal proceedings against Qov. for lise frter, howeyer, many of these Sml an rutsae ipsdo reports orlgnated wthbulyers of farasrm .udeG sRses produce, or front sources coutrolled or it la a maî eser!cmmn.nwl domlssated b> sucs interests. tUndpr tdge that a criminal case lnvoivlng thfse circumstances Il was but naturel the ,me maltera ls pendlng lu the tisat lley redouudad lu the sîilvatitaga Corcui court of Lake couety'" an- of tise boyer anti almo4t Invariall> nounced Judge Smiths."It would ha workd le tulieandaIl handicap of uuet and unfair te the people, te the fermer sud oroducer. the prosecution sud te the defansa The dapartment's reports arte now ln tIsaI case. and te îhe court isear- heing made use of by practlcally aIl ing tbe case for ths court tu maka clossas of people-rfarnserm., îîtîiîtsslon auy aunooincament In advance ou anv marchants, lbosrds of Irade, lrokers, iquestions luvoived lu boili cases. rhambers of commîierce, reaitîl dealer "Ifibtis court should dacide a ques- andconumes. ostperonswi) tion aud tite saute question aboulfi sudv cosuerMs pa ,rk t arise before the Lakte count>' cour. lia ,es i ieu itt It t. i 'ik~t bat court t iglit lie saI ittie incllned te au opposite flnding. but, because - . thece bas beau a precedieut ruliug. would !ollow thia court's rling. Ou the other baud. il anîght lia io con- vinred ufthîe erroneous ruling that il would decide In an opposite way. The rentit would ha Ihat thece would ha approvals and denounicamenla, ac- cording te flte lterasts of the parties and tIse court wouid lie brought luto disrepute. sud une paris or the other lie Wbuly dlssatisfled. "The civil cases peudme luin his court and thse case peudiug in Lakte« coniy involve the same questions as to the valldlty sud construcrtion o! titi'treasucersselantsd ibe powars an sd duttes ufthte treasurere lIera- undi'c. sud Ibis court wil net uirng the pendeicy outhtie crimînal case in Lakte couty.plises upon 5u.î utthese May Corne Up Saturday. In bhe figlit 01 Go' Sesl and Mr. <'til e toavoid goin te triailihera. tîterir caîusel spaut tihi day aîguing Governmeut lrispecting Calte-Gov. iat 1îbe1901 art was îucoustitution- emmeul'a Uubiased Market R a1.aI Judge Edwards, lu living bis porla Guide Fartera lu Marketing tipia con tIhe sufilciency o! Iba lu- te Best Advantage. , îlcinte against Smalilsud Curtis, tesecved lus decîsion on titis point, te delisrtiuent realizi' ibat It neitîtar holding tîîat it bad beau cassd tire- bouys mr selIe attiinniodly sud Ilias 1matîîtcly liv the deuse It is pus- mnt interesito serve except that of 1 cible. bowaver, for tbe dfansa tu ac-curacy. The wbola purpore o! tsl again caise the- point Jan. 28 whan work la tii bold a terror before the Gov. Stalsud Mr. Curtis appear marktlofuthîe îountry sud te hold lare lu enter tbeiî pîcase ut 'oui It ai sucb au angle fihnt ail the pao- guiliy,- sitar wbiciî the deurse wll pIe inay see whsi le taklng pis(,-at file Its motion toc saparate triais, Use moment wbthie state will opposa igoros- Should tbe deuse agaîn raise the KEEP HORSES IN CONDITION validityiut the 1908 sct. and ibe court bold w th Il, sucb s ruliug inigt Fermr Mkes MitakeIn ot Uingmaso thal Gov. Staîl and Mr. CurtIs Farer ake s iatke u Nt Uingwould nel bsve lu stand trial ou île Animais Off aud Ou Durlug remaînîng consplcacy bdîcîmaut. lin- lthe Wiuter. dec tbe criminal code, the stata con- nt takea au> apeal ou sucb a danis- It l4a it haîne to tati' a gîîod hurses on, aud action againsi Smslsud front pentureansd put hlm loto tis aCrlina would lie wiped off thse court colaer befoce s plow, ioûsver, résper, records beaccnsd thae tate would or other Ieavy draft implements wltis- bave to stact ail over wlth naw Ib- out lita hevlug beeii ardeuad ta It ,dcttnents lu Sangamon rounly In irai, In tite main this la tba reason eicuminai proceadbnga. fotr se manyt son' necks, addad of State Wji Apeai. course iii the pour ittug colara. But lu tle civil suite pending Horses tai are 10 do the heavy work agabusi Sutal. Sterlbng, Curtis sud shoîîld ba usad off sud on ail wtnter île other state tressurars in Spring- su as tu keap thpir aboulders lu shape fild, the tate cs în apstift the courct sud the skîn tnugbenad. At auy rate ibere abntîld buld the 1908 artucun- tysitould lie used hlifore a wagon, stitutlonal. lu sach an avent il le tlayuesrneoasrelh:wr clsimad. ithe state wiil taka an appeai fornure apreadefr. hdwo utoe îgtawrk luteIbaeSupreme court. The stata las forsom tie bfor Isrd ortstats.conîandad al slong tîsi thse sct was Be sure the colar lts. No collar pad rouatitutilonal. la neede the e ller its. Especail>' ___1 le bi tre ll cots -ASK PLANK CROSS= FEED PUMPINS TO TH1E HOGS INiA ZONCT Excellent Addition te Thir Ration., IGA D NCT aud Really Ceai L.ittle te Produce. (SPECIAL TO TEE SU..j Splngflald, IR, an. 19-Tbe cîîy Putatîn ca li grou a a tah o!Ztou ilIed s pttion wli btheilt. puaikin co tegrow aia eallnoie Commerce commission today aitk. cent andi fort s valuable sddillon Ing lIai the Chilcago sud North West Ibeh ral.,p of hogo. TbeY may __ 11arn rallway company lie compellfi lu grown le the coru fieldst, espectally Put dowu a pîsuk crossing adrois wbera tisera is a peor stand. TwentyiSixth treet near their ia- Tht vaine das netle eîtlrely lu lion lu Zion Ciy. Bîack-i i 9 15 18 20. IFhite-5 14 2629 32 K7. Black ta pIs> sud Win. A nire euding trunt s cross. board garni'. Probiens No. 233. By W. J. Wood. Biack-4 6 K 13. Wlsîte 15 Ks 5 19, Blackt to pisay and white to Win. Solution tao Probletu No. 2281. W. J. Wood,» Black.-6 14 17 27. Wisit-5 il 23. White te, play and dcsw. 5 1 31 26 7 2 2326 17 31 11 7 19 23 15 10 2 1 10 26 19 10 15 26 22 E t. I 51 Solution taPoitN.29. By W. J. Wood. Bisrlî-7 15 19 25. Wht-i 9 22, White t lapi>ansd draw. 8 3 30 26 6 2 22 26 2 7 25 30 9 6 17 22 14 10 31 27 3 10 26 17 10 14 26 31 7 11 Solutton ta ProltansNu. 230, B>' W. J. Wood. Black1 2 4 61115. Whie-12 14 17 20 23 K 3. Black lu Play and Win. 6 10a 14 7 15 19 23 16 4 8 s Tcy 1518; Il leade 9Fta soma ver>' fine play. Wiite dcaws ou ail varas. Chines. Condemne Bribe.« Tker s a faMous orienttal stylng toodemrîitg brihery. It las si tbat Ëu anclani Ohînese sage wbo lived in thte Second cenuîry ',s o ffeceil a bribe. BigssIlnce lieîîg acceptad au ,iesltatitîi, le wg svs srad tIsai be was perfectt>sasti', as noîîmit i' ktieU replied: "Il iveri tuosvs IL. Eartis kueiva It. You ktîîow i. 1 tuow IL. How cati vîsi sas'tIsatilp onatt' nown je?, AMiR F. ROBINSON FOUND ÛUILTY 'ON LARCENY CIAREE Buchtanan vs Searîght iu the Milwau-j tee Sentinal. a-10-14 la s good move at tbIs point. 9-13 and 11-16 are ocdassloOlly playad. but ce not tu le racommended. bi-24-20 la frequi'utIy played liy the nanbook: player. but t le cousldered a loslng move liy 'he experts. c 9 14 bs a popular llnaup. Tt leads lu s an qoal gameansd a large tmouet o! play on lt rau ha foun the tsastan- dard works. 9 12 ta a Ires. The manu- ai shows onea,,.y t.tlu In galnat ItL Eera la another: 9 13, 28 23, 6 9, 30 26, 9 14 18 9. 5 14, 22 17, 13 22, 25 9. 1 5, 29 25. 5 14, 25 22,2 6, 24 2,15 24, 29 19, 1l 15, 20 16. white wins-F. R. Wend- d-Tisls in s trick varblion f rom the manuel. wliere, 11-15 le playeti. e--Tlts la the key moye t10 thts vari- ation. Tise naturel more. 24-19, loses by 3 7, 32 28, i 10, 28 24, 1 5, 22 18, 5 Y. Bliackt wlns.-Klrkwood. Prohlexe No. 231. B>' W. J. Wood. -: oui . C Blsck-5 9 12 13 14 16 20. Wblte-11 18 19 21 23 27 32. Whlte to, play' ant i wl. This andlng comaes up lu play quite ofttnansd is ona or tIsa irai proIlemi- 1 publisbed some ten years ago. Il alto appeaced lu saveral endings in lbe ast Amarican louîney. 1 played m ti from tLe Paialay-opaniug. Problam No. 232. B>' W. J. Wood. dtctments, Berausa o! tbis fs.etXI1 balbeved ibat the counsel for thsedi feus, willl ou make a vigoroos fl1 for a naw triai. -> The -cliii'!wiuess foc the stati Washbiugton, wa. licoîîghi to Waukg gsii f rom Mlwsukea bu Icone. whért lie te doiug tbree yearit foc alteril auttomobille lîcense numbers le tht VOLIVA UBEL CASE CONTNUE The motion lu quasis tiset mente again8t Wilhsr*Çklana wau argued last Moaiday E4,,rards b>'rseg À anad Jdge C. P. eru « J saeklng to have thse dl eti on tise ground that, th0k atout puhbcatlou & bout' -r Tisas. H. Nelson, IMidependlt* o! Grace Mlesoary oblrol, ZIoB à flot isold hln p ta acorh .547d7 and that tise lndltmenis deoM ý that they lnjtlred bla repDt&tI *' prlved hlm ef hie means t f 4zrgb livliisood. Rav. Nelson wase eld isp*40 »1ï scocu sud tisai tise nbiattfl'i affect, sating that the pqeple Iî tiseir nset whe Rev. NelsÏout VM the mon tise etreets. The malter was contlnoad itül Frida>' mornlng. "6JIM'S"9. Auto Repair Shop W HEN in need of Automobile Re- pairing try us if ypu want the best. Now located in the Durand Building on South Milwaukee Avenue. James B. Wetmore Res., Telephone 364-J Shop Telephone 367 LIBERTY VILLE, WL ' Back To Pre-War Prices. At tIti time evervone should do their utftost to assist in bianiu prices ta a normal level. 1 am trying ta do mv bit. MY PRICES ON GUARANTEED DENTISTRY FOR THE KMX 30 DAYS AS FOLLOWS: Gold Crowns. 22 X Seatules---------------------- Porcelalu Croyes. Pivot Teîb, Trua Bite moultis PnrceasleFilliIgs.... .......... ................. <WIi eunt disange colon) Gold Inlays on Fitlibga, arrocdiug to ize-,- PIstes ihat t guaraetea youurau est cocu offthtie col. (Acrordîng ta niattriat) Tresiment. nara ktlted aud rout tiîed . -..... $500 and $G.O .......- ...$1 9 .$100 to $6.00 away île paie. THEE PRICES ARE FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. Dr. F. E. CORLISS 130 Washingtonî St Over lihe Thomas Marifft Ct WAUKEGiAK ILL. Andrew Jackson. bis primitlive world, whosa social standards wara 200 yeara bhblutithe iimes. Drluking, sud carusng, gat- bllng, cock ligbtlng sud thorse rachug, yooog Jackson neyer tuok a dare, tise ruellc sport once staking bis horse sud bis ail on a tisroxv of tbe dîce. A bull>' among rowdles, ha svant bis ru>'- starlng way along a rondl tuait la nul lu hae laid down on the map of conducl as a course tuetthe White House. AS lha rose fronit o citora ho> and s saddler's appreîîtiv- tii bc a lawyez sud a judge o! tIti Supreme court o1 Tennesse, lie casitie aslte dissipa- tions ut bis caretese youih, but ha neyer lest tIsa spiri t of île clausmar or subduad bis unguivecuabia lamper, A bacc' calalog of bis quarraIs aur figlits bs ton long to lia gîven Lare. Tn tost o! theos he wstfired wltli the conviction ihat ha ras defondlng lIhe nama of bis wlfe. TiIs bad beau brouglit loto question uni>' by bIs owu cbaractersic imprudence, wisan ha feul lu love wlth bis landlady's daugh. ter, wile she wvss >'1 i msrred ta au. other, sud whau lia rashî>' wed ber wltbout walîlug te v-rify tIsa mare ru. mer that hec offeuîtî'd bosbaud had obtalued a divorce ln a neighborini, stata. Aflar two >'ears o! wedded Ilfa, tIse 1.0 hasl>' coopte Iearuad that tis' wotStSît Orsi marriage hail ouI>' usi isean'diasolved an<l the>' hadl tamate a spectacle o! ibenîsetres as the>' waui tlirough anotber cîcemon>' ln ordarti ha onited lu lawfvtl hîndit. Because bis owit Impulsive con- dort had axposed bis bouesi, devoted wbfa t0 the eanderouq longues uOfthel gosslps, Jackson was al lIthe more sen. sitive lu bier sufferings. For sneertog et har ovar s bar uni- man xvae stoond up ai 24 pacas sud ahoi lu dealis ly thse aveoglug hîîsbRnd, wbo kti 11 pitole In perfect condtion tiscoogli37 years, et Barton Raya, for anyone whc dared breathe bar usme except lu houer. Even eaithis ober ege out tony-sI;, Jackson plungeh Into a lavera brawl i Nashville wih Thsomas Hl. Banton, aftervard tIse dltlgulhad senator front Missouri, sud waa eliaitered foi lite b>' two ballsansd a alug whIh Beuton's brother shot boto bis lact Thot wus bis lest parsonat altercation, Iu a few weeka lie wag celiad trot i lied ut pain to tata part lu a public al. tercation lietweeu lthe Uited State& and Great Brilalu anti. wilsh b4gm j ft11 1Ina stug. ha rose lte do battisLo bais counitry. qhre 7vÀ cen Umý Made to titYouwTatm W. bave for yesrs catered te lhe cigSretle Usrneof Amiecs Wiih Ibis eqrlui. we a-oeid Oea Ileve- "Ill'"-"Made le SuiI Yoer Tasl," of the " p@', ý v.M. i - obucce- I -T1IKLUSiLfor Aroni 1 - VRGMA, for Ppdmiua I -8UJ!.LZY. for Il ',. W. namnsith OneuEhlva-Ile dêaesai eu bom* office, W. ecrIroad of theb acee HeveY.u Triod Tiue? nont#u a ver Lino o dur s are ephen -e ab- Hfar- dylig o." le- 5 put.à fada. Convicted of theft of automo- bile from Henry Viokerman of Lake Forest Alger F. Robinson, citargeil witb atealbng au automobile f rot tHanry Vickarman. at Laite rorest sud salI- iug itlu Chicago fot $150, a found gullty ou a charge uf larceny, late Mooday afiarnoon by s jury lu the Cir, cult court, and is friands. Lawrence Wasahington, wlîo once saved hlm trot gettilng luto a sîntilat' dilculi>', sud wbo ielpeîl lîlutdispiose uf tIse Vinkernian atitimoblle. was iuabie lu save limthlie second tinte.. Robinson la sîso tîndar Indictneîît foc itealiug tour otbcc automobiles lnue tiFoi-est. A imotioni wasrutade today focr nec, trial andtI ierelure sentcnce wil lic suslieuded util Iliat mtter le dteposed o!fliv Jutige Claire'(i. Ed- wards. If Robinasonsouhl be abIe to xci t atew trial îtud lic tîeed, Staies Attoneyic Smith woîtld prose- cute hiin u ore of tihe lhi inlu

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