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Libertyville Independent, 26 Jan 1922, p. 9

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TYVL-'LE ........ LAKE COUNTY lIIgJENT.*;, LakUe «Cnkls ig' WeekyCO.i WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN SVOL. XXX.--NO0. 4. FÀVIS BOYCOTT tlS Woodi- rty vili Se for cash, ge. Rouai u-t » take or- r blidren. t7 740 au ,vweek for 9@eesaqY. [Dg mille, c ligisic4l Itriet ou 45-t! L BILL- - en, tfiteen obtanable viii coin- treat one W. G1ve. ýRevives flring andi chenrical to lait ail w Minutes lent un a at ve viii la for thse compounti i viii flot eliminate direction. formula. ime. Club llde tise f unicipali- Ical reatyM Pr11ces au Dann or mical Co., n. 2-r. )! second ;ectlou 25, Henry B. ville. 1i i unise os eveulng, indepen- 4-IL se or ivo Newberry I isSes Wr general Address 4-2t ian Nom- 4-2t th Rock ee braod etyville. n atis f- ake cous- ' Wma A. Sauntiay. P 10 tsR) Wm. A. 4 it de 'o al F. Sandi- ainst the y MarcS IAN. sts-rix. JAN. 31. M. J. P~. insu. viii- Id] Ieck- I mile o! Live. vi. 3000 el bors aIves by ice rnllk- . 2 yrB.. orne hay Machin- ain bind- ee corn ns, hay er, aide iivaton. re. John e poiver- n spring t rouler. ng plgsw, Miii, Hl- ck, beau h truck, oli. top ow boit. 0O 4-incis n drill, id many 1%ana' cases vere nolle pro'-edt o- day la tIse Couty court against ai- legeti bootleggers anti ose pleatiet gtiliy, ling finèd $1050. John Ten- der vas fined . TIse cases noileti vere againsi tIse !ohoing: Geo. F. Niel- on. Steve Posticit, Louis Korosti, Roman Mckeiovaki, Frnkn Ganlon. Alexander Rossi Venera Malaski, Asagot Panastas. Christ Tolef, Chas. Fiarnt. bu tise ampeal a! Jas. O. Hucker lise case vas dismilset. The bonda -o! Johs Wozlak anti inter Moiitov- si.l er. declareti forfolesi anti an acter vas enleredt tabrisa tser n t- te court. N. CRICÀ60O MAY LIBERTYVILLE INDEPE.NDENT, JANU ARY . 19 2. vr refuseétp 'eut seacoil aflt 15 ya ballonL, Eoe5r resignution tg t. M"e to Sgoon br &wuy rr Nr rork for fý *hue.. M a rte J e r 1 t s & ,Vi- vu Isncc.ed hWber.ble Fs«r mefost Le- omtphbotà A"d ber vori±e pet, 9~t~ . Benedict declares' q#Wnos wi force cernent bar- ons to reduce Price SPEAKE.R AT ROAD MEET Charrîngt ti tise cernent barons are keeping pricesata prohbibtive 1ev- els and tisat unieS. they molwto ali- cal reduça-o» uigitst aa«isIn tb. Ce- 1ri terrltoi'y vi1b Illinoslnlutise leasi Wini boycott tbmp~ by not building JaY inOfi lsiai StbssuabsoluteiY noes.- asry =antbtisaihe.state viiicontinue upS oe Splan or cocsructlo.glils av cousent plants, Ruipis R. Benedici. as- uIst.t to1 tise chie! engineer of tise atte bibvay tepariment. vhoisala l .Waàhegiis taday ta attend a confer- efflscso! tovnship raid otriciais ai tise isedatiiatera or tise Chamiser o! Com merde. --h la absaiutely neces>sany for the 'cerent peope to redoce their prices,* M. BODedicIt eclared. Cernent sisouls corne dovst ai leai 20 cents a barrel.lThs vould brlng tise frice ta $1.35 a barrel anti mate Il Passible for the mte@ta go on vus ls presait roati prograti of 930.040t or tess per salle "The fat ibat thes tate l9 continu- Ing vilS lis plan ta operate lis ovM * e..ui plants and tise sentiment or repreuentatvez frorn other states il a recet convention of tise Amreiâ Rgo B Enlderssociation lu Chicago souiti serve as a varning ta tis. ce- ment barons if tissy expertto 0gotRin busines f rom tise Central ziatee. ..Tise cernent people base kePi UV prîces ou tise tiseory tisai thes aite bisIgvy departmieiit cannot afforti te stand sil. They are rigisi about tisai -alt oail Illinoi cannai, but if thse vok la doue vits cernent iupplild Sy ties tats tisey'-w14gel a isrd jbii. e-, ptftlaifth ! ie othor etates follow suit." l a sscoUincientai tht One O!fithe cernent repreaentaives callet uPi Chiarles F,. Russell, superîntendent cof * SgiWsWiB uit AS Mr. Benedici vas spekingi and SuPt. Russll taorinêd iia ibtsere vîli b. noting SpurcS- ased for tu"e conjty util tise Prîtes are reduceti-Thse cernent salesmin ia - ~meditlyl!deparleti. George N. Larnb. district engineer o! tb. state hitgisay depanint aad (;. H. Baer. assistait chier engts~ffl of ibis district, andi Ibglsqr Kin$ ver. aso iu atieudante. Bir. Lamnb speaks tâta atternoon teo utlilue thée statea poneicnluthselocation aofi'oads. Vsuiily Inu inpuot route tiere is aivaYt sanie disatIs5actlox beceuse sorne ligure ont! tise local beneit. Mir. Lambe messag la ta 3110'v tht tise stts aplijasle ta constrod roaide go tbey yull benefit not onI h@ se0-c1 ierriiol'y but ties tate anti thua mske thes tate itaXpayees mme! go tanISer. Supervisar Go.ea. li. arstav, chair mian o! tise roasansd bridge committce pravied dinner for tbose lu attend- ance. Tise timer vas sens et ai the Bos- ton Cafe. Tisera are about 50 in ai- tendance. A nunsher or thie Ciarnier o! Commerce tireriora vore ln at- tendance at ibis afteri(nsafle s5-01o DROP MAÀNY CASES IN COUNTY COURT Alisistais 'arrn ScIsool anti tise Bil listns are aciseduiedt et 51Fitiay in lise Y. M C. A gymisaess i ava obtataed tise outYa vaflabie nigisi open for an outdo game. Then hba been quite a bit o!t dctering vilS tisese tva tearna anti tis e rnalty a! lise garne Seing pisyssi is a manier o! gossa wonk, Bott altentisie asti tise Biliken troupe bave boon ptay- ing oene neer cage gamea anti, ehouiti they meot as proposoti. tîseir gante viii Se lnleresiing from tise fcltator, i evpit-if nhey bave any. JORN iALLAQIIER, WÂDSWORIIDIAD Qi I"NO PARKIN(i" oh I lueabu 6 ersod w- sbora anti eanet inlutisaiomn 1orth Cicaola Bard o! Local .iî-Iy. diedt 151hmorningat SI.ishome, provemeita ueets lis tisecity hailt l-I fael ug aa.iihaesa e! tvo veeks. ulsb todisus averl PoJete ec- Mr* liagisen vas th. .of ot nb niglt l tîsusaseveal roiets altigises' ans o! Lake county'e aideat .eutli placetibetore theis a ntcil.arly plonoers.'He la surviveti by a vifs tise problesu of rellevîna the ranges- anti. everal dlsattren. Tise fanitly la tion an thes treets cauteti by cars anti oué 0ftieSi ovlatsIicat. trueckasebing panketi vier. tisey are ant linei'ereuce vitS Inaffla. Ai ardilu- cauin prkig igs t b pacCOWS IR OtlT BIi ei ost tise treets. _____- RICES AT SALR EVAÀNS SUCCEDS . Ai tIse sale Nd tiTueseta aIlhi r- vere ruseti. Covsaoslt as limhaia i$110 a Seat anti yearling Seitens op ta WasiltOis. 30. 2L&-Capt. Waltio $60. Evans vaa.setaiied toda by tise navy M. Moore bas beorne venT veaitisy deprtmnt a>oimisiuto Ise luhispurchaseofo al lundin leb - uuti naval dswc u Sasor est antiLa quttIng tle termina bus- er ai àet , 2.EssreeteInens ish vas qonductdt a asup- Captin Daull le eba*b. onnteudetsu-1 TUBERCULOSIS 'o 111H11AMONfi CAT- TLE AND HO0iS State to actopt county unit plan in combatting prevalent disease PERCENTAGE IS HIGH, Springfielti. Ili., Jais. 25.-Jiiluois wil atiopi lise douniy unit Plant lu !ightlug tob.nculaets amaug caIlle anti Sapga luhe1 tile, accordiug Wta plIan agreed upois betveen B. M. Davi- son, directar o! ties aate deparnelli, o! agriculture anti ffeeal anti state agente. t a mneeting hetween Director Da- vison anti the agents il vas deeinst avisbe ta adopitishe conceutrateti ares plan for th, erasication o! tise dusase Plns or tise goverusent anti elate ta C-Operate lu fighiilsatise diseuse are Setag vorkted Oui. Aproprtatioui have beeti.matie Sy batis the governmeut anti state ta combat the dsesa. oCngreshast Derember matie an appropriation O! $600.000 for ihia purpose taeopply de- fîcience andtetasupplerneni the aP- propnlutions for tise fiscal yean 1921. A bal approPiating $2,000,000 to nelieve thse situation tiroughoul lise country la nov befone tise appropria tions commnittea In cougreas. Tise 11- soie legialature lasi year approPni- areti $250.000 for the tva years eut- ieg Juiy 1, 1923 for ibis purpase. At tIse meetingbers,fil vagsateti tht 2 1-2 per cent of ail tise ratlie ne- s'eIsed ai tba Union Stock Yards ai Chicago anti 12 1-2 per cent a! il hogs killet in l iniois untien federai inspection bat tubercuiOsli. Tisose vho met vils Directon Da- Vsoen, are: Dr. J. A. Kiennian, ciief o! tise tii bernssiosis d ivision o! tise Buseau of Animai Indu,-irya' aiWashington; Profes;son H. R. grilitis, of thle National Lise Stock Exchange. stationed ai Union Stock Yards, Cthiago; Dr. J. J. Litteer, Ioderai insDocton il, charge o! the enadicatios o! tuhorculosîs o! lise sate o! Illinois vitis iea4quarters in Chicago, andthie foiiaviiig countY agicuturiIagente: Chester Starn o! Tazeveit rcountry; G, F. Baumeiser o! Stephensons court- ty; Bens Watens o! Edigar CeunIr; H. A. Devar!! o Franklinu sst!; E, W. Rnsk o! Macaupta cosiiy; A. N. Snydsn o! Montgomnery caunula ';. Fahnukop! o! MCLean cauitY antiDM. L, MsSer o! Woad!onti countY. NEPIIEW OfU S. A. LUSCIINERIMUS, lIre. Antan Luerisuer. 508 Sauth GeneseStreet tac ecelveti a mness-' asa announelu tise sotideis teatis o! lier nepisev, Josephs Yogi, 2232 Lurr- abs" Street, Chiscago. "Mr 'M:ogl, vlio vas propnîstor o! île Temple Art Glass eompasy. anti vIa vas vel kuove le Wankegau, vas 52 yeara oit. IMs vonketi Tue0dar. Ai 2 ýo'cock ibis moaing a le avakeneti bis vite andt tai her lie va veny uer- vous;.ÀA bey minutes lalerlie tieti. 1 ne ttrnished thse art glass for ths Methodilsi citrch lus Waokegati. ant is maisy otiser business tealings le la mcit'. Hoe vsa loprorineni le g ao.lc ernles. M. Yogila ise sosunviveti by lsre Thsetuerai yull b. Selti urde> arlernean ai 2 ociack f om tis atsntly residence. Interment viii b. lu Mont. rose ceiuetery. LOMMITS SOlI- CIDE BY.*DRINK- ,JN iCYANJDE John Foust, aged resident of Libertyville, found dead in Bes$ Wednesday HAO BEEN DESPONDENT Inquest la Held Coroner' Taylor piesidd oves-r 1se taQueci of John Fouet ai Llberty%,i1le vhicb vas hudt Wedsesday ifer noon. The verdict ai tise jury sa.s tisai death resollesi fror tise dssîsk lsg of cyanide of potassIum vitb au' citdai ltent vhile sffering 0f smPlan cot. No atiditlonai facti w-e = trougiiot ai the nquest. Johns Fouît, aged about 60, a îs dent o! Libsrîyville for about fitteen years, committeti suicide Weduesday by sallowlug poison. Dr. 3. L. Taylor Who vas enlisa as acon as tise diq- covery vas madie, roundi a saai bot- tle lying beaid the Vlictim. Mselie- lievesa ta deatis vas due t',,the dinntng of cyanitie of ifotassiussî. one of lise deadlest poisons kuown. Fo's, lias been despondent for some t uni- anti tiis l8 believedti 10have isnoî,pt ed bis art. Mra. Fouet bound the body otf h'î isuabasti Iying deasi in b.d ai noon visen she vent ta oil hlm. BSio did sot know ho vus dead, but hiâeyees ver. vide open and si-arina. friglit- eneti ber. Sit. caileti Dr. TayliîWho expresmeethtie belle! thse vintin a a iseen teati au hour. Deatb vas ai mont isatsntsneous. Tise Fouets lise on Orcharti atreet. For a number of years Foust vas employeti as tue-malter antimainsbi- Ilaa the Foultis Mlling compas y at Libertyvilie andi vas regarted as one 0f the best to b. rosund anywhebre. He quit tise job of liea owe accord lant J017 anti aince tisai lime liad not been ernDIoyeti. He lias been de- opontent mont 0f lise turne and sel- don Tuoedaie aletn wtlo afoe dOm aros unhtilkeoon. fre man o! tise Foultis Miiiing Compansy anti semet in10b. in gonti spirits. lHe satd that lie vasgoing 10 vaa'k at tise vir, Min ai Libertyvlle neat Monday marning. No on. notîceti any- tliag vrong vith ie iscondition. No note or letter lias liesn founti vhics miglit tbrowBorne lgist an tise Pecisilar circume tances. Beaides hie vitiow rouet leaves a tiaughter, Mn.. Hoardnt Morris.,visose liushand lae erployed ai tise vire miii ta Waukegan. anti a son. Cliffard of Libentyvilie. tJnknowe tc, ForefathsrL Itsny o! the fruits anti veketables lov estes ver-' alnost unitnowil te our torefiibhens. Rot ostsil Heery Y=8' ie vere rssîsberries, strawberrles or Cherrmes grovo le England. Elemur Grifth stoppeti traeIc Ou' Mticisiga.iBonleyart,'uChir wheniy vsehe P" anhueivi erj pet gaGea, Sella'. Treile caps hopti titisiii fiai S e aucase z . iYpiar-Old bo-vflhua 3 Wfih MuÏrc-el ageti four.,disargeti ta Englaisi vths boisia insrterer- Tise %tory tlid tise police by tise Coleman !amily la tisai Tommy piciteti p a kulle tg k50w 50w he bad seer a mortier ln the movies and drove tise blade ita biW fater's breai. Xitvas tise ftuler on ie iideuilibed w v irat accoieti Tommy. Londion police are taveetlgating tisecaue tisorouuisly. especiay ditalements tht Coemnan aut he vIte qoarreleti freqoestly. Tomamnyle sbontu vus lt iIer ant ittie tiater, ieavlug a poluce butia d y $2,030,322 15 TOTAL OF LMANS FORLASI The Joan of nearly twd Mff, lions by McCorngclcs ac- counts for big total SE VERAL LOCAL DEALS By A. K. BOWES Assistant Secreiany Security Titis Trust Co. for ie.i eethending anuany 1Of1922 Nurmthen o! cns ey ances.212.2 Number o! cohaitelmorga1a,.3. Numbor o! htrute ota anti o33. ges. 24. ut eesan mrta Toalnusesonsruets4.il Ttalnme fisrmnsfed IoaV. tnto as 1,3,26 v otl incuesor la ks . 2,03,322,- wicit a o! $1,he Edi6.6. com Busilones ofs(be$1 an,9s5as aBve tfaie asergae. aotise oioig e ts mre.pn- uTh tassa, ar hemreipot lu WdaoieanSr Esner o tis Clnatuen nopnty ut norgtisai coreCr o!stsJeneaeoetyatnt aeuast forne onfSoatheti nse10 ad0Lak 00. JornicaGelt 110,0t00.0. ! Sogh tiseb Nos oua otis a ife Aikuh theNhousane antisaenueDppitlentis bousees on Nomihavnleoadpethe HitevyS.o DoionalSogs iserAndrev 1311Have on tise saugte Cmngae ailenuaeon vea outehie aieet fo iatuet o300000 asi gaveet frs Id eti or$3,00.00ad j rs deea.fr M 0.00.b sogi is ayE Scisoohe. Wraceton EirnvtheiMavyEu Sram l E. poie or injicoaenue500 race ýE. Kirlie oictea lot5o ea sit NornSCael agtreetlfrein- tert MaiesNoth fornoml srctfontidPa- iebis motfrnoia oniea JUFFERI INSANE Cwpelstret or ndi ate $00.0 z~rt Jmes F.Mclannaman anti vile IS OPIION Of boouglitthie Thprnaî propeni! osnntli sL ide Sevarti street neir Willias eta. f$450000. LOCAL LE6iION 1 Ct.oçeratîs.e TradiingCobut i1tlimats zavenue, vest o! McAister Investigte case nd are en ue for Indicated. $3.000,00. nni Invetigae cae an arecon- Charles F. Ingals isougisi tise o vinced charges oft-man are hall o! the Wui. C. P'arker propafly withoutfundaion oauNorthIShBerîian roaid adiotatu withut fundaion Gisu Fions Country cluS fan $120W0. _______MI Lake Forest-Etiith Rtockefeller CASE IS DISPOSE O0F Mc Corrnick tookt tile tothe ELsRalad Th gave Surit trust te stifor $1,958,916.50 Tie Ameican Legion Poat a! Wau- tue lis 3 yeare. kegan bus inveastîgie&-tise case o!r Wiihelrnlna K. Leotike bougist tise Erist Jeffes-y, tise Libertyvilie man Auna S. Andierson place onu ani ad visaescpet ram tisepayisianscAfIeritige noati for nominal conaldera- yard o! the naval station ispital andti iln. tiemautiet protection o! tise police ln Bouton l'ovnsiip-Antrev Hill1 from naval station guards visom he ant i vfe bougiitishe Harsvey 8. Dirais ciaimed Sas heston iim. Âcconding t0 pnopentY un Sheridan rossi sautS of Mancel Talcot. commander o! tise lo- Wiisthnop Harbon, cal legion, be is convinceti thai tise!ln Grant Tovnship-.-<berge H. Nel-, chsarges o! Jeffery vene the nesquli o!f soisandi vifs hougIt 2 Iots lu Pistatea a disorteret mind.1 Country cluS sois,ta Sec. 9 for $25Q&. '.I arn onvinced ,effery In Insane u cinTvsil-nkB a anti tisai the autisonties ai the station mer anti vife bouglil 20 lotI, aiIlocm are tomag everytlitag tliey cas for Lakte frorn.JoSn W. Dawes for $4850., bim," lie sait. We Sas-e heen inforn5ed In Ela-Daniel Sturm Souglit 40 that tise modicai board hase ispoeeiacrnos ln 5W 1-4, Sec. .1 fron Fret IL o! bis case acconding 10 naval regula- î<ropp for $6000. lions anti vo ase mono tIsas satisflet. There are no fanilitios at the naval station bospitai fon csnsng for insane' patiente ant i t laconsIeedproisl t h a t J e ff e y wv ii S e s e n t t s o m i t luton hs-ne lie ran bcke nrs WIIEAT CIwRO inaiet ant iantise saine Issie recels s treatuient. Tise naval station bosital la3 abie 10 rare 5515' for patienta wiuiise jS CORRALLED demneeia ilm<s? a nit type or visa mneel ai-e on tise venge of ie-anhîY.B N WB D ARDEN SHO4IRE CAMP IIOMECOMN4iPARTY Mr$' William E. Ciev o! Late For- est le tn charge o! the annual homne- coming day ai Arden Shore camp aI Laite Bluff Satunday afiernoon. .lLIIJu parly for lise "oid boya'sa hosave1 isandth ie benefit o! tise ouidoan 1f. o! tse camp asti are nov ie businss slni Chicago la part a!fithe !aoll'o-up vork carrieti on ai ail limes by tise Arden Shsore association. , tle lthil ain o! tise aseadmation ta keep la toocli as fanr as possible vush every boy visa leaves tise camp, ta en- courage iim ln hie vont andtet give ortiser ibelpi if needeti, Tise association isopet lu Ibis vay ta prevent boys trai lsing groundtia er they go isome andit IBaise Saes ta tarin Lu time a large baody ot youisg business men visa *111 lave lise La- tereste aftie camop atlisant ant iyl help support Itlalutlis future foc tht benei i o!faniser utnnggllng boys. The Notts'a c'xground. A cies ta tise effective use o! coloi' la Intenior decration te le lie foîuis lu a rotisideretlon o! the soys o! unature. Here we flut the large cross fl sthe tfer colore, soltîsaccents le liiiesst but arneil paiches,'as in lossetsisistid hindi. A flelti o!quiet colon C-stise estci sskgroundstot offset hues, -ands bigli-colo.red oushecis. TIssut aiti scîsls sis i floor s'overngs are ,-wid ta neutrai tane 100,000,000 Bushels of grain to be marketed by co- operative organization FARMERS, DEMAND. ACTION kChicago, Jan. 25.-Wlien final ac- 1tion toarth ie estalishment o! sateis rageneies bas beeu compieteti sud the Lnev T. S. Grain Groverse. tal cready ta tunction more th" neua n- i ret million busSela q! grain, rePre- senting tise outlput o! the 9U00 farinera includet ta tise membershlb o! the t5ew co-operative Organisation. ta, date. vîli b. ready ta b. poorei muta tise market. TSis Is tise appoxl- maie quantila' o! grain tisaI vIlib6 haistled biy the uev associationu&A rsourn as plane for a"enui have heuR concluteti. h va, annasuced ti ta meeingao! officiais or tise corposi. tion isere. Farmer members 0! tise <0-OP«IVf tive marketing argautaatlos art cq. eing for action, visics la sPSB'ning 1i officers la exent tisemaelvea, St VI* atateti. and ti l texpedtedti iSt tie for use hantiua O! grainsV cosupleteti aborl an d thse me$*&t îsm o! tise uev machine ffor selx grain at last put into motOin Tisai the grain gravent Cu 04 runtry lokupou the nevwgW0006N> t tion as i favorable Iisttituffl -b 1tereste o! tise fermer ta edçS tefiast-tcreasing rmeebg çicils point ont. Ates.V M # Iserslii. tarbteS 98.609 is idclaînsoti. lise m otigaizaîlan 1 t e i t e ut :,s aets seca- " INDE PE-NýDE'NT EMYEUDDNI STOP WIUN THEE WIISTLEBLEIW WasIuîured as resut; gets damages ami oompany re- stores job as reward JUOGE HALTS LAWSUIT WSien lPaut Chicisan o! Chictago wau vorkiLg sas a car repairer for tise Chimp, .Milivaskeqsi& St. Paul rail- roa co=P@A ai etGaevooti Yards h. vau saULatenuei ila h44 vos'k he dff dat he w.viute bov ainomn and kept rigit on yulh bis tuk. A trala oeev. boievlng «Il members of thse tebairtnant Sud quit. svltcised a car ugulsit tise one on vlsIcisCisichSo wus venklns ant ishieankie anti foot ver. Cruei. ne brousgt suit tu tise Lake Couctr Circuit Cort for $10.,0Mtattise ooaspeay. Tis eucae wv a triai b.-- from Jutige Claire C. Edwiarti a hrs Tueaday. Whes th iserlirat comn- paus "a layeslearnedti.irossih tise testimeuy of Chiclion'a taremu.u liai ho vas suais a falthtul emnploya lie tidn't pay any attention toe viistiet, bhey initructedth ie foeinan ta glye Chîchon anotiser Job. Tis pleaset ChicSai more tissu tise auticîpaleti damaeo. The Jutige thoen took tise case from tise Jury and inet-meuteti ther ta ne- tomn a verdict lu fivor a! tise plaittif! for $2000. ALLENDALE AND BILLIKENS 4i/ME veung, nc. - o ence of ot ljsg CI per- reptlet usset lu g else ises la ai spot uàt sot oi vol- Thom*. ý - onouveaimmu . 1 COMNDANT Of GiRUA1?LAKES TO SAN IDIU4O STA. Wili leave April I st to take1 command of Destroyer Squad- ron in Pacifie Coast Fleet GOBS LIKE "SKIPPER" An announcement bsere laat iiglit tisai Captain Daniel W. Wurtabaugh,1 commandant ofthtie Great Laites naval1 training station vas to leave shortiy bau brouglit regret to many viso knew tise "skipper" of tise naval station per- aonaiiy, and ti iose viso dida't know hlm. but know of bis wont witb tise naval service. The Captain came 10 Great Laites&ins Juiy, 1920, frornthie Naval Wîr qoliege at Washington,. 'here lie lad been on duty for a year and a hlaf. In asaum- ing controI of tise Great Laites station. lie vas a relief for Rear Admirai F. B. Basset, Whio vent ta the east toast visere lie was piaced in commandi of! tise U. S. S. Florida. Captais Wurts- baugli is popular with both the offic- ers and eniisted mes of the Great Laites station ilirougli bis methods ur deaiisg vitti hig subordinates. A con- tinsous snîilo on bis countenance bast won rnany finonds for hlm In Wauke-t gan andtihte admiration o! hie ment who hai e been trainet a,,thie Greatt Laites station.*. n les, îsg Great Lakes. Cati Wurtsbaugh wviii go tathie naval ,,a- tion at SasnIDiego, Calif., wbere lie wiii assume0 comm and of a aquadron e! destroyers5 operating from the cnai base 1u Southern Califorsia. It vas announced ln a dispatch from Wasb- Ington tisai bis relief from comtdand o! tise naval station would be Captais Waltia Evans, laie of the Atlantic fleet anti formeriy ose of the officers et!the famous Sixth Battie Squadron vises h vas in operetion during tise war oni tise North Sea. Captaîn Wurtshaugh,1 calied i a bis home la8t niglit, diti fot1 knov wbetben tbis vas correct or not. H. lias becen pecting the tranater for soins limp. Waukeagn became dloser associatet i vits the naval station during tise com- mandi of CaptaIs Wurtsbaugis wio op- enedth ie gaies or tise station ta the membersof tIhe Chamber of Com.- merce sud their guests tu vieitltei- monthly boxing and wresting exhibi- tIons, also extendjirg Invitations to Waukegan and tiiler Norths Shore tOvns. The Captain bas taken a prom- Iuent part la the social aide of naval lifs si Great Lake$, isoth vilS teVis.o! ficers and i vltisth.enlisieti men:' During the fev remaInfng monts. Of Captain Wurtabaasghle commanti, Il ln Probable iliat several tiemnstra- lions upon tbe parts ot tise Sailor pop. ulatilq of the station wilii b matie lu giving the 'askipper" a senti off andi lifting hlm "bon voyage" on his uew dues ai San Diego. Jusl as Ma Doe Pa. "Ma. 1 ksow snliat mares tIse seavèq asstny ' - id a- litiile Wlntisrsîîs oy as lie waticsCiied e reskers poussd sgsîtlnt tih' e 1-1- I. 'i; tbenause tise wlnd !S MI"..s tisonsup-Bos-ton Tran- scriffl

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