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Libertyville Independent, 9 Feb 1922, p. 1

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LIBERYVILLEý LA&K-E COUNTY INIPEDf INDEPENDENýT VUUJMXA. NUMBILK 6. UBERYVILEMKE or.<ry NLmes.TI-URSDY, EBRARY .192;Pl ium Efl INVLAD ThtANtA COMMSE RE KLED MOTOR COP PI3TERSEN Ignatz Potz, one of trio. hejd on murder charge, admits he f ired shots liei witlaout bondln the Lats Coarnty lait, titre. Chicago men bave confeue4 ta lbe murdar of William Potersen. mtorcycle policeman o! a.Wiuaibrop Harbor, signing wrltlen 4conteisiousLanWaukegan Saturday> 'Jaaz otz. bln is confession daclar- .f gtbat he fired te abaltstat id- dled thte offloar. accordlng ta a sate- ment m"se Saturday morning Ly te ilate'satatorney. "Ysi, 1 did il, ai I-git." admitted Pobz. But. My God' I cauldu't tel Yeu why; It Munt have een ou ac cant of te moan.ahine we drank at Kenouha. The men under ai-iest are: Ignatz Potz. 1838 South Throop SI. > wito flred te abois Imb Pelei-son's body. John BarIole. 1923 Southt Lomis itreet. father ot severai amali chi] dnmn, anld driver o!fte car. Michael Radicit. 3278 Archer Avv. wito yg5s aleep un te i-arsetf te machine wheu the abois .er-e fired. Thte men were taken in C'hicago fflday igitt in the saloon o! ;icha_ lsKeller. 1920 AlîporI sureer. uwnei- o!fte machine uaed Ly the titi-e wben the murder was commitied, toi- iowlng a tre. weeks' investigationi by James H. McQueeny, head o! the MeQueeny Deteclîve agency. and his operatives. ienoshan Geis $1.5W0 Rewar-d Severat days ago Stale'. Atorney Smith gos a 1ter c-front s Kenosita man, witoae idenliîy te prosecutor 4«alined ta divulge because Il mlgitt sîkeit wltb a man witoie cousin bad rIVMathîe car tromi ,ieih a mas bail 'aeOtsit.Tb*liter «enat min un- ns lie trrrobel. bitai ihtadbeen ine. udcare i lme Witen lte sloit* ad a onvicgio-n$u hoe o! finedl te muerer anun Mueey oib e te. Te ra noi listeh"ealh r. Pro'cluo- it be cbtaed, aod car ea iewe dy. Twof iste mn arrse ad Sae'iîA toee dring, we didu k.eno atecu. Teesn w h was noiug 10 hoo.Il li(ree ofte men are foreignera. According ï ta te confession o!onue o! the men Poîz shot Petersen witeute officer, riding a musorcycie, who bad pur sued Ihem front Wintbr-op Harbor ta Beach, as the fugitive car- was speed- lng ai the raie a! 70 miles an hour, had irnStoavertaken thernsantI was wiîhln 30 feet. The machine. s dark bitte. Nash Six, elong a buKlier, Prosecutas Smith bas both thte car sud te sholgun. a Savage pump guru. a 12-gauîge, wiicb were used by the' alteged maurderers. jhte 8hooling accuured on Shteridan ýWod.near Besch ~Titc .rdeswas une o!thue Most 'bUlal aud etold-blioded es-er corn mittéiblu intis caun ty sud Proseculor Smilt swore he would iun tise guiliy Men dsuwu Do matter what te ost lu te counly and the amnounit of work inIVOIved C(lue afler dlue was filtow- cd up fui- uearly a monlh. Men Had Huuted RaLLîls Accas-ding ta the confessions, te men badl gane ltte nelgitboi-boad ut Libertyviîie on Jan. 13, wbere they v unted for s whie, killiig one rab- i, fîom tisere titey wenl 1taIenasia. Ou the way back ta Chicago tat sft1 ernoOn lhey atopped au a fartas bouse Soutb of Kenosiatab gel sourie wster for te radiator o! titeir i-ai-,sud aiso ga no ome moonaitine. Clear Titres IUnder Arre:i The grrest o! tLe thi-ee cleara Jacob leianbuck sd TRoberasebonhi cageof thîe murder. They were si-. Svtn uad TRas-tPosen ofh rested several days aga on suspicion. MeQueeny, wih Detective C. A.1 r BUne of Waukegan, 'went Fia taftensoon ta the ioter saloon. Wilh theta weiit a cousin o! Bartole from "K*nosha, Brune, wtb tLe lattei- en- ' tOra-thlit saloon ait te front, 'T e cousin, witose name was not dis. ke o' ed, aI once pointed oui BarIole. le atemptd taesca.pe by te Hie at oc admitied driving1 &«th Car and poinled ou t aîlicit, a às, s lte Keller saIoon. -Said Pota itad done ibte aboot- tu ln K CQUeeny and Brune Iben ai- N estaittem and tooktem tb Potzs hoe, Poix vas mast enterlng viteu :thty arved. P lx AdMîts Shooling "h-17e's lit ueyoît kilied that fe 1.110 wit?! deaanded MeQuecny,j L taylng amud on Potz andsstde Le broke.dawn. "t's baek In lRfoller's, O s-Mon." e ilabbered. I dldna't know he was goig to ±UJre," sai Bertole.«Iwe werê-,.,Jui, JUWÎFAuDW"E LEAVENEXT WEEK Judge Claire C' Edwards and wife will leave next week on their trip te Loulsana. and expect te Le gone ten days. Judge Edwards was unable te get away Ibis week because Le bas a large number o! court maltera b. wantes te hear ln ordar to gel the docket cleared of everytblng possible before thse begînning ai tbe trial o! Oov. Len Brmnit, whlch lie set tant Saturday for March 6. Judge and Mrs. Edwards will go le New Orleans. STATE FARMER'S INSTI TUTE WILL BIELD FRB. 22 Is to be Weld at Monmouth; expected Lake Co. wili be represented Monmouth, Ill., Feb. -7.-The annual session of the Illinois Farmers' lnati- r ulte wil be held lu ihis clty February 2224. Large delegations f rom each county bave promised to attend the meeting. Topics of general interest 10 farmeris are on the prograni and men ùf prominence lu the agricultural worid are sciseduled t0 talk. Souls l l e discussed on the open- ing day when the slogan of the con- vention "More Dollars per Acre," wil be te subject of a general discussion Speakers wili include William Webb, Joiet; Arhur Brown, Ipava; J. C. Mes, Yairbury; Clyde E. Brown of Ruabville and Ray Gardner of Ibis city. oUi., y..kuthe a&ru d&y ire: 9. IMM t itlôiti a bAgloùtnas tséai".. 1 . IL Noibert mBooming- ton; Dr. Charlea Hottes, Urb"aa Carl J. Baer. St. Louis and M. L, Mosiser of Eureks. Eugene Davenport. dean of agricul-1 ture at the state university is on the Program f Or the second day along' with W. A. Cochel of the Kansas Ag- ricultural college and H. H-. Kiidee of tep Iowa State colege. Other speakers and their topica are: 'Swifle Dîsease and Coul-ni," Dr. J. A. Mcflonald, Springfleld; "Coopera. tive Livestoek Marketing," Joe F'ulker son, president of the Producers' Live- stock Sblpping association of E. St. Louis; "Farmers In the Corn Busi- ness," J. S. Montgomery, manager of the Centrai Co-perative Commission associattion or St. Paul; "Our Parmerg Market", John S. Collier, Kaukakee aud "Transportation Problema," Clif- ord Thorne, general couiael for te American Parm Bureau association. goiug aiong wbcu ail ol a sudden he jUmtsed UP and fired Iwo shots. 1 said: MNs God. Potz wliat did you do thart for?' 'Neyer mind,' bce auswered, it's donc andi'm the one to blame, Now drive like he.'" ".wbs did youu shooW'" Poiz was asked. "(). 1 don't know miyseil wity i did l,e saidý wearily. "I guesa I was drutîk; il muast have been the moon- shinep we drauk. We had sume wine and then we 9ut a pint of mounehine at a road bouse near Kenosha. Al 1 know is somebody 'ln the car said ePr-e was a Policeman fliowing us 0on a motorcycle. and t turned around andi shot hlm. Thats ail 1 know. 1 waa dazed for lhrec days afte: that." The confessions stale Jhat BarIole. Nvho work% lu Kollers saloon,.hll borrowed the automobile front bis em- Ployer that day tn go rabbit bunting. The tht ce men were brouglht to Waukegan where their confessions w-ere taken efore Bert M\cDermott, court stenograpiter. Petersen waa known as a fearlesa officer. Ils helped support his par- enta, Mr. and Mrs. John Petersen, Who live on a farm west'of Winthrop H-ar-bor. He apparently was instant- 'y killed, but bis motorcycle was travelling at such a great speed bis machine ran along tbe road for near ly two hundresi feet before It-piunged lnt a dtcli with ite viotim, ai tLe ide ofthtie road, in fIront o! the Mrs. Mary Durkin 'home. The tbree men were arraigned ai 10 O'clock a. m. Saturday b9fore Jus- tice HerveY C. COUlson, beck brout into court hy Assistant Chiai, of po. lice Thtomas Tyrrell and Policeman Harold Cunningham. They were bound aver to the archterm af tbe grand jury, 10 Le held witbout bond. Chie! Tyrreil turned the prsoners aver to Sherlft Elmer Green. Potz la about 28 years old, Bartole la4 27, and Radich la 38. Thte men are lsuqwn as babituelà of Chilcago saloons and Konosha friends of Keuosha bout- le-ggers.1 Ail are Croatiana. Il was reported asat Saturday that te rewi.s, of ' $1500 prohably would Le tus ned avec 10 the parents af e- terseýn, wbo depended lsrgely upon tbei son for support. EXPLODIN(j FUR- * 4S***tuogl'SASNO MERCYFMR IIAPEO IR "MI~E * TEI 0000 ND IN DA mu' v uu $IOOOOllinoRs.WM4. PETERSEN Editor lia"pendent: Fire departments of North Dear Sr-1 eacîoafieek loi- $1.50 State's Attorney A. V. Smith to Shore, including Waukegan; fo -*Y- good old frlell& 'hI'e ndePseu demand death penalty for calld toHighand ark dent, as 1 aur. caanot fbt song wtth- caie t Hghan Prk 1out il. 1 cannaI it f rds utfi,-ais', alleged murderer Flic orîgiuatîng front a gai explo- enough for your pap>et.everyvhere 1ignt o7,w.aiitdta i mlon i a furnace practîcaîîy gutelltrvlad i do ialoIl, nsy Inde- ignaizhe Pot, wh sdmiled Wliam i lte nid Highland Park Litelai ld ,udîaways folloow* e. My fri-ends frdlt bI htkle ila il igbandPar Moday nigt h li = t arn o yu ý1 b, i t oaPetersen, Winthrop BarbLoi-motor- ai Hihlnrd eiPartMny t. Thm e.sYthowslitniil0« ftie Yele - ~ policeman, according to an ai- $10.00. Fre epatmetsfro se. t shw tat t a 4 evm),ioi-Io 'leedslgued confession i be anda "crai bat- hoe cilles Including Wau- makre a it 1ke tittt (f State's Attorney A. V. Smith, wtt! kegan, answered te calis for assist- 1arn still In IBIiinoi4at present a1 be sbown Do mercy in a pies for ance and rendereil vaiuabie' assist- Aehkum, where f1*. charge o!fi-e- cIvmency lbe îuay make during te auce. Other departmnents iesponded buligtea - cuigci-coreo istilo hreo from Lake Forest, Foi-t Sheridan antibidndL bo u allgci- ore0 i rilu hreo Highwood. sheilers. throching à0inesasnsd ail murder, Il itecame known today. Tite The principal fire damnage waa doune kinda o f4nginai. I comçany alsociznstWtirpHab.fied 10 the J. B. Garnett drygoods store, rua a lot o! rigi la * bi-esbtug ses- of lte alalu man, demand taI Pi-ose c ufoi- A. V. Smith, ask Ibat the deatit the stock o! witicb waz a total logs. sou. We bave 25 OaçUÇ ,50a lt-eitpnat L nflicted lu case Poli la Citailes L. DeMiner, gracer lu the ing rime I arn verT br. used t Le found guilty. same building, su!fered a heavy bass In the threshing saU85 at Liberty- Prosecutor- Smith wil demand as his stock waa walersoaked. Cout ville. and maybe My.aid iriends would Puuisitment according 10 the brulaltty siderahle danage was doue lu the like le hear frorémeSai. We work o!flte crime with whicit Poîz la stock o!fte H. M. BuIler aboe alor-e titrough te action of removing te tbe yeau- round vithth ie machtines, cbarged. suid il Iii expecled that be god l h sre we I a fa asi selagcr. hlln bot~ wili demand te deatb penalty. Iod otesre we twsta1Feeling i-au highin luWinthi-op Hat- Pd the lames would ieach titis part o!f ltousand bushels per day. hrStrawe eieî fta the building. This ta In the corns belt, ot tir fr-a rn c u iywe reied liotha o The Young Wornen'a Chiistian As Kankakee, and la a fine farmiug colin-s Ond su o Ite wr seeinreed sud ot soclation occupy a large part o! thetr-y. witit fine land. f have Leen bei-e thatlhIe foi-mer baî signed a rempiere second and third floors o!fte Lulld- foi- four seasons now and like il r-ci-y Confession. lng. On the third floour a clasa o! weiî. Poiz coilapsed Satuiday lu the tweive amati childi-en waa bLein gl hnigyufryu aead1ut alhr.H a nbe raugitî ru dance witen tetire broke Takigyoaoryurppe ud ils blunbei e Hell u nabeta uut. The children were led lu the u nty wli t I would ca=e oflener. i am, 'av i uk u1ecil ' in cIi-cet iuvrsafety. Mauy of the young Very truly yours-. ietsshongbiesI'ba women members o! the Y. W.'C A BORANN itie," is adeclared In have mlii bat ~~~LOI T.ci cotlu wteî Isurloke' i ieputy Slserift Elvin J. GriffIn. but________1 Accordlug 10 couts officiais aîîy at- bîîrrîd. , mpl ou the part o ni l'I uobrýaîn feet wberî au explosions uccurcd îin a eeronitplafbigduk gaa-filid room .Tbey were burned B O H fJU G tvheu hie isateged luhvecnmitr aud br'ised qstle painfutly. h ed yape fgit Ture tire roke out rit 5:40 'clokh de.b anie !guiysd IN Swn liuimseif ufion lite mryo sud sPread rapidly. rhe amoke 1C. IN M AiL .CASE Ise court, wii Le o! nu mal Ser so su dense Ihat occupants o!fte Luild- I I TVE * Attorney Smithi declared loday tisaI Ing bail dlfficuliy lu making titeir way li Jl g oteliato telwi to tite street. Ouly Ly the use ut gas- h rscto fti ae maidks and smoke-Llmets werc te h rsct !ii ae firemeu able t0 enter te building. 'ul'liighlasnd PalILk holel occupies flice wea end o! thte second and tiru Russell H. Edwards. banker, in 1k' )' - and was directJY in lte course frtIs rs WOMEN RUM RUN. of Ih, nanames. Fil eemed taI ut waa irtlitof governorsprs dot Ilà utte splendid fight pt opspective jurorsN RS A B NE y file iremen held te loss dossu luS REBEN 1The sPienduut recpunse, of tht' Wau jIusacî H. Edsards, o! the Secuts SUifTI-C U T iligats lise îlepatinent was une o! lise luSavngsLan, asNeenselcte a tesai o! the fi-e. 'rTe cail foi- s aigbtkasen lceds sîstace dd no reab isre astil ne f the firat 50 venireusen for ser- sistncedidnotreac hee utisice ounlte case ut Gov. Len Omali. Reliabie reports Ibar woîuîcus tuns 5b0itly Lefort, seven o'ciock. lu a i-e- c hargeut wils coustirine itlh Vei-non rînuei-s are opieratiug betwees Chi Pomaerkabs abspt tin stite bg mot r'ts, a hauker, su defi-anul lte tate cago sud SMilwaukee ant i tternetî pumserwssspedig suil. ith uftFluess itsorev. trial lu begîn aIe points bas caused Waukegsun0f- Gergee Rymil a a d h e i ie Mas 6. rtue tiiwas gir-estout Mon- ficers aud operalives ou.t fthse us I s is temls-un tshse r untipe day aisernoon by Circuit Clcsk Lewis lice o! States Attorney A. V. Smsiths tien minutes iltr i-o b5flP0.Brockwav, as folios s: 10 be ounlte loakout forths snes' rums. yckWalrler athHughes.W't. 'oIts t-t. Wins. bype of prohibition stolabors Th' Yc5 sdbuilding %tondla[ H. Conuor, KEutHuts, Ai-ftur Mole, te bIsom OImenCaryihe liacordts Cet'nral avenue sud t'irai sîreet. H. W. Siater, Ed Smnith, flenton; asbtom o!imuîecor The sremen were itaudicappedt be-ICitailes E. Deuman. Harrison Steph-ingt herprs eevw ee Cause uft(the cuid wealher. The waies Ieus , New port: Ray Waters, Austin Weekiy t ripa are made, tbe machines lurued to !ce almost as soon t Savagë,,Antiocli; Willi-s Golden, Lake genei-alv traveling at nigits. Whenr drenched irte clubhing of ts tire- u'îii, Frank Aluiîl. Sinueun Ames, tewie r usindte el fîgbfrr- Leslie Bonnes-, Eimcu- Wîct1h, Warren; tiaithtey are tooring thse country Wm. HatI',. F. C.Berrs ,Juntes Caila- Tis upsto uko tt ian. Wni. Drapuer, Rii.sel Edwai-ds, flit eaCli mîachinte cari-es aFIast 46 0= P C. Gubsun, Leslie A. Greenleafiftly gallonts of whisky for ditribu, VOLIVA lIAS LU Winut Hogrewe, Ax-t Lsntiherg, C.E.loinelu% cres Wheils Mason. August Pearson. Peiky Sal knos risaiat snismlseruofthtise na-t 99niV N on, Auguat Suet e Toulouse, c isites hase stuîîuîed i'suaikegau, il CAIEIJ II V N Sr, Leon Van t-aecte, M. B. West, ta ual beiieved ltat uy of lte iiQuur Lou Yager, Waukegas, ('a dine Carl- lias been soid titere. The whiskey, lt -ton, Jas, Dickinson, Martin Hoyle, Is said,, la brougist fi-ont Mismi, Fia.t 11SCENC BOS If C. Milton, Shielsîs. lilens-y Hel!ei-, l Chicago witcre it la aoid ta ageus, Llberls'vilie, Barries Anann, Herman andtiret women dIo the re.st. Ai-ests Zerson, Frernoni: Wnu. Daley. Wm.ai xee ayd frelrio- jDillon, \Wm. FunkfLeMur-ay, au- cersaare ro-ofpcratlng wslth t'elouai Zion City leader says sky . F, aer l; amn sk sHahen, Vernon; James WOonnor, -_____ solid dome; says firmame nt WXest Deerfîeîd, Wni. Augustine, .» TTiiR R O issldE. Ciowley. Jolsu Engilsi)eerfli. [P TT U O S O Ties ky's te lirit in Zion City. Wibui- Glenn Voliva, wito ftaten cd te au called world witb a single argument and outjoshed Jasitua un halting te motion urthlie moun and tise suas,isas made a uew coantri-bution 11 science with te "suiid damne" lheo-y O! tise firmament. Befoi-e 3,000 local lZonigts lu Shi- 10h tabei-nacle, Overseei- V'oiva made clesi- bus listaldiacoveries iegsridng bishe brigitî celestaa pbere." He aný nOUnced Ibat be bad Iûcated heaven geograpbically, Lut was Dlot yet pi-e paredl ta furulihtapogi-apiical mapa or il. "Modern science usgLusit," dec ared Mi-. Voliva, "Bosit" repested a hrlgitt chiid lu tLe front row, luail ages -il itas sbownlils tbol- lhucs, The ancient Assyriana uaed ta belleve thab the wold vas upitel by a wlnged bull, Modern acience lias Only cilipedlte wings of lte bull. rTe firmament la salid. Il la 44 atuai substance-not an uniimlted #»CC. Iý, resta on fis-m foundations as baIlla btls name-firmament. "T&9 S ky la a great lent, lunvisicit lise J341l111onso stars sud one sun sud Onue Moon are set like diamonda. Avia- tors know titb they can ris. ouly 10 certain iteigis. Titey do nol resus.e Ibal Ibis la because a aoiid substance la holding tem dowu. "They may yeb reaci lte pianets, but tLey sItl neyer gel Leyoud Ihia bari-uer siticli was set tisaie in the creation O! tLe soi-Id. Neltiter avis. loi-a nar scientIste i-au ever penetrate ibis soild dame." "Soiid. dame," retorted'au ecbo. $9009000 BONDS FOR 600OD ROADS ARE DELIVERED Took Lew A. Hendee and Ray Paddock ail day to sign fine hundred bonds of $1000 ROY Brsaciter, countyteasurer, went to Chicago Satuirday witit $DO%. 000 vot o! Lake counby i-oad andt improvemnent bonds. deiivering them ta Taylor, EvWart & Company, 105 S. La Salle treet, receiving a chteck for tisat ailsounl plus tite intereat premn- bum. The bondasei-re signed Friday by Lew A. f-fendee, couniy clark, sud Ray Paddock, cisairman o! the board of stPerivsorg, andfil sas au ail day Job. Titere wes-e 900 bonda, ut $1,000 denousinalion escit. Messi-s. Hlendee and' Paddock igned their namea bo oach o thlie bonds sud the task start- ed et 10 a. rm. sud sas cumpleîed aI 9 P. Ms. Treasures Brscheî sili depusit lise check ls a local bauk sud ibis lu- stitution viii disîribule lte cash lu te varuous Lauka o!rte caunîy, visese it willi Lear lutereal until tirawu Ly tise county as lte imîsiove. ment wark an the varuoue counly oad 'siojects Progresses. MACITERM DRAWN The luetit1 jîrs fra i- MsaIusil tiiu futhIe cilt-cut cousutir u t i san- nautucesi Monday slernuoti 1w(i ru-ti i clerk Ils scks'ay, us fIiows. For Mai-ch 20. Rallis Browvn, JA. Rivet. Mi. W. Ward. C' W. Sunale, Berton; FPrauk DibLie, Autincis; A. Padduck, Grant; Ei-nest Plotz, I-ub Sheebsu, Lake Villa; John Burke, Etiw. Conrad, Fi-cii iutlie. Mati Hoff, John Hart. Fretl Keffer. Johnu Lux, Walter Lai- sun, C. C. Mai-quis, Citailes Rascit. Nick Reardon, Ray Situmway, Pisil Shteridan, F. A. Webb, Waukegau; Otto Bocheloh, J. J. Bradley, C. B. Fitzgerald, Andi-ew J. Lunu, Shields; Il. B. Hinman, Cuba; AlLai-t HuefI. H. F. Miller, EIs; M. W. Kuedier, Mat Heracitberger. Vernon; Ws, Desmoud, Westbeerfield; Gea. Clark,.1 F. J. Mitchell, Earl Sheaflen, Deer- field; John Metz. Waukegan. Far Aprîl 10.t Jacob Hammer, H. Ki-k, Citas, Luitke, 1. NI. Neal, H. H. Siteelai-,t Beutan; R, E. Eddy, Thomas Hogan,1 McAlistei- I-vin. Newpoi-t; Pal Gi-a-t basa, Ben StIckier, Grantý Hai-ry Titomas, Wsrr-en; Cari Albcrbery Normsan Blrady, Bei-I Eddy, John Fisher, Tom Gifin, Johnu Galiagiten, Hennry Hoiltein, Joe Hoff. w. 0. Ltndherg, Thos. MeCan. litas.E Payne, Friank Reai-don, Ai-ch Wetzel,1 Waukegan: F. J. Held, Oco. Behsrens,( Shields; Bernard Ewald, Frernt: John Toyntau, Ela; Herbert Bai-i-ci,1 AlLert Moldeubaur, Vernon; George Beckman, West Deerfield; R. C, Jacabson, J. H. NIchoIs. C. S. Mel.- ville, A. ShefIôn, Deerfield.1 ri BACKED OUT ON $25,000 DEAL; William Pearl. Highland Park theater oner Saturday brugbiut I lu ILe Lake County court ai Wau- GiRAND JURYFO kegan, tirougb his atorney, Alex- ander P. Beaubien, eomplaiuing ' laat Dr. Arthur A. Baye.. for iusny MARCH TERM NAM but Day of Wilson, N. C.. w 11h The gu sudJ yfrteMc e* backlng out on, a laul concernnî sugl as folova:u the sale of a business block lu the Frefl qehleter, C. J. Piper, Beatop te a r t o f H i g h l a n d P a r k , a n d e h ue s A l u , N e.o l E n g ; chargea Lreacb f o tat. ITriager and lien-y Grimmn, of' A*W Mn. Pearl ciaima te, Lave allael och- John Sbnatlon, Grant; RXnp Dr. Bayse 127.000 for tLe block, Stratton. Lake Villa: George Wàt-' lu wLlch Herman Schwery Las an ley, Avon; Ed Cunslsaghan4,W t electical gonds atone, sud lbu viih WilIird Berry, Lou Cakàd't there ai-e a nîinhen of olhen con- Landsîrom. Waukegan: Prait ici-us, aud ltai îLhe latter accepted man and J. J., SPeilman, Shie$i the o! fer thraugb Liseiepesentalives Newsom, Libes-lyvill; RaT a Lut neyer dlosaI the deal. Prond Litk. Warug, Bot complainaut sud defeudaýnl Dn.eaCuba; EIl J. Nob are pramineul. Dr. Bayae waBas George M. Wadu«r. resideul of Highland Park for a Tor*v W@et aliq' [gi-est mauy yesrs. ia~~Dsal NAVY PRINTINfi SIIOP MAY CLOSE Since the closlng out of the Gi-est Laktes eBulletin, tLe print abop ai the naval station bas been redueed lu a personnel of two men, one ut witom wiil le transferred t0 ses Frlday. The shop atace the close of the war. bas been under lthe charge of Clilef Printer . 0 . Keiffer. who la the only one of lthe Great Lakes Bulletin staff remaining on the station. The navy print shop ai Great Lakes wili prob- ably Le 'slosed wllbin the near future, when Kieffer laelîimself sent tu ses. OWEN O'IIARE E iqETS TWO AND ONE IL&LF YEARS IN PRILIISON Former Kenosha police. chiet, well known here, enters plea of "guilty", Two anti une haIt years ai liard Ishor lunsthe Wisconain atate persiten- ttary aI W'aupun wslthe sentence imposed l y Judgc E. B. Belden lu the Circuit Court ai Kenosha F- da ' atternoon on Owen O'Hare. for- mler chiet of polic of Kenosha, wbo had pieaded guiliy t charges arising frum bis indictiment by lthe grand ju rs OHare. wlîo waa chief of po- lie tuor 20 yesrs. was cliarged witlî îîîatfeasancc lu office, embezzleînenî, iarceny as Lailce, aud larceus for, 1iuoting lte police pension fund. Formner Shertif JosepbhSMeyer ut KenoBha, convicted on two chargea or brlbery. wssenlenced tu serve tive yearsa t lbard labor ai the slaie peuiîeutiarv at Waupun. lthe tiraI dày ut actual confinement tlalLe aulltary. 0Oid Chiai Sport tii the Lait., The attitude ofthlit wo former of- ficitais Lefore tise court was strik- ingiy different. Meyer who ladt pead- ed not guilty and slood trial 10 the bitter indcotested bis gulîtineass sayig aglu sd agaîn, "I am inno- cent 'OHre wLu Las rejected lthe advtce of bis attorneya and eniered a piesuto guJity Lecauae ie wss con- vinced bie bad doue wrong, again simpiv scsknowiedge lis wrong- do- lng. "Have pou auyibmg tu aay wby sentence at titis lime shouid nul be pruuuunced upon yau?" asked .ludge Belden, as Owen OBtuare, hlancited sud worn, but Calum sud self cuntain cd. stood bctoc hlmi. "-i baye. nohing l()iay, you lioit- os.," repliesi the t'armer bôllè chie. 1ils voice was geutie sud kindiy, sud lie spokie with tise quiet courage utfta man wtso feets lhe lias uotbing more b loge i ans gu lty. And i have nu lisard words agaltsi snyune." As the case ut Meyer waa caiied, aud aflter Judge Beiden bad made lis statemctst tu tise defendant, whicb ite saldlie tutendesi for tise public aI large as weil, wlten the detendant was shid wbether lie had anythIng lu say, \Meyer refflied lu s loud sud clear vulve. "ils%%lit stiti say i am lu- tnocen t.' No ouie represented l Ouate as lie laok lis stand Lefure the court. Af- ter sentence itad been Imposed upon suin, the former duief met Judge Bei- den inl tbetoi-ridao. The ffiudge ex- teuded bis baud, '1 amn awfuily aorry Owen" waa lis greeting. "I know yotî aire" said the "Old Cisel" as leurs Ilsiown ini bis eyes. -l haven't tise ieaat lbard feeling tuward yost," lie cuuliuued. I kuow titat you were just duiug yuur duty lu Ibis Case 1051 like we Lotit have dune il lu a lot of cases." 'ihe judge atarted for lits cisambers as the' condetssued former chiel lîtrried away w ilb au uicer. He' stoîuîed a mtinute aitie \Municlipal rousit to speak wltlî Judge Siater, a lie long t-tends, andti hen went lu ise counîs' hal aînd said lie was ieadv lu gos tu prison. Lake County's Big Weekly CiMMQuééuh.ogm Wekuu CoutJCombiud WAUKEGAN .WEEKLY SUNq LIBMrCRIZ L4U CÙLý, MMIS. THUMAY.. FEBRUARY 9,1922. ý à 60YV. LEN SMÂLLS ïTRIAL STARTS MAL, 6, JUDE RULE"~ This date was asked for by prosecution; defense asked f or earlier date Gevernor LenSomliloifittoucis wS g9 te trial lu tLe cii-uit court bre cM March 61b on charges, of conaptIrM lu embezzle $835,00 @ate alndi. DM o! the tilwas fixed Ly .Iudge BE- waîds Saturday. Judge Edwards set the JarCit '61k date despte tie pies. o! .toiey.- C. LeForgee thaI an early date b. set or the case contiued unit lhe »rG terni, Letorgee declared Le hait & case te trY lu St. Paul during Maa'cp, The court ordered a panel of fttty Jurymen called for tLe iat day of the. triai and fifty f% thie second. Circuit clrk Lewis 0. rokway Iis atter. noon drew the lisI o! jurai-a frem iLe box. AîîY. Thomas Marshall. lawyer for the prosecuion declared that the tri. ai will lasI en weeks. wiicit la Cla days longer han the famous Orpet murder tial, whicb was ell hintthe samne court bouse six years aile. Maich 6th wll lie a buy day au that la aisoelthe date thc Marcb lttrn 0f the grand Jury opens. Fllowlng announcemenî o! te tri al date uewspapermen made a scra-, Le te obtain suitable quarters belore hoel accamodaîons aie exiausteit sud rates sa,. Titis arrangement aise enabiet Judge Edwarda te leave Ibs week fer s New Oi-leana on is vacation. which: lie bas een planning for a longe tre.- "SuIts me fine," declared lthe judZe.- "No, I wontliLe lu New Orleans du>' ing te Mardi Gras. 1 wss there WV esai Yearsr ago and w. ad a rough ime, adOeaidea il cost*abeut fmrz imes as mucb te stsay there as at therUime.", fenlse vigOrauBiy opposaI ltae ttp off of tLe trial for another rnonih-lia request o! tLe attorneys for tLe alate Ihat lthe trial Legin lthe fIrst Monday lu Mar-h waa granted, 2 SLSTRS FILE 2$I5OOO.SUT C -ARiESLANIJE Former Lihertyville couple ar' defendants in fight over - property rights - Aileging au aitempl s-sa made la seize titeir houle' Mlases Kathartue sud Saille Hollins bave broughit sit In the CIi-cuit court In Chicago againat MrS. Geari-gana P.' Preston, 1126 Morse avenue, Chicago. ormerly of Ll.ei-tyvlule fon $150,000. Wauld 10 uy Home. - Tite Hoilins sialera liv. uith ieir parents. Mi-. sud Ml-s. Charles Gree. aI 5332 Ferdinand st-ast, Austtn. 'ihey sad lthe Lesis o!flthe suit was aander. 'Tiisla ow il t appened," Miss K a îberlue 1o iins exp aiued. ",W . wauted to bsîy a hume roi' our par- entsan su went lu a really office, wisre we nit Mr. William Preston. e was manager. 'iNl- Pi-estaon owned the bungalow We, wanted aud lie ana fils two sons cam e lu, oui- h um e 10 close IL.h e de . f.seleitbs wife, wo was'heu Ulving lu LIbertyvIie, signed tLe ppier. Chageil Sale was s Glht. 'About a year ago Mms. Preston aarted divorce pioceedinga agatnat bier huad 14 Waukegan. Be named us In the partition protee- inga In lie suit sud said lier Luband bad given us tise property. "That would ave beau al right. ut the nexl thIng we kew we ware ued y Mns. Preston. She trial ta obiain possession o!fthe proprty a- er- we had pad $1000 euiloisw aud $100 a montit fon several menth.

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