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Libertyville Independent, 9 Feb 1922, p. 5

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LIBERTYVJLL E MR)K, TIIURSDAY. FEBRUÂRY 9,1922. E E E E E = i E E E = = = E i I E 1. You Want It It's worth considerable to be able to get your money, one dollar onevery dollar, when you want it. You can do that wîth every dollar you deposit with us. It's yours when you want it and as you want it. That's why a Savings Account at this bank is such an ideal investment. Also, we pay 3 per cent interest. which is no mrail return considerlng tbat your principal is absolutely safe. If you arc not one'of &h hun- dreds who posses our savngs books, cal1 for one at once. We have themn for you and1 every mme- ber of your f amily. Lake County Nat*oqnal Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Wua m y«u wl Le comviuced and wil neyer .1s thse cooL SDamp Wash i'he New Laundry Service je weII hiked by the large number of familes who have tried it. It is being recornmended to their f riende and neighbors as a rnoney. t4me and labor-saver. We want YOU to try our DAMP WASH SERVICIE. We kisow you "iI ike it. You can also cut the cost of washing your DAMP WASH in half, by recomnrending DAMP WASI-I 1 your friends. For every uew pahro of or DAMP WASH SERVICE received fbrougli your rec- omasmdna we wi show yon 50 per cent reduction on your sei DAN PWASH. The cost is $1.25 for 2~3 lb. or under, and 5 cents per lb. for each addt:on I rt.und ov.- 25 Ibs. No articlc Is îakd and each bundle is carefully sorted as to colon>s ilks, 'rcolens, eec., and washed separately in nets, el'umi- nating any chance for shortage and damage. It ones batk to you in a DAMP,,flot WEr, condition, with near- ly everything ready to iron. Try Our Damp Wash Service We know you will like il. A large bag to send your wash home in %Ill be sold for 50 cents, if you haven't one. The Reliable Laundry LAUNDERERS, DRY CLEANERS AND DYERS Hfiglland Park and Libertyville Phone, Highland Park 178. Phone, Libertyville 67-R Advertise your sales and have your sale bis priuted at the ludependt office. That kind of publicity briugs buyers and good prices. MR. FARMER Don't You Think it's About the Right Time to Give Your Seed Wants a Good Lot of Attention? Work is not very rushing now. and if you wiIl go over your laid, make up your ist of what you are going to need, brmng it in to us, we will submait you sausples and prices that Winl surely save you money and trouble. Our See" corne frorn Reiable Growers aid are tested. WUI PASS AIL TH-E STATE'S SEED LAWS, AND VIE GUARANTEE YOU AGAINT A DECLINE OR IOHER PRICES, which is worth while for tlhought. Corne, now, Iet's get busy, so we won't have to Isurry when you are busy. DRAMN TILE IS COING TO BE WANTED 500. BUY NOW. YOU WUL SOON WANT FERTILIZER. WE HAVE THEM ILibe-rtyvilie Lumber Co@ TELEPHONE 47 mun ïïm L EU 1 ou bIS EARI JUOS TOMAI PLfU DW[LS PP!NDix LAIDER IERVE LTHFUL 4 0ktERAC- EWSSURE. TENDS v-Taxi Seu- 'vile 306-K f il àinds of ed beef. Tel- 124-R or 2-4t Jake Wiseman fias returned trom a lng -songeý8 by the severai glee clubs, trip through New Mexico, California and instruental music by the orches- and otber western etates. tra. Ter will also be original es- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clyborne were insy. a patrfotlc sketch and a reading, Chiicago Sunday, the guests of Mr. "The Perfect Trlbute" Ail parents and Mrs. W_ Graham. and friends are urged to be present. Mr. anrd Mrs. S. J. Young returned Wednesday afternoon ane ttrlock. Sunday front a vieil of several steeke aitishe Round Lake tjailiuli, churcis. 'with relatives in Nebraska. Mists Helen Graff of lnbebcl'-le came tise bride of G. Ç irurall, of For cakes. ict cream and puddrngs. Hunter, Norths Dakota. Tir,, ere Barker'e Superfine Flavors arc.imtrl> arrended by Miss LuliraitKohortut and deliclous. At ail grocery stores. Sam Aiko er. Tise hrrtlr unir,- gown or changeable taffeta andtihie brides- .Nlrtt Grt oemerrand Earil Kar]>( r tri~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~l' 1iiruts ,t Sna r.în a îtaaiirr -d ir ellow' raffeta, (If lbiai 'i ' tu-r-. ir anday îiý <'n sWrrlr eorgetle crelti itrrrurring, Tise th, it-', vrens, Nr ad Mi. Ntltit parrv rerîrîned tI rtireironie lxii , r i M, . -nd- irri. Jtr t tph Kohout, t-o'-r jV P:-- -i tri-r C t' -on "ftt rira iigt- vlIe ra recelrtror ar- j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-! . t h rr .. ,rr.seld and w.týltlrng toîtîer sers cd. Tire t, r iP. rtI1; tc o utwlv marr.cd couple wrll makleîlîeirr Sa0 uirrOrshome ini Hîrorer, Noth Dakota. M t GhhtnMtistMar% lb'.le Tlirtremarne hi Nlis Almîa Grace ;irui Ni: Peft rMtrrs iatîended tbe ha> rrgtid 42 years. stere brougit 10 unera of Mis. Agnes Fitzgeral id etbrcI>ille on Wednesday afternoco Lrake Forest Monday. rnm Halstead. Kansas.,cîrere sihe (lred fol'oing in operiion foîririenhir .N.rndl Mrs. W.A. Brestertun litcit isise stas the daughrer of Cash lat sa trda >fort New York. and fronrr Rrrs .wio formerly residcd rn Liberty- tser1,- '.rileu rfot, a tour of ses cral i letnt,, ne 10 Kansas about lice steeko 1cr South Anrerican points. atrs ago. Tire body stas taken to Mrýý IL E. Thomnas sud chijdren. ofl rire home tif 2,rs. Mary Browno. on nortir or town, spent Saturday rn Wall-Natrie as entre. Nvlhere rie tuneral stas kegan wth the formeras sistcîs ils.ireiti tîrru <Tlursclsy) aflernoon or 2:3it T. A. Sinmpson, antd Nrs J.r Nar, ]iitr un ut wmas ar Lakesrde. Mrs. H. S. Herbert and sisr-. er,-Tiss fl aý itirrnrîrîre snd Prrrn Stctt, Garfteld. spent Tuesdsy in Waukegan. has liten dAoPing up' considerably tire WilliamilR. 'Wilson and family Spent uisot week. Tirliirge dieplax winrlolt fitis> ai the 0. E. Churchllt ionte. irfirie for tir o rshe nlsr %Ni']]ir ln- sails andithle interror titi Thre Litîci >5 111<brandli orf\llstto tiratetinrutarnuer lu show io be.t r ii Oh (liresrl lie closcil front 9Sa.nr i. uilr\ anr-rgt iie nu ulow displays of furnir 1) inru Salut de>. tfr accoufrrtf ltibfrý rre ittronîr. tpirspianos andtuI oîer Fordl rrtr p le fireld irn W,îuk '- go ndrtt , 'ianrîti l i, rthis cntcrprisram tlirrt riS> firm. Ano ,lit r new departure for a A itIle rlairglier %%as boritn b Mrit. rierl usIl, .tih fli sbos.r The rnti Mr,,. Frank Nirson of Grandn H-a% rrmtr utrnse ru-. Tr srrn Miir Toitx Pb 70 Frnifliiat bot itiretrre las heen refusaI Marron r iiiheon of Mr.and Mrs. How- i(iat t 1itl~ lcrtd Tt ai ~ ~ ~ fa txMtinlnwii 1, it !n ihd comrlete, trorîr Frank Strat ton, rovn clerk of Grant township, and Tomi Graham were rn Libertyvie Tuesda)> Tom o sbusy strakina rIhe buahes in lis race for the nomination for repre5r f15115e in tIlt grale gcneral assenrbly. on the demo- cratic ticker. iciren toiri\ ru<-,room, 80 tnat pros- pit-I(, irruri- usiomers caîr tire juil bosslie ttios w-iii look rn tlirr honît-. 'h. it,.!i ro of diapayrng for fitr , r rtet b> only a few of lic lai-gi r unrîîîrrt soresain Chicago, andi t,îtcrk u\,t b tirre energy of the lorrl firm. Tractor Prices Reduced leni Samson MI I Miss Mary McGailck ;Kas a Wauke- Mrs. Rose Aikofer spnt thse week gan vietor, Fridoy. end ai Gurnee. vIsitlng lier daugirlér. y -l' nl-11--l ý- Mrs. Joseph Dada. I tate Blue IJevirr 4rrrnie in rire tub. to make me sweer. Mrs. S. Tuckcr vsrrited filencU iiri Wadsrtworih Srrnîa> and Monday. Frank Redurond of Eserett was in Libertyville Wedne.9day visr ing rp'a- tiverisrrd friende. Lee Blrown of Wauconda was a Lijè.Mr.. ad Mir Freri Scisie3 of Wau- ei ryile busrnesas %isitor Monday. kegan, visited Mr. rand Nlro. A. 1, 52 if bee Brown or Waiicondrr was a Li- oget udy -riyvsltr business relier Monde>. f Paul Ray isIlie busiesl uman in tihe * crrunly jusi now. He lias the contract Mr,. Mari,- Wilson spent tire firreî o for ruppîlying tlie sindow sisades for tlire week wiir relatives in Chicago . iSeserrît or' lIn- big liu.dings orfIlie * Ms lorotîr> rclîeun. irran of \Varr nese Caolir ccl:ege et Aresa. He lea*rJia kegan rrpenr lireweek endt o inIÀerîs fittlng lire elades for lise dormltory. c ville. lecture hall, refrectory and ronvent Of eWl lhii big riijtin fanti;n all about *dru P. . hock uri granddaugiîer Al 1,500 shades are requirè-d. M r. Ray: req Itrserdale sîpeni h-tna i i rr secured this coniract In conipetition* tarihirjte wiLD SeseraI Chicago frrnîs, and la hut Mr. siO Ms Gerge Nas o Hr ar (ieir n,.tnc, coing *0 show iai MgoodndoMis.tGeorgei-acterfconbe purci landPai. wiý ibetyvllevistor3' guda0 fhisrhaactr cn b pu ian Pak.wer Lrerrvile istri.,chased at a eaving here in Liberty r Wednesrda>. v illetW that the second«Uàt&#M cial Aseessment Warra* à lage of LibertyvHIe, 1« Smt 'Sewers wlll be due JâMU and prayable at lhe Caolieo LYRYX RIL 1 wlah to annoum* twa eumnatlsm, h.a4iaclsa,, czeme and na14011. g thout th use oS m -- rug* RefçrencetifurnÇ equest. 1SAI PETRI 208 Chapul strom Phone lmi VAUKEGAN ILL A. L. Dougherr>wseinruChircago last ** Tuepday evcning to attend a district; maeeting of tise Holy Nanre Society, NOTICE Owing to unforseen difficultles aris-1 ing. the Wood.nen Hall and personai property and Round Lake wlill ot le sold until further notice. 6-lt Round Lake Praternal Asen. Mr. and Mrs. Claud( A. Kniggi, were OtoBemwn to Arthur, Iowa, ln Chicago Sunday. iast Frlday to attend the lueraI of Mis Ad Meer pen Stndo wrlîhie unce. John Helmer*. %11. lHerjer Mis Ad Meer l'et SndR wjI'ýwes weli known ln Lake couni, Ira%- triene inChîcgo. g reelded here a nurîrber or >care SGive tire waier a chance-sorlen ago. E witli Blue 1)evil.Mi.Jn 2k eurr iudr Earl Kiepirer virited fis parentfirr ri ii ihr1lseni~~ SPrarie Vtew oser Sîînrls> geles. Calif. Slre wad accomilanr.ti hy lier daugliter, Mrs. Harrira. r Mrs. Miery Badr la iarlroving afrer Dasher will corne 10 Libertr>i i; 1 un a severe atlack of pieurisy. and tIhe Dashers wii rhrl 'rar rîreir home liere. Mir. Erthîer Tiromas ls suffering from a serioti, altack of rleuriay. Mrs. Lillie Davrs and Mi rsee B. Martin attended teFuandîl's Big reirrr.rsei ale atîtrhe Rexail Store Week ljonference at the Moori> Drble Bruc Drg C Wakegn. it.GirInstitute in Chicago last 'rliusda-.i Supi cri Sehools T. A. Simpseon of The purpose of this conferen*,i. 10 Waukegan was a ,libertyvî!le vitor streflgthen the failli of evangî,lical Monday. Chrlstlais against thse attack., __ -,--d ernlsm" on thre one biandu,tand flla Miss Bernice Suydam spent the Lat- clous culte on thre other, andrtob *.rmu, t er part of last week withf Waukegau 'ste mleeiolary zeai. -friends. - Thet Libertyville foly Narie Socr. Some people "blow uD" when they ety lias obtaned a rare treat for this try to dlean c!otlies wlth gazolne-use vilage in thre pboto-pla, "TIre fias- B lue Devil. pliemer," toi be given ai lire Audîtor- Jui Tueoday n1glit, Feb. 2lst. Tire M Mrs.- Pete rMowers visited at thre film le produced by, the Catlolrc Ant E oeo i.?esnMwri îl Association. and la belng shown by wood, Monday. Holy Nane societles to celebrate ite John Belim went 10 Wbeellng Tues- golden »uilee ln the United States. day liee Ie atendd Ie fuera o~ The regullar meeting of the Parent- E Martin Kuffer. Teachera' Association wili be leld at EMrs. Hermance Wheeler la danger- the higli echool Frlday, Pcb. 10t1h. at OUrlIII1110f pneumonia, and bas a train- thmre o'cîock ln thse aflernoon. A ed nurse ln attendance. patrioîlc prograin wili be given by th5e students of thse hîgli edhool. inciud- Il The surest way to keep a man from stealing i3 to remove the rhing fie wan ts to steal. Put your surplu mouey suto » isteresi bearig account at ihba cwhere it wMil a aY.. a profit and, steugthenug the Lai of credit wil help to buid houmes and expand business in ibis COusiuuity. Force burgiars to work for an honest living by keeping you money in the bank. I. Your lumber and building materi requirements can be filled here your finaricial advantage.1 In other words, we wiII save you on these prices. mont Every price advant.ge that, the marl affords wiIl be yours if you trade witb id Il-IBOSTON BAG $ $465 Fitted with Pulley, Governor, Platform and Fenders $575 DELIVERED Schanck Hardware Co. Phone 39 LIBERTY MLE1 .85 W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPAI Phone 29 LibertyvfliIL. Local and Personal .. tr Money When Short Items of Especial - Interest to Lbertyvîlle People Ckma~Ied Ada. in The Indepeudeut secure resuits. Cire iL.. IIHNIIIflhIUINNlltIIIIIIIHhIIUNhhIIIliuilIIIUIilUUIUhD International 8-16 With Plow $690 - Titan 10-20 .With Plow $720 niG S and care- y candled graded at e s t mar- ------ - 227c -2C A uý m mmulommaimi lit m tu luù Rif i RiU unuissaisui 8 AI D ITO RILU9 FRIDAY and SATURDAY "DWEL LING PLACE 0F LIGHT" Withmn AU-Star Cast. Ais. a Fine 2-Reel Comedy' "MAIDS AND MUSLINS" Featuring Jimmy Aubrey. SUNDAY "THE SHADOWS" Starring Maiel Ostiche. A 2-Reel Comedy, "YOU'D BE SURPRISED" Good Pictures. Comfortable Seats ADMISSION: Aduits, 25c. Children 0c, Smile away your trouble fea r Flowers aiwap," li g good cheer. thos e w ho ar su ia b eairt Thir, e n ambition _ tob-h roirn'l in cotomi r ting tifrnm and rns al raj.o n 1 trelir ragi once 1 a-ý 1 !!r zî !!r zî 1 ý

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