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Libertyville Independent, 9 Feb 1922, p. 6

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----t-. -, t' '-'w .5. t. M dhomeless y ecaly ai dima, ime stbryý of bow Herbent f~ mia wic = toaven battIs hi the Waahlagu mm r9 x tue, *eu 'lu. tou'5s aVonraiu eut trom C l<IcagO s c . THeydeckeranid Mr. Itange- 1brauch of Waukegau were ont laut week as speefal deputles for the M. W. of 4. and are secuins à large, r cass for initiation in the ne*r future. Tbe Ladies Aid beld a pligi=efllr sud meeting for work att hes church besem nt Wednesday of this. week. Business 1la ncrsssng iisiY at the mitk fatory here, aud ew mxcblnery tla bebsg Put In for pasienrlalng and 1-better cariag torit 1 Mrs. Eug ne Willbon ws on te sck 0list luit wsek.. Mis. Fiai Hanltu bai beau confiled I~8eaila au Ilos lad MnsdM.ToaPtrsnhe '&ton ait Aliendsls fem i ralur. h -sPtrsnhv Dm 8,miere maaiy1 mov d into thre Bartlett bouse. -m ader the jymPattetie LAKE VILLA SOOL joie. dsciplne o! Capt. Bd oElnEms ùz*ffl. Whus ho graduated EditoEle Mms niais noms flue ysarsag54.; The Angola cemetery society will * <reat Laieês, &Mild ttle , old a supper anid parcel sale t ths soitatoard he New 'churcb Fel.10. i Cblatas,1914 orthoa-'Mary anid William Wagner ave enter- It Crismas 191, o thra-ed scitool bers. km Colenu, villithse rlnowa î, l sea U-dea, s"t forth t ens- r Libertyville high school played Lake Amrty aihore. ne encoutered Villa high scbool anid won by a score pila ai shlvenag hnmanlty, scre of 30 o 14. face. bie fiagera. sulveling j Tuesday, Jan. 31, Lake Villa piayed tsar grlmrnsd 0yes. Round e anid won, town tesa 20-19; mats,' ho %nid. "yoo eeem 1sebool teami 14-6. o' nci'~ hea.tm smltsd The multiplication contest htweeu hs seventh sud elgitti grade was won Isa iiotaeVOs New York hy hs seveth. Mtê 'membered Allsudale. ths lb. finlnlsas. tho belp 'The basket social whicit was o b d transforrnsd thsenrd fon heldt Feit 14, is postponbd due te -se Â> inaay of is cempaulens. msuy ebldren beitg. absent. Look for scirdling arm he plcked up later date. 00 senso. j Those who were perfectin attendauce e long witb me. sud'we'Il 1111 fon seveniliand eighVb grade for ths ho ssld. Rack te New York be month o! December were: Drothy MiM. Hansen, Caroline Petersen, Mabil 1curions sud cballeuglng lu- Enempton, Lester Hamlu and Roy te Merely presented Exhîhît Sciacero. aawsned "«Needse llltln'.'" Sophie Meyer is going o Flonida. 1111n" vas done ..adequatelV tmss. The gobe cblpped In An epidemin of sick nes 1 going ect'p, after the time of is 1 Vbough the echool. Wset ashore. warmed and fed The fifth grade are studying South s new outfit. America in geography. mlan br Crtad s base eo etng osepb sand Athur enjoy standing up su ver Cblstaa as eenin achool, vs gave tbem "standing ou board the New York for room" Wednesdsy afternoon. "d aId." Wiatever port h o ht the' »f ths tantic aquadron bap-i> '\The six th grade assure oth te 0. lina a! uletds---ýISomii- caussy "Llneoln's Gettysburspeech' 1 goUad" l as urig h now nethey bave been speudlgitheir À%,land h waInSodurtngAm- recessealndeora tiis weelt. Tboy are ~; siuewc-r lu enti wodern ig w t tbey will have to learu -Christmas, end Isat Christ- fat tmwe her'it9edaig 5-enentn. asl. o Vh ?a- !apirit gets a bold of tem. t-nvitatibus baesbeen la- theisSalvetion Army or otser Margaret anid Joe Dragea apen V three eo gatiter ut>Vh uedie days visitlug in Chicago. t onugatere it cout f 1dan soi ahoard for a Chinstmas 0o0ooooo0 oo0o00ooaoooo0 Prty Orow in Slze o EVERETT SCHOOL o jaanthesparlybas growu in 000000000000000000 0 second year iV vas a dozen; %:Yser lity anidlest year 300. The seveth anid elghtti grades bave bu" tres lu every gun room; finisbed revisýwiug South America sud Ou4 fnom stem te item; V urk- are uow readig apenter's Geographi- 0e »In, pium pudding. candy, a readeron SeuitAmenica. 4u ever'ibing, and- a go tot Those perfect lu attencance for "eht amali guest-thia vas Januany were; Henry Huizeuga, Steve 1 program lunte Bremerten Kostial, Calvin Carpenter, Clyde Van- Oued -ths Tennessee vas Iy- Mleron last Chnlitimas anid ua augit thie fever sud au" overflow psrty of 100. se le no kuowlng vhere iV lisybo thie is thes new use ebîps lu tht- world whicb la van. 4 £stsbiiah Schoiarahip », Allepdiîle fiqri had iteard ýbout witt Herbert Cleman t0rer, AmOnos"e 2o a, uw re isu Those pretinu spelling for hs past wskv':Steve Kostial, Genevieve Lubeclu, Hug Phiip, Henry Huizenga, Adolph VauLandoyt, Edith Silbley, Calvin Carpenter, lva Cramer, Clyde VanOver, Paul Kesero. Water Seyl, Fieda Frank, Ambre yConway. Bessie Kosial, Roit. Tors,orn.eliusHoizens. pg 'te make te United Statesa1 Those who vers perfect in reading Psn~of kinling joy fires In were: Ambrose Conway, Water Seyl, fui.!Robet Tors, Gutav Nemec, Bessie se4 uottiug util Emau Billing- Kostial, Frieda Frnk, William Lubeck piber Allendale giaduate, bap- Marie Blomme, Hariet Tulley, Lincoln aie Settle rt Christmas and SeyI, George Lunhmib, Hesen Phiîip, id ths parade of te Saîratiçu Cornelius Huizenga, John Waddell. WM d sli ragtag roungstera Dont forget he dance o bc given Wtie dock and aboaid te New by he Rain Bow club Fiday ighi. heehe iein,-d te iorr sud LV htack o Chicago. Witereup- We have been hRving some intereat- Balyclub, compoaed o! old- iug arithmetie contesta between the 11oaeboys vite are nov Bue- second anid third grades. IV seema that yoong business en nal second grade is botit quieker and more mcldet: men'lia teîenan -accurate tian third grade, as titey have bo had hon,.îed Allendate by M. Simpson riiied our scitool Mon- k-As spirit or aervice and ho- day, Feruary 6. He gave us an oui- [>faeaa lut,. te navy Titis lins of things that vs are -Ie geV ready tlslp wili po'.ide for h. juca. for hs State tain. $oMe otiti handîcappi boy 'Tite seventitanid eiglith grades of oui Coeman. .,rhap., lh tees r bast how r., his knd v leed . He iook ill and had 1t o no-l aval boapital et Ienvet-rTii ian or mr- ago. Ile i,. hetter id If be st-es ihia stoîr h it i V surprise hlm. à -oîhave -been. -invted, by Wilmot irio go anid pell wth thsm i. sbruary 17. Ws are resI pleased with hs invitation. John Carolan, wbo vas wonkiuig at Shreveport, Louisiana, itas retunned home te riait bis foîka. M. Sueddon received'anoter car 000000000 1 lodoticfroin M. Swiftanid he je 0 l 0(1 u t ogng t in hs ice bouse on hs AKE VILLA o0Lancaster arni. -3 nlCn f, - () 0 , There are many fine elmntreabelug ISl sale ai tIhe i~. Store hauled by a nursery te Chicago frem rug Ce.. Waukegan. 111.6-! Svift'a vooda. Jia. Les Sbsrveod and Mr Mr. Swif t eipped Vwo caloads cf litre Shervood attended tihe teers o ths Chicago stock yards lest '-& Chicago F'nlday Manday. 4liqyer bas beeni quie sick As I vas walklug o echool 1 climbed vat eek. Henry Tleayen a tie o ses if I ceuld catch a aquirrel ~5t lu s creva nest, I put my baud in hs 0U, vile ha salse been sick, top oethsitoldanid 1Ietit&cornaanid ebratbsr aud vIfs fer a f1hicory tsi,,- ,n i , noIVu1st .lmbed dLow, «SI» vas hitesfroua Lake tbe vssk sud. ýbains iaquarauiined for t, and MIse labella ist- MU lilasRuhy la staylng ren.te keep on wlth-the Ma Kitg of Chicago vas a r.ý'and lins. Wflker vr sud veut te sehool. Llueld. Atter nturning te- scbool in Dubuque. lova, Geraiti Tors vas t"kdquite 111 and is nov homu. for a teis days. George Wo ybroughtan iles nest to e"b lhie came frent the, tip top bnancb oftanielm tres. M. Lunharnin the Vhsvesl chair ton thes iret Vines ool a toun devisths block. IV vas the fin't tite be bai heen out inces e vas taken alk. t.E. T. Shepardeon vers e hs firat ofte week Graphita. DOîîII bu 18h10graphitp waseobtained Iàe aathrrtriit bers chîelly fronitti' Borrwiaie mine lu :wesk. çomlug boesfor Cumberlan,. iiîtlsnd. !Si-ce titen gois. ]Ro nid is vifs Suppiy lins lieýii drawii frotis aatern t» 10Biacrnlngton, cea- Sibenis; fron T.inerogis, New York Wr tie von ai a trarel- Staisi: }tîiîkiiglsaiii. Quebe; and lii>- bt-midi,. <rapt.lle 1, ais,,produPeil lu Wr Li #,Wtbs lier ulser Ceyloii. and M»dàg.rsesn. Atit-lial graphite la aise beîqjg iîitiacsfstuned. Eynest J. fPo f Grayslake, gomg east next weelc to seUle Up asiate If tbere's anything in a name Ernest J. Pott of Grayalake, le a for tunaâte man. His uole, Charles Goodluclc of New York CIty, in dead and accorlng to Word lust, recelvedL bp th. rayslake man, an sateasilv searcb bas been made for IL relative to Wbom the Goodluck estate le 10 be ,.fi. Mr. Pott bas been unable to learn of the details of bis uncle's dealb or when It occurred. and had nu, lieard from htm In years hi ,ue- He do"s înt even kaow wbat the estate con- sists of, except that a man wbo camé lîerte la8t week t0 establisb the re, lat!onabip het*-een Mr. Potl and r. Goodluck told hlm Ibat Il consitaon some real estate in .Ne-W Yorr Ciy. Durlng Mr. Potls absence bis son. lmer Pott of Waukegan. wlll look alter the place at Oraysiake. 00 0000099660000000 Big removsl sale at the R«as Store -Drue Drug Co., Waukega, Iii. -lt Charles Scbroeder le confined 10 the bouqe wtb tonsellitis. john Sîkes, who la attending tbe University at, Champaign,. speht tbe week end at borne. There are more new caseas of scarl0t fever ln fuwn. Those at the Cbkres Edwards borne and tbe Odeit famllY are havlng tbe second selge of this dis- ease thîs. winter. Master Jobnnle Veenheuzen Of Chi- cago spent the week end wtb some of hie former school frlends bere. Services et St. Ândrew's Mission for next Sunday will be as follows: 1tOIy Communion at e:15 a. m. Sunday School t 10 a. m. The week old Bon of Mr. and Mrs. John Shonefelt dled Wednesday eve- nlng at McAllster hosPital in Wauke- gan. Mrs. Shonefeit la gettlng along nicely. She was formerly Mildred Kapple, and formierly lived near Gage's Corners. and Is well known to Grays- lake folks. 00000000000000000GO o PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL o 00 000100q00000 00000 The sîzth, seventh and eighth grade pepils are startlng to wright theïr book- lts about the hindi. Mia Hm esaad& atories to the children Friday afternoon about birds. Those absent ast week were: Ray meud Amann, Kathorine Kerpan, Robert Ames and Louis Suhadolink. The pump at sehool .was broken Tbursdsy snd aise a window light on tbe outaide door. The children of tbe lower grades are busy making valentines from different colore of paper. Rutb Brocksom, a thipd gradepui bad s pece of pencil lead ai ber baupd Friday, one of t he boys pulled it out. j Cecqle Amann bas only missed one word in spelling since scbo I1 bas started. 8000000000000000000 no Mary Peaz, reporter. Those bsving attended regular for the lest week were: Sophia R essen Mary Pesz, Oliva Diais, Jolia Pesz, Allbert Roelsin, John Pes, Celia Murray, Rsymond Clark snd inna Pesz. Tbe second gade bave completed a polar bear ba kboard border 'which_ -Ooks very fiee. The upper grades bave been learning te alphabet baclcwords in dictionary work. It was mot rapidly given by Sopbris Roessein bsing two seconds and Cia Murray in three one-half seconds. The second grade are busy working on their dictionarles. Miss Esther Clark, who bas bben working iu ChicLaiLà1 at the home of ber parents, Mr. and Mre. Frank Clark. Rudy Swoboda and Roy Clark of Chicalo, visited at he home of the latter -a parents, lgr. aud Mrs.. F. T. Clark ovsi Saturday and Sunday. 00O00000000000 000001 0 A PT A KISI1C o 000000000000000000 Kenustit Gim s ei.gttiug better, vs hope ho viisemn be vell again. Gladys Gin sand brother, Ralpit- have ganidular throat trouble. Binil Geestanid Mrs. J. N. Bus" maotoned o ArlingtonHeights, Monda and Tueeday, v¶h lrMm Bosch l haviug dental vonk doue. Mrs. J. N. Boici called on ber stee» l-lav, lKrm Petar BuscbilaitMona vbo bai been helleudy "iedôr about tvO yeana, abe la able te useons baud enly. M. Wagoner anid All;ert Stali ent Vo h clVy BMonday. 1 John Raupp. Sr., vont te the city Wednesday. Mme. AIbert Sthblanid children vent te Wheellug ta riit hen parente Wed- ueeday ereniug, returning home Fiday moning. Mrs. Jacob Leikarnavent to hs city jSaturday. 1 Jacob Leikam lia noV improviug sorry te say, aud vas taken te a itospital truck.y.. »aemgai0aa B.J, Glas motSï,d VO.Highland Park ec Keapetia, who la ilI Mt Jaat~ Iesm. "Q ulai Buschi and id t o Chcan. 8tur- m mxi.pls A d pdmx..Fral ~Lweee= ~lgsevena dyo isa4 Marin Liter, a well known and nig Ms ln .3hly la 1with tonsillla B. (sse Aia ntonanid Clarence BLu t a4oee teWheeing, Saturday Wtqr Osmerou vialtsd aà the home of UM As.lry Schly, sa±urday nlght. Waltr Wéleoela Visiting in th City. reeun e è n theare a à s*eraFord car in an 00000OS000000 4000009 Mrs. ug Landmau spent Saturday in Glissage. Min Aices Sturmn ,pont Sonda y at the haine ai ber parents, àtr. and Mia. 4acob S4çam. 4motard and Harry Sturm attended a ,orsstint.ubteh in Chicags, Thursday uigbt. The fOur Zuelsdort childrn have been absent %il wsek because of ilîn-a M.anid Mms Jacob Sturmi visited relatives 8V iPalatie, Wednesday . Mns. Brnatlag visitedl at the home of ber daugitter, Mm. Fred Krog. Mn,. Emil Graf viited at hs horne o! Mr.anid Mrs. Sternberg, Monday. 00000000000000 0000 0 s AUGATUCK o 000000000000000000 Martita VanHaeckç4 editor. Mr. and Mrs. Riebock and smn, eroy [visited Mr. anid Mrs. Schreck aud Lloyd, Fridey evenmng. A baby boy waaboruto Mr. and Mrs. Lahtti, Tuesday. Mr.anid Mne. Nanjuasa entertained compauy Saturday. Miss Florence Kueai '18 working in te county hospital stVUkega. Lloyd Sehreck attended his clam meeting ini Libertyville, Thunsday night lait woek. Miss Vireiia VanHaflke spent ani enjoyable weeL-end at homne and viit- ing friends. Mr.anid Mns. R. Thomas anid faxily spnt Sunday visitingMn. and Mis. Mor horst of Libertyvlle. Mrs. L. Flood viaited our echool Frl- day ai ternoon. Mrs. John Hope spent Thur8day in Chicago. Miese Helen Beckwitit waa sick Thurs- day, go Our sebool was closed for the day. M. Mack motored o Lake Forest Thursday uight. Mia. W. Mack went o ChiîcagoWed- nesday. One of the boys broke a ligbt if one of the basemeut windows. A ibrary of tweuty-six volumes bai arrived from the Illinois State Exten- sion library, which can be kept aud r.ead untilayJ[. R. Thomoes killed a pig which proved one of ths !attest heaever hndled. Several from bere enjoyed the enter- tainment at Gurnee Weduesday evening. 00000000000000000'0 ô AMES SCHOOL o 0000000 c0c000000 cC O0 Editer, Walter Scbwenmni. The fifttb ?nonth et acitool snded Febnuany 6. Report carda vers pasaed eut Tueaday. Those hariug 100% sttendnce are: Ben*j»amimes, Edwin Underwood anid Mrselik Frederick. Our enrollment nthe"*health crusadel' in Iucreaelug. AUl but ons e Wbniiiin- milk o echool sacit day. The primary cbldren have fiulahed makiug titeir prcture frassanid are zniking baskets ef raffia. The upper grades exrect o sarat makinjtts>r 'tes mats"'tnem noed Ile pevsnthanideighth grdes have issp atudylug tVms tabls o Vh vaic raliroada thraugheut the state in g9«gnPhyg Tua asveth and eegth grades have fia"îd thé. atudjofathe civil van 1In Las -w.ek Thuradsj the seventhanid efith gradssaid Vhs teacher veut to c ef ïs, =e, e idu veaji y =mg aVatrieso let id dayeansd &bout the clvil war fer ho vas one ofthesosldiera TIse farinera have teen Viking ad- mintage of ths geod vestha hi savng weod, hauleicanidireddiug cern. MiMlIdred Uudsrwoed, wbo vonka in Chicago, apent hs veok.end at hen home. )AU Alta Hal l spent the week-end at jMies Eather Marlock veut home Fnr- udfbVnit tu rmothlern aspending AT WAD~WORTII End cam e eay today - aller illness of two weetcs wftfh Mr.F.H admteu nes Msry ]innâel> didat lier hotu. ln Wads- IvOrth lait Baturday éos'naï à88 :8 e'clock. fet9U x a sAUeaa!ôti -the -mue of% "IifiK ïl.n ai Mn,. Maden vas 74 years ld, and' uP tb the tima, eofliçr Presse Illness was unuaually activeë for oe ef, ber age. Bath Mn.a ud Mm. Matdeon have besil nesîdentâ of Wadeworth f8r 33 yetunssd ne oaOtlu Jke county -4W W li kenbow» or mOe hihlty sstemad. Mn,. Matiden wai, a& wanîau of sterling Chrstlia char- saster and strnugly devated tu bar relîgos dues, belng attvlu churcit work. and ber lau wlll be keealy fei in the caummlty lu w#icb shelved for 80 many yjea. She la surviveid by ber busSend aud Qes daughter, Mrs. Thoman Hogan, cfloouecratso. Funeral Monday inorning at ton o&lock ai St. Patrick's cburcb In Wadswontb, the Rey. Patter Feley officiatlng. lutermnent lu MIII Creekr cemetery. 000000000009000000 0. ROSECRANS 0 0 0000000'0000000000 The ighth pise papts attended the teaciersmeemge& * tyle ywith their teachen aud enjoyed tbs day very machi. We thauk the instigators o! that meeting and hope there may be othsieOf t hés aasn kid in the future. Ws bave purchamed a basket bail whicb will lie uaed la varîous gaînes ou Our seboo groesnd when ever the wetb-errnts. LImt w.sk we played baie ball while the weather wai >o wanm. The Rosecrans basket bail game play- ed by the girls on Saturday ulght wai verr mutejed by hs players as ai the audience. FntidaY, i'sb. 3. hs boy's basket bail tea went Vu Lake Villa and defeated the Lake Villa teami, 15-9. Satunday Feb 4, there was a meet- ing of the *osecans athletie asociation anid banid reheareal. The orchestra met for practice Sun- day, preparatory for tite Father anid Sonr banquet Vo be held Wasington's blrthday. The Milk Producers' meeting Feb. 1, was pooly attended. Milk producers how Ou you eve ipect te get your Word in, about maklug pricea. if you THE HANDY ROUTE do net c"perattnyour own local te*0o000 0 0 0 0 0 6 o0 00 knoW what la going onanid malte emoe o UIBRDSCOO dec4dpsto sil.wuqtefeu poinit' o=vi.*tehiB&lUUrter5 ho 00 0 0000** .00 dons by oesor Vvo. - Ewrd ee AIma Lahoisu, Editar. Mni n '. ThonI8w edekd vrs Sehool vascloed for a fsv days on lu Wukeni tis eek.sean t of the fumnaewdergolug MissGe1lllugattended hs veddiug of repaire. hon nic, lZaraet Gelllng of Wauke- Edward Poblipsu journeyed te thse gni doingthe wesk. city et Volvia, Mosiday te get senta for Min FIo Dixon vlited ber brother th ml&ho. lu G ulat S&ndy. Lait Saturday, Margaret Greber gave Misa Bla Winters, vho is training te a verty tbat won eftjoyed hY evenjOee benourme at Vs ictr Ma l Tho Heidern aand Saumnfamilles at Wauakegan cae ornoe enjaed a pleasat 5veSn If Vt th Wedssay,. Feb. 1, on Thuraday abs Lohian borne Thuraday nigli. voit te Waukegan viit h bnrlister, Mr uen u sttredbn Margaret. Fniday svening Min lle Mrf Grobit, aith hi ant uffbeo, retnnsd tVoheVhsiptal for dity. trotarit thionat ufl, .Tiers vili be a "Kid party-' lu lova. %enscrans community hall, Feb. 18,1 Mrs. Elmer Heidman won quite sick youg anid old are iuvlted to corne lait Friday. dressed ai children. AUi lteneated are Ms osvstdMs az ens eoedially invited, ws assure you aIl a, day G svstdMm az ene geod ime. Saturday, Feli. 11, hs Girls' Club 1 will meet et Howard'» sait of Russell,1 FIRST IN LAKE COUNTY - The &Il girls intoreseed are invited. . ondepedet. T ravel- is a Real Pleasure Over The North Shore Line To thoe wlo make frequent trips te Chicago and othur points on thme North Shore LUne, a jaunt over this convenient route xlways means au boer or au of rest and relaxation. The lieavy electrics roi smoothly *long at a sWft, steady pace-te sts are-roomy aid coutfortale-the employes are efficient and courbions. No detail oif serice or convenience, howeyer minute, is lefI ondoie in making yosarjourney one of pleaue anid satisfaction. And no matter iwa thme bour or weather, you are asured a prompt arrivai at your destination. Take Advan tag-e -of Thlis Convenient Route Trahus bae Libertyville aItbirty-màluîe inter- va1sfi= 5:48 A. MR to 10:eA.M.,tden at 11:48 A. M. »dc every haif-hur thereafter untl8:48 P. M.; " e9:48 P. MCleyM Iiout tlitzeafter until 12:-48 A. M. 1et ftran mae connections at Lake B6u9 for Chii- ao. Chicago North Shore & Milwauk*eR. R. WERTrmu.LETKW TOFFIR 1PAUIGB UmmO AiwýaysSpeak-Directl-y Into the Mouthpiece Holding the lips away, from the transmit ter ham the sanie effect as lengthening, the telephone line as. follows: Two inches away lengtliens the line -128 ni~ Thrce inehes away lengthens the lirne 174 miles. Four inches away lengthens -the line 218 miles., Always speak with the lips amout oiç erich awgy from the teleplone traùsMitter. and talk directly into it. Treleplione users will improve their own servce and that of other users by following this simple practice. -~)ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY -%M 74. *Mi mnd coun mon hem. Wall folIo ber trea .1gb Wau M rs. sons sel, eç ker IcI Fi grat Oak Imiz cern 00 à I euit T ai a rels wee Mai ten, Thi day set bee let nez 1 t peg a i tes re s aiti je. pa fis, o! t. el' ýl r

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