fisstanual Damocsale ild la OotY wu as i; làqdessburot Lika Vile, on Saturday. Feu. 11, rocuer, 0. W. LiEmmai., P Çrem'ibegau tow9&&i erlY, as waM serreda t noon By tbe Urne Êslgthe sale neeriy thre. boa- M boe ta. gatbered--msea 4 j or the- mont part tisse peo- ro. fronthe country suroud- îe bornes of tb. Duroos. There bowover. hoyers froenWiacom-' ùwa aad several other sieteg. A et of the famous lierd frorn Lin- wat wlli go 10 new fields wbere *Il maire a mari. o bfgs sold for $175 each, Ibis the. bf«best prie. s"id for aay 4àlasi TIenext bliesl was $155, ýümg tIser. tbey ranged down tu The ancrage of lb. sale wus $64. 5b téaverage pries for sa hred g4t Orlon !Sensation IV, tb.e1ièrd f1 lndemihuret. averaged $127.00. *spènbaps a record for bogs ln *ûdi., est, and ls a record for ;tsousty. Il le pleasing lu note MeA of the bog,. so'd mil remain àte county. This ia especîally si) « fanciers. in vîiw of'tbe faut tere are many faruis on wbicb have heen no boss for manY Thse sale proves tbat tbe farin- ~ gala .iglot. h og.whIeb gr spcraicaly béeezdead, 1Ifk, wben 80 many irere elaugh- on accounit cfibe boo! and a sd because of cboléra. Io a ist of boyere and the MÉWhus. Wisconsin -.$52.50. usWisconsin .-.... 130-00 in 44.001 on flCl y - .. 45.00 W ra ins ý ------ ------ --- 50.00 W 8'aris _......176.00 flan, palatine ........ 46.00 g*arlla.Aulioch .~49.00 6x iWarrs................ 95.00 3laiier. Wauconda ..ý-145.00 j4Bros. Pittsfieid -.------ 55.00 Xlresko, Wiscosîn. -----5-6.00 ý> -- --------------- ---- 47.00 1ýt, Senleca *49.00 - ------ ---- 42.00 Axitioch .......... 42.00 U.. usex -. 46.0() cas- ------ -175.00 AM ,Ae.. ....... 60.00 ........ .... - 46.00 .Grayslake ----- 45.00 50.00 Ailinon Hgts. 61.00u S42.00 Laie Villa....0 ..00 -s..-----.--..........571.0 .46.00t Berrington.-41.001 lLaie Villa.. 45.00t Lake Villa .....43.0011 roi ..1 .... ..... .. ... 47.001 - .. .. ....... __ 40.00 = y, Antoch. . ... 29.00 ý 1* 1& ------- .......... 36.00 * ma dspectators e a zd n"er of Durocs on tbe farta. ,,reemeny more lu the peu. Mme not sod. Most of thon, "sg stock, rnany of which wili ,j W» make up the berd b b.- Op esn Wmiere alau surplsed t0 lookc hig ouse, wbicb was mnorec feet long, wilb bulian smd vn lators. as meli as2 k'q»bb massteainbeat. Thé #, wblh tbe lîogs were kep)tý Mg" 4o about 70 degrees. Men W*nthbere on the coldtes- dayse Or shirt sleeves, A tent was 1 t mre end of the bog bouse, ïïwu u1ae. as an asibtbeatert ,g.ijw and sale. Bleacher seatst pte re and mosaI o! tbema Wi itb buyeï-s snd spectators.d Ofet of representatives of paliers2 W( 44-4be swine ladustry werem as int thle sale.The i p ~cumpet. succees and wiii s1 eu vent.1 ~pft the Laie County Chester risers Association wil b. W. f. Amana farrn. Round( Xondey, February 27tb. anda ~to b. as lnterestlag a. thei More Iba 50 lisato! tise1 best bfga of the. Chester White breed, - omty wfll b. *Umsd t beec alale& te parties fltegeate4 la tue. W* industry. With hoga sellla8 arcund tb te tn'iollar mark lu Chicego j nd !be p rîçe àofeed, as low as It la, Parmers are realaing :hm elg more rnoney ln the feedlag of hogu tha oaa b. gotten t4om £Minainaypther mau- Der. At thse Obeuter W tasel addition Wto he isP%ý4tW* e i» bp Of- ser eor sala several ltead 0f )flhkl I$tiwja Ob0rtQI OatleÇe.q4 Y breeders of Labo couty. A 8004 rOWd til ee.-4ta W lis oaset tb*ii t4e third 50n1148ul sale o f Ibis ortan- lzation. The sale wll b. held lu 9 large tent on*tbe Anann tainm. 660000901300000000k 0 LAKE VILLA 0 lire. Charles Petersoit was lui the city Monday _buying Ooda for the Store. Miss Phylis Morley of Ântioch vis- lIed achool ber tst, week. Thse west room of the scbooi build- ing la being plaatefed and will seau b. ready, for une. e Mns. Fred Hamlin is lmproving. Edwin Wagner and Miss Edith Kerr of Chicago were week end guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weber, Jr. J. M. Cannon bas bougbt the Sbep- ardson bousle and wtll move i soon to his lot1near the garage. Miss Marie McKenzie was a Chicago rvisitor laét Thureday and P'riday. ? Mr. and Mrs. Munrie visited the Lhome foika near Russeli Sunday;. > Johns Waiker la very !11 of pneu- monia, and a trained nurse front Chi- cago bas been in attendance since Saturday. Dorotby D'Armand wae I.aken to tbe Lakte county boapital lest week for an immediate operation for-appeudeitie, and is now out of danger and lm- provung. The Ladies' Aid Wll bold the regu- lar meeting on Wedueaday, Marcb lst, wltb lire. J. M. Cannon. Pies.. bring needies and thimbles for sewIng. Our new postmnaster. Claire Sher- iwood, took possession of the postoffice tbis week, e=4 Miss Harriet Ml01er, wbo bus beld tbe office fro Dna ea", le enjoying a weli earned vacation. We wlsb ber succeser suceesi. Wm. Cremin of WeugAff was a pleasant caller bere lest week. The M. W. X. wlll hold tbe next reg- niar meeting Tuesday evenlng, Web. 2.3, for otass adoption, aud aU miembers l please be present. The Waultegaa team wIll do tb. work ani theY ar noted for good work. Holp tbe honme officers by your preeuce and enthw Blasitt. Mrs. Cannon apeut severai days re- cently witÉbher moîber, who bas been very sîcit at ber borne near Genoa juaction. CI4URCH NOTES There ls stil room for mure toe e- roll a puwls la tbe commuity scixool of religions oducation, hield everY Bat- urday evenlug et lb. cburch et 7:90. Miass.Baxtor ie givlag much Urne and devotite thIis ad we sould make it voeui ber wbtle. Special attention ia being .called te tb. service for neit Sunday moruina- Rey. S. M. steveas will proach, using as a tbeme "The RediscoverY of Obrie- tianity." He cornes witb a regi mes- sage and wiib a personallly Ibat la, sure te please ail wbo meet hlm. Do flot fae to bear birn. Tuer. yul b. apecla iuslc by tbe Junior choir. The eveuing service wyul b. held at 7.30, Everyoue le welcome to these sevce. 00000000000000oo0 ' LAKE ZURICH o 000000000000000000 Mrs. Henry Hilîman vlsited ber daugbter, Mrs. Hlenry Thînes at GiI- mer sbeveral days tbe past weec. Rl. à. West returned Tbursday f ront a two mouth's trip to Alabama. Mme. Charles Kohl wua a Palatine vieiter on Friday. Mr. and Mn.. Walter Prebm attend- ed a Hardware Convention In Chicago aat Thursday. flday evening a large croird at- tcsadd the birtbday party given by the Ladies Aid et the cburcb. A pro- gram ywu given consostlag of piano duetts, readlng and selections by the SenIor and Junior chlore. ltefresh- ment. ver. served to about two hua- dred. Thé- obior bad a prelly cand bootb and reallzed about twenty dol- lare. .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawn. lMrm Lu- cy Lawu and Mrs. John Eieim attend- ed tbe funerai o! R. Sigwatdt the seveu-year-old son of lirs. Roue 'Sir waldt. wbo died flday mornIng et Barrington. Mr. ad lins. James Snesinger visit- .4 Suntiey aflernoon wltb tue Misses tHall. near the Bennett Scbool. Fnlday aflernoon a fire tarted b>' a cnrossed ecinlo ywires started lu thse rear porcb o! Fink's stoe. Mrs. Fini discovered the fixe afler noticlng tbe srnoke and called tbe volunleer fire departuient. wich soon bad tb. bisze t Ouafter coutrol. About 1250 damage was doue tb the building. Estber Plegge entertalned severai of lier playmates ai e UtIle party lu bonor o! ber birtbday last Fnida>'. I lir. and Mrs. Peter Jensen mere Chi- cago vitors Saturday. A. B. Aines of Wisoonstu is vlslting ai the George Gross borne. First InL.ake County-TI4E INDEPEN. INT. 9isblag througb lb., Ice bas proved to be one cf tlb. most popular past- liam la Luise Coual>' for te lest seVêfal vitos. -DIsciples or Isaac *Wallon »enet iaItishe catches tii. ululer have Duiso larger tltsn ever bs- Mauy of thse coÜl.tys vinter fisher- ,Mon bre.ak frosiitwenty to, fifty bol.. bt. bsmaies t possibl, for théi hunter te, lot on shore wbere lie ea enjoy the 'Warmtb of a. bg bonfîrfi Whou i h. .see. a signal b. bornies o6uI res5ovbs the Flab and rebates tbe bock pere arm sItîlither fieberien wbo do.nioteviM go to Ibe tiouble of wstcb- lug iltair Ules. Tbey met tbem sud IpIse m#- or a day. TheF thsn 1nIts a round oflbehUnes, break thse 1 feI f hthe re arenad se-hai -c ibto ;k% Usb le opaen, aremorst tb th mbT1hen tltey lesie thens for imotiier day., The fisb eugbt ln IbIs 3m eài* s~ w uIall5lty large a d ex- (vl'y pVItitue on. Middle west fgrwVe of corn as fuel Ulig1 se as fuel Lincoln., Neb.. 11eb. 17.--Reprascnta tives of Chambrs o oet s-oa culturai cooliegea and fam oransisa- tion" -9j 19»,&U gs.~pa.lad lana , 1.Southliel»4a.. WjcDnIn, Minnesota, Kansas, Missouri. Oula- boinl and Texea are la Linc êla loday $aY, monoy refundd. Gots rore wormsa a « -t# ie= rm isls. WrIte fer f ret infermaflon en dîseand ridour f hope amt-ehlO4#. EmmàauStftk & Po*lbr Paii, Gd.tîi4., .15 to. discues plans-for xpam" rd cfthe ConEtaetrs' assocation or Amerlos. Tise asociatIon vasorgseis04 bore JenhSgry 4 wlth thse oblect pronwt. 8nmgeter osumotlon et mmraeo Ameticau tables. A oaüpoap aisxst et'M adn sdreductica 0f coin acre age' -thîs year WA# 4lsosade0 day's conferen6W. - Plau sue wdl soWô f tfflul b. voeu ot th. ssoêtaonrodlsôout tise oosa-boll glatis. It la tii. Dm10.. or lhe foud- Or to orpWanie ocM a li ve "Corn t~ W'lia M5af WillIa H~g~ ojscudm7 O f'tise parect a*soolati. reortd tisaI bu badý "sineduw mv*alproalmalsly 100.. 000 pers= oas ta st oa t ltaut dtisd a day for tise '. e t i 11 r., j * tut vcci e ti Sr dii *t1c tb p. d if a v 15 NI h n o il f t i J a s f I 4 1