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Libertyville Independent, 2 Mar 1922, p. 3

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UB~ VillE fA~~E1NTIe r' ~.W&- ORI!ET U'Co féries ',Oh for Ood's sake, can't you lW meé vp down fmurder chaffleP Faces Stream" en at. ..Happy faces. Paiatedfaces, 11111. girl faces. onlesa faces. - e»érsiSce; thse dal>' pattern of * trgedy. ornai>'asd mmouotnY vhih la lthe. lire or a nevapftper voua. . -A lvor.e atiends-d hernfile; a ciioru iea had loPed - itis tie so ef a millionOsre.- Tise ol. oW i alets retelng iheai- selvas ini Dow tenais.... co Mou fthe. urgeâit needto ee lie mav et tise at Presses. Ilvas almoat d"eadlaeime.- ..Th faces atreaid Peut. . . . And tise- Oms fac. fixed itsalI la ber -lad. * Whesfl bd abe mea chouseeyes, tisaI chI? - e ail -e seon tisat tell. troé#i«:u«roi'? Mile topped. hes- LatoI, thonuturcled *bout and 10110v- ed theetoggedyoung man vitb ch. tisehe6k.a. . . . Anid a aise fol- -,ved hlm shb raliled chat aie ceuld %or b. umi= n.Il vas non. other plnWI* <)spet tlhe.youti vio vas trled la Wakegan for the murder cf Marlon l..mbert. bi&swaeetheart. Recils Orpet Trial. As sire feloved alpg. ber mimd vent baek otr e e mous cage. Orpet vas a tuilent ai the Univer- aity'of WlaSonslsL. The lamnbert girli atteaded ihaiscool et Lake Parel.- O-n. vinten day ber body vas roundinlutise voods near Lake For- est the ips burned vils scld sud lit- tie viite flecks ce ber ceat. The fleeks ver. aualyzed and it vas r,- veaieds h, dietI front cyauide et po- î tassium polsonling. Orpent vas arrested visen il vas learusd irerthat.bat! stalen svay f tront the univerbitY 10 5etise girl, reierniug te next day. . . . Let- ters were (oud wviîcisshowesi the girl has-well. she bad lcved tee Rendezvous with Desth. The poson, il vas revealed . bad been taken Irons a greenîscuse ta vhicls Orpet hsd access. . . . H. vas ftally acquitted. but tise case vas nesver cleared up . . Thse general belief vas ihai se bad kept a rendezvcus vih deatb. that be, badi brought ber the fatal potion sud stood passive ville se drank It.- But, mused the wveasu. val vas h. dolug lu San F'rancsc? jThe youth turned m tb e entrance au ~ apartaiest building. The vcm- rlloved., M arn a IDawsoin." **Ompet, oh. WiII Orpet!" ah, called -snd tise youti turned i 1ke a flash hauntlng lear lu bis eyez... "11. e said. "31y naine la Davaon. Tier, l4 some mistake. 1 **But the womnan Ig- nored the anaver .. .. "Whtai are you dama bher," ash, asked-aud hc yots viltetI. l'us îtryln.g to live Ir dovu!' he cr1,4. -Oh., for God's sake. can'l yee let me alene?' 'I Love Hlm" 1Plaids Binde. * The. voman contlnued ber Investi- gation. Bic round seotiser girl there iu San Francisco, s girl wvinaihe itatImarried tnder an assumed uai,. He vas again arrested. They ver, marii'd in a police court. . -I Ile hlm. judge.' pleaded the bride. "I don't case what be bas (ue. Please 1letame laie bli awa>'. - Tiere vas hardi>' a dry eye lu the court rocai. Evert the judge cleared bis tiroat before he sald: 'Dlscbarged!"-aud WIII Orpet vaiked frcai tie roua. i, bhead high. emiling througb bis tears. 90000-00000000000 0 DEERFIELD 0 0009000000OO000000 .H. Meyer,.who is deputy count>' collecter. viii ho at ite DeerfieltI Satisk;=vr> day duningbanking busuntil M w5,vien tabeiooks ame to b. returned- to ~ecoiiiiy Treaserer et Wsmkegau. liý nsd lira. d Bingisamn of Irving Park, ver. thi e, uta eOfMn. sud Mrs. Eugeue Endir, Bandar-. Mir. a"d ins.Gus.Klemp ententainesi a a unben ef tser youngmaàrried fiends ' aturday er-ening. Mir. sud lira George Goodman ver. aurprisesi on Stu%,a evenng by a number oft tieirends Mm s.RaYnusd L of etERiavsood. 'W ~sthie gstof ber aister, lira.Emi A suppervwu giroen lii>'tis.Dorcas ladies cf tihe Pesbra churuit at lise Bilu. Graus Inn on Thusaoay evenlng. Missa Mary sud George Doylè of Lbertyr-Ile, ver. the. guesls cf Mr. sud Mli raBasFritschton Sanda>.:. Mr. sud lira. Clarne'..Huhsu su- nounce tise bith of aSsou ent Sunday, Februany 26. a Mms B. J. Bingbam . ntertained thée .Young listions club at ber,-homne at Irving Park on Tueaday. Misses Margaret Kr.ss sud Eva renleahe i.Aller sud Roeany - t iss Euder'i homne on Wednei- eLadies' Aid of lin. Er-sgelîcai thrnciurch ill iii eneterlained b>' Mn. Fred Labahnu on Thursda>' after- noon. Miss Laura Mubike returne hoben Suuday front Libertyr-ille, viiene ah, had been visitinir Mr. sud Mmr. E. S, Muhîke. Miss Dorotby Ridièt lent che week-end at the home <f Prof, sud lira. Lyos of DeKàlb. Thse uarried zmen 1iaed tihec ge ueaI s game of liabatbaIl on Tei, vithtii Mld*5 boWs 1< >12. il 0000 0000 000 0000 Boni Rilla vas a Chicago business calier Monda>. Chanter Siiepierd cf Lbertyville, in vlstlng Ir-subo. frienda. Mm-a Chas. Scitnaser of Grayalake, la vialting t tise A. B. Bausom home. Carnie Kees. a niece of A E. Ranseai, vas tsken le tb. Count>' heepital Mon- day and operstesi on fon apisendicitia. M. E. L Nevton of Forrest, II., la visting at tbe home of PL . Dunu. lm ira.Clk Dunu la ensle to teach sclsool .s s o f iIe Thoera vas no basket bal game Fnida>' netbl.as expected u account cof tise illnais os smofat h.players. Rev. Scott Carn of Ferant 111., visitesi is saughten sud familîy, Wed- neada>' andi Thurada.' Mnr. D. Kees tof Fort Wayne, . min l vlitiug at Use honn, cf A. E. auscai callesi home b>'tise seroes ilnesa of is daughter, Carrde. 90600000000900000 0 MONAVILLE o 0000000000000000,00 Mary sud Editi t Aleli hase enteresi or schoul. We are glad4o see Venu Bamutable back aiter stscb s long absence. W. tbsuk tii. dineclors for tise 0ev stove. We ais have a uev desk pur- chased witi tise baket social moue>'. We hv bar- ug oui uev castalus snd ve f..l "&Il dressesi up. " Thomse vIe babd a perfect week lu speling are: Hilda Tweedj, James liontlnis, Mars Galige, 'tliam sud ,e..Ziow, Lloyd Atvel.Lloyd BtMeagttl getuGIler, Morris .Wllklun. Claren Galdigen, Frncetansd Nelle Martinis. Our achool ciart ha& icoked ver> respecte e élaittwIo motts.Ai mnt qveryode hms rectived excellent lu speffiàsg. Mn. sud lire. B. Wilkinsonansd sous ver. Wankegan visitera Thursay>., lins. Bent. Gs-ixer r-islten relatives in Wankegan, eeny Mr. sud lKra. W. Alveli sud Mn. sud lira. H. Atvell sud faml>' vWsted Art Atvel. Sonda>'. Blanche Soreuson sud Doroth>' sud Avis. Hansonisvisited the. Tweed girls Sunday. Mn. sud lmas. F. Bunetteot Cheaiuug, vsitesi ber parents. M. *sudlira. J. Soeson, Suda>'.. Gatas ln s Roman CAMP. Tise "prelorlasn gatl' waj tise naine of the front gale ith s Roman camap. It was always tise gale chat-taced the enesY. Er-er>' Roman camp bad four gta Tie .decoman gat' was op- pst ê is praetolan gale,'asud vas te' tartist frexn lie enemy. Tise Zatea On, -h rlgit aud loft ides of The. Woman's Msionary socety willL merTu.sdaL sfternood, Msrch 7, at' the ome f n. A. li. Muhike. Several mambers of the orchestra ati.nd a musical at Orchestra Hall Chlcao on Tueay evening.' Mr. 'and à#Ma W. A. Whiting of Irving Parkvere the Sunday guesta of à4r. sand ira. Lincoln Pettis. mits: R. E. Pettis entertined a coi-. puay of littie people on Fnlday after. stoon m kSoro f ber daughter, Jean'& fifth iiltiidey. Mia Sw .Enston of *Harvey. apent the week-end t the. home of 0. E The W. C. T. U. held their regular moethly meeting at the. home of Mrs T. L. Knank on Tuoedaby. Thy are t"klg uF.dial Govermeait by Debort ox Uvingatoli. Mlle Isabele Bledertat of Highland Park, spent tii. week-end t h Parents, Mr.. and ira. Y. C. Biedratadt. Miv. Sastah "meansd Lis baye gono te ltsaaswood to spend a couple et W&etaftie home of -Mr. and lMis Fr"d iark. M#J. John 'Woodmau entertained a number of little folkasu honor of Romes'.irtbday on Saturday aiter- nome. OBITUAIIY Mmlir.adie Huizenga, wife of Ralpit Huizenga, as bornuMay 7, 1885 at Grogengan, Rolland, dled at'lb. lice Home h-oeitul, Lake Forest, on Thuns- day, 10h. 2. 8h. wuvassrried to thHulsgs l Augut 190. Te a eon den ver. bon, on 4w. vbeii 2 reas o" Mrm.Huizeuga vas ralaed he i Chiatian Reform cbureb of vbieh ad. vas a m.aibs taitil ber death. For tii, st four year thé h»A beau a fathful attendant vith ber family of tite Deerlleld Presbytenfa cIcheh iere ber fou" I sevice e beld on Mnda aternon. The aso of the. Ho. cd hurèb, ber bo ach=cb Ceag =aded by EXv. Timof P. ehurdi. 8h. leaves a sosrowing bumbend, 5 chldren, motter, fashen, 4 siteMu 4 binthersansd a boat offrienda. The. Interment vas In the. Northt Nonttbeli esmeter>'. UNITED JVANGELICAL CHURCHM IfYcubayebeen lmmeraed in busi- ness ail tbrofi hAe week, Sunday isaa gS im ô eeu oraeatb of services.At tii. moring prahing service the MabWet vill b. «'Tie Open and CIoeed Door. lIn thiî even "Tbe Unhangeable Pupoa ofCod The Chritian Endeavor sociely will meet vitit Mrm.Chester Wesling as leader and viii discuas tie aubjeet, "Better Home Lie. " SThe.montiily business meeting snd social cf the.C. EK societ>' viii b. held Friday evening at tise home cf misa Florence Gooasu. lu tise early years et tîeir if, lu lise Madden scisoul district, the>' ver, communicants at tise aid Catislic cisurcis ai Waukegan. calleil St. Jas- ep's. visen thse Rer-. Bacus aslminîs- tered the needa afthte parlsh. Tien at Ste. Peter sud Psui's chur-cis, vich *as bullt near tise preseut site cf Use idea!lsanmdr> lu Lliertyr-ille, lu vilcis Mr. sud lir. Plucutter asaisted inlua fluanciai va>', maig possible lis emec- lion. Wheu thse Lbertyville parias toIt tise need of tise present editice (St. Joeep's) the Pincutter's vere again readl>'te blp tise cisurcis at al limes. Of the elght ciilsren born ote Iis iuduslrlatss sud higisi> respectaico- pie, tour came te gladdeu their home vhile living lu Calumet, sud et these 'ur lise odest-Tiieadre-vas tise tirst te msmny. Me nov resides lu Lib- ertyvîlle and'-aisly ilt the position ot a genemal fareman on %,Ise Norths Sioe eiectrlc ralîrosil. The secoad udhis orti sano. Henry sud John, are em- ployed. respectir-el>', as a driver sud formean for the Herrickt Tauning or- gaulisaion at Laite Porest, sud bath lis, ln that cil>'. William, he tiird son, isas bis home lu Wankegau. sud la toremasuin h, gslvauiziug depamt- aient cf lie Cycane Pence Comny>. Mary, the, eldeat daugbter, Isaeot greal assistance la ber busband, Wil- liami Langé, vina is proprietor ef a gmecry store lu Waultegau. George, tise sîxtis lu erder cf age, hisa slarge tarai ecar tiseSwau scisoal, Grayslake, sud the, yeungest sen, Josephs. la t, preseut ou the mothers tarai lu our district-Tise seveuth chldt, Elizabeth, i. manmlod ta Hemman Kists sund r.- ides lu Norths Chicago. , M. sud lira. John Fincutert cele, brated their silver veddiug anîr-er- sary ln 1892, andi Marcis Marcis 101h, 1900, tissunion oet tva iard vorklng Indivlduals vas broken b>' the dealis cf the iusaud. Since that lime Ms.. Christina Fincutter bas made ber home on tise tarai. gatiseriug about hem eacis year fam a enion on ber bîrtis- day tis, familles cf hem elgis I ldren. Mer grandcisidmeu number seventeen, To che entire countuunitY Blre. Fln- cutter ropreseuta tise best of vbsl Ire are thlukiug visen y, speait reverent- 1>' of that vend «'Meler." MADDEN SCHOOL NOTES Miss Nellie Skvarakovski, a pupil ofthlb Gsmee higi sachoci. visîted min sciai Weduesay. Pes. 22f. Miss Msay, daugiter of M. sud lira. Josephs Miller, iett Mouds>', PeS. 21 for Nev Yomk ity>, visere h, viii speud Ivo veeks bu>lng gooda for lbe compan>' b>' vicisshe il aipiayed. In ti is e la nder tise direction et Lad>' Dutt Gardon. Tise ecet arrivais seen b>' resi- dent set this district are tise roéin, Mlue bird, ieadov larit. kilideer andI red headed woasipeciter. HermnsScisecit, Ir., and taml>' of our district, viso msidei au tise 1Tém- inuScisect, S.- tramn, Isaioving te tise L. BuIkIe> tarm about a hait aille norlis et Lîbertyville on Mlvaukee avenue. Heur>' Baysen. Jr., sud tamly have rented tise tarai vacated b>' Mr. Scinrecit. C. P. Penuer, viso isagbeen living lu aur district vilS bis . tiugister, Mies Eaima, fom man>' yeara, bas soid bis f=taratered, Sobreeder of Hait Day. Tise dance visicis vas given b> Ilwl choir at tise Prairie Veim,- hall was a decided succese. aeciaIiy as veil as tinsuciail>'. Tier. vas a large crowd preseut, sud ail enjoyesi liemaselves Iaimensely, egardiess af age. Tise grass receipts amcisnîed te $63. Tht mesuiers eoftis, choir visi le express their tisanka te the musiciani sud aIl tiose visa belpet maire tise danuclise 'uccess il vas. Mmi. liaude A. Knoi, lise deput>' ta.x taxes, sud as ber time la limlted ltfs UP 10 yOd te be prompt, If ycu vlsh te take adysutage ofî'isme accommoda- tions. Mme. 2sayme Holais sud daugiter, Ella Doria, are spending a couple ci veeks wvth lira. Hissîcut Bervyn. Illinois. C. J. Hemciherger and Miss Alice sîsitesi triendsaiatEnglevoud Bunda>' Rer-. Keithhs roossiale vas s Hait Day visiter lait Sonda>'. Sonda>' tchoul aitishe usual isour, 10:30 s.m., sud esesing services at 8 oclock. Everybudy crune eut sud at- tend tise meetings. 0 0Pl 0000000,0000 o POGRSWESCHOOL e 000000000000000000 Roert Âmes, s se'. cth grade pupîls bas lieu operated ou for aPPendicitls aI lise lcAlîster isospital. lie probsbly a> not Se aSle la canne te scisool durnug liarcis or Aprit Tise pupils visa bave brushed themr teelis tvice a day aud are pertectlnl atteudance aud punctilalit> ' viI me- ceise s mewamd. Mir. Brack*on. a director,hias rpade a ccal,,iin, sud partîtioned off a'place for lteé furnace in tise iaseuseul. A nov pump bas Seen put lu Place et tise oee vicis was broken a 1ev veeks age. Margaret Ronue, a (xx at grade pupil, bas bUn 1 taise music lessOitS bOom Helen Ansanu et Beach. (Ibee vio bar-e been perfect lu spelllng fan the veit are: Jamtes Eni, Transi DeWoody, John Kerpan. Lav- renice Amaill, Otierdan BrocktmaMd Ced. eAmazn. The tbree viso iad thse Seat atoIes or Abirahamu Lincoln mecelr-ed a revard. They ver. 4Grace Bmocksen, Clifford Nauts andi Ced. Amants, Tiseoee had che hest sotry tif Gee. Waashington vas Herbtert GoUsit. A pisotognapher canne ta tise scisool on Vaientine da>'. ias Heosand thse pupila bail thir picînres laissE. Cecile Aa"n speut Tuesday uigist wils Mn. and lina. Josephs Brockion sud tamil>'. Mauy attended lise dance at tise acisool building Siturda>' nigisl. Tise people et Beach sud near bere have faraied a uev club. Tise>' vii have meetings er-er>' veek or se, aI visicis lime tise>' will dance, pIl>' cardsansd bs,'ye lunch. Mr. sud lira. Lawrence Amaun and daughtere. Helen andI Hartisa, agent Mouds>' er-eing vils Mr. sud Mn. Chsarlos Heldridge sud tamil>'. IPwM fl it anui of Few. IRgtt1sn Kaeara mare aurinigt tho* *ào egnlMder hmma afai . a ispesapiical eye tIss tise ealseu witlî w-ltch lte min>' are govenued by the, r '-- t CACIIEOfST n A.GE Ul S.PRQFI3RTY 15 FOIJND i#Y RAIDERS Great Lakes authoities startd investigation, followung arrost of Pinks m Witiste arreat of lira. Pbilip Pink c f 111h street, ?eorth Cbicago, sud tise attejupt te take Int custody ber tu-' band Ouaday b>' raidera freai tbe office E cpýo cf State's Ateorney' A. V. Smih a Che, far stelen United State's Property c vas leCated. andI auLitites froma the A sl1i I~ Ol goodà vere stolen, taday are conduct ing su investigation vicisMay'resait bv ln a nmbner cf arrenst h.proveat tT marahi at tis, naval station bellevez a 'feuce" for tolen properI>' bas been The State's Atterney's men tound B d e i k yie magazine rifles, tbree asnmunnîton The Lares e lIi Sella sud a poncho vblcb vere turu- etI over 10 tMe Great Lakea autitoriea aud Proseentor Smiith requetted chat For Sa tien. mak a more complete luvetiga. R lal '-~ The local raiders intercepted lira. R lal Pink Il, su attempt te dispose o cunîYOfaboeb orn tot Soie Dli tb. officera charge, but ber buabauti L. TE'WELS SP escaped through a rear door. He did- u't have time te get bis sbo.sud 5ed' iu bis ibonze alippers. 1He la being brought cheers fr paign woî Waukegan agalu wortib-vhlle dr-b s Batirda>' nfgbt b>' ga. lu lb, $11,600 Y. W.1 This aures bon the tise year euding Peb organizatin mainta iscuse sud a psid ret and a meaiberaslpi brace aI least 1,000 vi Tise Y. W. C. A. 0ff munît>'tise prluciple varti more -ta bersq communit>' 'hen ail1 ture are SeIng deveic ciatiou dessires t10 i commnusit>' lu co-op( for young vemen; t] caliesi actir-ities ar( vomen megardiesa of vitb the association The memiens of are tiaI grcup vise. patby vith the, pumpo cistion, desire ta agents lu tise carrylui gram Iu tiseir comir cf a great vorid mov vamen wvich shall tise irorld upon tise pt lion et true Chrîsti Iu simple ternis li concepstion of tise yct is a good citizen IB on pisysicaîl>', vbe IsJ enjoys goud times s: vhis aapirltually-mi gises expression lIn purpose et ber lite. Waukegau la theme gratulated upen cou dlent moue>' te main C. A. for lise comlng Tise campaigu lis succeesful. Wben Il ver, In Satutrda>' n had been secured, le& et $799.15 ta Put tise tise top. Wlististe Rer-. C. A. leader Chas, P. Mlx,à -men, lise vorliers tIec campalgu that nigisl1 thUe mene>' amouril lise mesuit t)àat tisirI] 'lie>' ver. aIl sluglsig tGang's Ail ler,. We get." Iu addition ta tise1 trhbuted. the asocîstic 82E wr-oth et milk, fi mer, electrie heil and ber et baud etubrelde seyerai eliser articlel contributed. L Toa mucis cannet i et tise earuest arM>' 3tise officers of tisei ua l uWcantruted ing tise week, but att put tise cajupaigil ovu dollars. Miss tesm ailadtise lighcý veeit, with Mrs. R. tetai a crase second. 1 efere the final mc ta ver>' clever sketdl marriage of Miss Y. Budget, vas preseul large measure piaced the rrlght trame etfim sport. The affIcers ai thse îMmi. S. FH. Bread. 1imas. j. B. H-ansien, mise Air-a Nelson. board et dimectcre ci tANDSEI nal 'Puîity Fron mNôxious Weedsý rand Seeds ýr the Northwest mie By is Everywhere RD CO. Milwaukee Christina Wetiig vas born ln West- faien ceunI>', Northwestern Germany. August 10, 1842. Rer father vas ou. cf several hired bauds on a rich man's farai, aud et thse early age of ten years ahe took ber palce aanong the farmn girls. Durlng thse next fifteen years ah, vas engaged as a helPen on var.i- oUS tarais, at eue time assiatisi. on the Ellenlng Farai. becomlng veil ac- qualnted vwith the tva sous. Tii. younger son. Henry, laler camne te re- ide in aur sehonl district. Am=o other Intnxates vere John Fîncutter and Mir. sud lira. Bernard Beckmsn. In 1867 tisese two couples started for &merle&, traveling iu a stesinhoat. Their boat steppes1 t Liverpool, sud su it vas nearly tire. veeks before they saIy the land called Amen-ca. Net viahing 10 tarry at New York.4 they continued by train te Calumet, Illinois, and there thse tva men feund employ- aient on tb, railroad. Befare they bail been ln Amerîca ai montis, Miss Westling became Mr,. John'Fîncister October 6. 1867, snd. tbey vlshed to beceme settled on a tarai. Property near Pullman cotld be hail very reascnaisly at that lime. but did net appear tu bc fertile tarai land. Frends near Waukegan adviaed them te settle ln titis part cf th. stats, and In 1874 thýey came by rail tu Waukegau and bougbt forty acres f romn Tom Sheren. This property la a part cf the pres- eut lira. John Flucatter f arm sud at that tîme the uer-hern part ofthtie preseut hou* vas ised as a home; tehrvas a rude rtsucture made or pees drven jte tise gnonud snd slded; the raiters ver. poplar poles and the rouf vas cf shingles. The land vas not veli celared and thse grain vas sowed by band. Pences ver. xwot comment, and the cova f re- quently roamêd about at yull, causiug somne exctemeut. They vere essen- tlly dafry fariera, flnding a ready market for their produce in the City cf Wankegau. Their neareat neigbbors iecluded Mr. sud Mrs. Rndolpb Epker, who stili raide ber,; the Green family who ived ou tise northwest corner of the present Ilucutter tarai; the H. Grimes famiiy. on the Chas. Stlzma afrai the J. Grimes famîily east ef the railroad: t ho Mddee fanily on the present Ed Sage, farai. actuai cash cou- tn aise tscelved Ice fer tisesuai' il vinug, a nom- sred pillowesud s vich vere be said lu praise cf vonkens sud association vise tiseir time dur- tie final moment over vls hemr Uns ginckson'a mt total for lbe A. Caldveli's ports vere read ,h depictiug tise w. C. A. te Mr. led, whIcts in a d tise wVikers lu ailot for tise fluai associationlare: vice prealdent; -secretary, sud treasOmer. Tise emprise tise 0111- FREDDÇ ABE AUCTI0NÉelRING PARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH- COUNTY ST. WAÙKEWA. PHONE 24-41 Rayer.Cira.e eIeuaCl do flot navi a esmnffl ýPhwne 26 Roci S2,tg 8'si Dits. 1MM & DAVIS Nervousand Chrolo Dl~ MAl 01Ne ela RAM INDU CM.t, ork Mr: Feauer la plannIZg tO mOve fr Wauke.gau. Rlesry,lgnider andl family, vho are veli kn4Wun ealde»tsof this district, for five snd One-bIMf y.ara. are rmoving fmtise Creli or HEItop tarai ut thseWtahool district. visere lie lia reuted a faim. To correct Mn error lu a recent issue, v. vish te Ma»6 tAe Soflvlng report: Clayton Ifl.c «M WortL, bas lu- staileil a Wiliys eheo*tc Ugt plant aI the James Guernu ealdeisce. This was atter the Delco Litt ad been given a daentrtati t f».aMme Pace. J. p. Glea or 0FPleasant Prairie speut Prldy anti Ut*arday vwilh his sister basee. HISTORY F f MWE SCHOL <Cotnued frelinlait veek) (ContnuUed frein iat week) Inufrieut of thie pIool bouse ia large rùck, rems3b -a'. glacial per- iod. Aftiiough t.ke .CUAD«ng18 large. il vas net any tàIàî lsa oi tisenum- ber cf pupils la e*wý da7î, as there vere Irtiaiel.gity *t9'Àue h undred in the, vînten tîme,, 'elthéb. urer boys aUtended. The sBiUeàyer.vas dlivided into smumer and 'luter tenais, four months alueacis. Teachers ver. pld freai $18 te $20 a moutb. Th#ra bas-ebOen fiftY-six different teaChffl -4Uring the suxt. tbree yeara-lSUte 2523. "Spelllng scisools" vere otten held, and the roocWO s eoded vIth peo- pie frem mlles arOlllll "Bandera NeNF Speller- vas used snd many of tbe centestas.ts ccild speti thse yards correCui> from caver ta cever. C;eorge Beshe!. 0o Lincolu's sud Waablssgte's birti, days ver, celebrafed bY the, pMils vils appropriate emertiss. Tise motta fer Ibis veek vas -Let us alvays have faith tisat rlght makes migisI and in tisaI faitis, let us darm te do our dstY, as ve understaud it.ý-Abrahz01 'i' .n Win.l The stormy veatiier only kept tvo pispils tram acheol tbis veek. Man, have trom one ta tva ailles t0 watt. 000 000000099000000 o 0 HALF DAY o 000000000000000000 3h. tisai tie ti*a mil. bsuts an - oisatle use. a frein as emb euRtad lb. ta rat "ba l" 392""9 bd lge NIO Tops coa &1 pw mre I. cc=eS 'l OMRY OF AN OLD SEMER egan viser. ais.ceresud lirs. W. C. .McKlsney. Mn.- ----------- ml vas releases R. D. Wynu. Misa Frances Bray,-Mlra. ----- ber cf civilisus G. H. Bâiratov. Mra. A. K. Baves. e ven the raid Miss Kate Crmuomnd, lira. C. L R IN T of the Pink u Hanson, lira. Chase P. 'dix, Mn,. T. R I G O d ta a sailor at E. Morris, lira. P. 1. Persoa, Miss tation andth te Frances Phelàrà, MISa Florence ýs Ioday ver. ta Rosen, Hazel Sella, Mme. W. C. Rtuths- * 10 TEL * ne guns sud the erford, Mme. Elam Clasrke sud Mmi. whether he bas Miss Ethel Troy l tse geneiai Sec-[A 1 ber- tise>' ot retary. The budget campaigu vas ( o under tise general supelvisiau ot Go M e I5k lties bave been Miss BIsel Sella, chairman et the "r cf gunsansd finance ceuîmittee. asiBted iy Misa ie te put a stop Dorotby Hevîtt aud Missevwasuof av, amouâted ta tise national bbard. lirs H.C. Sur- îTW#I Il la belleved uett isad charge cf ogaizing tiseG old aud traded woricers sud Mrs. Robert Driadal V AU' G Ni supervised thse dinnera, vhicbver - donated aud served by lhe Bapliel, Metisodiet. Congrealional. Episcpal andrChristian cisurches. Miss Blen 0o0o0 0 0 '0 0* . 0 0*0*Il- Pearson was office manager aud or-. FOR ALLT laioN a qI0 tEAI, gantzed the cierical vork. 1C0INTV, Us.c,ùlbxF olmDEENTOP.41 A- [S RAISEDS SNC'~ IN 'CRIMU ÀND U w aturday night Attoeny.at.Ls ,om the cam- i1RIK~ N3S Office at Home, u o ok*vene rkers-Tbpoa13. added ta ber Asst. Chief Tyrrel says condi- ccamplisbmnte tion bas developed through M RI I I ing oser the top nihk4éi te.-tL ~ ,i~ C. A. campaigu. p _____Ateno- 1a e ccameunity for Titter ruar>'.1923. bas been a.masmed In. WAM mtàrpe inissg a club crease lu drunkenuessansd crime inceoffice Pies.84."& e.V sident secretar> tise asiveit et natianal prohibition, la 'ip«* wiilcl WI em- tise charge of Anet. Chief et., POoeLY L .u~ romen. Thamas Tyrrell of Waxskessam L rea "0Ii cm~ Lok t our record et. ineeIs,,' th" tie.tL c hat a girl, le assistant snid. "Thoen cOmpare Ii; vlth l elf sdt e tise recordj three yeara ago. Look at . aides of ber na. tise record cf priacuera kept lu lb I.- poe1M lied. Tise 888c' count>' jailIIbm.. years ago as campai le used by th ed ta nov visenlise jailil leil .4toa fi... >eative service capaclty constauti>'. Wis>'. vshave PeAL A= ierefere Ius a>ceaie ta a point viser. v a iscou- .e cpened ta ail front tise proilem of erectlug su addi- LIBERTYVILL, U.ULNOU. thier affliation tien t0a ur caunt>' lait. tu membena. "Oni>'aa 1ev yearsagarc e vers aile Teflepsia3., the. association ta get alona -wtb four policemen sud iieiug in syai- vers able ta handI, tise situation lu oa, cf Use asso goed shape. Rigit uoW ve bave a . L WALTERSs become active Score cf efficera sud ve neetI eVen>- PEYOItmA AD UQO. ig out of Its pro- oeeof tissa te keep condIttios Dîaeffl f Won n sd CIies unlt>' andI pari sîraigbt. The records shsov tisa t iihea, «al 'Oeuent fycuugbig majorit>' cf cases isoulch, la ras. ÂKGN- iselp ta rebulîid ponsuble for the. present condItIons._________________ )erbesuentfut asThey usedta tell.1una chat under pro- M demacrarcy. hihition a police terce wonid i. pnsc- W. W. JO1ISON D. D. S le Y. W. C. A.'s tîcal>' unuecessar>'. Developaients doûETS sng veman vbc net bareout tie prodlctioil."Phn81. 12N G ««O ne viso la Streng M. Tyrreli saisi thatthi. lucres., l hne8In1*N.One. Intelligent, r-ho crime andI drunkenine8s le net oui'- WAKly ILNI nd lbas frieuda, couflued ta Wankegsn but la fond la. inded and hvboetiser c'tien Ilailprer the countîry'. Me DR 0. F. BUI'td2(FR service te tise points te 1h, conditicng ln Cicago sud asserta liaItishe police force tiser. VMCTURINARY. SURGOII - fore le Se cou- abeulsi h. augaientesi b>' atleat lv,. AssIstant Bitate Veerin*-lan. ntmbutlng Suffi- Ibousand additional patrolaien tao BETYff Lunhosq . tain tise Y. W. issudie tise situation adequatel>'. _________________ Syear. elf vas isigisi>'mot AIway DR. J. L TAYLO ne fiuai reports y$$9 nlgist $10,700.85 "«U yeu're rigist. visaI te tia0her Office In Prist National fgek 8 seving s balance lmev iblks deesu't matten," asys H om5i: _jte 3:100=4 1 toS acampaigni over ezehange. Tell' tiat te tise motcoult Reuldence onBvobÈwXý -, d ?* »bc, bas ramii foiofuthtie traffic cop.- LIRTYVTrnLUjM0â1tota Kelly and sang Boston Tranterint. __________________ acting as spokes-e ________________ ~ ,ss.5, clded 10 endthtie tgju~R ~*I b>' gtiartteêlt Waliatou4ôn.at> Btc. 5rqe. Is bem$elves. vhs tyminutes laterWA UGILJOL ç"Hall, Hall, Use Public Aco5oift t 0 Auditif. ire gel our hud. Aemmtng Bw *tMu. 5AdtI -f and birougiit 10 Wauke gave bond for $2,000 a There ver. a nuail aud sailIos in th. placA teck place. A daugbter 1>' recentl>' vas marrie, lise naval training ai Great Lakea autisenltiei grill hlm coucerniug Il uavy equipment visîcl the Pink home aud v an>' inoviedge as te there. The station authorit missing a large numix beltsansd are determin te lbe theftta viîn ha thousanda cf dollars. that tbey are beings for meausine. IS "OVER TI

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