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Libertyville Independent, 9 Mar 1922, p. 4

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L~IVII WF'W~V.7IUD~Y MAcH9,.19U2 _______ _______ HuMAIT fl~~4IJ ~ O. Haiiry, at the Highwood offices of ~ ~ R F S ST ~>ryille iùdependent H"" M IS h nry iiotlfled ,Cornfier J. L. finÂN 1914 T ~j7ukag W1~&N founI ON CAR ed the djspatcb:r to bury It and mark! ETRA10 I étawtom a li, as Secod Cans Mail Natter.tebn a b eund PR1 y, i4SOCTLY 1N ADVANCE. thare by sone medical student as al O@f» T 1,tibkrde Echage.Joke o ot .The band vas blond-' ____________to. Condyotor make gruesome Âccordlug, to Chier Dispatcher Arthur Bladorn released 1h~ oclManage' find; hand was ubder seat of Henry the band vas somewbat shriv- couflty jaau on'promise ______Localanage eled ahd oeay have been in preserva- a $70 O. NU.AYlocal street car tlou. The manner lu wbich Itpa $75 carrled loto the car la a mfYsterY as ibere were noIndications that t had Arthur Biadorn, conductoro A human band, severed at the been wrapDed. 1 may have dropped Chicago, North Shore & Mlii M A RUON A ND W IIT E rlst, was found Thursday noon un- ot of a sultease. electric rallroad company, wI M"4m.Chleâmiosr Waido Aa^»i n Sditor'-?avit eailoway Chicago, North Shoe & Milwaukee CHOOSE ARCHITEOT FOR on a charge o! havlng beina amIeusa anagr-John TWoëa. Electrlc Rdliway, by Couductor L. S. v al l kown youug Waukegan «£iItor*s-Carulyn atterflal*l, Kathryn More. and E*h.I rasse. Smith. o! Milwaukee. NEWi. SCHOOL BUILDING an, vas released Thursday under ____________The vixasome obeet appareutly At a meeting of the Board et EdiICa- bonda and bis agreement to pal Mia', Marais 2, our teea lyed 12as: yacks exans vl±b flyîng colora, wus the hanit o! a mmiind ud a dis- tdon of Ditict,107, tie new Elm Place toeard the support of bisa s ame at thea tmaia=ineuT. h Baflk once more afier two days' va. covered on a northbound local, be- sohOOl at Hghland Park was dlsous- vîctîmas child. lisgt year tba± LU T. I. S. liad catin, wliich aboul have beau voS tween Lake Forest and Hlghwood. -ed and Herbert P. Beers was chosen Blador , la 24 years oid an tea su w.areplase wlb sea, fr tea.efain enuisWlich Conductpr Smith gave the baud to architect to draw up the plans. home lB In Wisconsin but he tem ad is repluedwih e nt , rriv fafl xaswh Condutor Jesse Helton, of Highland 'Mr. Betasa aiseso drawlng plans for local run on the North Shore WMwng, aveu if tibS id reet6CTarivetis Pairk. on a retiimn rn, sud the latter the uew county court bouse ai Wau, The girl le 20 years of agea f Bdo the Scor. alMisa Bryaint vas 111 and unable te tued It evar to Chia! Dispatcher G. kegan - the member of a good famlly ry tl53ed t 04k Park and it 1*0k meet ber la"esMonday. -- a fe* seconds to gai used to theaTisa boys are enJoylng the new ai.h- It w au e5aformous place, -id4 letie equipinant wtslch has arrived; py thse felleva badlte get aC- foine show rare abllty lu flylag thru ime4 te hIL the air and iandixM rather.bard. We .a oua great thing thse mat- Oh horrors! Our Senior clam la idi that vas ilack o! achool aplr- saowly dlnishing. Wua played Rîverside anld River- Mr. Herring, rcpreeeztlng a type- wus represented hy a large num- write comvany. vllted acisool Mody ir or studantsansd aiso their and reasired one of the machines in leader. They cheered tis e isun ue at tise ecbooS g a±ursiy the reauli vas vie- Straw bats viiikSn eau a ouiug W9a, snd iesîdes the teaus tiera have apared at higslgchool. inily one or ivo personia relire- Seniors are rushing the play whlch lx à,. T. H. S. Wbat la tise mat- cornes soon. ,'Ml the tudantsamarera*hy ta -.-"(- Me "knockers" vas there ta hack Mother vas tryiug to impress Biiiy mm y the edfying stOry f Wahiugtaii ai met vusard luck lu baskets. Parker made a bas- bié fIrst quarter whlcb Put PeP r. H. 0. ha represeuted iu 1923 iei ougisita obe ibere. to$ the fellowao utha.team! -.C. FH.,1"22. àNTIM-SOCIETY DEBATE Ébttl..lnter-soclety dabate vas aieanbly laut Wednesday. Tise 'Btrlhould Collages ha Kept AWreslonain m?" ,eIsté as more iuierestlug e4bus dabatea, as everyone la Md a good clean athetics. *1 Wigttssu,.vice preidet of fbbu s ochetY, preided aitisae ; Paliers ere prepareil andl Y Oa'rolnButterfielil, Edward Md R arriat Putuamn. t wu as elear es cistal va aesbOuld hava protes- Vus thenýopeneil ta dis- ssatisa papers was'e reail by of tbe Athenacul Soclety. ý9*s.kr reprweed the Sag- dmSociety Abert Eagarty tu;tison Bdon Ritchien; nexi o'tongued oua' Daid Flagg. 1 naarly forgot to tell you tbat 46atà vas a tla. ë'tpeakers were as follews: MMOqM-Bldou ElicIsen, Eleanori âee&~a De lion and Cecil Hook. sults.i D't you sea tisa lesson. George vould fot tell a le. Ha iôld the trSt aveu thougis bis raller tood there witb ' cane lu bis band!.' "Huis!" sail Blly. "Thats noinlg. George had tise hatchat, didn't ha?" "What madle y ou quit yaur job?" "Theflrm insulted me." "Took my narne off tise pay roll." " He'secrazy, your benor. 1i round himý dovu on Main atreet tryiug ta crank a car.,. -Why, thai doesn't prove hlm crzy" "But there vas no car tisere, yer isonor." iDDITIONAL LOCALS IMiss <race Ulfers e! Hghland Park vjld M iss Ada Reifer las, Thum, day O'rning. Tise Trassidor familly Who realded ou Broadway, moved to Monday to a fain isear Palaine, Tb%,Misses Joaephine Flamnani sud *lice Fanikuer vere Chicago visitors last Tbursday. .1 The Misses Elele Morris and Mariel Andrews were W&iikegan visltora on lasi Saturday eveulug. ais ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tr SaeAÊeiHgry utîerfield o! Aurora vas here~ iagg. Walter Parker, Casro,ýISunday vlating is Parents, Mr and i aud Gilbiert Voelker. Mr.. E. W. Butterfield. -A. 0. H., '24: i. Tr. H. si NEWS Quite a number of Lihertyville's v, Fais. 24, the studeuts were youug people attended the dance given i seuci needed vacation while at Hl-u"'i Hall, lu Waukegan, iast St] mbers visited otiser schOOis. îrday nlght. f cause hack pretty velisatis- t tisey are teachlug lu L. T. H. Mr. snd Mrs. P. J. Boiim uad teacing studeuts viso are Mr. and Mr&. Fred =o :.em dni i'ta'llgaua." . daugisier visîted Sunday wth relatives Ray' callied on a few o! the at Haif Day. a te giva ibeir Impressions of Inlut ai eire issue of The ludepeuil1 '.ools. The greater numbar of eut ail item reaîîug ta "Damp Wasb" lh icîeleago o! tiurs.e rgrnlutise dlsplay ad of the Reliable Laun- lisChîagoor ssbrbs Thy Iry rend $165 vhen il should have Itist ail achools vwers Pretty read $1,25 for 25 ponuds. This lauudrY ha aime. Thse tndenis vera la makiug a speclaty o! familiy vash- ý' àe at U~ T. H. S. (many bril- ig aud fa reievmng the housavife of!i id , floqt »0 riiiiat.) Al budna iteePne ýQls vere evercrevdad, but uheabudni îtexpu. à clam oomsansd assembiîes F. A. Blshop e! the Lihertyvile Lur- tia&l>' good. (Tisey bail on ber Campaxsy. reports ibat tise com- ocapeuy maxners). pauy up to the preant tme bas sel RulaW ih viatsted tise Math. more than ixty peunds o!fseeds ta et tiseHUiversity' igb Sebool, the fariera lu iis tarriiory. Tis Mvas lneplrad hy tise attention voulil Indicate tisai the farmars are qed tisai sie could couvey h ta not sending ava>' to unkuowu fime i. Is. for thalrt seeda, but are huying ai po- the teachera vers ail ler borne vhers the>' knov sssy complante i ;; are bers. We agrea wit suay ha adjustail. Tise indications are in l prafemrng the younger tisai a mucb greater acreage lu Lake count>' 'ill ha usaI for grain PurPoses m Vesauis laou tisasick it aiibis the comte; saaou. Wa bae cte a" bar soon. ________ teseiers Insttute Tisurada>' andiMh LINDERPAAN PLEASES r et lasi Weak gave the aindauta LARGE AUDIENCE TUESDAV1 a' ',uc&Um i.Tise tudenia fet A langer audience tIss uzuuai vas owand exiecu te pVus the coin' presant Tamada>' evaning la the Fi'st ___________________Mtisodsi EWpopal cbumch aitisae f ourtis number of thse Cemmuniiy Eu- terwniaSet course te greet Mns. Pan- SH APPY . nie B. Linderman, "the Pot O! Uic ,M D DI ES lu teti at feprogra, rs huaEwBoue Linderin u "'reln toahe __ Uoe t Ibees wriilngs wltIs rare dscrmnation sud Lm rowt M..Te Cher goartasie. Pathos sud humor vers Fk MM ibended la an affect aitogethar de-' lîgisiful. Tisa prograus cieaed wlh ibar: owu dramatisatiou o! SirGilbart Par-1 ker's "The Lana TisaiHas No Turn- ,Mb huii.ý à utioiug," wblcb vas zuanitflcatlY glven. ~ ~ m. Linderman la a rejiler o! rare talant sud ahlit>'. Hem ciarm, o! par-' sauallty.bar gracefui bearlng, her beauiihufly modulated vocs, ber freai- nmansd oniglualit>', ud ber grasp of the dreunaie situaton give bar sead- inga a dishtinsd pleaslngpae- at>. a - . Tise nomt ma 1&t«isiuiber o01bile uuuvfb z*M& sar 1" A owt 0 -0p 4i IER from eto ou tisa swalkea rhe bas Feb. 4, iyed a r $2000 )y $750 alleged nd bis b as a me IUe. sud la i'ea«id- lu; ou tisa South aide, and for tisat reason bar usai. la withbhd. ite *ouug voman, wvoIoa 1abouit ta becomea a iother, rafiised lu inar- ry Biadoru, glvlug as a reason thur she teared he would ltlave hem. 'riere vas, a pathetacsn uthe couunty jail Wednezday aftemnoon when Biaudorn's mother came to visit hlm. She lnduced hlm te stralgisten up the mattar If possible. Hia case caue up la the Coanty court TisursdsJ morniug, ater State'a Attorney A. V. Smith filed crtninal charges agalusi hlm, Judge Persons ding the amonut to be paid hy Bladoru, afler hearlug tise detalis of thse case and iesruiug that tIse young womau would flot rnarry hlm. State Pire Marahal P. &. Bartrain Saturday eonferred vitis Sherif! lM mer Greau conemulus ai u vetlga- lion Inta the cause o! fires at Crook» ed lake. whara Ivo summer cottages vare mysterlouely burned receutly, rasuting lu several thoiisand 'lollarm damage. Tise cottages belougpd ta weaithy Chicago realdeuts., TELLS FÀRMIRS STATE 'SlIOULD CUT EXPENSES Farmers andbankers of Lake- county told beter tax distri- bution needed The public dollar muat ha made to go furtisar lu tise ltereat of the public than ht ever bas before If tisera la te bu general taxation relief, Geo. A. PM , ecretary of thseIlîlinois Argi- cultural association. declarud Patur- da=a meeting of ceuni>' bankars, b »11um men and thue ecutive cem- uittée o!tihe Lakle (louai>' arm bu- raslet aiUbertyvilue. "tber tbat" adlir SM . "or aise we muai have a botter distribution of taxes over taxpsying Progeri> thon re bave at preosen. Thue. i sama tu me, ara our ebi>' byecances for justice and relief. rn ,ek.is K Mlii La ~ea rat uad yls r,! mit t'..' Form, erly Dr. Price's Baking Powder, when made wlth Cream of Tartar, cost 50c. With flic-introduction of phosphate we are enabled to sell <EGPOW-D- IER At oni25 For a lame szeca, 12 oz To frnpress this saving on everyone, next week will be "Home-Baking» Week. This means a new era of better baking, more wholesome baking, more eco. nomnical baking. New Dr. Price Cook Book Free at Your Grocer 's Next Week Duiring "Home-Baking" Week every grocer will give away with each pur- chase of Dr. Price's Phosphate Baking Powder, the new Dr. Price Cook Book, containing the very baking suggestions every woman wants. It contains over 400 delightful recipes like the following: ORANGE CREAM LAYER CAKE Scup thortaiiflslcp mk4 teafpoons Dr Price's Bakin; Powder 1= g 17. cpfe ur i 1teaspoon vailia c2tract 2 3 4 teaspooIMsait 1 cip aweetened flavored whipped cream Crear shortening; add sugar gradually, beating welI; add beaten egg, one half the milkt, and mix well; add one half the flour, which has been sjfted with sait and baking powder; add remainder ofmilk, then remainder of flour and flavoring; beat after each addi- tion. ak in two greased layer cajj"mns iu moderate oven 15 to 20 minutes. Spread the whipped creani hicly between the layers. Cover top with ORANGE FROSTING 1 tablespon cream 34 teaooae atrt-t Plp Lsgrtad ndM i-range To the cream. add the sugar slowly. Add orange pulp, rind, extract and melted butter. Beat until smooth and spread on top of cake. Try thia with Fr.ah Stmwtbevvy king (Page 18) Dr.. Price's Phosphate Baking Powder is the most wholesome low-piiced Bakcing PoWder obtainable. Guaranteed to contain no aluni Oi, Sale at Ail Grocers <I = = = fi rn~ n * I = t mi = = i = R Wes boLL thea othe, q

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