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Libertyville Independent, 16 Mar 1922, p. 1

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LIBERYV' LLE LMAKE OUNTlm - d - e INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOUMEAXM. NUMfER 11. UMIS, LE. IKETHRSAY, MARCH 16, 1927-. $1.5OA YEAR IN A ER ASPRMNT KEOSJAWOMAN 3. F. Ma y dntifies body as wi.fe h ut etched name -on hrsh&em b ie lzo8lhtr tuat woran Whose body us wa hâbasore opposite the 'Ocrai Boliers Plant tanWauk«mon2tO S8aurday aflernoon mlght have been mrurdered, was dispeiled Sanday wben . Y . Matey of Kenosba positlvely iden tia*d the ti>dy as that of bis wile, una Marie Matey, aged 35, wobailsd seu »di5ig ince J.anuary 101h. #x-t inquest whicit was held Bunday"aI lthe Whte and Tobin undertaklng rooms te coroner& Jury returned a verdict that Mr&. Matey had conitted sul- eide by droniag while Insane. The te»tlrnmy of Ihe itnsbmnd deval ,ped te tact tb.at bts wile had been an Janiate of au nsnafe asyium in Wia ,censin a year ago, but was diseharged as greatly i proved. Two months lat- -er site became rnelsncholy. The tamly pitysician recommended long daiiy 'waiks in the open air. On the morning of Jsnuary 1tit Mrs Matey ke.qsed her 1en year old son good-bey anti started out. Laler abe wa enwal&ing abuslthe 1k mbore. Wben ber itusbaiui retgzâld bomne he found a note f rom bis wita, telling hlm good-bye andi assertlng thbat t wouid do no gooti to look for ber a"sishe intended to drown itersýIf. The beach was paîrolleti almost datlY by tbe frantic hu"banti and bis friands but no trace of the bodiy was tounti. Hopefui that hr.4 wife migbî bave wan dere<i away iu a condition of aphasls instesti of drowning hersai!. thea bus' band lnatltuted a nation wlde searcit. Not te sligittest trace of thte misslng woman was fot.nd. While the water bad wasitad off practically ailt te clatbAng on the body, the articles tat reffaned tsit led wtt thoeworn 1y» m, .Matey and csured the bumband te, core o Waukegan Bunday morulus. Contact witli.tit jagged Ice and the action o!fte water during the long lime te body tati rernained rrnrnrsed miade IL practical Impossible Lu rec ognize te features. The firsîtbing Mc. 3Matey asked w hah arrived at Waukag n funeral borne was Io see thte sitoesoà te vict' lr. On te rnstep of tite soles te nanie of Mrs. Marie Matey" was etcit ed witb a penknife andiaslablisied the Identity. Mr. Matey eZplined he bad place th te narne there wbila bis wife was n the Insane asyIumý n ord -er that te attendants might bave no -diMculty n recognizing ber aitoas from those of te other patients. Fromn Kenosita comas te maternent itaI Mrs. Matey was a prnnminnt so- cial worker there sud the tradgedy bas aSioek.d bar wlde circle of friands. Wben the body was discovered 1» Louis GUllings. a Waukagan îeamster Wbo was aumllng gravai front ite lake ,shore, anti wbo at once sumrnone<lte Polioî, it vas feareti that tbe victim 'migbi bave been rnurdered. Titis be- liaf arose from tbe fact îtai'hier face andi skull vas quite batily masitet. Mamberi of tite jury vere conviucad that titis condition was brough7t about by tbe action of tbe ice snd vater. '~W. C. T. U. SIL VER MEDAI. CONTESI PRIZE ÀWARDED The Township Bilver Medal Con- test o! the W. C. T. U. was hald at Grace Mlaatanary churcit on Priday night Iu Zion andI William Bicket won the medal for tbe begt oration enu Temperance.,* The other contestants were Ber- 1%ice Ohmett,, Annie Irvine, Lois, Rockafellar andI Ethel Crîspen. al of ion. The judges vers W. H. UÀchly. Mrs. Frank Marvin andi S. C. Wbee. .Iock. o!fZMon. Tbe cout declamatory content for thae ounty gold meail il! be .held sons at Lake Forest. * DTE r  DUl AmlV nnX' PI ATM STO IMWEROAI)S 'isLaka conty roati anti bridge cSlmitlee la aisg arrangements to operate seveu peais ia n ltsecounîy 10 it.ep lagooti condition tite alate aid routes on vitic t liera As littîs show a! gsttlng tem paveti wllhin lte nazI year or Ave. A resolullon passeti by lte coonly C~rti last veai tol urge tise state 10 nltae stale refunti mouey f ram Bal- viera roati to finish Seivitiera lot Wauketgan, as contempiateti lu lAe or ,Aginal tond lissfla DR. BROWN ASKED TO EXPANo BLIND MAN'S PENSION1 Kept check of man who died in poorhouse after being in- mate of Co. hospital* At te ns tigalAou of Supervisor HO Martin of Milihuru, Dr. A. E. Brown, superntendent of Lake County Gen1 aral bospitai, Tituraday was call'ad ha fore the board lu explain vb4î t at be corne of a biind pension check for U7,60 blongtng te George Esty. ageti blînti man vito diati two weeks ago at tae counti' poor farm. 1te shirt place ha was takan afler the doctor calied Superviser Martin aud toid him titi e "doesn't need a bospital. te need , a homne,' and itat him rernoveti from te hosplal te lite poor farin. Sun)ervitioi Martin laid t.he board that wc'n te casa of Mr. Esty was first calledtie1 bis attention ewas at t e borne of a Mes. M. J. Cevesnd, a relative. and was Buffertng from a vary savere colti, and ltaI uPon adi vice of Dr. H. FL Jaxison of Mliburu vito dacare ltbat ucisa the unfortun ate man hati medical attention beprob abli' vouieextrmt tpaéuoaniilie asked Dr. Brownutelairae hlm Ato thej county itospîlal. Ha was tera for irj or eigitt veaks viten Dr. Blrown re-1 quastad ltat ha be removati and a s nons of bis relatives voult i gva hlm a bbme. te county pour farm vwouldj be te proper place for hlm.L Dr. Brown saidth iat viten Mr. Esty vas tskan nlo te bospitai bis 15j cent poekel book contaluati two $1 buils. 52 cents n change andthie peut sion checkt for $37.50, vhlch ha maidi ha put lutoIbe sale antilaftILAt When tibe man vas laken te te county pour faru Df. Brown tiid net give tae mnney or cbeck back to Mr Esty. Thte chteck malter was forgotten unlil Mes. Cleveland notifieti Supervis or Marlon that Mr. Esly ou'ed ber ;40 for six montha boardi and lodging andi askedtltha l aka lte malter up witit tae county for. payment. Mrs. Clave- lanti la a pour widow andi makes her home wtt uIlîdren lu Ciicago. About tat time Superviser Martin recaivati.word titat Mr. Esty itad dieti ai lte poor tarm and lte question of bis astate came up agate. A relative aI Gurnea agreed te provide huril for~ lte unforlunate man. Supervisor Martin titan made an in- vestigation aItte office of te county clark to delermine if Dr. Brown bati turned n te $40.02 but vas unabie te fiud vitrefil bad beau lurued over te tae county durlng te pst faw quar larly settiarnants. Mr. Martin Iben leck up tae malter vîitlte board sud alan turuati over a latter from Mes. ClevelandtIn viicit aba asitetipsy- ment of lte $40 as a "1poor hill." 1 Dr. Browu explainad 1telite board Tburatiay momning tsaI ha bus nov umeti over te penaion cbeck snd change that balougedte t Mr. Esty te the county. The board allowsd Mrs. Cleveland's bill, upon motion of Superviser Bair- slow. CORONER FINI)S ClIJUt SMOTIIERED MNDR COMORT, FL I L AftN I I 010 Au Inquest vas belti Friday aflar- upon by Coronqr Johnu h Taylor, o! flC'P AIaLibertyville. bintote cause o et A T IW3SEC IAS H3 10 E o! Frances, Ivo mnntits-olti daugitten o! Mn. anti Mes. FrankithI, o! Zion, Peler Caiuey wllknowu esidaul taelInfantitaviug tilet anme lime te. of Rosecran,, loirîr<riy years. tileni lveea4 ad86o'clack lday marn- ai is tornte tera Saturday ulght, Iug vitila ils parents, vers asleep aftl a shotnlmas. Ha vas 86 uearby lli tesasmaroom. years o! age, andi iati liveti An Iis Mrs, Smitbat beau up aI 4 a. m. section Pratically *ali o! hia lite. Ha la fard ltae baby anti Put Il back loto ieaves. itesides bis wldov, a famnily te uit. layiug te citiltionu Ils aide, o! five tiaugiters aIl o! viou are 'Te babe vas founti tiadt tva ours living lunte viinity of Roseurnai later, lis face burietilulte pillov, liraIent. untier a iteavy comtorten. 'Te funerai vas italdTi'uaatay mort>. 'Te corouen'a jury rettirust a ver- inIg a1 10 O'QlIOcg froiI. Patrlck's rl't tat te chilticarne 10 Ils tiat citurcit, W a«Iavorlh, vithit nermeat abiy strangulation by accidant. Rohecranz cemietary. -Tite Smit's bave antitar,, rilti ____________about tva- years olti. Mn. SmAIt la Um. I*% an aieramployati as a clerk Altae hardware itega. SturdW. " aoon el eoeloOk. Who Said tIý Wirld Is Round? VOLIVA LIBEL TRIAL IS SET FOR 14ARCIK 201 Case of Overseer of Zion set today by Prosecutor A. V. Smith in circuit court Wiibur Glenn Voliva. overseer o! Zion yl go on trial Au the Laite coun ty court Marcit 20, on a charge o! bav lng libeladth ie Rev. Titos. H. Nelson vito teclares te former callet iri a --dlrly olti fouI mouliset blather- kits" anti other opprobrious namas. Tbe casa vas piaceti on tse triai call Wrliay by Prr4ecutor A. V. Smitb. Thte casa, bowver. vas placeti secound andI ltetrial o!flte allegeti murdarees of Motorcycie Policeman William Pet- erson o! Wntitrop Harbor yl ha IrA. eti firaI provideti bot aides are ready to proceeti. In a reuent argument tb quas thlie Indictmeuta agalust Overseer Volivm tvo o! the ludictmeuts vere declaneti 10 ha faulty andti irovu out. vbich leaves only lteonue indicîmeut atIis- suelu ltse trial. Thte ailegeti murderers are Ignatz Paîz, Michael Radicit, John Bartole sud Joe Bratiaseric. BOY DIES AT CO. HJOSPITAL ATMR AN OPI3RATION His sister aisé is 'serlouslyii at her home in North Chicago Eugene Putlinaki, 7 yearn nId, dildati 1lte Lake Couuly General itoepits.1 on Montiay morning, fllavint an operation for appaudicitis, te member itavIug hacoma ruptureti. The boy als a ta t ourt o!pneu- moula anti tatiwitooplug cougt. lHe vas laken btlte itopital Sniiay. rTe lad's alaler. Anna, la so serfnus- ly 111 site tas iteen unahie to eatt auylhiug for 15 tisys, andi toctôrs itave givan np ail hope for bar. Tte Publuaki tamly tas been -moat unfortunale. 'tare are, aav. eral otter chiltiran andti ltai hava itatia bard alruggie sinus lte tatier commltet suicide by haugng hlm. self a numiter o! yeans ago. The Lakte County Humauesaoolely anti lte counly suparvisor o! poor bave beau giviug tem aid. - The t!nra1 vs hitat--,9 'elâljr Wedit.sd y n'ung franc ltaheroly ftosay àKuh. Iitecint at -Mt OU. val cemoeary. Mm .W, É It' dtornn6fl irkMehi ________ CELERATES lus IINSANTY FNi 80T1[ BRTIIDAY I MI SDESIER Children of Immaculate Con- ception church batik altar with roses Fatber Gavin pastor o! Immaculate Conceptiocshcurchitn Wallitsgan, for1 more titan 50 years. celebraiet iei 80th irtday anuiversary SundayI' n lte pulit. sud lte ciiltiren ot tbe pariait demousîralet Iin a lnucbing vay lteir apprecialion ot bis long anti useful service in lte communiy hy hauking te altar viit ittiouse rosas of deep pink andtihIe tark reti colorn Thsebiltiren itatibeau saving lteir pennies for wves t burcitae ltae floyers as a surprise for lte vanar-1 able pastor. In reaPonse Patter GavAn dalivareti one o!fltaemoal seul alirring taîka aven heard ilte1 uburcit. Ha said tb oWatiail of ltei citiltiren voulti ha able 10 live eai least 80 years anti commandari tem' for tem sacrifices lu savlng ltaeiri slander funtis for lte purpose o! rnaking tAm hapipy, andti iaI viten1 Ibey arrive at tite gales o! Heaven, St. Peter viii remaembar Ibair gond dards ant i gve thern s ieanly val-i coma. Ha salti liaIt e Asvary fond1 o! floyers anti le gave ltse cblld!ren1 bis hiessing. rTe rburcli vaà packeitaithIe doora for bot lte 9:30 anti 10:45 masses. Patter Dupansea tielîvareti lte principal sermons, but l'alter Gavin aise parîlcipalsteAIn the 5ev- aral masses sud luit occasion t10 tllhai is parlaboners for lte thIngs they bave doue for hlm ati-express- et ie bi eartaît aPPreaUOn. John Young', taken on charge of robbinig brother, taken to Great Lakes today John Young, ageti 19, vas ar- rested ity John Sheaban, deputy maraflal aI Highliand Park, on a charge of baving hurglarizedth ie homeo f bis brother, Leo Young, $22 MuDonalti Ave., o!fltat city, andI disposIng o!flte luot lu Chica- go pawnahops. The brother bellsv- eti John vas insane anti asitedthalt ha ha given a iteaning before a lun- acy commission. lis sanlty vas lest- e at filrday lunlte Lake county court at Wauitegan, sud lte allending pitysiclaus decideti it la sans. During lte bsariug Il developed ltaI ha vas a deserler from lte marines at Grkas Laites. Witen States Attorney A. V.1 Smitht iearn- eri Ibat officere from tseNaval Training Station vanleti Young for tiesertion ha ortiereti Short!! 2lmrer Green 10 tutu lte marine aver . 10 tem. rTe Great Lakes autitorities vilr' keep- Youug undar observation. Young 1014 tke Lake county au- Iborites ho slmply waîketi avay from lte station anti "forgot? 10 returrt 61lVE OUT WRONÙ "iDOPE"u9 ON STATE AID ROADS I19 GO. Patter Gaviu's long and fatitut ser«c Ume bra bema agrsat power 1IE Lake ecsnîy vers 10 gel ail ltaos. for gondi anti unlil recant years bis tard moatis ltaI tae navapprs op- active vont in public anti civic af' posedti 1 Gov. Bmall are teiiing about fairs have beau iargely responaible il vouiti ha great stuif. but a citeck. for liseprogrs lte cominunili' bas up o!flte state al« Improvennents 10 madie. ha matie n Ibis counli' mtovs ltat vili amount 10 aulY 27 miles. Thase Improvernula Aclude tisa noati un- tien couideration from Witeeling lu, ARiD R SIDEjT te ounty Ue west of Laite Vila of 0FRKEMdONDÈiAI)miles, leaving 22 12 Miles tb ha buil ytlita adtse 4 12 Miles -ou Siteridan Roati, hatwaa.A Norlt Tira. Agese Donfierlfelong rail' Chicago anti Lake rloreat. makiug 27 dent o! Premont, diati Suutiay mortt- milas af stals anti matis ta ha cou- lng aI lteborne o! ber bon, Charles, strutteti. rTe realt of lte roatis vitit wbom site bailneidad for mauy viticit appear 10 ha surit an "Issue"' yeaes, tisat bing tins b pueunulia lu thte aproachiug trial o!fltae gover- anti leakage o!fte ieart.nr, viii ha cousîruota i wththlie Site bad beau Ail tAnce Thauklgiv- $1.000.000 wortit o! bonds thte cnunty Ing anti vas up ouiy a teiLvtisys sAuceraîerautly solt inth ie Taylor, i0wert titan. Bita vonit have beau 78 years & company hud.--qpmpany, 10E South nid hat site liveti unîfi Apnil 14.iTer L. Salle sîre-et, Chicago. hiusbatiti ba beau deati many years. ITitane are auy nunibar o! cuutias Mis. Dorler esa bas tvn sons, inlu Iis tatatat viii racaîve as Prank of Grayslake atit Josepfli Don- munit or mare stane aid titan Laite fier o! Nfirti Ciicago. I ouuty, viinila ennoueously belug W Pueali rvices from St. Maryls given credil for 76 miles of proposeti citurcit aI Premtiuî, Tussday moru- staîs bighways, viten litresuit' te ig et 10 oclocit, vIltermeul lun arànt la only about ona-tibrd tit St. Bary's oeznes". amount. LEVY ON 66QJJRN 0F TuE WEST"e ities. He was located at lte born. o h;erift Elmer Green on P4iday Ipvied on the prOperty of lte "Qumen of the West" weIl known resort at Petite Lake. which bas beeh under ltae spotiight Of pubiicity a number of Urnes. The hiertfftl levied upon Ned B3. Bates and others, the latter being Mrs. Bates. The action was Institut- ed by Arthur and ]Catherine Herman, .Arthur belng ber son, 901000 ARRlS 0F CMENT WILL BE USED IN GO. This amowit assigned to coun- ty in plan to pave 100 miles of highway Springfield. Il 1-1 Marcit 10- Gov- ernor SmallAs plan to build 1,000 mi les of bard roatis Ibis year cal for 4,000,000 barrais of cernant Wimen lte dapartument of public wôrt,, openeti hitis Isat week ouiy one comPan)y. the Marquette Port- land Cernant compauy, met tbe gov- ernor's dtiand t0 hriug te prIce tiowrr to $1.30 a barreil I order to gel a stats con tract. The Marquette compauy olferedtiet furnisb G00,000 barrasat tba price. wiJtiteb bitia f rom other companlas a'.araged $1,40. deartmerrî officiais said. Te bitis from lte Marquette crm- pany were tliefn under advisement w itl, lite announcemant titat no con.- tracts voulti ha awarded until Ilii- unis bigitwav offlciais conferrat i vti officiais of savait oltr states wbo agraed t0 hold out for te $1.30 fig. Report tiled by L Bracher shows$ stili on han Lake couuly sn't as ar some calamily itovlers ame belleva. andi according toaat mittad to te supervisra' LeRoy W. Bracher, tes1a on baud ltae nifty suis oP Tbe followAng stateamelt ounts on hand n lte var1j cour'y tfunds oflte cocnty County anld irculit or rants. $4,007.90. Coronar's jury warranta, 30,I ForeignvIAnes tees, SUS.M Court reporter's fees, $1,1 Mother's pensions 1595. Coroners tees, $724: Commisslonerp tees $W2. Blindi pansions, $1,U84. Election expenses, $1000. Miscellaneous daims. $35,74. Public buIldthgs, $8,47&. Poor clis, $12,23.47. Maintenance of counli' JM- .05. Roads andi bridges, 25UrSQ. , Couuty hfspîtal, $14».0 State citarities, $5810.8e 13irth sud deatb certi*e.t6&ý F'ees of countyofees Probation oM«icr=s .alqe, Salarias, 118mû.08 Blationarypandi supple, 8490M *.Detentiosi home, $284uelu* State aid W" tadfut, $3E&J% State's Attornyfdn Total. 1199,49I.58. M.NORA WRI3kIN 'Te amunt or cernent côntamplat lmN CASE IlU ed for use titis -year in easci of ltae 102 cousties follows, tise figures de- j notîng thte uumb;r o! batraîs: Woman faobW arwon o Adams,. 85618; Alexasnder. 17376; goes free; ,tebQI44bo* Bour, 1.000; Boone. 16,229; Brownr od 'My.riou* 57,401; Bureau, 25,359; Calitoun, 1000; Carroll, 27,280; Casa, 44,746. Mca. Nora B9weeuY, Chaxupaign. 189,236; Citristian, 35,- Higitwood, will uel havêta 7E0; Clark. 1,000; Clay. 42,2115; Cls' l circuit court on tho > ton 49,925; Colas. 71,610; Cook,.37,of seson andi ittrnIng tê- 218; Crawford, 31,921; Cumberland,. bolb indictmnents ver ,e 23,870; DeKalb. 5,947; DeWitt. 27, St'5 .4ttossu» A..V. 280; Douglas. 49104; DuPage, 65.- ,î 961; Edigar, 1.000; Etivards. 2342. .A 'w Effiugbam, 27,280. feny Mmdl Fayette, 23,646; Ford, 29,366; Mes. Swesey. appeareti * u Franklin, 88,703; Fulton, 47,050; Gai- day to argue a motion lie latin. 5,881; Greene, 14,086; Gruudy, eue5 brou*it te1 trial 48,081; Hamnltion, 17,060; -Hancocit. polftiSl3 out tisat Il itat1 37,510; Hardin. 1,915; *ianderson, 3 - for over twa years. Mr. 89-4; Henry, 89660; Iroquois, 151,212; 3ited ht dytlhe Jackson. 85,612; Jasper, 18,700; 3sf- mliSedthelb. cseWMw becumw ferson. 82,efe; Jersey, 1.000; Jo Da- rilutuiri agaluat Mrs. wtb viess. 8, 646; Johuson, 8,250; Kane, teat before b. vas elected tid 47,267; Kankakea. 73,696; Kendiall, loruey. 1.000; Knox, 45,478; Lake. 92070; Mes. Sweeney was atrested f$ La Salle, 39,E94; Lawreuce, 1,000: ing ltshe uruling dowu cf bar 1 Lee, 1.000; Livingsten, 56,800;:IA- and barnun luigh'vqod la gan, 80,476; Macon, 54,550; Macou- 1920. FIre ChOi e! Pus ierf pAn. 2=22; Madison, 1,000; Marlou, Sheridian flre dertàieMt 109,946; Marshal, 44.330; Mason, a repart at ltetilmeihat 1,000; Massac, 5,280; McDouoUgit. bis men sougitt 10 3,134; McHenry, 36,496; MuLean, ftiraltAIttey were citasem % 146,549; Menard, 1,000 Mercer. 1,000; promises by Mii. 8weeleyt~*1 Monroe, 50.501; Montlgomiery, 2567; an axe and aboyaI She je éI Morgan, 23.042; Moultine. 20,460; itormeti lten t ith* 44 Ogle, 1,000; Peorla, 66,468; Perry, an hslp site votld Sal tb.*. 74,496; Plait. 56.242; Pike, 3,861; Ïbortly hefore Contabl 411s Pope. 6,633; Pulaski, 66,7E8, Putusm. iHicks viso bad sons te tbir 5ý 1,000; Raudolpb, 1.650; Ricblanti, home ta serve a writ wWsbs 21.342; Rock Island,. 36,450; Saline, have ousled Mrs. Sweisile bie 17,731; Bangamon, 129,042; ficliylar, chasei away hy Mes. Sou 1,000; Sicott, 20.00; Shelhy. 34,100; vieldari an aX an4 râs Stark, 1,000; SI. Clair, 69.993; Stopht- fightened itecause ha anson. 91,736; Tazevaîl, 35.98u; Un- At a revolver. ion 57,970; Vermillion, 1.073; Wa- Aflar lte fire Mes. EBitvl, hast, 2,462; Warren. 12,241; Wasb- pae u tf a ington, 173.57; Wayne, 4308) Cge Se tu wy Witite, 8,456; Wbltaslie. 44,980; WU a- , IXw du làth 138,975; Williamson, 6,267; Wltlll- enth bago. 27.266; Woodlerti. 61,375. jury, w ___________ James G. W~I COUNTY FAIR TO euerwutsetd «ber. Os>.. BIoff.T VE Noone coutiaiaes vo.Ilw armotel tIbaM lte Important recoo« s w. »* l vas ual unlil today 1litail A meeting of ltse Lakte Couuly Fair kuowu ltaI te - &tx é Asau. vas hitem!Tumeday lusnilla vas 10.1. Titisma4M It uif lte officessof T. Arthtur Sti3oseu, coun Obtain a eoaniatbm O Maê ly superimtendttet o!scitooaand lte ir>8evidence va.. Whet X. officers andI direclors anti others Inter caMe States attors>>lie s w1 esaeti lu lie project maris plans te once lititilvas ispelosail give Ibis county tse grealesl fair titis case vithout tis adbetnte«t year lu lté bjstory o! the couuty. Am- ong. titose iu attendance vers William BIG FARM DEAL. AT WMCU Woodin of PnrIre Visa', presideril o!f tbe fair association, John Wlrla, Aras Thte 120-acre Van Patonf secralary; John Hotige, Area. public.-1 Laite Vlla basn beau sd tg o lty man; L. C. Teves, Waukegau dur . Pole' ferar d U erlor; C. E. Wbahelock. county fantilad;i$20,00p, Otertiaisma= viser; anti Ally. Paul MacOuffiti o! Reeves inclutie lte i3dÏn Lihertyville. farm on Sheridian -.ad Tbey plan 10 rondturt-te talc un an ZMon, f0 Andrev HMln, cf eçpnontis.al basis but Ibat notiAng yull tite Rintîrni Maki M&acre lie "'simpati" ltatvoulti tend te mak easat o! Litertyville, ld*ttt# Il lesa attractive or successfui. aliers t in$9.500. - j> Fair w4ek viiha lte irai veakIt n bungalowitn4 UIvo 0* Beptemiter. hegluning ou Lahor tiay.' 1Ave., teIl. S. Dxocf- Thte MISSe" Maron suM iLklre Eau Ks-laq u <se Evana vers lte guesaof srelatives ta cago 4Utf " wtt HighlandulPark SUnday. . tht.SUn4aY. té4 tboo & edtet Zin '£T ilyhe tes NWý A--!. .a18êO vau l' m.1,s "e, Mj 's ig Weeýkly ses -v 1 1 r 1. ýl 11 » ý 1 4 . i

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