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Libertyville Independent, 16 Mar 1922, p. 12

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Of Sdeb". telcmat a fineS 2,0,ti auaxliui penaltY, for violation o! lhe Tii. foiiovlug le an exefflt frOin Volatead act lu federal court tOday. a statemertmanie b>' Mi-, . J. Hti' The tne vîs assessed hi JuSte mnu, Assistant Suprlateldelit Of George A. Csiput,-. public Iustructlan. undeid4» SOfO!Tiie UnitedI States Attorney, fUrti' Nov. 14, 1921. bis tatoinot tLe ad' ermare, vas diiected ta laveatigate dresseS otahb e &ol O! fcena anti the couduet o! officers o! the tiainuisa -Patrons af Lake Count>' sud,1$ 10 ho ses If tiii vene persoualli hiable b. used as a pi-otace for a circula fi-a the violation, or had incuviedge gîrlut informiatiotn about lie scbOltofIl !i. of tiie cunhi. Mi. Boffman's tiret pleas o! igulil ver.eheneei lu b- visit vas maSe about fourteen Yeara hait o! the, hotei campauy. Tii. tom aga. pan>' hoida a viiolesale lîquai- Seairb "The ftiret inspection trip vhlci lice».l. Tiibibl of information Inciud. *1 madie evealed -the ftst that Laie ed the change o! vlthdi-aving iQuai- county countri echools ver. as poor- an forgeS permits. 1>' protIdeS for as an> ln tiie State. "l'h company has been iu business 'lh ioiuir Superintendent c-oper- as a hohel for mny yeai-a, anS lit ated Vigorouali wltb Iis office to abuIS h. full oaimeS da i he 15v, gel4se menT aï the sehooLe ta meet s-id -udge Cai-peter li asseeaing te - ite standard, viich vas set Di tii Que. o*l 0. »e, ,ffl~lble. He vas verT euc- cei i Ve~IIilThe o ehool officere I-eith Affects Grai Bzes. and peaole res«<m4td vell ta the -ÀAhcîîf existasalatis the' pecroo 10<t nine for nti Itieté l. d- of the %VWttIndies flaIt thecolo,, ai ls t1recre lnrovemonttlr- lis ciai laalureis sffeeted bythe state Ont- lu :'a50 IRAE5PEARSALL INow Deputy County Treasurei pREplIBLICAN CANDIDATE County Treasurer Subject to the decision of the IREPUBLICAN PRIMARIES APRIL- 11, 1922 Your vote and support -will be a.ppreciated. - Nrthrn11F, r.*Eét- Sti" 'i Wrr* Another Great Sale of Favored- MIns Sports Coats LAIt gaiatu. theS bh 114Ipp buS ok hAIE FR01II3AVY vuathie OtÙY Lgiouirwithiti] P LC M N I GRAYSLAIE OUTF1t o,"r apit. the ?utii I WAUKE4iAN I ona goal. Kyndberg'5 toes wam bis But drop batile with the ight- third succesiful long abi, of the year. Sam Protine, brother of Frank welghts on Armory floor in with the lghtwelght8, the gsMM Protine, pioneer local mer- erraie ame Kenon tar was more thail the usul relimfinat? chant, death on mashers erraio ame;Kenon sar featflre t0 the Armory performances. Thie Waukegan lineup was composed ARTILLERY IS OPENED of weil known Hlgh Schoal and ligiiti WAS LINCOLNS BODYGUARD the. City. Mook. a weil known Liberty- Waukegan and Grayslake Tuesday ville player, led the. GraYslakeO Attit Samn Protine. 98 years oi, vii. niit aplit their ligiit snd bevYY- in scorig and vas largely resPanshbieIboldo the. record of being thi e wtWi veight games. the hleavyweigiit gaine for thel, vietory. eldpst Policeman, snd vho viiiho ré' gain ta the. Waukegan Legian team in In the. tirt part of the. prelimlfl- membered ii many of thie pleneesuor an overtime period by a score of 822 aI. the. Wgukegau, teiim got the aset Waukegaf, *iiore ho Uved for ==y,,a to 20, snd the ligitweigiit game ta of the. a'gain tbrough their abliti to years, i bing given tintenluw* Grayslake by a acore of 20 ta 13. shoot the. baskets. GrayalakO played licity for béing I'death a À&t7 0f the. two, the. big game vth a brlliaut game on the, defenaive, but Policeman Protine ig itom« t'te beavyweigbt outfite, was the mot viien trying to sh1oW baskets, thëy àu a brother o FrahM PkA" v loreresting and possibly the mot neededa step-Iadder in order ta get learned the. hardware b"~Ins a luVi2 sirenuous sm ithe local sQusd bave: up ta the tbe hoop and drop tiem- In. 'kegan wlth the. ftrm et g.iroew*ji> payed duringthtei present season. A rvamped lUne-up vas ulaced ln the, cas, snd later etablinhed hl=m&'in l Sc)iwartz scarnna In the.overtime per- i-r!Fq ýjuthe.second hal5and tiu118the. same business il-U Lhrtywiie4 loti, ater the Urne vas up = 9 I bý# t chage. xenyon starred viiere b, speft the. remaludes' oflia. ,, - td tas ta 6to2 botbfli fied tasses and free tasses life and le eurvlvedl by a nuinber ai.2'-tvt vas one o ithe leadi~feale for the Waukegan outtlt., doing relatives in tbat locallty. ; flueevenug. orethlng ta check the. onslaugbt Of The folowing la tsken from n a x Play~ Extra Sesahes., the -vlgltors la the second ball, bivt change:. Gryslake led edtiie beg àft w itiout avait. StIck Kennedy Play- Butte, Mont.-Nlnet.y.Bigt y'ar oià - tite irat ball. Mowxtt medýp a 'Pere ed brilUiantly and bard, but PrincI-" Sam rone swung bis tlnD 111be ade on a free qqàwts plly 64 the. defensive. Khaki Kyfld-Imade a motion ta g#1'. 4tot t W, "a'I>~ brniuth lier% pulileda prize play viieui beyonngter viio vas ctuZ O7e et 18 ta 17 vltb the. Qaylsk»u4tit made a beautîful tase vitb ail tbe on the park gasboe~6tursi.4 aril leaing ii. iet e ~ t ine in the. orld and from tbe cen- tua suser tbe question' sitled on arthr W'p f werof the floor, but ho sbiotfor te "Bithe heodetpolcemen a thé te an aei a freth n Gray5glake basket. Luck vas witb vanS lla a 'pipe'." h. ssid, tvllag tean mi adeer. Itis ieo *ehlm luthat he didn't mû.e a sure the. mac.. asfoud etseT ii'e~leaa."Ail you bave ta do la ta sboao. tl. forRayPeserat ondr.The Lino-UP. kida off'n the. Pansy beda iberse i * Ater the time ouI. Treruqulet loas- . -R. AYSLAKE (20)..... Park Iu the sumaier, . as.tlt~ ed in a basket ou a beauty' »ht fImmr Pr ir. ..............4 O0Inone a! theai yaung telle» ~fetÎo the fielS. Pgrenti dropped btutk heid O Rourke ~............. 0 1 1 fresh vih the girls that parade the '. goa viilibrogit he<sue e sc-R. Pester ce.........0 O 2 0 streets lu the"e new short skirts." gaS deadli ck luiii. fthe4 4»t 111111- B. Weiss c....... .. O0 0 0 Sams beenlilsted here ou the. polie fore anther Piy coulAde bëezetsd. Movatt i- - *............3 4 1 O0i-ster for sa long that even oficiis Deteetie Cs.oul <bOge>bu isl lliWa ie ii hite nI i. C. pester lg ..:.......... 0 O-13O0themselves cant remember wiien lehe £itflsgihet aicbbaset 1aoa lwtewâteadte- - -started. bftitiiMnS t tarin i.Ai.zmts' game ended a tie, callin.g for an over- S 4 7 2 Born n Jersey MoSceta aI M u lime session. WAUKEGAN (32) Sain vas hbain l1824 lu tiie ancient ai.UOtl i says ho W" Shrimp Breaks TIt Torauis1trit........... 7 4 2 0 fSeing village of Barnegat, N. J. Witii lppd too. sci- tIsti mes lnvesti. Shlap ortuha pacS atk Bosiiwarta If............'6 0 2 O li=-m.belug a policeman leanuavoca- ~ < ShrimPTOMquit plaed a ke-,MSItane c .............OO0 3 ()tion. Ho starteda a plainclotli.mau &an lu the Iead lu the aPenln< OC Hul i- ...................O O1 0in luthe. goverument secret service at the. overtimre session by cag au E" ydbrg Ig...........i () 1 ' the time of the St. Louis whisky rIn# easy goal vhile the crowd vent vilS, - - - - befare the. Civil War. ,1OTICE 0F PUBLIC BRIDGE He followed vith a second sht thbt 14 4 % O Sam, pounding the.Wall vtth bis LETTINO found lis mark anS rlrtually won1 club> ta empbasite hie remarka, saYs: tiie gaine. Graylake expected Wau- 'w"11 1861 1 vas LincoWn' persoas Notice la hereby given tint sealed kegan ta Selay the game et tdits k0 »1 T ALL EEI bodyguard on the. vay fruai Illinois Proposais wili ie received aithe t-eo ucture, but Kyudberg droPped In ' ~ to Wshiington for the. inauguration." tice o! lhe County Superintendent of bis tird and possibly bis laat ïGal tlDarg ta bave that statement ques Hiihways. In Waukegan, Ill., at 1:00 of the Bsesson that sent the score flUJ! AilU tioed and bave t polnted out that if o'lock a. m., Mai-ch 22nd, 1922, for tva point' higiier, for a seore ef 26 ail sucb dlaims vers ira.. Lincoln the construction by Cauuty Aid of a ta 20 in favor of the Legion. f~~f4.trll muet have bad 9,000 bodyguards, Sam 20.foot span relnforced concret. Schwartz then caine iBtO the liame- I.t assumes an air Dtlulnured dignlty. bridge, known as tie Dram Creek liglit and toseed a rnager, falaiti g Sprinter, Toa bridge, lu the Tawn of Antiocii, near It with aiiotber abat tram center -'"I vas a champion sprinter In my the uarth side of Lake Catherine, t. arantte. vahspcldota tre Chicago, Mi. 15..-EySetice o! In- time, tao," be adds. l'Lincoln once saliS about tva anS one-bslf miles north- net. Pacrante asi-e.o ntomisse cendiarisul vas foýundby the authari 10, me: Weil, Sam, you can run taster weat of the Village, in accordance bs catzton aeS thIbut mbaset ties investlgattug the, dissatst-U lire theu I can, but 1 can split more rails viti plans and spclflcatious Pr&- ofwat lie da aesends basret h icb vped out an entire block O tbau ionu.' But 1 don't suppos3e. yôu ho- paredl by the Co. Supt. of Higways. gamedYafwscnsbeoeteb no eo bsns iv tete "wich may ho seen at bis office or referee'a vhlatie ended theii . buildings lu thUnoSeabuissivettetir" district this morning, reducing giet Sam sais be vent Into the nortii- that o! the underalguied. Tusai. Ait Througli, structures ta gi-la, gaut skeletons veettit lu 1858 ho vatcb for poacii A certiied check tiquai ta at last Lest ntglt's gamne vas hy fsr thei asd causîng Ra property damage vart lng Canadien trapuiers. Noviie bas 10 per cent o! the amout o i bd shahl inat senaationai the, Ai-m ai bs ouali estimated f rom $6,000,000 to $10 switcbed to vatching for masiiens. accompaiui each bid. eecu u inte sesson'a Play. llrayellake 000000I kiling Dne mani and Injiinng "Se. those numbers on myI badge?" ltigbt te rserved ta neject any or vas clever andi lucky, ile the Le- scores o! otiiers. t vas the, greateet He dispiayed It proutiui. "Tvnty- all biSe.,ints h gion aiea played a gae.tint wvas titil Chieffl i-e ine tiie historie conhiag tiiree! That don't meen suythlug Ope- DateS at Wsukegal. IItsS of aktil, triçks and goati abootlngatinof171. cial for aie, for l'm gong ta live a day of Mai-cii A. D. 1922. times, bu ies veroerhoun etlu Frank Costello, allis Frank ai-soilong lime yet. But lit meïus 'gIt' for BIai-uer o! the, Roat sud Bridge thmeslat pr the gmere ve n e fomreploiee o! a confecttoflei-itheai yeung masiier tolers. Commlttee. shenlstpartbegantha ame uthe acocer in h uidn i ere l i-e, . F. Greenlea!. Waukegen's vwel FRANK DuNlx, Drnuin lbegfuitobai! GraOut.e ot ittteS vas piaced under si-iest and kuowu Gi-sud Araiy votern, mewPro Hlgiivay Co-nnsIoir tii bet f d. corug Moat drp-the autiiorities indicated diat startliiig tino velsund sayois uabis boauts Chas. E. Russell, ptng lu tii. tieaI pint Moa! die ga in lcastiresould failow. about belng a gooti Junuper are not ex- Ca. Supt. of Hlghvays. oig n hefi-e t po n f thoins îtt Wben the tire vas placeS toiSer cati aggrated. "life vas regardeS as be. Chas- P. Richards, .oaetrag.rmreespan flownded tt 1-1siortly belaote,10 o'clockthis lug lte holder o! the wvanS champion Clei-k of Tovtio! Antioch. Patiaiol. ie gln aei-8 fd o marnng ater bur-i4ng feceli mnce ahîp ua ajumper," Mr. Greeleaf saiS Anliocii, III. goe all ofSthe Se tvo i-atha t untforlamli>iht investigationi vas tat-ed tto tday. "Onietime a tamaua Jumper Dly Mar a. 16 goaland ade wo.PrOMthatuutloaeru the.cause. Caraei vas taken luncompeted vith Mi. Praline anS tii.iyMr ,1 tii. euS of the gaine, Il vals o s tari- dy1> WkAtonelhile Mai- gn a jmpd athr1n6w bodys'apay and teaturod princplti ocstd i 'ieÂtrtySho . akguais jupe aither l v _______in________ bv sae rogItbut nvertieles <a i 1gb alterr ri p. Seu!, presideut jumpa hnbsopoetcudI plsay g Lbtoada helr 1 o ucilft sud Company, vhere the i-e tiii-e." plain. hrmpLsdeAgAin. sl4rtdL told that lhe man iedbaShreat As ,ta lrng the present sea- ed bluL Aoi'is srl dTr4it e l S cars-ei vasniieiSincommunildada. lun, tiinmbeTruo!quivs lalbaskfet', "I have evidence vhich 8shows con Time Cieck fer Oratora scoreS. 1He cageS seven on fielSdgols' clusivl that the i-eva ficdi emeta!le rtaipriset no-sîte iepin'anS Sopied lu tour an o#lgn,» said the li-e attornley- pay Ile attention ta the, raie.s omDO- fori-etses pouta psile5,fUi. TIiouealideof persans cii-ldSthe de lImes lu force Itmting the. iengtii af ftostesfi-outaisfa Oibl elsiyforveatateti-district an forenCoo vatch ~ eore the. boitsd lt ,qitelrstierl lie Leglonfor.uglng i remen battie Vlth thli amould paas dt put l tirndoc -t th t ianieo Sl helter iing ruine .Meni vers theii.mculoil Wiiivi how utsti.lengtio escii. aItuescee f ei-e.-The tsa tata-peker hasucusui d l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _rn__ _ce anj s d faca g Of thei 10sitao'1' is etaîzer et th . be < l g t hW - Burluatonbuilding, iiousili thi.main "mar.iks. e officeso!rthe Chicago, Butitugtoui& Quincy ral-oaS, vich vas gitted _______________________________ fram the ixth tour up, vere Continu aul drooplug sud lmPeiiling the i-e men and Police. fi Portions o!flthe Austin and Atian tic buildings, amatiE the man y lu ru ins. swayed and feul vitii ieavy crash .,lteut car liues lu the district ver. o ut o! commission ail morulug. Thoeu sonda o! persons ver, late reportin to orisas a consequeuice, heing foi-c 2 S ta taie Seviaus rautes. Elevated >t-sU le vas suspendeS haitlsamilea tram tiscene. STho InJureS ai-e belng treated i a thé Irqole apltal. The death victinu vas lamtes j. McGoveru, a iemen, wb.o vas kilieS vii. utrack On lhe head hi a faling aigu. SIIERMAN HMUSE T. &i~i WON 1 FINED >$25,O0Q0 ca"diate fe« >"MhaEi oiffl $ a' noi-e Is a truy vondrfuL solection a!fpietty Sprîog Goals for vomn ad mimses la a vide tsi-kIT e tyles ith Invei-ted ploat', ox pleais. raglan el estes, tiare havis, belteé modela, mt-lu seil lrwui, tan, gray as iturea accoi-diug ta prie. . ( Womez'a 150 \ Mali 1aCrep. Step -Ins and~ Bloomers 34c 1 200 -Women'a Crepe a.nd Batiste Neglt Gowns Up to 1.75 At 85C -orseti Covers 35c 7he Season'Sç First Great Showing of- Chiildren' s Spring Coi Vèry Specially Priced at the Following ats - pi-etty styiish littIe Coata toi- the youngstens ai-e lberi-el a profusion 0f-clever new styles lu vanted materiais sud calons andI luail suzes vith set-la or raglan eleeves and belteS and pîeated bac"s Women'a Long SiIk Gloves Up ta 3.50 S2.49ý Children'a Puncy Play Suits aiid Rompers Veriy Special at L4igh W.ight Union Suits 49c Children'ns N ew Straw Hats 100 j1's.0-1.98 m2,i50 lm300, ant v The brook on Pi-i t0 Dr. thie Wo of mer À part.. -i5 ought n'fot cul hoaplis nurses fram b tram, office. vestige of the' The. an atti vert' t difficuli buioke ( and wl anot he t lentse home t vas se nu-r, ani more t patilent cauglit' t, o At 12.I cali foi htf- of that ut Eight r thet'tu lheir n ta wo obtaine campel They k tar' gos te fna The' the. oi vas pi Jacob Fruit s dieu il pi-emisi the Pi- Itsrium bas te- eut Chi laking tiera. The' -cause Insuran The departi Hart-y Lai-sont tai-y, V Boyer anS fit the. ho. Who vi helped 34 ty. sen of Pi-S by tiie voluntu ln fIre fine ou Seve u-d la 'coutity teoti Palmne- Ingsaa raugeni of tiie viiethg *Dept se.k E resp-un t e la bulidit becaut made Dr-. the st hy Inni starte, wiiich cess, Biel colont been t laten cioak- about As1 lie Ega V'I ( answE queoi* 1100 vou SAN IN

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