DI~FEATS gst Boim a IHoward ver. GutOiMI b s 4 S IIom! boulaS star x)layrs. pa r 1 1. fe K u r INDEo~ MIWC INTheRoya' Niihb6ia oelebrateil<t1Iir n*ytadn ~i I I ir livem-i" MSY ble*hiai pèlt t g Hars ohsn f rstlve et r si uu= k a-- ke S 'TUflAY NIGUIT ~ftJRW96109I ,13 "'e nt ustbeONMRC!171 p0c otéJh Doyle place, vseire Vtsfmr trim Waukegan team GURNEE GRAMMAR SCHOQI. IMr. anld Mrs. WlH. Pester en- bi thé swt e o otweFnl metn "< arne 'Aer battie- Kenyon stars for vrda re oi e bad a P5rent-a! tertain for Mrs. James tiils sSumer. ments for big oounty event loc ils w*, others absent tage of the offer te ée. us at verk.1 BarnstableDrPrxneC5it ShOWe held last nlght mothes, vio vllîedvere - ie5ay to close the notce) lon &saoowt _ ~Gur-eê' sud the Y. M. C. A. Tigers Th mohem wh Mviit. wre. M".] l dlightfui surprise party vs beld of the. lallnua épidée-cBut $o» The vari<ocoitesfrteWe batkil hrough tour qus.tr5of aOlonr 'of Mm. James Baratable at tvws notuecea.ary as th s5WSliy fare Baai given under-the auspicesor zssL'I ame ai thé Y. M. C. A. MM. Fred GOelliP, MI-.Ch"- HOok, the home of W. H. Pester. of Grayaslake mlly ILttheb cotuuty ponts of the Anserican Le- Zlardg, .tiýgtt for avilory for the Mrs. Potteit MrM, Wilisi Ausgtin.MrLs laut Suudsy. The party cetebrated the A aat « mcn areifl thiB jÎ4011 glon at the armory ou t.L Patricks Otwe .-r'in the lisaliew minutes P. W. Bâtllre and MMv. Gorge MC 731i birtbday auuiverzary Ot Mns. bohéo stopplisg luthe depot Mal#* ulght, Friday, Marftch i, hoid theird bt pia,. -nyon starred, scoring f if- Culiougb. JamesB.autable vhi ls a renidlentut adbeggt"s for fond in thse daY tlMe. fiuai meeting at evening sud coin-t ten îi-ets, but missed oun several h eosd Crohithu ok Leke Vliia,"A ciluer vas Servec IniiTénÉi ur h~sxfetatn ltc ln o h al ouly thots tîi-imight have turneci the Tescn uiehi ottn connection'vitbth ie party.Th oâliortansxàta SdPéePasfrtehl. a cr f 27 to 25 in laver of thse Wau plaé1niday 'extenoou. W. hll dmsny Àrnonk thse guests present vere hen brcc.d ub«do & ied. la W«j,êýKIg ta The vaifare bal promis« e ob. the ha tu'bdh aegoi1.int0reMI it m S tgfrom i parts of thse six children, Mrs. James Brown, Ms-z. <Jè?Og> i zo*nt fett bt. Tne#flèl*Most Bcc"àfnt andi enjoyable afIr ____ tl-i aeg h lever bald at tish oa roy ieln ehôt bos. *04d1. j.X hm ae lbiiredtkkg thins Bd Brown, mM. Steffinbemg. Mni. Net. 1 *surs a red skIs-t.stsv batad gie- cea5-Ot e cl forYL. Tvelare Bo1tk tp,"..ý PptM t he gaine vita vero a tpefr à<4eer autlem .thse deer, lie Thomnson, Mrm. Annie Pestr.A001141111bot fvefee feeliiitire b0fte Ae sia e ion he oimt 1R arteel uine of!-Offensive and de- wors of thes umerofMrs Brntal& grndat.U TLégfaesonv rdisi)cfbé îxw -]bd" numbr of Mrs. Barstable'ester'A «' ohé là aout fcouféet. etY"gad al hl ae hwhrel 1b oni.A number of iodgesanad soci tafiqe elay. but rlented a bit as the su. '*4 4 Ï e 1«tom ro o ld-ntweriaio prseu. ifide£IIIuluer. TheY 5am curry- eLles uho have contempiated holding Zdw *ffli on.ieAt be hait. tbe se 1 ~ on.Tise peresons Rithe Party vere as nthibaeboulcuTBsd :n:StPalk'ihtav to4i -]ith te tE kf _j î aiMm w t* r .co.,fol iovs: n elbWM9oWAiSVà,ad faranStPtic!sig hv t i t ro 1re# et U~~JWi~ Mr. andi Mrs. James Barnastabie, lir. ass aA~stvtsts U4ý U' etkjan Ms.JaesBrt# M. udMn iA ckus, rail vas fotp on thse Leglon lu their velfare voÎrk. This la ~dboiti sideq 9c srlngthîrte p oIn y 'tatk." thats isai vsail 55>'. Bd Brown andi daughter. Miss lÀia trsackW@dneed& Moroing. pets pau- the filsaffaîr the couuty Legion posta sgi t veoe ls soml wthte 0ftise tivo W.hope te have a standard sîns Browu, Mr. and Mm. Steffluib.rg ami dise vas sent te watch ît nutîl repeirs have beici JoIlt 'and al Indications tai 'l ovrcoe sineof he otvo rsous, Lawrence and Lare Stettifu. b. mde A, hetrin bdto are that Il viii bie such a grand suc over our achool boua. iu tise near ý At rices4they viii boici social activities point lead thse Guruee outfit had gain-1 berg, Mss.Me Hock sud tvo datIgi pfoceed ver>' slevi>' itil lb.h e frequentiy. d. tee-s. Misses Berthsa sud Luella Hook. oilkiltep-f thé dansaUsi?,11. 'The Staron s In ve.in e b D* lo't tergat;tthe neit Pa"n~t-Teacher Mrs. Neite Thomnson sud daugister. , tefnesbmrouls ili ho serveci. Kenon nd owrd eretheln meeth*. Mss. L, Potter, bliss Main- Miss LoulIe Thoinson. Mr. aud Mm.n t w hibl takes out by a:fst Ah. Schvartz laekcairman of the vildui stars of the gaine. each scor- vas-ing, Richard Roek sud Fred Gel- Royal Lee. C~hicago, 'Misa Ma. Smith. r dcmigcmiteadwt i ,lo tn oits orthil rispctvelinga bave charge of taie meeting. Chicago,. Miss Maida Wright, MM. Jo1h Caroline ls lu theérch orte sAcOmmi.ttee bas been vorking diligent iten ontflgorlsthl ee t ver-Henrietta'Davis, Ms-s. Charité Heok, commauonér aail tlwite 1>'te create a veritable falrytand. tâisss onedfiefreegosesoutiofse for W. are a-il doA inOur bain u 'he tr I, . J.M. Patiner, Mrs; Anle Pester, Jon Caroline, Jr., bas returneci te Hundreda of tickets bave heêu dis '"n- caneces.iBfe". ta osse ar of vouta forthee anunat Town conteste. Cash. iRay. sud Clifford Pester. 5seesr.Ltlin.tributed tbroughoul tbe county te the the~ Tigers. vas oui of the gaine v- We bave a fijat aid box ready 'for ITihe playe. aled --Tii. Nelgiso." vas1-loua Poste visoare particlpating gte s-éceautiMosas. sud Ohison. a emes-gUci« os w. o 0 O l6 00 00,0 00000sooo WMetdcrWÜ aa lYo vitis so mlcimSacens lu tiielarge sdvance sale. Tickets inay gur. wsasoasn trith r tuo ndM.BQrs petaRA S Ee ut nn lW cs aw vfisteb Péenei bt e beprocurec froi n sy meter of the I ths-e ar. hn u s aise absent frin te M.Sue u r autbi ts.a i team. W0Cl,15theP u ecommittees au the door on irrida> ev- thluu t h Wuea en. Monda>' cilsg repalr vork about the 0 0,000a0e 0 00 0 00 0**00 AMWMMyi là tof the Derflld g u-lg. Afiei experienciug a defeat and feet-- a o bue.mas-scisool Weduesday eèti ec ofdn ha hycnwn I ooontelM.E.hooe peteu.MsssMeComicksselected orchestrahbas ýsà counfiaethathe ieoey nevinelu-___________ Iti ChicagM. E ureseilie iesGrace and BeatSide Carcisu beon enggicte1fumnieh the music sud ý?.Ürelue-nfogaintegaes-s oene - * tri M 19006 1M0 >'luCbc&0.anI. Marie O'Conor. thre5' young ta- the> have a nuniber9o! surprises lu ~l us or gasea wek ro IGeorge Ricbardwot$f t. Paul, MinfLu.diteu 0f ournOntghiborhOOd certalu s aestore for the daucers. The>' vii pisay s i,* W and tis Gmue hll. viielotbth e LA0 1V LLl e vlatttn.g lisabrother, William, sud to b. comptimented entaiir acting. numbes- o! oid lime Irish songs sud bal , lo id hon viige n t the * O000000000OO000 0O O0 o1 tiser relatires iu Ibis vie-luit>'. fes tihe pisay. folks, andi ear about lads lu houer of St. Patrick, - 4 aMay be a bit different. 1 M. aud Mm. John Nacir atteuclec Mrs. Ray M-Bede b.sd tise mIsfortune Miss Carolan's "isuffalo bug" a srew Tiere viii -be otiser entestainnint The Line Up: tise funes-sJ o! a frleuci lu Chicago anr.l. slip ou the wsik Moud5>'. failla luinrésident of tise insee-t vos-d. througbout tbe eveuing besides danc- WVJt<POAN TIGERS (25) IWeduesdey o!fat veue. jsuri a manines-as to austain a bai1 Mns. Bertha Biex dted Matcb 9i t iug. The. public viliibe deligistecite ~~T~5tadt ...25 3i0O Misa Harriet Milles- vas s Chic-ago spe-Ù of bier left wrist. 1:80 at thse home of!lber father. Augist ko lsi aee-bsbe ie 's>'ou 'visiter lest veek. .i M1 lxnRcado t ~Zeun u er g ieW. ae uredtieo eureti-an the over-tlowing - . 3 O 0 O The Bus>' Bases viiimeel vith irs s-s th the lagripue. r ~ ~ ~ 1~-~ Genersi couniy cornmiltee. --- --- ----- 0 0 0 l0James Kr e luMrh22 n Alo te cretfvrptinsaerCGo"red and vas taken ver>'111lnl John Gorbye, Lakte Forest. General W" - - ~the at. oaoEei n s-veh 22.l l of iey, andletmoyn tEnt N~oesler, visen s e tumn :romCirI-5m suean i-c 'iar .........g1 64ice0lyemar PrtCoUia, Color-ado. Selae n ý"à Et(7 cm.Bring needies aud tiimbles for ou, of qUarautine. There have been sB..F.etWestex, vso le our vices oi. insu nne caoses repuetedl for tise past tvo Hes- iuisauci died lu a Texas caino Tom Troxel. Higislandi Park. ....i ...... 04 o0 Miss Hayden. vis a sa bemn sguest weeks. W. beigin te thlnk tise opidroeu- dunsg tise Iufluenza epidemie iu 1918. Sergeant Joknov. Fort Shseridan. 0 1 O at e prlagepstiemnhaii a lf1 l. v as bu-led at tise Mémoriliceni- J. D. Doyle, Lake Bluff. 2 OO Iviîtei rlaivenl 0,Icg laet week , Thse local Royal Nelgihors célébri-, etery lu B!Wan&ton Meaday, Mardis 13. Grat Lake& 2 O 4O A en puncidaugiter hvastbo il~ their 26th anuivi-asry Tuesday ove- We exteuci our sympattsytets e- FakOea.oriCsia. l); t.ad rsOVre ixnofAlenae iR . Darby: Grayalake. e insu - armFrlday of letutw.ek. mitlated und a "Royal" gond time vas DleClo---ieryile 415 - il1i9 1t1Mn. aldMn, Aleck HausEtu o! Chi- bai by a ?prent. PIAVNTSA.S-aDecorating caged2v ou tet Thrsdy t spnd RIMAY NTESAbeSchartz, Chairman. cag d'de et es Tiusad>' 0 peci Me-a. dRd et ofEast Troy, Wls. Je Those perfect i lu piiigfor tie Elmer Schlelcker, Albert Sisober, Dr i '000000 O O O 0 ,rthe day vith Mx. Hau*u'sfiletes. me Penhiug tise veue aitis ber ader, tIst veek ver. AdolpisVan Lanuiyt. C. B. Johnson. G U R S Daube. anid famiy. Mm-e.Gen Coafi. Heur>' Huizenga. Gesieyleve Lubeck Receptlou-Atty. Albert L. Hall. oli 0o 0 o0n00 c0 0 o p Oa O 0 O0O00O0 1Ms, #.d Mns. O. Morrisa . uts-- Ms-. Btsan of Autioci s pent Tues- Heur>' Moutey, Steve Rostiel, Hiigh Att>'. Okel S. uqua, Mancel Taisatt, udMnsM&S. ih o Wilon 1 e Ms-. Morrison'asister sud mother d5Y viti s i~lake frisais. Pilipe, IMan Vos-e, Robent Coltby. Paul Dr. J . C.eFoie>. Dr. C. S. Ambrose, E. Wr. sud Ms-,Chasles Htr -OiCiaoia .k - Kesaro aud William Monte>'y . Clifferd, John Gos-b>' Est, etGususe-~i s Ms. JIrvng Pester, Ms-. Ceôrge1* *o *@# o 0.0O 4A00000oe0eirBesSie Kostisila or 'hOoe? 5tu-1 Refnshnty L-. Mot. Toa Jh »e»lber of Waalngasi. GoofiI5sund nou sud Lucilie. Pester. E0w * H5 s dent. Oh. lbes heid ber pieseat thes e t Brt.iet-.E.Toa.J N4rOllinsud«ante Mies "nvet te Crystal Lakte Saturds>' for a s E* T . > uOLa a. oaaa s of lier clamnus, he hbegfliiug 1ploes- -Wsltrr Piquette, Arnold *se Sulida>' vils thet couple of day'ets>' vith Mrs. Pesiels'0 .O00000 000000000 of the >'ear. "D'jke" Nolan, Joe Messicit, Len Sbes. - feil>. Parents tisere. Tiser. as-e ins a o f sprlasg Thonse perfect iunseading for Use lisat Frank Mulve>'. A god prograns at movies ut tise Be-uet Couva>' bas repos-ted seeing a veoit ver. WalterS- 50>1 Willam Lu- Fiance-Artbur E. Basyle. YOUS.m Pebliies Society chus-ch Thursda>' everiug. Coensd e-s-evbrlugiug a tvig te a t-rec. Lin- bécit. Bessle YKetit auad Anstice. a*t, te Clis home. eujQy tliein. We viablte correct Lise coin Seyisaav a csow remodeUug bis Conva>'. 00-0S O O Oe - ae~uTowssiloHih1S-1oiaeke o! asat veek, vbeu il vas nest. tedwiug. blacihirda' homnrd Tiist>-ouïe o! tise pupis cf oun r 0I VE r. téAted lb aésanouned for Frida>' 'veuing. Tise>' arks,, Meadov tanks, have beeu seMs scisoot, have joined tahé Audubon Socle- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ut tise bighs sciSeot riay>' iliibe belci on Tisursday evenlng unlit A baud of gypsies passei tisrough, tise t>'. Eachis lud receiveci six bird pic- frlirtiser notice. district laSt veek. -Au>' mone aigus? tures sud a buttan, et vhisie-s iey as-e 0f course YOU wyul vaut ltesé "A Old femliar Sviiitn match sud Mrs, Buford is entertaiulug a friend i Wisat vas tise mail rush tise other ver>' Prouci. SOttier iui des-.lla" Coeiedy atagled 4-orund ver. thelle. AUl o! the frs-cmlber home tovo, Paris, Mo.. for mormng? Oh! tisat vas jugt tise boys b>'tise Prairie Vieow Ladies' Aid. on -Atld, repor~>steil a votuderfissia fevveeks. Ieadelîmbisg tise feueste10play' hall lu tise oooooooo0n ooo 0o0,Mare-is h24 a i e sbe-ge'ssIWI. 'dnv . dek sud guest ise Jaines Loar'Mr. Sandvick, rnialo h De.0 00000 0000O1 lber sistier viii give Yeu afwths-llla Lits reprs eilk Miss HvlnFn o' e deui on aevsaJh e ii.picplo ieDe- L > >~ * Ms aie snnpe us u MissRvel'n eu- ome field-Silds igh seisool val visiti lrhe tise imats-imnill fficultlea o! m ur d mi"e tiser Fistule>'as-e home Ms. and Mss. W. A. Truax entertain-. se-liol TiUssca>' te encourage tise tis Frankt Hbmunue vas a receu Ci- Mammy> Judy Johnson, uegro servant. 8tale ai Scisool ut Bleaun ed Ms-. Tns-a' sistes- fs-cm Kenosisa. grade gfris e attend that high aclibol' cago visites-. viii afford Yeti a isundroilauagis. Yeu -"4 Tise girls have ,en cisys for a sud Ms-s. Truax's siaLom f rom Mlîbumu attes-tise>' bave graduateci. H. otti a Ms-. and Ms-s. Vinrent Mas-liai &peti i fotlow syinpatheticall>' Utile Enici. i-oàn'aao.lsat Sunda>'. 01m>' of a nlead Indien chie!. visose MoÉday vltis relatives et Me-tens-y. Madai Chas-lerla's grand daugbtei -*r.'sud Mis.fDuncanaree aevlng Ms- aod Ms-s. Alber, Kapple 5Pecfl, ffin coul b. knoclaed Mon sdlise Eas-i Jacobsen on theullbweek endi dean lier long oaci lu hapeluesa, vhis -. JXO the Bs-sm home o GLandAvenue.Sunda>' vitis Mm. Kapple's sister lu anavereti otbing at ail. Htttcd us ln Elgin. You vili admire Miss Wlnetrbesr>' andi >(sv14MAnnie HegmSu laisspending a Waukegsu. j tisat If ve dld net study>' ard nov ve Me-. and Ms-s. red CroIees-of Liber Joisncy Belle *for tiir rmal gcodulesa. du ua t th Ue Hagert>' bere lu LIb- Tihe milk faclor>' 1a being eNquippeci I ouici kuovi othing ai -al. tyvfIle visîi tis eir ageMsLecAaT 1 lhmoenmchyvan h or Aail at fTop aed h ue vrSunda>' Madaci Charters, anti olciArisitecrat... Xr oli rtzei ero»y Ifpestues-luiug vas beguin Monda>'. se-hbon Wedsiesda>'. Jusl as tise>'geL Mrsa. Fs-sd Wilbufr and dauseM............Ms. Eh 0Ott --Wor coins.front Usbans tisatMs. Ms. and Mrs. Ben Raustin entestais' pant tise Schoel tise offices l«calg --m- ase',o-G---tk--i-t---s--i-A--u-e--C-d--ia - e ceif e li iis t ise lu. eYoung M .Hal lase froieig owlSndy. 1put up isb ihallsud t-je cavais->'ameineonda bere Wd»Ry.1.......----- . .. ..Flosere Kuedisr - '-~u~ie Chlatsu huech aqsg s-s Hanti laimpovilg lev> 1 te a ahi. Those on tise .leftfaced' Ms-. snd Ms-. Lloyd Beuvel aud Miss Reste Winlerbe-s-> A Setîlemeut *11 - vii e a St,. Ps±sick's social John Natir la addisig a sun paýIos- le soutis sud the uses ou tise s-gbt faCed daugiter of Guru.. visiteil relatives Workes- .......... Mn. Bas-ah oten 'l~iuirhy elemon.tIi. fsont of bis bonie, sndviii builci nos-Us. Aites- a short hait tise>' vrnt isere Wednesday. Mi-e Joisn>' Belle-, A litIle Coquette.. ChuýGZ0e. Tovu Teins de! esteci it long enougis te accommodate big on thels-va>'. As tise lest of Lthe coin- Mss.Bari Paddock vent tbs-ough aun............-----...Ms-s. Clara Stanc-liff Jigesi"kmu Tigers. an unustialir sommes- trade llne-e creani eud soit pan>' got 10 the etige o! the.vends Lise>'jopeéation fer appenduil i.ftishe Wau- Kathesrice Havk, An Ettgllsh Nus-e.. musket bail tesa f Waukegan. drInks. -t bslted agalu sud tweo quads cane. icEýgan hespital lest veoit. ..Mrs. -Bertha Rutchjugs M. Dragon bas bougbt one o! tise back,. rfive lu eacis. Tise s-at o! tise' Ms-.sud Ms-s. Leo liendes o! Round Caroline Havk, Hes- SisterAn Aciven- cottages freni lie Thsorn property sud compan>' proceedeti sentis.-Lake vere Voeocaliets Wedneaday. tureas----------.....Mm. LII)>' Degner - La movlng Il te bis lot lu the iiovles-,Mrs. Cramner vas calleil to Chicago! Mn. S.,V. Weo4ues- returiet houm. Mammy> Judy Johuon, A Black Bluie- subdivision. SuAda>' b>'thse Ilinesu of lber deugistes-. 1Smday, aite s peuding lise past voik Grass WidOc------Ms-s. Kitty Bturmn Tise daugters- repcs-ted bettes- and 1lu Wauktegan. ACT t 0000000000 00000000 Mrs. Cramer returneti home Thus-s<ay Tise Brick acistol la cloSec Ibis veek Place- ASciuthern Home. AUt~ c iin ~ 0ight. Ons seceunI o! sie-knesa. Living Room at Chas-les Hall. Eniti 0O b ICH O o'Cester-LuuuienIosfeeling fineaasoi1Mss. Frst speit SuudayinuRound Ceees Home. 0 0o 0o 0o00 00o0o 0 0 o0 00 0takes a rdevçry aft»rnom. Lake vith lber clsIjds-n. vise plannet ATI Tis ti li mutbof cioolendc is.~ l aiou gosefýyninluous- a ver>' sucesaftti surprise an ber lu S=ie--Txitee Day LaIes-.Tise Burnjpg as-ch Gih. Those periect in attend- vicinit>'. W. liinit bis ma±êIs e eling honor etlises- bls'tb.day.of tise WiiI. e-ce for tise montS ver. Mse Tas-lui, ber.. Weduesday h. flev sAs-fI oves-, Tise cecmmttee lu chsarge o! tlse St. ACT III ? dwnU nderwood sud Fsanklg Gross. tise se-bonI yard, then tu*edi aud vent Pats-tek'is part>' viibes te) thank ail Saine Tvo Yer Lates--Ciudereiia Th) R perieci for- tise wveli ers SeUls. ittose vise belped; aise Mr'. Wieetock Oes, To lise Bal. Ruth sud Car-oline Schwermsu. Biise Ms-. Shermaan la paintings sud papes-- of Libertyville for hie tait; aud lies'. ,B. sure te coin. early andi gel abhat OeMM,,d ilercd rakl u ts sus ie~ s.Bbi> adJames and Ms-. Binler for their fine fer you are cestain 'Io get a gooci eve- 4 M I I [ G ro sti. P d ik;Frs-icit , M a , T a s-- te liv e fo r A le c it M R .>tr a B ou g e v th m ise C h u rc il . n ir 's o jo y x e t. bil, Lillian Ginse.Ruth Meye-, Vo-n M-. Sift lsplanning tiu Ild cd- Sia'Scso.I1:5fut -ueb iecu-c niSudySiso st Hall sud Bas-ne>' Amann. tiens te tise bouse viser. Siyrs Han- ses-vice at 2:30 p. ns_,Mercis lOth. tise targest atteniauce oft tiis year. A Edwin ttsdervood bas bween enithes-______________jTif. man>'fs-tends et Miles Rutis Pet- number o! classes haîsa perfect sud d a1-d>' nor absent aluce tise begnutug Wson ver. gnleved tie beas-o!flier oves- fioviu attendauc«, ail vOs-e hap- o!flsehe-schot tes-tu. - - -- - - death t t bhoi2e of ber Oasenta in py andi an',y ts>ttin.Cm Y' - Berne>' Ainsun atiendee tise iusi- Jj #air Huntle>' lut Thursae> eveusjng. Thseansu r a-hetu next Suinda>'. udonwI lC . ute ai Waukegant aud Kenloyeti it vos- f ies-ai services viere helti at Mcenff. Thie teacher. am- get'ing Lise Eastes- mue-b. W j s-> Metisodiat e-sure-h Stus-da> afles-- progianti>', v are suWse that tise Ilcijansin Aines wî saent fi-oui nom. 5chludren and thosseaithtie bai vili do c'mU.l.d .1.uSs -diheltv-tu lns rSuce fMoulcs um ng hadsAta ets- *r LdMn. C. M. Glbsseand chi2 diva visited vith relatives Iluheliselt>' Sn SUnday. Mlme Eteano-Ps-tee s pent Sunda>' Mn. and Ms-. Harvýe>'Mes enci oildren as-esensilg tis e ekI M~d vltb Emsma Krnme-. Mies1"AInm Krulàgsser ane home on BundAy> evesuing anti retz=ed to the cýil> Mmian on MouMdy moring. Mbs Dorotiiy aSs-p spent Sud>' vih Ms-. GýUe toup. Ms-. asd Ms-s. Ben Cook epent Mon- de' 'evesin« vils tise C. M. Gilman fenil>'. Next g*slay, Sunda>' acbooi et 10 a. ms; preachlisg s! Il sud 7 »80. Are you lushbii% 10 be pifent MatshRrsbb.rger &peut Suada>' et Dlesend Lobe 1TisUe 111.danghtle- o! Mn. snd Mss. Bum wse ietve veekae ld haxl tve teeth. FR"ANK JOIINSON TAK13N TO "PRN,, Frankt Johnuson o! Wlntbs-op Har-bor vas taiten Lo Joliet Lotie>' y Unde- shes-m Griffin te begisi sesring froin one tsq ten years for bus-ning bls bouse bolci Xooda to defraud tue insus-suce cernpsay. He confessetilsud Jutige Ed. varda anti PreseStorS-fmiths pronisied tise>' vouit netoloze iespetîtion for pardon et the eut of a year. Johnsou bas a vif. and tvc emali e-hiidren. FIlS t n I.skp Cuty - The iNDU. PENDENT. t' TO~C ATM .Frank Ganter and Wm. ,Cougli lin taken vMM-end raids Of Prosecutor Smlth's aids Oves- Sunda>' activItles o! tise Pr-~ isibîtion ecias-comeut squad o! State's Altos-ne>' A. V. Smitb resultati lu tifo belrug ars-esteti ou chars-ofa! 10- l*xbnu, anA las coftit>' court lent MMn- day suother plejde t 10operating a stili anti vus setencedti te30 deys ln lbe count>'Jlli Frankt Ganter of Wadsvos-tb ave- nue andt William Cougislio! Iligi- woûi, -vs.'. hisa u ugsla day siiglt b> tise dry squsd.. This la lise sedoud tîsue Coughslihan been lu the lotis' o! lise lav ou chas-ges o! vlalttn& tise dry lauý. Bois gave bonds fos- 82.000 each. anti Pi.secutos- Smith viii file la, formation agalnsi Ihoc lunlise Coteu- t>' court. Cas-[ Wagnes- a! Higbvooti pi*d- eti guiity of operaliugs allîl sued Jutige P.hL'pes-sous seniencet i ts in 30 tsys lu tise counl>' jail. no *ho b.ing atideci. Wagnes- immedtitl>', began servlng his sentence. Ms.>' Wear the Rfibbcsm. b Ae-os-tir to t ae eus-sent IteM, 4 ' France ipa nU 1.000.000men are mi teltiledinweer thse ribboisoo! *1. - iegionn es itnors. os- ou.eu ines->' Iff iubhiiiit-st. i.usig ugo Mss-k Tvuin saws nt'e u-p t"A-t55 'I4vo uew houses on Fourth Street that we viii oeil right. These vere buili by us of the best materils and by labor on day liani. There la no shant about them. 8'lfty-foot graded lots. Shede trecenand aiks. Houses bave large living rooni, kitchen. two bed roins. thre e iosetU and bath on main f loor. ttoom for two bed roomsUs e conad floor. Hune. hlgh cemented beeent Water, gaz, eiectricity cisteras. Price of one 14.500.00 and other $4,200.00. PIrst paynent $1.0w.00 Balance easy. WIll put in furnace for 8150.00 extra. AMERCUI WIRE FENCE CO., 'phli ...0 LBERiT VIlL, ILL WHY LET YOUR HOGS GET SICK OR DIE We guarautee our remedy to save 96% of the sick bogu. stop l.bs coughing. and destroy ail Worms Ln six days. If It dont do what vo say, mouey refunded, Gets more Worms than any other worm capsul. Write for froc Information on disiases and cure of hose aid chiocens. Evnuaa Stock & P..kry FaiamGii, N.,. 15. ete, sàsblshed lffS P JUUgei U te sait f lr.no4 Ho nmP ~Mutton, Veni.Peuwaime. e.Aise Dttter a"SU& GeneralPr000dàetcmimm oldest bhe.m theic trect. Tau Co mi*on lat«CO flmM M erchant FultonSme boetze111arkAt. W. ÂleeBuree eedCompanyIL fo ailsea eà edf r flc ade. P a or denrser A INe, Popriefor. ETMÂTPOESTSHE OR à' STORE A . rchliSertrysd Mmr. ABSRACS0TITE - TITLOR ES UARNTE C F aital AND5O LAM SAI eGAN.. 111bemae1 fee »re0E Fred B. Si dent of 1 postl usaI tise wauitegall force of 3,00 eu MSitha ment Ma&i 8ns b>'rS )s-. Smith ls o!' tise J la ibe tlat v bi een Mae me. Smit's le kma is-. Seule le the local ~*&s, euit- lu altrip ai ves-e « bo the Middtle 0. s»Hongt mailes frein The Xtan' mice eftoi «emonet. maite a MIt Sun editos- resuit oai h fI5 Tise repo pan>' plant 113,O000,000 .4. a-econdi tisaI $3.000 fture. Thse be tas. lest ha psactiez PMI'$s fine incept tisai eru. -Of Use 1 viii b. os- Siths. a la Mn. Smu Nmauille shops" but alvays nma talons vit les as-e unis Tise Sun Man>' ques iiafeu C s'esldeut o! article for- lave tiser No more1 Peu tissu t pioylng 3,1 boom tissu a gigaulie- emtima. 00000 @ S 00000 Nîr: andi h to tise Ku, Arn... Bal Ms-. su( f rIendes lu The Ws ,well farci Ms-. andi Sos-edtote1 Shirley Mss-y Par Ms-. Vs Hdilanti" mma. j Wedueeel tes-, Mîldut Ms-s. R bousbu Tise ex vei. Iu sev4 stoot igi Fos-tai giade, ex, -De Me>'. c To ele soft I ol and a lit allier e-i $6.5 E4u 22 c a da ÇA iý-