the home 4f lier daughtérlire. Walter WI&rd, 11S0 North avenue, vIll lie held 8a'tTw ~ura mrmin t 1 SD mck CAUSE 1MATE WOMAN DIEJ> IN Th trouaEth@MAahINhoe. lWÂSrienma ter M. E.lantrChit: uc il f' A À EM ON USKRAT TRAP tuegs Toinorrow will hé ladies' day at the mail Con rom 9Caii'ison andi his "Crew" TeC elra ong aeliys. llof Girand Mrs. julia M. Ruion, of West ciltor, incb wh ch 22 br e vî0ý4 tieos.a falt in rc o vnewbo have been ili witli thé la- W sintno! togo ene i rtuIn whcli brs Joged i c~aso tat tafiti rac w grippe are able toelhe out again. ahnto u eIsr ms. 7 y a 1trapr trop ugphbled Cag o, Denetf auto Mr. anld Mrs. William Hldebranid of dSGi'0 Tuesday Ilîa uki n vlhleda td - ~~Antioch visited willi friends la Wou- lier lu, in two f et of mud and water 1a-e G kean ynteray. ere revealed with theé flnding of the satistacti le Bernad Hoem ! Noril avenueMARRIED ONLY TWO YEARS womans body luithe fnote hore. cOne DACIQ EAiIR ISI e rn arday. f ot aeu o!flier owui rape liad snared lier. and ANOTI4I - la spendng the day ln Chicag.o onl bus a boat, trean wichs elle was baiIing it, 1 . Tony Carrlson o! Waulcegan, who lners. Mrs. Juilia M. Rulon, 1430 Wa.shing- tipved over and loited S'y. Washi ca*ned enideralé notorîety recent- The executive committee o! the Anm ton street vas granted a divorce Tues For at toast five houl'5thé vonian thé soldi ly lioulilii roliitesas enican Legiozn. Moner Dahringer Post dey !rom Wirth A. RuIOD. On tlie lotindered lu tIse icy water andi mud. bouse wâ thmh h& poclVites s aNo. 281, vill hoiti a spécial meeting ai grounds tbat lie vas convictéil Of a To exticate hierelt aie attemptei te rane tod "gliost liunter." bu blranched ont lu thé T. and 8. Soda Grill tomorrow év folîony ln tlie circuit court at PeOrifl. bite off lier ti.lit wrist, near bere the mîttée gg e new lîne-that or anto-ilief linni- 8 o'clock. 1 l.C1 steel traip gripped lier. unable te plan eft orn. With bis trusty baud of "gliost Misses Mamie snd Hilda Hapke of Mrs. Ruion Atateti la lier petitlosi, stand upriglit nor lie prouie, shte and mea bunéti Toy et nt aI yeierayLibertyvillé visitéti at the homeo! fwbilcli as illed Monday that they inaintalned thse stooplug Positionl itttil measure ..Iintei" onysetoutlat yeteray heir aunt Mrs. Sîlieuneman of Sc iS vere marrieti Jue 28, 1920, at Cl41- thse cold air ffl Icy w-ater droît ber ter four ttémoon for Antiochl n thé hope of Sheridan rond yeterday. cage, and tIsai they livedl together un lnt a frenziéd fightitnlu hlch shl- Monmeit.T mecovei4ng thse auto vhich was stolen Mrs. Catherne Rerrigan la very Ili tilSept. 14, 1921. snd tînt on Septein- Minuitore 0ailtlier clothing frons lier o'clock- trousClris Deneff of Waukelcau lutai abehr home on Oak stréet. lier 27, ho vas convIcted of a confid- lific. Se firni vas thé grip of the t0 sct ul taturday igliL They réturned Mms. Albert Solieunéman suddaugli ence game before Judge T. N. Green vise like trap tIsai ail lier truggiea empty.lianded. ter Miss AUMa o! Northi Chcago are et Péoria and sentenced tetlie reform Oly fPrùed lier deeper Imb thé mire. Deneffr vlio la proprietor of the apendng thé day la Chcago on bus- atori, the Départment o! Puble Wei lMer body-.vas hiaif sulimerged lu moi Woodrow dance hall, tert bis teuring Iness. tare te dtermine thé lengtli o! bis whéii round. likatIs vas due te cold my, a Bircli, standing ln front of the A dlégatIon o! Guruée road offl- sentence. The bil i aaes iliat the Con Sud exposure, tée coroners office î1atâce hall u asnsal Itst Bainfy ala tisis inlaWaukegau this morning viction stîli stands. ruled. aight. When lie vent te gel It thé te Cns5ilt Chu-. E.-Russll, -couaty The decree vas given by .Iudge Uar vu gone. The Ilisit vas report- suPeriluendeit o! hlgliways, conceru- Claire C. Bavards. PORTLAND IS SWEPT DV ail te thé police Immediately but Do Iug thé proposed ré-location of Grand $250,000 FIRE TOOAY tracé vas roundi o 11L Avé, ai thé DesPines river. _________________ Portland, Ore., Mardi 22.-Firé o!t 1By a strngé ïciedenice Miss The Civie Council viii meet tomor- 111,, rnkow oigiu, auseti a loas of $260,- Mary Habérbuali, pretty dancing i n ow ftemn ét a 4 'lock for the 1 -LNorth Ch c g 100inteOypefurgmle ltiictOr Kithe Woedrow halls IO urPq of ioting thé sentiment o!f _ Ihr idy llaappeared Saturda nîglit. ' thé varous organizatIons o! thé Coin. es s thé moment thé local policé heard Munty ont thé Dayight Saving plan Earl W. Boast o! Chicago visîteti bis RTRASAET Eli~ et bisthe ui th ol Frnchpo-for Waukegan. friénda la ibis City yésterday. 1ROAINAE M Ttg flioenadage: «Cherches la femme," or Membérs o! thé Hligli School or- ILH.iarrington of Mclinney-bar- DNIL ETYA 'ieook for thé vesuan" mîglt appîy in cheaira ara tunnng up thélr fitidles ta rington Company la quite 111 ai bis eat InlleMctti gnv ii as hé tba scam. They express bolle! that play Mendosaobn's Wedcing Mardi home in Waukegan. 12ofIlnintion cty at théllratebus- bnu as alerbuali mîghliehéablléte ex-at thé Womanléss Weddiug ai thé Thie FonsPark boa râ met ln regumlassa23 onenton o! hette tinvebu- plain thé sutiden disLppéanittof Armnory' Monday evening Marci 27tli. aèinlteeiiadtrn inssessitonsotrug E en.e the Intactit u aelueet his William Marshall, 61, for many business session,'thé pavillon ai F~ou of Kevwanes, vas named district g0v- sature tht sent Dénef andi Tony Car- yésrs instructer la golf at téO-PRk~i"e"t h eéia e re 0scet hre .Tio-o 11son, and is"gliosi huniers" iln thé entiClub lu Lake Forest, suc- ionft Sharvin Post, agais,h. jyear for arbug Spcltaisfe al -iretion of Atiocli.cubtesrdyt tem ial thé condacting ot daitsthroughot o h state brought ,200 men and Déneif vho bail taken Miss Haber- S.Lk' optl f.Mrhithé sommer. Thes-e dances lemae40 mnvatrsnay AIl bush mabout ceniderably ince alievho liaitiatiainel great pepulaiti b , Ipp lax sume 400 tline partîcîpaieti lu aof caet akegali, sais that thé among menibérs O! thé exclusive F akàvr oua uie etepriiae nabgprd nUme torecub vsWaldo atiasort, Including pionica. ii lenoi lig e r oeremotistCar. Morebr e! thé Kzignto of Pythias. W 1 elvi0 heo____ tediv lmcr Hé la survlved by a vi<iov aud four fransboreésterday. chldreti-two boys anc twa girls. Thé Opéka ali stars wiii pradtice REFUSES T REINSTATE CAR.- WAUKEGAN LOCAL&. James B. Tibble, Jr., Iodai Was basket bal Iis eveni2ig ut thée11 PENTERS* PLANT 15 EMMDED granteid a divorce froin Mrs Gent t- 7 ToCJook. thé Amencan Lgon Chicago. M5lchh 22.-RefusaI e! A. - rit Yaug Setet cirod Trilille. béfore .udgée idwards. vill have their régular tisas period ai Edmunds, présdent ot thé Edmuiide Th on Péuples C. . Ptie or161 Notitaveue,8.80 antilasting uit-il 10 'ciock. Manufacturng tCompany, te re-Instaté p'lnisi Luh5fn chrCwiEol -v o ttei laid1up forthvéaveue r adM. ~ ~ < O carpentérs vlio quit work rather tjm8r egaarmeeingtoorrw eenat Victory Meorlal hospital vits an Island w ere North Chicago vistors tiai aeccpt thé récent taudifs vasé lutaitie itucl. sola tméani nfécteti bandi,hadl te have anothér YstOérdi. - avant, la hélleveti by at-ber officiaIs refealmeis ii folo th bsinssopration peformed. Monday. Mr. Four of thé Central achool téachérs o!rlte Company te have liéen thé iosaen.Potter acraiclied i baud on nme orne éobligéti te lio avay trom their cause of thé bombing of thé plant Oving ta thé inclément weather « of viré,ai thé vwire mili andi blooti pot- (lttzlés etday- on accoumî of Illnetis. luit niglit. 'Edmunti Scharssers, a tondai test thé girls o! thé Y. W. C. ion set ln. 'They ver Misses Elle Smitha, tpal niaht vatthman. vas serlousîr, lper- * A.lia! taposponethér bid hké. Miss Gracé Crane lias retus-necl te A. Neal, Léda Vennekolt, sud Chariot hP atly nue.Tépatla Ail girls lteretét la hhking aMre r- Waukegan f romn a fév tisys visit vith te M. Lavson. Ail returnét today ex- liee working as an "open shop' and *qfflett te mét t thé T. W. C. A. !rIends la Wilmtte. cept Miss Smth andi Mrn. Phili Lions b.d beeu doing cabinet vont for thé auttai a!tamin et a 2.30 c'lolok. Thé second annual musical given of Waukegan sulistitutedt tday and new Fédéisi Resei<é Bank building * Amasa Jaciti of Lincoln stréet lé by thé Music Départment of thé Higli viii aise fill thé vacancy tomorrOw hore. Damage dbué hi théeliomb vas W7 îll II iti thé àppendlcitla. Scliool viii hé préséntéd ti théeIligli Thé Northi Chicago cub met la reg estimateti at $15,000. * Ben C. Siegel ot Prescoit street Scheel auditorium Fidai Manci 24. ular session ltestévening at thé club * a Chicago business visiter Tues- P. . Ilowers o! Mlvaukelias re- rooma in thé auditorium building. * dy. urnédte isth home afier a fév days Nothing of Importance vas taken Up M ns Isdor Sigel ! ireaoîtvisit villi lits sunt Mns. Sarahi Show. at- thîs Meeting; liowvvr, ail thé Mens rs. I a éoereSigeolsolier iesa. tes, 230 N. tieneseé Street. bers are requesteti toelhepresént ai * aititr Berg of Lincon Street lias Misa Auna Molirmusu o!fi a-ténx etno usa vnn acteteda Doilln wthé EnTelupe ana Cliop ja apending thé day lu Clii- as semé veyn nterestleg mattana!r genpte apostIn viiCago. um port-sucé vili lhé trausacteti ai lit- tactri. Isuensalia sow iss Ethel Jackson la enjoyin'g a tume. In eéiutatioiiS. lner lieshwto veks visit witli ler cousin lu Dé-- Parents sud friénda luntMis tity are ~-.és té catiuaia PiN rth a Kaîb réquestéd tu bear la mnd thé méét iven t thé North ScheelOf Ao! Nortîl - te reglar 80e lag of thé Parent-Teachérs associa- ihicsgo Tuestai r.ternoon- sotdnu rt rg MW NlieAdrsno Tn vaine ai 5ic ai Muléna Thursday sud tien tu'be hIséit ithé Centrai achool tiee, vas -a Milwvaukeée vsher Tues Fiday. - onl Tlusday eveniug,- Mardi lîrd. d'y.ego! rtiShn dan tfait t0 béar Bloonis Bluo lire. S. P. Regan, president of thé as- ~LY-Mlody Boya t Ithe Mascnte Temple sociation wiii bave charge of tbe meet *1 dl rcvrngrpdY ulion ningi. Ses-en men in t-li or- ing. Capt. John W. Gorbi o! Lake reai l reovéin raldi chsestra anti éach one s ceai muai- Forest, sud SopI. John S. Clark ai fécietiroa.H sba u siclt forcin. Waukegan viii hé thé main speakers n Goosdmanee e. atofTnh Prof. Keller o! thé Waukégan higi for the evening. John Western o! Iis E. oodan ercsuto! énii chool lis atteuding thé meeting o! thé City viii présent thé achool librani itret lias returnéd home frrnm a huai- princip5as o thé Chicago Suburban vibli about thlntY-ftvé very fiue books lIqSs trip 10 New Yonk. sehols toniglit ai thé Centrai Y. M. Théeadttool ibnary ls baiiiy ln iiéé0 o! - Georg mpla -agLnoîn estret C. K., Chicage, ta discues the subet books anti Mr. Western lias picked * g&tied relatives lan hlcMat ue .o! ths subuibsu achoota anti their v thèse froun a list, présentéti ly Miss -A "eeting viii hé baud tIbsev6 e- polis ,r r il ,picplo h lilag by thé Barvel thltlt Club atouhepLaies . ar-SocieWtyonoprinipal ! th tisé Barvel oodfeUovsBniDSettié- TéLde'Ai olt f h ogahoo.Thèse viii add gréaly to tD>é mnent on Sheridan rond. PlaIns for regationai churcli viii met et thé library suddviii lie mout appreciated. "~ indoor téam viii ho the --incipal home o! Mns. Jamse Woodman 117 Thené villilie soumé splendil munie # etdlseupa "Ail mmbers -eCenter stréet, Thursdai attemnoon. renderét hi thé achool glée club and *lect Chapter A. P, P. E. 0. Sîsterbooti re!réaiménts viiihé slO»Id v omen i oins IL te atte svba end.w memet at 1 o'clock FnIdai allero!tésoaio.Aeneoyle 0 a v aswthtél rpenom et aiethoiteéo! Mrs. R. S. Wei- tmie le being piained aid Il pensons TO'T ECITIZENS thuee n w a it h teagrppegant, S17 Noth Sheridan rand. Interesteti are invitedta teattend Iis t mu Loua iunudge eniertained thé Lentenà services *1lié itlti tonight meeting. OF LAEE COUENTY: W- eeedy atea'aeoe lub tds aller at thée imaiuel Lutheran churcit la DM cmag o ci b b « -W t sri A à,thée Iàgllzh lantuage at7:30 p.m. GR!AND OPERA SINQ Eft STA9S Duringn c8 pgffo - a n=icai vas pont K a 1m Thrty-eseven applicants for citise SELF WITH SHEARS; WILL LIVE ProbategJu4 I1bave car- t111 iicliea vasseriet " '-i>Ws tralied Tueay la the CbIfflo, Mamb 2a-s r5eons at nestly requestdiha nl- ~4beLailé'Ai mcltio!Christ circuit court, four o! lbem béat sold- thé Ceuati behspital today «jsait te n d lu t T' hvl Oh e lr Sécli etin lors. Slava Stankffiets, a baritoeéwith qulry b aeito my ehigi- 00rh .meeingtg Thé funeral o! A. Stokes- o! West thé Ruse"susgrand opra cmpanybiy on aetligm W- e atahiitiSlet Street. ZMon, vu héldt Iis mtes- vlo attemptel suicide <urIng thé la Om- o!noon froim the residence. Misa dangli. prformnace laut nigit. vould rU~~e, 1that in campaigu urnes they 17 i i .. amlé h tens, MXz. McDéuild aid Mns. Ilverst r. stakeyiéts attempted f0 ta hear ail sort$ oftbings rIT.ort and ose. s-etMialeAI.tBerHughes a!fiMichigan, anrived in time té huunaéil ith a pair et mauiecuresacteso vand - Mma.Wluni. M". aramalAe le attend thé services. sors but deistel vben tle points or about candidates. 1 supposé 1iLa téU bré tra i= nae~PlbL hMs.Thé RéF. b oward *KB.Ganster viii the scissore Ppunctured hWe filas. An th,% jis true but only in a Tewaukéts.a Guarde 140. 84, W. condut lenteti services ibis evenlng excésa o! atimte tempérament le thé * .A. yull givé a card parti ~and 't: 45 oclack la Christ church, Grand anti motive éther membéna o! thé measure. The Truth eau be - -diace taises-no evenlng at Huli'. bil avenue anti Uties. treet. A voluntéer CmanyPat coul uanli f or lia att. ascertained by àny one ac- Threvii é rherai !thé ntzihoir vhici bas beén dlng isplendid - tually interested, as you ait '0 Tbee Woailés rbsa~dl og"1aKtthé serviceyl .sing thé service and thé AGED WOMAN 18 ILAIN; ar"Theari uuévints 'clock. nclor vii li reacli a spécial sermon. MER SON 18 BEING HELD certainly Must be. Please do Miss<liéna a sbettutlg a Us M. anti Mn. J. Woodmansés of MII Chicago, Marcbi 22-An inquet viiintcnetyolevswt Académy theaire for a fév, daisvthi yankee are spendung thé day la Wau hé heit today la an effort te solvé te arrivai o! ths nev erganlat Mr. keAn vsingforWenda aner thé mysterloua aiaylng of inMm Marythe statem nso hs u 1WInkéi ef Kénosa.Arr ra o sktt cr. B. Jade, 70 who vu round déat la clined to extravagance in 1 Thé regular lenten servicevii li el Bloom'a Blue Melodp 130Ya or Rlacine, a bedroom o! lier home. James Mc- erpas o dprg- beld et the Christ Epîscopal hnl Mascate Temple, ri nîgt. 68-2t Cafféry, 53-year élid son o! thé deat i etherpas rdsaae tWa évenlng ail7.45 o'clackr, Avla Té 055' ele op vi ot oman, la bing hçld la thé psycho- ment. Bnch are Iikely to be tgri Choir viii urumihthé Muai their regular meeting Thuradas' a!tes- Iathle yard o! thé Counti hospital. pr naf uds Thé prepartor sud Junior chIr o!Ofl at thé G. . IL hlsl. Néiglibor laid the, police théy bapt isan and usl uds Chrst huclivii htO herargulai Fther Kinsela veli kiava a I is *séon im comise out o! thé bouse Fair minded, level-headed Çs'ecurss aill o'lk îomrov en-vcnt vilI a&Compay et. Phuip Neri seon aller thé lime lirsJade Ila oî ze h éarl a olieuseTh rweegua- chir a Wukénsuadai. Arrianige-theuglit ta have héén allanti and tisaiols are always to be found oinlr yul meent ai 7:830 o'Ciock. meula havé beau, matie for thé Chir previuli they list ehard soundit.o! Who can be trusted to speak BSt. ersea Guilti o! thé Christ te comns ta waukegan on a spécial ~a truggle. McCafery dénies h theoualkw eurtit vrhold saan ay tiimeeting Northi Shore 1lectrietrain.crimé. M L n.jade, îtigl si, hOrcomn- etiuth - yonalko ïïe vih nost ai w. L lIaséi tilI cosidiéti tf thé Greatinedtethé policé that lier son bati many. Kinlxy ask them " Wntlesre tno ae sil enadt teGetbndrinkint héavily andtbai threai- about me now - not lateir u aux J.P. Wylllée!fConter Lakéhos opu itai vil iiieU, nei! ler lité,whntev esaecu ed -sireet are apéiding thé day aC a Thé costumnes for thé bridai Partyihntevtsaecutd f or thé WomilesaWedtuag ta he pré 110ý - lns Jon . Raron lésaniy~ sntti i hé rms-yModaievni1 a E lUPCALSCONIS Reemer, please, t h a t C. OfC.NOBE T1MLS 1S EAD Chamaber of Ciommerce lias p 'witlithe yoatmasteru of _ Mu and North Chicago the Ged Ray Topel, lIfat son of 1fr. et attempting to et better and rs. Wm Topel, 404 Fullon mections between theàs two street died yesterday morng due Under présent conditions Ii to spial trouble. He was bom eon along to, get a letter te Northi Washlnitefl'sbirthday 'an d4las ot ýor trom there to Waukegan lis "Ii le buried lIZ the Cencordia oes to . end une to New York. çemetery lnChlago by autommobile est deliverleo are even leus frt0a Waukegan tomorrow morning. ,ory. beén ln good health since bl ibrtli. IE OBSTACLE Te BANDITS SBLOWPBOFC BONUS la BEMOVED SAPE; CET RUT $10 LOOT Iugton, Mar. 22.-Thé route of! nItepull n.. laxcu 22.--Citimens ler bonus bill tlirough the ruslisd te the their pilt j vas cieared o et or incumb clothes here early today wliei ba- )ay whez the bouse ruiee tom dits blew open the potofléé "fe. gave ls formai approvai to the The U b Mllt store, la vhlck ,.»p Chafrma Ferdsiey of the ways posteffieé la léeated, vas *recked.1 ina cemulittee to bring the The ldts escaped with $10, thé eup tomorrow anid pauis It a! conutét e t sale. hoburs debate witli0ut amend- t érpoli f rom S. 1. Baker, The bouae vilI convene at il grocr. ecr anecvr ibi ! -one hour esxlier than usual- ternen t ?remption,' Il., 40 milesi apon the bill. avai NOTICE!! eed ats-GTBdNo. On. (1) Price- 58C Pier Bu. oAri-ive Friday-1'IacC Your Order Now PHONE 58 A. J. MER1CHANT WAUICEGAN tg the West Indies-i.tlw srnlaOn l * egend to thé jeffect that amon.- Ie * niutzierble amalti laanOll-"t' e,'~i Ibybe.- i ea there exista one tli.,thIs lum bl' ". l v -'nfme IllI noI vote for ThoniasE. Graham D.mocratic 'Candidat. FOR St at e Representative in the Ganeral Ameimbi.31 Primaries. April 111h 1 922 _____________________mil - I tfleBwi st"ois Outhiw r hWt Special! . Two-Piece q Sport Su its These eharming littie Suit$ are made with slip-over blouse andt pld j sir.V >'cal plecae skit seia purchas exbrengs them pricing. i Tweea~v 1 jemsys - iboéé a!térséi are Ia -oia colona andi trImMnedth i hte léalliéi' celar and coita. Thèse of tveedsa are ta bc bat la ail désirable color inixý ture Thé colar, suiffa and pocétsarase f iishét vith ilk stitching. Very S3peciafly Pricede at $9.715 SprrngtÀime Frocks A&re Interestingly Priced at $02,5 These new Spring frocks, fashioned of Poiret Twil, Canton Crepe and Taffçta, are unusuaily charming. lu, ths group one notes of the rnany ver- sions tie new mode permits Wbile lu each frock a particular individu-ahty is se-n. The values, one instantly eonie o be out..of-tic-ordinatry at this prlcîng. Wraps and Sport Coats, $15 and $25 These garments are far underprie ed at $15 and $23 and brine the oppor- tunity to'*make a substantial savlng in the purchase of' your uew. Spring Coat. Each Coat is perfectly tailored and the materials are tiose so muci iu demand for Spring wear: Tweeds, Chinchilla, iPolo and Ilomespun, The values are truly wondel'ful lu cach group. Women's Plaid Skirts $'4.98 Madie o1uréol iraTdéW luattractive colon tomn- binationa. BotS plain ant i platéti styles are la this lot. Skirts Uiat uBualy sel1 for $7.50 are lu Ibis group.- Thèse aprona areAdéo!fluénequallty per - calé in, dans or light colons. They are eut full anti nealtl iied-Thé pnlctng le spécial. Kitéihen Apieons 39C Baud Ape'onsiMade o! perale amd i Ytk racl ln in éi , sd , a O tinah d tth p oket,. lian1 ih'e gra ~den. 'T laer. Il but unil lu suspi thé fu11 avay n vooti a valuabl4 Sawd anti ah gardéti almtii breedin. * Insecte. * Terni greens turulps greene. Gise eser l atocky. than U on any aboyé codvw * silléSi fine, se. boiesa 1 Tran hé ams an atPr Theisa whén Ju ii! soaL fer se, an olti germiéi Eigg vêt wv thoulti They In thé etablet Sv la Ser crc early: lie bla me ter early hé cul leaves produ( Be! of vei