i¶ieHome CGarden Whatja Bc>oewîthout a CGardoin THE MX« WITH TE ]HOE MYS: Dlo fnt aste any Wood asheq from mente which the huinan system nete tli'e grate. Strew thiti over the gar than almoat any othelt. den. *They are rich In potaah yertil-- Iser. kaitl leacl I nto the igronnd, Give t-i asparagus lied a good 71 but unilik nitrates.,ahI remain there dresing ýofmaVre. It ai haten ln suspension and the plants ean get the app rce & the ga' andi the full beneflt. Yeu are throwlng make It more tender. The CUtOM Of away money wheni you throw away salting the lied niay lie omittefi. It Wood ashes. They are especlally does flt produce any noticable re- valualile for daffodul snd tulip lieds. nuits one way or the other. Sawdust la net a good fertillzer Celery seed for aucceesaful germ- and alholdd ot be apaded into the ination, muet jever be allowed te get garden util It lias rottefi se that. It on the dry Pide. It requires more almost diintegrates. it la a favorite mosture ta germinate Buccessully breedlng place for certain kinds of tliau Msny ther seeds. Don't wash Insecte. Burn t and use the ashes. out the seeds or let the rted box lie- coma waterlogged, bowever. Turnip topa make almoat as good- greens as mustard. Sow the early Hlaf egg shels make good seed turnips thtckly and then tibm out for pots In whicb ta tarI cucumbeis. green. . .Plant a few kuhi rabi now. for an Gilve seedlinig tomatoes air when- early crop. but remînilier It muet lie ever l la possible te make tlîem transpiantefi carefuily and usuallY atocky. No plant getse pindliug faster does letter wbcn ailowed ta remaliit than Uie tomate. Open the wiidow ahere it la aown. on any day alien the -emperatflre la aliove freezlng liut do net expose te Most gardelus need lots af lime te cold ainda. Freali air whenever 1>0- stant the seassn ailli. Water-laked ile Soes a long way taward makimg or hydrated lime le goad for quick et fine, strong tonmate planta lnthue seed feet. The latter May ho applied at boxes and framea. tbc-rate aof two tons te th,& acre. It - le needed badly on lawns whera llue Transplant tomataca twlca iflt1 can gras, le gravu. ba arrauged. This checks the growth and prevents their grains legur l They are mucb sturdier and tockler PIK DY 1m1TCHEILL $ heu twlce trausplanted befote go- J.ng int permanent quartera. ur Soaktng spinacli seed ln bot aster14 D W T T H 4 for several hour hefore pl ulng8t an old gardner's trick. It spedi UP Pinke Mitchell aud Wflei Ritchie germinationl. oTe canfused lait nght Lu the hout s le Eggplant aeed muât fDot lie kePt toa ahIcli ane of tuem il suppoacu 'v go wet when Itla sgermînaîlut. Ih a100 ath Bave Shade ln thie Cream it Iy tbould not le allowed to get cold.gymManday. WliIe Rîtchie has nt They do flot require mucli mourture becs siguad for a bout In the Mil-au Intereariy stages as other veg* kea rng for norne tme aud the Dave lu their Shatie affair la lu o vîth the Polula etables. Plnkey Mtchell. aho hallseti'oMA the Sw les chard yull give a much eL ani-id of the settlug sab. the. Pachll ler crap If a few seetis are startet Ill u Wi"4112ZlI BI>1 Spp wqiaf lo early March andi transplaiited. It can ently lu ring eles ofMi mzeeaud be haudled neaelly and ft la Deyer ther tif hila xpected ta ha tough from so tender and, appetlalug as in lhe e tb aphasegngent the eut.la heh early sprlu&. Chard shoulti alvaI oer fitenhse of the outlabg.l ha eut aben voung, as alawhug the cni ytmo h og leaves to hecarne mature chiecks tthe Gee Leclair, local hantie. la lated proucton.for the pmehhnlay agaînt Joey Sang pradcthai. er aho bat; also flgured lu Mlla5ltkee Beta are on@ of the mot heathfual bantmwieh tilla for saveral Yeari of vegetahies. eantatalug mor, aIe- i andi long euough lu gel his icture lu the paper. 1 Su.l UmSSITY WAUME61 TEAI FOR RUEFUND Oif MAY BE lICKEI) INCOME TAXES FOR M. TOURNEY Retond of millions of dollars col- xetitrs ntegiet leclefi hy the faderaI goveroment dur- A h utrs i h gret ing th&ajastw seven years mince the In- increase with openhng of newd coma e la wvent loto effect le now thraatened, accordilus ta Internai bowling alleys here s Revenue Colletor Blair. He b.a etil statement yeterday - Tann..ry boa lers lait tiglit o uip.t on an iterpretatli oo the recent de- ed the Richelieu leys in impromptu CIE109Ofia the Unted States Surreyne matches but kept little aciOnit Ofthie court lu the rerlew ai the suit by the scresThey are about complete vith Fîral Trust and Savings hank Of Clii- thei league scheduleansd mprely ralt cago againat Juilus Smletanka ,for- in to eepup tbe lu*retftIn the gaine mer çollector af Internai revenue for Some of the TannaiT roler, may cnt- the Chicago district.1erteWuga l ccuRmn The govarnmont von the suit nb e ths Waukegsii laiil-teoMURiifn6l thie Unted Status District court basa, ichatulerldonUc can but lotit ou appetil. The bilher court aleys. oftesin fwn T. ARTIM StMSN biad h dcsonoaleCor f A Vontifluance a h eislcsenCc unty Supérintsndent of Schoo. Apiasaen lt held that incoanes tie office aud fcoYfocso Le h Countys Rural and VIllag held snd accuiulàteti for the ltnellt GCerai Boliers vili take Place ttoi rt clol Eslii o er a of unhorn sud unasuertained terions on the Central alîcys. No PRrtîcular brui awarded lifor t p.rmbuinat are not 153511. date lias been set for the finale 'Dr be ilînois Statefair; tIcrmaximu their rolling. il behng their enhenhion teIlni tt ar h aiu _______________ Iau.sdlias been recelved hecause the ta kpep op the gaina as long a" te I uxlith'bit qualîfled Inbthe seven divis- STUDENT BAND întercu'î iolds'hii the gaine. ions nanucd by the Educathoual de- Bowlera amoflg tic Achen nit,r raitmont. i ' sallesmeui have dropped thi J1L.ast May an exhîbît vas prepared TO GIVE(ANCERT Wednesday niglit sclietule On tthe (" oi, the annual meeting of the Illiois fri a ahys an-j vili devOte their time Counci af Parent-Teaclier associa- ta te increascd business that i; con'-iIon h(tîd aI Calesliuirg. Thte prealdent 'Ire enthusgaie mnner In ahichi ing ta the Studebaledr carf; duiîng th('(if idue assccatiofl, Mid. William F. the Rotarians endoriedth îe short con bprlng montbs. Young, w rote ta Mr. Simpson as foi- cett giron thein by tha blgli schaol Another tournament In which Wau Iles: '"iaish ta express my appre- orchestra saerafl daYa aMO A eI .aIkegan hoalers vilii hoentered Islata bec cathon of the photographie esailit ahth the plans ta give a concert la the rolied InluMilwaukea vithin the near' You sent fram Lake County ta aur igh sehool auditorium Friday aven- future. Severai of Uic chWys most prom annual meeting at Galesliurg. It vas lut, tri ahîch the parents and neig i ment baIlera viii ho entereti In lits une af the most Interestlng Iliat was hors af the hhgh ichool studanta have clazsse. A tearn may ho composed o! et anud vas no graphie ln ils pic- heenurged tlu attend. The student.orithe tiret fAve meu In the Waukegafl tonal es-g that It wahI excite chestna bas developad lto a vonder 1 incassie at Uic Richelieu for t ehulineretand walîl. 1amssus-e. ex- lui organ1satiofi and tiaefyulty ar the purpose a' enterng tha Milwauke rI a aholesonie tifluence lu the li- hlgh achool areanahsi abvetarolltnig vithi a chance aiet omiiigo.t Provieint In Uic pitysical condition& public knaa abhat thelr chiidreu are . ath lia-t honore. and surroundlngs ai many a sditool un capable of dolu5. The opening of the nea alîcys Inb is siais." TIleiu prograz Itl ii h given Frt- Waukegan la expected to pralong the lira. Mary M. Benton ai Aurore, day ulghInl the auditorium of the sen seasan lare sud te k.eP ailve the un- mb lad charge ai the exhibît vraIe lor schiaol. tetrent Io the garie ths.t bas beeui de, 1 Mr. Simupson as foliows: "J vaut - clared Amerlca's greateil ludoor sport ta thank you for yaur kîndusa and &o,îassrs ... o . Eaty. Saine hgI scores are antlciîuated coipanatlon. Wlien 1 tell you that ,Londor* 8 Enr! uinthe LaRdies' Day railittomarrow Jtist an-bial oi the county supertn- NRov early v o geta bad In Undtt at the Central Alseys. Mrs. Watter tendents 1 vraIe ta replled 10 xuy Iet- 'a aIdai> b> si moOtiti f dOPuOd Larson continues ta haid lie record ter, me thlnk Lake county la ta le passuees. The last trains l inrIcus soe ih eodo 0 sa IcongauItdon the mnu le> have 'direxctIOna cirnled rtspOctivel> 45, 18, erage for Ilirce gainas. Durtng titiscios. for tIc county." 19 and 25 pasngers.8Sa lard are nollng ahe niuade a bigb sooen- i 35 DI> li.vlly It our war habite la <ast off. But, 1n- Bovien ra trahe Knoiha Evenîilg1i deefi, 10 o'clack vas lictima for a mut- News alîl returu to Wsflkegeii 10 lNet SeFunny, TIen. 'titude of Londoners even before the havi againat the Dsliy Sun tulite N% rien sou snolee a nigar sou are war, and lu tht multitude vera. andI third et their Alve Umin serbes an the mnoklng more laber titan tobacco. It a mre, qolte a nuinher of prominent bush- MeCannu licys somettie nert meehe. scouts a fonny tinig t thunk af -ex- nema men. Yaur praiesionai manhIt bas nat beau n aomteatby te Ken .seema ta -ait op liter, and fashian. sîa nevalpapier men thaeet date cept in sorne cafl. sîluen sou perfe)rm nalral>, arey etIeS 11 ona,.-thal ali ll est suited for titeir pur ostof the I a l)or 3>oursef--hltou. AWANTTOPLÀY INDOORBASEBALL WAMK IN WAUKUÔÀN If Waukegan posa'eszes an lr.door bu*5 hall team. theyire cbn.llenged. Bob Measenger. a record keeper for the In door Baue Bali League of Chicago, tenda a challenge for elther amateur Coun Subjeci RIEPU or prôfesaioustl a g.~ Chicago or Waukvogiau* àTà8 the Rexs or the Nlfa8 10 1O IO' Itere. The former ia apr«oioaitof89 gregatian and the latter a âtItWa=a ateur set ai playeni. The Namils. aceorlngto Messe- ger, are amateur champlion of ChICA- go andi ba e won 21 stralgit gaines lu1 te winuly cty. The> low vaut tu, brandi out a bit sud plsayitire d -u.tA« the nexî uliree veeka, playlgSundaY hase bail. The itexos are profeasional champions and have the sae open dates. IRA E. PEARSALL Now Deputy County Treasurei- REPILICAN CANDIDATE ity Treai ýt to the decision BLICAN PRIMA APRIL 11, 1922 lyour Vote and support wilI be appreciated.I - wsrer of. the ARIES r andAr Navy Good Ar~~a 57MILaUKEAVE.ooi 5MILWAUKEE AVE. Gra d7-aleLWAUKEAVE.oc wq w un7 V" Vr qI4A c>r Wir ANMn M A v rc r LY tK1IV ui]Lr. iANjmL AiL £ inA ied vAL 7 L y aJL Sale starts promptly Saturdiày, March 25th at 9 a. m. i the building formerly occupied by Chas. Kaiser, 3 doors north of the Lake Coumty National Bank, Libertyville, MI. Libertyville and surroundirig territory has neyer witnessed a sale of this magnitude. We buy direct from the goverliment and can sel for lest than you can obtamn anywhere. For our Opening Sale, we are offering some ex. ceptional bargains. Be on hand early as many of these bargains will not lust long. __________ 1000) Cotton Breeches, each one per- IIA NES EQUIPMT 1000 Pair Cotton and Wool Socks, SIIOE BLANKET feet and clean. They are wolrth $4.00) reclaimed. Ail are perfect and have 10 arielie heeuit NO0 Large size double eottou of anybody's xoney. For rough work 240 Râalter Tie Stiaps, wvth snaps, benseilyslce o c iîîgofPar rson, march nes, osit b9nes8ot 4 Tî ae C not be beat. 9-ft. long, black heavy grain leather. benspal e--------------on mrcingan ees 100 oube Comerial .25 0Spith sale .. ....................._65c t0 dozeii flcw Cotton Socks, in black, Forthis sale oly, pair *- 1.29 10 oblan ets Comlmerci....l.. .25 pn ahSlippers. .25e Ci rastClarban ...ri ron lu n nv.W.t b40aniçets, , oslyingry'Army hospital issue, pair...- 100 Paor BrnNe iBot, 1400Amyblnet, isty igr~ 200 Am Wool Overcoatb Some of beavy artillery harness. IMade of one 25c par. This sale o11y 2 pil-I have strap across bottdrn. Made of -very beavy. Worth $6.00 2.95 these are brand new. About 25 are piece, heavy roll leather. Worth at 20 dozen xîew cotton work 25C first quaiity rubber. ' û 2000 Wool Blankets, Arrny & Navy; dyd12 . orthis $ltonl . ....3,95 eca-.-.. -- 5O 20 zen Wooî Amy cks, 1Sp0 ial, air ......-. - -ja W"bi te ra nd2.95P 495 0O Army Ratincoats. Most of these 700 Curry Consbs, brand new, extra Worth 75c pr. 35e pr, 3 pr..00 Rcamd ar~; 10 3000 Commercial t are the same as new. AIl are pr heavy commercial grade, reiruforc-eà 400 W,3,M IJndershirts, reclained.- 50 pair Uj. S. Munson last shoes. The bliankets, new, 2.95o 4.95 fect. Special this sale, 2.95 back, black enameled wood handle. Worth $204Yper garment, 69c best.work shoe on the market today. 5000 Biiind new U. S. N. Navy blan- 500 Cotton Arxny Coats. Ne-ver sold Special tis sale--. ...... ....------- 1 9c D---ersSpeial, w-hil they last, 3*25 kets, worth $12.00. The hest gvr-fogostan$.0'aksadnd 0Bilewt lidr evis eersl - ti o rie,6 é ar......e ..ksl ment blanket on the market ~frls hn$,0 ae ad 0Bridi ues, withe blin-eavt. Ne1er0ol-t tnUdhirs an* a 25 Pair Work Shoes.Jleavy oaksl today. Special . . .... ............. -.49 work coat. Special for 70 . idleusdb'tegenet.-10CoonUeshrsadDa -Wort4i $6.00 foi tis sale. 2.95 100 . DiAnnyhors blakets tins Sale ........... These are brtind iicw and will last ers. Put in your supply now. 25C Pair__................... 100ia or 1) rîhrse, bakt 1000 Pair 'Wool Breeches. -Neyer a lifetime. 369 Per garuncnt ........... -h. i.ri-S- ri-10pi acigSos l r Spca o hssl, 1.50 sold for less than $2.00. Motorcyci- Special this sale ..... ........-' 200 Wool Army 'hrt,. r in 10 p air made thoe i i onl ...... ýts frmrsan wrkignen pt M LaterHates;cannot be dup- forccd elbow's. Worth at least $4.00. veryeter oîh$10 200 Hlorse Blankets, heavy -Army is- in your sîîpply no.lctdayhr orls hn$.0.Sl special tliis sale, bs ete ot 1.04.50 sue. A bargain at $10. 2.25 'Pair--------------..... ...... ....... ...1.29 Speif<r î sa e ss than 0111Soîd--------------..1.29 For this sale, pair.... ....... tssaeoy. 1.29 50 otl î .. «... .....50 pair Navy Dress Shoes. A 4.35 Spcal...... . ......1000 Wool Army Coats. - 11 Your ehoice ....... Cot.....î--Sh..rts, Armny-P-1erfect. $12 value. For this sale,, pair 1000 Simnions collapsible steel beds, Worth $6.00. This sale oily -... 250 Horse Bruslws,, leather back, The best value on the mar'ket 4c 1 arTihtpSos o og weigh about 45 lbs., worth 2 0 0 Denirn Work Hlats. Worth at double stitch black bristie, 4lass A. today. Your choice ............o4c 1 r cannht Sot es.Fort 495 $8.50. Special for tis sale..2.0 îeast 50. 19c Ca.n also be used as a clothes brush. 100 Marine Shflts. Ail sizes. Brand Spe;cia pair a. 49 100 Mattresses, feit with box edge, This sale only-----. ........_ ........_ Worth at least $1.50. 49 new. Made of selected broadeloth.- S400 B air:ksags.C......ed.fo to fit Simmons Navy Beds. 3.50 500 Campaigui Hats. Large Feit brin For this sale ........ ...... .....4e Worthî $500, 2469 larrcsg an b sfo AC.A. Tick. Special- ---- -Some cost as much as $10. 500 Feed Bags, brand new. -xr Special . ..S.....alr.o ri as 9 200 Navy Mattresses. Filed 35Tissae------- -y-white canvas, lieavy leather 50 O. D. Shirts, new, wvorthSeil.... ...................._ wt ikfos pea.......1.50 This sales ..e...r.per..a.ed ront....5...pecia..t.is3ale5 100 Navy Sweaters. Brand new. Al 500 Gold Medal Folding Cots. Re-MB e iceCaps, Army style, 35e bo larg and astpfoaled st. $650. SNav . . .hitsradeew wool. Worthî$6.50. - 2.95 wihslB1e: leil50st mateiobtaiable ..... xtra lreadajsal ta 0NayC .0 hrs rn e.Special .....--..... ..... claimed. Ail are as good as 2.50 500 Aviation Caps, worth $2. 85e worth the price alone. Have flaps so select wool serge. 3.45 100 .Ai, wool Slip-ov rs, 25 new-.---- .......-..-..-..... Yourcoie hoi ...e.......................feedd cncannot plle.bertspiWorhl$.d0 sWorth......tNe .ort.h...$8...50,...spe.....a..- 200 Navy Hantnocks. Heavy white 500 Ponchos-made of best rubber least n.00. Special this salee 50 New Jersey Overshirts,95 12he-idVstew 29 duc. omlet wthclews 62.45C silk Woliedthststnew 2 o 2.45 ped ilk.Wort a- east $6.5098e 0131Y---- ----.---.-*Special-......-------------------.. . ........Worth $650. Wile they last a n - e .... ............. - ...........T h is sa le o n ly .... ..... ........ 2 00 P a ir a Il-w o o l S p ira ls. N e ve r so ld 1 0 0 0 Iîifa n try P a c k s,5 050 p i f in T r u e s B a d e w 5ad0 ofhele-av (pup et) - 200) pair reclaimed Overalis snd for less than 65e by any Armny store. caeh..i---------..... ...... ....... .. 0e 5 air--ol.AMarginatrouer. Bm. 2.95 Mdeslk of ttns khki ad rubberiz- Jumpers. Special. -A0.Worth $1.25. Special, 2e 100 Pair Dungarees. 95 Ou -ice------an a .. 2#15 ed ilk e tto s±ogether and is ,wa- Tis, sale only .....................4 e 1ti saeo ........._................._2e______________9 C Ou_____......_ -- ------- -- terproof. Large enough for -.k--ti ae oi av Oeai, nw10pi vrlsN~ rh95e cots. Speeal ter half . 7...5-- ih _.....--- ......- --- -- Rememer Sale Starts iertyville Army C& Nnavy Store Rmme aeSat 507 Milwaukee Aire - LIBERTYVILL E, ILL. - 507 Milwaukee Ave. Promptlyr Saturd&71. ¶it1Wý DùORS NC>RIH of Tm~. LAUCOU NTY NATIONAL BANKMad2tI 9 r. r- lu I I 1 il &vllqýl %"ýý "- M", ýl* *eý fl«4ýp týA - k