______________L1BERTY VILLE BEED , THURSDAY, MARCfl23, 1922. COLORfD FEOPLE Of LAKE COUNTY OIoAIZE LuB Booker T. Washington club' was taunched at meeting in Waukegan Saturday night Thte calot-ad people off Lakc County organîelte looket T. Washingtont club oi Lake Cnuniy at a dinner held ai te homte of Mr. andI lit-. Adamn Coeman. 20? Browni1ng avenue-, Wau- kegan, laat Saturday night. Rapt-e- uentatlve clareti penple ltrmal lars of L.ake Couru>' vers presiti. IV. S. Petcel-Presldeni. Jas. Tbompson-Vice Pres4idenol Alffred Gnffin -Secreta'.. R.P. Jones-Asst. Sec Gilbert ('oapn -Trea Martin C.ampbll-Serg. at Armas. Thomas Porter-Asat. at Atrita. îlev. T. R. Rirks--Ciapln. Ezeutive Camai: Her. Hart-y E. .ohnson, chairinan; W. S. Percell. Jas. Thonipson, A.' GrlffIn. R. P. Jonem, G. t'ooper, C. V. <'hatlelda. A. Coleman, I. Evaîre. A meeting bas besit caîlet fat- Tburaday night off ibis veek at the Prog-egsa Caf.-. Sheridan RoatI and WBa- ter Btest t w blcbime te club vill 1lisîpu ho taîisb>' sevcrai candidates fat- count>' offices. vis t, WIIiI.Ray vii retut-n ta bigsW n a fey daye5. The Patter lame le quarantinedv a scarlet fever case., aset-lia Sel Wha IlIreàter.-, :as It in a ligtît fo lier sont Mies MatUa Sebora ai .1 lion City, Wla. i.e raring for ber. Milss Elizabeth Jet-via came h( InitIa>'eveniùg front Rnsincys v abs attended scbool antd returnsd 'i day. On q4aturday aitet-noan. ase e tained a numirer af frianda ln boni bei birîlida>'.andIaler the Da attenslet the basket bail gants ai AI dais. Herman Meyer reiorned last w, fios FlorlulS. wbere ba sapent tee.- ivo monîhii and likea it Zo Weilt lie Inlends ta relut-n next vinter. A large pt-ssur.e upply tank foi ttering fat-mvwu unloaded Use fit-i bbc veek. andIviiil be used tin au vaser to alil the Det-lng buldings. special truck vassnt for ils tlu jioriatiln to the farta. lira. GIosser of Mayvood gperl fse daye tis yak tt lit-. andtb Jas. AtyshL. Loroty D'Armnand cone ihame Si, day from thbie iospital antI a tral nurse camp to b. wiih ber !or a ah trne longer. Site la doing nicel>'à ber friands hope for a voeedy t-crus A suppat- for te benaffil off tse I chut-ch vili b. iteltI ln tsechurchb t ment on FIiday eveniig, Mat-ch2 iront 5:30 to 8. Movies vIll folb Vaut- Ireeence and co-operatloni b.- nuch anareciated. 0 LAKE VILLA 0 oooaooooo 000000000000000094 o QUENI 'S CORNER à4is Marie MeKenzie tipeni Saîurday 0000000000O OO 0000O and1 q. aday wth friends in Chicago. Leo lronimplcamî, and Mies Mi P M. Lunid of Chicago was a Leke Fente, visited ai the home of »tr Villa vîsitor last Thursda - and Frlday. Mm. Theodore Sternberg. Wednesî Mrs, George Heini en tertained ber eeig si.ter front Foreet Park a few days Mr. Peter Butz visited ai tire ho last week ireKrc.Teda Mr, and Mrs. Tegineyer of C hicagoý rdK(-.Tedy NMi andl Mii Fred Krog and fan 41pent the cei.k end wiih Mi- and Mri. atiended tire showV ai larring Jarim. ThtVpuday night. Ray Barilti of Waukegan is spen M ndM. Fe Fdii le dingv sonie funje ai is bomne here lthe (ance ai BarririgiotiThur.' Mr Ballinger orfCailp Humliret'.1niglit Vais pending ihe week withthe'. hoSenegvstda ihe tic)I S Miler amil. !or Hînil Groff. Suniay ir, and Mrs. Jas. I3ford aire r»ceil -i The Paul Pa'en'c f arilia.r' e ing congraulations on the birlh of ai luen .old in iwo pars soný Jauîa, Jr. on Sundsy. Marcili lîli, iJohn W~ilt orPlatainre S ifeil Ail concerned are doing well. home of Ni andi Mi Plia-ui Mr. and Mrs Ray Meachian anel-irlusdaî Glenn are spending nme imie wth te Mr- G.i <rever îiiîed ai lat.-ai S.penr, Ais. anid %rs.Meî M 'oj ýi iani M r-('liam tbff chant,*111 remain fer an exiended IA ,d' a 114lin, ett l a l'bmariand Hlenry _______________________ iing v.ere married Saturday. a Harrn Sturm bas. been on- the The farmnerri oi Quiniens Corr liave a car-loatI oi fed on the C. As W . Iracks. tY U~1 'ianq'Plearl, Sturm i4i visitingaile l "~ ~q D ~ eciArthurs8 home this week A birthday party was given for1 Pdoe5# nia andl Frances Grever Sunday. Me $&M RnCtlon Alway& *~lBjI&t~ A tbermotatk mtaI Invented GIVE QUCK RBLIEPI tirent Britaîn FasRat(] aiw'ayî.inlit 5.1 V~idq-.te nine reautîoin h a strip of z lerigth aîndtîhil.ne'. for a g, crt [WIRE FENCEO You are invited to corne ta, our factory for your fence requîr- ments. You can select from aur full stock of a large Esat of styles.at the fallowing prices:«. MOR 7 bars, 26 in. high, 7 bars, 26 in. high, 8 bars, 32 in. high, 8 bars, 32 in. high, 9 bars, 42 bin.ugh, 9 bars' 42 in. high, 10 bars, 50Oin. high. 10 bars, 50 in. high, UN HEAVY STOCK FENCE 12 in stays ................. .232c per r&i 7 in. stays.. .....-............. 29V¼c per roè 12 in. stays ........................26V2c per ro' 7 n. stays ---------------- X4c per roc 12 in. stays...................31k pKr roc 7 in. sîays ........-......... 39c per roc 12 in. stays .......... ý3¼/c per rac 7lin. stays ...................... 431/'2c per rx MEDIUM HEAVY POULTRY FENCE 14 bars, 46 in. higb, 8 in. stays ... ...... . 3lYc pet- rod 16 bars, 58 in. igh, 8 in. stays -- ...........433,4c per à IREED WIRE--80 roui spools STEEL LUNE POSTS, 29c eacb 2-pL Ho- --3.5per spool ______ 2-pt.Cattle...$3.05 per pool END POSTS .........$2.70 each 4-pt. Hog.-$3.86 per spoolBa 4-pt. Cattle $3.25 per spool CORNE POSTS$3.90 each ADJUSTABLE STEEL DR IVEWAY GÂTES raintea. 10-ft. $7.85; 12-ft. $-.8.6a; 14-ft. $ 9.15; 16-ft. $ 9.80 Galvanzed- 10 ft. $9.30; 12 ft. $10.15; 14 t. $10.85; 16 ft. $11.65 PLAIN STEEL DRIVEWAY GÂTES 1 Qft. wide, $5.65; 12 ft. wide. $6.25; 1 4-ft. wide, $7.25 STEEL POULTRY GÂTES 48 in. high, $2.10; 60 in. high, $2.55. WHEN YOU COME FOR FENCE, ASK FOR ONE 0F OUR CROW BAR&~ A USEFUL TOOL ON THE FARM. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO PRESENT YOU ONE FREE. AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. LMBERTYVLLE,, ILLINOIS II hast, .1.1. -- ~ au..- i-i AAi IDrugisi,-3O CeSs MLtiti. oe.nss.os, o NONAVILLE o 609000000000000000 Thes upper grades matIe bakets fill! etI yuh flovers Fride>'. Titecul the baskets andI iloven. froin clot-ad paper and pasted lbem on a dat-lt ark- ground. Thosc perfect in anelling ltse pasi ,week.verc: Lloyd At-well, Kate DiI' linga. Lloyd llarnstable a&MIMary At- yel. Those vbo c-crs Perfect It apellung tal veek vs-r.-Hate Billinge. Hazel Tweed, Marguitel Galiger andI Vers Barnstable. Tbosevito vers perfect lu attend- anc.- for tbb, uiontb off Februar>' vers: Blertrantd Geliger, HaroldI Wells, Fran- ces Matnis. Nellie Mat-tInia, LloydI Alveli. Lena Nelion. William Nelaon. James Mathis, Mary' Galiger andI foi la Barnslablc. Mary Galigei. Clarence Gaiiger, B3eli tranti Galiger, Lena Nelson andI Lloydl Bat-usiable lisse 1.-rn perfect it ai- tendance fori lic firat six montba af gchool. Sans priitg birds Wers asit b>'the puplîs iaat *seek rthe>' prove a ver>' IntersstIng atnsly for Ce. Mrs. red HaggIs; secreta>lraM . Oea. Goodman; treasurer, Mm.. Wns. Kt-eh. Mr, anti lra. M. L. Thomas shah to ennounce the bitUsof a daugitter. Frances Loi-aine, Titut-da>'. Mat-ch 10. The annuel chut-ch meeting antd alec- liitnoff trustees off Use Presityterian cbttrcb yl lbe beltIat te chut-h nb Wedneatiay evening, March 17 Mr'. andI Mra. John Selig enýettaiitd s number off Ibeir relatives ta aupper Sunda>' uighi, un boitas'off 11.-lt-44t1 veddisg anniveu'8ary. lira. Ra8sa$Shermnan andI daught,ýr Edth spent Thursda>' yul ber moiber Mis. Bd. Bacht off Slernervllie. %hlsa Eteanar licysi-off Harvey aient te vweck end ai lier fathers F.Ilt. Meyer. fier. leiberi of Evanslon wyul reach at the I'îiilcmh Es irial chriitt-inext , unulat' jj I. ilVaiol li , oldiisi'im'ne wiib several aunes ai landi. Mrs. Ray Guncku'h andI son andl trs. Ahnsop Pavera nifClcago veis t'o guesta aorlra. 'Roy Reeds Weditesdatu. 'Mrs. WWiam Smelzcr off Chicago vastlb guest off lier siaier. Mn.. W. Il. 'Rist, Tuesda>'. HIS HERITAGE -Yo ii 'ook hike an idiot," thundered tic dlsgusted main to is swell son, [Just returned froîîî collage. -You grow more and more Ilke aî conceited, hart- brained. helpieas idiot." Juat then an acqilaintance of thbe oltI gentleman en- tered the office sund saw the youth > ",Hello, Chat-lie, back, eh?'ý exclaim*. ed the vitor. "You're looking more like your father every year. "Yes,"*sald Charlte," thai's just wbat r ihe governot"a been teihing nie." Waahùlatmofroty 8su. lm WATJXUGNI LMU PubilIcAce tutad Âccountlng yeisÂu Peated Pet-lodlcUI> for IM do flot need a Permaent B [Phone 26 goum 31 DIS. NMMO & DAVU adk.Pectc Piimi Net-vous *and ObronloDW Suite 10-11. New cawt1»M LIBIIRTYVILLE, ILLIJiq Cemetery Wof Imm Publie e Gt-eat îpriaing id "20" iRIlJM cd a -nie- alt the Lmt for lie duc boapital aîtuim Iday. LAKECOUT-Y AR BUREAU SUICIDI3, VERbICT BIE om.a Edited ytleir offlces and ai e gOverned by the OF JURY IN ME unc- C. E. W HE E LO CK, bY"lwe adoPted by t ire memobers. Lak ContyFam Avisr. hespraIiig ma> lie suerinteuded GINOiW INQUEST bere CARE 0F FRUIT TREES b>' 8 o e e muenea.od c a i e re- Mont every farm in Lae scaunîy laet h ma chnycre.tbsCoroner's investigation imdi-i I. mr a s a w d ruiuce testhi c Tiis second plan lor ro-oieratvs cates North Chicagoan )artyI supp.y or fruit if îhey vere properly sparmaayinG vlilisle taulo ieerdrowned himnsetf di kfarma neareG foe. lIen csdor tbrire groupa of fat-mers arei If athers are Interetited inl dits plan Mihe no.16 S.Vtra esk planning ta do thoir upraying co-pera-Ifrcri frthi rhad a l e trect, came la his usalt li bydrown- It tively this year by combining tblr1 Far Bureau. There la not .-nich time lng, commîiig suicidle. cas tié. e v- E enl al 1>uwüit thtodr aa tra and ilu> lfL tti" yer ta organize more rings diet of s cotorier-s ju.>. the inquesu E Slo AIA tha rersame mry aea adachnewiiet5 £a stitine has toalie purcbaaed being helîl Sinday iîoiiiipt aii hU e s ane a eing kd ai but could b. talien care of by lring 'clock at fle WeIzei & M l sis lih, er iato r he Ths lae s eig oredsaia1 oe ado the work if man ean nerai home, Coironer J. Taylor. Absoltely ytiee Ip y net yer n h a cd 'be of s e codgt heismnNf13ili/o*rlwith a spray outfît to do the pesdisotoib luiifioyofFreedoni From Noxio A spray rings andI have the members e a a eathaeibsn m son of lra. George Schloffendarf,a have nmade own their own sprîay ouifit. We a tkathaeti nmn sîster. fresî,dîng ai 1436 Lincolnn sîreei ra a- s i arlorftvi otefor next yes.r. bi. unceewas deeply bInlelit andl .i okand wi lie time wel i sPent I.Ohr lot1iidia ehl M .forUth few hauts it takes to go overi FARM BUREAU CELEBRAl-lONats meo griiwreduoiîa g r B a d S ed tbe treesý As an average four appil-1 tte'wlde FtmBra eer enmoI h a s elri h otw tinand- pageant ciiilieb held ai He lis a spool hall at 12 o'clack i ýsXur_ cations are necessary Jan. 2, announring his Intention of T e L retS le n tel " e -ý mcd ~~~~~~~~DeKslb a n use 28 in bonor ai the cmn Vîîea aglsm bort SPAietbalvrsr f the amBra bng ta e1ir ai a local reruisurani For Sale By anSPRA RINGS movement I Illinois. This celebratiOn 'itesn mIt.u,' s iter ho was InLa 1ke ve*. Fruit growing, on n'.ost farma i i li e known as the "Farmu Bureau Michigan. hlis .iieh iaving stoppe!t Reliable Dealers Everywnere loa Lake cottnty la a Bide line snd, for that Dee5Cnial CelebmIJon" and wib li t 12:15 o'riack, base, reason duosa fot get the attention and held unuler tite auspices ai the Illinois Yuneraî services Monday affternoon 24ih the cars that ta necessary ta produce Agricutural Association the 195 caunty at 4 0,'clock ait the grave in Uakwood MOe Dibutors lo.acrop orgnod fruit. Many fat-ms have Farm Bureaus of thetate, the Amer- cemeîery L.TEIELES SEED Co. milwauee vili orchards off 50-100 trees wicb conld can Part Bureau Fedoration andI var- 6 0 00 6 0 0 0 0 o brlng In a good brcome if tbey were loua State UnivrsltY officiais, *o ooE.oE ooOooe 0 pruned and kepi ftree from insect Petis. Commlttas have beun aîuîonted 0 IELD o o0 o Sprayin.g cames i a buay time off lo work out pis. 00 O0000a00 0 0 00 0 O 0 O 1 Oeerfueid Preabyterlan Churcli News ------- o Ie year and unheals saine plan 'S The Illinois arut Bureau Movement J. J. HootI as elected drainage con1 Weilbler.- e are a gain on the job, ------- off thia work il la pretiy apt ta be DeKalli and Kankake utiras inb Drîb eceu .etl.we<e ter- avfedofbenceleoa'geekyaRL N (aty negleoteul. The orchard instead oai June 1912. .wîîh her s.arei s M. nd Mn..av J. Ae aletog andI being a source ni income liabeaus thee hs 01 ben-eoug brepaceo nscs essad disg1 AN'L EEIN Reicheit. Jr. bours in tbe day ta do ail that we Ht - dand place frui ines 1.-tcanI is efae,1 ONNUAL MEETING Mrs..Arthur Kteiit andI chldren were' bave found neceasary: but anywa, the, O E and hat ruiteaLakerw îani poi FFarm Bureau wl the veek end guesta of Mr. and Mîa editors and tYtiesetiers have liedt a 'oms quaiily andtI nu esireable e'lherto sel Th'ael t ar ueuvh ithl IAc.,reat or for honte use. boltI thelr aniual met'ng Satut-day, ýmily A pa t t swurk ru l ahi vM t2 hat te 'an uteufice. Mr. and Mrs. William Whiting a1r Next Sunday eitsrnoon eîery lierson plan d ibis eiscàly.Mat-ch 5th tePaa f Ice rving Park wve the gusaoaiMr. vho la inter erted l nthe Pregbyterian îgtOI) bas. been workeil ouîi and iviii s edbeginning 1 n.m. and Mrs. Linco!a Pettis Satuitiav. eburcluin iblis cammunity will be o M " , hi' iwo graus ou arnaioit tin ibis rotin-,Ofticers vilil be clectd i i (hurts Ms .ARihl pn odywie t yt vd vk fi Iisd t' ithis vear. 1made by the seecreary tiicaýsiitiur and vith hJ',A.iulc Mrs WarMd. b a rer'ati mepnber fthe w chut-ch forfi sday E:iber of thoi4. pans nia% bc.d sc farin advisor. a !be lreuibserianMhm.pial in his, cer s fiioithmem rcs f e hrbtfor * or oçeiiing a iira3 ring.fine plan Howard.Leonard hiai'lie asecured lttePne'ýein optlInCi!Yursupin tfthi c founcesanfrthes 1om ls for a groulu af farners ho 5.Sre.-1as spteaker for Ibis ocasio. Mi eon.i cago. - scmmniy n fr h ta ir ibiraljalnt<io,-bysorme' arille pre"Ident off thellhinuuis Agriculi Mrs. John Fritsch andI daughter. Lii- rarrying of gospel neya ta foreign nIo mie wîîî ovs spran une1iitfttatin asre e ldt his an, ni Sherrnerville, visited Mrs. Jas. pas.iaW/bn the Aillea were fighting U S ::: on wionaslied outîî'f iaîtt-IAsoiaInta euiemn hsFritsch the' hast veek. wiii thîir harks ta the vaîl in 1918., __ ig rit- lir pe heoeopeI ra i ofceb nnlng the nu-c >ear Marci __1 iii.-~~~~~~~ nlieerae iiai rns b Meo san opraeafaand J. A Stryker rettfrned home Mon- ild Marshal liaig of the English o0 o 0 o 0 0 * 0 > 1 mz, ra> mat'.rîil.This îian cl lie usedi bis talk vii liebcaîang î.raciical fines uay iot etnli.weeh a ocscn htfmu esg ooFRALTENW ha a rrouo affarmers near Iiamond' apoken fr'omtis oa x peri ce onlay delegate ran lb.- United EvarngrlI lbtheî'Oos which lias remaned tb" o COUNTV, s CIIIKi- h paerwl lofrusshcernl n sge i ai n ronPooe ll.weelewa ocssn ta aosmssg aoFRAL OONW tbe L.aku. the fat-m and ais îiru'siueni iof tbc big ira riurch. iaihying dry of it ation even todRy. . INDEPENDK"PPr....¶ A' 'ftng, The tuhii plan is to oe a sprayer stabte organîzai ion Rv.J. G.Elîci. farmerly preiding 'Engiansi experts every man 10 do bis 0 o o o o oo o oo Mo roopeialivel>,.Paati one hn the ring Every farmer wchia rn get 10in.ih eluier ai the El Pasin district, vas elect- dol> t' Gat exîmeds evsry ti, voîn-____-- ____ NIa.-~ bincil eIder ai luis disiriet ai the UînitedI anti child in itis ronsmunlty wba are buiga share in fle spray riig, erlyville Salida>s siautd attend Ibis Evangeical ronference held et Peatone. bitesrested ini tbe iiirïs thai lie 1Sisn- ELHANlAN W. CMt sick Tih. memiersof the spray ring have. meetoing. Rev. C. S. Lauk bas been assigned thbc teresteil in. Io (ho titeir dîîty tocard Office StLa rrîrmrareai irlsay A eicltîeriield charge. Him flua tear Endeavor Iolie haneHmeo oo u rnrt o wssèV ad i wn The R. C. class will belli the regular' stext Suuday afternoon andI le ready DM " c, P. o LAK E Z UR IC H ~o u tp95 a a adal etmeeting at,the bamesoof Owen Savage vith your pledge. If yau ahouMld e epbm 34. 0000000000 o0o0o00 0 home happty. Thursday svening. avaY, Yeu yl l e ssit laler.LImTV.a tric Cî~l Enat as aCbiago usîouMr. antI Mrs. Peter Jensen, Mn.. Rab- Medames J. A. Stryker, C. Wessitug We are glad to announce thal theMATN . mrcl- ( 'truErst a Cia govsi lmia. Mn. William Tonne. Mra. Carl andI Ed Becknîan calletI on Mrs. Ir-tIng young reopie's departatent. under the N4 M C a hn i r s uMd.YananIM.Palic[ Ernst and cbîldren. Crysial SImonýs. Rebm. who bas been sert-laI111, but able leadershifp orf Miss Agnes Peter-.tos.e.t.w rt-0t1- ai Libsityville visited Mrs. Wewetzeri Margaret Fink. Pearl Bickman. Mra. la lovly recovering et beit home it sen, continues ta grov andI nev faces 315 Wasbtigt*I Kohl vers among thos wb attendeti Chicago, ast Tituraday afternoon. are consiantl>' being sen. Miss Pst- WÂUKMUU'M ovci the week end. the schoai exhfit ai lite Barrington The Sheridan Rebekali Lodge Na. st-sert aivayahas. somethitg nev for Office phtone Bd& nRas Em- Paul Schult.z, salesman foi Pritzloit scbooîs Friday aftt-itn 801 wiul. anteriain te aasembly on them. It 1.-gins to look ais thougb an I iHardware ai Milwaukee vas a relIer1 A stranger hilis been la to the asat Mouiday. April 3. Intet-mediate Christian Endeavor Sa- LYEIL H la!week. e aswneigaon og PeeDufi Mrs mihPic.- as umbrsd siys andrin arund amog PterDuf9~,vba bas bIssu the man- ciety vîhi bave ta hoe onganized. d tu seerai o the buainthea paces. ager off te Deerfield Lurnber Co. for The churcb scItool conttintues ta grow ov t h ave n b ikUerta ek r.Jh rst idltl o at- anumber off ysan.. basreaigned is in numben. and in Interest. Tva veeka s'lL hae Mrs. Adams andI cbldren aie risit ing îisibing in Chica.go for a fev days. position, and te place biast been tak5t-î ago there ver.- present et the tvaweo io e~. 0 issun lier aunft Mrs. Jas. Snetsinger. Several front itere attended the Ba-- y M. tveof RngodPMohonoe p-oera oalof 17.atIviit___ tout- Walter Hauriiexperts ta isave tbiq ket social ai flie Bennet Scbnol. b aMrs. M. ofînitingwtedseero.i -siht m er a n thvlagal.o 7,a ngPAth Michita ji i rns i i ityfMrsa be Coniskl. tn n tb'lie girls Saturday afternaan tb enjo>' a total off 145. Titis late igb vatet-S ý MchiCasn C6iuki> todMr. radMi. ev ulsys. ttam ea birtlsday party vilh ber elgbb-year- nmark sa far,. ybe conUinue ta send Attorney.et.Lw Pot Mre(ba Gitodhuckvsitd rs s ouront CMisagotie pedta mvesonolIdaufglter. Mat-y. tbent. We vil i f ont m ewhoes LIBERTYVILLE, iLLlh10 - Pata t Gimor sevraiday has ou frai Cicao taspad bb sesan Mrs. F'rank Peterson atiended the until vo cen get tse ne cburcb itTisene38 wee~.tin their suitînier cottage. spent the week endi vitb Mr. anti Mrs.. bin Friday, Manda>'. We desîre ta announfce that the an- J E. WATEF«S - Hoeil Misa Bila Mac Faulkner off Bat-ring- Mrs. Wiliam Scblnleber entertained nual chilsrens vwes i vii again le nI- Mr. and Mrs.C. Il. Patton w.-,.-ecal tan sperîl the veek sud vîth vîrginîs Mrs Obetmhiler aofTtoanake, Va.,tse served tUsayear, ataiting on Sunday,. iYI<»<ÂAND 8TSMUO lera biers Thursday. Hetrin. pasi veek. April 30, and endlug May 7th. Gond Dîmatea of Wonten and -MW )f Mr. Tbompson anti Etiard Ernst, 4t iei town caucus lest Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ciavey returned speakers andI exercises bave Issu se- a specialty. Ha, r> Wsvetzcr attendéd the Play Emnil Fcke vas nmtnated for super- Salut-day frian a tend tIsys' trip tht- ci aer. T rograns vilIl e announied WAUKUCAN. lxn" "Lightanm_-" it tte Blackslane Salut-- visôi't tovo cerk, August Praeiicb; bbthe 5 eteraiied onaWtteire lo aan0nc sa se day. e asseasor, M;. P. Steil-, scbool trustee. Mr.. Louis Meyers netiedMn edeieas t notcet h . vW. jGqe Q5Bf = A very enjo> ahi. Bunro çparty vas A.iG. Scbvèrniati. tay afternoon In bonor off ber daugbtet foutl edition off "The Messenger" vUI. UTS give yM. 1-ee e oein~ Mn. anti Mis. Cha". Weyetzer, ý,r. Jeannette's 121h bitUday. lie ready for diatribublon by Easter Phoe 841. 118 Mo. Qqneeq i a venlng rzs voeraah rdetFi -a IM.WiLliaitt Wseetzer, Mr. and Hart-y Green moved is famîly IntelSuitday - d Mrs. Ahbyrt Hacit lai, a hanti matIe Mn.. Buescbing. Mr. andI Mrs. Adanis, the home just vacated liy NormIan MrTotabensex ndyfuWÂIEAULN1 buffet set, Miss Rose Piebm 2ntI. box Mr. anti Mrs. A. Hooft. Mr. andI Mrs. Dletz. vho maved his famlly Into theln veeka af pre-Eater addressa. You d af candy antI Mrs. Fraelcb drev the flixon attentict the dance et Bat-ring- nsv home Salut-day. are asked te note them. andi 1ha1 Usey MR.0. F. wUTj! M, d consolationi, an embraidered îéol. tan Tbuystiay erenîug e pay given under the auspices at-e btougbt ta the attention off fionda VCEMR The guests loft à birtbday present a off the Highvood anhool at aur arma!l andI acqualutancea. Suinday, Mat-ch 26, A~~~l tt ee r five dollar gl pipeste l.-botes i ST. PETERS CHURCH Wednesday evsnlng vas vel attendeti. "h o>n f Rigan"ond>ve- BËTV god Mre. Zoshler, Mrs. Ed Blcimchi'a ning, "The Problent o! Evil andI HumanitETYILE Sundat Shoi, 9:30 moîber. ditI Prîda>' aiternoani ai the Suffering;" gunday mot-nlng. April 2, German, 10:30 home off lier dal.ghter, Mrs. S. p. "The Travail of Hits Saut-," Sunday DR. J. L. TAYL1j Services in Engllab 8 P.M. Hutchinsait, off Irving Park. Punerai evcnlng, 'lia the World Geting Botter," Offloo In Friat Natol "i'e St-. Choir Practice, Finde>, 8 P.M. vas at Waukcgan Mande>' aiternoon. S=eda>' morning. Aprih 9, "A World Hers 4t- a 11lt :11o»d7t Jr. Choir Practice, Salut-day. 2:30 The Missianar>' Sorit b t -sa- C ofauerer " Sunda evs ning TeReeldence on Broadvay, ob"d dRer. Scboppsr, Pastor. byterian chut-ch verse entettined b Hey ofDet "_nî> ronig __________Misa Sadlle Galloway Thnrsday after- April 16, "The Emply Tomit:" eve- LIENTy'vuS4 àa - -h 00 0 0 00 0 0 naun. The ellectlonofofflees wu m ning, Baster reniats by choir.