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Libertyville Independent, 23 Mar 1922, p. 4

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LBERTY VULE INEPENDENT. THURSI)AY. MARCH 23, 1922 ý4 is àOlaoli let M'O. I1fel so ma*la ab olace ing cape irtlYl Mi"taxhng curoçrstic spbai. Oogmodi tht 1 vould nOt talai a"Y «Mei f ommi.y for Ithe beaefll ite - WW otallkbe. P. Broya, CII. onill Raîdh scraStlemelit TOURHELU ýY&j caumuke an apçlomtIIefl ry= bhaath's sae by telephon- »«"M Mod ichrenle DIUOoS .1WiS m1d1kesueilt x~ bTyVIL la et.r. LLWWOF OoP RaT.Btty, putOi. Itoirti Sndin Laent; 3ltdLeat ering aundiF. At I0o&. n.Chondal ilairt 0d At il e. m. morang pioger &Ud ser- mon. Slect, "Tmaltlnl yOd." Mr. B»« uvIEplay a vieitu so10 for the effeftS7i. --0- pIEIl ETRODIBT EPISCOPAL chaiSes Lý-DIckey. Pistai. swlad&I sooo fet 10a. m.1D. A Young, General SuPt .b hi' 11eatcr. ,Muaiçi hi'the choir.ý Jackt Bnadord, direcfo; lIns. 'Lyell Morris, orgsniest. Short, p6pulimrvr$e at 7:30 P. ta. Good congregatlouI i iging aimusic hi' thIechoir. Tventy-mlaute sermon hi' tbe piston. Hlow Iopg vould you'want ta live 1p a comiliUiati' 'itlhout a churcli? if ySoe eleve in the claurch, viii' not atti lt u aOrtit i? Ths - chca ouldb.<sad tb have 3yalr prienci eid la ervcie and your oooei.i±Louiits ta"k 'WdUssisi' îvualagsi7:30, =Id4- U. sia 1» rtv ile Indepéndern UÀMf 11IJSiNU5S YMeabiye. i swW ocial oin Tueday evealng. OUhCMOD ~ rwi LA5»Mrh 2gth la the. ehurcli. Yu are 1NI RE ~ ~~~p1, sa âîSe ca seCliiMaul Natter. anPu-rdsliy lnvited to attefid. Yau v R L W T ST T bemuaist bortlly necelved h h ,ORGL NA vC- 'A Q IEB IK "eigli"; eatertaiaed i dla ul D TLA O T _______________lie___ Exchange.___________ vagh"; ierv'tclrefreshmente lantthe -- .~ ~ Edtor Largest ea f ek was rigbt "wel<bu' on. cent for everf ive 3,00 O federal cases trans- fe .............~.Mariage, ae0 ethpoet o POundi and two centa for evenr extra1 ferdtCokcuY NALLEY _____________of, Ke. LocalpManages Pounid will pay your "welgh" la. You ledt Co out fLELoaMaae- Blumberg for $64,500 cen 9gOuotay old "weigh." But YOU poeoutor ,.,00» 09 0tàst onsom at Lihertyville. Mr., The final numnber of the Communlty Chicago, Mar. 17-Proseiution of d * O OO OLeikam isl employed by the. Foulds Businesof the }tcorder'a offIe Btertineinent Course, undcr the. nus violîtana of thie prohibItion 1maw vas i P T A K 1 S 1 C 0 Mlling Co. for the. vel endlng March 18, 1922. pices of the lpworth League. waglv- entlrely In the banda of tAt, authorl il 9*0000K0 uler vas a buiiness ciller at Numben of conveyancee, 142. en luit Tuesday .vemiag to a largen1 tien ber. Iodai' as the. result of anEi 99000 Jesioefi ai eaii Number of Chattel mortgages, 48. auiecethan uua. 'The entertailer th rgmr ainltWdédy q~e"met,,treacbed btween tb. officeW .igad family frouaWhed Jo. liaia nov truck and il jea.a dandy, Number of U. S. A. neleases. I 5. a tamt uatt » f tb. a ttney generîl o! thé-United ifenmat th g o, Number o! trust deeds and mort- nlflcý ml uia r InSin tes ad the.state'i attorney of 1m1A1 tlèh WOêii cfldatth Cesmo gages, 61. *eI.~ lirl clnd.~ Cook county. Approxliiately 3,000 K ~'~ W.lane clld t Ii Ceamoe Total number of Instruments fliled eff, ad a soloûit, Miqs Lucle B-1 cans thît liddIleen pendîng ln fed, lu ffaWido Ms A am hroa.246. - - obtisui, . edaqlglter of the vxinate'dirai courts have henutraniferr.d tbd "Y at«uS. . , Geet met witb an accident lait Total amount o! loana $152,686.63. of the obureL. The accosapaniit he.the, îtate courts.a ia »MSi .lchildren froua Tbursda.y reaultini lna ivey sure fingr, Busness bai heen goad wtb loins daua¶ter of the lote Dr. M. C. B. Ma- Stat,'i Attorney Crove and Chlef b W, Mimt Tueaday at the hope it vilii hi viii ain by Saturdiy above the average. sm, wvha vas vldel rknovn tbroxlab Justice Oison of the. Municipal Court. INCM nWglt Emil. The. follovlng une the. more imaport- the cbmch as the Secretaryof the were to confer todai' regardig the. flggÂuX G. Mather from Prie Viev van ant deila: ~m i oît.eetablishment of a "boosu" court tnA In Ii. £ aWaukegan-Natixîn S. Blumberg * b. s dgoiey lepneîlded over by a iapiolal j*dge ' IsMa'Wclea en t a bu"si nes iller uit G. M. Wedner' bougbt tbe Wm. Scott Kelth estatge-.-wowudha ofyee ûovO Mes<a ete home of J_ . Wednesduy evedii<. prapefty, coniling 4& acrea on N. DMwbLKBvoatoulof heindronl cis Ivol a 1Mma John C'i ad dhldren motor. Sberidan Raid runnlag Ibrough ta oÂON1 Federal prohibition agents bine vîll i UX&i Geo. Weimer Jr, of id te Libuttyville, Widiieiday evening. Nortb avenue for 164600.1 CONNiTy CHURCH. continue ta gatber evidence of la! rac- p501 Atait N.he N. BUSi&li M Johfi'Gloden and Sophia LiaIt Isaac N. Busilckand vif. baught Publicto wuDlpt 2:30 P. M. lions of tb, anti-liquor lava but the de dfherIaom. vnt to the Cty Thuradai'. tb. James A. Witrous lot an south- Sunday ïSebSolat 3:156tP. m. Mrs. local United States district attornes ?.bu moth dtlit Jh Borabafen, J. e Clarence est corner Mesn vneadAhCrln icel utOffice la nellv.ed o! al reaponsibllltya W# v we ia nadeicod. anWRay' Bwit adR i atiied tret orenieavenu 000. ôe I; bl Sptfor prosecutlons.t i. Xhieh y em thave a Joxith Jr.ForSedn l trGeeorN.lnct $1.000 . E -It le understood tht one riason for ~ RrryLekan bae boln mach t ortSheidn litLesilieCole place on Northb aide Third PIRST PUMTHPAN lbe wltbdnawal o! the. fedinal govern- i _________________ sreeybtwenHikoy tretmdment fnam praaecutlon vas that monil Ttaeiday en Hckoritht.and Rey. Mari C. Mor'gan, Piston. o h ae r athe nature of uais- _____________Joba Keüer viitid aItbe H. Pttal North avenue for lndlcated $7.600.oftecssaeI houa seîri dss lit voIt InNorh Cicago-ý-Joitit K. Ryaake- Sabbeth Schib ai 9:45 a. mn. W. G.l demeenora and lente negarded ai too GereWe'iaer of Chic ,vIsIted vies ad if. hougbt part af th. Wells, supt. trivial ta warrant the attention o! fed-c ~1E T U BE wt Mr.ad Mn... BUKI, ron petyo Bouth aide 22nd Preahinraet 11 a m.Commuinion eral prosecutoni; Slznlar prcedtin.t 'I.Satrdainnalt considenation and gave haqlc lion o! n.w membens and Installation other sections o! the 'United Statea. W.ê 0f Aug. ~Greves and famili' called t lb. trust deed for ,tOO. foffficièe._________ w kOouCrestinore lait Fridiy night. 'In Lake Forest-Mariont LosIi Clark Chrstian Endeavor at 6:130,P. iM.1 juin" Matdusik Caroline and Fred bougbt lot ), Sheridaa manôn. oi et Toçlc. "Whi± Our Country Oves ta A1'IfITIONÀI LOCU ~ ~ Busch ittended a hoxiitg bout lait side Sheridan Raid, opposite Edge' HOMe MiSutOP2wlee" Leaders, AubneyAL IK I. mmm Fridiy itgt. wood. raad f nom F. D. Grae for It- Wells aâd John Schotanua. Ma Mllr elveela are rdr fdicaled $7.000. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Thougt of Zaolgodiattb Cesinnelat erbaB.Loh iugbt lot 17 Sher the. evenng message, "The Vision o! Zni gndsIdn anrtnhea sie heidittI. sllg ! l lnu."Mise Luella Âttnldge atnded a blrtb- ora hoeJ. lae. uc Rond. aonth of Spruce aveitue for In- Prayer Meeting Wednesday. Marceh day parti' Pnlday evealng at lb. bomne TO S JonBol o fe, r, .- - dlated $8,000. 29. Toplc, "Aitudi' 0f the Apoatîe Of Miss Flornce Armi af Wilmette. and Fred Weiditer apent St. Patrick's~ Davîd,R. Piersoit houglit the Willîit Peter.", Mrs. Elaie Schwartz and son. Pbllip. Se:diy4t Everett. W. Gffis place on ::uth sid Rose Choir prectice eacI FrIday evefiag. of Chcago ver. here aven Sunday The. N. F. Busch family and James' Terrace of Edgewood road for $à,M.Ed 1Sarorgnst .~ viaitlng Mn. /and Mns. Robent Plotz. Matduaek ipent Saturda i l t t 00.Wrigbt, choitanl 7b00J ului hm o u rr Highwood--Cbui'10 L. lloyd and Boy Scouts will prepere for an c i Misses Mnyme and 1-ilda Hnpke vis- RIm arksb' nEm avneml hike o Saturday, Apil lit.1ited their nunt, Mma. Sebeunemaun, at Tube Vernon Gise inaigama on tbe sick lust frein estate of Nelson Beardsley' for Bnlng youn dinnirsanmd b. prepared bier borne on South Sheridan Rond. in withb yinptonas pemn $2260. ta apend mont of the day. Waultegan. r1his W eek Bsh oe Satr iie viitart lIe J.nd N. bo Atlii____e_____( B. rat- popetyon soutb aide Lin- $225 Mn. and Mns. MaxjMiller and childen den av enue al Forest avenue for it o! Libetyville, viited at the home O! dlcated. $10.000 aitd gave becit trust J. N. Busch, Sunc'ydeed fanr$5.M0. JonBarrett and M. Cook ver. Arthur F BylleId aitd wife boughit ~.Coui4tyTire blas cecllersat th. CreÉtmore lait theBerthe H. Arnco plaefaiteut -. a~~ide Linden avenue, 1trba ec treet. for indiueted $4,000 and gave Us. E 8 E made pumpkin Pie fIllif a bck trust deed for $3000. Bo'umn LAKCE fer a neally good pie.Rai' C. Gifford and w:e bougbt a_______ o nS.JInsaeu erMn 1 L t e k " o The .lbntylll Inîpeden latbfaine raid frona C. W. Btcklei' for ln-it Thedng ierof lle Iî coudetyla th cated $6.500 and gare 'dttrust *parOf akle'CoAty de.d for $2,600, Antoine Dstelek end wlfe bultn l George Yenard and vife ougi tle Charles R. Kln. place an veatNe ec o yan nw sasf ton h aionm tm * osde Lindeit avenue, sauta 0of Beech e w o yadne aifcinh atism caine to ~~~street for Indlcaled $4.500 ad gareDr ic' Ba ngP we wth ho back trust deed for. $2.250.Dr Pre'sB kn Po drwt Ph Live- W ith Him At 14 in Deeflid Townhip-Arthulr C. seoIMg it at 25c. for a large-size 12-oz. ca bouaht the Henry F. Plagge Kaukto Bg Cha. D. Nixcon. D. Ç_. Ph. C. 5 acres la Sec. 31, for inidcated $17,- j(Health Talit Num ber 16) 500 and gave bath trust deed for At foUrteeni J. P. .Brown got lis finst In Libertyvlî 're' F an BeseW. Greenwood bought the. haste cf sciatiCa and muscular nheul- iouis C. Koehlman platce on South Bidecam Cteh tify.dic$10 $25000 MatiSra, and it was bitter, as every sId ewpl oth f . Whdicte and 1Ol SUfferer froua eit.her cf these troublesIwle hbu ght the John K. SellecIt tarin Io! Il,48 acres I, E 1-2 het. (; for, id ~~It Grant-Nicholas ERobinson J.H *l $j ie lld mn' hhlnga, includig a trip to H-ot Srng.ad vif. bought the John P. Spiczak Sprlngsprdperty it Marbie & Converse sub.,- but flotIfl.gquite touched the ca»ae. He was unable at Fox Lakte for $4.500 and gave bath trustie-Hefo $.0C.Kna 4wot and viewed 'his troubles rathcr hpeessy tInLake V l for $1.000 . B A wN bauiht the. John G. Pultel lot la lie head of chiropractic spinial acjustments, and Wllmiagtan's sub.. an Deep Lakte f dr bioeelf hat hey roeoe th ~ ndicated $3000. fofe lasf m iyd rlv leCgeI Avan-Ehlen m. Renebaitbought ý4 ltueacaneh epeshesi omal, osluSihS rd se.-' Round ltsfrin Alibs Aantfr$- 41§alàt heul&fNully. Mr. Brown says: 10 I.NslaFo a ln t2 la Griysllsake--Hari7 Epstein Graysake fan indicat.ed $60.000 and 'théýfttt A&wgbnt 1 aitgae, ad truit died for $25,000. Ia Waueonda-OtaOi'don IL. Greeni »Il lel!front the Pailabsong the bo< htthe Rue Hsserti' place for I-Fta ar es 1<~~~I a Bls-Wi. t. Fitzgerald bought F r l r e oouM 4 adusinuti M Dw y lotsinlaHlmanas ubda In SOC 20.. Dr. Price's Phosphate Baking Powderi et sJtl5ii~It I sa nv iS' - otb West of Lake Zurich for $1400. pwe-otanbl--tA~an n i isw a or a ithel4y pa M Sdad 1ur h cr idtFactoriosthat have been famous for theq ~Jg.a f Ia.eya ad .adan ~ ~116hee FUI .GE Melt shortcnlng; add *Augar and unbealea melîci; vanilla and mua; add leur vhidh nulm=es@and umlx yuL.Spread v'tin slow ovb* front 30 te 30 minulas.C ut lit nîuaovlng froua pan. New Dr. Price C Your grocer inay stlU have a few coç gwveyou one wth a j6urch9se of 'Dr. Pr rather, than have you disappointed, wev Prie's Baking Powder FaCtor, 10011 On. Sale ai -~ .. riveraity, là ~ Ig a ekaTO Con with her prntM.0 M.~ANtilIOCH - O0 Langwortby. O O O O O O O O * birs. Roert; M. Plots î»ent two daysi Misi Miai' GOggin waî In OlicgciO last week ln ÇbIcago. Hêý son, Clyde viitor over Suflday. Browfl, accoMoaaled lier bome nd e - There va& a large attendanceat the- aned over unday., mats mting at the opera boue Sat- Qulte a aumber of lbertyv1Ule young urday niglit. Thomas Nelson of ZioO folks attended the danceaia Everett ipoke. ighlanld Park, Wailte<ii and Gii'e .Mns. George Eck,. Who bas bnent the lae Saturday niglit. wlte cia Chiago, bai returned t0 An- Members of the 1. 0. 0. P. Iodge tioch and wilIî open up her !ce creaml wene entertalned, the Relbekabs Mon- parlor soom. lay nighit atter the regular meeting «f The. fremeaîs dance waâ a grand thi aubordinate lodge. A JOUy 00d tnwce, hoth flniuicily anld aocalIy. time was had, ad thoe mn certsàn1y a umbr from ott of tora were pres- dln Justice to the ela*onae "feed" fur- ihed by the. ladies. ln Misei lizbeh Akotr ud IllAL Miss Viola icuhauptspent Saturday Kohout ventt w Obicago Tburday w Ctao "a e in r m fthe big fire. which Dr. RoI Wilhlanad femlly, of Dix- ditroyed an entire-block of buildigs tlr0. ICiUBe. &M vitdg bi mother, iiar the. UnIion Station a day or soi bere. 38e1fl±auds teoapmn au office before. oven Kiaes' drug store 214 locate bere W. 1. Colline, Julius Treptow, Ray prmety Andrews, Dean Bennett Virn QGer, Mma Kulaaupt *Ill1 outurwil the- Warren Flood, Ed Schneider aid Theo ThImblfi Ses on Wedliiday, Match 29. Swa attended a meeting of tbe-Ma-J 9lvenyone lnvited. sonic lodg. la GIenvlew Wednendayj Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Athur Haw- aigit A niber of degrees verte ex' kins on luit Tuesdiy, a babW boy. pllfled, ad the v ilto rs aoi ed M ;. ad M n. Depke bave m o çd it o Lait Fnlday -evening women repre- the rome aiAth.e. H. LEari10'rhome. zentlflg everq vomeR s organliaionl la*UNri"k Difle vii In WaukigAnont the. çmnIflfllty met to Counslder plans1 jury Moeday. for a clalou lactlzinslp. A mass 1 meethag for ail vommin lterted ila rverl fr nds 0f MCiiN c. sucb a movement wIll lie bld fflday ott tedtefnrlo n .C afternoon, Msaeh 31, ai 2:31) o'clock. Jee urL at the Commercial Club roce,. 'The1 Xi. aid Mms 0. U Baye 0f Wauke- ommittft In charge bus bien very for' gin, Mli s ancli QnJ»Iae ofChicago tulnate lai iecurlng as the speaker for and Mis Once Carey of VîlisOt vlalt- tbàs meeting Mmi. MAY Wood431mon. .d Sunday wlth Dr. and Mii. Beebe. itate chairmau of edueýUoI&I fi. oik lu Mr. Monhelt bau aoyeti bis dry cttlzensblp for the Illinois League of g<ôjgfuinigs f rom the WLlton Women Votera. block to th.eKlein building formerly occtpledt by W. 8. Oodvln. MER FIRST THOUOI4T Mr. and lMm. J. Wilson )IcOee llavF Teacher: 110w je i thatyou're si OTCAtrahntvitwt late, Tommy,i relatives la Missoui. Tommy: Cause tbere vas a Miau pincbed for steelin' liens and settluaDDN OOKEE 1a bous. on fine. an' knockla' down fiveP "My ion." ad the, father wlao vai 1policemen, an' mither sent me rmon t~ oi Mwhat, sildlctecl la moralizia,«'thus ses if It was father."- London Bllghty. ihlaltheage cfi6peoluttie. adpeclaliti la the-re anythlng you cia do better lhan anyonO Pie lu the wo>rld?" -FIrat ln Lake CoUnty -TIi INDE "Yetb, Ibir." ih.pe the hDiall boy- PENDENT "I ean read my own handwitlfg." sands Of' WomeR MUN in "Home-Baking»" iavé been madle possible by producn )sphate instead of Creaxn of Tartar and m.Think of it! POWDER Sc oize can, 12ôz. -is the most wholesome Iow priced baking um and is macde ini the sane Dr. Prioe quality of their products for nearly 70 yeare SQUARE 1 taspoon Dr.PrWca 1allng Powder %Mcpunmta clappmed-not to le 1cgg; mix well; add chocola ite which bai been àbas been îifted with the baking powdmr;, add aly on greaied iballow cake 'pan. and balte in Itc 8Mach squares vile SÛRlI aria and before 'k 'I We

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