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Libertyville Independent, 23 Mar 1922, p. 6

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LIBERTYVILE INDEPENDENL. IIJflA.. ~wIinar9.~~. t'i~1~#SI...... mm #Mt~Y"- ÔVNOEË 1 KSREFO I -Yu affing Wife, Bunch"l nets Mm obt. 0. Scott, Jr. $50 alimony tte l in nonin't ns fle't Volives 0o thlie lay or thse 'sud would ln- céte srd there are biitnwe on,,thf- »Paý of. n*-I-Imoutiy th'-i- Ihet sur. tâllut the vwsll Vûlu', lis ssld en- osp'ssthe world. Yuu Ada M. Scotof that clty Mon- 1) l'15 gruteft- ltv'-f rom Itobi. g Bôt J. -n i ndms. i ne -Wben hi9"*11 Ic exhilted a lette- uhlch 11,--nd fmirtt iti-Myt'ilinz ,and )lo * Actni-'g His..' mqd 'closet la ?-<155 (isrtt c Net7.e!. who fre-1 Ssntywas isIVlt( in thse Scoti boine by the bushandt Ers. Mary XePhaill a wiinems. testled that j:etisbocked he'- by- wrmmalng' witb ýXlz 'Netzpr.aid tisai th-.,were con- Itulvhaving soft cusihi;,n igis.0 T1'e leiber. whiscl wa vritten loto $1 :estinsony alec tated: "If you Ç4,ý me go supremely vou W"ll fret dburaeîf."lb wasswrlttien ai.tkhart Wls.,and tbld o ci ivn 'q-sied Mise Netzertieesdia. Iheý went to a dance. "I don't know how lai tis thiug v. «'tesiifed Mis. Scott, "but lbioooosooê* ooooooo0*' lias golle ta far* Judge Claire C. Edward. ut ils- 0 F OXK L A K E Lalu- County Circuit court ai Wall- ooooosooo*oooooooo 1eoean ihougisi vo 100 and slgned the Folwg ateesto!htow decreee granting Mrs. Scotti HO a ,olwn aterlato h o iinih alimony caucus of Grant township, belli lut I..ûishme ive,,inluZionSaudy 1 p*'sii 10 which t'i m Ii Republîcun leiSn Niil*w.aukee and (7l.iago Assesor-Edward Pichter. iyi ('isatorney, V. V. iidrnes. Conistable - Matt Mathlesen and staîed ha, had hunbed Scotti theb asd Frank Gerriteen. Matt Mathiesen -.îates. Scott iddnot coîies; îh-c làs.tiâed. soit. Town Clerk-No nomination. 009000000000000000 Supevlo-Wildtratton. 0 IVANHOE 0 Asseser--George Kay. OG000000000009000 Con8table-Andre* Goyt. Several ladies fron. Lîbertyvilte and Town Cerk-Frank Stanton. Aiea attended the cemetery meeting I Supervsor-Ne nomination. he1d ai Mra. Emma Radkes Thurda» The Fx Lake schoo ' la closed untii afternoon.1(nx Monday on eccount o! suspected Tihe Womans Society wil! hoid the il. measlis anid carlet fover. % regutar meeting and eleciion of otfi-1MISs Alie 4usbrore etertarned 12 cers a! the home of Mis. R. F unu 1Young folkll at a Si. Patrtcks Party Thureday afternoon March 23 ri. 1 and supper Saturday. The decoratlons flon't forget the parce) poat socilandam favors were apeorinate ico tht, ai tise church Saturday eveuiog March occasion. Eleanor Lumber sud J.mes 251h. Corne and briug your trieuds. Skarda sbared honore lu the sharnrock, Mrs. Wiliard Beach returned home lînut, and Banneet Russell, John Skar- last week alter several mouihs stay de, Bernice Wiey and-Clara Langhein witb lier son lu Gary, Indiena. 1 carried off the houer sMn bunco ____________! LesLie Rtggs, Lloyd aud Stewart REINFORCEO CIGARS Schsultz, H1elen Schmidt aud the Ho0w- "Ginsme three cigars" urdered ard children auni Fransk Laenud baby O'Rourke. 8howiug a quarter acroisa Frana are al 111. the couter. Eighteesa people. iterested lu ChrIa- Stroug cees, or mi1d?" ian Science met aithtie home of Ennelt 'Gîmme the strong orles. Thse weak Sayles Weduesdey nigisi. These meet- waos ls always butstlu' in me pocket." luge have hotu the regular thiug forl ESSAV CONTEST ADVEIRTISEMI 6FREE TO BOYS and, Dietz Willys Light Company, Libertyville,- Illinois Telephone 89 Wiilys Light Distributor in- 'r', FIRSTPRIZE, $25.00 in Cash; SECOND PRIZE, $20.00 in Cash; THIPD PRIZE, $15-00 in Cash, the Three Best Essays by -Rural, Boys afld-, Girls IN LAKE COUNTY, ON ;osts You Nothlng. Y,,Are,,Un4er NQ Obligations. No &tins o thePrizes. I the Rides. - Get Musy. RULES 0F THE CONTET: 1 Opmeni l any famboy or girl lu Lake County hetwecu. te ages of 10 and 18. No totnofo city entrauts te ho îîenmitted. 2 Essay must 11t exceed 1500 wonda lu leugth. 3, Eesay must te type'witteu or written lunlItk, osn one sidf- oflaneer ly. Paper must be 8%x1l. Writing must be so that It cmn he easity read. Name, addnes sud âe muet bo prlated lu upper right baud corner of cacis page, sud tise pagea faatened topethen. Otisenwise essay tilt noi be judged. 4 Cessestaute may get lsetp frorn parents. teachers, Willys Ligisi users or Wiliys Llgt dealers. 5 Pull Informsation ou any questions or on* the advaulages of Wittys Ligbt cao lie ohtained by anyooe calinw'ai oun local oflice ut any time, or aItirhe toliowing dealers: Lux & Lucas, Wa.dwortb: Joseph Leuzen. Volo.> 6 Allesw2s ustIaibe mailed on seut to the office ot The Dietz Wlliym ehib(o., Libetyville, on or hefu-e Aprit 30, l9gd 7 CouMot wti he judged hy tIhe Toledo office lis iîieî sales Manager, Mn. 'Swigart. Aunouncement of the winuers as iloon ater bbhecontest as possible. Decismon io bobtis. No paners le 1w retu.d -p Mrs. Trute entertsined ber daughi.er f rount(Chicago on Wedneaday. 000000000000000000 0 AREA 000000000000090090,O W il Kuigge Va8 a Chicago visitur Misa Eselyn Van Zandi ot (irayslah-,e wa.a uhe week end guest of Mildred Poricous. Mir. and Mis Arithur iai uf Gilm-er i catied un Mrs. Ai.na Joues Sunday evf Mrs. C. W. Young aud daugister of Lake Forest speut thse week end titis Mr. sud Mrs. Robert Camenon. John Eggers a! Gilrzpent Suuday! at the H. C. Meyer home. Miss Avis Payne of Chicago speut the week end wlth ber parents,MrI and Mms H. C. Payne. Miss Litlan Rusell of Austin spent the week end wlth Mr. aud Mm. Tisos. Russell Mies Jennie Hlbbard of Druce IAke wa8 tise week end guesi. of Mr.. n Mis. Frank Bamsrnlth. Ralph Russell entertalned several fiendsata a birtbday panty last Frlday afiernoon. Mr. snd Mrs. John Gýosswiller enter- taiued Mma. Ed Gosewiller aud children of Dlamond Lake Friday afternoon. Mis Dorotby Holcomh eniertaitned the adtors a te" Aasted by Sadie" aft- er the Saturday evenlng performance. Mr. and Mrs. WIU Roder of Palatine, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Roder snd sont§ sud Mx. and Mis. A. R Roder were 'enter- tained ati the borne of Mfr aud Mns. 8 Coupon below, properly filled put, ennoils you ai. once lu tht contest sud places yeur Wse on tht maillxg liai. to reoelve alI lterature, catalogs, etc.. that witI o e a- ed duriug lthe centest. $end ln the Coupon et Once. *Addres *Nearest *Renier oc *Have you * What M; ENTERING COUPON sNam . .................................. bt s, .......... ------ or O wuen ........ ........ mu migh liPlani?....... ** * * * ... . ..... .. .. . -- -- -- - -- - .. . . .. . ....... ..... ... aime'................ *110w longliave You had lb9...... ............ 51 Nanie * g e ............. . .... .... . *- - - - - * * * * *rk Reward This -Able Woman Eleet Her Your Coonty, of ALICE PL SMITH c# OrMyslk. Ljke Gouinty SchooIs 25 Years An Educator. Sec lier Record ttIWp.k "emonths, ând the attenld- * i io Th P . - etig fnet rdyo WILMOT $SÇIIO bat been posltponadon accolnt of the 00Po ,0 0 ee o oo~ aso lne closed. The aplIlng conteet hsld Pridzy, Un, BNd Tweed ana son spent Mhe Maroh l7th wae lnterestlog. Filrt pris# weok end lu Chicago. wus wcen by Elwirs. Meintzer snd The sewlng club met et the homie o. second onrze was wvon by Cordie Hs.g- Misa DaayBIddlson Monday. bloom. Mss. FWmnk Marvin le qul'te il) at ber iW. have accepted the invitation home here. .,given ta ua bty LEverett éOhool te open Mrs, Charles Knowies wasremoved I i. sud n ll",Mahalt te the McAlister hospital in Waukeg . n d Mrs. Johnt liagie entertab a f ew or thelr frisais Soturulaj'ntu T*RmjrA few of oui nelsbborltoo ,njoYed. Mrs, Ilarl Rushmure was hosteassto the PisYs givon by thteinghlan park the Knl4ckerbocker Olub Ist week. ICOsnsnuatY Club, at the Ridge scbooi Miss Ostrld Lund, who bas been smrd. am qbit 111, Is steadily iitilroviiig. Thee Tarmers AsgSciation held a , Mrs. Gus Landry etertalned the meeting at Wllmct achoc Frlay niht Kntckerboeker Club Monday evening. Thei~ Progressive Club wlill Cive &I - Progressive card party at the Wllmot1 Imirâ i achool Saturday nlgbte 4' FILE 6 JUD«MI nTS IgThe lfth, slxth, aeventh and aigth 1 atrnoon. Six ucgments were flled Mouday lu i Tht flrst f0ur grades made e ht the Circuit court aganlet the City of posters ls.st week. North Chceggo hi' Atty. Max Przyhor- Tht Drainage mapa madSe by the ski for dlaims agaînst týe municipal. seventh snd eightb graes were yery ity as follows. good. Dr. J. U Miller,. $15. The Progressive Club met w"thMA. James Masterson, $169 Spencer at Wednesday arternooo. Dally Sun, $1,084.1 They wil be entertalned by Mis. Carl- Sterllng-Miltnd Coal Co., $869. sou nerf meeting Wedueeday alter- Northb Chicago Lumber CoaI Co.,no. ____ R. L. Sandwlek was a colter 1a week. The cbildren are enjoying the barret of a.eples, given themn by tise Progres- sive Ctub.6 S The average att.endancé, for the LE N T month of February was 30. This le EN Jfot as good ai et al 4 Our bird work is very lutenestlng. Our paluted birds add a good deal the composition wonk. 117 II YIMca. Mentzen spersi Friday in.Chics- ?<ýTwo. Thir Tissyt ing d 19.0 th Telepi acite% "At Tbaye 10,300 ln the iith i "Tb Ai the aeCte< 1#21 Thte e= 000h Ailc* E. Sm"thb.effl tmblug Wh= too.Fy.uugo . hagamtq a o al tomés.'.catical, ln Prima seL..) a, cibu,. tdii ceunty. $h. h"boaut br w&y by havlnc raoLmbihity. RE- WARD lIER NOW. Moks bar yogi CouxetySupt. of Scbolàfor bottea se.. You must vote Tu"aiy April 11 HOUSES FOR SALE Two new bousesn Fourtb Street that we wll sell rlgbt. These wez-e bultt by us of the best materlals and by labor on day basts. There le no shani about tbem. Fifty-foot graded lots. Shade trees and waik8. Houses have large living room kitchen, two bed monts, tbree closets -and bath on main floor. Roem for two bed roomas on second floor. Fine, hlgh cemented besement. Water, gas. eiectricity. cisternB. Price of one $4,500.00 and other $4,200.00. First paynient $1.000.00 Balance easy. Wl) put la furnace for $150.00 extra. siAMERAW- RE FENCE CO., phone 80. LIBETYVU.LE, LL WYLET YOUR HOGS GET SJCK OR DIE j We guarautte our remedy to gave 95% of the slck hoga, stop the coughlng, anÙ destroy al) worms la six days. UI i don' do what we Say, money refunded. Gets more worms than any other wormn capsula. Write for frot information on disasa.nd cure of hogos and chlckan. Evetu ,Stock & P.uJty Fn., Gulalin, N . .5. Philip Jaeger General' CommIs'ion Merchant S PECIAL attetion gitt t. tisa m"je0for oesd Relos Mutton, VealPoultry, Md*@, ttc Alzo Butter aodi fgs. P rc cedoa efconsiaufaat premptly remittd. This la the oldest houo. en thea atrae.tTan sud prioe.lista tUrlIIOhd oon plcatlo. Cold 9tuage Mm *talle 1 and 8, Fulton Street Whoaoal. Market. i 'r Lewiasii~ode uay.1 'Il Mrs. Bert Swa nis 111 wlth bunslitis. Mis. Elizabeth Whitnsey of Llberby. ville le visittng her ister, Mia. Esuma Miss Viola Wells attended the Hi1gh- T saeO n r n a dn land Park firemeu'ge hall luet Fniday eveniug. Several frieuds sur»rlsed Min. Lewis Roder Monslay afternoon lunisonor of 1 wisli to amu c that1 hae secued the Agency honon of ber golden weddiug anniver- sary.inLk mlfo 'Mrs. David Houkhtellng sud daugb-inLkCoy o ten, Minit, apent Suuday with Mr. sud Mca. Max Vanderssark sud famiiy '0f W.-te u p eB o p n FQreat.of Phiadelphia BI B OLLOW SÉHOOL fral rqurd o â are Plute your ord«àhere 000000000000000000 uèaSave expreu. We cleaued oui echoothouse lest Monday.- Dooty &lIlý HleTenysu - LÀ1in FORMST SED STOP£. Jerome Ttsyauansd arl aziel -werel A . UlE5 PrqEEor These thai. were absent latI weekc, Teîeploae:-Laje Foret 952; Remdence L. F. 762. fJnlled their ex=sulatlons this week. Miss Rut-hi Larkin viglted school fl- day- Th ise tt grade stszted the study 0f tPisysIology lest week. MT F » U FO RE IN Wtlltqmà Nortog sud Wesley Garbutt ber grand-moteUr'sImt Wedneeday sud sdç aemmd re nr4u -Tbursday 'Une. Harry Daliel epent Sundsyl wfth Mrs. Robent Dalziel. Mn. Larklu bas finlsbed bis newjam pourcues. Mn. sud Mra. William 'ronyau epent Taeesday witls Mca. John Tonysu. ~.Min. Charlie Wolkring spent Suday fwith Mrs. WiII Tonysu. Mm-s. EMMa Sistton visibed Mrs. C. A. Lankin Tbunaday. IThe rends are had ln sorie places lu lise vlcinity. 0 0 0 00 cO é 0 00 0 0 'o FOR ALL TH4E NEW$ OF- LAK<E o o COUNTY. SUBOCft1BEFOR fil'e o iN~PENENT-41jl AYAR se f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~0 ô ~-ioooooe.o' --a fiNE i Wmi nýa-ReWl Pize ,If Thoodore H. DUrt, Protiden$ W. B. Smith, Vies Proidant F. W. Càurchili, Sorétsry and Manager. SECURITY TITLE & TRUST Co. jABSTRACTS 0f TMU' - T l GARA?4TEE Capital: $125.OW.OO jWAUJRW :~ LLII savon y.routein Wask.am Fou Y'«»la 4 o eVill Tw. y«"o la Gur a.. Thrss.yy» èpAntleah, aow thore B.."... ULsu'trvilUe, Roond Lake, Gould Schuin lFroosoa, Gub Sdi..) alto Dedge Scisool nma Nul- huet c.

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