UBF.RTYVILLE 1NDEP~UENL.. Y~,. M41I~R ~. l~22,. -. .. t- -- ., R~R &SSESSOR ~trude Delaney was suc- ~fi*sful at the poIls at New- port hs$~ Saturday. i ,ne~ 'vat nominsted ~-the o~f1cs tif asseesor ai the town S90 Repubîlcan town cau- ~ ~seid there last Saturday. She i onf of t he extremely few wom- I~wbc t~' i' contenders for offIce ~ loi April 4. The office o! a~ roxnmistiion~r ~t Newyort ro~gb1 l'o' t), qulte a cOtit5~t lut rs~ulis were as follows: !'. <1. t.ueas uncontested. ASSESSOR ~s~lruds D~lsney. 150. ~.0Roy Aicnck. 140. ~. ~ilGHWAY COMMISSIONER ~m~mstt ilastiug, 161. s.y Ferry. 125. SCECOL TRUSTEE ~Vilflam Wech. uoopposed. ~W~I* battis tor Ibe offices ai asses- p~p etld higbwav commissioner botb ~ê~qtiite spirlled. It is predicted b ~ thal the woct.sn csndidate unopposed at the electbob. Wamctloally ail towns b the cotnty ~'. bave beld Ibeir tOwn caucuses M.Mre.ready for the electlon. On the it la said there wili be few w'd flbts at that time. - At Libertyv~tte. '4bissidersble interest was brougbt at Ubertyrlile where botb the ~*1ibàc and Democrats beid their les. ~4ê.MeimbIic~ cancos nrought out ~$. ~e foiiowing resait: ~' Supervîsor- ~ 3~1. B. Eger. CI.rk- ~ ~dwgru ~sor- flsflwuy Comhiissionsr- '~I1. R. Englebreebl. P",'~c t3 yeara)- il Moi.i~ I Trustees (3 yesrs>- .,Ttlm Rouie of Area. - ~nioerat~, plt'ced tue follow~ 6~et lu nomination, il belng 'e' W. E. "Short y" M~ier ~n~~f0r super~'isor. Mr. 111- i*~ie titis office from Uberty'ç'ille ~ tEnliber ai years. The resuits: -t,-- F~anlç Kennedy. - f . H.. ~rown, Sr. :'ty Ca4tImlmionsr- .1. R. MWllboiland. -4oeppli Dorfier. At Vernon. e htlndred and fifty votes were ~U tise Republtcan towo caucus terwn o! Vernon Saturda>'. The £~ Méather-Si. Statiellffe-56. ~~Ijerschberger'. flI~ lEST MYNES IssW contesi i. ¶nat bcln& si-ted M isili interesi ever>' von... anti ris. rends this piper. Anv" mais Wl cen enter unis Contrit --an>'- asivisi! Aliitr.necesaarvs-dols rite a 4-une ci,' trie on Dr. î'rise't pisate Baking l',îa-der, uti.s' . 'ni>' rerds a-hlch sp~sc.~~ ~lisr-t-.~ lise ~,f Mise Dr. ~'rh'e can <front ssnd on tise l*i'ited slip whic<i la -lis catis Dc. ?'-ice cas. Pt tiraI casyl' Everycesc lites ta I âymes anti -rc is £ <4rsr.~"' ta ~~~nstlng hoor or twu 'r -'11- ke an~ penhsj s w!~sntng t. .ub. Mprire foi .-ur c4orts. 0 CASH .'RIZ~S r tise clivais ,ric~te~l os lîes~ a tif $100 >~tll i-e gi~snî for tint' 4, tisird anti Luctiî issat clivas. o! $75, 810. îi-.d 'asliimgiicn Anil B ti.ere wil lie 15 Brasa o! $5 for Uit- ir-r~t 55 ttrst i~~t>i~B. Wlth a long lOt ai prises ~ tises,' It i be a 1tity not ta tr$r yous, hanti ~ ta a 4-une rhya9 ai an ca-. ~ !eacpocss cf tt,~s pooed.r ,nake ~WiI4s, meffu, pic rie àeka. ~ Frkv's Ca., gs~ervsLce ~.iten (s ttc casa te lac. Dr. Price's Plies p bats Baklng $pr seils f or onu 25-cents a ta cnuid gro'ery s~r5e, ~aa et playup tise remamI~~ e.~ o! tisis pure ao4 Wbeieanse ~g povder wislcis ceutilise no ~ris~~ muaI lie recetvod b>' Only wacd~ appearltsg l'on Uic l~bei o! tise Dr. Frire «clint .,nd isack) or an lite ~.it1 slip 'r.n~ ,inrtd inside tise cisc le use-I. T!i'~ s words mar lie ~ oftee. -.,ts~.i-eti. kit no ather p yul lis allawi.-d. if yau liavets't ~ Dr. 1'rice's, a cape o! tht- ~iùd Hie printeti slip wil~i lic sent ~s free upan requeit. v"sean or girlina>' enter the but cmli' anc s'byme !com cadi yuji lic <s'ssldersd. b case a! fi~l3,asnossa a! Uic prise wiil esé .tyissg ainteatant. on1y~aoc aide o! a anti atidreas. s4syrne before May lI ta ?owder Vaelory -T'- George M. Weldner. HIGhW5Y CommisSlOnSr- F. I.. HoUe î2 8cl~oo. Trustes- M. W. Kuedler. In Cuha Townahip: Tht polllng place was at the store ai Laîne~ & CO,. 10 d'e village of Barrtng~ ton. and a good vote wa~ out, wltb îhQ following resutts: For Supervisor'- Fred Ktrscbner-299. Jos. E. Klbrige-129. Town Ciork- George J. MIller-347. Assessor- E. W. Riley 258. .7. P. Hoiltster-178. Highwsj Commisaîoner- Miles T. Lsrney-121. Wm. Uobetn-312. Ju&ge Claire C. Edwards Monday de-1 begun MOUGSY morning Id Lake coun' (Later news ot this tri~l wiU bel found on page one ai the second sec- Hon of this issue t, U V V S U V V VU S~ 8 VUOVJ i k NATIONAL TEA COMPANY S'UGAR SPECIAL SALE . BUTTER GRANULATED BEST CREAMERY lOLbs. rU1ILJ~TMI~L/~MIUU1kMTIYtMff~.,TI ~'I ~ Per 1$. 53c 612 North Milwaukee Ave., Liber~yviIe, Illinois 41c I I GoId Medal BEANS Amencan Family SWEE~ CORN Frasioe Braud, No. 2 tins, AU KIids FLOUR NAVY SOAP HONEY BRAN!) TOMATOES CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ¼BbI.Sack $109 Per ~ ......5c IOba'rsfor ~49c Per tua 10e1 Pet tii.... - ...lIc Pp tun....................... Oc o HALF DA?. oooooooooooooooo.o~ ShrimpDryPackNoveltYBfafld.. IOc Amencan.HomeNO.ltaIIFaflciRed Hurnt's 2~/~ St~pI, Y.Uow Free Peaches, Don't forget tise s~ereo.uîîcan lecture Argo Corn Starch, 1-lb. pkg.......... 7c Alaska Salaron. - .. . .. ... .27e in goocl syrup........ ...... .26e an indt~ Saturday evenlng, Marcis 25, at 8 o'clock, at the hall. Oui>' a sx~,aîî Snider's Catsuip, pint bottie .... 25c American Home K.. 2 Sliced Hawaiien Pineapple 25e Prunes, large size, 40/50 Santa Clara.......l9c admission fes 0f ten and 15 cents witl be charged, whloh w¶î be tarneti over Foulds Macaroni and Spaghetti .... 7%c King0~car '4011 Sardines, Imported - . 16e B. & M. ¼ Lobder ....... 23< 10 tise bulding funti. Last Saturda>' Vernon townshlxi vit- OId Dutch acenser....................10c Beau Siate No. 2 RI Ldne, Bernas 9c Hu~'s &,~e.e Logaubeiries, în heavy ayrup. 29e largeat caucus for ~s:dî~evoîers being present. s.55; B. & M. Gem Chowtler, large, 28c; amail. 13e Mazola 011, pints 24c - t~oma1 Evaporated Mllktali, 3 for. . 25c ~ about 10 or 12 vomen vere ouf, how~ ever. There was a spiriteti conteat for HoIIaud Muid Honey, 8-oz...... lSc National Coeoa, 8-oz. - 15e l)ates~ lkofemlmr7, 2½-oz. package........8e supervisor .between tise pr55tE5t 155ct51n Jeflo............. - 9e Raven tip, Matches r..............5e Laloeude No. 2 Slfted Peu .... 19e bent, A. Maetber, and George Stan- clii! Mir. Tdaether wss renoWinated. No. 1 ~" ""' Cliii' B. & M. Euh Flahes large' 20e' small.......14e Pimeatos 8-oz ti Mc. Stanciiff wlll also be a candIdate- Califonnia ~owers sas, a~ssOW ~ ne~ a~e at tise prlmary by petitton. The mast D...L in --~. . . . . . 16c Cataluna 1/z tins Tuna ail wbite meat >0 Shredded Wheat 10e lntereattng ilgist vas for the office 0f 1e5.sei, guuu Syrup _____________________ hi.ghway commissioner. six candidates - starttng In the race. Lt was soon aeen that tise contest was between F. L. MILK CAMPBELL'S B. &. M QUAKER CRYSTAI, WHII'E Holtie and William Brockman Holtie ~ Home received a usajarit>' of tise votes on tise OATS fourtb ballot, bot Brockman anti Foote Carnation, Borclen, Pet, ~ed POU & BEANS MMNE CORN LAIJNDRY aUAP No. 2 tins 't~lll be bts running mates, as the>' are - n& :. 9e candidates by vetition. Tise next cou' test was for conatable hetveen Fred Urge. can.... 9e Per tii ........ -. .. 13c iCT Uit.. - Pertjn ¶5e SaISI Pkg Oc Pet Bar - - 4e Priesa md Charles Kruegec. 3fr. Priesa vas wlnxser at tise caucus, but Mc. Krnegec ta a candIdate by petitioïs. _____________________________ - - ~ Charles Herscisbetger, Jr., vss nom'- i $800000 0F STREET IMPROVE Officisi Publication> nateti for town dent. George Weidner. 1~7AU1" FOR SALE-Four colts, 1 four >'~ NtEt4T BONDS 0F SAID VILLAGE.' Report o! ils. co.dltlot, o! for ~asessor and M. W. Knsdier for WAI'~i AU~. dlii; two 3 years aid. anti ans 2 yearsl lions of $50000 ach, and numbereti scisool trustoti, they havlng no opposi- _______________________________ olti Fou>' Farn. Libertyvlllc. 11-21 dated AprIl 1, 1922, being us denornina lion. M H. ~oyie, Aifreti Stanclifi i 'wiîî veave varpeta for' fifty cents WANTED-~î nid for î 'e frorn i to 16 lncliiive, payable seriaily Cake ulna Crust aud Sa~lu~s Dauk anti L. H. Krueger vere re-&ected~as a runblng yard a~i~ furniais vans. Mca. work niusl be competeut NI ~ F. i $1.000 sac ysar irons April 1, 1923, ta ~ at Lake Villa, Stats a! iliinaîa, aI Use cmos o! business on tise members ai tise townsblp cornmittee. A. Moldenlsauer. Long Grave, III. 5.lSt R. Mîtiler. 536 Scranttifl 5Vt'iiiit'. t.ake April 1, 1930 inclusIve, whicls bonds lotis day o! Marcis 1922, as made ta tise Audîtor ai Public Accounta ai tise J. E. Barrett did pot enter tise caucus. Bîttif. Phane Lalte Bluff 615 C~5 bear Interest aI tht rate of 5% per State o! illinois, pursuant ta 1mw. but circulsteti a petition for supervisor FOR SALE-A six roorn ho.uss anti wl<îylî auttues. payable annual'>'. At tht office Monda>', anti l.a therefore aleC a candi- uv, acres a! ver>' fine lanti, 1',~ ~ai, tise Village Treasurer. tlESOtIaCE5 date. Nov tisen. corne ont mati vote on miles f rom Area. $300 cash; i>alsncs A TEN DOLLAR 1IEWARD ta anyone Salti bida shall be nddressetl ta d'e. April 4th, as yon haves. ver>' gooti an' liks cent. Excellent openlng for mar- furnlsiting information 1eêdu1~ ta ar.f Village Clerk ai tise Village a! Ares,1 i Lo5iss ors Rami Estats (1a...............................$ 7,500 oiF sortment o! candidates ta vote for titi. ket gardener or ~ouitry. F. M. Hacti' rsst o! p~'tleewbO atole tise Imniser anti muaI be accombiauleti by a cern 2 Los.ns on Collateral Secuvsty (lb> 12,806 45 year. ing. Ares, iii. Phane 184-J. 10-tf f ram my hem on tise prernhses <,~. fleti cbeck, or draft, for per cent 3 Otb~r Loans (ici........................................87579 80 ____________________________ pied b>' Wnt. Panser. litre. Il'. Bartti1s~. Furtiser information be obtainedi ~ <5rd~~~ (2~.............................................14 7! ________________________ ran ~ U. S. Goverisment Investinenta (3) uo~ns oe Herosan Pankonin leit lut Monday FOR SA~-seven.pî~ est duniui~ 404 O4encoe Roati, Glessebe, III. 12-lt f rom lise underaigneti. for Kansas <lit>'. vbere he viii attend ~rn set. Chris Hapte, Libert>'- r JOHN H. ROUSE, 6 Other Bonds and Stocka (4>................................8,000 OU a mecisanical sehool for several veets. ville, EL . 104t FOR SALE-Liliy crealst aeg>arator, ii~ 12-41 Village Clerk. Arn. flltnois. 7 Banking Houa., Furniture and Fixtures <6) 9,919 71 At their lait meeting tise choir d~ -_______________ cideti ta give $40 visicis-tise>' initie at FOR SALE-Potatoes ~>' J~ WOU. A4 condition; new atiJustable dress 9 Due frotti Bants, Cuis and Other Cash Resources (7,8, 9> a4,sse ~ liseur recent danse ta tise building fond Aptskiaic. fana; 015k dresser; thiee-fOUY~ ver- CARD 0F THANKS Total ~ ............. su'e.ooa~tz Prairie Viev postoiflce. nie Martin beti anti sptsgs; titchen ai the churcis. Tisants. Fine suint. We 10-4t taule bot blast heater. sanits.ry coucis We viali ta exteisti aur iseartfelt LIÂSILITIES neeti Il batil>'. .±hanks ta relatives. frienda anti Macca- Tise choir vilI practîce Thismada>' FOR SALIt-A neari>' nev 7-room anti pati. nev $125 Isard coal heater. . txight o! titis veet at tise Coat home. house, one o! tise best in Area~ isot useti tvo mouthi, anti a aeving table bee mendiera for thetr tinti vords anti C5pttaISIOCk(1) $2500000 on accaunt o! tise entertalnmeut St vater heat anti ail modem însp'rove- PhOfle 211-J. or atidreas Robert 3fac~~ sympatis>' anti for the beaistiful floral 2,?60'0O Prairie Viev Fs'iday ssight. menîs. 5malî cash payaient; balance Watie, Deerfiehti, ~. 12-lt I offeriugs at tise deatis o! our belovetir 2 Surplus (2) Lait Tuestia>' niglst tise commimit>' lite ment. F. M. ilartitng, Pisone 184-J daugister anti sîster. S Undividcd Profits (net) (81................................~ 56 slçvrised Mca. <harles Beere, It being r Ares, El. 9.îf. FOR RENT-Fucnlaised room. Steainl Mit. .AND MRS ZlEMM~ I 4 Tirne 1505515 <~>......................................79,588 74 I ______________________________ heat, centrali>' locateti. Inquire aI AND FAMILV. 12.111 5 Demand Depasits c4bj...................................67.061 13 iser blnthday. .A large crovti pt.es- vu 12-tf I 7 Dividendu Unpaid (5>........................................51 0~ ent antis fine Urne vas essJoyeti ~by ail. FOR SALE-Slx-roons, ail modem lndopenden± OI0~* CARD 0F THANKS Total Liahibities.................................... -, FOR SALE-Fow colts. tva 2.iiears We visis ta tisank tise frientis anti i, D. R. Manier, Cashier ai tise Lake Villa Trust & Ssvlngs Bank, do Wejiace Lookiseati delirereti the nov vood4rsme houas on Austin Ave ta- stove at tise scisoot isone. Imat Saturda>' cluding bans anti chicten bouse, an SfteXilOOIi visicit tise P. '1'. A. purchas-' loti GO ft. i 400 fet. wîîî seli aI ceas aid anti two 5 yesrs aid; vili ssii nelghbors anti dufferent societtes far' solemni>' ivear tbs.t tise above state ment la true ta tise beat o! my tnowl- eti froas Sauem & Hans. onable price. August Ratiloif. Llbect>'- cheap or trade for iseifers. ~rank T4 thelr sympatis>' anti kintineas in aur ehie anti helief. anti tisaI tise anti amaunts shova above correspond 941. le>', Everett, Iii. 12-81 beceavoment; alsa for tise heautifiil vitis tise iteitiS spd atflatUtts sisovn lu tise report matie ta tise atstiitor 0f Pnb- Matis Heracisherger la sscvlng on tise ville, Illinols. ___ - -'----- - floral pieces. . I lic Accaunts, State o! Uhinois, pursua nt ta lav. jiw>' la Waukegan titi. WO5k. I FOR SALE la ~ ~f 1920 FOR SAIE-.-~Onomy lfJog creansj MB~. EINSMM~N. î D. R. MANZER, Msra. Cathorln~ Sturm 8pept Monda>' p~ ~ Ver>' f~ choiee. Re- separator, capacit>' 800 lbs, ver haurt MRS. BAItKMAN. STATE 0F ILLINOIS, COIJNTY 0F LÂKE sa. Cashier. aftensoon ~'lth her '~brotber, M. M. cloaneti anti freeti lrom foui seeti. $175 Fcs.nk Johuson, Diainonti Lake~ III j Subscrtbed anti evons ta befoce me this tentli day o! March, 1922. Wsgissr anti f5~i1l>' .' - par buMieI.s, ~?, White Holianti Tut" Pisone Ares 296-R-i. CARD 0F THANKS <SEAL) - M. S. tILLER Henssan Pankonils left MOnda>' for te>' 4o~I1ert.Bsrgerau Stack Farm. Bts visis ta th5nk 0511' resauves. Notar>' Public. HanSes <lit>' ta attend tise Stt'55fl5>' 2 miles vsqt of Ltbertyville. Tele-' NOTICE 0F SALE Of~ BONDS frientis anti neigishora for tise t.indness Scisool, visore ho vili take a mecisan. hbone :78-34. 10-41 SEALBD RELiS WILL BE RECEIV- shovss tu tise îîîness anti deatis 0f out ________________________________________________________________ ical courus. ~ED anti opsueti b>' the President anti Tise Cemeter>' Association -wtil meet FOR SAI1E-9 tons tîrnotis>' ha>'; also 'Boardof Trusises of tise Village of belaveti moilser; anti also for the beau. tsext Tisurada>' aiternoots. Masch ~fois, fazuil>' cov. Ebnmet Gleasan. Mal! Ares, Laite Count>'. Illinais, at a meet~. tiful floral af~oringa. I et tise home <If Mrs. Beirigor lu Lib- De>'. ~. - - . 10 St fss~ to ho helti in tise Village Hall mi C~ARLiE ~ ________________________ i salti Village o! Ares, ou Frîda>'. Mart~thI JOREPHM. DOR.FLER. s _____________ I r'rtYville. FCR SALE-I ans nov selling tise besti 3154t 1922, at 7:30 o'ciack .p. rn., FORI FRANR J. DORFLER. CI4ECKING Up n»~dsg machine matie. natueli', 'Tisti BitE" rnillclng machine. I have Oh~rles Meyen ai tise Uniteti 8ev. ~me vorking close ta tovn. C. F. (OfficiaI Publication) 15g15 anti Loess Ooas~sisy ~>f ?nlsa jolis cissi'ti5, AiitlO<th, Iii. 10.tf ,Jtepott .1 ho 4.dkii.s'of I thla otis~ A fleTo oeme la-to isis 0f50e anti a*e4 ta me tise laleçêone. ~'ise folbowtu oneitdeti coesveruMioe MEi overhesrti: - pouah ef ~ ve~ ~tO. layon .11 4ie5.ti witi de usas you~got? I seel la ,oncotstsusx*at. ing a change soop? Toit ta isot' Ail nigist. tisant yuW. ma'amsi" Deelrlnq 10h. frientil>', Me>'oea asiti: "Too led soineone hati tise lob." '1~Isat's atl a~gbt." re(slled lise negro. "Ton ses ru de il~er dat 'got de ici, Ivo veete ago, amd I ~ns lus' chectin' NOTICE p~ e.&.t.u-'c'soice Marquis seeti State B ai 0f 1~Ui4 Cake Pisêne Wankeon 941-Y.1. 10-St Lacateti at Round Lake, State a! flUnoisattiss close a! business on tise lotis ~ IIN<i MEN, w6~i~F~ da~ o! Marcis, 1922, as niais ta tise Auditor o! Public Accounta o! tise State o~sr YZ denlmllsg governmeut ~ $ rninws. pursuant ta lav. tiaits. $126 mosltbl>', write for fres liat RESOtIRCES tif isoaitidne nov aven. Raymond Ter- I Lama an Rami Estats (la)...........................$ 15,500 Go r>' (fouiner Civil Service exaississecî 2 Loans on Colîsteral Securit>' ~iisî.......................12,440 Go 1899 Cdatlneatsî Bltig.. Wasisiitgtats. S Otiser Loan. tic) - 61,886 84 T). C. - ' ~ ~ Overdrsfta (2>........................212 53 FOR SALE-Reed goadola baby bug- 5 U. S. Governrnent Investmente (S)..........................7374 ~ ~ Ivos>' vitis dark bine linio~; also O Other Bonds anti Stocks (4>...........t-..~<....99,598 55 a bot ~yater heat radiator, 70 feet rai.i- .7 Banking Houas, Fprniture md Futures (5>.................16,781 10 auna. Telepisone 134-W. il-tf 9 Due frons Banka, Cash anti Otiser Cash Rqsources (7, 8. ~).42,448 85 FQlI,,BALE-One grade Hall5t'Oiis bull, Total ResoarEsa................................$259,23? 62 a'so seven cova. heavy sps'lng&a. LIÂEILITIE5 Gutter ami Spouting There is a very low price on this material now,. We Can I)o It Promptly i vaut ait ta lcaov tisat i arn stili un Citas. H. Petersen. "~~ ~ Ca~if.aI Stock~(1)......................................$ 25000 Go Ltbertyvilis, eîcept nigists. My huai- FOR 51ALE-110 Bu!! Orpington pul-t ,2 Surplus (2)...........................................uoooo Go ness la becs. I have anti shah hs.Ts. lels;osie-hoeee moyen. gooti as nev. I Il 1.Jntiivided Profits (Net) <3)................................2,249 22 stuail icitits anti inuit troe~, shrnibs in H.nnianl4mnson, Gisrnee. ni. 11-21 4 Time Deposite (4a)......................................76,529 24 varieties, ehatie anti omnamental tree5~ 5 Demassd Deposits (4h>.................------ 118,261 98 ' - asparagnis anti siramdiercy plants. On NOTICE . 'i Dividende Unpeld <5)........................................16 Go 0f ni>' vife. I have not been able 10 ha~..........................................................................................2,181 23 account a! tise lisng ilînees anti deatis J B. Antierson. dealer in Lice Stock, 8 Reserve Acco4snts ~~ aiick IIa.rdw are . (3o. caîl on you. Write me a card anti 40 heati o! gaad vork isarsea for Total Liabi irisa-------------------------------------$259.23q,~62 vil i ste you. Give me yctsr order earîy sais, frotu four ta nine >'ears oh. Wili: E GEO. F. ROBERTS, Llbertyville ~ weI~h f rom 1200 ta 1700 pountis each.; , - C. Webber, Casisleî af Use Firat State Baut o! Round Lake, do sol- Telepluone 236.W.2 SisermenvUie. Res- Stuni>' sysar tisaI tise aboie 8tatemeut la true ta the best o! my kno.wletige Phone _____ 12-If ~andbeIÎef, anti tisat tise items anti amnouutsahawnabovscarrerponnivith tise 39 LIBERTY VILLE ________ idence on Duntihe Roati, tva miles O! Wis Adtiu'e~~envtev,1 counts.utate'~,, 1ll.sdisputstsanttblaw. E~C.WEBB~JR ___________________________________________ o TI4~ INDEPENDENT te tho ci -61, Catisier. I osoat wl<Leiv r.ad nowspaper n ~ STATE 0W ILLINOIS, COUNTY 0F LAKE; as. ~ ~ THE iNDEPENDENT alwaye Stibserlbeti anti gwns'n ta be$ot'e m e tisis alxteentis day ai Marcis, .1922. Claaaifled A~ m Tii. Independent seenre remit..' 6fr. Ihe. 'a XOxetçe~*ao5ekO-o.e- Ltêsrtyvttto if fut. (sun~) M. B. WEBBER, tihi md yUtWE L eni~e.tad 'wU a.ip ~ss ih.â~t. <21:2 I~I3N1ES S~ MURDUI t3I~ Afleced s!ay' refusedi start Bt. Proeeoretwr the d.ath per te, four allag cycle POIîOSm k s indiestet a jury, as h. I e-, romaIn wh' ,:,î puntshme Up to 8 o'î nons of tii. sccsptsd. 0u to the' n5ttirUltZ*tiOr court, tta. sti i'enra o! 50 t ci. Ther. art ri~turaiiz5tiOF tic' i h.td cv * .t lite Claire sol cOTititiOS? VoIr. sîlegeti I ~6arbor mOtoit lobn Bartole, i aunmen's car. ~ph BridAi5ti their triai On * begun Monda~ coutil>' Circuit * »lîh demand inimedlately. Judge EdW5 w~nts 10 gel tht: wben tb ~<i' PS an Aur T .- ~ttorneYs t.~ seVSrSflC A" y. Lester a~ i Judge An re.,~nting Pot fsr a spSrStS tu.. ground tI e-' ~ucb a nat dr~e ilse jury d'~ endenta. ,,~~ka'atayO j' ici that b. b p ire tue Ç~f4 t defetiti St ~..to since h t e aise bers. Aty. Robe g'..t'ndtnm' Bt s'iee tor bis t I ot Chicai u,-.tforbi.s l'rasecfltOr trial, Bt i conltty C le be msted ,,îble for ho 1 (20'Iflty office .iudgs Edi g., ta triai ljry immedl seniremsn b REPEAI CLÀU Oov. Blaji leqislatL STATE Stadusoti. ttig tise Wl laI session BiniOu dec issue is: public anti llsls an o tem, tisroi ers " Tise bau special a inaruing. lits messat meeting ai lily chaDil Governo tus-e ta: i. Rent tlte state 2. Pern fis carpari bacit'. erm' ual Incon bacit. 4. Ses frastd are lad isact. 5 fiant tise state 340.00 ta le makini certain if lit tai rel In stivi crecy cIa iav, tise this ciao out ai m Ho sel tisues ye isilgisl lie y*'5r5. I t.inity ta 1)17 anti i.. Tise n from tbf AstI. a. t NOTE THE REMARKABLY 1.0W PRIéES FOR GOOD MERCIIANDISE: