LIBERYVI Lý LAKE C 0 U pSfflm VOÙLWMXXX-UMBFR t3..- _________I - - JRI3y-STATE, eh, *dr rab lek- Red. or la cent andi mie. hot irch. LltrY the r la ) b. >amn l au ias relit niles mae, Saa boic. and lion. 'once ega tdlng g of and tfuail pay- rooin a for large ou$@. sonat ding- plef e cally nMle ce ai iln 4 les of well a5 for e lm- milk stock holce braod farm 'holce t and con. iicago tg as salon. Mt 7. large i. 30 :Uiltry ,build- a an arther grain nlcoly or 21i ;rent- on. farm i5 per ),'bal- trtctly irnace i. «ar. lei Ce- II for Peul- crib. go or- r live siatein chick- lnding &ive cash, Grain local- it ad-. =si tii -rifles. S6441tââ TAKEN IN WAUKEfiAN Accring toa areportI mat aubmr tdft0oMajor- F. Skinerof iilv att- kee fou commInerciat statisteis. 2,175 panaids o! flis were caugist b>' Wau- kegauil flher-men turing tise year 1921o. TIbi-la1la approxinutely 161 tous. TisamSanot asligbbly emalien. tissu, for-tisa previous yean. tue 10 lui.- act that the catch of visite flis la gettillg amaller ers- Year. Tbe catch of tnout vas about the same. Tise réPot ta Major Slitanet' va suismillai b>' Ueu msy Raiflof WÎu- kegaor iteput>'gua ad O! LakéO d0stit.t -- ,Ss MAPI 7 TTflI qildbe ~filednea petitian 'i the Su- uitoday asking for a vii of. en-ar ta iiewthse action of. the Appelat, court for the aseonli dis- trict i reveroiucg the ludgmè«it f the CoÇuty' coubrt of La"iuaty whicb gave (ýIdler9 a ludgmellt In & Aircible 4etainer suit. Gold.ierg leasad 'a ýulldn4.,iiD Hghland Park t.o earl for a thatre and whtcb ac- coi-ding to the ternis t the lease Pçarl forfeited beceube afler .uly 1, 1917, be falled to use for that pur- poseý The Appelale court...eld that Pearl dld not have to use the build. Iuq tor a thoatre. VOLIVA ASSAILS COCKAINE USE. 1IN Don't be a- coward irlithis mat- ter says overseer of Zion Cit)p . $WM000ROAD- PRORMfIL BACK BY STATE Failure to approve Lake- Co. program, holds Up 20 miles of roads Failure on th" part of the Stats ta give ils officiai approva; la holding up Lake county s roam4 building'pro- gramu rW bis year. Coenîy officiais nre chafng o-er the-delay which pre- «vents the. lIr9m awar4lng contracta for son"' ie ty toiles 6 paving. E - ferts on the part ot the State te IhaInmme r down the price of cemnent, -nd the decision naeto proceed until tu bscao b.. don"-. ia helleved te he back of tht- refusai t approve Lake coultys ipuogramn. The estlmated cost of the local program wbIc Iu l teing held up le tuai f-a 6lllion dol- lare. Il le sali! tJat thse State las abso- lutlty no objectiOn $I o ay cdthe eni glnesrink features of the Laie coqo- iy progratu. s0 it le assumsd that the cernent price la the only .stumbllng block. Meanwhils the Stat..- as advsr- tlsed for ida for large stretches of stais aid road, awsrding o! the con- tracts being condiiioned upan the onice. of the cement.-1 UBR Yvjz AU Motorists Up in arms over Mole",learrests in S Shieldstownship Nd4rth shsore autoufohUlats, up La1 arma Oyer being aublefea b oarrest In Shields, township, vhlch Ineludesi part ct Laks Foret. L4ie .Blut 80a utbe. aouthern section or Nostih Chi-: 'cafl, have appealed Nto Saies Ai-1 los-ne A. V. Ermiih, prosecutor 'of %M. ount. an the Waukegan: mfsr.have bea-n advsed hy Att>' 7 rrOa. dvsru Brundafe, that a num- f ~ ber of so-calied motôfr caps operatlng In that territory are dolng so withoul authority of lay, andithat mqlarlats neeit psy Do attention 10 them, A check-up of tbe apearpntly self- appolnted ipeed cops shows thaI they are -niot, atting under authorît>' of Sheriff Green, nor are they village ~, cers or township constables' They alserate slong aoms o!fIthe concrote highwnya vhere aulomobilista ..are ipt t,) top and gas a bit, àntl litn- dredi bave been srrestsd for speed- ing, takten to somte o! the north akore justice courts and fined. Atty. (leu. Brundage advtsed tisat thsse 'speed caps" coutl be arrest- -ud on charge of impersnstlel an of- Icer. Mont auîomobilsots.1 hovevet bave bees paylng their fines rathel tban fighting tbe case as moat 0f them reelde farfrram tieseeneOf the anesots. Fôr a ime azçe -f tbese officert -vas a apeciai deputy of lhe sheriff, sppointed et the former's reqt. but Sheniff Greeni ines@lias vlth- drawn the deputy's authorlty. An attempt ta belng miade tu de- termine vhether- or flot the psy of the apnelil *offerna" làbeing taken out of the, naad sud bridge fund et th to hie à1P cOOndIIS 1to ti au- tborities tb. township rondim ad S bridge tundtlIo10 lie used Only for maintenance of roads and bridgés. It ia underatoithtat thse apecia ,caps", are ual only recsiving a Bal- ary but also receive- anniaoa vhlch niay accoulit for thir great actlty. Tbere la aiso a question as la vhetb- er a toonahip officeq éger r-est per- sans on a tate highvay. Tisesla Blo a serions problemn as ta visat vould happen if an autamabilll shouid kiltlope Of ihese gs-aeOf- fiera b>' mstaking binm for a boIdt- Dp man. on vhat vauld happenIs f a motorlal hait -a mshaP. Man>' complainte have been fe- cetrod by tbe Chamber of Commerce tram members of 'the organization. and Proseeutor Jmlth bas hait ike experis!ic55- OBJCTORS TO PÀVIN4 s'WIN IN COURT RULIN4i iJUdge Persons rules in favor of 400 obletors to pave- ment inZion 4 Thse four hundred or more lesi- -41 dents of Dion who objeeled tot the pr-oposit paving of Sherdan rond in -Zian on the grondal that the asaees ment vas unequally and uneqitably spreait. von a sweep'lg victony in count>' court test Tueaday ihen Judge P. L. Persans sutainet tissu- objec- btins àud frderéd thse assesameit i-e- spread. Thse reduttion ln%-sessmeinl fanorôtiy1ng propeîty tram vMch source t-ho objectitua came. vîlI rangs tram fiftY ta seventy-five per cent, it vas stated lit caurt. Tise aplectors had charged Ihat thse p ble heefit vas too Binait. Under tise név assesament Il wili be raised trom fý4.000 ta $17,000. 'f Another grcu.n . ou*(Il as v that the paik5s- vere not assesseit. 'Shilois Park aone contains 24 acres jUnder the .new asseasmetit, Iis plyp- erty' viii be assessed. The objectors contend tl -t the s outlying prupert>' vasassesseit toc higlu in comparison wyith the ad;l& -cent praperty. 1MITONS OU ISII carrleit on luighiant Park ta raise tise money nacessar>' 10 carry -tise proposition tisi-ugis. 'Tbree resi- tenta have aireat>' .greed ta tonate $5.000 eacis proviting seven oIsons wili gire like Born. 1 TisaItue present building la toa smail ta baie care ,of tise vcrk ln Highliandt Park lu prove; b>' flgures compiled, turing uhe lIsat biree years.' .The iospitai. aucring 10 tise an- nu-aI repart of Presîteol Walter H. Blainlfor bhe fiscal year eutlng- Jîuiy 15,.1421, bas tat@n cars of an îucrepasiug average itai#y fi6umber o! patients Pacis vear. Tiser. vas a furkheu i-eu> 5u iat lacresse dîiring the- past qxi onttb. STEAL AUTOMOBIL AT llIQliAND PARK Thse ,anlegan Police, raccivcd a complalnit !rom Higislant Park last« Thurada>' to-Usoeffect usaI a Ford iun- about ôvneit il> H. A. Williams Of Ihal cil>h'il been stolon. A vaîcli ýNaà kept.tueie. but no tiace-Of liae gtoe" cas- *ta fouit. JEANCOMIN41 ON Park Rohbins, general passenger agent of the Gootnichi rransitliUnes, vas 1n Wasskegan Tiurstay looktxag uver tise ladisabilib o! maklng' the local iarbor a GieJ Lakes "Atanic City', , as pioposeit soie time ago b>' tise Chamnier of Commerce. .Mr. 1obing vas favorahl>' Impres- et vItb thp proposition.,iHs bellQres Use beach soit ianisor haro Ideab for sîscis praject Tise sciseme la more acce-ptable ai thus lIme than eern fe- fore, Itlslathe.-plan of, bise sieamshilp con'isan>' lu have eiouîsionits stop 'bore tfune houuu s if lise plan neets wiil favor. Mr. Robihis wliilE bois as the gusat i E. LCiffont, erty-agr ufthjie Chamber ut 'Commer-ce, met Mayor Bitînger, iltamford Upac., A. F. CarneSr and Frank Burke, via JultpinrseÈ ifaidtisemastres ln t4e piuoJtect. He- stated thab ha probais y coult gire a tefpIte>anaver after a meeting a! tise boardt'of directots oi the GoodficW Unes ndt meai. iban tise 1pnoject viftie .discvssed ai IýNDEPE.NDENT ty' Bg eelyWAUK9GANWEELY SUN lhoeWee&41.5 A. S lnCe * la ~ p uuty Register of *PLAN TO EXTI3N Wh 29,1922, was* , R M OÀ *~~~~ s0o1~ pecifîcations * * ~s tae engineers a.nd * *MI1v»U3*,. e ln the Village* Sheridan road to extend S&sth with contract entered to St. Louis anld norih to laethe Lake County___ R eg *t zý p u b lica tio n o it s * M lw au k ee , W la. -B ecau se o t th e mu i g r.6. thes isat Yers*unusUal auceess which attended the ý fot fthe SIferidan Road Improve- * r »rice . pe lii e the tat * ment association in promoting a con- pri ar4w10= i te cntact *cretehbighway between Chicago and *The g&»gff#nace could have * Milwaukee thfbPndce oex vile1p 10 the Liberty- * edte I a endcddt x ben 4en vo, rk .f ibisornatn dLenn lt aet pns er * n th ntoMichigan over Route '15 as *Ue(L~e in the bld aub- * faras the end ai Houghtoft on Lake *mtd j Independent). This * Supeiior, and on the south as taras *ouli 1v , lisen a clear saving * St. Louis, Mo., a distance o 0 *o thelb tsalwesf of the village of * mles, through Illlnois. t was an- $ 10456-Qon% UNDRED AND * nouneed toda:y by the officials of the " FOUR -DOUs9 AND FIPTY- *iSheridan Road improvement associa- * SIX CEN1T8. And the matter * tion of Wisconsin. The Wlseonsiï,4 " would rem* iore people i the * organisation wili co opegie wlth the * Independet'tha In any other * Sheridan Road ImproveMent associa-. * newapaper. We underatand the * tion af Illinois. * Register 1h made a special prie * Il yul be the policy or the assocIa- * of 7 celts per lino for this ordil * tion ta continue work for the improve- *nange. At tlt rate t viii coat *~ ment of this hgbvay and assiat ln * $123.22 t0 baie s-e published * maintenance plans in aIl cilles. keelp- * in -the Reglater. At 4 cent'pe Z .:g constant watch for 'break * une in theIs*idevendent the Ut.bli- * dovls"In the raadway. shouid they * cation e!t, te ordinance -ould * be reported. The praclicaliy complets * bave amor»d to $69.84, a clear * stretch or concrets between St. * Salng t ~the taxDayers of the *1 Louis. Chicago, Milwaukee and Green *village 'l Lgbrtyvlle. of $5738. * Ifav formea s, onderful motor vay ta *I& furMter Obenment neceseary? *1 thfe eart of the middle west and con- * * allîxutes a great artery of commerce. __________________________Zionto b. Improved f lemaining van to be dons Ibis - ear Induites a smail section, igss AL -thian a hall mile, nortb of Maishall, E u ô«RT To sîretch of lys mlles 1us$ nntisofn1 18chliingeriile, anit a tIve-file Yi trelcis bebveen Theresa sud Lomira, a517uiav i-qi reenBs>' nortis tesHouglton, 19,ý9Ibo i-asIis>' la generalhy fine aid W&uuuAI FRDA ogIet, It w~I sait. ____ Business men a of -tises-AMiuhlau au> imlsoitb.l e-mliso sa. Raclne, Sontfr Mlmwauke.OCu- Sheril! E. J. Gi-son returnei Filis> tronm Milvaukee vils Avin Staci. alias' Deane. iboni bu hait siieàteitd on a chmare of b1ay preferrei b>' s wmaan io gave naine as Mr". Le- ona Stack aid vho claimed totabc is I lamtul vite, A mas-i-lge licensa vas lissuait a veek ago in Waukegan 'in, Ammn D.t ,Dsane anit Nlrgaret Bitmiplan andt the marniage vas perfaurmed. Tise couple then returnei to1 Milwaukee andt have bei-jliivng vibb tise Wfe's mother at 294 Faunthi t-est. - Mra. Lewisa Stack appeareit befone Justice Baîz ot Waukegau and avare out a warrant cisarging bigamy>, sa>- ilag se baibeen mai-riai t ta tane untar tise naine of 9tack fOve yeare ago. "Tise vanian muat ha out of ber mmnd." tise teju-uant eaid upon bis arrivai ln Waukegan. '"In thefral- place my resu nanue le Deane aftho1 somte bave kpown nme by the naupe o! "Stacisar' whieil vas my" step-fstis sr's naise. 1 bave knovn Ibis wam- an w$o valu lersel! my *rt vifs for twelse ivuts. Ws mnev each other as children abd gs'ev up to- gethen. Site alvays bas been joalous o! me anotlbas causeit me much lu- convantance. Heu- change that t mar- i-lsd her 15 prepaî'ýeroua, One vite la enough for me. tisane says tisat is vite of a veai isubroken up uval-tise affair but ha- Ileves in is innocence and it miiar- rive in, Waukagan tisis afbernoan. Meulu in$2.000 Bonda Dena as araigoot be$ara Justice Bais ibis aftei-noon Where btis case vas continyesitot April 1. 1ýe mas i-e- mandai toth ie count>'lau oun fallure taproduce a bond of $2000. ev ite vbom tisane maried ln Wauiegan a veai agoa as veli ai the maman vho dlaista bhave ,Maliled bin under lise nams af Stack 41ve years aga vere prcsant ta court. mis,. Stack, No. 1. produceit a mai- ntage certIficats vbich p$ipor*d 10 show. that sheansoitSta.* vers, mar- ri-ed at Oklahsoma Cit>', Oiite, Dec. 18, 1909 b>' Rer. E. B. Surflace.,Han malt- su name i-as given an the certificate as Leana Rabbis, Mlwaukee, anit hie as Avin Sback, Wapelio, Iowa. StaIese .Attorney'Sith lbplans ta comrAunieaae i ltb e suthorlbles St Oklaboma City no finI ont the reai condition of afItars. - Avin Staci. i r.sted ln Siifvaîuket- ant brougist-heu, on-a charge o! big- arn> mate by -1.eqna Stack, aieaol Milwaukee, w-as-ueleaset Saturtay by arter of States Attorne>' A. V. Smithu upon tisa Iack iL enfonce ta aubstan iale bise case. Il !kas ailegod bsthaStaci tladunar- niet five vomi under vantons non- te-plumes, mrcs nýg Loona Sîseis lîpe fire yen ns ega tIýince. ha bas muas rit-t sevenal vomen ln Oklahoama and Mlwaukee, it is chai-Set, cissnging is naine. Stach sait Leous Staelc vas unilhie vife' apd,.lbat lha caUli flt understi>ndt t'*'onlan's iys. tsisy. Milvauke, 5enomoneo Paisa, Tiserea; Lomira. Canspbellaport, Fond du lac. Oabkesh. Neenais. Menasaa Appleton, Katikasns. DePere, Green Bray', Oconta, Pesistiga andt Mari- nette. Touched Many New Cilles Ili Michigan, the larger cities ta b. bouchot yUll be Menomuuee, %ieais- ha, Gladstone, Maniatique, Hancock. Isbpamning, Marquette and tisen forth ta Hougiston. It vas brought out by Preaitent R. Smith that bise Milwaukee Halel as- sesiablon expenitei $5,000 lu adrntIs- Ing ln Chicago ta brtag lounfaba loto Wisconsin. He Intimated thtlat this expendilure moult be madte ln St. Louis soit ln other cibles, since Il bas heen sbablisissi a nn.mber of elmes that ans cao leave Bt. Louis sar>' in the mornlng andt aven the concrete moat reach Milvaukeeata night. JACK DURAND SENT. TOWQ'ODS TO BECmiIMN Was sent to north wo'bds foi. lowing aNeged tI$ft of wine in Parents cellar Voliva h- a -ruleit- slrlctiy y ean i OfiaotLh ont ana e iaughing gai or cacane for dentlyt isee tate vîll nat alov thia vok. Dîrugs si-e lorbiditen lu0 the caunty the same leewiay. Tlîey point ,cfty mit gaz andi cacane coule miter ait tisatIif the S9tais moult approve this hfltug. theii progrffl that the county coulit« ..Braie.up! Dnt ue covards" he fgst-*bus>' obtalnIng the neceasatY exhorteit, "Yo, can *e1 /onr ttlàrt of wya!n d sibis voild be au extractedit i'thout having a lorttiMportaift ter. Then 100, if Laie vent 10 a dentlatt sid ho aqinét h counîy coulitavard contracta con- eveî-y iane b.sot ln the chair. Hie ditignal upan the Pritee of coument Il waulit gel up andt valk aioaitotaodit menanthat tisera woulit b. lesa try to muater courage. Fluali> tise delay li startiiig tise big prs-a-m .detst secursi thbise arvice» of thse vbich Il éPPears 1nov ma>' be held office boy andt gave hlm 1ns-ictlOna baci intil lonig atter tise 5esou0 15 tu stick a pin ln the patienVas zooii openi. ae he gaIt the forceps on tih. tootis.I Thse boy vatchuit bis chance ase as soon as the dessUtgrabbed tise tootis vitisbis Intrum*t tb. bi* drove tbe pin la Loot sait deep. *t the Zamab -lime Sh the tbots out and laid ti in front of thse six-toter. "My but that tM isbatd dep roals." sait tise patient, rubblin himsîf RUÂT LM R iere the pin vas jabbeit. Vliva'a Instructiona regarding teeli vre:ChairesE. Russell,coaunty suPenli Ceanu r eY h irslimes a tendent ot lgbîa», IBagibeer Wight, day. and before retiing. of thé statesticit eniiese office, Use cammon table sait luu dean ansd other intereatedin l roait canstruc- them wth. tiai vonk on Tisursda>' aflernoon cou- Go to the dentiat sud have the tar-t itofficers ai tue Grat cleanet ance- ever>' thrse mon!thstraia a a iing station for tue Don't vait 'tiltishe tartar grava on purpose of enlistiug 1he1- aid ln gel- thean 50 thick that yoa have t$09%( aý lIn-ithe goverument ta permit rloca Bledge hammer, and saciar8a îof '- -,n of Shieridan road, souglt af 22nd namîle %P gel titoff. -et so tisaI the reverse curve can -Tiis chloroform business la bai , dlminated. this belng regaritei as business Some people use ciloro -i dangerous strlp, anditel part of the form or cocane for aearytbing. 11 '-,oposed improvmsent 10 be maite un- a vonder ta me tbey dont getl cso der state aid, betveen- North Chicago roformed totagel thair bair cut Or aud Lake Bluff. heur inger nails cleaned. They conferred vus Commander "About the anly tinse- i1used 10 ,,. M. Frucht, executive officer. ozd wiah for chiorofornu vas wbeîu mY C(ommande, Cook. of the Public nothur n sed t10 dean my sar.s \Wnks itepartmeol, vho pramiseti. 10 ".Clvau >-or teetb tisnee lime a îiaý 1submîit a report ta Washingto>n in an and yau i ii neyer hasve lyorrhea. 1 dfont ta gel the gavernmeiit to aP- am 52 yeaus.ot age smd have a spien- provL of tise change. Capt. Daniel W. did sel ttis I taie cane of them I Wurîshaugh. commandant, vas un- sund have tise dfntiat cdean hlem ahi.- 10 attend the conference on îc- every Ibree montha. *count ut ilînese. 1Lake Bluff 19 vorlflng an a PrOPO sillon ta open Sheridan Iboad 10 con- $1u0 uuu ADDI-nect vlth Wauksgan Roat. tanorder to pues the aate's proJect in the im- isiovement o! the Laie Blbft-Notb TION FOR I#Hc Chicago atip lb vili ha neceasary tit eft- consiterable rlght o! vay, soit AITUt UAC'ke Bluff apparenti>' la trylng ta get Dit through vith shai-ler Ourves tbsa tue LÀND Paats vanta, sud onlesa the vishes af - the latter are cpmplied, tise counly Tise i4ghiand Park iosptal viii enginear fe'els that the slate project be slarget ta about Ibice les pres. viii be dela7ed. eut capacit>'. accorting to plans of - tise board of adylsors, vho ara taking jé>sawa hsu~ stepa t0 Increase the lnatilutbop tram- S20-b.d ta a- 60-boit hoapital. The raddition will cost about $100,000, il A' bigcampaign for funda will bîl .PL N F R iA J WOMANPRICIPAL TAXENN ON I>I3I Misis Nel Kinney, wng9 'or years vas prIncipal of thse Wast aschool of ,Wauketàn. Manday- atternon at 1. o'clock vas laken fi-aDithse end of a hathlng plan ai, Lake Foreat by thse police of that clty. bie Idmlttbd. accordlng 10 the poltce, asehad been ilespondent. but denled bs contemp- latsd suicide. The polics took ber to the home of a trlend In Lake For- est. SAYS SIE WAS SLANDEREIJ; ASKS $2900 pMÂGES, Mrs. Zofia Woniak of North Chicago brings suit against Stanley Gawle> 'Stanley Gavle and vite. lMra- Mary Gsvie, North Chicago roeident, vers maàde defendaits 4R a effl0 damage suit for alleged slaniteri filet li circuit court Saborda>' by Att>'. Max Pi-y,>- bai-ski on bebsl o l Mra. Zoti% Wogniak of North Cbicago, Mai-el>' the Dpi-ecipe of thse sait vas filed but aco-diag 10 Att>'. Prx>bOi- ki the declaratian yul charge tti M.r. -and Ms-a. Gamle tpreat ssniteroui remaria about tain wies raeoted upon-tue, baracter ai bis client. lira. Wosnlak la a maniait mman and according ta Mr. Prsyborsi. the rumai-, thal mai-J' preait about tovi vas that she vas ln"inte ilother man. Wozisi slaldtotab. standinig fnrl>' bbindi bis wite in ber 4gbt for vindl4latlia, Warnihg from Underworld sour oeste19 countiteIn. Illinos Ont of the underios-It. ibose "'grpelne" telegraph bas been tap- pet b>' operativec for tise Illnois Baniters' sssoclspon. bus comq a tip that several Illinois baisa- ai-e sarki, eoiri robbei-y durlng the nazItvaw vasis, accoi-iing ta varnlaga asst la al, banka b>' lie auaclatlon's de- partient, Tise Jobs apparontiy bave been planit b>' safeblomers rather Iban tayligist holtu> .men, accoring ta tise varning, vhlchsasys Ibat '"8ev- oral banks are Ins grave danger of be- iog burgisu-sedi befora the last o! Ibis month," Ninetten Caunties on Tiseft List. Exact locations of the mariait hanka are.unknown, tise warning con- tinuas, but thie "tip" mentions nIno. teen caunties la wviicliaperatiilss migist ha expecteit. These couaitieff are Peanla. Taxeeli, Fulton, Motion. aIt.Warren, KInox, Stark, Henry>, Bu- reau- Marsahalh, Putniam. WoodfÛtd, Livingabon. McLeaýn, DeWilt, Lagan, Menant, Mason aid Cases. Bansisun Ibese counties ere varnet to taie giest precautians for Prolen- tion, in thse smil tomas baikersivere advisat Jto anm reapanslible tains- people close ta the bankoanad ieeP them on the aient during tbe next tsi veaus. Sherifa 9ot police si-e orgei tobeh exceptionally aspiciona a! strangers ln amail tains anit be prepaneit for prompt action. Source of Irformat'$on itiddon.t "The source o! lis Infor-mation la absolulel>' autueutlCZ oucal-Sa!ttue association teclKie, *'Colanf&roXi t 0f tise openîtIvea 6î tisis taepastiett, but tise scense of bis operatitibe can- not ha givan for bis prontection. - RADIOPII-ONE SERa_ VICE INSTAL-D~ IN IIUHAND PARK A causpan>' ta give service in pur ciuaelng. testlng. ant to supervise 1h. instalkttiott-of radia elepisanes ln tise home has been organizel b>' Cari Pfanstiebi aud associate- nt I lit land Park. Itisa aed het t Pianstlohl Rauda Seruvce coispan>'. il wiil avaidthtie radio ex- peimenter sot confine le services bo tisse visa tesire thse radio bte- ltmte Inlise home. 1' l The compan>' lathue reanl t of id PfaostlebV's being beasaIb>' 15050 vanting atrica an tise radio phone. À great man>' years ago ho interest-. -et bimaelf la this bs-sncb of elsctl'is ity aitdisas fallameit' Ia itevelopot t té tiepréenst pnalical aucCest. May organizo iWt proteetîve onI mutual beneft A necent nevapaper sAtl H.- H. Franklin, preaAlt FLranklin Automobile embui aPPalînpg number orf acdoïi b>' .recUesa frlviig of ai brnught a response -from àm of the cauntry, lndicattng t#u number of People liait 21, alion some cniealz Salon C. Thayer, arcbitset sler, Pa., wote to gn. Y-rui posing an Organisation te b as the International Âtwo lectîve concil, v)lcfi [ta principal abject the2à aIl autamoile accidents t)o ing unifonni natloneI attel tipal lava. a complets, planc zation vltb constitution, I,' The abjectsaof thie organl outllned by its founder ta naunicatlon ta M. Tpankuo Tc Pr6suote untfbrmor.v i-nies. regulations. sig" a*m Ibhruut tise United Statue ada. To olfuninateIl .avaidM>l b>' aocuuing untforin *mtkw and municipal lavua aud tbë forcemuent of tue saine.. Ta regislata tue grant eit unsillet sud reUles a ati ovners ait dntvers. To encourage boiesty ai nenco ln road construetibun e palrlng a! rosits; alsoý tise. ofc o!od detoiurs.1J TB aseek 'tise ellmtinal steam andt electrie ràllx4 crossngs. To scure isonoat and, ment at lb. bands of l! ) Of suDPpY bOsials. glaSs restaurants. maYzlde tin*i Iing grosinds. 11 ITo eatiblOs uiek "d1L garages, botuls arA » for tbe more.- ede againat tbett au. undt effkIolt ru0lhf I be-a ln usMo t avar 1mIff To, utddi,- isandlln#t tue ap*%Robo& o villa tbe lamé,raemsand goerlilng tise &MW, Lasty-to deo *11l»* make the unoter vbdw Profitable,. convQh. butrunttMad te mls aIll tisen totor Zstlix*t tathe on%4 the one in at6 Chicago,' Mai-ch 24.-IM atepa miii ha taken tlaas-th lsation at thse Cicago shool a farmer-*mned and colits-o erative lîve siaLC .,mUu# ê1milar ta the o.nml aI East St. boul.- Sixiireclornebve ou ta complete P14" i e4 The gXgeno bo 'wihi mari are, .ecese'W;- WI&; A, 18»e Ida tàQr1, SAm, Esu. l ; .x Montrose, lovE, Pop ev en t ls-reemim, , v tuese ix. AUl of lstihe lire- s.tock. isi-etes. 1 STlxe' annoonceotent o! tâ,: ca-operabîve comimission an ai; a 5seis ta Plautseior. tiona a! producërsa a:tlie F9 taloanlot niiazpolis 8d*Y ai-e ta b. ondes- th* guifl4su National Lire Stock protD'@ ciatiitn, s national ca-opel ganilation of Ilye stock Dl iesdquarers at Cblceg The, ff rot asuit aIprýa anîo-ov net commissIon. derm tbis - ta tob. antivol> 1.9 locat - lise East St. lm yards.,lteglnning buinU uarý 2 I I)i' yeai-, Ibis.- riai-i ,l irsI or second dUs-lU four veesk in the aM*tiot transactet as comp fir mission firme At lthe ysss.' ',After au." Jmkckl)aDrand, fasier son Pt Mr. so 8lte cotb Iluranit of Laie Bluff, la ln tise big voots af nortbern Min- nesota andt viil ts>' thene 'until ha la a mn-cleai ln body>'asnitSOU,' Mrs . Durant toit about itlaIsat nigisî. when asket abôot the rumors tisat tise boy hiait "dsappearat,' b Sn ig Outtoons. "Ha s up lu tise big ouldoors. wîtis a vealtis>'famil>' vho ara fri-e nts of mine' she sais!. "Whqn tise ho>' vas at Laie Bluff ha came 1n contact vils otisers miso hai teto- mucis mon.-> for lisir ain gond. H-e hecame iazy. "Ha didt tinus. inciuiting tue ibeft af iquor tram aur cIlar, Ihat vene a resuit of hie eonvli-onment ant coi- panions. for ho is raaliy a gonit ha> ut heart. His Lat Chance, "Aller tise litt.or episode 1i lIthlmn lu anki> tisa' ha voulit bave une more big chance. 1 arranget fourlm lu ogo loto tue lblg'voots. He vas, sud lis, bu sisy theure unoil ho la 21. il, by tlist Uie, h.. can shouw me fluaibc' baslilvet a stralgisî, cean, life. and shows sanie kindof t aibf- Mion, ha can rOtuaili MY>son, If flot, ble bisiougis, ant ont ta shitt for himself. But-'"soit Mr$. Dur- ant's eyes vers a bit mist>-"tb.y bail me ha la making gond; that ha la iearnlng ta lhea sme, suaithacan cois barc, thal vs>', nexl year.Y b Il el p al tE lit a] Il el zi fi n Il a b a: tg u a IL D b 01 fi k N 1 1