T%ÀLSm IrN IciI UT ~*111 ~ 'Sy A.. m betbougRt th Rti off setbvîcamer Bzd-I M .O1htn t. 5or nominal *e.1hant Ifvie boughti 2 =sf Sub. ont cash aid. AnRiSt. eraAve. 'front thé Goit tér dleted11,00. ,rtpja uanti others DongRil J. iSufe 21 acre. in eW 14, on iouti aide Wahngtou St. 1 ity for Indicatet $5.00 andi wktrutma decti for $2,50. Gfttlbougiit 40 feet on ,,iérdat dinorti of Mihael Donegaul Irtg"Doligit- tie John i'eq«yon eust Bide Wells b1tiM en lndemi anti PoaIr V #adtrated $9.000 snd resaiti a Xo Thomas W. Cloney for 41 l)PARK< t-X. nsauu tte bmzglt thlb , eftplace Inantothid k -letweet hamialiRd. andl ie for 1000 àbi (1eser anti vife bougItI the (e=reitg paM on West aide ft. 'qou, fl1o Gretn . St. for laB ýéyf&arh ibaughh a lot 4.,ed t. Jouas Ave. at IFrr- o Aaitûe Àt C. Thaxnon for mfgionad gaveaiiack leanti lAi!. ougt lh#W elpe ace onau t 4efDr 6o . I1tnD. .Vdlppllce on norli ëMM Y. ~ esut o!leAve. - boîàgit-le CItas. B. on Wet aids St. belveen VYine and iilm "I ualwtt. Dbought lb. mlaeo. tNorh ide 4.Deèr- re e lo noa Ave. for il. âciietidai1boitght lb4 ina4.Cn1gs Subdiv. - t« ominha COU- Fw $!e At rALROt4Drs ~iw for M"1.. SCharles ermer bauvgbt a lot Kt ITo4eln and Qurfleld Aven. froM 'rsi IL Suebcer for M55. ~ndJ. Wlther bought part oft &ýrooeJ. Wlcke p ta;ylu X_ om34, Avon toe48? en e b c trnst deed for 1P,000. ÇgsLake (bletie Co. filed flb, te of !ýnconmon l0lwfl 0toek Sil0~ adto vi te Nestles Food Co.'a property. lm NEIWPORT TOWNSNW. I.e and 'Nlldred R BlMroli bought tii. Eflecer farm ofai300 arst Sec. J)fc 1fc m Balrd 3. Simmont for' ea Brelýti 1 Theo Boue, lot 11, Broww lguinSe. 13, Vernon Tvp. P. H. Kuebker andtivista t Cbas. Fienner, W. 180 ft. lot 22, CuntY cleike SuRi. Lbertyvflle. W. D. $1550. Oren Olcott andti ita toJaob 0014. aciinildt, lots 1iand 2, bIloêk 2, Smithi andi Adams Northi. Add. Wenleegan., W. D. $19. Stnnp 50C. Lukasz Rysa and vifs to Frank Gonsovskl, lots nto 57, Cammings ReSaIt, Northi Cilicago, W. D. $10. Stainp $1.00. Samuel Salk to Thon. Qurevltz and vIfe, lots 1 and 2, blockt 1, Devluns SuD. inglds1de, W. D. $10. Stamp $4. J. H. Zimmer andi vife 10.- A. C. 1Purdy, lot 29, block 3, Wrenu's Add. tHigland Park, W. D3. $10. l A. C. Thomson -ad iti i!.ta R. E. Seyfarti, N. %' lot 17, block 76, Hligh- 1Iand Park. W. D. $10. Starnp $1.00. 8 ~Marchffl, 1922 r G. W. DeIItaye sud vIte ta Josepht 1Deliaye aaid vfte, 9 1/g lot 9, block 8, rWrenu'n "idd. Highlandi Park, W. D. $6600. L. J. Wicks sud vif. t6 E. J. Walth- er, tract o! land In NE4, Sec. $4, Avon Tvp W. IX. $5.750. 74aty Dulfy la J. M. DIttus sud vifs Z.- 0. ft. lot 7. block 1 and tri rp N. sud adj. village of Deerfielli, W. D. '$1200. rMardi 2, ,1922. ,t H. C. Payne ta Charles Sansam, ,lot 4, Cale'. aub, Zion City, W11 $1. rstamp $1. t. k A. H. Benedict 'andtivfe'ta A. F. lieablen, 'lot 25 1-2 ft. Dy 112 ft. lu tSE part lot Il, sciool nec nub, Wau. kegan). Wl) $1. stanlp $1. Margaret C. S. Bovden auddlius- baud ta W. & .Sientiorf, lot 4. and hW 1-2 lot 10,. Can7iîgs suD. High- land Park, Wl) $10. 1- .MrAIt 20, 1922. MiChael pDouga 1t4 vfe ta Johna t rifiltIt s 40 fi.Mt3,. O yCleWk' nsuD.. Lake iParent. Wl) $10. stuanm $1.50. J. ]#.,Xraft anti vf. e in . J. 110' e 1utâ aüdie, eof0 M lot 3. block 32, r-MIN* silPark, WD $10,00» 5I S;. L~ P. Titus ant i vte tû G.1l.Dc Long, 40 acres ln a 1-Z nec. 10, Wb>t trop Harbor, Wl) $1, samp 60c..- r.W. PL .Jones and tivfs ta John las- à-moni an itIf, iota 21 anti 22, bAoci sa 53, Wuuiibur a k, Nc1tii Cicago, Wl) $1o, atatp 1.5. Remry Carîso #cd ifite 0A-. R, Sotierman andti te, lait 35, Caunti (lets S. Jackson St. uib, Wauke Mn, Wl 10 seaip Bec.ý NuÎl o! of ti éew ài th decd.1 t( é, uVra Fritsch, lots 13 anti 1,4, blac%2 HvttchMînnii ê Co.ls Southt Bide stb. Winkirun. Deeti $M0, stsaip $i.î 1ný G. Petersan ané *Ife ta M. Et 3x4RiOý, lot es,Cummlng' & Go.' NOtAit ,týenne aid, waukegaa, W, $10, at"# sa 5. John G rI5tRiandivif. tuA . -P. i -.C. i%6o4*. lot 13, block 2, Roger Adamie me tu JcOW 8601k OUn me wite, lot 18, block 4, Watnkoffln Ms laatti..NoTtItChicago.- W. D.$1 0s . Noereaiberg ant, ife t àdolpitOiser lad vile, lût,4, 4pplIe Sab. o! Lot 1, block 8, Highlan Par] W.-D. $10. Stump $4.00.' J,.e3. Dur"e and wl! ta toJ1ltIt Om Mwe .andti fetIal, 23 Aores lit139 o. Bec 19, Waukegau Tvp. W. D. $1 B uaetioVIftor EitoInt u, he,16t. oi M auile of Bqtritk St N, t W»hingtoit St ivaukeqanW. 1 mois q* g M lad jLAKI~ F~, by rewhich doruetbedr fur tgutim byhe 4 Xeuo&melatb;E ilabl fr 0fgene ve id, rea b, n.lu Aa h tinI h4 Zemthttpe v l -i»nloeaaltim lbau to a sbill±y to .erlihtheso2011. T . & P>BT OFF« fromth" b *9, ~~IULIP 1thl. ml4bt bv tc agn e iWjb$aten i ~ 10 n-e ,, or 117 beome.. e .2L.0.0 am *1 rt ry I'0 mU ly ~ d ffl ,y . èq tt bez I th bei.te J*.on he M mer. ~~t bavp elIt.or ~~flt4 r =i a m r *ail IiJ .regmeed e* a Mariigog e' lisremaing amiRo*I&utp<lg on At ageat, isba àdulu mus ffl~e vbl or soigi esThuradag NêWa.bt * Stewmi 21W tia.* içt*.Bons# ~A!ODI1 Mr. Swl t*4 4da aioatiof<teeru PlAat ItAlieOS &or Met. .u.M$U'.iiownt, n v*Mud tisA vbet lm$e >'eUg mmfsym! veettIbaeor- tb* Atk* 'a teh l li II plt * tuae bil club 'vitItViaccitItiers Iw5 e 5Sb~lf*KS !.6 Pvr o ewetoe4 maager aaid eb* lte hise uzsimo Ilmuod t«4din5 m"m"y scrta,'anti tremirei. os au 1h oôub00t11. Ot b ib"té 503s of te iýjortb~> -dÎè»*dpark wis iJ tai% -tét Iisi Ma a0oa ta Ai lasai otena to b, *5fUtt Aat 1U~beeme dë 'ý' Dffcsgs.s*uml g.~u firce fut trains JaIJy hf9mlskeBWf la 63id and I~ tatomm iêl md C"et, ad'63T ds Uniatrity. cb/âç0NoF* PAS IrATI. wN~. 74 bi *, or lai a ta] th tel fo AI of Dr ut vi Ilit gi gi tc w h ti p a F*9 W" il- a., a. ý ýby the te Xlited $it+il-'4, iliboeak -vo t settr -&,of tii *e s vays je only by r sý li )(*y.A9 wi ~1 ee ew, ff e«»fmore or cbauoý and le not umi. i4 depend <>uiwiS.840 upumoale1*B1i emBSNy. la mo am ptt ratoiie, 7 7 tisl means of ucatterlng lnowàl&Uiati *ldwit.96306 ou- .1 4leyin $>~7rom,$ 21 11e*U Ir 'Von: ar, eg o ta.w cler or SaUtEirpena*V tts118aO4hViIê*4d- reu4î#gthe Sl*f nfeide tbat bave â* 11A M M'= .ègLmu du& =ô-.-I â*n tt>hluM time leu* e gt 1necesua1 z I f=anelgwbon fleb tat' )M~Y 1...thin.gtdII b»t groavaioand04crop of!the kind of 1 Jýbà p4m je ta nadire reporte on 1-t la ur otU*Bttbit »W I.lseoM M 4141 lesupas you ar4 gong ta uow. 1 îl»egw«4 uAUOO*=Dlr8e triam oMnt w» vM 49se *i di&4for son <lot thott a gallon of .01V for vach îug»'gi wobmle tams .on ec usatrrl deça-protiucint poaU roi o b« tow MM ahataav~'franlb aa a I W MOMIM bvii ,.collected by rrarl mail ther. la a longerperlod ta, mal," let ta dry. When P"ary si <e4&* la hei.regular course.of ai ,lî ote cfo b.do»e befire vutan matertal. trasi>, etc. Molten t 8 tii e>do~r rai e t lt e D e w er a fflt oius la ai O 'lA a wlnlo ceuoaesoutl deP$btrf ta b, lnnoclated vtItantaint d ta sofrlowrdn alieD- iee ab reat asneut ý1hIurI by dlosnalvlxtg even oUneeS it e in par4niutt aof.Arfcult-re t Wualnlgtoti occur.d, aiti<i apfttt* a gallon of vater, Mu the. sereeneti fer tabulation. A card Ca e f11104 smal] force lu a«Bilabié, for rooiulr slil with the se. nd e pread out ta out III flou gian tva minute&~ thie damnage, th. final ceng of iOng~ dry in the shaule. Stir.vhlle drying Th,. tttt becovered are Ohio, stubes mace lecuenet3 at fo sn the seed wt] nat stick together. If 8oth they do they may De eParatéld by Indljn lnl. loa, ebaek , m in. but nueor breaeka son tii. ruuulng them bac througii the sèreen. "aNSj.Mfaurl, Mchigan, WisoBa antuk rcoet 1 hndb Soy beans may b. dnnoculated witix- MhnaSOta, South Dakota, <lOoria, atteuded r0 promptly, In any .. . ott uelug«ge. Make a thiti mud of the.ÂAlaas and Misssippi. Spécial effort fore warm veather arrives.. sali by mizlng vitRi vater. Spread this vilii.b. madq to have tie returns truly 11. izn ot uec.n.aryta f1i1cavitles. -_--- --- aver the ean. andiallov hem tadrY. reprepeutatlve of te ierrllor>r front It la better in mot cases ta lucre ibent 1from 1DOW. It 15 better ta spend a fOw, by the. unusualIY large number of en- -e- hlcii tiiy are taken. Prom tielee Open. AU final culse sbould De Immedi '<aya or, dollars ti carelul repair work.i rolimeUts early li harch, mare th&&t SPRAY 87CHEDULE FOR APPLES 1 usmzpîe' returais, ratios, Percentages, ately covered with good autlsePtldl nov tItan huadrede ol dolars for exten- 150 ha't'ing Occured the' fIrat veek. average ugey n 93.Hencefortb ail lieueaaer i re As aunvraefour spray 'appi4ca- and State totale eau De workt ont and and w aterproof paiut. It viil ot bel îe e ure-la13. hi cvmaen>vswen. antid tions are neceasary as follollu: applied to the total number of ail necensary toafflpelY treat the end tei cwaiy vlUpw. we, n (1 Ti.Domatspray preferably famillntiese States. ahogsunta aet ermvdlens to purebred Bis .oulI nd wl about the tinte the lips of thé. first Telirklna si adviiD caetternitriukie br,-eding nierihots lending ta fur- Dada are nubwing green, using 1 h no fino e cr ll3-ls ote r ae n e aen.,INTEREST IN PUREBREO SIRES :îýr :îve-stoc<.nilrovemPfl?. pouuds of dry Ime-sulphur ta 50 gai- confideutial, and ontly' ercentages and In noa part of repair work stxauldi Ions of, vater. (This may De npplféd totale wvIl De.,pujblliaed. TIte card vill climbig SPOM rsused on a ree Spur DOUBLED OURING PAST VEAR' -Tlîê-t - lincreasing t videnCf'." de- ln Ime nov viien thue temperature indicate The total arreage lu eacb, farm marks caus. Injuries Ibrougii vîîcb I__ eresi Dr. J. R. Mohler, Chiet of the la above Ithe lreezlng poinlt.) . and lte total acreage of crop lantd lu- It ta Dtogalble for d.laease and decay Jdig r Brurd ! h.Ltît cecu o Ailve stock s an un ris-r (2) Thf Calyx . spray sliould De ludg Day tand. The. numbers o! nows germa to enter andI caus. damaage, l din Sal Lro)ainttr flt theAgrilr.. w st o!lme at c !sun An ienoCk itpled viien'about tliree-fourths a! vhlcii bave farroved or are due la ornOe cases more severe tRiaht vauld whicIli conducto the -licIter Sires--. owner f-an improve th equaity of bis tie petals have falleasing 4 pounds, farrow beven january 1 and 30, 19 22, bave developed fronthtei orlgtnRal Bettei Stock" canifpaign, nterest in. lierds andi focks b), the better-sirpes a! dry lme-uipbtir and one po=ý intili De siavl, sa. vel as te numaber simple break. Fer delaillao! treatment4 purelired sires s more than doubki, route. Purebret sires permit theS rain- af dry leati arsenate ta 50 igallons o!fo sw.an farli lait year vD.lci far- of aBl scars and voundnsendi for a copv! flat t, a VClar ago.[turing January ing grades, crossbreds. or purebred- varltielsaf apples tItat varli eem "li rvd ev.e:a anedte u ofParmuer>s Billetin 1178, vItiojucati and i hur t- iE uteau of Aninmai, viicliever la preferretideIdlKu date of laomlng anaverage date 11 teI hesin dts n1921.1 bae a ietaenevn hogl smear'Stilar Izfomanaiozivii e given villi ie obtained from the Division Of: lndustry ssueti dl 2 '-mhluMs of rýeco.. l-?e- kinti o! fenlisvd bau fut blot and aier h so e edailregadtanv froln ewenJlyiiwcton.D Patmttof Agr;cul i niliont?'t te, t-tn4 wht ggied lit-f ia.î'Accordtaig 'o reparle fron more liait pelaanle.)br 1.Th v agt reWshngon D . ios tingtat1w> ywould tuse' Itiri 110live-stock owner'u wiîtîhave ue heir tnpsdDeestr3. h veae'lr, abiga. . ;lreti dires extlusiuely ta ail c.t.tpurebred atres for sevt-ral ytars., 11it (3.1te ek alrptl-fit111rfr122l 4 !terk tb Remember that prevantlan la etter o! live stock ke-pt. The number ofî îtr 4 , greater retorDs derlved greatlY exceed uslng saie materlal as lu <2)>. !sad the. average litter for the firBt tan cure. The open wauntiof o!t-efy ous granted emblems durlng [the sninel the initial qutlay and thebe Dets (4) Approniaatelp' aine veeks after and lnt six inontis o! 1921 viliiecomeB tiie decayed spot of next year tIme last year sais 239.1 accumulate wliti escli generation Of the. pelais faU <exat time ecflnrdlng' be siityga. 1 ad lthe deep ratten cavlty o! 101 years onutInuotiorf of luleresl les shownI antima' ralued. la, advics of!theIt.iitensil nService The. qtiUonnirme Is s nmPly t_________________________________________________ et~,arluB a * aong Ivo gonaude ofrouritieueté ! ùrlg '*1.c1M Ulf or leur pou7p4snfomto furdtenaio IlCo Me4 4 u Vcfd d7ODiy onfger. sud te naie andi Il W*rMd araltateo ofleatIji 50 gallons eddi'ii fl rt.e farl feaurvay andt 0f vater. wiii Dbe m*deet remarkably PRUi.tN G IAit acorateetlmate of tRie probable Trayel to Chicagoa. and North h flot too Jet. »wv1» proie~. ThIn pII; puhulon for thq year wvil Det T -outl branchéslimat mb or are not 5mev- great valuie t ,< ra rThis Info la* it lie gereisidrection of tM 1 nation coanGorod i n ecntion vitRi thtulefilnglletpue or two lwaruw- et 1111oerationsu and< $hQre Towns i Perfect COM. Irtraprgç11mb ll. inf a tii eR E *Oif sace at a cnaniv nt *lter. are aa tht iteau tac e. markelia* .gotaI ste ouJplY at'au] Ct it 1biaue cis ôe t<q the. 1mb tis. viil e lna uraperrelation ta the. t. th«i7rpW froza, do not leave,_ stiibq. deanl vil Wbch il=ra tara viitend ta fm y iite~ulta r <d o!abetiiuabluepica ~f.> Qr-The Jlectric 1'1ay. B. b. savrçdIti eiut b ant»& iuI.f eIYO adprevehit vw.apice.rsnge.. Bath 11#911 l.heprotittcaMd1< onasimer vit l; ..eo -the'-- . beefte l by aucit a nitlia su s.b 1Iti 'ÀWp t n u^ NrnP* ~pueited.nclbaanhfEPAIR NOW 1 TrideNona s - a ot-rnigNorth 1.oe -attrWal u u medtre ORNAMEJiTAL TREES IItJURFDTo rd o. w t su om u nnn =ttix~a enttea.eavesi ' ~SEE , Shore Tram is to enjoy every mite'of your 01cetjourey through the pleasant Lake-ri.m f0~r4trs . .~Oth aebru Iit an lqu r bm t l d stit. The cars are cdean and roomy; -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~M PrSB± ~ fl12 'tteregartlng t.e pitWernetho*ie ta uotiiotlW ~d <iv1,a b% e aowevolaiiirevtrliUt thea dam=e .thê sests are o n frs l; attentive, em- kaThi ed-o n;dcii, The. follaWtsipn muare reel r~a a ~ r~ * - b. duteployea are cIw.lrfp#y wifling' tb serve you. Ils ý p adt e1oTi .Service ia qouvenieuntly frequent -excel- taxesemeblotins r place' d»It btlesdtl* 0 d oteat use tlent for stap-over tripes, Arrivais are 81* oÏcortitre. thitknees of a!bttflt W ppe lon tet9 tlO, th t n. ter. eprompt, Havle y'ontried th-is handy route? 01 s d Dut t I ntfse$g9qteliilta keep tranm T-rajas eaye Lbrvli t tty-uiiute ln- bý«r terafter atil 12:48 a. Mn.T6es drng OULn.Ait or !emdias~ Ai utlb~~i bai~ i. wthées nm 4 aj.tii iv48 b.h.. theu traini» ake prompt comio aai Làe Dk»W ÏU. e"t Il:48& . .and elÎ*y heM hhflYtherafier frtco î * .y>1ý-ing'èA$p et Md9ffe ndefr ~~~~~~t deG N A&CI IK.1T l sjPfEV~*U4DRUANIN~j.t -- Nmi SIL IL - - è