t" 4NWDA8 WIK M4ILY 'YI*4P 1,oo'aii >at y vea ai- »*»onlty. The. varlous offiffl cou. afor »dthe. cwdldteiver aU Teoaleparty for tovuailp Cierk SLII polled I 10rotes ville 1i8 e>oeut M. o. Etier pollei l'ou goe'ing the Theomet010 ma»Or l'or Usohsr, 0. W. Parter. Tiieert 7nrier a umisjorty of 708. NW os itàxkt suervisor. C. IL Au.. - fIae pofflet 1.482 on the. Tieocraitic -b et viii. e. L Jonson polled 1,000, gv- - sAustin a piurality o a -#e ~t*&. bAgoway ommiS aier Uu"u 1 tfflue1684 votes snd ilso'piOliêtÙ r*pubicau ticket rtcelveti 1.004 glving Mil a majanty of 1"0. ;tu Col trust«. Jamet Racker Pol, -b OIt &8 on the. Theoratie ticket *wiui Xmra. G.M. Eiimeyer. republicsflré- e4vat 991, glvlag Eseker a majortY It la lnteretig ta nota tiat at tii. luat ?eynsiip Ilection the Voiva pQqrti Won out by a majonty of onit 440 rotes. * Always thé s3me Dresmo. tWbt As called gri bse »aiwaj 'mutoeeuaim, andi le- JuM Uasbusy 4itev iiom ioda>' as tr t hvuisLa lthe dea « Pmrees.Weo qi than bY miosnt Dames, I *ptiz.haorta, - eo. or iat 1me; bthe . de - vils lut, us lotote .dventareS froin Wbkhie 1o aare ya S n bottom ithe mise.-Jmz Sdhaw.- ahov thie botÙ)el' ~dork gr-en Oint- This atda e "ty ote icamionaof Peur pemts.ybey *IIinat svîm do vidfly bt ses> V1e bottom and ret Very preiqa= a a b ut f "va bpbbile. 4 i ren <oooinig e t t * t i l vi ii n bt ho fe eed hi ter) projoctiui, uqoksansd tunnel* Ul b. appredaoqd hi the fSii.BO@ ant'i tse, fao, wvi Sud alng thons10 s It 18s anot uncomnien thing for a public of- fi-cer to have attributed- to him powers he does not poases. Hence it cornes about that I 'have been taken.te task for flot compelling the aban- doment of certain teachings in Zion City schools. I assume that these complaints of me are not due te an y wilful desire te work me injury. They proceed from a. great miapprehension of nMY- powers sud dutiee. It bas been and wilI continue to be rity fixed' purpose te set, not in accordance with-rny own pectiiaviews, but in compliance with the law. Wbezidiscretièn lies with me, 1 shall exercise it -'vthout fear -sud I trust fairly. B3ut to charge nie with misfeasance, for flot eup the authority delegated exelnsi'ely te thé in City School Board is a quarrel. with me for refusing te break the law. And in stating the above I arn not'depend- ing.upon my own interpretation of our statutes. 'A ru lesg authoritative opinion than that of the Ron..P. G. Blair, Superintendent of Publie In- ; -rut*on, was given in a letter te iRev. Thomas L. Nelson under date of February lth this year. Wrorn ft 1 quete the following - "The Board of B1d- ucation bas cozuplete power to select text books and deteumnine the course of study, provided it teaches sucli aubjects as are required by law-in rqiigthe earth te be taught flat there is no violation of any specific law. Therefore the County Superintendent COUILU NOT report the school as not having been kept aceording te law." This opinion is conclusively uponoine. If there occurs an infraction of the school law fali- ing within rny jurfsdiction, I shail set promptly, and firmly in Zion City and elsewhere. Until then, I must decline te be the unire in matters relat- ing te divergencies of opinion. T. A. SIMPSON Consider the Door Construction on the Buick Four Sedan' Thiw ruerely gother e xample oitb> care with which Buick, bodies are huit and of titttentlon te details vbhc,otribtc so rnuch teow wtbipcoeifort. Notice the solid steel Iug on the door. When the door adko ed this lug Ab dtaot oflhe do« post. It is held finuly in place within the sit bymuan of two heavy pleceu Of pieta. 'Thi device holde the doer rqpd-.revet ito rattig - ! o rntter how rough the roados ad al»o prevetet wear iln the tangue of the lock-a characteristic occurence when the door is held closed oety by the lock itseif. 1this la a featW~c on aU Bick dlosed cars'. Duick Sue. Bukck Four& 'f.Stw4TS-eP.. .am 135 f-F,-4 )=.s oét<# »JurTre tlus~0 # C. G. WEàNBAN & SON 125 ýWasibingtert St.,1 Waukegau Deerpath Ave., Lake Forest - e Phone 22 Plan Ex ee ob. édoped EASIER TO COMWPRHEND Wiiat lasexpeeteitto svlaop inta auniform iro ui. ms-1km~ystens for thse entire eeupm . . houa Inln- augurtledtiluiW 54 RosSa ilorto lby nes Mid sybi 'brute ther tris kho. au" o( trauers as to th*ecorretamoal f 1*1Vroutes. 9"d, blno a&tiyelOI- iaids are be0gsa pinteS out -ln a>Iackusttts. The- varàfl e ak aga - ig the ev H=popahir neai00idiaap- pewag andth» i sdv istate IgbhWgy desigasifle2s 14%ale, Ver- moUth. Rboisod 1us$siConnect- lent are givint way te lM. new $y$- Insteufth iUes. then iii ho a sunlori symbol on alit%» blghvaYs fedtergi, shah. a" io«si-# lrge yel- lOW »qusre. viithoa-vy bUac hon- ýd«r. Witbta the ge -i be a - bWsk îumeraî--tho nimber a!the traot, aecordlng o aa sytoiuicdes- -Ignation of &il the. coui*'s bush- vays. The. symhoi and ti cer-detaJieofl club et A=elOiii. Moe* BiaisaS Hotel Mens aseltls, i. utomo- bile lune Rock pbiaesuanti a- way officiais r0 iail th* e w ug- land states. Route No. 1ls até i. Soti aid south *alongthe. AtiSIhe ocaI, !rooi the Internattoea.l boufduy t Cei ais. Me., devi W ,Nev Toi-k aid eventually ta the souther» cd of Florda. In te sainmanner etier -Mi highvays viii bO exteedtIL » se- cozdance viti fils îudlb#IUif- 5 let, om, sta&JIl deaStgian vili he the same limant theo chuntri. 0. m. weIis, Chie! rd"eS miof the Automobile Club Of Mirerica, i3 plattlng thse roules asti Iumbti th. sShort auto, route., treh- ing beyond stalle bonatirieS, am tte be numberoti aboa M10. The IettrinW viWi be tour luche higi- The. larger blsbwaYi- Wvifiis nuinheretI roM 1 f0 100, vitr i Ox- Incht back aumeuais vltbln the. uni- for Ornfqure. Tiie nomh.rig plan vIii a»"ta- terfero vlth Bnting the routes., sasWeIla, but It vili helP metor- lotis keep on the Samsii.bgh05Y. Pr. Peckerwood hava JSMt tt to ûperate. iRe ieèds sno X-ray Or stethoscope to deteridie the msat Of tihe trouble, seys tke ÂMenlcs.n For- estry magasine. In summetr ho iflY besi- tise bore vorkint In the cwood. but lu vAnter, wben bpM h Insees nt i -es are f rozen. vian tiser. lasne DOS, bibiity of any soond ho guide bila, the Iree doctor Aivsys oprteé uIt viierO the hibernatIng. mtonlese Insecte l1W snugly iidden lu thein cele. b! orkOthe »letrtgltg Imeresud oher govoromentai agen. Two dMy coofemeo pered in clos eand wauld develop refibeW Chicago, tody; ail fines of formton -. theI as1c conditions trade together "An attemp Wittvi h made," c cording toaua announcement f roux Lover consitructon COts t brough- te national federation, ta, "Cie*riY out tha cowtry vii ol te priSci- deS».e the legal functions of. thé pal atm of .representattieo of the varions imite associations and t. Ameduen Instituts of Architecta, torlnulate a plllCy fer gi-Oup Inter- àssùelsated Qeneral- Ctntractors 0ofestOtrganisaionlafS 1barmeny wth Anwiios, the . Ameka, Federstim the p)ublic interest. of Laboz and -tihe doparizuontâ of Plan te Hold Prices Oown. 7 *n sd c'e c v o b g n a "A no uier phase of the . conterence W04y-cnstrcin ofrnc a ork 'III he ti. ormuilating o9 A aÙy taMO aotdr b upcspolley eaicuisted to prevent another ati.Nt<ai'erainof Con session of advsncing prime. . L.d- struction laduitnies.ers in the Constructton »tndnstny te Cut Down Expenses. rmante that the. building revlval Ag Ezecuitre offIciaIs of nearly every developlng no rapfdly that thero le national organisation *fthIn the- danger of the. augmentrid demand coagtruction induatry viil attend for materiais uuduly stlmulatin<4 the conférence. t vas announced pites. The conference viii urge today, vlth thé. intention -ta vonk manfacturera, hulldes and associa- out a var tu eliminate lte dupli- tons ta do tbelt boit ta keep prices oated expenses and effort Incident dovit, despite the demand, to thé ta many organlzed group Intereats lowest level compatible wlth seunn over.ltpplug In their restarch work buiness." &ad association service. Socretary or Commerce Hoover PeflnanOnty lover costs ta the ani John M. Grise, chie! of the di- builders of homos. Mfie buildings vision of building andi honsing a09 and factorises would lmmnodately re, t.he department of commerce, vi» suit. OMfciaiso! the national feti- addresi the. conference on the value Ot4ton h.ileve, tram £a hetter co - ofstandardisation n 18the.induitry. ordiniation of the. efforts of ithe Tir- The construction couference wili tons tràd sscitins Sanar- ofollowed closeiy by an sna tsa" o f materlals. thos notfiiais ongresao! thie lumber manu!sctUr. beileve. ais. vouid b. a big factor ers or tihe country. In laver construction conts. JEILR-Y sad PIANO STUEI G. I S. WE MM VAME URPRESET SOU THISTORE, W. do ftot Intend to move a sin gle pece of J.w.Iry,.Type- wrItW Piano or Phonograp to our _n*w store If prices wIiI do u ôr new dteplay rooms et 108 -PNe: enesee St. are bo In g;remodeled. We realime there ls only one. way to oeil our gorge stock qulckly, thretore, w. have- cut tue prices to the véry1éIownt..- » e,, priées have, been reduced 40 % off the. reguiar prIces. A largo stock of loose and mounted diamonds Iln the latest fancy-- white, Igren and yelIow goid, mouqnigs, ladies' and géIstj 1"'U alilsizes, up fromni25 _ _ _ça DE ON &lfS for 1<1w w$17, new....0 SoN gro old rW .sp;i was $3.50 wui $4W5, now . -C4«p, wase350 W*as ti IU NS$6.50, iMW ..v.e .oie '$10ar0Pus95 wui $3.,50, 50w "m odScarf Pin45 ow8.... $4.50 PIONOGMNHS ColubiM, was $125, now ... $55 Silvertone, was $135, now .. $74 -Edisos, was $167,50, now . $145 Playerpiione, was $200, now - $95 Victor style, was $325, now . $98 Many other bargains. Terniai Nothing dowxi. Buy a few records. Start payxpeuts iu June. SPECIAL RECORD SALE M-Il latest numbers 65c. Esisoin, 75ç-records, 39c. --t.- 9 To encourage.earWy mornlng sh2pinmg" Ladies end id mt's Chlnese-COo4dLuo F STORE OPEINS AT a A.-M Yotiur credit UlGoa "Durlng this big sale we wiIl soii ,et the. SALE PRICIÉ ail mer- ohandis on credit-2096 down, 10 % per month. FIXTURES $ALE OPEN UN-" TIL 9 IL i P.M, p$1m . SmltOh . 2$35 Und.rwood No. 4 $49 UnderWood Xe. 5 $75 ROY!S EILOIfE WALTi4iAm PU LO VA NEW x STO. jr. ff, wu.$3 ew... GftsWfor et Suw-d Wcame. $5,0 RWns, was $15, »w .eV SoN Gold Lavlr, mes $6.50, *ow.' Peu Necli Lace, $a vgas $11, n0w '$100V facy Nm B"d, $5 was $4.50,, o . came. Breache, 14$ O opra $lae w»w $1.,- KimbaU, was $125, ..... $7 Hmaiing, was $175, uow..$2 Davis &Soaswas$4 ,n9w $355 MmhlP~yr~w~bO $der Many Otiier Bargains. Ternis Pianos $5 pr nioth up Player Piano. $15 >« l0>00* Special PlayerPlaao Rob.s 1-5c 25ç J0 c ccr- point- mect- g the 1 havc s u- ;hould inlg Io st C rnany ounty. wever, y Mr r pedinr lg rotf rtar.cd 4 bae"d iwe p- i hand- Fo tcf er, btt y fcrZ- ie skuC- es, rG* seJ Io ey dlo it thev al pcl1- rally 1.ý aterest- onan ve %C'-y ry oFt'- t iab- 1l th- awa383 d opin- t **Say tother h of of- pagnI1 pttion fulness epend- ouity a àl abili- .Ilfbe phrase re here unpre- county ýong to 1 began en years pjobate n open ad; that n t-un- interest arn and ralent in ý service s honor story. ty will -and so Mu worre A if ?ou ýmyarii4 - Winl prnO-+ E corse, ath and for four IIly, JACK