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Libertyville Independent, 6 Apr 1922, p. 12

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f UO - M, W~m sefizialgue -hie f irst terniin thse CesseraiAs- êemWby cof Okapis &a-seeotative. from the Eighth Ser>atorial District osu g Lake, McHnry and Boome counties wher he hu .msedud ith great credit. It is entiey fittingthat Lake county. the largeatof theae thrée countie., shoulti have a representative on. the republican oie f thse Fof cf etaive.. Mr. Wcimis .the o*l a"e from inLakeoeunty wlso aupies to thi impot:it office and tiser is m. danWbu ot wlsathe Po1c of Lae county will be gîdta return hum am aur rep eetatve. H. ha. aoad f or thizuicite !hicounty ad ditrict ixd fSe gooti prgresive legilaion that woàld be beneficisi todise people of th.stait We a.fearlcsly .ýppo dany intee or k*gasi tia ts might lue harifxil to the people of titheti Eighth SenatSkl iDistrict. lu another cishamu APPe'a* a aement of Superintend- eut Simpasn ccis*ring smre of the. tacticue mployed in an a«=tteuto defat hiu.t W. &Il ahauld and do respect tise clergy. -110- Rev. Nclloa, tises.!aret a a clergymian, in chargedc with the remposIdlity of keepîng that respet wtriom Dotibtien Rv. Nelson a a lisa of priixciple and stendeta do thse rsght "«in; but he hi.tii.e faultu of hi* tempermnt W"scI in diat of tiseeva"ait. tise zemiot. the apecWalpleadr. 1 RessoWag froin fais. premises in tee beinnng lie arry-E cd at correspontfing fais. conclusions, and now, affer hhe s h ,emi enlîhtened, h. remains, "ste màn convinced against hie a wvil Who i, of thse aMie opinion ti.- It i. certainly regretable that prampted by pofiticians. a mm ofa!thse cloth suhosld privately confeas hi. error and atili nuintamn hié original attitude befor tise publie. To hoid a County Superintendesit of Scoo6auccouniable for alleged conditions, which, if they tU'Fat at ait are totally bc-c yend bis juriediction, may b. gaod politica but certainly poas principle. TUY8A TY'8 PRINÂIY £ECTION, NexI Tuesd*y brings to an end the campaiga that -bus been -waged kr several months by county and- atate püticiam1. QiOn bat day thse, ?rlmar electi on will be Wd and wle the last couple of weeks have seen quite a lot of ativity by the various candidates the eampaigsu as a whole bau been rather duil. There hava been but a ew sericua fights on, andi the -candidates haye fonht a elean baffle with possibly t<Ée exception of that opposied te Couaty Superintendent Simpsou. * The opposition cf T. A. Suipson has net eonduotod thse campaign as fairly as has Mfr. Simnpson and they have sbown personal desire te bring about bis defeat rather titan any excuse for inefficiency on the part of 1fr.,Binr- son. Mfr. Simpson bas made a record neyer before at- taineti by '#ny -county auperintendent in Lake County'. île bas breught the achools of the eounty te, a beight of e.flciency bard to equal and we *edit thaýt he wijl came through next Tuesday's election 1thfligcoran thaqt he wlll ovtrcome the tinfair ta' tics used by the op- position. For County Treasurer there are two candidates, Ira X Pearsansd Wm. J. Obee. Mr. Pearsal la now De- puaty County Treasurer andi Mr. Obee is superviser frem »eerfield. Mfr. Pearsail bas waged a campaign tbpt-bas been open and above board throughiout. Rie bau been aictive for unany months and bas succeeded i ii getting his name before thse votera iu sueh a way that no doubt wrnl maure hlm suceas at the Prixuaries. Mfr. Obee'scam- paigu bas ýbeeau dean mand above board. but 1Mr. bee las not known in eounty politics as be la purely a local pro- duet o!f Highliand Park; be bas hati but siight experience iu the haudliusg of County affairs. fie bas'bad no ex- perience whaiever in the affaira of Use treasurer's office wrhile 1Mr. Pearsali bas beeauik the Treasurer 'a office for 'thep"tfou years end is arnply able ko handie tise nmlusi affaira cf thse county in the inost efficient andi trust*oetby Mauner. Isccjtiqo candidates for sherif!, E. J. Griffin, preaetCbieDeputy Sherif! sud Edwin Ahlstrosn. Mr,. <fl h'beau uintise Sheriff's office eéther as aheuiff ' or'deputy for a goçs>d many years anti turing bis ikctm- bey jno, word of reproaeh bau been entereMaaisat him. SiwinabÀlstrom 15»ume o! tise ounty's poptlar rSa 6=x. H. bas beau In the electrical business for a nSti- ber cf yetts lu Wankepan d im u «.x.serviee mans. Mr. :AIh n mbas tiese mpect anti confidence of every one whio koffl hm - Either of tises. mon if electei wiIl ho âme t.o iduet Use affairet !the seiff'îsoffice lu a mat exmsplary maimer, Tise'gS bas no preference. Joba R,. IBUI1k, es"ddate for'Chiek of tjse Probae Court bus no oppuittcu. 1fr. Bulioek bus beaeoqi. eti mthe 015 tic* c CM Clark fW a number o!f'sj r matb u ham etisae et & Probate wor4, emnuquoatly he as Wa a position to giv. thse new offit*, r.eently cemt-I etIA <boitesleffort$. IW Ptobate Judgaloreemtly creat.~ office, 1her -a* tbée andiatesCharles E. Jack, Martin C. *M ijaa" G . w.ltt, aiymmeof! whom le capabb *lb. .M e e 4,Pr"" at n sanew aMin utiss 0" w«*brubq by Urne Couuty -Juds eretd*rit ames e nwn by the general pub- bc llauto the duieOtaiti office. Aul of the tbree candidtes are lawyers, mem of abfi- = ardil ane trustwortby. The affaira o the. Frobate Ueesa«y daisetiensietouswok on tise part or tba judge *M arse it Thse Son dom aptm M . a reeoninendatuon for tUs o fice because kn our. opini»'n any cf thse Uree candidtes ore sply able to eonduet the affaira- of -the Probate Lew A.. Uendet for (Josnty Clerk and Perry L. Per- sus fér 0Couty Jutige néeet neoIroduction, neitbier do Omliy U«c40 fl. ouients of thisne 'pr. The puI*ic fo mr* yaow"aiLted with -their blyardtheir con-ý *Odod"s»mi" la tie putamiudfou4hat reason neitier tim bav W. .V. W' t hâ~t Iat *at ansd lby b-leps~n ba 4ae -m-t *Qçrt of the lîôfe2!s tlbrpo t ¼i~ <~1wdicttb liehowill rçtuqn.to Sprkng- yt ay -u"Oi6114r ot4- .,I., Grahain ou the>DenMd- ,ra ticket Io aiseoà-a odte àu4 wbile 1fr. hi, bàs #reýfOi% e"eaTý M thï tegl*latùi it lsa h-uIrd mO*.érfe, ýa »msa pn.afcotvt to get b4m, into 'offie?, espifly iwd4r, te exatn (Md*ÜO"n whéthaée , rê i" r emeddates',on,,the Reýpu4> thaý past well and if therê waaehimee for his ,re-eleecm ive would bc glad te'-,muent- iII to the Votew8 For EMate Central. i'tteexn'-an 44 e *three candidates of whonx Dwight,3. Axidersôn detvea the -earty support ooftte t4 <36ifCo eoteramm closely connected with Lake'C~xt than any of the other candidates. Ho la a1s«ý an ç£ ervice mn ansd a ins wbo is highly -reapeced thrpout h darict. M.1 Anderson if elected, we ane aEaored will serve with credt as a connitteenan. Theref<ore we reeommend his naine to the voter& pf,ý Lake Counmty. Carl «k Chindblom for. Oongressman needs no re- conumendâtion tiseth publie of Lake County. fIe ha& endered hini self to thse publicte sach an extenC that bis re-eleetion is au aaeured Net-. For Congressmin at' Large to fi the seat vacateti by the death of Wmi. B.- Mason,'the Sun recotnmenda Stephen.A. Day as.the mxan- iý»at fitted of ail thse can- didates to f111 that position au Mr. Day 's record la thor- oughly clean and above repro*ch. For, Representative at Couigress for, the regular termn, ýf the five candidates.whose Dames appev\r on the ticket the Sun atrongly, urges the votera to cast their ballot for Henry Rk. Rathisone and Richard Yates. These two men are cloeely conuleteti with the public affairs of thxe state and as Congresmen wil represent the state with great credit and suppotte neeta of the public. P. G. Blair, the present Sprntn t of Publie In- struction, haa ...uct.,hi osie wh chgreat suc- ceas that the. votera wilI. elect. hm by an ovewhemming vote. We urge Lak-e Cou)aty voters to east their vote for Mr. Blair. Mt TO TITfE VOTPEfflA» PROPERTY OWNEIRS 0F LAIÈE COTNTY- The Probate Court deals with the estates ef desd persona, uminora andincompeet.Mr money and property is involveti in his Court ta inms other. A Probate Judge should ho not only :- lodawyer but a man of business! experxe ud businewsjtget Exeiece bef.ore the Courts la necessary to enablë hinuto condluct properly and withdity çontestdc x4tera such as willa and lamasu d to .a ifor hini thse onfidence and respect of the. at- =,arnes~h. pratieeîn his Court. Soni bunssjtdgnent lis " necesaary as ie umt trequenty pans upon questicus «Deernmng àecwrit1Ms and ap»ove mveatments foe tieestates of nmoea and i ncompetents. Thse question >et eontroling the mcosta nsestates, sucb as exactor's anti atterney's fees, etc, l iis *- lykAot&mato theinterests of the widows and', e)ài &M " f »Èdisretiou on lise part of the Proba te p :hould be a ene wyrwith persene. in tise banaiux of estates to ree aie- 'xara the. rigits and rnterests of idwsaMd f gsushavià buaiusain hi* Cot If you bave preçerty in thia e tmst tiisofffie lamm xuoe urtant teyotî than âa=îô. M rinds -wiU prd'on thia er tierei~ but b thmeo 6,visoê oknow me sthat »M orirý. Y« ýfaglive at M~ N. 8heêka my lfN bave a wife andt tree ciIrà4 &aMu' wluity rauate ha'viug *Soked my own w*y tbog~bvy i cciced ilawmcceua"* ï,foritei *~erhavpbeau Master in hacr dthse CireM U rtci Lake Coustjr, have had. a iI xci* in préeln tter#4, have *'Faye iw*adae Icm, the M"k aways wH4 llWher I a=n elect- ed~rbt Judge or not. I aêk "sa you consider thse importance of thisoffiee andi if you beieve mse wortby a quàed I wfl appreciate your vote andi supportR~.~ MUIN Ç. DOKXR, Judge etlê. c4ge - auaWartsbanwi iisuve thteif, lkifd. *Z obcao. Capt Wursbaut **l oup ftStboWest>Coast ta JOIS »=Ddiautte, U. ilvauho. got. Wutsb4 M u k à«leaiagthe. uSW luB. Nyrbem J&H Racue., day to auume coomWWofet- *sge et the. naval oîssyt & s.Wff. .I&nom ig.els C. Optaln Iyas,.Ilu rukor Mlroi42&SIWaukogau. Des"eèS**Sa mo.sud vs' tva TarM"o'. 18, W.no.i e;, ts ~duty la conneo, RIchard H. Roi,.. 21, Sc. N tkie tb**o et th locSi ustabliui- Arthur W. Flachew, 24, BrOWnlIlaN Waldo ,v&b.sa*iWg *Mt M fflba4y ta loin lu th ia, 19t2à%,t1,4kQu Tusd. «k4tais attion au soon as he Li-l a rpm. 7\ Fan du Lac. o --kn I uay<%ý**&ýà b#& bo dotal, vork lInco_-John lIo<rU.. S5ýW4akugB. ~on."nAVl t t . iw* O04 *eu= wm sUuIda zhew du- &ki eo su,n2i5 casE. aus ihe .ho 2ontl, üx » Wt.a -."Wflook.r.et Ca. Ka D. i mie tatlou band. Re he zzffl e1 tfi0fCPAI .W.Mei limS Captais). W. M«l lut wtii ret the UiX*ayW. Parr. 10, sasse. 100m ndgit o 'tht e . rm beg lu hi. comma0 lainas toola7 for xu bèmb* tbérbéey"rOI moutbs. and Thypa ok Ù*08 Osim*d Of a destroYer "sd4 al» W hi.numuerfflA*aquautsuces %e * mm o A pa g l blu*tw qmbua*ia Pr" isbow i U.uloi. boaue ln ý TuENid by the M as tbe at- ~uaM aa<I be~b~o£ sa& VI& Mou t o aliit omm m 1$14O. trtbute et Ju50% and A& Chiluua a«* *&l 1W!luEft«-" « CO Vaukmnla 8 auep5aà e'*u t, gint. set 2the rmwreoeto. la B& ~ w u.II.bas boss. udm mue m e thle type ci y"i oeS* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aoy la *i 14t.sri %W u a W"*o - the pmscoek la cm olAiséhis liffl s a. àa ait"t tene rsrn ai- Otrnotmy Ybird, tflu.euth gilr.211 ~ ~sOrat e s es Lusises < .thoe illa. fo1mw Y .2S1e IW08d'VSIO.0 MdIOi buil ~ ~ Gra "apl mys I VA.11hu «fet.ui. *réw«Liée duo. mo tidoe. q%@ pue* dn . tre- ruf' I "W aBoe SO,-oit Whew IVGa&toe Sprinàg Frocks TeR of FaMWboi'sMoSt MlU"-' gStyles $19.75 t» $97M5 Charming frocks are these, that achieve through the cleverneas and skili of Use de- signers.that graceful anti siender appearance whjjSh Paris demanda of Spring modes. As elaboratelybeadeti anti embroidered as many o! these frock8 are, care ia taken that the long lines are not'broken-an absolute law 'witb SÉring fashion. Aind neyer were sleeves as variéd anti interestmng as one sees iu this extensive assortment. Spftially Pricd Are Frocks at --S25M0 Two groupa cf charnuing Früeks; one of Crepe de.cisine, beadeti sud embroidered that ensphasizes the straight line silhouette. The other group is fashioneti cf soft tiWfeta in dark abaties, in bouffant and becoming styles. Spring Wraps Bautiful and Practical $35.00 to $125.(» Smartness anti praeticality is Use theine on wbich the mode o! Spning Wrape la writ- ten. But designers, with chammingvestili- ty, yet instret keeping vitlhUe moe, have "developed so mrany new ideas ln aleeves, co- lars anti detail that Matam neeti bave no fear o! losing ber -individuality to tise sligistest degree. Speffly Prioed Am Wraps at Wraps in new styles davelopeti of f woolei mtenialstbhu lanii 0ft fait. Ti pricing is very special for Wraps tise sort of these--25.0O, Sport Coats of -fine Polo Clotb anti fer-' ringbone are priceti at $M5.00. t'n -'Tweed Suit Demnd A» Women Prepare for Oùtdoor Spdrts $25 The Amnerican woa Cf today la truly a Sportswo- * max. Throughout the, enture year she laectiel x9ag- Odin sports sMd for escl Sport and Wmah Sasnshe re- quueu pm~ite apparL -As htmire fer greater out- door activitiesapproaches, these Tweed "uta are kn de- unand-$25.OO. ax T T g os 25 These tirreppece Sport Ba are fasioued of Sootch Tweed. Th<y'are mootskillffly taâml o tdpriceda&t *25.00. YEVIMAI? AR AD VER NEW le THE Three-PieceSuîitsat $59.75 t.$97.50 Fushimmneti t b best qualitY Of Poiret Twill andi anoniright colori. 'Che jee]nzg nidestop la of cantencre - raaiiy &roi sown outdoi tan bu proi as grasu lu parttcuiarly uil the a£ The6e an] the young last fati lus and corne eariy trop umore gorge of scarlet type, noue Wu than t rose snd au Uy growu mereiy over the P) and let ns oing the P st least eig foot would er' dtstance more quick [lessns th( îtoomIS Pei brances ed zonditioni lAYES PÀ61 *b "Ch Jolin Edi piubi4ier ol tiirectory Sh, ilofli tg si mud now CI bcoar îertec possihhy be. pieted a fe' iras isaneil, ime ofouud à new Pa iSiose Who 1 ar pagea, 1 sheet Sbas b scriberz. IH 1hicago a place te et iludies at COCHISE, 0S IF THE Apaches tereatIng ti hla paie-fa Sbave be of trappert toa a ost. thetu. TM wa. offertl scalp sud But Coc grlevimuce. the Àmedt went tb of truce t' Chirieahun The <0usd oc«., lu ( that 00<111 Turnig te, rest lem I test vau chimies br dhiatata way tbrou capad ln t Ioîta tu bis -4bey va Oocifts the vords 'Tor the i -DAsud, to one br arrent." Cr.-BY women ai or tortir- their sens try, tiielr stroyed, r trial devE But the cochise Thomas .J freigliting Jeffords' thon the Apache that It W botdiy en the Dragý ýti, astor benefit 'h they mis becane l * Later, Cochuse Thee, Ji iy, a ming of a mut ors.dev Re Oui3 '1.of greàtr wiiat sont compliab, "tells Dell -Lavutet Ilow t the river deptitsO fails of fail ll been ura la 1 ý1- et

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