5 L8ERTYVILEU MI 9Z MIN WIex>,WILL R OISURVED Entire stae WHIlobsrve event SpringlMXr promotion veelc viii be obswedre4 ant the Mate.or ln4wo i 4ring thé peria4 0of Mar 7tlta 0%ti b>'y tg of a PrOch»*JU issued b>' GoVenor Len Snlah1todai. Durln.g that veresdbodls, oriciais. civlc bodips end thie genéta public an rgel 10 I.ad t her combaed eff- orts in the, promotion and Instruction ef hygiene, sanitation and preserva- tion of heaith. The. govrnor'. proclamation foi.. Iava: "The. people of Illinois have cause for sef-COograt n lu thelb.mater 0f heaith onditios durlng the yar 192L Dniug tba riediai yar of 120 the number cfeus .ci communicabl d&a- esi.# reVortel 1te tate deprtm.nt -of puhlic heaith reaghed the alarmlng total of 34800, vhile the number no reporter! during tiie year lust passed amounted toaDaproximately 1S.0O0ý sbowing a decrease for 1921 of nearil 5~ 0 Per cent. "There la no possible doubt that tMs greati>' lmproved condition va, due to the application of modem scien- tific medical knoeledge and practice and t0 the. widely diftused-intruction of Our People, under the auspices or the state and municipal health organ- iZatians, li the principles of byglene -ad saitation. "Notvltbatanding that more than 16,000 deaths occurred during 1921 trm communicable diseases. the gen- enad death rate i llinois for the year wau the loveat yer recorded. It in PItiable and regriettabie that of the deaths tram communicable diseaires. -One third ver, af Infants under ane year of age. Tiie suffering and grief to Our people resulting f rom lasses can- flot b. meaaurod, ta say noting a! the. great ecSonmic loe ta the. tate and -ntion. "Prevenllon af disaje and savage Of humai lite, especial> of cild lite. ià Of the. flrIt importance. Tiieretare, no effort shauld b. spared ta reduce the great cot to humanity and the state of the. sufferlng and vastage en. talled by WIecessan d prevntaLblq disease. To this end. it ibas beeli the ctom o!fIthse ecutie ireceul yeff-s W desigatte a certain perio<i là EVOLKL2 de tuj*",Mlb. tteitio,a Ad efforts of xWb Peegla h51 e focuoied upon -tii. acti-viiiuiilci ba&Veproved ofhInesti- nýL4e T~a nt te prev tion f fuas- . ab~d the omavatZ ef iumsii Nôw, R, 1. Lui Smail, ,»èo 1t e te o!Ililinois,i lotf , .Ustom, do hereby V teas HFIALTH that prlod ho- s' ay' lie seventi on ýds. May lie thir- lebi a, *tfl~for general snd v~l.al~J1altilpation by public è6Ii>s. e #zi sd civlc badies. aid ~bo~gAarafy, i exercises and I4m)s~Uoncocei'ning tue pinciples 0i Ilene, sanitation ane lie preser- yIraio f bealtu; snd furlier, I iereby direct the. Deprlmenl o! Publiec $ealh oat t» Wi±s*eof Illinois W out- Jine and psomulite a progfl af ori- brth re&Uîtioli. botter babies cou- fereices, eafe (pssteufrizatiou> Mll supplies, &suailpiysicai examIna- thons, iiygiov.io habitsan=4 suci other disesté preveution and heati pramo- lion mesures as ma saugflest them- seves lu particulai' Loclilies; sud I suggeal that localiihealthbofflicials, issdm o! orgsnisatians aid Individuai tititeze cmimcate f r-ely vti tihe Directar of Public Healtb ta the end that general and ethuaiastic observ, suce o! thase seven dayî of HEALTH PROMOTION WEEK may be produc- tive ofthle greatest possible good ta air people. "B>' the governar: Len Small.' o EVERETT SCHOOL o oooooooooOooocOcoo0 REALTY BUSINSS FOR LAST WEUK CONTINUED fMOD Loans for the week amounted to $67,44; many deais transacted B>' A. K. BOWES AseI. $oc, Securit>' Titi. là Trust Co. Business of lhe Recordera Office for the veeit eîding Aprîl 1, 1922. E Number of Conveyances, 133. Number o! Chattel Morgages, 48. 1 Nunaber- o! Trust dees and Mort- gages, 30. Toalinumber o! Instruments tiled, 211. Total amount of Loans. $67,444a Business continues brit, but bcans have dropped c onsiderabl>'. The following are the more imnpor- tant deals: IN WAUKEGAN N I. P. Olsen aid vife bougit the Pratt place an vest aide Hickory Str, et. juil sauth o! Massena Ave, for indi-aled $4.500 and gave bacit trust deed for $2260. Carl Tonsager sud vife bought the t'harlie . Larson lot on esît side Philippa Ave for $1.000. Rate Schad bought the Edward Sauter place on veat ide North Gene- -ee St, luit north of Grand Ave, for $8.50. IN NORTH CHICAGO Josepi Eroîl bougit lie James H. Ragati place ou norti aide Broadway jugl wesl o! State St. for $4000. lait veek. He late ie îemanager. iN LAKE OREST Oru Neali>' la moving into lie ad Edwsrd J. Byrne sud wite baugit store, lie A ntan Joneson place on Rose'Ter- Vie Lunianie' have received a radia outtit. Tii.>'have it iwriing ur-dem and are nov recelving. Frida>', March 31s1, Iveive a! lie Wilrnot ciildren came W aour- scioi ta speil. We wrots, one iufldred words vi ici gave l.t ollng marks ta the higet. Elvira Meintzer 100, Wiimal; Elizabeth Kostial 100, Everett; Cordle Hagbioom 100, Wiliuat; Beryl Taylor 100, Wltmot.; George Luuis.u 97, Everett; Helen Rackenbaak 96, WUl- mal; Harriet Titi.> 96, Evertt; Mgrie Blomme 96, Everett; Chester Hagie 95, Wilnsot; Emuma Herrmeni 92 Wii- mat: Ver-non MeIntzer 92, Wilmot; Cyril Van Laiduyt 88.,Fverett. Vicie pp*iiis pelied tsi varda. Cordie 115<- bloosu Beryl Taylor- aid ElIzabeth Kotial ver. stli perfect Elizabeth mlsaed tva vards lu tie next tOrty- uine yards. Cordie Ifagbloom »Ad Beryi Taylor lien spolled for 21251 place. Beryl mised one Word. ElvirS Meinzer iiad missfiu.d aie 'Word iu the. tirat ten oal vordi. Thoen ElvIraL and Beryi spelcd for second plse Beryl misspelied one 'Word. Eliabeth aid Beryl tien apelled for third place and Beryl musepelled one yard. Cordie H1agbioas van ir-t prise. Elvira Meintzer won second and Elizabeth Railla third pr-la.. Lunch e tienp served sid lie chidren departed 1ip ing ta meet acon again. svitts men have been ver>' bugtlb past week baullug cimiers, lime aid ha>'. Ha@ am5iR fccte¶Aiways. A tbermontalic meel Lnvented la Grcal Britain la ssid arsays ta bave the sane resclion lun a ttp o! gven Iengti and tleiknemv for a gla-en teni- ipeuiture change. WIRE FENCE You are invited to corne 10outr factory for your fence requir- ,ments. You cari select from our full stock of a large list of wtyies at the following prîces - MIUM HEAVY STOCK FENCE 7 bars, 26 in. high, 12 in. stays.. --- -------- ..23/c per rod 7 bars, 26 in. high, 7 in. stays ..... .... .29¼c per rod 8 bars, 32 in. higb. 12 in. .ta........... . .26/2c per rod 8 bars, 32 in. high, 7 in. stay ................... 34/c per rod 9 bars42 in.hligh,12 in. stays....... Ocper rod * 9 bars, 42 ini. hgh. 7 in. says ...................39c per rod 10 bars. 50 in. high, 12 in. stays .............. 33/c per rod 10 bars, 50 in. igh, 7 ini. stays................. ...43VAc per rod ¶ MEDIM HEAVY POULTRY FENCE 14 bars, 46 in.bhigh, 8Sin. says .. ........ .... 37cper rod 16 bars, 58 in. high, 8 in. ty ...- .4~4per rod BARBED WIRE-80 rod spoo STEEL UINE POSTS, 29c each 2-pt. Hog-...3.25 per spool 2-pt. Cattie.-$3.05 per spool END POSTS . $2.70 each 4-pt. Hog...... $3.86 per spool 4-pt. Catle .$3.25 per spool CORNER POSTS.-$3.90 each ADJUSTABLE STEEL DRIVEWAY CATES Paintecl. 10-ft. $7.85; 12-ft. $-.8.60; 14-ft. $ 9.15;- 16-ft. $ 9.80 Galvaized- 10 ft. $9.30; 12 ft. $10.15; 14 ft. $10.85; 16 ft. $11.65 PLAIN STEEL DRIVEWAY GATES 1 f. wide, $5.65;, 12 ft. wide, $6.25; 1 4-ft. wide, $7.25 STEEL POUI.TRY GÂTES 48 in. high, $2.10; 60 in. high, $2.55. WHEN YOU COME FOR FENCE, ASK FOR ONE 0F OUR CROW BARS A USEFI TOOL ON THE FARM. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO PRESENT YOU ONE FREE. AMERICAN WIRE'FENÊE CO. Elizabeth C. Wiliams batigit lie Quayle place on vest ide Oakvood Ave, for $4500. la Highland Park Liilisn Winterson bougil 400 teet on esît side Lincoln Ave. between Milwauitee Rd. sud Glencae Ave, tram Fritz Bohr for $14,- 830. aiso 600 teet ou veet side Gage Ave., souti of Lincoln Ave tram Mary Stockt forhIndicaled $13.00. Mary C. Triticiser bought tb. El- len L. Van Scisicit place an souti side Vine Ave, for Iudicaled $6.600. George E. Patersoi and vite bougil the Udeil lot an sauli aide Vine Ave. luit veut af Midotiai Ave. for $2000. Peter T. Nsugbtan bougt tie Chas. L. Harder propert>' an norti- aide Boom St. tant o! Waukegan Ave. ter- nidcated $4,000. Claver I- Perkiis bangit tie Louis F. MeCiernan prapert>' on veut aide Sheridan Rd. belveen Maple sud Vine Avenues for $4690. Ieepi A. Weber baugit lie Turpin -Mattieva property lu Ridgevaod Pi for lndicstcd $3,500. Richard J. Martin bougbt the Elaie M. Day place an vest ide Llnden Ave. betveeu Beeci Sb.. sud Farcst Ave, for indicaled $31.6,00. Paul Steibrecher bougit tic Wma L. Wlon propert>' at Rager Willams Ave. sud Raliwsy Ave, for $3,750. IN DEERFIELD) Otto B. Von Linde bougit the. Mer- numan property au norti aide Deer- field Ave. east o! Lincoln Ave. for $8500. N DEEI1.PELD TOWNSHIP Heur-y Roman oit tille la 9 acres in SWI4 Sec. 34 tram the Master in Ciaucery for $2600. IN GRAYSLAKE Mary Elizabeth Chard bougit ti- WVambold place an veit aide Wcster lieid Place tor $3200. I N WARREN AND LIBERTYVILLE MatI Jarc sud vite bougit the Rich :ri F. Maki tarm o! 65 acres ln SW', S(e. 34 Warren sud NW'4 Sec. 3 Lit crtyville for indicaled $3000. Bet-kie Tolman bougit te Lawi ence Werci 40 acres lu SW'4, Set '19, Warren for indlcated $3500. IN WEST ANTIOCH Adrienne Lau! bougit thà Chat Cinistmann place hn'Acitermans Sui n l.ake Harie for Indicated $3500. IN GRANT Tony Ra ndiciî and wite hougil lit Pranik Cdekt roperty inLe """lon Point Sus, ou Fox Lake fo IN WAUCO.NDA TOWNSHIP Guslav L. Zicit bougit 2 lotsi Spencer Highlands Sui. ln Sec.2 North o! Bangs Laite frum Elmer1 Grave for $1600. 1H LARE ZURICH Wm. F.Fitzgerald iougil lie Fr-r C. Pepper place St South east cri( Oak St. sd McHenry Road for $30( and gave iscit Trust deed for $101 00000000000000000 oREALESATE TRAN97MR B>' A. K. SOWES 0000000000000000 March 25, 1922 B. E. Summans sud vite ta Mildn4 R. Boyuton. 300 acres ln Sec. Newport Tvp. W. D. $10. Slamp $1( Est. C. B. Eggiestan (deed.> ta 1 V. Griffin. Central part lot 6, bic, 14, Highlanld Park, W. D. $7,65 Stamp $750. H. J. Mceeu and vife to Elm Cavîn, lot 3, bliockt 6, Lyondaie Sr, Wsukegai, W. D. $10. Edith M. C. Kuciter et ai b Mi Rediein sud vife, iots 3 sud 4 Coo Sub. Waukegan, W. D. $10. Stamp Marci 27, 1922 Chas. Chilîman ansd vite tae ienne Lauf, lots 4 sud , Acitermari Soi. on Laite Marie Q. C. D. 10 Stamp $3560. Fr-auitCadeit sud vite ta Tt Randici and wite. lot 9, Lane'î Sti ton Point Soi. W. D. $5.000. Stai $5.00. C. . 1Larson sud vite ta Carl]'T sager and wife, lot 65 Lyon's Subi D'air- Grounds Waakegan, W. D). Stamp $1.00. E. E. Grave sud vite ta G. L. Z lots 7 sud 8 Spencer-i Highlauds, Wl couda, W. D. $1600. Stamp $2.00. OInt Henrlcitsen aid vUfe to G. Pavlit, lot 2 hiocit , Welib andJ sens Narth Bide Add. Wauitegau. t). $10. Stl'amp 60C. Eý A. Turpin et aI ta J. A. Wr lot 17, blockt 6, litldewood Part 1 laid Park, W. D. $10. Stamp 82.60. H ENRY R. RATFIooNg -1Ciate fSe at-Large* USrw iit FI HENR., XATHBQI BADGER BRAN1 SEEDS and SEED Comi G R, .Groon aU w ife te E. J. Green lots 2 and S, b1.o- 4, Wauctuda aud lot adj. W. D) 6. Slamp $4.00. Mal&ii 28, 1922 Antan .Johnsonl and vite ta E. J. Byrne and vite, lot 47, Raie Terrace Suli. Laite Forest W. D. $10. Stamp $1.50. - Emil Pr2nk M~d vife te Fred Bian lot 4, gf.1fsrp lUth.Late Zurich W. tD. $376. Stanp su66Lban t Eloie IMerrisafa Day adhsadt R. J. Mardun lot "G3" lu Euh. of Blockt 77 Higiiand Park. W. D. $10. Siamp i P. C. Pepper aud vifte l W. F. Fils gerald tract of land ln SW 14 Sec. 17 Villae o! Lake Zurich W. D,. $1000. EStmp 33 . Prat ad iusband la N. P. 0110* sud vif, lot 1, Lanshngu Bub. and lot 6.,block 1, Lyon sud Hulcihias Oub. Wauitega, W. D. $10. Stamp Warcb 31, 1922 C. G. Cado t i>,Franit Cadeit S 82 f i. Lot 1, Staitous Sub. on Stanton Point W. 1!). $10. A. J. Cermlk and vite ta Chas. Hllava and vite,-lot 3, Cermait Sub. on Laite CAlliorine W. D. $1650. Fani>' L. Quayle and insband ta Elizabieth C. Wiliams, lot 78 Green Bay Add. Lake Forest IW%. D. $10. Stamp 2.00. H. H. Smith sud wifo ta Richard B-aaeley et ai lt 12. blockt 1, Batters- halls Sub. Grays Laite W. t. $10. Antan Vendley and wife te W. S. Ciristiansen sud vite lot 23 and W1, lot 20 Sisdy Laie Sub. in Sec. 21. E. Antioch W. D. $1400. Maud Ersitine taeIl. Phillips et ai SEl>' 14 lot 10, Ravinis W. D. $800. March 29, 1922. J. L. Udell aud vite ta G. E. Potl ter-con aid vite, lot 3 (-x W 41 fi.) bloc-k 10, Exmaor add. Hignland Park. WD $2000. C. L. Harder sud wife to P. J. Naugitoap. W 48 fi E 92 ti (ex N 50 tt.) lot 42, blockt 40, H-ighland Park. WD $10. atarnp. 4. W. M. Ernst sud wltëte taConra& aud George C. Schmidt, lot 3, Ernats sub atI Igog Laite, WD $600, staniP $1. Fritz Bahr aud vite ta Uliian Win- tersai, lots 1 te 14, blockt 7 Wrenn'a add, Highland Park. WD $146.30. D)avid Alexander sud vite ta Pilip àBegeman sud vite, lot 4, Pirst add We Alexander'i suli, Long Lakte, WD Master lu Cianicery ta Heury Ho- manu, tract of land lu iv 1-4 Sec 34. eDeerfield tvp. deed $2600. March 30, 1922. Elien U. Van Sciaick tel Mary C. Tritachler, e go ft w 200 tt lot 2 . but [29, Highland Park. WD $10, stamP [e 6.50. ýe E. E. Jacobsen ta W. B. Levis andi vite, lot 1f,1,sud v 10 fi. lot 14, block ýn24, Highlanld Park, WD $10. k. oin TeBsMaand vif. ta Win. R. Joues and vite, lots 1larta 16, black le9, Oakland smb. Waukegan. WD $10. Matamp $1. st G. J. Scbienger and vife We Adolpi Grubert sud vite, lats 18 te 22 block 16, Deertleld Park. W-D $10, stamuP la $2. Frankt Cuden and vite ta Raral Drobnic sud vife, lot 9. blacit 16, r. Wsshburu Springs, Wauitegan, wr r. $10, stamp $1.00. )r W. L. Wilson sud vifete laPul Steiuiecier. nel>' part of lot 160, Pas vina. WD $37!;0. stamp $4. j. H. Rogan sud vife We Joseph lnKrall. lot 15. bloi57NrtCis go, MM $i000. e MÀNY REHABILIZ h-TKIED BY (jOVI. V13TERANS' BUREA 422 turned out in 15 da) l. period, ail f itted for usef ut . ib.occupations e Belveen December 15, 1921 and Jai e'1 uary 1, 1922. 422 trainees ver.a reisi' roi itated 'bY tie. united States Veteran' Bureau and 34.5 Irainees eutered vol tionai training," Col. C. R. Forbes, [n rector of tihe Bureau announced toda: 24 "Compared te thse total number ti E. were matricuialed duriug titis se= monthly period lie graduation cIaE representis apIerceitage of 125. 1Ias id glad to bie aile te maite puch a stat er ment for it ils assuredl>' proves tlb )00. lie vocations1 pmru !leir tgshoaiavg ils worti," Tie aubjects covered by the train' lb ranges tram carpentry ta carto0niu 0 sud lie instrusction received viii e able them to resume tieir places ln t] 0 ecouomic tabrie outhb.country'. 00 Ou lie firet of JatkUarY, 1922, lie1 lai number ot trainees that l deut, 'ded upon vocational training aggregal, 13852. O tese 104.923 vere tien1 2.ceiving acluai instruction; 19,232 h 10 ulterrupted their courses sud oui>' W. 39 baildiscontinuleil vocatianal WO 00. Maintenanice psy la beiig receiv mrby tie majtdritY outhe trainees sud t 3uer U. S. VeteranlVe Bureau stands leE tii.tre expense of tuillai and equipilit lank wiich msy laite lire tarin of eitier te books, tbols or -;citific apparaîtis. $1.s Co.Dob gave assurance liat t vocallonal acconipIlhhueuts vere1 Ad Iug vatched ver y cloaely, sud ever>' fn ort luli te power a! lie bureau 1 ,oo. bdn erted 0expedite,attlire ee lest possible moment lie returi 10 il lite o! tie thousantis of ex-serv 1(ymen in attc.ndiceaI vocationall cla ;tan-s ML TO CROSS OCEAN IN 3 DAYS ASSEITS MOFFET Former c ommandant of Great Lakes station profficts change in six months United States mails viiillie crossing the Atlantic Cossa n latre. dasîles tiie, silx month« inuce. according tW atatemei 0 f Admirai W. à-. Moffetti ceft fr4naval aeranautics. but forme?- ly - cômingundant of the. Great Laites station snd veli hî ere- ..1 bave taiten iuo thuematier viti the poslofflce department and lhe eiiippiig board." slid tiie admirAl té- day, "sud 1 btlieve It l ate for me ta prodicitiihal the lirce-da>' scid- nie wîi l inl operatian lu the faIL" Cultiug lu hallt transatlantid frIl Umne ts nov powsuable. he deciared, b>' equippigmail teamahips vitii cate- piUts for'iauniug airpianes md ses planes tram their dçcks. ýWhei vithIn airpanue range, ai elitier Coast, -ait or wesl bouud," said the. admii ai. "Gn. or more plaies 'ould b. iaanchl fot a amali! stearo ship. aid within five houri the mail carrled, say 500 miles, over tie sea wouid b. ready for distribtionInl New Yorkt or London. Thitiplan for reducing ocera mai' commtinication to thiep days la -oun d, and aur own succemAful tests of the catapuit prove it is entirely teagible. It wIll b. a great boon la business the world aver. The catapuit equipment for the ehipe. the airpianes. and the flying person- nel wIll requIre oniy nominal expendi- ture when compared witi the bene- fiti whIt'i are bound ta accrue In the. great saving o! ii.e In the delivery of, aIl classes of mail.", The taking off frorn an alightiîg of airplanes upon business buildings la antier development whlch AdmiTaI Moffett believes la soon ta be put to practical use. "Tic n6cesolty for large landing fields no longer existà," lie ssid, "for by the use of the. arrestiig device now operating on aur airplane Car- rier Langley. sîmrel any f lat orooaftcn be madie a landing field. Similarl>', catapulte can be instailed and air- plaines praiectedIt thlb.air viti sufficlent apeed ta permit them ta gel avýay trom even a aniall roof sur- face. Wiih catepults and rr6ating de_"ICeI ao nstaled. vs would do vîwth the Ion of l ime due ta traveling tW snd frram andlng fields distant tramn business ce'iers, as la àn-v tie case. k The Nev Yarit business men leaves hiF office aud the elevator laites hum te tic plattarni of tue ub vay r-l k ulng under tie building, lu the ru. Wure b, viii taket.heb.elevatar ta the roof, board an airplafl5, 5andb. viiisit hed ava>' vitheut lhe hallier of trane- Sfer of bagguge tram office la uts- l ion or tram educ. ta o diug field. d O0000 10 9O004~ 0 *0 0 0 Arthur A. Tllife, 80, Mlwaukee. Jule Joerres, 30, saute. Wm. H. Bass", Jr., 22, Mlwaukee. h H e l e n L a n e , 1 9 , a u e . Mak A. Timmis, 42, Milwaukee. Rase boas, 42, smre. Chas. W. gaberto, 26, Mlwaukee. Anuabella Ledingiain, 86, sanie. Jas. Vrees. 38, Fan du Lac. Wis. Josepiie Colusn, 36, saine. Nat Saudors, 21, Chicago. Marion Niciiols, 18, saine. Gea. L. Brownlee. 22, Chicago. JLouise C. Gales, 211, same. Lea S. Peter., 21, Mil-wauktee. Daisy A. Graf, 18, saine. Abert Hehneyer, 25, Milwaukee. Anna M. Muaima. 19, came. Y Frankt Stelzer, 39, Hghland Par. May Mller. 30, samte. Otto Zwetz, Hancocit, Wis., 24. Dai8y Stumbo, sanie, 19. Adolph Staedel, 30, Milwaukee. M- Allie McPiiail, 25, sen.. li emman H. Goldeke, Jr.. 26, Milwau- 's kee. Agnes Lutsoc, 1 9. saine. ly- ta Le Zion Pure Food te- PirOducts lat au lee îg, eu- the Shortening and Beef Bacon lu- For Sale At er- red WALROND'S ®rk Market & Grocery ed the en- :et Our Poultry Depart- .the ment wants 100 heis be- "S at once. Phone Zion vie 61 ordrop us acard. se ZION MEAT MARKET VzCm a" Absokl.Itr Tk;ke to Niueý Freedom From Noxious Weeê hae Mmed BADGEa AD MEEIS and SEËI) The Largest Seller in theN Reliable 1)ealersEvérywhere L TaEucWEUS SUD R LICN. WÂUIEGÂN, ILLINOS. tHO T E L- W. W. JOHNSON. D. D. S. 9 DPINTIST Phone 841. 112 No. Genesee St. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. DR. 0F. BUIERFIELLD WAUKEAN, VETFIRINARY SURGEON AssIstant 8tate Vottrinarlafl. - - - - - - - - - LIBIRTYvILIiEI, ILLINOIS. ____ DR. J. L TAYLOR F Office In Frist National *Bank Sîdil. MAIBLAM Hurs:-l tW 8:80 and 7 tlaS8P. M. Residence ai BroadwaY, oppsite lPark LIBSIRTXVIILE, ILLINOIS. CHARLES R. WICKNS Wasiingtoii-colity Bts. PhMno 1813CORRSOO WÂUXEGAN, ILLINOIS. Publie Accountant and Audtor. I M S"I~ Aocounting Systems, Audits, 1.0km1 Wà%lclcm , Posted PoriodicatlY for Fliir- wbaI____________ do not ioed a Permanent BookkeOpUr.1W Phaone 26 Houzs 3 10 8 P. m.= IA WRHIS DRS. NIXON & DAVIS Office at Home, on Cook Affli Chir.J>raCiC Plysicians 'reion2ie 6-. Bpecalis-Correctiofl of oelormitîe, LIBERY ULICI lN014NIS Nervous and Chronic Olseates. eATN~IE~F Suite 10-11, New Castie Hotet. MR * EE LIBIITYVILLIC. ILLINOIS. Atre-1LW 315 Waafbiie F R E O R B B %îuîe Phone848 11e.. hffl2 AUCTIONEERING LYELL H- mu",~ FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPEC~FALTY Res. Phioine.186-V. 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. WAUIçWtAX