.,,~ t ~,,,.,.,' yu~r.a-'gJ~gU's1~MU' *,ww~a~r LEBIN * i*9~ '"e '%<~ "~ ~' -. -~ --~~' - 1.P~*~A I VLL1IP ALWWI .~l4 ~Ia ~jj~8~4~5SU5 - I ~'~'" riue tt pthe tion of the. Chkago Tbtii Uit* X repu W'n i. u>of &tuz4a. ri eillt. théTrili-$' Thoge. p4on it bas resorted fi*,* zuomber of yemsÏ meaodf indvtupeBtiMiniiits ap.sodei fforts to cause Of 1.àherone'or lxth of tii.. mon. ,:4Sun doesn't .eek to caver sny cif-tii. .prtcon1a cf, ",i political life but thi. Suai do". stand. for thuiga hare on the esquare, and even thouih the. Chicaga Tribun. patut ail aorte of spbterfuges and al aorte of accusi- ~ndiauen~spga~mt~Gv.SÏWaL. y.t Gar. $HSua tands e * cqiÏm&m',in power iii the mtate, for -«hat h. ha. done. ,IqiVl a bu'- =bîg things for Illinois, perhape bigger ai of the. candidates. that were ever advocated by the. ne Tribune. William Hale Thompeon too, hm. stoaçi aut1 * liading figure ever occupying the mayors chairýîn the Scity of Chicago. Both- of theme fine gentlemen have had- gt the. Tribuae tooth and nail because they are flot sub- Wetu thei Tribune- and its dual editors. le dre sorne intereet between the great and powerful sml Trust and the Chicago Tribune? le that ane of the pon'suues as bet'ween the Tribune and Governor sl ucesaful fight on the. Cernent Trust? Jtuntonè actiori of Gov. SnviaW**ia resulted in the saving Ssmof dollars ta the. Ste 'f Ilinois and that action is q iified stand he topik' ane thte Cernent Trust. He fully haanmêedtlw,,price of cernent dowri from =« 2O tu $1 .30 jpetrrel. o aecm »e.papers -throughaut the. state ofIlinois hv o &1;ddoý4Sma'll for hie stand but there are a few p,>,not in tdm. onest cda..wl>. because they cannot thig. have unalterably oppomed the. Governor'u every a4er cluzn of tIii he .Sun publihes atel.- KplVtedfr,ýn the' W tribe yeotrdy and tic aiiuwr AlicUgh the *9 telegram was excecdingly ~snarçsl~ hoid aot bave been respected by .Wdzit, yet tb.SinUed tQ be, courteous. How dis- LtiW byiinia.è& d taTribune lbas bled to attac bec*ttoc cf thé Sun'* staed for the. Governor, la btIi articl in tie new~s columna of tie Tribune of *ddnat think thty wbuld have tic nerve ta print Ppram ta the. Sun and'our answer ta thern verbatirn al- *,elwoed tham ta do no. By innuendo they attempttta 'hthe Su's honeat stand for the. Goverair. Such tactica becoud thé issue. The Tribune mmWrbe powerful finan- srt -their power in attempting to wield th i mds af p<ltiisanc votera in deecidcdily an tie wane.- SwSturday, Apnil 1. - TRSNE WIREI MW paper bas the ar- Ooffl toe quetionSun .rflqrng editoëial O"4Q, afternou the Sun receved ttC t~OjaoTribuneateeru '0 J£rf=»ance nd apr,'eumpt-' =N#çreY Coucl have' been e rbune wre present- llàloaUo;i1re relative to a recent 0tal avpeuztng ln the Sun. Doucre«Y alune prompted the Sun iba reply toi theme questions "* probably ahould have been tg- ted.. TIe Sun. bowever, had noth. r te omteal, and nom pled wth "b 1be's telegram read as tel- Chicago, MI., March 31, 1922 Mrox&uga D*Uy Sun, 4pprerluate1y one thousand cop- e mebtorwi"uiair tactice" le«beaing rour signature va1 mal lI«t Sa±urdy froiS -Op~rà* s oS .at 5$~ $Idel w uSun eivelopet. wil 'pkqés vire fer pfbbcation yoûr a& q uestions -and *WlimJ. BmItb. pub Si? IHow ueb bav" iiae teince Jm .10, y«r.que»tedto pub- 1 i ào who sel? -WY«a ive thse letter. *ignature WhieIb Ire DptSoïboe? 1)14 your the rosiat ot te . p ~ Sthe - let- om4 or « *ver - ti. rb county visat vas tise substance ef Liei? Wisom ha. tise Sun endorsed for àtat. central committeemen arid for Congres? Who ovas tise Sun? Pieuse repi>' betore 8S uclock. CHICAGO TRIBUNE. The Sun Repli«s. Te wviici lie Sun made tise folev- lag limediate repîr b>' vire: 1eisicngu Tribune, Bavever as Uhe Sun oves no aîîeg- lance teasnyoue and bas nothing to bide I arn glati ta do you tise cour- tes>'t af repl>'. My, brother, W. J. Sith, hà public administratar for Luake cou)ity. Hie has been avay six months. Iar nent acing as public administrator. Thore nave been no tees stslce Januar>', 1921 tisat I knov of. 1 vas net requested te publiais tise editorlal. 1 arntise sole authur aftie edîtorial and arn tise mavisa vraie Il. Tise editerlal ln question vuas s unblased sud told tise uavarnisbud truti sesuplalal> tiati h furnlabed a mens 'af epreadiiigtise fts broud. eust-, cnsflietl1y I cauBec same te bo prlnted lu my mhop and sent ta SDuhngileld forrnmalbiug. Teomsa1 deliveied tise reprints la a perseaul mutter, sud 1 do net nee th te mou«m biudl> enougis ta bave asised for rý- tnibursement. 1 have had severa1 editorials o1% the Smail matter. Yeu Mam' .e tisia lin>' fies. The Sun buai a*Yet Jet ma"e An endoruiment for aiateo ce>- tuai csuriiteeipan but rau bate given. me a tisauis Tiser. la anitsncb a diveragied uvuesiip aftishe Sun#as tiser. ia 0f use Tribune. W. J. Oultis 'Md P. -ê Smith ar emle aad aismlute aa-ir Of the Sun. I trust m'enu ii e lii enougis to publis h my'eply ve bohiU. P. G. B7*ITM ITise Ed Sceider taCIS>'bas Mav no dire abeauvthe c r»C Bat- cl t. tisei r e cm la e eee lc- 7Td y 1el &b is, v bua ha Jx bae sBunnelatebdMm aâ hlr&i M r. "d M re. C. A. X »1490 r t ur m d horne 61Urday frùm Emit-on, w tiser fvia"4 for a vee a-t U13sa of t.be letteVister, Mt& 10gX«"~ "ad tai2l ___ Sortey Alker.titala o- roe lg rs"As SmEi40iSH DT EpiscopAL Cl-URON BEptir- Chut" mJ. 8 ?&Maestr. Jack Boedford, 02I01 Dhibetor, IMe. Lygi mords, Orgi8ii #ô*epyIDy, A . OUn j~~~~~~ al oi> eIoil &BM. Sirmos b>' ti. rPitiTwPamBn4rPq isole »"iIoS& Yimr eVesiag o e - ItatUm durbmg li-bol>' vsg, At170 oldoOk mrnthe oviSe th wmrt ' Ip a".x 1OE tise =f4 a Toaeb', Apt . A, ym AtMdlt Wmedai i&r. ft% , GtaU 'humera. u , 8 Boins Chises itiia 3'rbdy Aui. îCth 'cawusy-' -81001w mode a-t ever>' aervige.Coms &Bdt bring , otiser. SpeoN ttûe.sud ael.dinWl evol Su5 vil MR&ah oer>' hall>' cit ia aburcis and couituaoy butor, alM qudm.TSi>' re uested 10 oioo 4bsiltiOtOfS fltise enrol ozd,~ bngit ta tise chus-ch on Ihiter Offl day, wisen vi Shan bave tva eut- sunounced stievesis Choair rehearuan an Thurodaj ammn 'ln7. -o- DIAMOND LAKE tOMMUNITY CIHUROfI Charles Dlcky Pestai, LibertyvIlie. Sunda>' Scisuol 1:45 p. M., Mie. Ca ino Mitcbel-2, Superlntendeflt. Psim -Sanda>' Service 2: 30 P. M., thE pastor vilI pieacis. Everybody cardIully invited. HIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Barl C. Morgin, Poster. Sabatis Sciool-at 9:45 &a. r-W. G Wells, Supt.- Preacblng atil1a. M. Junior be- mou. Tepin ofthue muring mefSseg "Clotised Ja Divine G"rrnets." GSa muair. AUl are velcome. Chistiu n deavai t 6:46 P. in Tapin, «"The Maater's luvitution," 11l01 aid flroakhiuesn, leader. Preachingaut 7: 30 1p. m. Teil ofthti evenlng message "Crltlsa O=etOs Tise. ill, ho dre. prayer servie durtng Passion Weeis, begWnnlma 7 ;30 eacb evecing and resaPtl>. di tnlmelug st 8:15, on Monda>', Wedae dB>' andi Frlda>'. Ailare velcome. Tise chir la te gve a as tir nu tata on SiM>i*is eveniug, Apr i t Keep tis idate ln mnd. On tise 54n nilag yul-ýbe the. lmater meuai "Tishe Ciriitîwo eAsuraaicofuT ' If the veatisei permits, tiser. vIli'b a juie -fer tise Scouts Su*tiuds'aftie noon, Aprâ M11, te Hait D&Y, and r ,tcr. We muet start ut 1 e'dlocis.. Walter Whe.let, wvisa bieen oM ductiug a vulpanlzlug and tire retrea lng sisop lu tise Jachiein bubldkng-fî several menthe,. moved 1h businesst Lakse Fareat this veki. Charlei Keil of Waukeganwvas Libertyville MndY.attendlng te hu luess cannected vwitiscnoe properl heown Ovn re.1 I NTIONALTEA COMPANY SGR SPECIAL WEEIK END SALE BTE 53c 612 N. MILWAUKEE-AVE LIBERTYVILLE ILL. 40c FLOIJR NAVY SOAP HONET BRAND TOMATOES CAMPBELLS Gold Modal BEAIIS American Family SWEET CORN Frazier&»a dP Ne. 2tins AU K"d P/D.ak..lO er Pound ~-7c lébanFer tin Pc er fin. ...... ........ -.-11c Fer tbn. ....... Sbziup~I 3 c -Auulcau Homoe Ne. 1 TsI Fany Red! Huets 21/2 Staple Yelow Fro. Foach, AMg Com Stmrda, l4lb. pkg.- - .7'c AbÀialmonsos27c in good %&ade Catmp, !/ pint botr - -11r Améric» . H o2 ez&cd Hawaïie Pineapphe, 25c Promes, large size, 40/50, SantaCIr....lC Fmw ~~~ ..~~ ~ Ki)Gg Oscar 1/ 01 Sardises, imported.-.---16c National Evaj.orutd Mctali. 3 fr~--~ Dosam adSqM 7Y mStae Ne.. 2 Red LIuqr Besus - Oc B- & IL 1/4Iabster 93 C r-'ý D Muk Oïl, s~- 4t Logalausies, No. 2 tins., in heavy syrup-..-ZSç IL & K Osa (CW".,large, 28c; mmaL-1i3C J jN""fàCoco04 8 one.___c Daes[)ruý4éry, 2V2-ooL package_- - 1e.. sam Hm 8Raves T* isM atches Sc LàeWuuo* 2 Slftd Pao. 19 Job __Oc M E &XI.1& Flues, large, 28c' amail i C Fuots, "-Z. tm 13 Ddis No. 1 Tai! P.sàehew? god aysUP--.-I$GC Catalma,1/ tisaTmas, ailwhite mMe 2k sheddedWh.at --- 1 'R'zs PU.S CAKPMPE'S Aung H Ume PORK A^]ND >J B.&M. MARECORN No. 2 "im Ptia 15C OATS .LAUNDRY SOAP per br~ lu Swan si» QUAM A8Wh IUI#~ iseer 114S mri 5 U, 8 1 .,,rp - "Vr. nu*oisrudo". DoctOi." for muis sisd0t5 a 4a,~C?7M'Can ye o taDetust yen ar* Dsak UiIt.s,-areWs DsWarfhId. l<0hl »« MeW sd thalfranan. ta altlm. oata Varie A Snfl1m ___________ Boebm, bou. u U-me5.1?. 2W5 A tomber laito*faýg ber 1151415la' VIAI RAMI BAGAMONS Sbcp».' 2 i~,~ mes e refe tis r u bmP5 ot r thse me et tise byphe^uaked tbmamte' DU, WIw.dnernlof t tis veek tise saes fue Matérh1 ie wy ao t taront EXvuO5 & ag M r»*f o 5TuIO MM. dUoot is adtise, ver. 4epuue4 la aaimbly. Tiris«a- debatea .A~ tSomafn«t , .-Othon vbWhOduo vp 1Wp119 rM, s ilboy, Iit5rib* *iBw 'a.tis e tis t oanimaelayl titik n : = nrm S * aMt tâfl eu*g etse -ouide "leu for theO bird te ait on."vu AtheC Tas pehswere b>' Mi. T. J. Variasy of<A g o Tieofougtdat visited l. T. I , afy o b>' ythese mersofet be SBibiom ea o.pilidfor amoent t10k e Hubbard, Mlonqli l ibr ber botter àune'bM w am IO oab#sc ,Um m gtI&, =0 t*Ur te imla f et 'wu1- UoD ceittaond Pdamr uiseo31v. ti"Wbtyri .& yS v sia. d o u ~netiulai e tseyIaera vit ld- -= T< u ise lunvital&uru>, rugofedtis werise wax tise B acm lugeffcd. a Gil-ta-uu emuit nclsm iis. sb Ms;med o*ratl0bs m bert iroouwr. goopl>' tetise iriaal. c A-vol4 tised be d l t"«t THUR&DAY'5 ENEFIT GAME zmb0 WA* A UGUBCORU Mond&> tise nuse try m&Yh%=vent FUNNIRS mIIe 8 a t lwrlbuay nwgit, ut tise ligibutm eoect.. No mum muking ate o n:Fahe. u! ll o. t ach = guuutu=.tiiee bau"etbail cliii. 00 tteof0 e fiaiut. son: V m a a. &i n a W .o. of My nAm oeuported bmodfamsin e a rMu&ulis ita>' Tnotuait bs ui Mo It. ba± at isa&It bmis 4(.?).lu owne b>' a etpetsthu. asdie mnet a 11km nomber o ut t7Metef. »" 'votUa gg t b*=«'i n i atiser: My mat etunCltngsbdfs cam d-b>arl lg en uSmita Coumlsto effle the à" mvote for yeux candidate. o a. , a, Syldm cu uj otdw atm S gwod 7istShu- te*dbmlIimbP a ti. ars ci~ Ca" itari . ueHurry up Junior: Fatisir. are ail Bolise-ilatu SI& l nm ated btass tla-laed tise gliladtiia UdthTeJuiosij hae -o alrd? abiti fr,£abte extendu adj te. t t-ae «M wedt he m losa btw» isSe "Iftish e ayvii ave èba uvell omàorNo, morne ut tiseux are Pret- prop«tycsuel b> the, - i5110tteu, ll bv i - rU i f Ca du n tbaey a ish eacor ti vis w ezf a n Individuel dolis uitfiP, lu tise «gite aie Fouldi von. 4-2. play. "o < jn gcr ubs v ifa l ilib-tel5 -Goo l Co Iflg b>' Aines and Veuanadt Wedntemday att i.MVojýt*o id ou ee f nirth cr l a Wont cmlam poibéee a s 11.14 these ntulUyhevy iqarlag Fauldsansd Mr. Bans. tiese tate 1bh osiool rc o ,fl mn eh*PMUI -rive te thrle baskets. laspeettr, vete lher. to deule ]ým tise llgtbiht gaie, tise tuvu whether or nat L. T. H. S. la crediteti- ligfitvekgiswenged tise deteat ufthtie Tise> vilited tise librar>' sud svenal town girli b>' defeatlng Fouidi llgit- classes. velghsa 20-12. Close guarding b>' Duisa Oh, you Chemrnsatudonts! Don't end Case> held tise Foulds teiflita blanme Mi. Teed because yau're beind i three baskets. Walrond sud Olendorf ln experimeutu. Catch up. were-tise best scorers tise former Thse Juniors are now studylag Hin- U 0.dropplng lu four and thse latter three let. Tise>' iad intended ta attend tise C ah P1 e se Tise audience vas prepared for a« The Spaulsis 1 studenta bave jut re-- close gae Inlutise heavyweight con. celved t4etr Spanisi resders' test and voie not disappointod. Thse Seniors have been terriblsîT bat. volsta ial on, 15-13. Tise Wisere? In "Pas-aise Loit.", We ame 1 st- $50 tovu teeinled ut hlaf tite, 7-6, but aow>' noming back ta earth. ver. outscured in tise second hait. Any deits against tise Senior banis? Tiese wsundecided uni teCorne wit>'yourclWi e ise lnk 2nd - *-- $30 fia witl kew. Coud guardlng je i stiong, before it tails. IlosiIansd Carlton held tise town Boy about Snapi? -Tise next eixn-, ,r- tearn ta thiee baskets. sita da>' you'd botter taise a anppîy.3r - $20 >e, Th i 1gh scisuol vas taxed ta itz A ruinr aibs been echoed sbout tiset . )d limit to huM tise cievd, showlng tisat there mn>' be auotiser Nantilus benefit. _________________________ basket bil la1,gaining la POPInlait>'- Dan't get exnlted. n. Tise grass recetîts ofthlbs gaine vi go Debaters are vorking overtlrne for -ta, bqy furuiture foi tise publle libisi>'. tise tr>'aut un Fr14.>'ofuthiis veeX. Mia. heud>' 50d. aithtie gaines vent like Pinkerten sud Mis. Bryant are meet- - vi was ale te put la tise tresaur>' about sctiool hours ta perfect tiser puperi «tvent>'-tlve dollars, for tise preliminsi'dht t e53 Ai this official>' closes a successfil Frida>' at assmnil>' Urne. At tbi tins lokfr dta a eacesuful buse bail debate te lie held April 2MB seasali. -R. W. G., '24. 0. bth. 1922 CLASS HONORS -Ned A Na e ne DFBATERS GO TO EVANSTON Ta munis pulse aud credit cannot N e s A N m e', lat Thurda'flive-debatersandaMr i. be given ta 1the houer meumesiof tise n- Ra>' vent ta lvanston td tise North- Senior clans of '22, After alt a alu- veateru aUn2iverity iEvuly ta get ma- dent lun11gb uciool g"l viat h. sous be teria for tise trl-auguiar deistes. atter. If b.ie tatuent sapai foaling ar- Tisose who made thsetrip e oe Jans a-va> bis piecloas time it laelise mont WRIE OR TELEMION re Dot=OnClrolyn Butterfield, John ',diffîcuit tising lu th1e -wurld as ThIes, Donald Fltzgerald sud Earle anythlng out of birn. If on tis aisr 13ue is1sbnd ise ls seeing an educathoit and -R i- Sot 65bI mtra wsfouiid l aple hisef > 'gntybis efforts t E W A RD A. CH A M B R .o everet pamplets3 on tise question.1; Tise Senior Claie baisrnany of tise 1 tu Tise>' id lthe good fortuXe ta Meet wr-hsle kiduofgirls aud boy' se hoLe75 i one of NortisveaterWa' debateis, visa have tise quaificatians for succeesdpkeotieqstolitea.Bedeii.Tseenrs apin-Â 5-T isiusio a ReOvd 'bat ail andatileties outalde ut cliii studiOs. t>' Industrieso e nte utd, States Sbould 1Any ane studunt wvisefthre, sud lie Rua on tise Prin<»le oft te.'Open1 one"lsat Pears of loghi cisol voiS bis 1 *- 1 -1