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Libertyville Independent, 6 Apr 1922, p. 8

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p "~"'<~ Weer Georpe Wt Lamnb ayri one of tu,- tglfl wilIhapon li -rmenl îrices alkeutelaiby 1, hlýhvay .departnteont -% bt 1--- alhsrici No 1 lu coni- q1V ii ' ut lb. 'ta'- ;41thte 1 1hrut or but..5l %uidiug ptujed ~lMY ol "perne-- eni ite othasi liaiîfl) cf "t h. pragraioift tbe suite Mois1 tq vu cernent factortes. 2WtktOrectly AI'fected lise "rat" refuses blas submtiel r'q'r*t'ufneturers and h. lat, chlv eïoen, ibis dis- tIll1 se àilrerllv afrettel. AntOUs b1'rd nqds' htaine lu;inneil for I., -a 6t-rile stretch lie- a~ Chirzc sud Rocictord on bond torte flvî* lirlttgb EuiIn. About 1'm' t'le " s -s-of l-a hrond jsn And: ussi's'Chicago jnrlsu iei lu thse plana for lar. Ou bond issue route No. 18, wen Chicagoansd Aurore. 18.L à nf concrefu u:o ta bee laId. Route kniow-u as tise Belviilera roa.d. le e paaed with coittrete aDm Wau- m te Grays LaKre ail ai ather cou- eable stretch la on route. onu fron seling ta Libetyville. >ose aeonly part o! the coutesu ed wot:'bic':wilIl lbegreatly ssvýdii , the cernent situation kPs"eil up dul.-g the. nuit tv.ao" é,"kq cita l Fu:ary the stals' we'- depaî-lmeut andi Gov. Len il acceptud i bl for 900,000 har- o' r.'"'ant r--un are ta be fur- ~-b.-Ma-.---a~ --4-per bar- It wek bila weru again enli- ë,but w-lienf ut asfounil the 4t M4d vis $1.45 por barrei. *of- lx decared ltelunthe siate voulil e lis owu cernent onrcisrlafl the itttlt'e procrani. trttl Would Stîil 1.000 Mies ic- state !brogram calîs for cons- '*55 0f tASil, tntle's "f conci-. rie el'aaun Aco'e'.'g te Mn t»-~i rasisîsiî-unine about 330u,- = oIsf ceaient. Councy vot bt'lg qrMnut requlcements up I 'n- barraIs. 4, *Ilveoeniedcation a! lb. ,rd almeisu of road vork ta ial bI an* if the staie daea net secure SctMeut -tisaisthelb.0,000 barrais tdi purclasei. lu mot quarters. eve. tiser. la coafidence tuai the er vii b. en@ely stralghteued betof'iuP fan d tisai cantmrncL -15«l netlbe greïtly huJnp¶li. 00 - q* , * 0 *0*i 000 PURIlE YIW ",ou sw-iicAiwas te be Mciiu't isnuaucenients. 'IuiievM e ntertabi the Ladie' t "MI"a tei-,uuApril 13, MW xtsusds a cordial invitation týtie ombrs nd.friends, dou't a L aeoetary rea4 the quarterly Wy ochoolreoat lsst Suriday ýt showe tisai of au enrolîsuet Mattedd tii. achLcltue offevu ikwta $45.78, W cal! this oo * tk -tierainy Sundaysansd brobs. The Corner diase-vwas Ithe banner for the largeist gMiteanduIligest offering a i fo tiseguszt"n, the. attenk suce jç IP andi the offerig $14.62. Tire. ta for the Corner clami. - W% Bleianor Piessansd a fiend, t Suoday sti lien parents. r andI Me. Richard Smitlh visited Mfr. and Mrii. J. P; Ritzenihnler dey atternoon. azy -scisool -next- &Bnialnt -10 wà nd preachlug serv'ice et il and M.te Corne sud w-rable thile Lord .MiINi Mt ify friends sud uign bn pal r, J. G CSoi, Ssir.d4 Sit holn* tushbüthda. .The w-sa pet pla .n ga'esansd, hter lchw-seserval icsdsal i ptoespecllly tii. lin. sngel1 pk.Prof. A. R. Srntu iskesi fevntomenhe atteaitton wii i- e anoacedthemarria I. C ussrl.iions w-r. showerel 0nevl w-desud ail Preeut pro- mtue ho affain tue end ofaa t day. snd wisbd uthe Younug, ta long -ahppy journey tiivcsgisj LAlbert Dyen returuel to ber 111 la Canuda Tuesday.j JI. Gilman w-s calleil ta Ml-l nuu~~ e. bis father, died Tuesday uisht&l SOaloya,,,wem s. rnly nokmeu aud Ifamlly i deltuetunnalOf ber site tîi uSnday. . 0qg0 0 o.q00, -go o o 0 AP TA KISI 0 000000000000000 'apeqjection luman. pie filles' tievery bauft lenian pie ve ever '-i sind ho cosineld. Max i4r tnily f ront Liierl - me gueuta ai tue homne of Ms. us. J. N. Buschilt Susîay. ,8 We!m.r of Chaine vuat- ,4t" . Rauhhome atw- tbs MdSrndy. $ts en, Jr., vas emnploye d«*evra lyalat -k. »m* 4go App.ogeJthe iiirompt- leather or rubber This "Ball-Eýand» shoe, with leather up- per, has a wat«rroof sole of specini compound that oitwears the usual rubber or leather sole. If you want the most econoinical work shoe rnade, this is it -the Mishko Sole Letho Shoe. C. CARLSON 1 ucceSooR «TO EÉ W. PAM MIUS imtat alvaittafes of baviAn&. Frd c ,' r o c~use thenittmaiylime 41 àny pace esrclyuioa The Bus*h brotbers were kept bus y &U last week unloadug carsfor E2 Geest A iew more auch enterprisrin business mon as Emul G-sansd G - Weiduur sud vu d have !a real live J. N. Buehrspent severai lsya"set w-o.k at Libertyvilie vith the. Max Miller t a"uy, - Tissiturut faumliy have returued ftrat thie lsuoor Cauntry Club. FrankIl orcher lait a valibie hors. luat weoi, the. animai got ias leg braite by a kickt front atiather hors., sud bal ta be billed. Mmi Georg Pfister entertainei cour- ssyfri len[at Saturdq~. N.. ivumtel buoiness lu Vernon msuweut ta Ares, Friday eiýeulu te tek. unle lessous. For quicit service "1tAla timo"l wiI have to bandht tuornllGeest A Party arderedi se repaire for a ploÏ, whlcb BmI ail idta order, froni Molue, In four laye said repaira ver. on bandl. Sa Emi dses put soins apeel in hie orderswhen hie shoots them in. Auto iraflc is impossible at lprent, lu tuas part af lte country, the mt truck cas,'t corne ta tavu, cari cnly get as far as the Bdgeood terni ou Milwaukerosil. The nult la taken dpwn there by terme sud wagons. Tii. baker y truck ham dlscontinueil hie route hure f or the neet and la shipqing him rd" ta G. . Weeidner by reight. rhroade have neyer been knowu ta ho qustu si bal, as they are "lu places" Zarvl's Ezernade p)raparud.pnpling makes such ruai deliciaus puddings. We are very giail ta hear that Jo. Blocke :ý.ý getig *long nicely anulwill soon be back te wark again. Jo. vas operaeci on for rttpture. John Baruliofen, Jr., and Ed_ Schiey are busy these laya filling fil those ewful inUl hoies lu the. rosIs. The haul ian niteykrytiug as gravel, rocks and salies. That sureiy ougbt ta help somre. WeIl nov that the roade are too bail t t =anwee they alsa vw>'t lei Yrhu. Itniphorreservice here lias I'een oui 1lôr six das and, don't kuov btin w-bat it wililibe out six more ere it in ilxed. Well never minI, tise operators rehlly do need a rest "tliat's ail tac true 'su let's not kick. They îsurely wili gui arounis tme eandd fx thoni ail up aud then there w-lli houngh said. 0 MILLBURN Miss Berthe White ai O.k Park, Chicago. spent severat Isys w-ltb the borne. toiks thepasi veek., Mrs.J. P. Dawson who hastrspent sornetime vib lier daugbter Mrs. L. eS. Sonner, retu:ned ta saukegan Saturday ta vusrit Mvi. V. L. Siraug. Thiomas Anderson ofIlr Kansas, le visiting Mr. sud lKra. W. à. Stewart Mm .Ethel Bonner laho. equit. mick thie put week. 11it fron iel viciuity attessded the biners of Mr. John Murray of Guru.., forMoIY a reideut of Newport tawn- shitp et Bosecrans, Manday. TAie fildreu of Kir. and Mrs. D. M. White gave them a surprise ou thein fortlie ddt aunverayete hoineofMfMaaKraM..3. S. YDenman. Mr. and Ms.Care White af Evanstan, Miss Bertha White of Omak Park, 'C=-cgo'MesnaZ Johnt aud Georg McC ie Mr. sdMv.. H. D). Minta, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hughes, Mr. and Mn. Geore White and clilldreu -of 1AntimhCiivilltGeorgeMiller, Mr. Snul Mns. Ral iMli Msud nd Mrs, W111 Miler braved the veather ànd arrlvedin lu ime for diuner. Ou 1 ccountof the bal roass rany ta Waukegan coulil not; carne. A hatin [fui leether chair vas Pleutelt themi the fsin cetnd mo à4te ppnIçmpi. Tbee baye beu hgby l'espet;t.d Â-we 1oved uthabitants of our eiity, go the ladies planned a su*le »stheii day before the auu*t8pn-*.1t proved- tobeoa grest suees andexpressed more deeply the true 1àliowséïlp and friandahi p of the fiends thau worda eve'r coulil express. IN ver. tii. *qrry tu bave the. bava Us4 %a , ut epocewte me. them qute oitem - Ithiened tbat thie w inl Our Yvicintf seemra imes piat tfre weeka .Oqe dgy Mr. Muraycame r o etoa shd selecte i ti u niQur aid furnce Pipes t W ' ~ at recea.Siesthon ?uus~ 1dayit was repotted dacb ah ware ,ieaig untll Faiq iofinguntil 4:8 .m., the Lord' wM ~t cor, wua dons, for-' aur %rye reebeavenwar for liisrecovetr. sp, Us u nsd teachers of e Beuesis ,~lioiextend our deepeaft VMP$thy teai ti.beresveil. MISTOUV of WA08WORTH 8CHOOL JMES ATIMS MOII IN - LIBERTYVILLE Thé. futteral or!x . F.Butterfield,an of the aideurt realdente of the.vu]ag of Libertyville, »'a sheid etsils la't residence on Norh Brainerd aveuel, Mouday afternaon, Avril Srd, the. Rer. Cliarle. J. Dlckey, offclatlgg. Mi"s Carl'le Chard vas lu charge af the MnSlc- Itrment was mal. et Lakte- aidece try The. tollowing w-as rèad by the. Rev. Mr. Dlckey: Nev York, and lied SatuMSY*,. 1, 1922, at the. ripe old age of 88 Yemi, 2 monhei and 20 days., Re w-asnex tthelb ellest of nine chi-Idren, oniy two ,o! vhom, Charles snd Bzra, are nov living. When bu vas about 25 years a! mge lie Iefi his native state and came ta. Illinois, At thiaï; tue Illinois w"s the theater of outetanding eVeuts, W-blch were to b. tar-reachlug lIn their 1influ- ence. . Abrahami Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas bail atumnpeil the state lu a suries'o!fanmoiondebates luin thegreat cauteet for the. Unitted tatesenator- sbtp. Douglas w-sa re-elected as sana- lor. but Lincoln v-a electei lte tiret Repirblcati presideut the fkollowing year. Il vas amuI such stlrrlitg eventsf as thue. that the younig man made bis new home,. iews 1 ie April 18, 1$66, h lu nte n mer- rnage ta Marthe, A. Noyes, who died lus Iian 12 yeai-s later--on Mardi 3, 1878. He setilul on a part of hie fath- er~s li&e 'fan 0of 770 acres ine" Leiglitol, where he liveil untîl, 1901. viien lie noved ta Area. in 1902 lie Ca .ne te LàbertyvlUJe aud bail reided baeresaines that tiue. Three clillîren wene born ta tieni: Mar-y, yeo died lu 1910; Dr. O. F. But- terfielil and Miss E! lie Eutierflki both of Li>ertyvlie. The father bail a beautiful catiiedra window, represent- >ing "The G-ol Sheplierd," PinUed lu tire uev Firs Methodlat Episoapal churcl a! Li-bertyvllle, ýn lovlug ment- ory o! Ma daughter, Mary--n fltting tribute te the sicreil memOrY O! One w-ho w-as se talthful ta thie churcli. - Mr. Butterfield lied ]Men a Christian for many yearls. He *as fornierlY n Wesiyan. H-e was a nieuber o! the. bDiamoul Lakte clinrch until he nioved ta Libertyville lu 1902, w-heu lie unhted viii ltte First Methodiat churcli ler. R. led the. choir at Dismouil Lakte andi aiso taught scliool there.. He vas for several yaers Superlutendeut of thé' Sunday School ai Butteffield. He vas taken Ii abou.t the. tirai of Doceniber moi. andi bas been ccunfed to hie -bed mont of the. tinte alnce. 1 îcalled. on lim severalUies andi founil hlm siwaya patient and uncciPlain- ing. ou que occasion 1 fo)nd ilne- w-cr bible iytng nerer Mail.. Wlth miulie eotian. ho tatI me that ilvas hMa dangliter'a (Mary). I read tram ht on1e of 1hos. grand 01 ol ama: "h iLord lsaurw refuge and etreugh, a v.ry present lip in trouble," and prayed w-lt bu. 1Heseerned te bu grealY conifoutel.- Mr. Butterfleld vas aunAionuat n andi a goûd mnti. In the ords of 'Sac- rate., "No barm eau betal a gaad mais, either lu this lîfe, o! after lenuii." "Death t thei hliever la net Ilie tihe eveulng ,star sinklng Anto darnese, but 11ke the. mornlng star leat lu the briglltueas of the. day." "Lite, 1 kuowuot.wqttthon art, But know thai thon snd 1 muet Part; Andl w-len, or lion. or w-hure we met lpwi to me l8azecret yet. Lire! Weve beçn long togethe-. Thnu pluasant andl thnu cioudy wunitier "ris liard te part w-heu frieuds are 2dear- Pvnhaps 'twill Cost a sigh, a tean. Tiefi steel away. give littie wanul.ng, Choose thînie own Urne; Say net "Good. uight', but in soni. bnlghter dites - Biid me 'Good moruiug." "Tiiere they nued no sunlight bniglit, Iun tat City tour-squa-re; l'or the LTi blJeal he ligit, Andl Usure'. nonight th'ere. i G-ad sanl i pe away ail tuant; Theru's no pain, no death, nor tuans; And they count tirneot hy years, Faf: tiere la "no ntght there." 0 ROSECRANS o Mrs. Lena Winters is nursiug ai RË DICKI3HOME Entrance gained ly cuttlng section ci gIfss rom a Afier "daping" or ebl1orafornilu' the. waelidag, bui'larseutereî t tue home cf Mrs. C. G. Delcitu; 20ç S;- Butrlot St.,-Waik.gail, Salurday jtlghi and esaDaed witb 22 calibe- ltOv5 5* l,& l lece aud s sniali Ilanionilring. Tii. pbb.ry9 was dîscoveral by Mra. Delcite wheu "lie arîvel home et 10!15 'cbocit. As Mis. Delcîsu appnDeahi-ithe hanse she nailel iliat tie lighta vwerp hurnîng lu 1w-a nooîss sud shu itnew thai &aitehl i trnucitheni off. %rThen $lie eniered lise bouse eh-'m vas surprlesi uat lienrIpet dog îui nai banli ne usuel, Tbey iliscoveresl hlm lyiug *doped" on a sofa. lnvstl,iitton show-ed that tlb rouber bnci rut out a section of gst f nom une of the' frosît w-uil- avew-lutih peruitited ihm lutlitrow l-ack tie catch. The' ho-ýi,- vie topsy-iurvy shovlng iliat a thon ongli seancli for vduable bail beeti mail.. It was lisely eaîîîntii ago the! \lss. DelckF vas awakened lsy e 'uoci lo! 1 j-glait trylng tii ente; lie bouse. 5he calleil the polcf andlawltchç-sl ou theIlîglits, ftlglsh -nnig lie tieves awity. Tv-o veeks, ega Mrs. l)eicke dis rovereci tht: one out h' som wlin- dows bail been emoveil11-0m tise front of lie bouse lbit the tiîevea als;arently hiaciflgl'iesied awuybefoie 111,:- -: I ente; thp place. 000000000e00000009 0 WAUCONDA 0 oooO000O00 OC0GO o c Tii. funeral o! David McClain. ane o! Waucoudae 011 ilmu residents was hel ah the Fuderaleil churci lasi Set- urday ah 2p.m., Bey. Rlley otfuiclnilug. suter w-luth Use reinaver. nterrel lu the. fsmlly lot lu tb. Wauconail centetery. The Maaonlc Lolge, e! whcl lie vas a inesuber since 1863 couiltel tue services eitihe grave. Mn. MeCiain was boru Lu thee.eut, but cain e luItllois wheu a yoIing mian ansi maIe Wsucondas hainhoe fer many yuars. The townshilp electiOn TlinnodY brougit ont a good vate lespite tue biail condktion o! t ehoraETAOIN bail condition o! lie rosils. Tih. ouly opisusi.iï,n to the raguier ticket belng for Rond' Comnilseoster sud Justice or lie Pence. S. 1. Wagner sud P. H. Haltiel a! Use uortli oud enteriug for the. respective offices bY PetitiZIn ansi tueir frieuds sunely atool by Ibelu, Wagner loSlng Sg. Follow-lng us tue vote by pruociat: No1N.2 Fat' Supervisr- Ray Paddck .......-...186 66 For Town Cleri- Arthur 6. Powers. ...........-163 69, For ^»ssoor- C. B. Wli.elooct- -..159 54 For HigI#way Commiaioner- Win. Whitmian -------------- 115 42 S. J.>Wanur ------ ----- 86 34 H. SadtLield-------......-- .113 34 For Justice of the Peace- Johin Murphy-.....- ---- 72 33 Victor Cern------. ,99 33 For Consabl- Ed Dunu------- ---....... 1 40 Bd Frost , ------------- ------131 31 The proposition tu levy a special tex for rond purposes carried by a majori- ty o?, 30 votas. 000000000000000000 0 IV ANHO E o o oo oo oo oo Oo OO Ooucoo 'Choir practice Friday niglit ait the churcli. l is liopel the members of th. choir wiii bu prescrut. Mrs. Clark- Punn and siater, Miss Berthe Kucbken ver. Chicago visitura Saturday. John Raascli and son, Emmunt ver. Milwaukee visitons isit veut. Misa Louise Ransorn and brother, venu Waultugsu visitons Saiunday. 090000600000000000 b LAKE ZURICH o 000000000000000000 Sana Lake at tue prusunt urne. - .------ ----- -' e nexi nisetipg w-lAi b. h.ld et Mns..mrs. Fred Grin of EMa township weut Mnm Thomhas Aibreciti sud laughter, l)ttose's homne, Wednesday, April 12. ta Fort Wayne, lI., toaetteullug the Irena, spet th. lest week at home in Tef5 os sfeiinu .12 funenal of ber ister, Mrs. Hanuali Poscras.World book heascocme. Much vainabie Pne Cmoipertfeeinl attenlance ton the. natleriai mekes il very bubpful ta our Frankt Dieul visiteil ils matuer et a Wh nonthb vere: Ile Edwarde, children. - Kankae oves' the week-end. Marion Havwe, iBîard Januz, Lucile Over $17 vas taken lnaet lhe Pro- Mra. Hans basa buen ruai siet ai the, MeNamnara, Eniogune Oison, Annua erove carl party guven tue 25h1i of home of ber sisten, Mns. Jas. Gainer Shea, Robert Shea, Emma' Smith, -Mri et Wilmotscboi' the pat weut. 4 Baihât sud Marisu Winters. -@ Flive pupils have increasul aur enroli- wIl Eliev atenelIi. are- afMne aaisdCoruvisued iittaiewu Mn.sud Kolb's dy i rltieente ment ta twenty-two. They are a'inet home Monday uvuning.Iy iireaie ue gade clansacf turue, Evslyn Strallu, Th Wimtaoocliie spll Miss Nuea Lamson of Battliu4Jeek, Baei MNstsrnandl Ralpih oaevîw teEuet col-h 1nn dvMiI.,' returneil hume SunI* afien forugser, tro .ilm ad tenon adi8.MelKogtvisitlug a fuw laye hure. brothe.Carnewhailulesxt pronaneld 100 vordt sud atter correct- AturBncedwalu akgs grade. g these w-rds tue Iveive puPiUs Satnrlay sud Suctday. Id. BIvardB, Alice Sm!th, Ettuer haviug tue iigitest reSonIspelled orally. sud Mrlan Wintena have huensetuectel 'wenty-four chidren totk part lu the Snnday rnrnnlgfine vas diacovereil lu attend tpie tow-nship contestt ram match, tvelve froni Wilmot sud 1welve lu tue cottage of Mn. sud Mn.. Shellberg aur~ 1 . ol rmEeet ii wev ~hs uRober'tson suh. Tlsey hel mest The Bisecrani orchestra vhichb asi s t5w-il befound lu the. Evreti secently purphiasul ilt ram lira.A. G. ieen nulerisg veia -udscutool 1' oal vo'k w-a r5 of FI * , su d ~c ot blfternoofi, toured ta Wakegan, [ast After w-nsngspeisior andi. j-Îas mntsuta qreniolel il butane lte sommes' Sunday ex'eing sud adedel io numbena iven by Mrs. Hë.e1ec, Cri v te othymusical porauivn loom ltook4rst*prsz, Elvirs Melutzu easnli hui i n tru ta tse ukethi M p.ognnmh intaok second and BEliabhiiKotial totk froni tue fine place ana hal galued a returu fan the. splendid speech Bev y r.W h -feno eygS tr hnte iedprmn Kelley gave at aur Fathers' sud- Son.' muahsud ailaayta te Eventt laIts 1 arrivel, thuy soon hal ii ntden contraIs baqe ell lber. lu Fubs'usry. s. ue neentenialino. Tiihve tgThi e damge viii amount lu auveral bouque aeonreiisedcti -n ok exhîbite ltoe.was vouduwrfiul. b undrel dollars pestly coverul by vas helI ai Boiecrans tva veeko. TAie chante are paigta bue afln ue Ml'.. .. oniun'su1bet The. Inspiration glven was pledid, but heîp llntachlug ?hiqiy. - rh.iL.acJoolo - accu s 0 lube t thie attendAuce vas sal due ta tue hMa chot 3on accunt arof neugsao. caucta taklng place ni tue sarue time & o O O O 0'o O0OO0O0 O0 OO0O0 0 he l thte home of Mrs. Veaver's lu the basanent of tue sarnç building. o FOR AL. T!4E NEWs OF LAKE aO- su d at uc.Pi. euaod 'Mrn.sd lMvi. John tD. Mnrnpy. viseo CUPlV UMAIEPo TlE ritoM. . bnsudii, M.Jo, have heen lise residents uearest aur a INQEPENDCN'1'a4J0 A M, 10 Bpnk second sud consolation la Misa school for years, raiired tis sprlug. 'oo0ooooeo ... 0o01 Galbeck. Tise guests presetel tue bsosu'with a $16.e>î ce und anDl coin purs mnd UsêliuuuIMeama serval. Mr nsd mv..Doub.ng of Chicaga, vlsîtuid Mns; Bat-s_ -on, Sunday. Mn. a Mis. Walace ai Palatine, have reutel a houa. of Frd Hooft sud expletsta move about Apnil 15th. The. garages bave been neal busy tihe TheolutIlesou of Win.Diurne bas hemu rosi sici thtuapss$ iev day. 0. ONAVILLE o: )4ntsMaiUl.. Lana Nei sd r w-ae pedfet luW wi have a cuea p'nbuui o olu, WANT À1J~. a numnlg y74 ausud rlss ii, Mvi à. iloWebaslS, Loisg 0". ' L 543t FOR SALE--A @ux raom houle and tive acres -f vrfin 1ud miles tram Axea. $300 euhl; balC e~~ lIke s'ont. 1Excellentopenfug for W ket gardener or' pdultry. Ir. U. H5'd- lng, Area, litÉtions 184-J. 10t FOU SAL-A netAry n-v 7-roan baisa..an.o! the. boat la Area; hot vater boat snd anl saderlt llar- monts. Bmail cash paymoat; balansce k. rna.. F. M. Huadiig, Pliase 184-J Area, Mi. - -tL- FOR SALB-IM7-4 u o ililu thbast milklug Machines made. nnelIY. Tlie Bull" MUS machine. 1I have some worklng close to toWs. C. F. Rilbards. Antiocli, n L 1-tf ms,, J. Bulhn aet the.week-end l'OR AU-amd.omMoa baby bus- witii friands luin ,gy, ivery vitA i s' M t ; aise -Ur.. C. Sorausait speut thie week-nd a hOt"w0l ' -as - raWor ra i at the L. J. Tweed home. l xUcE TeloeylItD*4W. 11-t H. Rost, Herbert Nelson, Lee Tweed FOR -uinsA.-raom.Stesin snd Ernie Roberts verebusiness cillerai ht ot&lylcae, nnien Iu Waukegan Monday. Idpnetole 2t OUITUARV FOR SAL-FoUr colts, twa 2-veaus Alexander Twed wushorn in Cotnty od dtwo5ysr old; li01 Antrizn, Ireisnd, August 26, 1843 andl ehea orade for helfere. Frank TU]- lleil at lte home of hie son, LAvi, iey, Everett. II. it Marcb 29, 1922. Mr. Tweed onme ta --- ý -Î- - - __ _____ this country at thea go of four snd lie FÏ6 ALE- --il' iD C0af livedin luLake and McHenry countO5 s eparator, capacity 800 Ibo, per hour. ever siucs. He enliltedin luthe Civil Frank Johnson, .Dlamnd Lake,IL wsr Agust 1862 and served threeyèmrs. Pon re 96Ri..-4' OnNvebr21, 1877 ho married ___Phone_________191,R,1.__ Ida Ma. Morse, who departed ttua liteFO RENT--Pa ture for 25 iiaa*iOf Oct. 21, 1914. Alter hbi srrae hocFO madehiehaie luthi camuuiv utlî cattie. T. R. Weltou, Attioci InI. about twenty Vemi aga. Hu movedin a_________________ Ingleside residing there until luat May when on account ai bis healtit, ho went FOR SALE,-Top buggy, lu fine Ocafdl- to liv. wlth bis son, Levi. tion; useil but short Urne. wlll oeil Mr. Tweed was the father of four cheap. Thos. Coriett, Llbertyvîlie. children. on. son, Robert George 13-f enlisated in the World war June 1917 and% died lu service July 1919. The FOR SALE 01, EXCIUI<GE-A w.1i- tbrÇe aurvlviug eidren are oane son, improved d..iry faim of 40 acres, 2 Lev#i John, andl two daughters, Amanda mlles f rom town. 20 miles train Chi- Cribb and Mary Baesel. cago. Easy ternis. Stock ad impie- The. decessei was s member of the. mente If desîrfil. Possession et once. Rising Sun Lodge of Masons at Grays- F. M. H-arding, Area, Ill. Phoane 184-J. lake and thie modern , Woodmnan of 13-tf Camp SM69Ingieside. Mr. Tweed w» aslways a good neigl- WAN'rBD-A good, iteady, geLtloin. bor snd a kiud father and wus higly iy saiesman ta haile Ward'à wagon resmtod by aIl wha knew him. in Laike county. No ezperlice.need- Thifnoai services were hld at thie ed. For full psrticulars write prosPtlY home of hi. iason SttrlaAuril 1, ta rWadaMeia Cmay, at 2 o'cloak, Bey. McZlsskyohULae ona, - Erd nMdîabisCcmpa86. Wn Villa officiateil. Tii. remaius were laid Mnnesota. Etbîhi 80 tu rest lu thie Est Fox Lake cemetery. 14 0-o-- FOR SÂL-White-facod Black Sile- CARO OF THANKS lob eggs, $100 PO e m gofso 15. W. W. wisb ta thani friends and neigli- H. GeHinge. 320 Northi Ave., Liberty- bars for their kinduesa during auxvIle, MIl. 144t fatiiers sicknen snd dest ' alz theFARMERS,' TRADESPEROPLE AND' many floral offeriug.I CMESTK OIE ~nn CHLDREN. Just out! A 4-position iuggage carrier CARO 0F THANK8 layqriakntr laD It la with gratitude snd appreciation photgra.phie description uxian reqiiot. that vu tliank ail our neigislors and Naine your car viien wrttin. Coty ailatierewli ~>kinlY ~ vl~~ agents wanted. Frank Copeland, 740 used aucli heroic measures to .avo thi e enS.Ciao 4 etait ulothr biling vienOur WÂNTED)-Eifluced boy over 16 baru snd silo burned down u Siday yeara to wvarou tarai. Addresa A. afiernoon at Dlssnand Lake. 0. Wllkia ,Lake Villa. 9i. Phone J. W. HUTCHINGS. Round Lake 1--.14-lt C. W. HUTCIIING8 ___________THE P'AMOUS LUGER AUTOMATIC NOTICE piatol. newly imported. Cal. 765 On andl afier Âpril 1, 1922,1I Wl!lotnin. urantesilor ntaney back, for lie responsiible for any bil contracteil $191i5 Potpald. C. O. D. Wandland by anyone uxcept myseit. B rou. & Co, 160 N. La Salle St., Chii- 14-lt J. Hl. HAV1W)RD. cago. Ill., importera. 14-4t By Robrt Radkeanul Edth Kuntar. ThieWadunrh Echool district us nuumben 7 lu New-port townshiip. 1%ie tiret sciioc was a log building anulvas bulit lu 1850 ounilie Lue Lauey. tarta ou a tract o! land donaied by Jahn DeLaney. Misa Spencer, wbo tansglt tue firzt terni of dires mnutlaunthasacliol. recelvel tw-o dollars per veet sud losdel ai'und the disltrict. TheO sec- oud teacher w-sa Mins aiMy Canada. Antong tb final pupilit are John Shea. w-bo le stilI living on bis fanlutMia district, haie sud banty, ah hhe age o! 82 yeai-a. Mrs, Thomias Straug. w-ho stenied ta achool aet hie ge af four years. la living un Wadsw-ont-h.aithîe ege of 78 years. Mrs. Helen Petersun, 71 yenrs olilai living lu Wndsw-uth*; Charlea L5X o! Autlocli snd Mms. Ferry (ue Margaret Sbea) o! Kenosha, andl Peler Lux o! Wedsvontu. This log buildjng was replacel aften a !ev yearm bysunomit traetebuilding, buili vury subsiatilally vîti tlmbei's hevu !rorn tue nelgliborlng farms. This buitlnï. whlcliwas locatel n f.w- rode souuli of tue firat achool lions. ou tue John Pope faim, w-ns 18 feet by 20 fast. w-iAi seven vindove,lunlib e front of tle raot nmel tunse on each ile. Tii. wals vere while wasabed sud hnng vitu a very gool set of niapa. lu tue ceter cft tue room w-sa a large box show-e. The.osaite vera ut arauns lb. aides o! the room nd ulfacel te ceuter. The. lacitsents w-el'.bouches whicli vanl seat about six pupils. The des f on tue saine w-une set au a rais- e1 plalfarm. Tii. t.achlo'deit was rudely constructel sud constel of a hoard about 1w-o feas ide sud four feot long, vitu crosÈ places fon braces ane ao' tue homiemo!fhIle district. Sanie o, the toachiera&vitotaugltinl ibia aclifol gpie >ter Fmey Jane Risly, BUsa Coûttrell5. ary Rutible. Ruthiand John Avery. Tii. latter Ilved ni Avon Conter sud vaîkesi ta achool evory Monday Moraine. Durlng the. wInter monttus young anu l 011getisred ai adhoal about twice a weut sud liad "spelug -bt. John $boa w-setue champion spaiser of tue ouutrY. Iu 1873 ,Lhs building w-ffseel ta Henry Graves, who movel Iltao Wals- vartu, aud it la nov lthe upigst o!fithe Ray Kelly rusileuce. Tii. achoal site w-as chaugel e-t 1h15 lime, so asa la be more ceutrnlly locatel. The prasunt achool honte, wiialiw-a uit dssnig lie aunmuer o! 1873. coat $1,000, tue ules beiug riisè by taxation, andl tome money w-s bonnovud. John Shea, Edmuitl Bartieti sud Ju- lins Devine w-ee te tiraI diructona o! the nev- tcbool. John Shea ecilttnuel ho, hol office fan 24 yeae. Tii. pies- eut directors are Fred Shen, ton of Juin Sien; Geol-ge Bas-aet, son o! Edmund Betlett, pul Fred Ray, Whos- w-f elu a daugliten o! Juilus Devine. The firsi teacier lu this achool w-ne MiwsaAle Lewin. w-ha recivel $35 pet monti. The preseut shhool h% beu rmoduled and la w-ell quippel. There are thirty puil lu atteudeuce, 00000000000 êOO 000 o WILMOT SCHOOL o 000000000000001*0000 Our papers vritten in History of iluanis examiuation, bave houn sent ta couuty Superltendent Simipson. Severel of tue nehorsenjayel tie party eat tue Tayor haone Friday ovuulug. Mardi 31. The Progressive club held tueur meet- ingaitue'homne of Mrs. Carlson's, eady aistetrno, nMarsh 29.The Gutter and Spouting There is a very low price on this material now. We Can. Do It Promptly Schanck Wardware Go.,- Phone 39 ÏVi FOR et aI, killee she' e âc1gt u tison n MU Wad foi ni-a; gi surg wAs tUIt ta thet Teni his 62- les', Puri ut h W-ou laIt elec seul flie: xros itv -4et i T )lSet. c»l ceai mn ~OU~ r% ' 111% ui klIY94 1 1 ; dq>ol oood I lei- pione t la Mivrete ait. Ne ba ab- Ha". tâte. babdy-sraasi I4... 6 .km.< q d wtsaraphlta. Dmuai .ai 6. <bau iai thl kgfrit el a ,Ciii aceHisicb&wia. WIwo Fut, aa M aisM - i. A Dnigùta-..1C.s6 ifli~ ~U~*~ a i,? sos1--d M

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