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Libertyville Independent, 6 Apr 1922, p. 9

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LAKE C0UNrY 1p Uke,11 ConiysBg Weekly' -WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LLBIERTYVITJL, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TUI)Y PI ,12.$ 1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANÉE « stà id 'T* 1 ~grbn iwT nu of Humming Birds PRLDRB O'. ILT J BERS RELEASED'_, m Robert Scharte, William Wilkes et and Charles MC»y tbree parolqi r.-burglars, were granted their rees. ce today on recommaundation of the pro- ILL ~bation officér, Airy. E. H. Gall, 14 et he is In Spfedway hospital. Chicago. ve~~~~m -. ,i~î i lie service and is flot expected te dri and St. brood 1.i a soo. T'rint Lq a dsnuinnai live lit lmii .n 00___________________ 180ul _________________ dit- am INSIIS AITÀCK NELSON ADMITS ntMis3 Ca me A. Oldgf Wa'ukegan Cnüdw of Com- k1W 0Fet do nIilee;D PPNNSO ISTAKE INTHE merce po«-* tto Save adRedéemi Our Stamps SCT.T.A SMMp AE f lrve hol b1LffiM!tailed Featured Are Care-tully Planned Displays of i.11 FORMERLY RESIDED HERE EKLTKE5JA TO f.fl-. ter Co ts LWap The fQoiviwng teIegram receil-ed He answered Rev. Nelson's Told county superintendent of Realizing tbat tâb ioposest reduc at rC' sWa p W-'ro "Yda conveyed the firil kaow- venomoue insinuations in school he regretted crIti. tion of the U. 9. "leS te a personnlf l'<uafntinee that a fermner well letter from Blair cismn of hlm Unte Stat0 es no4*Ül . # ud aer the known resident of tbis City bail tntdSae oadqti ne i - - 6-64 ratio os by the Arms or e r ~ JC SITUATION IN DON SCHOOL STATEMENT BY SIMPSON ncî t4Vo.bu dqonthe os*math lggOC,!naval tann te-ngls Blodt, A l1. station at Grsât ZA0ré the W'aukegan In y,3(eda),î iiue it AthurSimpon, ount tu.Northi Chicago C"ha Ofn ommrc t0ll Od, 4M LM6 O avenue, O0 id in a ort~întc T. A. Slmsn, peitnen !ahol nLkj la making a determini effort to sýve kif led Tuissay when a machine in çýandidafe foi coin', sruperlantendentl County tay m e acmptethe station for thb.M *d ies. sali wlicb ase vas riding. driven by bel o rero.; ptail E. oay md a Ccomplrts g$8,r f the é d! ..chool. , exîracîs frorn ai statement in refutation or tbe MrybE.R.Cilrgéèq othCam nepbew. HnyB. Warren skiddeà iuport,»d Ietrahoi F. G. Blair.l et, bas bftu àntdf ta send out S-tf ~aA& overturned. Miss Pligd-tt SUt euî*îrîn1~ t Public îla iitatemeiits made against hlm by jetters ta the prt4die*&s and secretar the daughiter ot the laie lleniv W ' lr-ucîlon. Rayv. T. Il N!elson 0f Zion: les of ait the Cbo 0-f Commerce 32 Biodgett of ChIcago. formner judee ii umt except;on ralsed His satement foliows: organizatiou n. ltlie sUIe urging them 'M o!~~~~~e the United Stifs l)iFttrici Courtt s hi nlai~vliti o pi.She bad redt In Las Angs-ie. for becau3w of ': R- trual publication i arn much averse ta the injec- trausen ti sessao t taehie con-J tif a l-t"i-i in nuateil État ili grsfe andoalte slotoýt aav tam iion.i pi.elgbt years. t; ~ ti i r v. as paithiI louo esnlte noae 4-J.rite laie Jauge Blod'-. ir and bis SiO'id cori-: a dlferent iîîi,- plrgn and equally go ta the weary. The recent action O! the locai Cha-u 3-tf i~~~~-mlly resild 1. Waut'egan fo Fu, lu~ ti, î'iei Tio Suai ing or the pîublic witb discussionsbelupsugroh4in n h- niany Yeats, fbiri boule )n wliat 13 Ouh nJîhiîe' en rSm f tie Zion City scbooi situation.Uearaybv asîrnîe Dow kunovo as Shieridan Court, lie- ýu eY À.!ir -th-r which ii '.Obl Biut the les. Thomas Nelson bas from the l*e i tonIrs regarded at that lime ei. Cu 0e jol Loedý girc s'i<h pulilicit>' ta chiarges- of sentors from n I1ý4I'i Iat tb.' wiîl cri' finest in tbe City. Jii'Igf. 1110 FrOrni thi, c,'i ua.ent Rt sOulîl bi$ against mie illet silence ou my exert their lnfluela". -lt died about lwênly 'er g ie titan L.f look ai. tIîourgl s0ute DPOrt fniht well lie misunderstood Folvniaeobye the cliii-nt Ili. family moved awîîy aboult fil. ;âther un.ait tiui are li.i r.- and w,, iailure te repî>' as a cou- Out b>' thle local eslr r.-rn years aigu. Thelfanijiy wag .rn-d lo c> I- tý iii oliL'ow>i'- of iiui,iofl of inlattention ta duty. Illinois la the on*0 tte In the -en- 14t erdprel pirnffent bei-c Mr _io'i"- ndidac,. Somewi;e-e about February Sth ot tral Part o! t-he Vulted States tiat Judge lOdgeti bad the di.rlnc Thie il-ti ;ý,i0sa tir vear Rey. Nelsoen consplined 01 sliouid be Jiterefted tu thie navy, as W.ino e S h irst pif-aide-nt aiy1bruar) ,12 nie to the $rate Supertnteudenî 01- thOi'5 làao ,i Lake Michigan in rite tiCChiagoandNor1îwster~ ailIti fln.,H iRs p'ublic Insatruction. At the end. of uortheastera part o! the inaîe one of ua! Ho vas C3. 8. comanloner l'aster, (iraC-- Mr'r-ionary ch'tinh. the Stter conveyln.g bis complaint the ftnest-'tranitug achouls for thie e i. rhs- lima the United States pur- Zion (21ii. IIlînOlsle ti hehdPumerous affliayits ln sup. Younfg men of car1 country wbe are In- NO - njsed Alaska fira Rusais. His itear Sir: - port or a lier of ]nz-iaeu teresled la h*6 nty and If tbe mnove- wtkla that conneollon won hlm 1 have your letter 9Lf Yekr4rY charges-, egtnt ina jbk mee l- ent nov be$OW Congress ta reduce riez f~~irional rcqiition. a . saentrs Yeats ago IL mtet wjith mai-oua Idvre.As1.DT'~, t hr ll ltd MDd Mis .Sodgett ahsoi was ext"'mel- the conmlttee of Irmiependenta or mine call.d apon Mi-. Nelson vilssiOUttlb15pVy ~ ts est. -k- ei kovî hure and thse newia of Zion City r in Ch.'cago and. dtscased a rC4uest ILP sece i Rdaxit.q. Me i d~h 5oCfericOti nty h,,r' dealis brSeght sorrow la a large their achoal situation, At their i-e v sulai t Ibat b rist antol vas Ilrd18045 intb ll û*po bab>'b.t 70niber o~friands. - queit, L vit le Zion City' and flot 4u-liet but thtshutindi~ i t a Yloeuud. rspr 4-lt Speke befote a mas& meeting called corne in persan the aoedalta vould i -rar aenbn lt hen, rseate 16 .-îu~,~g sae sseass by their gr-oup. I gave them ai the cheei-ftflly bie sbovn me. cpe . bqobkie t laovne-vt v a A. - - ~ aim mu. .m umh-mau'ou aid aud service tIsaI 1 eouit in their Thereution on April $rd 1 cailed lW45 bOre, gi iS 11 et or1 lA. effort ta secuile lor tueur chiîdren upon Mr. Nelson and made lbe- re. Waukeganm andi Nort Chi~cago, snd of me) the kind 0f education wbicli the>' quest in persan. This gentleman conrse v. ame vltally inlerenîed, vo J--------- t-it ~deslred. Howyeer. between the mal- decllned ta exhibit an, 'but, ingea srll think t-bat theo elltre stars of Il- EnR JIEIL IO ter of givlug ativice andi counsel efltei-ed iota a two bout conversa- linis should 1?>' and keep l ln opera- -A l < l r n Jd tras p c a Tic il, ~ a haviog the power ta change the tieni at the conclusion of vhicli lie tien.A lC l r n at r a s p ca forJ>I ~flIsJiI1U I4fE exlsting s tillation. there existe a states tial lie regretted is cr11- Itla 1wafneCeasary for us ta go loto Rd1- ver> videf VU Eeene anv uîri- clam' of me and vouid proceed noi ROY lengIs' eXiil4nation as te vIs> the fo u 1 ea ten y wde feece 1uhll bust ruc in u t e Il. fliat he was n- flirai States shoalti try anti iaintain 'hi A have no power whatever ta direct failier wltb oui- school laya and the 5-6-3 ratio, as il looks like extrem- 4-tJames A. leyes wifls easily ta forbid a 'jourd et educattoa ta bail been unde- a misappreblenslon. foUly t tlirov awa> every advantage 47 2 9 51 - whn trendswrit hiename teacli or flot te teach an>' subject ai Accetinîg this in thie spirit tu that was ga.ined In the laie var sud aS- - véhenfriens wrie hii name idea uniesa tiat àulject or lues ta vblcl itI waa apparent>' raid 1 part- an lu the peace Conierence ýust closed, 47 9 on ballot coyered 'b> semte specilic law, Even ed frain himin hbe frlendîlest way' We holleve that il is absolutel>' noces. wbere the oîsatterà are co'îcred ly Now wbile one miglht camplain o! sary ta bave a auffîcient number of lawmoa aitueautorî>' flaies r. Nelson's baste ta criticîse be- men la aperate an>' estalishment an Varîety prebabl>' la the one great feature o! tbeae dlaplaya. Indeeti Iliere are Sports Cao is W INS OVER TWO TO ONE lu the banida et the eaunt>' superin- fore inquir>' lie would flot lie eu- for Ibis reasdjn we urge that Yeu vrlle IiTed li ak Mrobus t btebaeawd a sc esadclr tendent, le alene la autborized ta tltled ta lrapugn bis good failli. otir senators and coeressmeu asking Tent there are tapes wraps, Lu d -rappy" Caats lu i-ici pile f abil, bma tifttI drapped, eut 11>' a crushing msjorlly 0f con, witlilold the state Listributlve But for hlm ta continue ta lursne that lhe support tbe Seretar>' of thie lirodered aond s 1k Iiiid. tiataoe Fundi if ta 8chool la flot *keîit acý bis firal course, nov flint hoe knows Navy la bis plea la roug-ega for a su!- bilerabl>' more than rv e oe. ardîng la law* H1e glane bas thie better. is te canduct himself In a ficient number o! n'en taoOperate the (lîad es Worack. president or thie right ta remave a board of educa- manner whicli dS5 hlm, ta sa> the ships thal vo yuli bai e under the ag- WNNudtkegso park board. was r1êeeated rien, ar a boiard at dlrectars for Seatt iciy ittie credit. meument villi the ellîci nations. In th e Pre -E a ste r- S a les foi re-eiectlon at tIse polis ruesday nuit Performance et duty or mal- As ta the tescliug o! thelier CI We voulti apprecîoîe receiving a boý James A. Reeves, Wsuiregan leasance In ollir-. earîla tbeory in the Zlon arbools S copy 'et an>' resoSutien Iliat you adopt. A ri-a; estais deaier. Wersck receiv- But ail erthRe tai-ta wilich you miust -el>' upen obiservatiou and tri- A nm ortant EvçWÏ Ls O',,ereà In New eîl bal à67 votes wlilie bis opponent set up about the pecullar teaxtl foynatiaa. Fri-n soine. o! Rev. Net- E IV 0 gel86, nijoie ti .~ rh in you, »icbioIs are mariera wblcb sonsa followwers 1 bave rehiable ln- INSINCER T Of~t rS ut w as that Worack tou wlrbeut op ne~ Statc laie iequirlng tbal ther su0d doctrines lbrust uPen then' lu position on the ballot, bis deteaf earth sait lie tugli as aplierîcal lte achools. Hsd it been, it was E .- LS NSa seS ut liîîngbrogli rloutb>'thufact or as État, C. la .a matîer o! trutlh beyond n'y power la interfere ,but' ~~ ~- - Iatre votera wi-ote in lite usine o! and ressont whicb la le! t ta the Il appears iblewa oilu aLI K t IOV lte succenaful candidate. clianging inductions and conclusions Inlerfere willi s for e-I n 3PeeSye - ~~~~An 'analysis o! lte vote shows ai scientioaat piilsolirs thei Ibrhuvebelklides cfy p esii - for n2 n -ieeSye iliat Worack caried but one pre- wa8 a titie is sin lre r-hafils taugitpi Ibaeledny oiinfr cindtrth le twelftb, with headqiiar Ibat the eai.i. .,~ in îtier ef fitteen yeara. during Ibal lime 1 His campaign against Supt. of - ters In lbe Fin'uli Tempeiance the stellar universe. The Ptolematc bave never been asked ta show fa Shos indicates the faot4 Tenmple on MeAliteier avenue. In systens was net oni>' approvei liY vorîiim ta an>' schGOl. t expec- - Iis pi-eclucl lie recelved a niajor. lie thlukers, but wa sauctloned lir never ta libc oiideln ad plainly -M___ II o 7 ots I isow rethe clitrchI. FluaiS>' Caperolonis au- sa were I asked. - ~ npî- 95 - 2 cincorl 1 tIs I n li w recel ed but ur i is idea tiat lte eu asm cillr,_he________________ ut ant A repart about lit,, aureels - gt 62. voles tb bis opponeot'a 102. Lb. center of 'lie salai- uystem: He gam 29t0 soecrdnc ha eah Unpapularlly of! Won-nOk's reck- vas tlirealened wi ith , s ~ rfE T T front Zion Cir> are omtslo>'ed Sei qundiitgo!moo> fr ak kiaa, anti retracted i bs Idea. ti AJEVdi anti at vort in districts outlde ptirposes la blaguait for bs defegt. uislly, as science bas regcbed car- that TOy htsan fltaetah - warack fIletS hus petilIen as a tain detinità conclusions, Our sys- ,, ~ Ii5I ha e eil>'.I ia l ande ar ee tearli- r cauidate ai the hasut miisite, afler etèms o! edircation sud our theorles CAf j.,DÂB UGHf Iors bave listed sarthte nd it bsd been 'dlaoered -th4t a aliglilo 0ýrelIgionî bave ndiasted tliem- also expressiug favorable comment$ 4 Irregularit>' lu thee Wù po in'o!tenr>' .selvyes ta lies. large t-tls.onte filec dvehal Edwai-ds glia liai Oed a partition, We require b>' laV lthe toacblng Thn Ilieden andceu> etar eiIn boni- n wouid keep i hm ont or tbe race. rIp g! geogi-api>', bat the lav due ors Tet pre aentanot icag lo Aneamnting.tereod - ta that lime Worack liail anunc- pt specif>'. ais I bave aireadY> sait.loisdh akgliNrhCîao A exainalb nltend reod ed hatliewoud nt le acani- heter vo sail 1050h tie ,arth cliamber o! commerce vent la the O! tIs9 cOont>'spy ituelo - d tlaîr for reolet roin or canti or an>' o! the partie- naval jstion -'eaterday afternoonl BehOOlS3 disclases saine intei-ojtlug Y c Il lie delighieti vîli tbe smartI styles we ar8 dateyg ferr-lt titl Iledybf rotilis o fie , rc sISL lie sel forth. vbe-o Ilie> lad. fareweli lu Con'- Information; Ibere are fourti- anh- shoving at the4e tbree piies ln tallorei and fatir suite iti hant Jamles A R e loea- Ml ioues. li asc~o Wpntcrtii .W Wurtsaugli who ta e$roi-5 155>5 Z in ludistricts outalde In nav, rai anti blackt Man> are riciS>' embrolderet senleti to lie a Candidate. Thon hie inteiligence Of lbe cÔnumonwealtit les'vIZ ,u a hod banda with hua Zlon City>,. these leacders ai-ruse o -s n oosl I Se filous qutetlY passait the word for lte laW t0 makre suess apndfi juMesr at t ~Mse enie Jamvies gune Bei-ui ),round anti thse large vole cast for cations. Haoveer. i arn statiolg all àbmr an 0ock M uer a e TneU a- Duud bin, vas tbe resoir. 'Worack made ibis ta show Yeu Ibat lu Pequirluain&]orvsa httes esn T w cd S o t S à.- vain nttompt ta sten' lie lido o! Iliat lie enrîi la lie taught flet, lo also meom bateeers ou w eic S ports Stht defeat.teel ovoaino l I, el ...Motfon e b o an"el oP vhlci Pe., Thomas9 1.

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