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Libertyville Independent, 13 Apr 1922, p. 10

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IF"ww ~-. J- Sun TUSAYSPRIMAMJ T198<hyýs epmries are over and the palitical pot hat te ba lfoe,#oohor few mond1as. T11melction to fo1Iw ilfstw PRep6bli= c oenhceswil alm go in .."a aéling.'1It j-t Ikffter tiieclecisive victosy of -the candidates at the 00authat thero wilil bc any worth while opposition In tht 11e campaign juat oves will go down in he annals of pol- tii abeing one of the cloanest fougb1 campeigne'cf Lake to*mt~yes hitoy with the toeption of the venomous and vitu- =P"tnm mthode meod b the backr7f tlbe woman wlio ran in. qioli"On to T. "r sSimpsoni . How.ver, Ms. Simpsen susmospited ail of bis opposition as~~s as Epeted -c-m riue with llying clbrs. Mr. i~oamaybe coeiêsatlt.4 upon, tii. leanu ietlio f hie and sdào' pposit',i shld . çmnde,>xifor pursu- ~dhOd ~y~Mandicen~lgT AstUr Spaon o ~mtha he. wm net accountIb f ,,ddnàas he côuld ntt e~iaung ûfflw".woe ntirdybêyonid hie juiediction as S *eondent c cole. fo'w.ver die. thùwgaarc botincita creep out when there <te a few uuat4$Iwznng arouiid bas. who want f n ot .c a n d id a te -r~ h Y t i k t e o o e b och a n ce of suce. ~ml Smit.h cantebjblamed for, hon partîni the affair eac4stingtuat, pedmipa, aht.condoed dt methode of her Wlscr. Sho là dit'o peek theêoffice..The candidacy wau thrust <p~her au idOhé, ooliùýehl ècepted it'Because of the personal âf*ecs uun ,i p~tyf.wi~ because Mr. Simpson S!a o neb. dit&t. 1o1 in, h< ondtýbf the affaire in the Sup- îeu1uantse~tff c,theÏ"opition; sulted. I-kwover, ince it i$ ail over n&,*r»iere is no need for fur- tise talk #gmst the culpal-le.n.thêb of Miss Smnith's canu- ~ ma~iagers. Tb buou tOias~ wn that it heartily <p:r * .royS of Ai. manÏier in whbih Mr. &Wqsoni bas conducted the oftite for- the niany years Put, anil >as returned hinu as the Zlan fight -heýveen Pear-sail auhe for treasurer was devold of any perionalities, and Mf.' PearsaIl's succesje due -to hi. being botter IrPown thsoughout the county than Mry COI)ç artdto the fact thatite has been Deputy County Treas.. * manuerpossible. Nethcs »f the gentlemen alowed any veimi to be apvcad and wIilç'*ieir adherents worked bard., audestan ~* *b.r ~e*~ venda~sis thse ctsdidates wsih b. won hie fight. ii. l office of Prd»,teJudge was another hotly contested office. Mr. Docker tvak the winner, and an-ong ail of the canu- poicus that the, writer hai gone throush in Lakne county in a good many years of political aýctMvty, there haî noves hotu an Lntmace of ,ny,,"* n±baî more cleanly fought than th u hch er1ecbckrat Welch conductcd. AI- though only onte mm could win i this battit, tht affair was conducted &long stnictly limorab linos which each of the canddtes can ho proud oLfrMd ghough Messrs Welch and la&c did iiot win the nomitîntin, àev.rtilos they. stand pro- eaiuertly iu the minds of the people because of the cdean cern- 'Paitu which they waged. Mr. Docker. is surely deserving of itwsch commendation becaxiso of hie coming out un top of this fi.rcely contested figlit. Wra. F. Weie. was expected to win hie nomination as was PtrzyL Pesone, L.A. HeàdJti auJJ. Rc Bullocn, noue of the :»~j~ij<t'nmedhav'Ing had -=uy qWpotiOu. nhe surprise of tht o grfjplpabgn wau le geous 'votegien to DwihtJ. And , fpihïState Centxal Commit- tuptonof tTohDaiLM, uomnwsno te n -et oet TOGTAND- HOLO HUSSANO ~~ -W"ean Adviset Ner Sl.trenm a ~>VI<-~ A ~ utt.rThm a e f,imperumne te thé Weric. DIe% ommarlued, are MiatOber 'e spcialits "YB <,el 9 l ihnWvievé et matsiiny: unes. Test lont= 5fl. Way î@tsnygauie Le mereiy W&l Ml &P "fidt ttalktd tWe yQ- 4«40»0. Wiiy? Bgcaiuwltb a&l the Mma 'Mt they get WII. amateur'Vampe tat onermihg b"Io ee »shouM - shSra about Ume dmagethe wemen w» lit et the hlgh.prlidblpgber IIuUbUS4ay, mouey lmmur IIrm'it u p a buabroifor w otum los PO&e seem te tblnk peace womaa ta spead. 1 tai Tre n«h leave. '«P« e«Y-s vainUX»oJlem bew Lly vIE bave lm00men guxa ibwebeud ecaum e amit unit thesw 90"4 aOst s9-w1th chat --y ,ae à thoaed Who lm e beir bu». r Wot stul mueb. baus beausm a em theiSulita m1 Ce dmXb they vIE b. askini us at faukt bar ceai ville la La hch se wuc 11 take à jer tIdiecaer viiO 7bëJP the .tat& prait P tOM . a Mm a ujle; and the. veni 9 ft ii take $7Offl .00te aP ou et on witl a Mm f ora yeusx se ésèb gthert Othere la a man, the sigbt mn, too, LwSm.nonyer abs sber *Se oit r vmn l b ue IrE bmce ane tu,.nlght cht mm ota nt S140e êe (SU get tua. 'uPsIglt Piano bqcoieîa adovn. Otrts, go5ont ndb.Se muIf 7y« t Baisame.want buabaudip. Ady AM o e cming oves ta gye 'WIves, aiwnramille, f you -de arcs adelce. Ou aster net boni dotog IL lluh U0Oè ee - "Nover complan; don t make hlm Vite *fae àa.4tiired" tbe cor- Jealou or ho vili set tred and, quit. . a re ato ia-a caag slke. . "ý11y= uo nband tu flrtlug a Lttle Wl*t W goaMMa'a, Aue day f >Istend net to10. knw about IL. Wby ,»igaak for tromblea fft.vs' th poUtla pot batus 'Meà always ceehome-if they eed 51.476 114 et #o", lm*e-su ln. the, begieolng they vii lnt iee *av-Vkietgo 442er- sç L 'ef, l .K. ....... .- . .... ., 2 .. .... ......4......i.... .......... . ... . ... . UNTN6.......... WAUYON eS ............ .~... wAmigx ... ...-.... WA1JXZG«N14.....-......... WA1vmiXE ..E.6........ W Auzi GA3 . ...... ... . . .................... .... Wm » .... . ... .. W...........0. .. . ....N 1.....1...... DWERIIW34....1.. ................. rbERiEt" .D... ......... DEIM711938y..... .............. 8 mkRll .. ..... .... ..... 1k .01~ *'1 'titi . . . .......... ... .... .. .. .. ... - CORN AE TO RE REIICI3D N13ARER NORMAL Substantial Increase ini Cotton WilI Cause More Land to Be Used for Tb-at Crop SURPLUS OFI THRfEE YEARS Thei.nacrenge vil 14e ruduced to sameviere nuar normai propor- tlons lu 1922 by lite substantlal ln- crease In the price af chu 1921 cal- ton cnap, acéordlng ta, W. H. Hand- sehin, vice dIrecÔm ait1the agricul- turai extension service ofithe Uni- eerslty ofilnnols. Mn,. Kandechle today attrihuted the inereae or Mare cha4,000,M00acres ofcin in 1921 tu an lnnreaaed corn acre- &go lu t?4e colton bell, ubici resuil- ed frein an abnonanally loy pnice tor catton In 1920. "Wl he icsubstantlal nrease, la tie prie, ai th. 1921 Cotton cran, vi may lagiçally. expent a rhtur ta aamevhere near thu normal cal- ton acreage In 1922, and a carre- eognding redifetIon ai thecocrn acre- age in ch. coltan bell," 'Randichin aald. "«Whllg lie prIce af corn han In- ermesed matenlallytrain the aior- imliy 1lo lvel reanh.4 <Iunlng 1the fa11, thc large aurpinees onubaud are. canalng: corn bell familers ta, gIve careii lhught ta the question ai resdjusting thels croppluga ys- te= n lu1922. surp lut of Thr« ee Vie. "Thi. largo surpluas& af co= nov on hued are due te tue ravarable isesansd ô<ablay 500 ylelde oi- the laut tiretyutSg The larg carry aver i ofrmfroià 1019 a44 1928 bas beau mode Itill arger by thecreaud eriageand tayaraie Y1014 et 19IL1, ram*era are, there- fereý,a=Imus t ayaold pllng up a further aurplu.e la 1922. . Painnois la tht e rn beltesapec- .laiyln the heavftet cas gsovlng ounties, sauldeievbst reduce theln acreage et corn, fmot, so mach bcanuse the prlce la Io* mest pou, but because auch reductiaus are demanded hy good tarin manage- ment practlce. The neplacing ai a part et the coru acroaaaby legume cropesncb as clavera and goy bewnbg,'vllOasslat ln restorlng tihe fertilhty_ remaved jDy tantinnous grain iarmliig. 14 vill uise ruduce the coît et pradflcing conatn d other çreps bacaubc it makes pu&- %ible a hetter dIttrIbutImof amnen nd herse lahar. ntff lgme roPs graun aisea hep ta praylde bettes balance ration for the tarin an!- mais kept. ILu tact. tacti ai thle egine atreege cmn b. .Copamed se 1'174 4.1 197 S 83 375 122 361 é7! 611u 47 71 1I 113 41 M 84 l3 los 1 a 1431la 18 95131 il1 SO 45 m 87 Sn 324 85 276 s10 9624 304, 9722 los 48 119 1 là8 82 142 50 91! 212 197 ~ 131 187 1140 147 46 -121 254 85160 183 73 1U 55 321207, "o el 2 4 190 76 123- 185î 44 105 160! 571 149 85 32 el 1.51 74 84 120 66 .67 100685 121 40 971 51 15 48 110 10 lo1 134 58 70 59.le 41 64 161 51 21 391 77 691 221 58 941 291 81 831 291,58f Id 183 197 U 63 254 78 1 16 132 41 78 71 caît of harveitlng entfrely eliminat- cd. "Corn bell farinons neod ta gnou mare legune, naot priunarily becaue corn la lav la pricé, but becanse they inuit reduce ti cost of pro- ducîlon. Whilo, the prospecta rm lae for a omevhat bettes Price for th4e 1922 corn -rO> Ibila fBot as- mnned. The redadtlab lu coat hou- enr, ean be amoured by roving more =eues. by a 5etter bUmced crop ping *U iyt t udIm good laem I UlmT1 N A Everybody lu-Wau1.Wi remalased 8.04 yetorde ant rk bd is- aruisriy co vas brov»kt luti h PO- Uc,$ station III, 0 o cty, or lu Noy<h tihîcaga, indluatg that It wuallou.ea tbe mout, ilùring l0<eetian daya knovn ln Wthi hstorY of th@ olup.-"d consler 1 ofaitubillots 'itA1, rwth the probibiln poblepIt Wulva exceptlanaly ardesly erowd Va [ v ht t epoila ta bltthefvtea.U à i er. e an anmeh. greetas ilght~ Iy u der ta.veatlis5, but nothlng ta Indîcate that they were, causlig trou- ble. pven these cait i tes thre yotes comlng into tre sunn'eiloe. Self-ma a«t aboul 70eq sucy Otherwle& udt _mc aw" seii ta for-' uit ig tht libtkl-« a. ,trie# , imame bs-oniA * lit 43 5 .U 1 10?7 i 47 58 431 '8 08 Ise ) s 16 33 5 t87217 Lb 13 50 3s 161 48 32 34 4 4 le 713 17 )15 j23 511 1 2 tl e Di 21 4 4' *tl1 48 4i a2 2 33 Il 23 Io 0 124 14 31 1 271 t 381 el si u siml P1 87 4 00 1 37 49 4 8 88 172, 48 34. 48 la 19 s 7 I 3 .110 1 5 6 1 3 4j 6 3 14 lot 1. -51 24 14111 98 7 79 167 81 107 16 62 441 351 58 171 76 341 27 72144M ýI41341 ýj 471 301 i - 4 il 14 22 59 28 14 00 12 u 6 44 3s 3e 41 1 21 3E w' a'73 478 1 7 si4au 4! 181 1. 3051 .17121 ~I176 i7255 q 3721 0 3671 91 1321 si 193 31 1251 91 781 1 153 91 47j 7!1651 71, 1001 101 96 7! 471 LOI 761 -W 1041 1 .4 ait1 83 1 1081 2313 lob 17 148 1 4 de 84 id 41 0 3 su 46 92u-i Il 13 $711 U 15- 41à1 la3 32 4m lu4 U' 170 fi 17 37 U m 58 14u -35 113 212 U8 1411 s1 M1 58 Seo 78 u8 25 U8 es oui 145 71 535 Sé 1078343 7368280m 103 l 1 9 94 58 2 195 242 76 24 02 274 2U5 90 4041 161 48 133~ 58 411 1301 37! 1551 58 5! 581 1061 371î 17Î 411 201 421. 55 25! 43' 141261 92, 45! 161 1071 ll 48! 71 83; 151651245137 PUBLIC SUftVICE COMPANY PLANS TO ISSUE Ï032r Directors ask stockhoider, to approve issuance of 50,000 Shares CoceU Crain, Cemterevlle, 111, 22. EthellMnrdock, Minneapolis, 22. Ferdinand Deuils, Milwv, 20. -Clama ana, saine,*20. VISIT WAMK~AN, PLANTSTMIISWEEK Flfty iludentuetaith*'niyvcrsIty <if Ralhroad. T=rlalutChleap ysmtea day. Tie Wlioaain mouen a& members af the englneeng cimes and spend the Piuter vacation caeh yein vbaitng lie great Industriel planits ot Illinois and Wlsconsau, in l«epected that they viiib. In Waukum n ta day or so 10 vîsit sauie of the.,lauge tactonles bas. Tic Ainerican 8Sel and Wire Comanmy la eald to lie one ai lie plants liat theywvIli viil vile lu Waukegaz, The sente arSe on theïr viy baek tb Wisconsin viere lhey vwIii vliîl-the laroe plinse et Kenosha, Racine, and Milvaukue le sIl Progrese? Ili beaylue proge r lianilMay ho arilluer forn a netmo anid uIOlq Mleu Dooullu, "but Il la eppnreut tuaInDOW- aduys tlie ioos fril repulallon for problty and vîrlue la ot no Much ai a liauîdlcnp uDoIlit as a few:ycams ega. In fuct, 1 bave lle-ard saine lindcluip. pîng an thé-lechiullqu1ltaI of self- CALL MEE11NG FOR MAY 12 Fînancial plana for meeting iii. es. pecled Increase lu ladualrial and- building actîvity lu Nanhheru IIIJnu5 counîies viil be laId betore stocklïOld-ý ers af 'h& Public Service Caempmy of NonthenIlliois etaI apectal meeting icihbas buen called fer May 12. To put 1he campany In a p*sizIoný so il cmii mut gsny futlher demançie for service lun1the d1gtlict, th4e dIren- lors have, asked the4e tackholers ila aliprove tie suance of 60,000-khae~ ai' no Dar commun stock. Tus<h , h. so14 anly as thetaklng an of business and building a peuallanq quire and wlll carry the nosanidvided rate ai 7 Dur cent au lie aid cammon stock. In keeplng vlth lbe. usual customn of thecocmpany, tie prerent camman and preiormed itackbaldena viii 14e given th4e tiret privîlege of purchaeIag any nev stock ich may bce issued. The growth lu electnie lîght sud paver and gaz service rundered by- lie compmny bas efr extraordinary, aud la indicative of the iteadliy ln- creased grauti and develapinent ef li district. Wlieress ln1913 the grass revenues of the nompaiy vere $6,066,826, in 1921, the sales of service totsiled $M2213,815. Samuel Insull, president of lthe Pub- lie service Company, lu dlacusslng, t epieutas ofthe,atackaldu-e, sald: "Tic Publie Sevie Ccupany lbas endeavared taov ma jut'au napldly as lieconimunîtles il servea nd ve have juint pride ln lhe record vo have mmde, We vaut la continue ta pro- vide pientIfli service and lhe dîrue- tare ië fln t tprovision ahauid he made tor tinanelns il tuis time, so that the. company vii1 bu li aposition tg co-opemste actîivlih ia nain. munettes ln sttmulating business an-o' tIvity snd buld[Ing. "The extensive. construction pro. grain for, 1922 Sfaiiii(ed h 1e comn pany sne veeksamgo Io naply ef forward and ln ample proof of oun lin t he tutur. of tliiterltar,-. han been thie- cnstant pro«ressIve-' nesa vblch has itiinulated 1the pride Whli anon naurally Mld$ uln te greal famlyOf 14,000 Public Service Comn- pmny mtockholders, ,elativIo tla ur tInvestunent. Nat.urelY tl I ad stock- holdern '*l behigiven tie tiret privî- loge of ,pumchasing any, new sec.r- ien ,lInî m#y 14e, oued by 1the coin- Pur chan"s. jý,anîe Licemas imred Baud', Â ppleton, M8 Gladys mignon, aune,18. Erneat Soshlnskl, Mli., 47. Âuguata Stelser lame, 49. Oeaç. Wlaaîchnick. liv., 22. ZOa Hanack, lame, h. Alfred J. Dufler, Mliv.. 88. Iiausa Grume, saie, 27. Gie . 1.&Ma, Mliv., 26. Mah Dresser, saine, 23. Plot . Mathey, Appleton, 29. myrtie 0. Raisfer, lv.,*25. $obn Heneel.,UL. orest, 22. 1f'o Benton, MllVý, 25. pred Cook,ý Mliv., 28. lianTle Cartensen, sampe, 22. Fr-ed Caaxprndt, JoUet, 27. AnUna1'etersen, saine. 23. Aullph Knabe, Mliv. 21. P>rnet nq '>Rewba21eer, saine, 21. Chas. 0;;*j;, Mllw, 30. Berthia Qpzt, ane', 28. Lavwrence Erumpos, KenoÈha, X4 TIlle Whte, same, i5. Oea. W. Petersen, Cascade, Wl;., 82 bleta, Schaenhaar, same, 24. Bayden E. 4Lean, Great Lakes. 25. "lada Courtulir, Waukegan, 23. Joahn Twlner, lghland Park, 84. .>karjorle sommervîlle, saine, 26. OlarenceP1. Kisinger, oconomowbc, o't CW 1 bue hdlug oeMM coaus.acL <uue sud MWt. otiet lau bl ci si SI. Tih t~g Ntot &l la i Nai re bu tu Fonr eal ut lh. side llt ilo *ver- " German'y 'Hai Its- Goal Trôubles T<* u 'I I 140 13 31 si 7 5 1mi .1 14 37 41 go 37 l 12 20 1 10 9 il - mlý ý -ý_r zià- ll:-t f- kli 4ffU e 95<UN47flj203 3l66 01312911145141411821816 Z-4 w.1- TOTU fuml&Lzi4*Ul 975 . 1

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