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Libertyville Independent, 13 Apr 1922, p. 11

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'AAÙTS FORW BMILES ~ deeePai t t Wnl b. hi Lô ddulrla the near tu- sa 1h.U rlu^u- t otion at sttakea lidg5on$«re.wih 0ever- ISmasfl. LIOIO IL . Mier, of tbe dparm.,t et publie =u 14 buildings. and RlghwSj' plSd t rauk T. Sbets su- qx e e ii.aard ef slxtX-two mles «m««» ÎaàSud Mk p*lTUiiêt t a1 LM 05 out $2 48 lulading O"nt. The liii. for 58.28 milt mco- me îa oad 828.082.6pettlle, lu- idicg "sinst. catractWrm tlft "8.2U Mles of abfl. sud 3.70 mllqs ofbrick pve- h« m th pt* fi sttiu, Md tl ewidamoa eoeoumutla mflu Co. 0,ir14 Ml~ siata bod iul.two. il awhai onity sud ý uSe ln, tate bond Mmoe route Ilen1T? eqty e mtli iunder IPIIUGL.AIT M15ZION. M",oituopQreuia. 4et ëz plewtu a outae TON TO."Y" FUNI) DY F. 1 .WHIITNE3Y <Ceuilaushmfr00 Paouia.) congre& Ibat the middle West vili - rbo. m V prset t veymatch ait other pat2311 our Ihme Me- pisen atove lu watcing alter the beys etAmuerles 6#àO ef s fft ud would have lu their amlryonic houri Of traluini bâorwubidMm,* eween abylbing Ir- a def.nders 01 AMEXIian civilisation. hXIf4' be** t-Wiukegs's business M- wvst te j>3r.- T-iii -.xp1ed 11111 prre tain the statlon. Wanksgaasbuei WMt Ne. i la la t h.-nortb room nes m h ave thchanetrinvesti the m04- t4héraace; preeinct lng tweuty-lve matsta "Ccures lla Iftseo tabernacle Ne. i dollar for circulation lu Lais Centy "d pimin« i. 4 la la braucli tsb. lu geeral sud Wauiegau té partICU- «*".L me asys IbisM a. M" i ;x to thé report tst -e NuW problexa tedayi. t6 '.~ ~as ,-haaicoented la mini ise umployeyi5t thut$100 par ak ,'modla «tee*duF m ont u e b.rased villa sveeli h. jalasnasd if la e« su ad tbe building taffed vithin a .*M to bave tisets s Mlie bxob taanth. Sach a precedom o old &Id ltbsiiatle cause ttr r emtgrlaly ina bbise revival, le- tIare buildIngs tbft5 Thr ecn cal sud ustionally. ý,r«« ctala agyusi n id tbe À few dollars sipendedin Y.M. C. IiI& lau t" e station-.A. buildigs vo 14 have savet thon- Isands oetddOlla u pprsbsudlug su Comfort E lwneftt. couvietng mon 1k the miserable ereature vite iiiled au officer et Lake Van red comfori bave a amali stanid Ccuoty. Staer ight with the boy and il« thebideO f 70'»' bOd <-t bîIc 7011e man viii end right. Succesa 10 > IRp a collecUm of, <books end mags-, you. !*tu&. This. wth a Weli Arangsq aiageerely, pot u ive you asu ers cota- Fred Brown Whituey c5-iedIng l iee t Ti aWied of Trutlt, t :..Ou litl find t. -10a sIR nd vlth vee- ~-ouvehi bit I.»t seens te bave 11o terrffl <s -un. st si st ai bi m cc ul nÀ ti ai si T UNITED) STÂTES State ranks second ln value of f arm proerty and of cereal cropa SHOWN IN GENSUS REPORT Illinoi ranka as, thIrd agricuiturat Mt@t la the union, scordlng 10 aw& analysix of the last cenasabufflu bulletin en agrIcuitural atatis tics- made by th1e Liberty 'Central Trust company of St. Louis. "*Usins the met -fondamental nits as basis for comparison,, 1111- note In 192 railked au et least 1the tbird agilcuitural state," Aoya'-tu analyuis, "and ln tome. very lm* *nt respects It stood even lilgbèr 'The rank vas second in value of fr51 proeily, value et cereaic-ropa. The standing vas third Jar valus Off ail cropsansd value of lie stock. Illinois lM In tve polnts--number et f*rtas vitb eractors and sales of se=n by farmera Dsey and Poialtry Importfnt. -The importance of the dairy sa" poultry lbdustrles in the state 1tela- 4lcated by tbe rang of te ibm th III yalue of dairy products; 'third ta value of poultry s&" aecnd la etU- blnded value o! effl sud ehkksu. "As a fruit saite Illinois stgu4s* 111gb. in several respecta- Iatýk lu aerese of amail fruits &nu niuth in number ef apple trees Of beattug ,,Indicative et 1h. Mrogreses4mp ore 1h, sgiituri populaion 1lu1the rsflk of second lu untuber Otfa=&tu bavigg telephones; aeventh lu unta ber of ferma uslug motet truoka; »flu infgrnulreberting sulfite- -bles; eizbt iu tarni borneshaviti ruuulux uster, sud sIxth lu taM bouses .quipped vif h gai or ,le&ý trid liglit-" Logical. la Ide @&iiy nainE tbe4sxmsf la a-- fectly IPSICAI. BMsid.. a Ltlàt If 1tue d"y breakS b.? re 700 cet M 71MO ena«otxpeci te hav'e a wbole dMy be- tore yeno. ".w 1_ tne TETRUTH ABOUT Mauy people today stand in deaffIy fear of the dentist. So many people have been misled by the promises of careless and incompetent dentits that they really belîei e sueh a thing does îîot e'xîst. If y ou hav e been tortured by a dentiat vho dees net'believe ini painless dentistry or one who bas mnace it unneeessarily bard for you b8- cause of his rough way of working, theti 1we- have a message for you. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAI£36N GAINBE AGCOMPLISHED TODAY Any dentist who îs really competent can do it if heo nly will, but ineat of thein are too careless or tee busy to do it for you. JIn tins office the > foundation of our reputation rests upon the fact that we really perforrn den- tal operations wjthout pain and furtherniore when you corne here they will lie se performed for 'YOIJ. EXTRACTIING is the -bugbear of dentistry, but it eau and wrnl be doue for you and without pain, u ~ 1De away with those sore spongy, pus pro- Elyo" ,bOa ducft ggumas. It eau be dene-the gumabreught bak te their natural pink celer. "Our chargea are reasoRable uid.w charg~e veryoiie alike. Not1hng for GoId "nd Porcelain C6wni $6. gework,, per Tooth, $6. ;Wrtteli guaraatee for ten years. :Platés $10 up. fiUingE, $1 aùd UP. Open'even1ip and guuiday formnons. 'wBoa &OSton me /a ' 'q (,. k L~vte MJoIdLéi Wltb aul lb. charmiug styles ou. Sunds ber. betor you, selaetilagîteauter eutflt readîT becomes a bard tas?4 fer nover bas Oeue bad tue oppertuulty to chooale f rom so ma" Igraetul styles Uas th@ Esitar modes presuL.- Easter Drese Easter Wraps- $2 ~fne*lulb iot$25- Atl irat glanscseue realisea Ihese dresses ver. tmade for sprint.,se op ons aud gay tuey aepar. Beaded sud embroidered, their atraibht es We know of no bette? w57 of Illustralin the woaderful values piueuent empbailse tue popularlty et lbe nev silhouette; or dressesoettateta iu here 111511 temention Ibis groUP o! vras mat $26. ThOy are taahlonMsadt, dark evenIug salea la bouffant styles. - - vooleusintema becomlug styles aud attractlvely embredarsi Sport Suits' Sport- Coats $25$-15 Sucb suits as Ibese seidom figure lu a special selling but we are deter- mlaned te offer you values this week 1h51 bave neyer been surpassed. Tonîtful coata ot berrngbqlae, polo or tWreeds comprise Ibis specliti? Made o! Scotch and Heathen tweed these sui& are sbowu In several priced gronp. To 11e abli. abuy au attractive sport out aI $15 iasacarcely jaunty styles. luciuded also at $25 are.twçed, knicker cuits wltb ckirt te te bc e nallzed alter the bigber picei o! sunma"ntssons >ust, su vo match. urge yeu tesme. tbese becomig 11111e oesls. Sli p over Sweaters Sweaters Playi. ae ple nst "les of eveu greater importancethan ev- et betore. Made o! fine yartii lu briglt colone, witb or vithesi collar. thesa àwastemt-r prlced far be,1ev their neal worth as th1e result of a very special purchas.. SilkScrs$~4 12 Inch scarti of fibre silk 1l a Meýor%, lucluding Rom" smtiea, tnse 'wlth riage. A new scar! will &A brigbtneu te011easter costume. Silk Unclerwear To<Q mtuatreusa caxot b, 'laced ou thé valueso oeered sttIbIs special pti TUy ara underg&rnue ft e'! mont deuîrable sort. Of ladiaseM&lifesb, Pn and orefil ame envelope cheraise sud I01 pouge. sllk In ustural colon are 'lts sud mIeblus te match. govus. sels and ciiemisea. Mmo CorPts$4.OO .y* àýOsto u i Ii ead-dI. 0g C!orset Ne. 444Ji*a i In l quality, ebaVe sud durabilitr'te oSue boat Nsmo Corsets madie. Fer msuy y lWul ofi &y th 1e seitefo rducnncgsd reakaplus teatunes ot Nuecort bave been ne inuet appreciated by tout women that thel' Une o furtiter comment. Wônmern Fuil Fash- ionedS Hose.... A, pare th1WIiM bonse I aMcolors. Houe tint vse.t zcelloutiv aud oei~tl~bape. A qualïiiUrabovo tb. oednary Me bi pr1saýpi: pair ......... Tmli1o Ause bcia. These r apoirt su. ~$3~95and Easter MÎillnery Fer 11e beneit o! those 111*1 COul bet taie advautae et luat Baturday'na noucetuent ve again precet Ibe tunity of tusing s substantial &&,ring on youn lEut«ai h Styles of Every type ae xIn- cluded in This Special Seing Xats la overy loely color sud a vniet3 Of chsuiug 51 mhlpgs-dulightful usw sport bats Ihat UtilS4isetlWOti lu _ vsa-le w yays--sud bals forevery occason ut Iu luis greup Jer, to of MAY 12 g tïp '&x- rial and. m IllinLois tccklold.- npany or: SMeeting Ky 12. pOSiioný demaDais 1e dlyec-. DIeste n et Monq commea e. usual ? prerent ckholders viege uf bicb may ight and dered by- iordinary, adlly 1»- pmet ot 1913 the iiy wero f service te Pub- iccusing, ors, sald: pany bas a tapldly s, sud w. e have e te pro- he dlrec- boud b. lie, se Position is rOM- dinesl an-1ý tio Pr(> the cern of Our tiltr,, ogreslve-' the pride lh. great vice Com- ,te their aid stock- Irs privi- w ceci.iri- th1e Cern- .~t' ¶

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