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Libertyville Independent, 13 Apr 1922, p. 13

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BPRES. IAIW« Nation's exoctie is much interested in the niational momenfft Preaidéit lHarding lias iven bis par- bonue éndurnent ta thé muvément inausurated for' a national ..betér hore woeW tu héinetituiefi neit <Jt- aber as an mnUaIW évent. -"t givsm ue spécial pleaure,' wrotp Président Harding, in reply ta a lettes-1 frontmi lllas B. Wreios-d, "ta record myi Indrement and - appruvai et the 'béiter homes veek.' lit mdl be trite. but It lae verWatlngly true tisai thé bouté la thé corner aimo0founr civilisation. buteréhobmem, more, at- tmatve_ bomeé%,home Idimé accu- pSu w' viibd trié refremsmSet andi rea& lasprahon to Increage efforts for e ducation and culture--snomres are the unes wvIicisasUre greateet tahîl- tuy ta our lnzttuticsa, greatési mcor- lty ta ot u£ mimy. i caot hutitfest tisai thé effort Wh"cbYeuiare making les one vhleb démervei vider juglé- tien, sMd 1 veuld bW lad If YOUr el- * amplie mishi pseéuiy b au n Isr- tien to a, nationvtdé entes-primé of the -- Thé -Mket t of thé *bétér borné Iesko gbv sweea t e eucate thé *mlércan people lua luhe thé home buttbf n ud theseby cr.mte a humé envirùnMient that wiiih#ve a listing cultural àL~ftnence upon thé na- Stion. It le paiaed d<uring thé eeék set sldefor thé purpumé ta démon- strate lu expueilua and éxhiblue o! model ruomm and homes itovue muid cile, tbruoithé conntry thé f&cblby vtb wifeh even people ofi mmiii means nay uaké thelr homes harmouiban, and attractive vith artisllc furniioné. draperies. rtsgeanud appointmeuts of ail iinds. "Thé indîvîdual or group," aaid R. W. Lyon ni thé American Humes bu- reau, "tisat contributez anytbing ta tise building of inrxishisng of a homne Is1 adding semetbiuig ta our natila greteat néed, thé uphulding a d strengthetîng aof ouvisole peope di thé réudering af lot aluabe service ta pntérity." IIERI3S ELOPI3MENT IN WJIICli TJERE'S NO ONE TO ELOPE Milwaukee police take couple on way jo Waukegan; no intention to wed <EXPLANAtIONS IN ORDER There avbisehen veille itisoni valet, or- il, banks vîthout moneg and pnohisbiion eas vithoun prohi- billon, but Il s-étaned for Mlvan- kée ta, pruducé au elupément wlth- out a bridé or hrdegroom. Elinar Russé la 17 andi thé uit(le motiér aoflise bousébold of ber laibér, Herman, a vidover, t b97 second avenue, Milwaukee. Fat mnanhs se bas béen pleadlug ta hé allovéfi ta ga to Chicago la risit ber sister. Hlennil needéd Elinor ta keep thé hou" nue-l rder and képi puîling hem cff. promlalng thai sometime ln lise future sise caulil go, but Dt fDow. Elinor lear-nef tisai Sterling Eck- eri, 20, who lapîys thé piano in lier father's saloon dance hall suddlins- oeil Thompson, 17, bis roammîte, bafi obiamnéfijobs mi tise Johas- Mans-ille CO.a, atlie Waulcegan Plant udA Intendefi divlng davn. Sise approached Heckeri sand obtainefi n promisé front hlm ta Carryber as fnnasWattkegan, visencé se bai mngta pruceefi ta ber ier'i lu Chicaga. Soméané telephanefi thé policé tisai Ebnor vas about ta lape. Wben Ecarti aud Tisamp3on drew thir car up .10 lie cutI ai National Savenue andi Latan boulevard andi Elinor sieppéf inl, Dtective Robert Sandow and Motoncyclé Policeman Gasdner Mllard seppefi op. AUl were taken lu tise central station. Einar ai sent home ta hiem fathér and thé bays eveoheld oaset nigisi for quetionlng bg Capi. Ihar- ry XcCrory, chiet of delectlvse. The detectivé chlef estabîbisefi het no offense lad héen commîltefi or lui- tendéfi sud tisé boys permitird ta ga ta Waukegaa.. Leckiuig elifler a prospecté ebrIde ur brldegnoam ltisé lopémeut vas a azzie. îIRL 0f I7l BAS MIND 0f CIJLD Béatrice Lambént, aged 17, of Win- broarabon. vas founfi te, héfeéblé aindéfi mter a hearIng tu oauntg court iî Waukégsu and vauordéréfi commit éd ta thé taté institin t aiLincoln. ktheugis 17 géaré aid hIluechergéf tise oung wû1uian Sud tle mental" f ta %bild oai&6. Word@ te Se Avolded. Tiiîre are tu-o simple wao-fs lui aur Imugtige thît lite canseet more is- erg tIllan ailtise piagues oi hbtory. Tisey lias-e brnl.-en liéelong tiendshIpe, set brother fginsi brother, sèparatefi lavs anti causéfi chilfren 10 véeli. Thèse poisanefi yards lis-e sent Inno- cent peneons to thé gallowi ae ttituePd tise délîutauîlé halo a demi- nieilutue. ThIsnk ",.,e li efone gou let' flen pass otîr ;,4. 'I'hégey re -ey 'ýtmnt a puty le Il Ilat -vé e muaIeÀ but r- -ta sais- re nns- utrg-A4 Gagma, clanna wabb*5, oop - mre. are la thé *sidow et *bout mouéy. Coclura 0 te hé maing %WOW F.R.MULLER NW FORM 4T1ANNUAL IHEAD,-0F MOTOR LAOU CRtNTY FAIR CLUB IN LAKE CO). MJlxa~ owsth Vobr misalion' iecrmeor eehrt oirétplemét 5eumé m51 le 10.OO9 a yeax wlue Geina la reportéf SUBPOENA 75 As- JURORS IN SMALL CASE FOR MONDAY Shriff Oxeén bus beén eupplied1 wvts a lisi af ééveoaty-lre men vba are ta hée ubpoenaed ta appeau-lI Wankeg" n ut IModymorning fan jury seu vice la the Gos-. Small casé. More inters vil hé suispoé- naéd fomn au asaila:é 1181 stas fast as are reqnbnéd. iléré Is tise liai for Mondal': L A. Green, Jamnese Hanlin. Spen- cer B. Rave, n. V. Lui. Lemeoi Ray, John Shea. Jr..-Newport. William Hronimus-Âs-on. Gea. M. Glîmeitezen, Wm. C. Nel- son. William Sarey-Antiocis. Joseépis Aals, Josepis Bîdinger. Zeil Coiby, J. E. Devenernus, E. H. Esty, Nicit Grana, . B. Grievalfi, Fred Halairorne Ray Harmer. E. J. Hegiecker. C. P. Hiuntingion, John Hykakyrt Oscar Is-erson, Efi. Kienismilli. Antan Kozoibik, H. Lai- son, John Morison, Antan blarineci. RogyitcNamara, Jacob IMesic. J. B. Neahouis, Beni Néllihs, Fraik Otrom. Andnew Paprochi. E. H. itzimati. A. T. Sadeu-sElg Simpsan, John Su- dangki, Mortan Si-té, G. E. Turner, Peter Wémhér, Josephl Woodward, Chneh.. Whyie, John Zuar- Waukegan. H. 1- Barthuiic, Peter Boker, Cor- nelius Baye, Wm. Cader. Feils E. Chisleensen, 'Wl. . Edvards, J. B. Corréll. John B. Kmng. Jue Falduski. Das-id M.Rees. J. E. Scisérer. Frank Scbreibér, F. C. Va Stendenen. C. W. Young-Sibelds. Delas Ames, Fred 'incutter, Relu- hardi Netz, Jullus Badtke-hiberty- vîMe. Joe Diett, Frank 3. Witz-Fre- mont. Cha. Rausdenthceler-Waumonda. Mautin Hickman-Vernon. P. J. Labahn-West Deertdelfi. Fritz C. Brèmer. J. W. Brownu, John J. Galagiser, .<iolb-h oelitz, Goa. Enaneton. George Seifféri, H. W. Stokuer, F. S. Wilrmn ii.eer- fiel. - HUMANE SOCIETY DID MUCH WORK DURING MARCH Report o! mrk flone by hakte Ca. Humine Saciety during mantis o! Mincis. Marth vas a buay monts. Wé Ins-stigatefi four cuses i negleet- ed children. Thèeevête caréfi for oniside oi court Tiste cases ai cruel- ty ta animale reportefi and Iinvesti- gatefi. Animale are &Il réceising bei- ten çaue hecause of aur vork. Tisèré wèeémany cellemunifie thomes vises-e ihéréle ickness, lna li casés psosiding fruit, jellesanmud other gond tiingu au néédefi. Foutéen cille muade la homes mieté Ilvng conftIons are ni risai théy shouli b.. ,Food vas gis-en ho fis-e familles brnqhng iemporiig relief until a groceng aider could hé gis-en bg super- vison. Pour cases lu Highland Park vêeslnvseiigatéd. -Thnougis thé help of bth oui local papéis vé foundf goafi homes for tva babies. Elght packages of lothlug vère gis-en té désés-s-ngand uedy familles. Thoeé lotises belng mad it Mise Himmelrech's home by klid voîkers. Tveuty-sesen articles.-vére danatefi by thée.Amrcan Cen Ca. Club. Tbeîè mère al ct-m al beau- iully made. Thé Victany Memril Ho8pihal kln'LpIY eaaéntéd te cane ion a slck hacy for us gls-hng tisé mohiser Whso lias been serg l11 a cisance ta grnv stronger. One voman mas aken ta Lake CountY Hospital. Aise a ultile boy. ýTva chidren vête tuken ta local flac- tors. Fis-e ta Dr. Gradle irli gis-es hie servi-ces fréély. Our officen aud members have alsn wrnkéf i vtisMiessCallaisen an thé diance bail ptohlem. Whea Uitile Engené Lucisnki dlefi out aocléty tank entiré charge oi ail arrange- ment, helping thse pon litiée wldov lu es-ery vag poaisiblé, furaiahingflow- èrs andi automobiles etc. We havé aisea ound work for a number oi mea, varnen and boys dur- ing tisé monts. Oi- aaciety viahes te express lis gratitude ta our local papers fer thei "eu-pratIon lsa ta tisé faitisitl wom- en vba bas-e gis-en so gcueranaly etf théir ime ai aur aseviug bées.5 Reapectfully aulmîtiefi PUBLICATION COM. AJ1~JRi~~ 5(lO4)L and filllng the air witb théir songe. BOLD n« S ROOL Tho we had pianuefi an gulng to Grand Ave, anme of thée mali chU. NOTES AW INM >STdrenshécame exhaustefi and tmmcd our ateps homeward havIng liafia Sprlng liai corné aroufuif agaimi and ?arjorié Felton and ber girl friandi wltbh it as corné and gene thé annua] of-Waukegîn were callers ai ont élection of echoal officers. - schoal- Mandiy. We are proud to have as aur achool Grace Brachîorn a! DeWoody Raad dîrector Mr. Henry Freundi. epent thé week-end vith Mrs. Wm. Thé lovely weather of the puIt Brockeom of Palmer placé. weelc brauglit with it a gréai désire Mns. A. Wanta ni Holirilge Rad for thosé whnéé duties keép tbem qpent Tuesday ilternon iu Wauké- irîthin thé four wa]ia oi the echool gin. t rom, ta get out and breath iIn me Mr. and Mre. Joe nrocksnm of 1De ?ao natures joys. Sa at two fhfteen Woody Rad Bilent Suuday witis mela- Tliursai p. m. wé aIl went on a biké. tives In Waukegan. We wilkéd along Léis Avenue ta _________ wards Grand Avé. and great wae thée Ai] the sarne. Joy démis-éd trous thé babblé of thé ttescetô-uesI brook, théeus oofthé pige tu'ees, thé Fung Y i th>. warmrayeai té at; the c hat- .lité le the omarnai uccess'it eleép- teé oif htufliérablé higck birda that ke Tour Windows open dand your Starts on Labor Day this Year and Duns for Five Days and Nights ' TO BE THE BIGGEST EVER At a meeting of afficers. iireumor and patrons of tisé Lake ('ounty Fair. an Sgturday lut. at thé Faim Bu.eau heifiquartére. lhéertVilc, 5te1nvert- tukén énci plama IusMulattd nard puttibg os-er eu Sépteaihér 4, 5. 6 and 7 and $ (day &" alght so-)thé 69tis snnai PagéallioftAgiicutural Progrese. ht là gmong ta hé thé smre olilFair -il. gela bl*et aud bélier aitishe tmé, bat.thée oiychangé isln uithé fireà$ ef thée Cstemésm. thé horgsago a ilttie fastes-; people Srab thé 'aine béMe.lange OnUShé Mérry go-round they grabbed et fifty geers ago, but tisé flying jtLlUeyh"# lien Improvefi by a paintefi anéchanMé iîcismilles thé paeié on«her eattllivrace. Thé fair tarte eft wvus a thriit an Labos- Pay fmi il ibrougi tise frst week la Sepiembés- thé eaiteut lames raciug eh théefstetboit mie track. aStmlé and boi s sws. big lite stock and agrâtusjtarab exhîbits. bouse- isld fibeplgam »i M1.07fb-et cbaesata- tractions, yl héthe)eset vérdI n niik- ng Laké Cosmtys Qréat Million Dol- lar Expootie. ail a big cnmmunity can ponsmUbe madé t. -represent. Mr. W. 1. Woodlh, président and Mr. John G. Wirtz, sécs-étas-y, bolh farta- ers, are ont to gis-e thé publie shat tiséy are aivaym looklng for-thé ist ta hé lad. Theg ar*e énflzant of the lty mint'. reagard uf Lake Countys step sud lias flot iséen oversisadoiref n the publie cge by thé iby5crapers a! Michigan Boulevard muid the rmoke stucks o! gîgantie isétanies., 'These men are ont ta atiract thé ,iN, folks to our fir thé smrn ie oui home folks are gettlng more for tht-r nore y than they havé evér receivEil h-hure. At this big hargain cQunter ni pleat- 'Ire muid educatli és-éybailv la going ta flock arotind and get tliril enougis mand mare to kééj al of us gonrg un- tIi still another tainraiols round and thé styles and dres may change. the ganms crovds we have alwîys bad il tli hé lack aguln for mure. Plans for thé béai premium litsu d bandi book are tftder vay right noir wvilé a saappy csinpalgu for twenty- fis-e hundred xnev mémmhips lu ai- ready under vay sudmaking réal pro- gre. Booet gour fir. bu"îa menibership, adisertisé li thé géar book andi exhib- It some of ygur fine stock andi bouse- hnld pris innens lhérèisy making thé î9th annls-eçoau-3-a real Amé-ljman leauly. Organization meeting is Med here 'and lans are macle for the season WILL NAME COMMES Thée fecutile board o! uhe Lake county branehisftuf îe :;îbcago Ma- ton club helfi a meeting lu lianihén of Commerce auditorium. FrIday evening, April liii. Franiklin R. Muller vas appoint- éd président ut thé board for the gean a! 1922. Plans for thé Bei- ton, wark were laid ont and lise cammîttes ho héatssigned as fol- le: Accident p-ésentlon, gondi roadis, police and legislatbve coni- MIttees. Thé gaod roafi comunittéee rezent- - d a mau uf thé riate nidi roads ta hé constructed in Luake county 1hin gent and askéd thé ca-opéraiun of the Chbca*O 1utor club la gétIing rlght ai vaYs fon stats roade. lires- muré to hé broughi tu hear tb bavé langés- radius nf thé nev atate ruade ai cottes nd Interectbons. Aceldenat Prévention Canmtte- Attention callefi la foitovina dan- gerous pointa: LaIe sireét. Shi- da Court, deati end or streét eds- Ing over raviné andi no danger aigu or barriera; aima advértisIuig signé ai northwest corner of Waukegan road. sud Béis-idere rad obstruciui vbéw o cf oitîs approacllng tram véat; dageraus candition ai Ive Points, veut oifNorth (Chicaga, on accouai of apîraclita Waukegan rad. Mr. B. Brown, ai thé Chicago Mo- tnt club staief tisai a F'texo anager LIght wiiiliéb placéfi et Fis-e Points by thé Chicago Mator cluia, thé par- ent oirganisation oi thé local brancli. Thé mutter of ark lîglite ta hé taken up vitis thé authsoriles a! tise townshipu af Shields. Condition ni hakte etreet and Sheridan Court lu hé ailed ha thé attention co! the City ai Wiukegun. Couition at Waukegan and Beit idere rosfi!ta hé nemediefi. Legislmtive committée ta gel re- part sta actual autlilg o! con- 1stables deputies and other poliicng badies ln thé caunîl' snd municipal- 1Ihies propét. Alan powrer oi stîté's 7attorney as ta regulatIrig fêta o! Saie. - Policé camanittee ta check UP plan aifisîvlng ail motorcycle police ln uniforun and aIra ta repart bas- lag hake cauaiy police body uniler supérvision ut county. Motaritaarrestéfi ln hake cum- ety ho hé réqueted tliraugb Motar 1News' to report sanme ta Chicago 1Motor club, Lake countv brandis, go tisai aIl cases mal'hle ns-etigatéd Knew h -.a Daddy. ta ses tisai fiués reacli 'îroiier au- Igarold maz playing football voeu thorîties, e ~Meeting cullfi by Presdient Muil-1 hlie eri bis taller calibng.Tise buiSén £at Tuesduy, Apnhl 1uts ai 8 P. u-geil hlm 10 slag andfifnishthe sîme, im. ut Chambét of Commence. Wsu-ý but lie rplefi: "CouVI stop, kids1 misén légan. hée halt li that I " eashérs a1thé eXecullye boird I I I IIAl, "Muvyver,What Maies You %% Cross?' When mother'e back aiches, when e.feels tint lite la not wortli thé living, it is time to coeuit smine good neighbor aPh~iin It le within the reach of e"y woman to b. we1., heélt y andi strong-i se wili take Dr. Pi.rWs' Favoite Prescripon. It is the afet woman's tonic because it ie made entirely 1 froot and h"re ,without alcohot (Ingredicnta on label.) It la W 0 fra olt, 4 Its age testiflez te its gooduese. A me icine that h mad& sick ,wornen 'well for hlut a century le eurely good to taire. Favorite Prs p i a. distinct remedy for w mad acta directly upou, ini sormn tin char a«Éactrz ise. -éant eesryt an Io ourenf retin ent wpart Aeristandard mediins e Aweal Menl e worere hatrne rm iniîîth or ddl. gan prieto sre the d j» Dr.oPiere'm Favi'telrescriptoNiY., act ree toint erconition and frantice ob. fg ind t mteradeyfwoshe ahg rofe akl erviywuenshli shw erne vés tomte I en b tey litie of y epent fr is rérd y wfl r'dabymain thees well, la ometiiin nu one m utlain î7ie.ehsirwomeredw&out r rét fin inih ie rersaeivtd are urgently requested TO hé près- In a . om ent to aid In this good work of! 1)unrt in\' Ile iCiow lalé". pnlild making Laie counry taie for mo nup 10 lét it) itw ginring min; pili ihem torlata and pedestrians alikc. d.)wu et lenithboi way. Supsllne l Timiègkgq niL - -It .-1 .,1 Eiy menus of a photogrâpiî LOST-1 rim andi tire htween Lake wiiîi a vibra(iiîwie, a »rltIib i Vlla andi Wîukegan or in Wankegai. scientust liaq ealiinted the timëof t Phone 1968 or Lake Villa 13-J-I a llglîtnlug fia.b. It cornes out une- Reward. 6U nineteenilio anise.-ond. The calcua -__________________ tina T based upon the multiple bImage NOTICE. in the pliotoguaî'hs madthie rate-ci Notice j, liereby given titat a vibration of thé lens. Th1e t1et'0 0 «é'al Meeting o! the Board of plies, of course-, only o inte patti5tBrv1eors of Lake County, illinots Clash ti:t ivas 1,' irwdi' t-lbe held on Monday. April 17o __________i#225, at 1-30 p. M. ai the SupervIs- -- es -IlOUm at the Court Rouse lit poct nwI Plowh,ne ~Al351.Illinois. for thé ;nrpose: l'ets In al ngiqhâvering of o! etorkanizing. electing a Chair1au plowmon m i hr l mbpoptry anditrangactiTtg such uther btLaineés In pIowing, if the luet eaunrMt mn-as nay tome beforé suld meetin. dier a tree ai a qufficieuit ,lI,tanr1e troua LEW A. }1ENDES, the llowman 10 mathe latte'edly ltIt lenguaige ta the mule Inaudible - t WI nouscon Post. B3ut Ftw Ever Learti. Certainly the nmisinkes blini w.nmal* and female mortai, make wben wé bavé ounr wn way amisht fsIs-y -raie. - smre wonder that ire are so fond of Jt, 109sétIUIGésseOet -Gleorge Eliot. ¶1N. s é.q t- Waiulcgao.,liM What Do Advertiseinents- -MeanTo You? Do you really appreciate what the advertis$e- mnents mean to you? They are not there to flaunt this man's and that man's self ish plans -for prof it. The, adve rtisement of today is the honest mer- chant's or manufacturer'8 best method of multi- plying by thousands of times an interesting' mes- s 1age. He has learned from long experience - his own and that of others - that what he has to say must prove iîiteresting and satisfactory to'you, else it were better lef t unsaid. lHe has Iearned that bis advertising will not pay him un- less it tells you about good things that you real- ly want to have. Thtis is why you will fiud it profitable to read the advertisements regulaly. Perhaps you do. But read them with an appreciation of Just what the development of honeet truthf ul advertîsing bas meant ini smoothing »ut some of the kinks of your daily routine. Tbink how much they save you i time, steps,' trouble and money i buying things you must have to live a bealtby, happy, comfortable, mùd- ern life. Me- ÀL ý& ÀL ýÀ,L AL

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