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Libertyville Independent, 13 Apr 1922, p. 5

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AY, '113,1922. 77 - Discourtged?0 Are yoS sometirnes ciscoûraged when You take stock of your savugs? Does it seei as though your pile is mot growmng as rapiclly as it sbould? Coksider then the hundredu upon hundreds of dollars deposited in the Savinga Department of this bank Every dollar of this large sum bas been saved by people in this community. The total is steadilY growlflg. Wbat they have done and are long, you can do. Make a fresh start. Deposit something, no mat- ter how ltile, toclay. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Reduction im Laundry Prices We are akimg a substaiia redaction in personaJ Iaundry bun- du amuina famây wash service to fit the accus of every bouse- ho. ,ook over the several services we offer below, and select titi euoe yu prefer. Either service is a distinct saving over any oâier vity you ci possibly bave your laundry work donc. FAMY SERVICE NO. 1. On aIl bundies f rom 7 lbs. to 221bs. per pound . .. ......-..-.-.........- - .- - 23 to 25 lbs. $2.50 lc O'ier 25 lhs., 1 )r per. lb. Ail flatwork roziea!and %eaî îng .hiil ,îi-t We: needed and drIJd iAMtL't SEPVNICE NO. 2. Your enic i'-l --h~:hdcomplete,18 ;ocludinia ecfi i-t<f 1 ,pc; lb This mo' e n.st;pnclude ail your flatwork. as weII as weanîng FAMILY SERVICE No. 3. Damp Wash 25 pou"dsfor . ....... -- ---- - ------- -- ---- --- $1.25 Over 25 lbs., 5c per IL No articles marked, each bundie sorted as to colors and wash- ed separately. One day service. FAMILY SEICE NO. 4. Danmp wash with flatwork ironed $1 .25 25 pounds for. Flatwork pieces ironcd 5c perILb extra. One day service- The Rsliable Laundry * LAUNDERER, DRY CLEANMRSAU DYMR Hi-ghlandn Park and Libortyville Phofloý Hghlandn Park 178. Phone Libertyville 67-R. litwiIl eed some new seed and New Lif e Fertiizer O URO OL A W N G R A S S S E EDN ltie Very Best. Sod in Package or BDé REPAIR -TME IS HERE eWe cafurm i th vieverything you ned te Buld New or Repair the OId We bave Screen Stock AUl Ready To Use LIBERTY VLLE LUMBER ?HMONE47. VALDURA The pure Asphait paint stops leaks and rust. Blac, Red andGre SUNNY BLACK AutO Paint 'Thora ai l>e a meeting of the Wo- Mr. and lirs. 3oseo Dat)da etfGé- n. A. W hftUnbu, mens Clylo Clan Saturday'. April l6th, nee. vislted the lattei"s mother, Mrm. New York, viser. be I at three o'iqcir inthse afttrnoon at Rose Alkofer. Sunday.. two weeks. jthse VilIa<e JalL. R. Wake, thse en- gineor Ia charge of-the proposed pave- À ni ne ami, one-fogrth poilnd son Mr. and iren C. EX Wbsiw SI~urdatesmfor flaces on theevillagebeboardlle Peop baebeon requeated to «Mbmit a li- rs. Arthur Brockmsn and cbaildren1 Bungu aaBtty wu. a Chicago vieitor Mr. aid lir. 3. . Brown and fainly' t n tatement of wisat tisey propose of Dlansond Lake spent tise week end1 Ray N. Smltb, tise hust»Ar, BSaturda. -motrdt absalS ra ater- te tn o i ts atr the road witb, her paren s, Mr. and Mira sas hoe merchatit, bau psuebf floon. I program, If elected. This le a matter Lusk torne on Tinst street. 1W Glen Houkie txamacted bSiness In wblch vltally affectseVEYrlsn Floyd Rittler, HenrY Englelirochi. owned by Ern-iest licDoUid. Chiîcago Friday. Borns on eaturdgy. April 8t1s, to Mr. o' the village. AU W( Se 1of tisecom--Miss Marie Rnglebrecist ani Mliés Tom choel aa MIwaukee andI Mn. Leo Aisnýi5 of Waukegan, a mnty are cordialîy Invitel to attend Viola Wells motored to Racine laut R. E. Thsomas, of Bel'Iar itor 15ist Saturday. I asise.thiis meeting. Tise village election Suflday to help celebrale thse 2lst wed- waukee roads, forth of toVi, Ig Mr. and Mr%. MWIlliam O'Neill, if w 11 be beld next TuesdaL, and the ding a!liversary of the former's par-, day recel:yed a uabîment et 1% Mns..Ai ,lfrnckmiaai Idangliters aeFreaeteiap aesc oe a ana hsme ing st enta,* Mr, and Mrs. F'rank Rittler, ubo trees lmported direct frcmâl wî:re ci, cago viators Tuebday. I a son. Mrs. O'NçIll uns formerly Mis$ how the candidates for office stand on f6rmerly resided in Libertyville. Tise The resuit of thse test of tbôi AnnaRltnerof Iberyvlle. tbe. street lnaprovemeist. The women young folks report a moat enjoyabie yl b watcised witis much i~ Mus. Charles Haux of Chicago called , should inake a sepecial effort to bel 4me. Lake couaty fruit gioweM5 on Libertyville friende Tuesday , Mra. Joe Bond IaS returned to ber present. homq la Ui.tyv*e, after a three -- Â daugter was born ta lMr. and1 eecsIitwt 'atvsnMo-CR 0FT NK Mus. lFrank Kunke Thursday, Avril 6.1, . e as isioth eser atesW lstvxesss son-ereO OF snksB ý.aaL 4d othe westentotaour w fiIen padreineursfor me A daugbter was born 0on Sunday. April 9tti to Mr. andi Mn. H. L. Wil-I Paul Kohout, of Notre Dame Uni- son. versity, la spWtn.<tise Raster vaca- tion ultis bis parentsMM. andi Mrs. Gilbsert Aycrs of Chicago,.ans bere Josephs Kohout it of the village. Sunday vislîing is father, Johnî AY-îs.À son WU bons to Mr. and Mrs.I Norman Madole et tiseir home in iý Misses Dorothy andi Olive Robnson: wankee, on TueedS.y, April 4th. ir. 4îa Clac-ago were guesta o!f friends here' Mailole was formerly Miss Clana Sunday. ~ih Nias. S. Cudahy, Mrs. liroadimati andi~i' lieni-> Baker c-ntî-rtainJ it a Ms. àk oung were Chicago '.isitoi-s ii ing,arty at ber bomne _Wednes- ru.~..dax.di,.T *hù eut of tow n gui-. w%-r- :4,- s. il Haa*ke anti M, 1JDo-'hy .Xl-.William Rndolih iof Hihlîand w'~ -ic , w aauicgau i.hoi lirs îast Park, sandi MrmJ. Schley (of 'ri,irli MIr. and lirs. Charles, J. -iî-Irank Mi-.,Charles G.,EsIý l o1 llîghan d d - e, m fSt oeh laik spent Tuesday ev-ning wît'h -1- as agtr ty !S oeh alvesi-s e. Mo., bave neturnei home, alter a visit h'ere mwth Mr. aisfLlrs EL. FeBois Mr. andl Mn. Wilteî Jelly andi son aînd îamily. ". aiithe Hel ni l- an d.laaa Nil-, and Mrs. Will -ti and farniîY Kent-sha, vere go(. ilsai t ha- Cha-. .'-.1. - Sunda., Eani Kaji-r of tif ~<aie as hE-i c '-1cr Sunîlay %a tint fi:, pare.ni. N. anti Mn- CiîalesKai-er. l3arkt.: -s Lupcilins ( ati 1 net bake out; niake cahes SIîn;aIY dPla- e .ouis. A' ahi grotiiyst --tt M-j:ni MiFrank B. ncai - , 'ineti qeùjg- , Iloîcoe anti lcYt -Fieti ýchley anti daughti-Ali i.îk n. Iiî'c-d fr-ee)- and 1,;oyLu vile Tu,.-t-a'. li ?FORGE-r h.- ans .- a .en Aii 2WA. a it -i , EÀ.. Fîke of Lth _jtid,. Micb.. aiunt-eiTe L1.1111cf a Kt-L Mrs. Fikç- waS tormerlIY Mi-sa 'Jr ,Slush ELui-k andi daugister. Mfi. Thei.nVaroci-, apent Monday iclit ':ý WaukeSitO. Mrs, Varney rc- 'raaned for a f-w days' vi8it witb réas 'lvsit Mr. and Ms-s. Fra.nk Ni-udo1if, Miss Margaret Nemdorf, Hi-s. Kclighusen and Miss Lina Locke, cf Chicago; and ir. and Mlra. J. Bernard andi Miss An: na Miller vere Supday dinner guesta o' His. K. D6rnard. -,II andi Mî8. Ârthur \t-I.ia-c- movet from Belvtdere, Ill. te th- homet o! their fatisen. Hermance 'ihec.-Iî - 'h, iiisesiNina andsi lo Wlieelr will remain at Belvidere unsil the close o! 1j p.ýs-ent ianheol ear- At a recen t:neeting cf îLe Lakesidc Cimetery Arceio!n. tii--foflowlnzg oliiccrs weie elected: lPr-'siden'. Mrs. Edlgar H. Wells, Sr.; st-ar-tai-y, Misa inogene Sebanck; treasurer, Mrs, Wil- -- Peter Nîa, has been - rgaged te cane for the cemetery. Tise next meeting aill te held on flday. Msy 26, at ftbe boni.- of Ni-sWells, 208 NewberrY Avenu' horstramner andi driver.,sippeti 20 1 aito rse.-to e Lxngton, Ky., last to ua i ive thez, a chance at -t t t he big trie mofley On tise famoos Kentucky track, &mong tisem were some prmmlaing looking stars. He allo bas n stable of ýolts a' the LlbertySille traCk, wich are b IPing cared for, under bis supervision. by "" capable young man, Hery Serff. cf Rushvllle. 111. Harrys frienda arc ail wsiinz hlm a vuccesffui)esr i» tise -flowers For Easter Potted Plants HYACIIffHS, PRIMULAS, GENISTAS, BEGONIAS PFLARGONIUM (Easter Geeting). DASIES RAMBLER ROSES. etc. Cut Flowers ROSES- CARNATIONS, SWEEF PFAS, SNAP DRAGONS. Let the pnetty gracious thIngs of life itrwn yoVr heart. Let flowers take their proper Place in expressing the Easter Message to your frienc and Loved Ones. Libertyville HFowe &Vegetable C ýphone 10. ICE NOT ICE Main km em kd bW a gpeM ambe s f ie .sw..oeshin butyvUte h".dthe ice bui- 'busine*s myseif,1Ibave lecided te do ». I bave cuuletf kthumnenithe VdbLge of Librtyvil for thse past five ean, and dg thalt ime bave mml hs.d a tip. I vin contigue tg give caumrsthse me exceet serVic. On' and after April 1, eall 298-M-2 SIDNEY' MEAKER man açs o knd ness hor dor the they t gket anddet h o our eove thfe sen and easo fOr ebeautîfu wflorandtribthe.as o h eatf ARTHUR ieICK AND) FAMILY. PUBLIC NOTICE 18 HEREBV GIVEN that the second installment on Spe- cial Assessment Warrant Nu. 14, Vil- lage of Libertyville. for Storm Water Sewers wlll be due Jaouary i, 1922, and payable at flic Collector's Office LYEYY H. MORRIS. 52 tf collecter, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MADGE TIHEADGE, "DAVID ad JONATHON" ?.THE CIRCUS IMS Comedy- SUNDAT HOUSE PETURS "SILK HUSSANDSand comody COMING SOON "Rlobinson Cruao Serlail" TH-E G'lSL. FROM POiRCUPIN ' PlICTIJIESAuE SHOWN AT THIS THEATER, A*dmit, 25C. Chjidren 10c. Deep ln their hearts the flcwers know That Heavonl gave them the right to QIrow. Jet tise pretty, gravîouE things o! ]Ife Iter twlne your issart. Let loyais taire thie] proper place in your 1f e and teacis Yoo tise appiness -of each hour~ upe These Require Protection Among those valuables which nequine protec'on fnom f ire, theft, loss, water. anîd inquisitve eyes are' stocks, bonds, àn'surance policieS, ~ gages, deec, dbstracis, contracts. note-, lry, etc. These possessions îequire especial pro!ttion bt-c :ise their nature and -, alue is such that it can not be propenly protected by insurance. Therefore, rent one of our Safe Deposit Boxes Ë bat v,.ll protct. TIhis îs ,he cheapest insurance nd will cover anythiing kept in your box. rA... Your lumber and building mat requirements can' be filleM her* your financial advant-age. In other worcls, we v!!sav.e you mcui sn these prîce-. Every price adv anti ge t bat the mathl affords will, Le your s if yocu t rade-with- i =BARGýAIN SWhite Dainty, Checks, 36-r*n. per yd. 2 Bleached Sheeting, 81 -in. per yd. 5 SPure Linen Table Damask, 70-in. yd. $I EW. W. CARROLL & SONS' C0Mf4 1 pho» 29

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