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Libertyville Independent, 13 Apr 1922, p. 7

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IYWIP W.RIW<#~ W % M' li 31922. Sprngfold undertkers re- fuse to give up old syevebide p the,9T of the hors bakequilil S.na s0oonwd to a alun7 aloi tlm.iy &sesreneiy .1. the, fu «al party l-on lts last sorrow!fll trip. Bous mae uttered tia', moYen yut50 liz autet1013h hee#e~i.aed ntoexclusive U = .""=smeecetr% person, be soi »gdcaClly providel iu bis-111 tlii bis esrtby roinis b. convOyedt tbelr leut r«tii place ln a hors drvul voeile, thoeniotorized beaui 'Ml never $gain 1,0v to lus anciel predecessOr. 1Eut la bis predictloS consitent au welilfounded À review O! the eltJu tion ln Sprlngfld aud Bangailc ouqty man interview vltb undertakel during the lest week. ludicatesIl] contra"y. "Wbat bave you don. wtb th horse dravn hearses. now that sut are asamt entirely used"' w<ni t quatim and the maritY O! the.tu orsi directora anuvwered. 'We Eti bave tbos5, o! course.', $( n. undertaker said he bad nd sert his b«eneO! tbe type O!f f mner daYs for three years, but at thi tine workera were polrsing the si ver mountiligi and the biak enain lu preparation for a tuneral. ri tbree y6as of InactivitY in a tarai roani the Bclient, back, 11gb wheelf cariage ton the dead, nearly targr ten by pedeatrlSfls on th" strett-t Springfield, emerged for a servb that lits notorized rival could not lm tot. The elemfents were a factorin tl silencins -of the nitor. Raim Il floaded tbe roads and with a cen tery In the. country the ob~jetive. hol !or une Of the automabile was aba doned. Pýour bai-ces. btched ta i' silven niounted cardlage, was C ans wer. Comifla o! a network of iniPrOv ighw&ya vili not influence tiia dertaker to dispose o! tbe hearse. wbicb 014 Dobbln stili i-igna proiae* As one of the leading full"e direct.o! etthe Cty 1e maintaihis UlI alVeys forti a part o! bis equ m nent. ad li assérts It would not Inconistefli to predict a return their u0e, iu preforence ta the niai la lb. futurs. 00.O 00 So O O 000 0 0 AIESSCHOOL Report carda were psed Ont- as1 @esv«th Mnonth of sebol eniled Ai 'Phase wbo received the reward 0 balt. 55. bewg nenather absent Dort dy Ver.: IMs O ebrke, Barney 041 Edwin, UbdemrOOd, IWred. Froder Venurailf sad Water Schwermlaflfl Edwi UnderVood bas the houai heing neitlWr absent oti tardY sil the beginiing 0: the chau oln. Thase whO tbok the final exami tians in Htstory or Illinos , Mac.h are ai !Oliaws: el<ht gradeXeru E and Water Schwemsu s9eeth pi BarneS'Aman. Frederick TrederI Ma. Taitit amilin Gr-e.1 cîas aaverage wva lgt-DhiiO we have bagu t he stntly of PbYl ouy,Simte .coenpleton o! Our cou in aistOio! ice inois. Tiie uird grade bas begun ead their third boo thia terni. The. fint and second grades co peted thsir picture booka FnidaY &L iioaf. Te. vrlttng of composition be takeui up tbic veel. Slae Gehite bas a littie-Pet la: which siheles a gree.t 4.51. Ftor general exercices vo bave b ilstelng to one of< Zane Gre tones, enftIted " Desert Gold". We enjoy It very rnch. W. have umade jeedlng -boxes hung suet lu the trees for tbe Sreturo There are stili three bouses to let" ln our achooly Birds pieuise upply. * The attendunce bas been exee<d ly good, considering the. extres bad roads. The nmeeting a! tbe scluol board held Satnrday evenlng, April 8, vl TIR SERVICE Meam OtoJy the chuugu of At dm lW it MeanMAMB 557 USEk4repàs athe.. TTS sHOP en ai iresp«ur sd k«, VULCANING 70 Wn Save Mamy A DOLLAR ntIR!S FOIR VRy MCai aever "al te tea#t ULIY DtI7« badi the ,la ', T1% SUN ISIIUNf ALFRED AMI* OLPUT PIONSER OFDe Nif O. ON Wbe mn.Amnt wu aubout f=oOr R MI T LIE y .14. 1 o Ir" wthbus prat I:lu &ooois vaeft-o St. IwrmelC 1_(<wmwyork1, me14 ettied ln th$ Sgys sky le SON ddomne resting » stiret bi» WMv5 a log cabn mUlt, on upturned edges of on th ta= o loV d by Mr.- Wiitz. f lategrth Il btbi trut lansd by trading a cernbrvggh fi-oai NeV Witb is big choir band and orclies- 90York tate for elghty acres. 0, 'IUs belng nothing but a vIldernesa tira, Overseer Voliva Sunday ËVOOP- W, toresta aMioamp e ve very '&e.e ed dovn on Cicao 1k a VhirlwlOd 31 Mir. Ames dreve tram tour ta fine yoke aud told Chicago that ber oniY hope 1. of oren on a breakIns plough. Homees o! salvution vas ta get back tae0041. velvaysn.u ta ue > h You get a man regenorated snd ho a0oxnetook their places. - o't steal frani yon or shoot iYou" t. The. only markets ver. ut Chicago aaid Ovonseer. "if Chicago vould Id aund Wsnkegan. They would go ta heed what 1 say, ashe vould be a dit- St ether o<f i-,e tva plaeso uts h eefrent cty ln six montbs tme." 5514 rc imes a yesr vith anuo«en teain. iany the Overseer. and hc wax loudly ap- as tumes viien notblug vas te b. taken plauded bit bic audience of sanie four le taniarkef,, he made the.ttip on font. tbousaud persans. ut Tier voie verS' fev People living Volbva bsd sanie inteîesting thinga ber. t that tme. Onlit one hanse ta say about astronamy, and sanie [I could b. ceeu tram bis bomne t bard thinga against the sstronomtiisas ta Diamond Lake.1 taugbt by tbe prafessars in he uni- on The. made ver. very poor. Sanie versities and sehools. "The. trouble. Ia vae.oulv old Indien trailsansd otbers Yau ca't get people ta tblnk for tbem- he coutld oly b. called sach by the wagon selves." sald the Overseer. Wben yon tracks. A stage rond led pasithtei pros- get off the beaten track you are brand- he eut situation ofthuie echool bouse fon ced as a tool sud a fanatie." ;08 Chicago ta Greenliai. The Overseer of Zion certaiuiy de- lle A scbooi vas ests.bllshed lu 1846. viates tram tbe beaten track as fai- In" viere 1e atteuded outil lue was as astranny ls coucerned for bis ffll elghteeu y.ars aId. toaching an this iliteresting subject Chunchesver, net bult until the. la revolutionary. lt population becsme more. Here are sanie af tbe astaundiag ®r-' The. tiret nevapaper whlch was pots which Voliva bringa aut: lat cirrslatedi through tbe viclnlty, was Flrst, be gays hat tiiere are three il- prnted et Waukegan and vas known distinct heavens. The first, wich la 1e as thbe "Lttle Fort Porcupine". ls ithe upppr air near aur cari-b. la ln- ni name vas lai-or cbanged toe1the "Wau. hablted by satan and the denions. Lge kegan Gazette"., Thpse demome sweep down tae1the led Aong lb. stage road wcre yery earth accaianslly and this. sys Vol- ait- many barse tbleves. One incident la ielait he cause of thc crime waves. of !stcli koown bY msny, of a mian knavn The Second Heaven îs immediateiy ce as Fax, who vas captured by the above satans iingdlom, and here is wr- sherif! but escaped by tbe mens of vbere the sun, moon and stars are the dense wooda at i-at tume. He vas lolaied. be lator calnglt dalng the same thlng at l mmedîateiy abovp the Second Hea- mod Iowa. yen 18 a iast salld damte, wth windows me- It wax et this Urne i-at MIr. Aines ta-,] doar- in il. and abave Ibis dame )pe beciane engaged lu hile trading and i, the tbrane of Gad. where christ sud ,n- training o! ail kinds of bomses, at tihe angeis are, and wbere Clrrist site he which trade b..otten galnod a great et theii.rgbî hand of the taîher. ln he deai or let conslderabiy. Itovelatian 4:1, John mays, ".Ater tbis v He then becanie tlred of bis work 1iaaked, and beoad. a door a-as open- aud thoubt travel vould bc nicer far cd ln beavon." Vliva takes ibis sud unu- a change, no he vent out west, wbei-e auber Scrlptures iiearîng an tuis aub- u t ho spent a Cansiderable lengtb of!ltme :Ject lileraly. When Christ cames for b6u- and Iben be came back again ta the1 Hie sainte the. door of heaNen wil ral S~tate O! Wisconsia, viiere be bougbt oPen. 5 ,a tai-ni and soid It five years ago. Voia daes not believe thatUcsn upiWben tue Clvil War brokeoaut ho mono and stars bang like chandeliers, b' enilted Apib 16, 1861. He served iu as wax reported hy a prosse dspatcb. te thocelait. for tva years. snd tben veut le contende. tbough. that the Nath ti-. home for a montb. Exclteenent got the. Polar Star la a fixinre sid probably better of tîlm agin and ahen ho beurdthat the sun, moan and stars ail re- if *b ntewesr. 1e onlisted v(,ivO around lhis gw cat p rc 'nrt 00 &ainforanoherman. H :ught inThis Northi Sttr- sd.rectiv0e h ail twenty-nine battUes. une beng thle Moili Polo. and 1hlis probahiy ac-1 0 baitile o! *'Gettysburg'. bIn be battie îo-nts for tlue mai-rtic pole.1 O0O bc sav men ay tour deelp during the The. cessons are caused by the sun a' bh ot menti a! Jun.. the Union srmy maving lugi-et cii-clos over tbe earth. tehp.l rnrctd a distance o! 450 miles In '11e vInter. the sun takes arger 1,u. _ng tus mri. because ofetin l- wbY by the *ay, on a flat esrtb tbeoi-y of a oo lear, munit died daly f rein auD- la aise circular.I-,luthe summer. tbe it-T --L~ Msuy interestlng mIaules vere sun dravs In ts ci-clos 1111 it leepa Ot i td ta us ln caunection vlth the arouud the North Pale or North Con- It. batle of Gettysburg. ter. 1. Mr. Ames spendu most o! be isne Sljaped 111e a dollar.,i-be autor edge ro! :eisurdly nov. H. bad traversed nomse ot the eari-b le one eolld mecs o! Ice. odce Part a! near eV estate lu the Union- Thi esIce rsuîts througb the su's raye Hie la an exceliln violinist, and la the failing te pentrate fui- enaugh sautb. Li.a proud possessar of a violil, madeinl The sky. whicb according ta Vlu-a 123 1721. wb.c b bai wIlled toitbe Art la a iast solld dame, reste au Ibis Elaii Museum o! New Yai-k Cilt, t bic giet vaîl o! ice. As Ibis eter edge ,ddeath. -o!fi-be eartb la ln total durkuess and rIckas i-he cold la Intense, it la impossible Th. *.o 9o o O - o- ooee for explorera ta get beoynd acertain point, ai 0 A PT A K 1 SI1C o0 'rhe aun îsasia-sys tune sanie heit urne 000000000000000000 froni tuee oith, la 32 miles in dia- nieter. and is 2700 miles train i-e duns i-heu Rlebni purchused a nov Fard earti,' as any ouvigator lueve.sasys tourng car reconily.1 Voliva. The sextant proves tbis the- tom- The achool elecioln ber. lait Satu'- ai-y correct, lie says. Iter- day vas amost a fallure, anly tive yUll voter ldin CULt Ed Glas wax eicted 00.0000.00.00000000 as dsor ta sncceed N. F. Buschi. 'm, he Trlpp sciaol fured tîll worso, as 0 A N T 10 CH B oniy twa votera vere preserlt. The noooboooooh'oosooooo been electian vas caliecot of. Wbui- seefls u-s. Kubaupt vas s çhIcago visiter cis»ta b taeibe itrouble, votera? Lbet-Thurday. s ail Peter Dleier sud furnuly o ia ry ville a-eeceeu la aur tavu Sunduit. Mri. as ulr. Ruasel Hardon ai-e and Fred Weidur vent ta the. City lait vlai-lng relatives bei-e. brdg Weduesdlay. lira, Adline Clark o a0k Park, vas 'bird hi- îa quit aslooale.again ta b. Oui- an Atlocb visitai- Wednesday. yrd. rlding wtb a bai-ne sud buggy, mince Ambrose Colegrave la very ilt ts the moade are ton, bad foar a car. Pailla- home south of ta'wn. ing- 'lui old Dalin can alwaye b. depend- lirs. C. Busehinan. lira. Oea u- nelit cd an. But-a-heu do we geltiihere? baupt andi dausghier. Misn Viola ereý Chailes Scbley ta the. champjOn Mill dinner guesta o!flira. Baethite ut Tre- [ aý playor. Yeu muet ho s prafesiortat ver on Tuesday. boere player at tbat if aou aan a giiaat o! Viola Kubaupi- speut a feýr dayis ut a a naw Witb Chai-bey. a-eek wth ber cousin Mrs. Leigb ai- 14r an- d Mns. Andrea- Marinumi are Milwaulkee. vtaltuing t theo home of Gea. Sturmn. The Mystyc Woi-kera gave a: card Williami Wacbsnlug o! Palatine vie- Party aud dance Wednesd.uy eveuins. lted H. Patta Saturday. at whicb there vas a good attaene-e EmilGeet spnt und aitheMax Mr'. andi brs. Ziegler epeni- over 8Son- Rg Mmi eu pn-Sudya i.M day bu Chicago. iller home in Liberty-vil0. Mr. James Stearus ta eni-ertainlig ut Jamnes Matousaek sud Car-oline Busecibs brother Abert Stearna a! Streater, ,Mr -and Mns. N. F. Buach and onald 111 f oi- awfew days ibis vesit. spent Sumidayin l Chicago ai- i-e home à. L.Colegrave o! Poniacs camne lhe of the Mârtousel fauii]Y. latter part of lest a-o.k te &pend a Mz. and lira. Max Miller sud chul- fev daye vltb lies brother Ax>rase, dren calied ut i-be N. F. Buecb bonulea-ho ls quite Ili. bigmd o Mondait- huit plans are nov enw id o Ke Dorotiy Sievera sud Gladys Gienaraie. Ford day. vhich wiiili beld lu An- dcl -Witt h e Pink .ye. ti-och an Saturda3y, Âpril 29. James Buuýto a! Jolietwas a avisitair-eaJahnson a! Chicago vas lu ut te Ceatiore~qndl,.Antach the firt part O! tho ee. Fred jld; Clarence Busch upentut5n- Mi'e. RuthBahlviuia!Adeo 1 Ce a vnn ttCetS. spent a fv days last a-eek a-i-h lber y. James Bunton spent Mondait uthIeparenu bore. N. V. Busch homo. lHe returnedtiu lira. S. E. Pollack o! Palatine 111 Joliet lionday evening ta bis vork a sBpdng a fev daite vitu ber daegter urd t the. prisousMise Gladite Panovali o! Waukegaz idn. N. F. Bueach jeon i-be sick liat. 3pM .-vrithe week-e4d alithbel Dr. Lmnen la lu attenldauice __1-arnte- . sud lir. Josephi PUlIW& Why tluhO22 USW ris better rthan Ma a i1022 tire - ai prce was thi e'er made Jcèown stars À genuiu by -the m.aI, Now coni $XO.90 tires tKé market "New" trea UnfamiILi the price. But teI a place by unib a S am fl ovembor 10,1921, standby on illtions of cars for -30 x 3W "Usco" Yeams.Botter than kt ever was. ts nsarkeli to sdi St&M puttdng the emphasis on ý$10.90. houaest quality, even. If it does afd dloWey fipured sell for omly ton dollars and Le iowest quotatuon numetY conts. c on any tire of The $10.90 tire witb ,dards. the record of a prven te pioneering step PTOdue t. ers of U. S. Tfrms The tire that people e * stRl buy for the s1ig. tes a lot of diferent flitY? Of. its ut s ling rushod into reptauma of the t. "ISpecil" tires. low ainouflt ads. they pay. ar to look at-with ,n atmosphere of ennmade to meet Usco" stilloccupfrs itseof. A good old a44~ CeçthI / Unitd StAt M« Unitd s Atwcmne ~h~çYou Schnock Hardware Co. ben. lhry L"Ibyve, Minois U. 3.Tire: vu-b boulai ai- lionaville. Mn. Tweed day i-bey mu'. vatchins bird. sud tel leaveua rebidre i-a moumuMr. lied iug earl e outthng i. sad el Frae Citrb. Antiocb evi ut lioMm nos. vbo V teln. pretl pl vile d i-s. ary Boreistainoaferthe e wrepGradectsud avurin aide.. Rltaelathaler. Tii. bakent sale gîven by the Par- Bo munit cars et stucilti trant of eut 'reacb*ns' AsBaclatioii, ubidA tho aur secool bouse i-but vo thinklt supervision o! Mns. Pacini, ut theA.L needs a fewa loedà o! gravel. & P. Store. Salurday aflernoon was a hi-. andlira. George Hoftmele -M a0.ce5. fuinilit o! Libertyville aud hMr. sud Mrs There wyul be special EDaston ericesi.5J. Onu!! sud Mri. sud lira. Hennry Hoft ai- lb. M. E. cbnrcb next SondaS' hiDi-» meler of Chicago vislted at tue Ooet2 ing sud ovenlug wiih eOecW muic, boni. Sundait. Thesoaci-amont af oaptissn viiib. ad- Mr. sud irs. Charles Henzclbergi miulsi-ered. alsecthose desliig niait - nChcgoMndy unito a-thi i-e chuxch b t aiservices.veebChcgMody The Epwortb l'eSguen a eplanning isManiha Sauer rehurued homE a social for Younig people on FiIdiai Sundait aller speud.lng a !ew days a vii evening o! tuis week. relativesA t Palatine. At the Antioch iovnSbiP bigih C1101 M. a iram. i<entertaitu( SaturOtait aftei-noof D. B. Sabin snd compsmy train Chicago Suadait. , Franki Hatch were elecled ta serve as lir. Frank Rallie apent Thesiaa trustees. rieeling. Folloving tue pragrani ot ihoeOut- Mr. Hennry Stellbng and daughte tertainmneni- given iiy tle PFi-lan De- Fieda a-oie Palatine callera Saturday partmé'ut o! the. M. 11 Snii<aY Sehol lra. Charles HeracbbergeiSi. la o ueXt Tueaday eveni, AMUtbllut St iho sud- liai- the M. F. church. hi-. sud lrs. George Um'bSO Music. . Llhertyvi-Ite viitera Suadeit. Recli-sion tianiel Wlliaums. Mania sud Liijle Sauot speut TueE Sang, 'Core ne d Play flouse." day oveulug aitihoHerman Mi-nes ReCltaUiohiBettyWaihier. lame. DWaogu-'Tbe Sick Do11L" Henry Laseke anti Fred Pop Recttation-Faii.e Westlake. attensod i-ho drusI-na uChicago Sui Ex»oe., ,Baseball," by niine -boys. day. FaIry Play, ThcDream ILAeSa,"by oOO 000000000000O sixteeougirls.au . LAU ZURICH lir. Jensen ad Miss Mls Jensaen- O L <0 A'< >0>< vere in Chicago Frîdait.0 00 00 0 0 0 0 tvah Rail-le of lioebapeul Sat- ar Wea-etzer sud L.sroy Lem urda wih hre preno, r. ad Ms.ver ver. Elgin visitora Ssîurday. I. A. Radtke. sand Sund5i evenihis ber Jas Dyino-d Jr. la III wlth the. ni brai-ber, Han-t, îook ber bacl 1tei-be aIes. Wiscousin citit._ Saturdait evenlng ai- i-he elediol - E. D. Bandlng a-as ra-electoil. 85 voil 000O00000090000 ere cast- Braiiding reeived 47. o LONeG RG OVE *0 Mi-s. Wim Bicknsee and daugbft r*0 000 o, PO*. O,* 0*Pearl retui-ned Suinda fi-om asevei ilsys vistin buCicago. B. Fimtead Libertyvile, Iflnol E. J Grayalae, litimol l- retned vlth lir. John Corn el to 4 0 0 ý O **0è *0 her bni. ln Valparalso, Imd. for a tGv Lg days visit.0, FU i ýd lira.Herman Schie *as a aaWau00.0oO * i6 kegan visltor lait Thurcday. TIW1 u Of Carl Ern s a a e a Chicago ca er9 George Dieboli MarzyAndeon ~ Sa!urday aud Sunday ui« , ;dl vllt.d relatives at Barrington lrl*dy ber.. 13. a d Saturday. Nick Osister gO btM ll ç atz mm Schoppe Of St. Louis la Vistnir kegan, were the gnus etiý er son Rev. Sohoppe for to veek.. Sundy. -' 0- John Meyter snd sitos, Mi ST. PITURI8 CI4URCH Hapke apent aet Tusa Good Frday Services 10:SOA.M. u aiter lira. Lo«"sWvlýabee e G.'rmaiL Commimion. Sunday scbool a patient et t.he Lake Ocant 1 h 9:0. !Ingish services and o mhmu iio nl hooxital. vbere she recmur,, 10:30. A prograu -111i le given by the vent a very mrlous o"iratgoà d Sunday ichool ai 8 p. mi. Ro. Scboppe Er. ad Ira. Oscar I UIO Pastor. Arintan Eelhts bave mo«W ai , h f o n ie o t the la ttera m other . x i tr * IE n EN t Coss.ty - The INDIL D1iet, whemthey .x ct to Uu ýer P NDENThom e for the mum er. tw , oes- a! of erai suce for te i-ontootiar eiare Sevoral a! tue cottagere vore oui- Sun- lMabel Hans., Pearl HEwncb*Oigez. day. Dr. lier-le lias opeued is cottage Ethel UmbdenrtQi-k, Lgfflla Recoli- for i-le seasoul- berger. Besate Gossa-iler. Arnoldl Oitt iuniett Branding spent i-b. weel- Mmiii Lasjeke, Doaldl Stahi snd end at home. Art-hur Rlmera. Supi-. Ficle nmade s business trip i-o Tii. sebool elech ion wvblob vue beld WaWkegan. es,îuduit eveuing vas hubet eleotionHEmaId Roses, ldeet son o!rlii. and ter a long, long 1 ine. There vwer. d Elmer Rese near Honeit Lake tveuty-tvo -votes cast Sevuiteen mon if*uma hile tres Thuredait evon- votersansd for ftue fLet Uie thie n lusafter skOol and tratirneil is loft voe. liv, womni votera.ai-m mt above tbee .bow. .Mr. Hersclberngorandi Walter oea- 'Tie lAdia AM Id ltheir regulur Wller vers el-ct cd.mmeeting at the ebturehfli lrsThnrii- Whll, i-ey werce uggesting Iiprove- day uternmlins. Wni. Biokace and mente in the achool and goua a hi"c. fet 0«"vd the lunchemnseV- large plece o! plasterlug felI fr-on the oi-ai suesti vere prusent. 0.111115 wlich spoke for ltcel!. lira. IL $rooka of Waucauda visited Sanie o! i-b. mil1 tV%= a tarteil ta ber dm*liter lira. Rohinanseveral basul miii oto Palatinltbt Tmradait. days 1&maWvert. Sayt boyâ, dont you vlsh theioeils Mi-. snd lire.Hotemman ieturned m» ean l cOn tei? Sai-urdait atteruoosi. afttr visiting two W. vwS 00o11 bave ht« aluni-cleanung verts lu Cioqoý aur sebool yArd. pIcktï.p sticks, for mm. Jas Scetaingei! visel ber there are pieutttoa! howu.conusin, lire. Duerer, £t Conumbus The sev.nth guaders afanhod tue fret' haspitul lu Chicago one day lest vert. etAnlwith keexinli a diart toi- evex-y M- and lira.'John Prebni and Jr. Knotted Cords Make No*sy Lnes The cloth-covered cord which connecte your tde.- phone instrument with the bell box and the cord, running to the telephone receiver are each made up of a number of fine wires covered wih light inm.ila- tion. If these corde were flot made in this wy they would flot be flexible. Thcy are necessarily delicate and cas'ly put out of order b>' nijuse. Subcibers are requested to avoid twistin ad knotting the telephone corde as this wears dirqgk the inslation, breaks the fin= wires and causs short circuits. The firet effect is usualy a scratching noise in the. neciven and later the telephone is put out off service entirey. ILLINOIS BELL TELEMIOM ril lï 'q Il le Il 1% 'N IV% 'q 1 RIVIRMPI'y r,-51 1 i 1 il e-%,

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