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Libertyville Independent, 20 Apr 1922, p. 8

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~iÏ1O22. '~ tR~Wli.W pjvlleIndependent CLUÂ WB>VIONAD lT ja. sa coil;£s1nuN.I V.dàI 1'FeI anson. fi 4iRI3sSII3 PARTY SHQQL NURSINQ ely nr teplant those fine il tartyvue 14bar14 Wor levral yearn paut the Proposaiofliic." But, alui h e Plans were o! aving &a souol nurse lu local rulued b ra> u. Xowevçr,MrRa ______________________EdaolTiCkt Ped dtoSupport P.lgboards of eduncation and a8.150 he vu ~not dillcISffed cae*10U - - Uanegelteohers 0f the two schools Thils year den wua flooded. ,*ÀtltIervu ____ ___ __~ ê...a~manger of MIIwii1~a VSiVO gèW1118 becanie of th,. centinued epidemicis o ffe grS"oed lun*thefront Taud" scUlet laver .84 dipbtherla lu Liber, <ra tend unre aowu. The. next dey Sat Eiction -ltBma o c0lnus U lyn a flerce gale, wblch 11ew tin m U! oriptures Qes. 8: 1-24. noe ppretthsu hoiore. A of the domrte, the iCki oue Not*--It leDUetololte t6 tur n t 9 h ihaho badluecad en en1t- uater Week Tithe and Self Tepo& fLbryW t11 f ofI1 elu f 1el1ach oo oaU bobayrdhen 't c vtthe Dental Offerlug" envelopes. tleselèce etOIld e Td e t 21k moO ted ctin, Th0kUPeblckiss on ithe r tend, seWl astie ni t~)na Sained tiiebear- theKtmortu l a of graus eed., OIARIONO LAKE bôodr fcait trntsuu ~~~WIJ 8undan' Behool at 1:46 p. M. Mra. mater o!fwideulugt the pavemmetof l Ie R e .eceVi'foS~e t . oh" Cll val a va- t T ~ ~ .a.-.'î ~ Bupt. .TheBndaI IlwU=kee Usociat'Mlos Laad or the LlbertyYltlCGram- nui unishmenl.01 wa a ~ciicI zegesesevey Suday Coa ges~ve tcke uS 4~Ctd* 111 upoUbi yErs. Jennie fuel, prei- Mins Baufberg didat try ta Plant a Mad k1't<ri ike a enrlyacetas re"' dent of tMe P. T. A., vhicb vwu coni-gardeu tbls Yeu.ablSieUe htfrh~ laat te bout pratc e owd dedr g~ra te dlr taner o! Pu1t# ,Wraw1p at2130 p. am. Ber resentng the -board 01 local i'n>V- M040 ~ en> rsM. J. M. neiit yeax. = 1eated upon tg taelle, 7 14 ato.menue, viole 4e Taxpayers ticket vuisa dt jeblr ..mn<uyMd Mins W11der and M»%a Ulaud-,1 o yhCOyO Ye eeboc»uniU otes.y~ 'rger red«UOn luthie ?ha 9 lu1 siostaminter to the lUned UP asiopposed 10 the Wideunna lra. Olney,10 o-operte vitb 1the tv companied by miss 1111731, of *the "* umorcaof the number.Wenyuclfo e , t éir pro uct darlug 1the etire eoenlnunltl I ivtes 1the en- f 1the pavem ent selproposed iii the âlios in gsocurlng a nurse ad gettlpg mer sehool, journeed t Miss W ller's tl p oi " h Std s ni u ethe 11 fl ed ~od. tMan tire comiuaiuty taenjoy ftIifelOWahlP. board, and 1the latter Party l10<1 everi 1the vor &tarte&. Ai a resait o! M"-. homeelu Michigan, viiere theY aI trie<l if the cuIic4 asuberibe asm mved or the numbe Diiio o DaïrY offtee' fonai. gYbla 8the.renlt of 1the *Iwd«ts oorrespondeflce vith 1the ber fni~ons recipe for galulng velgbt has been changed, i uucesary for th6 operator te et ~ ~ ~ .,W h. miois ty, FuttBT.tatleing ulssaY: m of Publi elb Ih11 aitae0 1eBrBIMl1peusthia call te another operator, Who Checks the ~tue 1le e*èpe rte 1eT L v. 3 S PlCOPpR5>QRtngTuenda E PR I~O 10 a r- aair Fo TRUatES- Mn.PARTYs ean, SIate Super- Cc.mpany. Mibs P.utiad vwuratlidr un- number calied and advise you in tbru of the errer. tok 5iBI t.LaWenc'a uidû bi b akld o visoei-- ro!Pubdg e aIt urlgvaecde' ,bu..cptlug 1the InvilatIon..This necesaariiy slovs the service, 14 Il time oet1the Iear due erg s"je at Walroeid' store Stnrdaî George StuiumSý. sent ta LibertyvOte. Mrs. Resea=i A week la a long lime ta 11e avaY fromI bett tht viien covo are attemuoa, Avril 22ad. 0 SaneyMaaa- '1 met with bth boards of educatiS n vallitou, but finali sabe vas Per- ih ietrybiapg on which numbens fre- W zb epin astune 1the <lviii. NetSunda Hou Communion al, Autnt ÉsI o--.sud recoenauded a plan of procedflre suaded. e diy cltoe may e oa d orrad rfqcne aM le very mmcbIi ncresed. 7:80 and 11:00 a. m. Charch Sebool For ClorI- which, the jointiboards accepted. sud Ut. Teed thought he'd run ouI t0 is lixt should be checked and corrected wîîh each M tu luprienaturally foi- at 10 qa . a.Sermon subject, '"Touc11 JulusTil 10-497. aise uudertock 10 provide a campetent lXamu ata -,se110v 1the carfl'scomi.ng ajithr onitonvhcbTme NOVIermicii erpetdFr PROGRESSIVE PARTY echool nurse for Libertyville. along and mlght put in a fsw acres." new issue of the directary and ail other handy lista laote oniinw ich TeBue uicwl a etedForTrutees-As n u table candidate vas tome- but.1the raI seemed 10 di-avu 1the should be diicardcd. Influence on tMis ovenbur- exoeept for tva nev hymns- John Dolemaier.-378. diately avaluble. Miss Blanche Du plans, sa Mr. Teed vlalted th1e Delle. uIIt vblch lis M1e piactice "TaaLvs--Ianlt .E Ohre37 all, ins. Reisena'sassistanti vii Aside f onm beiu1g lonely, e enjayed he aialtîa!ther cvaForGletCwark. Miss Du Vali remainefi ou. day crowned bis happines veu 11e ré- la11e aiyapin.This YOUNG pEOPI.ES CONFERENCE A. R. Scbnaebele-40 ek iidn e ieb th. 1e.tr.d ta Libertyvllle. COMPANY tb addg totah1e naturel lIAn-O-AA PR PRL2 o 11 rgesvepri33bal-twa schools, aise vlslting 1the RondOut miessRussell hal planed la go ta in ,Production. -The Third Annuel Young PeOPle'B loti wsre eaut for the strs$ght sud Areas shools. As the echools vere Mladison, but yau ses ber plans weré! #ater portion af thee .iiy Co hfersnce cofILake Couty vii 1e ticket. vhile Z27 marked lun1the cii-cIe t teclosed fmcm Apnil é 10 April 17, chauged to. Couldn't obtain a defin- , 1111Ms8sate vavld have bellilun1the Highlanid Park Presbyter- for the Taxpayers' party. Mies Du Val lreturned to Sprin.gfield île resan. Use îour imagin.ationl. MM fresDWien i th--tTII, i-ian- church ait day SaturdaY, April 29. For Trustees of 1the Library Board at 111, end oaithie Wesek. --- t t»ein. "Th-e 1e11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h emsoprtntta hicneeueune 1edirection GesGllysd Ila .Wls The regular sohool nurse, Who yl trip was fine and 1 enioied Il.But tbe, th~aisodr vb nte r-satLaeCa Sudi,11Asoia enenwt t oe st. ionrdon--the--Inde-- ~~4Iuplr ~O stcthig11epr !le Young Peoples Division aof1 th lhutapsiinon11 Id-taesUp 11e vrk viiere Miss Du VSIl Meuls vers terrible, why Ihey hrl hjerwe eyaelaTILae Cunty SnaYSc00 o ciafIof, spendentIiswek. fetmeiacket.le p 1e rusbed vltb von-. Tt tion, bui became au Impartant event The candidates sud their friends etof aepce hswek e e n iaie. ~ a' oparonii t i-is lu111 yer'scalnda 0 contiver acivelugetlg the votera outI, Ileh ntlclpated thal wll ltaite 1the Mrs. Moyen tbo't sled have a flue l«during 1the vinter sea- eventa. This -ýear yl 1c1e noexception.-1the wameu especl.ly exerclsiiig their shr e rmn g tathei o 111e resg ehit haytoobat Wetar twel'Il and oehoa44 dry f eed. thos elixinatng vey nerg bai been bott mk ight t10vte, wko pi-psrly lostituted in Libert- Y III!lry Virginie. biscuits for George Cohen's Umnbrella Shop 10yang caivcr fo l hsa occasion long t ermm meeting apansoi-ed hy 1the Carn- ville, and tbcMach sbould ual 1e ex ý,touîgbî.1 = Oscsused b' aprngn beird by the young people -ho at- mercial Club. vii beld ai 1the Audit- pectefi at the start. -lovever, the Miss Jump didn't gar fer for ber' va- 1aé Abram's 014 Stand Jt !vQuld alan gîTe us an tnd Same of t1e finest speakers orium Mandai ight for the purpasie eoe eDeledo hmkso mrl W of snlk doriiugthe aatben bvd.e ecie. nex !dtcshn 1e ukter aoflrnproving ,pon" sfor 1the movemeut f sel 1115. cation, just vrt eril n11 We manufacture, i-opair snd recover &Ilfîe ! mrl wben pnicesbee s are. n x. fbigsihg111 te nurse yul recelve 1te support of1 Îarm. Tbey have mast everyhu in en*-A large stock always on hand when a m is re i 11 pert sang leader wil bave charge O!f1the main street of 1the village.Pauth1e residents of Libertyville *hoaran the farm, milk and bultermIlk, J=udý tc n o ilb M11e1ue eieet e emusic. 1the recreational baur vill Ray, president af. 1the club, preslded ltrer upoaighaliadat hnsmpet !vnkidall Cail snd ifîpect our large va rietY o tckm0o wl thée sprlug marsket.Thias1 uc !aiad vok ansd stated 1the abject o! the meeting. ntrt d i rtin 11eacommun- anrdin ts d made y fa a ki prcedh o e Inscbarge erf a leader whg eau in 11te geini3reay mdefr mkisuprised at aur ressonable prices p ro s o! vanderitionfeinotheicomo! pr ice saVin f isjob. thbesix a'clock ban<lW3 villIllesud ...... for tlee ffl a ! 11of1te lty. in time Its planned. if the ca- fr'ekles and Ian. A LS0 0P EN E V ENI1NOS menendpaepooperatianf o! 1110e8e cIouceragPeole f fberyv eaunot115 Inthers. J'n o thke oncrne cavbe Mra Jterrlblys err bau1us ik,!. %aY b. unable 10 en )pethemielves l bc ave em mter a! pavfor the stIres obuthaIlsecixred, ta exteud 1the servicese oftobaking, such a suppli of pies aud' 3 ot ee. iu AKGN iLNI bluthe fl,,.*11period lu ths p on th11e progralu. T ITTii 1 a ay He urk foled besjMtr. Rscf he lenurse tetah1e sobools of nearbY Icakes sud cookies, te a hI't111 echOa "W tu e aultug loy priceso a! ction., inspiration, recre8.tiO ovn Me v' fthboavd he illnag communîties vitsin 1the townsb.Ip. Isout. htewahrmn vsekos e bOuld do ail an challenge. Tpresideul o! edt1ae asourdsuaf fuer.village o! olir poer te -ellev pecele between 1the ages af Antioch, wvba ld boy 1the people of tlheatiated of t s a nreotho!tMn. avk ttr auSdfhi e vae nsu___-________-_________-___________ 12 24 asu dtelautleaders are tMat thrlvlug tovuveasou s11n 1e adfconvtiods 1eso nons he ta h ete flt endo!bs a ITtla, theretore. sug- eiil a tedtaconference. Onulu te malter a! pavlng theirmain. .trèet speada! coius lesa uearsevy1e41 alwek Jt the aiir lisma-atlnitduvmber of deleg ieau ho viilancbed. The plans for paviug lu vs bave bad 10cae~d vltb lu Lib- plant bis gsi-don aither, csme Up beh ioie i accinodtdikrfr 11 in e-Antiocli sie nov lu Sprngfield fon erlyvitîs yll b. cbecked. Pupils vba ta se. if the machiien vas 0. K oiled' -4,istredwM avethePreemne. rank Winnes, o! Wlnnetka, su eu- defects may be helped te seclire 1.the paut ]Kohout, Maraud Masan anda ginet sokebnlflytelIugo! 11epraper medicut attention and glven an Fred Bultertielti returnied lOth a lls1111 > GÀLSgneersp febris ytira .. o f the equal chance ta develop normaitî ar learning an Monday te p8.i L. T. H. ~""'<"' SITIONAL lA> CALSin ~ la firza InUm aij t&p"gsiepuM-P 0. a:vlt sud tosmile on oid fi-jeudnMnm e t » pilore bv1u1** Puraoit . m a mre. Ur.a" F".Walerjaly ad nnbeau mach merfilmn.Mi. WIVYfl M fe C, ____ Mn.sudMn.Wslter. s tated bis !irm charged 6%4% for thebecause af defeebtve eyea, dlseased "I havent mi Iessan,' Surehte -~~ < ~ ~ of a I eNbIaO spa-il Bunday at thh om' egie-ug ae . ~e a lu gla ls. ased teet , toped nase eaçhers cudn't expect rcît»AOns < em ra D y W II So0B e Mt 7ýàLm W G 1of m ols prets Mr ad ie.eninerin arJhn.hro aina tecelvegpaiar ansd Improper soon afler 1the IbnIlla caused b ear- Ç9 îemn i elier. attah! abite. noe'nw strbnt - aue1Wbb entetilned ato t A pee lvcfue iagoo 39.Bchool sud publie beaitb nurses are 1 0 - trbont _W& invite you to vieit our plant and inves-= ~41b sonlg esag, y*t-fvofradsaIa ariat her MÔ1r Club. Royal Allen, tbld of utdh gefetvevreea er.AFUNN IES tigate our large stock cf Monuments.. Oui stock in the prection, exista lu sudTe tiabout Liberl i- taIeFîer:Yor dilatorY lacties ~consîsts of a vaiety of Granites and ie the Iarg- 1eUpe homey ua î velu. u lmeii enefttv- vo ccu a diberectoponitInfandpragotrese l I ale niOsiC. enjo~'ably spent. tyville vhen Mlwaukse avenue vsville. Tiiere la no apparent reason n noo e. l as been ui -oe tIiO= aridbyayfiml Lk Cut, e_ 10 vecae Dffcll- Mn. sud lins,. .D. Marshall, John pvdlwhcaasda anI oa iy 1the vork should 11n1tlo8ke pro- li u1ee t Iny de. I; ea.'sdlae = toOvrcmeDttm-Maishalsud MiessRuth Mar5ball, O! ta eable touriss ta reach tbe lake gresbers and f111lb.elong isît need. Icorrigible Son: s.11- with ie.DC have the very latest improved machinery for ffl l 7: p. a . pccf11zimhuzet, wvo vuek en u ntso ou ! ay mn aId<> 11e- -MH, '23- Dud, Sometimes I.gel' Lhere esnly sud gtigotti ok n m ynn u -~let 7 - W»dpl. day pni the. Mm.arrs eLuxideYEt. Oe s uu althes, ud ef phane od of he t--< -sometîmes laIe.=g ttfz o I is wok a d e lo n ue b t_ "The iaerof G." is are t-ds.coditins lun lMir resptve com- A H Y W N "1U Nî I E=stictly firt dassworkmen. Many persone are ré MY Shesp." saed the muic for the dance a et vile cold profit by lue mIstakes ai The populaiti coulent came lea - île isdlgracefol the w8.y cuiildren mdspone nMmral)yo con ffo Girls I "i e thnu e u aoiTml.Waukegali, on Wed- othens. Eapecially applicable ta aur close an Apiil 7111 sud Katbrnl aplu are taughit.' said Mrs. Smith augrily. =placing their orders in time te have flue work 1 ad Denghter Banquet Tuas- nesdeY evening. village lsa1the situation lu Deenfield, van hi sighty-slx votes. Ib-c Their aludies are aa jumbled togstb- oe 'élock. The Boy GletLc awrtmdta hich alloved the state la bufld 1the Tbree cheen for Ratil sud treer thaIt teY don'î kuow vbeu îbey'- E compietea. *Come early and inspect our stock rg lu Ma t ervt. tpi olnvee 1 a xe-cn en od trougb liat place s-t a obeers for 111e Athenaeums. Tihis ysa ae!nidvarrlîb te nd =and you wl1 be pleased with our wark and "m ssitace u em-iTi I Motaa, hee le b eten wdthofonly 18 iset, vbîcb la nov 1the "Nautilue" staff oigInted a navel taken upGeoaraphy. The other d.ay=pne. Jýd" , rea~fr fi I. .,ntr i lbert vas excited lie tinet o! lue ackuowledg t h nufflient. vs-y te seI more "&Naulhl" hi baving Bessie came home sud said Mast the P-14, ung eople 10 Insrctin: s. kvOh 1erle or utal Several People vho are abjectlng ta a populariy contest. Marie Boehm lucher bad stopped lun11e Middle o! ~,. Bae' udOldr Grl' 18.1en stuck ea rdisMoulina any addition Ip 1te state's 18 ft ai vas unaulmalEli lected ou te Saga.-11e singlug lesson and asked boy wolisnL D an o oo.lder oyi an OderGirs'paviug, especlally lu lie autlying dis- mon Sage aide, as vas shdvu bt' her ms-ny îuruips vers lu a peck.- , in Highland Park Salur- propeity. Me Is avalting more liorm- ticis o!f1the village, vers Prenent sud greal number o! votes. KaIbryn Hal- "Yeu muaet1e mîsteketl," excossd ~ - ~ Y '~ ILNI ~ A ~ al.lo fr011 lue»-veut.usapoided questions relative ta 11e pin vas uusuimausly eected Yhle1the as-tanlsbed principal.-= WOPa nd vMt e Weilt vorthh The(danice sud vaudeville entortain- uudertaklng. J. S, Hya-It, presideut a1 Athenaeuma. The fItday 1the Nan- ' 'No, s'lr. nebiý --.4 me and Bsae . W eMeffort la attend, ment given by lie Amerlcan Legion 11e board, a-nd Mrn. Ray assered sil lilas vas on sale you nsceived fifty neyer lies," sa-d Bessaies moîber. cam-.= l , -- odingte h 1g olai- objections, and scquitted themnelves votesa vth es-ch. aud It vas YOui- pivi-pIcet. EI'ISCOPAL Ci.URC ItoIlaui ia a uceffssfui affair, bob in s- creditable ma-mer. Mr, Mys-t legs 10 vote for wham Yeu chose ta. The teacher vs-s seut ion. Shede-_ J. Dtckey, Pester. soclsllysud filanclll. The audiltar- ststed Mis-th11e board o! local imprave- The second day you recelved faity mied tbal she bael luîsrrupted h1e~lIlffIlDl - 9hool et 10 a. am. D. A. ium ies Wvii filed ili dancen u et a 1ellrasa 1eetr oeIiddyIit oe.futimusic lesson te satlsfY ber curiositi'lun e ipI. epectators The comediani pnd quar- village lniu mla sdopiig 1the plan da'y Ivent valesa, f11111 and lust day regard te turnips sud pecks and smil -_______ p pea il a. m. oodtetle a! .11e vaunded soidiens et Real for 1the Improvemeut. andi nat meely îou received ten votes. Aller that ad- lngly sid,'Wbs-t I asked the childreu th cho.ebir; sermon hi tuel Have n saultriunms-ade qute a it t1e property aloug Milwaukee avenue. ditional votes vers an sale for one5 vas 110w many beats Ihers vers iu a' 1 vilh th1e, crovd. The sentiment st Ibis meeting vas cent eac util lue content closed. The measure."1 lague aI 6:30 P. ni. Misas overvbelmîngly vltb 1the board, and finIt day Katbryn vsa bead, lien th1e _______ ,presldent!Mis5 aoy The Women'e Caliolie Order o! Far- the resut aofthe ballting Tuesdai Sagaimols iorged ahead with their AEAD e lader. Tapie, "The Vision esters beld theannueliBi nstalla-tion1of shaws the great majoity o!f1the people votes and Marie vas absad for qulte HEOGES FOR EVERY PLAC N St*Mountaiu Bide" (Inttuts I afficera lest Thoredai eveiing. The o!f1the village feel 111e board,100k 111e svhlle. The Athenasuma began ta Ille PURPOSE sevcest :0.M fallovng are new offîcere: C. R-ngb ctonornied. Fi-alli ans day we veré .as.Pi e oxg sriet7:0Music hy Os-lerne Gibbons; V. R.-E-mn Ko- Wi lte propen spirit o! cao-apers- o%rjoyed ta notice that Rate vas 624 There j hardly e place a! 8,1Y sîze, olr; ~ un cogrg lonlsnglg iboul. R. S-Mary Duba; FP. 5.-OuS- lion t1e vtle malter eau now.bv 1eaehes-d. but Ms-is gained; again -iu tôvu or in 1the cauti-vblcblae__________________________ obab iii ne esti- phine Bernard; Tres-.-Barbare 140w- rusbsd la completion, sud lie wval e i -l ra-lled together sud Kate van not ms-de bath more attractive sud ay he pordliinle 0 155es,,Trustees--Adallne Pester, Ralh- of îayiug cemeul eau poesibly us con- sfIer s-l. Se a Ke lyl have tva mare valuable by a good hsdge. A rnu Bernard sand Quinte Gotti; Br. C. meuced Iis sumamer. Il beiodves ev- bonons-Fniat, ss boîng Most POPalrpîc aib-s adt-ean eut-is 5 ~e.ai venugs-t7:3. nd--Mary aIgdesi;. Jr. C.-MLi- Doyle; ery citizen o! Llbertiville to t sol- girl lu school and second, havlng 11r fol flowers and s-l 1118.1, butwIbt =." eeiftg r ,3, I. -ns îladtle;0 . Idly behind lie membensa! l e P11u e tefront page a! aur anu a -hedgs il daes nualoo0k ' !lnished."1 %eeigflbp o ibesi, uset- naClark. boasrd and do ail lu lusîn paver to al.But, as Mn. Raiys-Id."thons vas Bat il la ual lu looksa abus thal s-ta o il td, ryr1 -naLMgdlie .C-nfte 2 nd - 30 up Tpi, Th ave Mitwaukee avenue paved. il a nigger Iu lue vaodplls" as 1te staff good hedgs pays. Itlais aIea a proîe- means lus very life o!f111e village, sud reepedbî 1the poularili cantent, bat lion. Il saves 1the lavu sand gardene $20 5555U5iIIlilIIIilllhIfhlhIIUfll55lIIhIlHlItIjP.. nov is the limte ta bave 11e Siefl so vscousîder Il varth IL. iran animale-tva legged s-nd alier,13r$20 fllUUhItIIllIIIHhIllUlthl5IIIIlhIeteehedeosn sg.tThers vas a greet deal o! spirit vise; a-nd uis very preseuce gîves th-, ~ workshovu duriug Iis content, and goofi grounds mare privaCy sud gels lh<n i - TH MOS POPLAR F AL us-uird rivalr belveeui lie Aluenis- more respect frran the pamesrbY. ~JUJ~~5( T HEOT PPLANT a OF u o-. - vbrvi-yu114a ag, o i- h C n e t s O eums an Sagamons. -M. C. P., '28. TIlalBmsu uteresilu fact, aise, Mat5 UCIlI - 11) 'JJl WItbout e daubt th111 elkuavu Cal- SPRING vACATION. 'aimait lvaîs suret ld eikP 27 - E ifarnua Privel bai been ued fan mars For leechers astud t4enti lus-I lor- igrouuds. The reaisaleatsth11e bedge hedges lieu auything elue lu lie caun- loualu-t ves came as Lgfl'fain the nakes e boundani lins vithin vbicb - o w llc rs lijIli 24 -2 Insecte, sud diseuee.and the fgçt thtth11e veek lu vhich ta ra onluth 1tacuioved s-bd 11e Plants attended ta it n eauhotnlmmed sud shearld to s-ny deep wvinlkles received vbile p ding viiereas If tlis rfeifeldsanad 1the, a e a h r v l P asze or sbape vantsd; or s-owed 10 gray malter îa reluetaul efan18. barn yard juit non -Vpto tah1e bouse., 1a e t t e Grv l P t Viiage Of Librtyville vgro* vithaut ani prunis et a-il Mn. Rasy nsa plana ion e beaiitifaI vltbaut sut' deftite s-lcpplug paint,ý vbere beîghtb slaletobjeclionable, s-- garden. Nov," Ihoagt 1e,.I'tvill Ibis le nolt1thecase. - akes a flue sbawîug even t1e finI fl e st t S n =i aasaliIt la Iauted. I-- - - - - n e s a e S n Ri lies ai siler 1 per PC Al neede Yourc includ Thi appar Damp 25 pc

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