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Libertyville Independent, 20 Apr 1922, p. 9

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LMERTYVULE 2I)EWENT, TI.JRM)AY, %AM D20, .1922. Discouraged?; Are yau sometnices discouraged wbcn You taLe stock ai your savings? Dacs it semi as though Yaur pile is not growins as rapidly as it showuld? Coider dthe umicnreds upo) huncred* af dollars deposited in th, Saingi Dcpartmcnt of this baiL. EverY dollar ai this large mm bas bee saved by people ini tis canmuDity. The total 's #stcdil roll.Wbat thcy have donc and are doing, Yau can do. Make afresh start. Deposit something, na mat- ter bow littie, taday. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Reduction in Laundry Prices W. ane .ahug a mbstautaredxýiox in persoa laudry bun- mEe ain faiy wash service t. fit tIe na of7 ery bouse- olid. LwooL over thse severa services we off er below, and seect thse osne you prefer. EtIser service is a dind saving Over anY other way you eau possibly bave yoir Iaudry work doue. FAMIL!SERVICE No. 1. On all bundesfrm7b. to 22lic per pomid....- l 23 to 25 lbs. $2350 Over.25 lbs., 1lOc per IL Ail flatwork ironed and wearing apparel starched where needed aid dried. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2. Yaur entire f amily wash f inished complete. 8 including sof cuff sh irts. per--....... ...--18 This service most include Ai your flatwork, as well as wearmng apparel. 1 FAMIL SERVICE No.. 3. Damp Wash 25 pounds for -- ------------- Over 25 lbs.. 5c per IL $1.251 No articles marked, each bundie sorted as ta colors and wash- cd separately. Que day service. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 4. Dasnp wash with flatwork ironed $1.25 Flatwark pieces ironed 5c per IL extra. One day service. The Reidble Lauiidry LAUNERERS, DRY CLE ANESA".DYR Htghlandn Park and Llhertyvilii Phtone, Hsghlarrdn Park 178. Phono LbortyvilIo 67-R. LOOK OVER YOUR LAWN It will eed soMe new seed aud New Lie lertihizer OUR LAWN GRASS SEED b the Very Best. Sold in Package or Bul REPAIR TIME IS 1-ERE W.eaum funisl you wit everytlug yo« ued ta Build New or Repair the OId W e have Screen Stock Ail Ready To' Use LIBERTY VILLE LUMBER Co. PHONE 47. VALDUR The pure Asphat paint stops' leaks and rut. Black, Red and Green SUNNY BLACK Auto Paint na*iy ei n - iIrà w ~1 I kganIsMi«sl±lng .li.ermnofs, ises Hîldan nl Maym. er cusnspk sss. L O .u a d lers nal For cakesIe creant and puddings, __________________________________c_____ Barker's Superfine Fiavors aresiul Short It«emofEspecial lntercst to Lbertvi : Poe delîclous. At ail gt-ocery stores. miss Ada Meyer was a Chicago vis- W. EL. Docker, the drUgglst, was laid Batavia, atter a week's visit wlth ber Itor FrIday. op the firat of the week on account parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Carlson. Miss Mary Busch vislted relatives o lnsa Mrs. William Fulton and tvo chiI-ý lui Waukegan Monday. Mr. and Mre. y-ri" ober visited t*en ai Northt Chicago vislted Mrs. weerelatives ln Chicago Saturday niglir C. M. Fullet- and faxmfly Wednesday. M#Isses Kate and Helen Carrol ar nd Sunday. Ms oehieDiae fHgln Chicago visitors Sunday. issJ rin elaeinfUeigyln Miss Mary McCailliy of Racine,'wa Park visltedreaisinlbtYle Jîe Shuitz af Round Lake was a Lib- the guest af MiassBattie Boehm last Sonday. ertyviie caller Suzday. Wdedyevum Wednsda evoia. iMiss Molly Seiler and Ashley Gratz! Ray Yore af Everett vlslted fiends Mr. and ar,. Taill oyers of Rogers attended the <ance at Roubd Lake oni lu bibertyville Sunday.j Park, *ere hlra gd,.tbe guests of Monday evening. Miss fllan Kiepper visie frionuls Mrs. PhilWs Beflainger. Mr and Mrs. John Alleman and0 tam- In Waukegan Tuesday aiternoon. Mrs. Roy GreenilOJul. af Hinckley, ily ai Miwaukee spent Easter Sunday ~Ieny Bkeranu îanuyver guitsIIIli.has been vlW* orelatives and lilbertyville wth J. R. Alleinan snd #Herelae anAptaii er sf riendg bore tUU@ veeIý. She was cail- fs.mlly. of elaive atAptkisc untiay. ed bers on accouatai the death of her Mrs. Juson Mason 1a Prairie Vie,, auat, M. Annait Darby, ai DIamond Mrs. Chatles 0. Elwell of Highland * as a Libertyville visitar ruesday. Lake. Park visted Susday viti ber grand- - parents. Mr. snd Mrs. E. W. Park- * Mrs. William Wlieeler and uaugh- A. G. Maether. sapervîsor of Vernon hurst. ter. Marjorie, spent Saturday la Clii- township, vas ins Lbertyville Monday caga e route ta Waukfgsa ta attend a spe- Miss Gladys Swan entet-taineul a m!ý - . - 16-A -1. r- nmernof ber fiends ait a ehUnco 1Par- Heniry Evans le maklng snome etel- itetingusof t ora rdig ad lectfor sive repairs on bis home an Wrlgh a neandlisfrmsn. Court. hehm nW Ig e ral J. M. Pialier amd amly of Wau- Mrs. Frank Larnean and son of Wau- conda. vlsited the ormersB mother, kegan. yloite& LIbertyville Inoinds last Mn. C. M. Tuler, 'Wdnesday. Miss Sonda>. Priscilla Puler, vho bas been slck for Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hazelett ari Lake j the Psst tva MottiliS h articular Fore.,- vere Sonday guests af Mr. and rheurnatlsm, le lxnprovng. Mre. lDan Herrickr. M*r. andi Mm. Byron Colby spent iast Mrs. Blanche Petine of Milwaukee Fr4day lxi Waukegan v>tb their daugh- spent the week end in Libertyvitie ter, mm. j. P. Mai, and family. The visltlng ber parents. Mays are nov living in Chicago, that city belng mare convenlent for Mr. Mrs. Emma Rathburn. of Gladstone "lIays Pwork as conductor on te North III , is vsitlng at the home of ber par S hre bine. (-ni,,.-'%I. and Mrs. Davi- Atchinson. Mrs.Josph adaretrne Frd'yI,(- wated ofas cl2n 29 1stak' m tns Mrs Ja oehlDadaureu-a, ttrdaYvisit vilaed o! bibetyv ie Al tintze- o hr hoètb nbernoth er Mr a Rse t holae opriderlxi the Apieatiota o Akofer. th'eir property are orgently retuusted 'o have unslglitly ash piles, in tans W. E. Stonely was calledl to New and other rubbishbhauled aay.Tele- Lishon, Wis., Sunday on account ai! phone 202 andl arrangements wtll be hlie-;+rous ijiness of bis son, Cec-il .' eto tke tare ar your rubbish. Stonel>. Mr. and Mrs. Hart-, Decker and two trlct No. 72. proved an excitlng con- cilîdren of Highland Park, were thei test. Twa tickets were in the scrap. .t-7 Thursday of -Mr. and Mrs. W. The one deslgrnated "Fat-mers' Ticket' E. Decker. won out by electing Edward Hoffman and Charles True as directurs. the Mise Bertha Petges of Chicago vis-; torrner receiving 35 votes v.n alieiatý ited Sunday In UÀbertyvilie at the er 39. The -City Ticket** had a,~ can- home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. lidates John Morrîson. alto trcelved Peter Petges. Il votes, and Charirs isemnann. 21 Louis and Ruth Decker af Wauke- s. A praxXsltion :o issue bonde gan vlslted Friday and Friday evening for the porpose of priing fonds for '.enteof thêir oncle, W. E. n addition ta the sclool building wss .eckei. and famlly. defe ated in tbis district last yeat-. -. ,nd 1 it s. JOplil PeddIt and son. Mi. and Mrs. John Strang Of Wau- Vincent Of Hghland Park, lIted Iasa kegan. were here Sunday vlsitlng Mfr. Sunday at the haone of Mrs. Peddle's Strang's sister, Mrs. Pbhllp Bensinger. parente, Mr. and Mra. H. P. Engle- When the resaIlt of the village elec- brecht. tian vas announced et the store of J. jac Brdfu d en toDeefied ltB.« Morse & CO., T tdy tilght about .fak Badit dwen toDeefied Iat7:30, AttOrDey PaUI'MacGiffn bought Sunday nlgbt, viiere be vas ditector a;jbofo cigare anrd placé8d thent on the .0 uta presentation of the cantata, show case for distribution ro frlend Easer Angels.' at the Presbyterlanl and foe alke. But AI Lltchfleld, Who cnurch hn that village. was active i opposing the Progressive Ticket, could not be prevailed upant t Srno's uto iu-Ta~ 5« accept one of the smokers aiter Mr. Snews Auo làffl-axi Morse made the annauncement tbey vce. Phione I.ibrtyve 3064M. vere pald for out of the "six pet' cent." ARMY & NAVY GOODS Government Harness JUST RECEIVED-A Large Shipmeut of Govermeut Har- nes&, complet. sets, wagon wL..1, lead aid $20.00 cart haruesu; fromn $15.00 to ----- ----- Bridies. for Saddle Horses, $ 5 priced up fram ...........................-------- Breast Collars, three fold. f ram heavy artillery $2050 harness, brand newworth $1 0.00;- specual. Halters, over 500 to pick fram; $ ~ your choice..- --.......... ....... .. $1.2 Tie Straps, with snaps, brand new, 5 worth $2.00; specual .... Feed Bags, anly a few lef t; 69C worth $2.00; special. ........_-......... Curry Combs, 40c value; just received a19 a new lot; special ..............................19 Brushes, heavy black bristie; 49c $1.65 value; ýspecial -_. --............._.................. Horse Blaikets, all-wool 0. D. lankets, 20 priced at $1.50 and------------...................._$20 100 Pillows, amsortecl, special for 9 Saturday. each -...... - -- ... . -... .................. 9 25 Lockers, trunk, made of three-ply$25 lumber, a h ...... _...........:..................$ 2 5 50 Pairs of Gynasiumn Shoe, cannet be duplîi- f cated for less thaui $5,00; aur price ..............k5 10 Safes, field, aid stýle, a comtplete $ 1.6 un tself; each----------.... ................._.........$16 100 Aluminurn Canteens and mess kits35 offered here at .. ............................... ...... 5 c 100 Canvas Canteen Covers, c Ahile they last ........ ................................._ 19 100eCmpaign Hats, made of, best grade felt 35 50 Rain Coats anid Slickers; $ 9 200 Ponchos, Army Ramn Capes, ideal98 f r rainv w eather .. .... - ........... .............. 8 40O HANDBAGS AND SUITCASES AT REDUCED PRICES iiberty-ville ArMy and -Navy Store« $07 MILWAUKEC AVE. TiIREE POORS NORTH OF LAKE COUNTY A very enjoyable tinte w"s had. Mige Estber Speliman returned ta ber home Saturday from Watikegall. where she spent several days visitln at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alert Mci)ermott. AluDITOR IUM FRIDAY and SATURDAY NORMA TALMADGE -In- "'THE BRANDED WOMAN" "4TORCHfy'S DOULE TRIUMPH" SUNDAY "THE ROMANCE 0F "HIGH AI4D DRY"P Ca'iedy ANTfA STEART "Tii. Fgltiug Separdes. ONLY TME HUM STCuAS AT TUISTHETER II1 Ab zc m THE FARMERS' BEST FRIEND Qne of the chief concerns af this baiL is ta, briug relief to the farmers ini this section. It is gorng Up ta the lixit in loyal attesnpts ta tfide thein aver in this time of depression. lIn f act, this bauk is giving mare tbough toda. ý than ever befare ta ways of adding ta the fan»- ers' prasperity. Bring your troubles ta us. and we'll plun together what is the best thing ta do. Our interests aie mutual. Bought Recharg"4 Rent BATTERI1ES Rabu SOlkM S. H AGERTYRe u e I Telephone 21 18 E. Cook Ave 1nue. iber andi buildîi n kents can be filled here tW' .ncial advantagé. rcls, we will save you mney rices. e advantige that the market Il be yours if you trade'with Us. irequiremt Lot your heart gvo In other w(, 0omryta cee yuron these pri wayhours. A RE wc- tankful for the Every price blessings of e lo er a~ff r s w l gordens and the glass sheltered garden spots lhIt grow tor lis the tend- er', prett hlo-,sonss that help us to live haMlY.~ 'Tz~l BA RG AIN White Dainty Checks, 36-rn. per yd. 2( Bleached Sheeting, 81-in. per y d.' 5 Pure Linen Table Damask, 70-in. yd. $2.4 W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPANI M à1 =ý =N =M à m ýM;A - 1 1 q 7êî4î ýior- 1 Phone 29 . ibertyvüle, IIL

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