Xsq# cS roations Spon- r, _ -s' 'ÈTbçoughout Couvntr TENÉ 1bATIE PLANS Kl&t itssaorganisations througisout th sut>'sMd partlcularlyln Chi- tff *nd, ïko aMinois district, are vaIa i» comlng Boy' week, May 4fth ta te i1. >Tub -local organ- tu%ta underetaken thîs Dro- Wj~t a", la eaeavorlng to secure h .ti asWstase-0fcommercial and socgia risaisatons or Wankegarn La ta'a#lt tu mahe the week a &ncoiix fer th. bemeit of tbe youg- * T1*ô'standi tbat lias een takeis b>' 111e ommultes la charge of the ahi'zugeets fr lts veek 18taui encoure». spoe thougbt and inter- est 4h the Waukegau boys au the DanrCffl tins aduits. Tisa> point that tlir<asgb ntoejisg te the boy, 1h.>' «*A ansu *uthuilam tfor edu- b=ýn ia ethse youth an in- postafutr lu cemznunit>' work Orgsi lay ps nd udatisittes et a elismer building nature are tu * ' iompted especlu durlng this veeklats Iops thatsa Sui.aprogrm eau lie continued bere. .A defnte plalibais no& as yet iseenoutjIlesi and emtus to a con- tiîtUe t e fsrmed o the oygan- -t.U . z.l représentatives whio under- 'tair Boys! Week tu maire It a suc- ,s". Kt'wsnisusbots ln waUikegau andi Chicago are leadlug lie moto- ment tu liolsi the entertalumeut sud feïtlvitiia duriug the pertod, when ' the boy wilil be featured. ~iNor& iChicagzo AnuonSe sme~ adte iluis olnn," of yesterday's paper tisat thé W. -Q T. U. vesstdholsi an insUi- d.tutu at Lae Blff ou Wededady- -q toIla>. 1 wteasi tise Meetng vilii be *A~tenlorrow-, sileb vIII dela>' the meting.et the local branch untit Pridai' artermoon. Saine viii be held xti the Office of lb. Auditorium 'builinsg. A. M. Dougias of West Alia,. Wls, vuas avisitor lu thlb -City' 1- Mr. sud ira. Har M. Cool Of Detroit, MIL., are visttng at the the f ie formées'aparents. lMr. ptlra . F.W. Coo of ixteentis stmeter forati sys. The>' expect tu make su extensive trip before retuuing 10 Detroit. Chat. 0.511e> la haviug bis home -ou Wtghteenth street repairesiandi paluited.T1îe Staronowicz home, aise et- Elgteeuth street, lerecel- Utt. Jred Groth bas retumsesi te bin hoe la Oicago afer speusilua a les days vitil har parents .s. aa4 MM.Clap. Tatas of Nineleenti Z4i'd .Viacis.Jr. -sho bas beeu 'M t bis home uSIxteedili arait fotr 5a umer, of Osy. la very mliei Imprbred. *arlosa uLegion, held au luterat- lug mcciii lat eveing at thse lub > 0g55. I lg" iHomesis sa large number of membera lu attend- suce. roiloiug the ragular order of business, a social bout sas ou- Jsye snd retreasmentsaservtd. lira. W.Rainiet vas auppointesi Chair. Mua of lie entertalument commit- tee fer the next regular meeting. day. 1 Thi eglar meeting of the board ef eduieflon. district No. 64, Wii bé beld this avoinain lsteasi Of lomor- ro* at tise Centrai achool. This vili b& th. firt reguisr meeting sîlli the nas 'Ofricers, sud members of' theia u anud a ful atteudance la Tise ew bouse ou South Victria reau TaLs t evsteettstreet, l1s tZ. eari>' pomeietesi. Mr. Tates sud bis moUser expect tu moye tu b>' uaI t eek. 1»y leezer o! Sheridan-Ftoad la viatina lun DeKalb toas> on bus- ft es xonuactnrt.g plant lias ~~- reent>' penesi sp on Sheridan g- bî&% insum-4ise Modern Equlo- msent COmptu>'. maang "stop" l1g#2M for latqpoblle. Tise> are loý c*ted in utbse building formeri>' oc-. IeCiplagi b>' the Day Steet ProdUtcl compas>. Sane lias been remlodel'- l- l sad plut. teexcellet-O'nnstlon *, ora manufatulua plant. eur n uexpecta to mo149iL. -te lita nov home on F'eiovs Place r lu a ver>' feu siys. S Tise Notis Chicago club mInèt s aveîln; at tie club rooma, Audtlor- insbulding, lu tb. pres'euce of a co=urlllsi froi the grand 10d9%~ ~bea.TIere vere about-lfortY Muezi Sof tise local club lu attend' fulemig lie business session ta At t»s four members of the *1Iliiq o*nltte gave ver>' lnteb aaqJii Asdiumrtting Isika. Tbey wm vit !vorably Imp-eesmsi ith the sit"atin bre sud the worke.1 t4slo heuloga vas. accompithlug thilwIgle erder ef business, tUd e*tra body>'adjouredotha101e Amer tsu restargt snd indulged JIn aX eltbozate beuqat. H. H. BIddfbcoài praiiet outh1e club sud Lat« Dat desertecrédit for tlis scOMa et Usbmtmetbng, A ver>' enloyal lime ras spet b>' al preseut sut lip gmbersansd omeiera 0f thseX. uaS iïsantestb ie lo.eSta supposemalutehem lokbo bnpp TItAN Lfor elght months. 1 anm atrald that he- RATIER-DIE Tvii-111iii me vith an axe." h Jobn wss azked b>' Attorne> Wiwan SAyS 14AyS f I 1drink f liTre accident. 1 rt inMY- SAYS AN'Sself, maybe kilt myself. 1 can't woxk E ad drink, 50 1 don't drinuk. I i " rt work-±o support my chidre». My>' vans an wout et them taire snythlng ifror> RefuSes to let hUsband suppor me but someda>' maybe. Anyhow i her or the oilidren; throws his money at him 'THE 'CASE IS UNFINISHED Tisecnue of Join Kaucnjk, chargea b' -hie vif. Mary Kaucutk 511h vits, Saterda>' lu Justice Coulaon's court, Mur>' charges. ual ber isusisusirefus- es t te ve vils ber *and to help support lier ansi thoîr four chisidren. Shu saisi: "MY isubansi las not given authing tovrarsi lie support of tise family salne tast June." John statesi *the vituesa stand tint h. basi triai 10 support the fausil> but liat bis vîfe woulsi not take an>' money frosu hlm. «Evtry psy day," ho aIs. "I have tried ta give ns! site money te bey thinga for hersai! ansd lie CJildren but sa lways vouisiga> sbe dud not vaut su>' utfin>'mouey." Last cuMaser Chef of Police Tom Tytrvpl veut Over to the Kancik hu*iose e eif lie coulsi straightelt out tisai>' tamnil'Matters. At tint lima hfs ae1 ad sadS:*"1 soulsi rath- etýk tais sbuciser kInite sud kili imi And lita ratier-tisa le iteshi m.- The 10hief Persuadesi ber 10 ancept %Oea ein from lier lusbausi, sho gave ber Ibirl>' dollars, just as -son né the chiaI letItishe home, Mary Ilres John JObMstaated tint tise trouble starteli shen Ils vite refused 10 Cook for, him sud live wti hlm Re aisi "I lieu veut ansi bougi. mysef a amit tore asid soute coôking utensIls. 1 aiso beuglâI a lied. These 1 put in thse up- atairs o! our bouse.1I ilvesi hereandi cookesi i n>os meais. Lat Tuessia> I laC t vork ai lie Tauury ai Iree o'- dlock me0-j coulsi go sud vote. After I vote4.t 1vent home ansi thora tound ail us>'things litnth.front yard. 1 ail- ed su>'vifte useanlia et Ibis sud ahe saisi. "Yau are no goosi. i vaut ta gel. You ont se i can rent tise upstafrs snd estu smre mono>'," At Ihat lime John offere d ber mocrs r , Me ta take il, Mo tried te gel mbt the bouie but bis vift hasi lockesias! tie doora. Ho tried the Windows but siso isiti uslesi 11cm. Re thon lefi andi las been living since vti tome o! is friends on the aoutb 81de. The home lu shicis the Raucutha lite a lwuvesi lointl>'b>'thens. On lie vituesa stand Mary statosi Iliat Wsx husband sas no goosi. "H gela druiak "d cdasses me," sbe stateut 'More than once lie has chasesi me oui o! the bouse ai nlght sien 1 vas clii put>lis su>' lglgivu. Iisaven't <oui ont of lia houaiso hn lie vauhome worz for tnem." The. odeat la elghteen and the Young-. est about four- The oldeat boy la àom- ployed b>' one of tels, bowling alleyt, lu Waukegan. Thre case vas contlnued a el Ui3OUL PLAY çao ansd âh. la fearful that lie ;;;y- have gone there to have made arrange ments to work aud met witb fo&t pilay at the handa of aluggers whe are opposed to the Landis ýscale of vages. It la recalled that Shaw disappearo<i front Waukegsu a f os monthis &go andi after bis returu aeveral isys Jstqr re. latesi a stor>' 0f havtng benu kiduapesi bybandits asd forceed to dri*e nelt' sud day sera! huadre i les huià nortiseru Wtln a"d Mlaeot§4 beig *Wrcesi bysgathé bisudof hmcaptora. Hs &&Wle tises Vas gel>. b and had tb borr o nio.roi a farmer te, ourdhise gasoiue vitI vhlch to drive is automobile bath to wsukegsu. Fur Be. Pacifo. Thse fur seuls maetieir lICiné on thse Pribilof isiauda, aL barren grOss ln the Berlng sen, disappeu r fresth. Ilands at thse beglinng of tbh§ viSin?,' aud througbout tiat season are seat-1 teresi about thse waters of thse Notth Pacifi. Some of tiens neyer leate tie lcy Boas about Jiak«, but othmf venture as f ar south ai thse ceeiSt of California. But wierever the>' mal ha, 1 hen sprIng comaes instinct -leadi 1them back 10 the desoîate Ile il-W 'Women always like to thlnk thiet preeciier la ln delicate healtis;. but Whbeiacomes t' siniser tise>'coic& up auNugILf5c, Pdum.'b iýrlis-W ieflmmI Boston HOfalti. e~ " ~odused cars which wi11 le sola cfeap in Order. te inake room for new Studebakers. LATE MODEL MARMON TOURIG, good iaff new "-best buy in Waukègan.' 1920 BIG SIX STUDEBAXER, 7-passenger, buinp- ers and many thérl exts' iý xks lik e uqw 1918 CHÂLMERS, 6 cyliner .5-patis, eheap.at . ........-- 1919 CILALMEIRSSI;5oa. -$ 4>lU a bargain at .............. FORD tourhng, alg dtirepM Cash or Tqin. - TRI Wble heg- e th*aiaee$ I> - stOt o A m"pIll> sai lu' lii HE~ IS FROM MICHIGAN w -. l bov 1 Qî andtte is t ai saqiçe tulxeuti e B V Edsgar, recesti>' lie*! $toers 84'aound spýd -00 aDl teibytiene- counuoli, lis s-badqMïite 00teulpia3Uqb t *il.MO4 il dues lu couneotion itI Boy ESoss. *111 4é Plced ýuo31*ty _4 iýw4rX and 'wIII l ins. isext las 51.1. 0" tisa msP o! Waiukgai ovlla délýbihe h eadquartéra lua a bisasyet undeoided. -Ha e- o»O Pit li 'teleChcago- offlIeni 4" u PtcallrsjgIsa le san tat fai PéIt 'ýiigtdb>' the oni Scout conUeli suis- tue mlles silar..Tia eln#e p 3M41 xv- - Iýttlb approvai of tiihesi>' yor- tu saisite' b. aises. 2m Te, #tmt kan1i& body'.. odraO5ii' te s L té mâ& tLlde -Thse nov scout exemtilve la a &rad-hia, 55 151Sl W~ 5~s# e -h Uverait>' of Michilgan sud soulsi5upp0ert >A.poplton W S Of 1h. state Coloege of Washintson atbundresi. thée tani bat' se -bIier- PàUm@p4 WaaB. Hlma coutlng expert- course vithth le outalde suriS, viii panaog isgn lu1911 sien ha sas au t.the fs'eatiow ofet n ocesmions riat %truaterlua chools lu W.Ahlnglou andi Itetisa passies mbits 14, in luseverai csisaCttti*froi tise _______ grades te the igi schools ansi super- Inlensidut. Cycler gumarge t th. openirs,. Of tise sortitvar, ... oyster esiarges Il, ove 16.55.Il Scout Executtive Edigar assumesi dut- apondes ut> lulaY u htisa.eoimhaf les à> au edunational dIrector at Camp fk&Ive 1h 1h attr dsys. As It grows BesrgrLa. He vent front hure '1 Ibeuo on &àscratiùsice "OnIng as a, . M. C. A. workcr te the AMe#- mater sud eubonte etfime,. shici 'Ïau Rxpedltionary iForces lu Franc$ gMie%* te the, siseli. Md 008"Ofa«oethé. gn& serrai tirougiout the reuinine edges urfflndls tise hollus u isel of thie'var, golng siti the Sixth BatIlathle craslille rede.:Tisua as ligsa ,ÊqUAsiron of the Grand Fiaet opirat- _goea en, ma5 homte gradunlly iseomes lit lu thea Noth Ses. At the, endi of largeh and tlimer. Seec The Silks Displayed lu Our Genesee- St. Windows WUawpf- bhbb4 o « %%m- iV< Fa 1 ewe, àWo>dý- E ~ ~ ~ Pf omq Mn 5<s. Se U WMUWel Ds~hremfir ~ p~) r r emyy so, 4#U~I lit tbW o* @ et #m4 gr WatOs o.a 5yeAhetIt jAlet building toute for weak 1oms.I as nl ruA dowv u a vory weak and nervous, laadaun apptit. sUA Myr is vr, 00 .d 1 could 'not siwp. 1 baln.lmbitIon. noyer e-Mm i t <.rwatador havean eystrngth. 1 lad boeen aevis.d t. tako, Dr. plorce.'.FVorite Prmariptlon go deciNisé te Lire It à trial and 1vacompl"tir i.- stod tu, heath andtreuiti1s. I at lii. a a w oman1 xaler talnt the Preleriploxand 1 Iaivr#A>' Vocats lji.nu eof MbismadeS$na t. tlboeewbom 1 fini lling."-XmaAnua Lauler, 1132Est 9. Grand Your liaslhi la mout Important te you.It'.amati>' Improvei. -4 "n'r nearoo nut for iitu PrasclltlofO Dr. Pierce- 1'The Globe For Silks" Is a Fauxous Slogan In Waukegan WondefuINewSilks Combined. With O0r.Own-Greàt Stocks ýand Phi.d &dSae For r At About Usuel Wholesale Cost T his Sile Reveai8 the triumphs of the foreiuost .11k Weatv- --ers of the, wotld. E'very new weave, every 1new pattern, everyr new color spou3ored by ýgood taste is here ani ail are moaderately priced. ïiperi Satina iu eoùais, Vîrgin, t Dew,' IJtt 'Violet, Radi&um. Pumwans. Pluis, Wùlte. Nia'> aud Eak 40 luches vide. Tagtt.aamd Chic. p$ fil oingsm eou asti VhUwon Taitelsa inlu aU or nsichangeable, ebffeetsa In tches vide, 119 Wsmha prfeciy.Plain and Sport &itinsý and Crepçs Ail the newest conceits 'of fasbion's foremott dlesigis and weaves in dasbing Plaicis, Stripes, Checks and Crepy effeets in Satina, Egyptians and Sport C5reps. 'Tbree groupsataiyard. 4-9S8 4.75 - 498î lu ail tIse wan teul aiscol- ora. A rer'f'-'popul>r stîk 4 0 locises videansi tory spenlal- 1>' pricesi -Ion thla sale. Î>r Sl hrtin» IÏth Oba.ri~enae hagts. - ahi saIûl. A supin' talgie for dressa- sud titi popsilsr, 40 inchea vide. t lu ail il uns 1er 31 LoveIy INew Aectl' aiopo'orLigeie ciesplendid serrica Black 811k S#led Iblacin aU-BUIs Clh", meus. la good vight;7â apien- di iiualltr sihhilitlustre, Sttahe ine sM.' .1': -oe 4comoq STI f is Teli Mu thonit>'. -t>' hosp Supervii Hutton tuyau Dr sud pre of ruie, The pitai Co lun men 'dut>' of mit an% i5stlenUs be mus, Thege cvery 1 hlm me .as folle' Dt The b 'Ihat Dr for liai poitl b jlot lent bien ai thermos' tend te aithei te pue] No P4 Chama,1 (isispîtai imitima. Thse t No iii AUl bo the - hm Docte The Ties up tc bai Cou h. hais ont rec hehbas the hot Ail I nev o1 permitt sltaitesý Aowesi Couuty platul>' ty ph>' expecte lhe Dos "Tise boardir 'Commit 10 ses dunted 4 ~ IntendE patient consmo " Dr. hoe bas Splilt in the tieuts., hoe rog vent o! bel t>'." -cou DE] M Mear Prol Anul tie PDs provon Persor tise ae isasi(oi honefil was fi, also th sesain ni t>' i it la moll w noxltt Alliert rosent ta the poeltlu ment,' se s about! 1