1 vASz TO ÎEIRJWYmie %MZ"M"t Iw:1-Peter Fisher r tKnsi The laitchaPter lu the grand a laek f mp. l la figured tha fi ry 0 ~ cesuup o! ondtonlurKea'I deSIIIraidered eztrernelyv .alo aba couty vas written audys ual>. sevice Tia Use ,svd avIson Peter Flaber, 4r., former di- te»I 1d*IYII ~y luge par t0ftise building la ,ra- rtatoey fLnOIS o't.*1 AIAI ganel a UtIe shrt o a mrac e We kuovu lu Wagkassn aalLake ww gxdds itl sotc a,.cooutv, and prMinent lUs KenoRIlasfi Wbsse Lm sOccurr.d. profeigiofeltfe, vaa sentefl 4p M : r 4 O J7IW Gardon ui Cville, heai o! helesIca 5tern= 0f three 'years' at ban lattes01 Cr*Cons f4otcei. asaerted tisat lu taie state Prison at WaupUti. Thse ly; SOIU 106 ee ne com ussil a large sentence vas liposed by Judge &*l p~~~~~~,~0 MW ra oe 5I f>5 insierlal as de- Belden, who ProniPtly denied a mu- tae Malt hottesstnol'S. lie bas iOen ruuning taie tlie for stay 0f axecutiol sud -I f0107 al vata ..k.« con shair. ventte 0the state prison to hu 18 W U eU nedy for the- epaasng of tbe ses. begiu servînu is sentence,.l ~. - * mS. ie eftliefacoryat ~16 convicted f BrIteri'. il ;4-u »IusO'Le ba t aet atai 15 e Flatter vas convicted On8searal 1I Wn$WtOldest land veytiluig as m&U ight Ha bas cbarges. of accepting bribes sud one o- be'M edo malt bouse no ide&&l, 'bere tie fin estarteal. He on the cbage of ernbezz!enet. lie te "4.edi irnte& bis lo»is t close te $6»00. »ieaded guiity th tthe enibezzleUielt tle rerne r " neC&Ied$gloo0 vorths of lueur- charge and, asea partial restituton W55UstlalG ane.had been made la tbe case, the w ltulgt htv irOe IL A. Staînhans of tbe Leke court's sentenceAii Iis charge vaschi lbe£%,,= Con Breeze Candy Kitebens viticit occu- six rontbi Iln the state prison. Onlou piedo a the tte floors under the lethe varios charges af bribery. ni 'lmdame l esi. reaf ett fator, aseredtodai' terma of fotsix moutits t» titreeth »&qI3cl at aProximatln.Is asfron moke snd vater years vere ixposed uy the court. su a&~01iall cverd ly l- ould lie at leasi 12,000. Me le pro-&Ilî sentences ta bhe served coucur-, ni ftCsutè,Cone atoyoo tected l'y lueurs-nue. . rently. ln th h1 ferl fathry eu tthe Waukezs-n Rne Witte Wet Figial 18 Continued ,tal f thlu lln.-ie eai InWash laundra' suffitred cansiderable ,The fightI for the liberty of Fisher te UM tba g.tI vaslr rk u.damnage fron s1 oke and water. la lu lie conlluued. Me sought a uev bu OCvmd abaout * oui. TslMa damage today vas estiniated triai on a plea In bar lu vblcb is hé 1 Hobm Whvo coudictsa U bu $300. Tiis aio 1 covered attorneys declared tisaI hevas entaI- uth thse sane building. Mr. Ho. ey lusurtilce. e o muiyo acute h atm t e as iisopt»gt n Thse tire folowed the partitions led llnnut nacuto iefu aIte fotn £blie gplace ansd ste its way l tin eofie thal t e iad apepared voluntarily hc- B He tuned n au Jobn Besiey lu thie front end ai tbe fore the grand jury sud bad given ev- k L. ettrdlus alan building sud sls-rted t»esat lut» tise Idence against other offenders. B 1'thé fimn.rve h Hoban tin sitop vhen It vas cbec- Former Sberiff Josep Meyer vo ne *6 b. fieengrnvdon Use ed. ' lealleged 1<' bave bribed Fisher te i ofteie e Creans Cone fac. 'Mr. Besley today vas unable ta give proleétIon t0 gambling sud othiý e? L MO blase vas te le sean. estltnate te amounttof damage t» formaeto vice lu tie county le novr Y' lie tire ýobtaIued a draft is building and eaid be vauld bave srl trilufvavarsl h A t fftir floor buri b ta go oaer tbe niatter vîti the ad.- vn atr f ie-easl h juste s tIt. Il la fgured Iis loss stae prison sd Alex Ritter, su under 0 fire .uie cepaem tur- ilI be fully $3000 t» $5000. per- sieriff hùas named 5.5 oe of le c but 'beiUtug smanned baps more, bal! yrs.sonecdtetoedoe ,. W» lrene dlicultv. ihal er bdbe eedtie ie biiftleMbtr f te de BOYCOTT SUNOAY SHO ihrhdbe lce he ie e 1w1edlk a trojan hoy- CONVENTION N ST.O LOUIS as district attorney of Kenait ceunt"ý IW ater batIN oST.e suad one olis mosl notable cases wvas ," bad lie elre extin' the conviction of Frank Lau on a'I St. Louis, Mo.. April 20.-Beegýuse charge o! murderng Charlà Pacin. l. et the tieire vas, ex- the .managers o! lhe interuational ' tm0011 because o1 Use unday 6*lsoo convention 10e lie Washington, April 20.-A report on WM>6 - .Da Gall- hem !at Kansas Ciy lu June can- condtionsInluRouas vicis is under- . Il**$ unsa strea»In O! celled the invtation te Wlliim J-staod t»eie geuerally favorable te Tec-k C' '&* o1155 1'ooeoaà ft**niBryan t»e "eak, the Si. Louis Frai' ognition of the Soviet govarnielitby "r 4UI.vafolaerbtery, iv a large majority votetiteUie tts vsnae1 rsd h>'ie rui0e d 1came oîl s ,o nvento i ha-eut Harding taday l'y ex.goveri!r Jas.r tie goiiae k h, nivUloa t.ra wbr.P. Goodricis o! Indiana, just batik fiis 1 -Z asalsledbu* te scindai flloing bis necently pub.- su extensive trip ite Soviet landdu- eoiM Ifrei Isisl ataca o Us )rvnsthUe. ing vbIch h. sav snd tallai severalM as tiay vere b' 017 Ptevlution. Urnes vils Premier Lenine.a You are Invited to Attend a-- Social GIVEN BY The GlmerSehoolI i IN THE Bowmn Daiy Co. Hall Gilmier, Mlinois ON 'Firidây -NIKIghtM!x 5 th At Eight O(Y1ok A Good ruturnAed No Adàiuion Charged Ladis Please B UgasWe of Eats to be Sold to Highest Bidders, ,$500ReDrdTéth~e Purchaser of Box or B"set BrUAVintthe igest Price. ilte.I4bMEIunw~WMAtwoklt oitot-maltie Gailoway* DmeUUNbm aeoW ammfl t KA!(*WVI »W« snd Ethel >tsaon. M QuINN YURNS 'THE Lbra5yla a 0forMalaria! for the ,AItOILIGHT ON L T. H. 8. comiag <bae. UmiSwn materWa mm 8 i a~bave von been, Oum- vWs fouiqd th fe etudenta flv 00 7*1?1 stragtboxed thefr apsehea ,retli. Wby, Iaeiz vbat you taikp' The peopie of Llb0ftplue cetatniy cg&-.lx uv"»exams don't conte mut uadftotaad bà"'U&nctie. 6M I »Mt 'w**r mental effort bas beu ot en this d. eW48. a000'W ' dowt know nMu* b ba, Wbb vltaxe p1oce t the bust «u vt ~ v«derthtbngs are bebi celwail81 t .n MnabIed la 1.T. IH. B., IaMn Olfl Lbe=4= 8= ivy. aheti ) s*i » ion saa *8ev ds uaspassible plam 4 ertslnm M ad pleras *., Il.%out 'Ibs earnnation buihIO5 e at U L.T., IL. 'Wby sbollln't lie VW&, lw h nt paa.ktnayIt vas baume be filel fora debate wvhhneP So 5wobmesdvlheaI ou r nuaIsan bueotusi atuuent-a ns. vs çÉ examine eNreybody jchool's prlrnax7 pwurps? 1e sub mea wev needed, fu l> bYalw et lao» l o unh everyone la vitsXlr yut; s%, erubody knovs UsaI V intted.Lbrand capital havé' il DISt9w llwen101 go51, 0 Sppm.beld tlb cuter 01 the.stage for&1 bey tbW1k vo are physiciy infIt Urne aMd thee qestion demis morn çNIo*, jt Ime tell you, Skliy, -Y with tjuee. tait beçaa to go pitty-pat ap »on as corne one, people of LiberUtpMOI b« sUtarbaen thie ide Whoue lut ShowltheÂAntloch. tmS ithat 7Uyou- MMea begla IitbAs, for 1 kiel' tiat eider deba±lng Wonths VUii.bY WEng man sitar the R'is. Eivery Urne aflY- the gym. COrne sud eourage lia m w VaneiSld onI of clana he began tesm. They bave voriced bardd 0 look gort of paWld, like ha vas on yon cmu reward their efforts by corn, .e rge of lhe grave. hng ont 'Well, 8àduney. wien my tum Scme, which. il dId on a TiuredaY, MnY teeti p. T. A. MEETING ATARAMMAR satbori like a èyeleton daicin' a Jitu SOHOOL LAST THURSDAY >ua tin roof, ld nia' knees %book al- oat tg bad. By the tUrne 1 reacbed Parents' vlsiting day at the Gruair Le offieI1 wu..only baif conéclous, Ochool vbl 'mprornoted by lhe ud vhen I gAffined niy senses, thse pareît.Teacber AaeoIwtlon, TiUradsY arse, a nie amicettie lady, vas push. proved - decided mucemfmEid over 100 n, a awveetaellin' stick. dovu my parents reeponded to, the Invitation te Iroe.t And I vondered le she goin' eipend tbme. afternoou vtththeir chil- te tell me to olok pleasant,ý plesse:, dren wben bey were doing their reg- but inmtiee.d aie told mie that 1 lied ular achoel vork sud corne in personhi oles lu Myv oniels. NeMIsite told Me tmiiCh viii the teaéhers. tat I iad better scrape soine of the A buslnemmreetling vialield at tbe msa off rny teetb. and also estt mçre, close of the afternoon session. in tahe sauie I vae tSo emall for MiY aIse. Oh, ssebly rom-u Mise Quiun, thse scisool lie 4,oeen't express ber opinion lu tbis nurs, vu introduced aud vas recelv- J.ud 0f language, but il ail nie4u the ed with hearty aPPlause.Sie gave' an arne. Hurry up, Skinny. YOur turu outflie of the purpose anld plans of ber nat-Uine forme t» tCe riht!"- ork In tae Lbertyville shOols sud1 -q« n. - 'ý-r.ain ! ti e5O t8 i eXI =usnl "est~ ene deeper and IaUsar Thse Psresst-Teadber Association l ln lise future. Witb the coopertioli psrrh"aecales for lte tvo suit if obtis parente sud etudents ber vors sud tie Cbild Myglene comnittee. M caxnot holp but l'e auccesefaL Mardlng. Mrs. Frudy and Mns. Ohn -Mldred Lusk. '22. viiihave tise malter lu charge. X Mary Juil, vas nmade ubsinman co TRAC MET FRDAY co rnittae te give su entertainment TRAC< MET FRaie seaïnaesaary funda. Lait ffiday tise anuel Inter-taocety Mr. Wslkar, dh-octor of mune lu Track Mest;vas hald at Liberty Fild. sochool vas pre«mut Mmi o! the, It should have beau mors siuccesefati Ions had Use epportfty 0f ha. but isot ail et Use traci matélarIa! 11- hlm fl bis vork and tihe»'avreu ed out Tise day v'as rav sud cbiil, exressions giron o! 'apprecklato whlci.vas a hIndi-suce.I bis capable lustruitlon- Porteous vas kept out o! the useet, Tise premident Mn. Jépsie Juil,t hecanse o! ani n3uuy snd Gilbert Voel- IMrs. George P. Pearce snd Mr@. bervusinelgblebecuseo!poor Morse, vere elected delegates le uhclzslfts.Ccmiderng il, l a lte convention, iseld lu Chicago luts>etig id ucesfullutha smeTuenday, Wodneeday and Thursda3 rfi!ty etudenta stayod ta roo for tqueir tb v eai respective societld5. Mss. E. W. Colby. Mrs. G. C. Grkd Events Mrs. P. J. Havk. Mm. W. E. Dec 100 yd. dart-Tegtmeyen, lit; Wi9bt' sud Mrs X. Kruckmau vere appolm m= nud; Sàey'ars, Srd. Time il15, on the nozninatiug comittîlea for e seconde. tion o! efficero, 'atichis viitake Pl Mile run-OlendOr!. lst; Cama, Sud; aet Use regaiar May meeting. Odéai!. rd. Turne 15.8-5 seconds. Tise benor. o! bavlug the lai 220-Yd. Dant .- T«tmeyer, lot., number of viiora vas avarded WMghlnan&ud., Engiabu'ecbt, Br.,iret grade. Mh10I U 2 seconde. n~ e!reeiments o! tes andi wafers i 120-td. Higi Huidieui-McClali, only aesved -,6y lir. H. B. Eger sud1 ctestladant, Urne. 26 seoitdsSpeirm".-(ConthbWaed») U640yd.' R=arn-Olemdtire fnt; OdeU. ______ »econd; Sherd. Brd. INTEROHURCIf MEETING AND disot put-Oloudorf, lstý MuClain, BANQUET M4ONDAY NI< 2ad; Wlgbtmmi, Srd. Distance 32 fIL. teus lacs. Lait Monday nigif, aI lie Pirel 111gh Junip-Tegtnieyer, Jat; Mc- E. cburcb, a meeting o! pariculaz Clainiand Wlgbtman tieti for second; terest t» te chU-ch people of the W. Wilson, $ird. Heighit 5 feet. lage vas heid. Arrangeaienti ;Brosd Joenp-'frgtmKeyor, laI; W. made to boid union erviceIbism Wilson. 2nd; Wigitnian, 3rd. Distance mer.'lInstead o! using the park 17 feet 6 incise& heittofona. il vas decid4àd 10 hold Pole Vault-Tegtmeyer. only c'on- services ln Use Methodist Fipiac testant, 8 feet. Presbyterisus sud St. -Liwt-ence1 Javelln-Olendorf, lot; Cas, 2nd; copal, rots-Ing froni ana chumci V Distance 127 feet. ehhar. Tise meetings of the vaT Score: Âtisenaetni, 60; Saganon yonng peopie'à socleties vii lie Sage, 42. etaI6:00 p. ni. each Suuday, go as -r,- t» Interfère vith tbe union ser THÈ GLASS SLIPPER vbicb viii. begin ai 7 o'clock. ftit meeting vU!l be held July 2, For ste pst f ew menthe tue singlua MIthMuntn Sept Int classes have been vorklug dlligently nv dcddt bev u on lte opera, "Tite (tIss Stpper." The May 28 s a union mernorial day st»ry o! the playy te taken fnom the service 10 o b eld at Use Methi fs-Iry, tale "Cinderella." vbicb le vieil ,J. > kuovu 1<' e-iefyoîe. iiir Oliver, " ' Of tpscopa1 hrî ild dorla'e fatiser. t'eturne 10 bis home thse addre u ni dlbefu vith- hie bride sud her Ivo chanunlng l'y a union chut r. under the directi( dangisters. Lady Oliver assumes ber Jack Bradiford. Tise menibers of dutiedseas ieai of the isousohold, nec- G. . R. aid Amasican Logion vil Coguising Cînderella as a servant, catit- *ieselliviain 0sto Cor than a ds.ugist»r. Coma end see 00eic viat happent nerI lie, 191 bof May' The is-cpaiaureate sermon fat Thse cast ie as follow5: 1922 clans o!flte ilgi suitool vi: Bol'kins-B-rltone (énil coniedy delivered bly lte Rer. Rari C. Moi part)-Gilbert Voelker. etIthehlgi sciSol auditorium, on Sîr llvt- bupecOd bss d ay. June 111h. Tise nemberal Barlt»ne <Comedy character - Cecilte tbree churcies vil co-pena Vest ana Mor-Lad's Oiver5 Iis service. Vsandugilrs-GaceM Ortisursi Tite Epvortb Les-rue served the sudmin Evolnghlisai!. Mot <me et o! lie eveetlng, and thant or an -Eeyn zl.ationwvas glen a vote o! Ibank Cindenelis--Tbe cauie o! il 81- Use splendid manuer lu wbieh tbe 19oprano-Lllian, Kieper. resentatives a! thte cisurcies ver Prince Leo-In love vith Cinderella tutisd -- -Tnor-Edvard Bizlet'. , EJasper Parroîl-In love vAt Vests- MAN PICKEO UP ON STREET M -artone-Aibert ifaganty. -ENSDYNGH YT jVicor Kenyôn-In love vitb Mor- WDEDYNGTU Kiion-ldnltcseusPOLICE; MAY BE "PEEI Oodnioher-A fnlead lu need-COn- A nmn about lbirty yeare old, I Irlto-'Edylie Churchi. gave tie namne of Wallers Sipley A chorus of vfllagers, courtiers, sol' bie home as 4920 Lester ave .1 Sdiers, etc. Boi Park, Chicago, vs-s pleke i .Lady Oliv'er-Who dos.tise Peuking Use ulglst police Wodns.day about m -Sopno-Alice Weldrnani. nigit afler bhada prepared bi . Titere vero se msuy studens caps- be uer the Ree Motor Conip jble for escit part thst I t vas imposai- garage. MRevws piaced lu the boc i l e t u g i v e t h e n a i l a P a r t . E l i r a i T n s d M a t - e a l L i m b e r r y q u a t o n e t wîvi have te vork bard, becasiSe VO Ibis (Tisurodaty) orning. Wbeni ibave a very short Une lin'wiich t»lbis mga1 he sali te vas six moiti learu Ibe parts.,lie vs- under tise Impresaion th _-o'- vwuin Chicago, sud wae trylng tx NEWS 0F IHE 801400 bis bomne. Me bal no Idea boy I Marguerite DiRs, wviemoved teto 0LÀtertyville He cliledte ho jWaukegan Borne tiffl mgo. bus ret5rn- vife sud child living at the Ch ed. L. T. ]EL S. -*id Use Juniors ar addree. lRe snid ho0 vas eniplO ri gla o! Useir poet'îretuni."Central",h (Chicago, but bau n( e- 1 veivu Miiier sud Noel T01ing vere ofléction of viere tiat Instittion u 1>1gb neoot vistons Fnday. lie .va rly 'a'll d!eesed, njThe boys' gymu clamses aMe planning Af 1er questioniug hie prison, te1 give an exhibit erty iSU May. nome leug'lh, and galng but litt - Wlso Lunette Stlaih.W ' abissîtuda- format-ion o! value, Marebal Lin E1ing muneu t thse Ch4cffl Musical Col- escorted itim t» Ushe St. Paul s lo>ge. spent thte veek end -viti Mrs. sud placai bim e.board a train tf i N oyen. oago. - The police autioritles s ni clined te bolleve Ibis !eliov may ATTENTION' ANNUAL DEBATE been responsible for lte scares Titunedajth tis Io L. tr H. S. deliat- souttide voren. recentlY, w =1n teanusaccompanied by Miss Dry- ms-t vas een Peepiug imb wl :3 t, vent to Nortbvesteb nSi sverslty et nigist. s- i E n i i i E i i i E E i E i i i i i i i E a i E i E n Clean up Weelk April 24,,29 -Vilae of Liberilie co~p~ij~teysu~i or.neirh. borB ol" n',p*h~e bao7yard- Cà# 202 for iof«»"ti G 1AR DE14NG Planting and Tree Trimming Fruit Tree Spraying Phone 227-R or write STEWART SMITH UBERTYVILLE LLNOIS n Cohen's UbrellaShop We mnufîturAra 'snd eOld al St scfubiuds We manuactrlerand stck îaon h ainds fubrl Cai ad ispciAolarge tck lwayosock udyo I b Caliandinsec urela r e alenabof stocandyuwl l AsO isd tOr eN EVaeNpiNOS 1 81 North Genemse.Sreet WAUKROAN. ILLINOIS an 1nuslmfffulUIIUUfIUllNUlIIIhlb j«Y ofl"-6 ' iý i !'l, , El Monuments Memorial Day Wil Soon Be Here We invite you to visit our plant and aves- tigate oun large stock of Monuments. Our stock cousils Of a variely ef Granites and is the ang- est carried by any firr n Lake Coulty. We have thie very latest improved machinery for gettmng eut this wonk and esnploy noue but striclly finat l ass workmen. Many pensons are disappointed on Memonial Day on accotait of flot placing their onders in trne 10 have the work coaipleted.- Corne early and1 inspect our stock and you will be pleased writh our wonk and prices. Collins & Doane Co. UBERTYILEILII.M . i E E = E = E = = = = E E = = E = E ,on of If tbe lu Te-, d titis 11 bie 7 1 .. Cash Prizes e ban-$50 een!2nd - - -$30 ME 3rd - - $20 PER".ý Whto Jefer-The Contest Is On- up by a 'f Who will christen the big 1gike 'at the Gravel Pit? ho ot In terstate Sand 10 ec-& Gravel Co. 2er aiTelephone 75 tation' r Chi-i re ln- Eward A. Chambers y have L ; givenLibertyville Representative odow'a t. 1 -i ;0 . .. . ...... . ... . lýý ý. .