îm Than 30 Workrmen Are Rlum1ng Compewlon of present nit 'N&êûS »%CREASED TI4ERE w*àike, May' 2z *»,Qoo Is> la etatllkeptJegmi mbôt îfrtm .thi oet i theatemet tiltt h Mu.4ovmIe moIv toaci te ttwz *=$oater plant = the noniji attcopévltion at thoe llest DO&- »M m~0ont, hould pay a IUte2 r me- tactlvllae. feoy -vWng4 4,4 averitable boe.et t f ndid>. moe tâsu tbsee iiýwdr& e am Iet *rX ktiore mit thebroiet tîme. Con- tiste floors aun Sein$g latlu lmr- suis. bulilIge that Cae bean cou- itrentet ddy theand tIi boasbaes ?w' thé rachIner>' aWan rebeiug lu- Stted. Man>' et!themaehiines bave bon luitatièd. lu ta predicted tbat the -ompin>' viii- b. able te oprate ln S<: wueplana. are on foot te itxart the.construction ef addtlenal buadinseb iiIL'b.d bon planned -d«for mue tIsas, but 'thIcil ~beu deelded te rush te coule- labonensat the Menville plant are melicng oven an Increase lu vagos -bM grAgted, them. The>' bavebeau Iisety'ltblty tente su hour, th I>seio'ain hisevoral leductret be. WkIta the laut fev d4ay, Ibis has béën = Voluata lyte yfort'uensax 40a e ai0fa ten bou. dey t225' ives -hlbaers Aitb" plat an cf eue tansdollar a day. Th e - w-t bas leen an Influxecf pplicat8s Mr positions iliat bas 211.4&Xiva- Maunlos.Man>' employfe r nWn frýoulfmmi vhlch are Stl, ipaylutg ho lover vgmca. WAUKI!GAN ILOCALS. Partly çleiady sud somwlef un As tied t"4m an sd Thursd.y; net jtouSeh champo ln fompermtnre. IL ..U, @ Igve a Md Party * sd ýdose t2h15 ee i nt uire Hally Illcii prMIseste Se a isct onjoyable1 umsSons-c!the. Arerian ILegic 1 Aujulira>' made Ibeir monthl>' visîl te t.Onot Lakeg H.mAtl ilis atter-b acc Mnd lrovded ountala ment sud refnebuits for th.'tar>jk Patents.e -: etlargreto Guiid ct Christ Ch.1 vwli hou suumSU day mo0tins ai the1 péfi* Ieuse tomrOnr ox clunchom *v1i, Sestved t noon. M. and Mrs. George Welnel enter- . »l e bmsatxrda>' Eveing Clubb i&a ienlu aI'thelr homne on Wash- * 525street. Eetruolunmta!oilo*-b 04 a Most enjoyaliét$. i; at Sunco.à , T'>.Pnoby.;- u clfi nemberse viii 51>1 iun SUidey meeting at the. ~>tï" PnMld>' M>' U. Tho> bava li- Yitd the -Social Union mmi,7eai 15* g0,swts.%9 The. régular meeting c! h.ent'rý Ifl aLgo loviiob 5.14t=Mwrreve-0 lsa At8 owk etthe oLegOSSM md- umrcrte% w mlv±IAnmy>'oteL M.1 3, lOcorniik. Natidual I Fce Conma1 »et- ii Se tbe gieat of the evenslag.1 ýTho ropglarmeeting of thc Quol RttionReviev, W. B. A. vi e ii . t tus e lýg at the Li. 0. O. F. Hl. lOjmrs.eot aveoood la viit- lng vilS ber usmer lrs. S. A. Wlklu- 0 À! ah 5tneet. 11ns.Thome sHollsuG 0f' 8. West atreet. Wvas '5sastly Surprlseci yeb- terda>' ai hen homoe Inh1nS et hon EUb>' iteen frieuds vers pros. =mit .04 e a o ed evnj plosentAlter- lsMioat a s ocl i\tiresud refremb-1 *smver. servad. unr.HohLva pneseted with a beay;tgWu fernansd "1ff tlabasor of the ocson.m 'PieExcutIvo Comnltlee o! th* "henlca Legionvilii olci a meetingJ 'lm ovenins viiithele ake count>' ounclietf meronsLegîcu PostsAlt ,tlb. tLégon i*sadquarters at the Salvs- tiot Amys>' Mtet & O Cathenlne'- Guld 0f Christ Ch. SelS a mneting ilt evenIns ai the paalie use.- A social beur and ne- fneshmeals folloved the egulan vork -1T TUTouas Womernis Counclivit) iset at the Y. W. C. A. *rhuredmy * venlg, May' 5th for their regula>' ýgotliig. SilpWe ilii Se served t L. OMlathews has retunneci froxa au asxtod.d tilp te Callfagala. lO. If.Bons o! Poplar smnt. rertsrned roni Csiforula mter a dive mentbie vist 'vhliber daugb. toe.,lrs. IB. IL.-Palmer., Tb&lie heCount>' Romane Society' wHii old a meeting ai the Public hIbran> Tbursda> aflornoon ai 3:00 c'elock. lrs. W. o., amuon oiElmwocd avenue, la vsiting vuSh ber rein- ilves in Chcago this veeli. Mn- safd Mr&. W. 0. Rouimîcli bave neturiiod tu thir homo In Chi cage afteg a fow cl»s' Viit at -he h onie o!1Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Pennyl ou Washingtoni Street. The TrUIe o! Bnn ur viii hold tlir neglar meeting at Hui's hall Thumnday eveuniswiicb viil e oîioed 5>' a dance andi refresli Mrg Mis.ffcrtt Wibur o! N. West, Ofrmm, l a penbdisi the day la Chi Thue 1*4cm'Ahim Ocloty' or tS St. poins iefrmed chrch Il »M t bar Maiculi>meeting Att2he dmhunbThlu-aiA flenleen Ulrs. Cb»riem Kresoln o!Jack«î ja- .saet'Sipenldlng lie day In Chi- *aevttbi er brother, JOb! *0M " ~W b* la donta" dte the Aies un Eathm os epll. f!Iu*- Tses«dgy &ternecn 500 club .,,pfleaentl'!50itlacd fest#e Ores A m k_. ntyalo aiu 4"EQUAL RA.< GOAL0 7ISHW WOMEN- :.;,- tvOIrTEB F W>'N Loudon, May .-Now tbat Mrt- l4rlng jockeys and Dutting thora la ve omon ha"c the ballot, soats la thoir o*u colora.-* Parliament and an>' number of mag- Tako -thre Ooitem of Wilton. for lâtracles, they're out for oqual instance. Sh. bas ber ovu oxtoli- niglitsa a=g another Ilne-i the alve stables of racers. Mer jooS borse-raclag Iedl -oye 'are clothed la an attractive TbeY've lnaded >the lest ditcb miv i,.th iliver brald and oilver held exclnsively by mersmn. cap. Womeu always bave' been Inter-. Other prominent vomen racing este4 la the races as spectators.etusat are Lady No4gon. Lady But nov thoy're appeanlng as own: NunbuholmIxe. I4.dy Cunliffe-Owen, ors of raciiig stables. Tbey're- Mrs. Hugli ?ool and lOrs. Arthur training their ov" hormes. They're James. banquet sud meeting beid at Wilmette. Mr, auflirs. RB > Walte, M. sud. Mrs.i J.P. Wyiài asud,,ein p-osto sud Mr. and Mlrs.Wlîkoe are spendpt the day in Chicago. 1T h i t >' nien d a ple a snt y u rP rised i J, sud MUs. Leo Dur"I et the Durs! reideuce ou Hickory street Saturday evnlngr. A mont enjoyablo evenîna 108s speztsud reftesbmens vers. eerv ed. X. . Vosbqrgbas reurned te hIs home lu Denver sue*r s visit et thie home o!f1Mr. aud lrs. Ray'mond Bairstov on Coryî avenue. Umichard Fogant>' eniertaineci the Wednesday aflernoon 500 club ibis aflerjinonet ber home ounKN Cousit>'street. Miss itilco Maris o!f theT. aud 8. la spending the. day lu Chicago. A manriago Ucenso vu e smuedi la Waukegau ioda>' f0 AsialHovg. mIen, 28, sud Cosoc hamllax, aged 28. The . . P.S. vii hoicitheir negular meeting et tho Masonie Temple on Tiiur4d&y evenlas. Mie4n* ohnmcn or 537 Helmiielz &e ue ndew a major operation et Vctory,,Menion! hospitailaiet even W. 3. Smih, oditon o! the Sun, vas tiven ivo vnlte-upo in tii, April surn- ber of the Piatollc West 4»4 CoIIMt oi'5 WanG coemnunhi* istrip trou",i the vonId. The 1Boy 13ufiden8 are planning te give a part>' la the uar future At tbe Tb* Y. W. C. A. girls viii itentaln s nomber -of malons fron the Grnoa l4teois ibsvenaIet teueasociatlce building. Arthur I. Russell o! ShbcYîgan, 'Wls., lima eturneci te hhlm re a! to &-fuir deys veil at the ihiam P. Turner home on Chapel street. 4 murrlage licos. vas lasuod la Wauhegaln ioda>' toe ail W. Kiser aged 21, o! Libertyville Mud Grace May' Ramer aged 21, o! Chi cea. Mr. Kaiser la the son o! Mn. sud lrs. Chailes Kaliser and ilaeh- Dloyed lu Cilicago. About thc only Buccessful bathîns suit ceuser la a mocqullo. In Boston a roSSer rau front a lappon. A Single man. ne deubi, The scideat slgtht on oath la a oue-anmed man trylng te tel abcet s si tatiet utava>. lOcle.ins e quiet. itloo0ks mi If the vere toc good ho b. truc. Home ls vhere a a n su hmhlm rado. % Aleugsido the Gmoa part>, re landi la 03i leful mU a quutn Part>' -A l11t10 moanIlsbl nov sud then citer marries the Sest o! mon.ý liarding insalnd ta have shaken' bauds vuith1i,00D"pele. Thi* 15 mciibtter tÉan ahaking heide. The perpetual lîgtthi ho'am* vorking on vilI nover teck icht ruleus 250>' moud a perpetlu bill. If radio replaces tii. tepIloOS. gbsîlps *1ii!dde from jasa cl meep. À an au gldois roalises bo bas taken -a btter.- a!! untIl 100laie. Fathen favrs diiiight savins Il it momie eletctlilabt savini.- A dumbblkthliil the ci-y'»540 or à&ht" waý'sileone -trins lng ag fi-»n ape doeos% Vérngle saumi by Trouble I' £Fj. tIr, Douglas Vaumrboof of Rici,- mcmld, va,. mat»s lu te mediai Bec. cr4 tbat et =mat tboruby ndor. stand that thI*Xl~brlath of the ear la thé imu eorgmp ofequhflbrlnm Va- tIgo, froraWbmLtevet cause, vasuemesi. tlmllyau mu as s *idy, ud alwa>'s due te aMmue tltubenoecft tu jvmt batla *amtus. prebbi>'tsals ft.he 01 Melbourne .Axtu-Stuato vaut. ad. Hosaemd.UnawUulouly cama. P-Boeton Tr&uscrlpt. t0he co-opera t he. zf 2h NIS FOR STAT PR cKin# f a Uttle esrly t er, tbere la - e>-rrigtou combmav vas a m*à ggfet .ero ou sob Surpise Spnung, In Court To- Th 41U I 0r cf the aaj-a o 'ntge as *day; May Stort Taking MO~4teucthio Cty' Win1 -Testimony Nexi Week homte e ~lue !sea' I and. A fuIl Ittendlance la de. 0cm. Ont. ichf lvitITt #îrod At this sessonm, vblch vil! Robet vas attendlng s a t>' fhé OBJECT TO WTNSe LIST commence ati 2--Î&- eth« eyan' sd part oeth21 e resli- - Tires. 1. MUllsiiof Nluoteentii méats cduuige to0ffruit maie& Re coUiRT IIOTISE, WUCiGN- 51t. tvas abiu es letorla dots ot céroforltj aqM& noï* lbg Lesile Small, son o1 Oove4nor LuChtcago »today. la ,.lte unt hbISboteoW- feelIngs.I91 "I 8mall, bu been llsted,.Sy the 0aii WOU» 'sAuXiLar>'BOvIDni pubetleve 1 vapt this ulad. but as o vitnAs agaînsi )ds fathor.,.128ilU-1meot at the homeo of Mm _ri take 12 home wIilime, andi Îmî'be The name of tlié -,oyern*'s retiChaue, 2218 Eristian avenue. màohro h o iletW son vos .Included ta.u v wliat cfr0on Fr1451' afternon. Ma>' lii. Allpacuobro u o iietL. 40 vitUesses entbred la court tbis members of the c1;b, are luvited to rnornlut b> the- ttee foes, 'The stu iIseea atolg oc.ted U> Includlug o! the younger gmawo lé.cbncb/ ýdlnel- vlch vas inL et an.actreu es fprastubdti;th name la the Illst of vltuemme, cnnme ho50 beic * 7 e tbo4at people ensaiesésuad éuc lu lua afail- va>'cf hm- as A resIt or teh olamluatuo4 0f 3*idAy evsMS Ji Seing& etpoiled e»Ming a&sta._-ostdn Tragcipt the records of thé, 50*jf.d "guJjOSnecoilt o! thi.e xbbitlob 9tt hé ______ banko" 12 vas exgliec, Déeoaw Arer!0fci h51blbchol studontil. Attorney LeForgee entereci mIrons tuktos vm ="Y. ua>01!the' loal AtmoteI Dlae objections -10ethe lnov v i st, D YOO»le vhu-weuld lke te attend the. n"la: od viii Se dlieSyUisGlathé .qallntgthe Stato had sxt Uved d'us ilo. "Débitée A=ragiient$ aItvttit 15 0MW PredicW* . 0al is UP, to the lav lu fallug 20 give tihe rOSfdlflg »Mrevil bcaimouacod prn goutS$tihéMauion «eitOu déendat the lot la time ffor-a lafer. -,Iuid mi~q>bWute vorth fMMO- Per caretul study and investigation o! Tbi .Axunlm . egu ton, -Sharvla ton. 1.Bttuog éqlçt@O s0'ffo0P. te thre ulneeses. Pout vii com*once thelr uinmer the form vfgoeu canbcsîttes. vene Judpe Eciards permitteil the. ances ai Po« Park Satiirday s-ve!- mise founc. gitt bp *le the îHot, hôWver, vltii the uiiderstaudiugtireatthie question- vonlci bc settled vhen the, Ilst 1homes Seore the Court Jaton la tii. trial. likit the taking of testimon>'lis 'the trial! o! GovennorLU nam& viii b. started next veek appeared' probable au lavyerg fer Srmil sud-m the State Ioda>' continued the ex- ,gining, o! jurons. te obtala&apanol - of four needed te compleks e 1ejur It lis belleveci un1lkoW ytbat Uic takins cf tostimon>' vWi b. tairted tâté vek voxi theugh he Jury Se complote bofore adJouniniont cft ourt on Frida>' for Uth e ok ed.' There are msuy matters, lu la aq.id, whIob attorney's are susioulteto c- tic Setore 2he Se&Innt e. otriol proper 'sud these ln ail proballlt 'viii e givon conhsidération M.V'5iý" vl4oiithe. jury'le selmtod., àmlng the 40 nav vltnomseo lot.. ed4-7 h. State arn MroIL. Ct. '- t46. vief. !tlfe late Souafor Curtis ÙtbVns vero the camblero eftute llucis Trust and gavlsaBonk, Nloual Pîoduce Ba and the, Nortbern Trust Company' lio Chicago. llo ~Trr« of Wesî ndldfl kurrftatm. Tu Uic West Indice the natives bave -se4ichurrincane varlu gag. vbfeh la. displayeci b>' b.he atber Su& rout , *wpenutelo del D~ bor thf5 deffl ' landercblof.thIe mrl bnrricau niesaremed mlter saluts ci the ebirct4 sud Slrth datés. manriago datesa nd death dates ane reckoned from thena BIrd. 11,sf Are Wekth.r-Wlas s orné SIdo are gond voathér Propbeto Tuie p-ean voodpeckor le knovu in smen- part etf ills coutry as thé Mftui-bbd, » Seolom you 0e bim 14ughlIng tï7 oo cetou Seforieoa déluge. The inîmmei-tbrumb, *gala, ires J alueci the nanaeof "storm rock," be, eau.. b. singé before vlnd on rai.. . The Studebaker Deaers Have MOVED To New and Larger Quarters And are now located and ready for businem i the building fobmerly occupied by WILSON & OUM On Gènesee St., South of the &ridge, Waukegan \We Will Have - Large, Modern-, Shop Wb'ich Wil1 Guaràntee Al Sgtudebaker Owners Unlimited Service. AchenMotor CO* phone 568-Wukgn I. Cami On Us or Have Us Cmli on You a tot -TeWaukegan Snow ',ýWhite Wet Was1à Lawidry WAS NOT DAMAGED BY THIE FIREF0 APRIL 20 AND 15 OPERATING THE, SAME AS BMFRE. BeÂt Worlc and. Pvnm1xutServce- l&1hlanid Park fi te bave one (i' the 2det hotel on th* Sorti, shore, Il pret plana' are oarrled out. Azesn&Cowle, cc.trgtora and builders, are back of the, proeÇieý vhich uns .for a gow00six moen story' , hostlef7l f0 Se cal] the Iotel High Clfe. Xt viibe on the north aide of Contraiavenuee 2"0 foo t. otheUistation, a"à vin b. tobx2O0. 'ftprVUbe, 34S roorM, single and suites, #me wlth 11itunottes; a large 4JnIns * room, and a Ill r.mand -baSquet .hall. ÀAgr#u9 or aorth shore n are lnt#rO *in tla12Mnd neo k la for XW e.The iBgb iCeM otel rmm- pany will be ovuer - oe Prator. Gorge s. lUefgsey and Robert b Raue, are arcbltoct. 109 South Genues In.. 111N. cnm eSt. *sukegan, iUL May Sale of -Wraps Wraps of soft woolen fabries in the niew Spring modes Berne are elaborately embroidered wi±h siBc,>lined througouti e ýwith Peau de C~hine; Sport Coat#l are aise inc'luded i this as- 5 nortmenta. (Jhoiee at . ....... -- Two Other Assortments At 39.75 and 49.75 May Sale of Dresses Jncluded are Dresses of Canton Crepeand Tricotine in beau- tiful straight-Iine styles, aiso Dresses of fine Chiffon Taffeta 19 3 in bouffant styles. Ee4h is a remarkable value at T -wo Other Assortments at 39.75 and 49.75 May Sale of Suits BotW >Tailored and Spôrt Suits are in tins lot, The tailor- ed suits are made of all-wool Triezotmne and Poiret Twill, per- feetl tailored and becomingly faelnoned, The Sport Suits 197j are of the season's favored Tweeds, ehoice. Two Other AssortmentÈ-at 39.75 and 49.75 -Wash 1Frocè.k s For Spring-, and Summer Wear, Certainly no one-could ask for mnore charming frocks thai-these. The styles are uiost becQning and the fabries are skillfuuly and appropriatefy chosen. The workmanship noted i these frocks is far out of thé common- place and the values are splendid. Pre4ty frocks of inported Gingianis $ 9 to $ 16.75 are.prieed fromn..... .......... Frocks of Ratine in bright c6lors- $798te $ 1198 > Priced froni . .... ......................... linéü Frockte in al l te seasonable $oEIQ t 145 5 k-111