LATI3S IISTORY OF NAAL STA. v.iArtil e By Waukegan Man 1 J ournal 0f Commerce, Praises. Institution BIG FACTORY DURING WA Chicago. May' O.-Thee butor>' Great Lakes' development ItemIt 'baby" cf Naval Training Statuti je..1911 te the larget uaval raJ lug station ln the worid le year 1918 là a .,stor>' of achievement vhlch Illinois sud tb. middle wv eau point villi justifiable prIi lrsnklyn Muiter presldent cft Waukegan-Norb Chicago Chamt of Commerce writes lnl the Av journal of Commerce. 'Thsis astoundin grvIs cf au e naval Institutionionee Ibousa Dili"s distant t rom Sait vater, 'i very directi>' the resuit of the1 illuslasm sund doerm"ntion - t centrai vest section cf the Unit itattt,," the account conluuedà -The stationt v"sestabiibed- ilhe western sabe.of L.aIL6)AI jgn, .3S miles north of ChIC8 JalI> 1, 1905, wtbi Rear Admirai hert Robi. now retire. sasc mandant. The site vas donateai tIse Commercibi Club of Cicago. "Gre'at Lake$ tation apreads over a promontOr>' whch ripes ix titan oe uhndred <et above , ,aters of Lake Nlicblgan and broken b>' thlckly vomi ravines. '-re station comprises mu beaut1ilul buldings. , hich add the attractivefl<'45 of the 'àc abore. Tiirty.tlsree 01 Uic Lt legs are cr peimaniteft coniitruCt bcbng made cf rmasle brick. fore te var. thc ialiots occul 167 acres cftlsand, S iha tapa oi 1500 omen. -FIse var, of cosie bliged station tLr expiaflh. Ismrgency In tret, brought about ctctiun cf a bluldings, uutilt the total nuno sa% gào. suif'0(Ithie emel-ge aibrracka bave been dismntled. tO he buildings. aine vers dtilii alla. caPabic Of accomont, lng an entire regimtental ornal Maoly.of te struilctuesaI the i are schislhere siecillzcd t ing la gîven tise naval recroît. Uieue scheola are taught vii' telegralihY, Bignalintg gonner>'. laîlon, molor mechanies sud 0 liuruits te naval oPcratlOa5. "fie main atbtetic fildr Great t.akes. coostructeai durua ver period, wilIs grandstafla biescîsers alig aE seatiug ,.Capg 01 18m00men undeubtedlyi>'1 0i1lthe finest in the ceuntry. field bas a tins bscsail diamot * lo-,ai gridiroti, a perfect §Ira away rnning track one quarte S a mile long, and a quarter o ovai. runici track, sud six tf courts. Thse 'Ficild lieuse." V * looks out cicr tIse atletl fiel a finee avmitiltia POOla hand court, a trophy room, racel ronts, athlettlC Locerc. aIse etc. Tîte conatr!lctiOi cf Ia Bna cent b4rbor extendlttg 2»0 e intul.ake Michigan, vitIba e at theshaore Une of 2,900 feet. commenCedai t Great Lakeî dt 1920. Tbhisbarbor yl allOw ( Lakes to be uaed as an O#erl hasts for naval shîpB cf tbe jot 101 nd 111h cavai districts, vii puovide s bread streIc, quiet vater fer boat drille. , cars sud ant. Duriig tbe w mcuîhs tthe naval abipi Of Great Lakfis eau be moored In barber sud Used for tratinn peses. * The Great LateasStation h vonderful. record during the DurinE tise etuai perleai cf thea fi.t«ite station reevedai a lmately 1,000 nmen for btra 'l'h. station quicly'bacame largeal naval satablihbmerst bled lu Americ-a.Altegetisar, 61 cent cf tbe men lu th. fleet lsatned t Great Lakes. "Tbe stattin la8Ou. cf il beaut>' $pots anud l0 su "selt 4 state. lss tOr>' lapart cf tbe of illuol." BONI SER VICE 15S OtiIiI? I An effert la bein>' marie b>' clvic Or gaunieus lu ,lnIse cil>' of Maiîec te sectrs bot transportation fer 'hat cil>'. anded nov veli miter va>'. The ivantsa cltsb 0! tbat cIl> la sponsoring the. mevetient and t a meeting te vbicb vers Invitea rae-8 seniatives rcenthtIe Mantcvec As- socIatIon cf Commerce, sud ctber le. cal organizations, tentative Plans vers dravnu P. TIse temitrar'; plan, eaw back b>' vrnua rganisations. Il 10 sent e commltteiýtoteinterviewi officiai» Of bots lIse Hill Steambeat lin. snd the G;oodrlth Trausportallen company>, lu su effort le setore renev5-l of lake boat &eriice for Maitevoc. Thse HiII Steamboat OOt im6 90ag peu to àtart tiai>' boat service le Maille. veoc, Siseboygsu, Tvo Rivera. KteWtu' ne., snd pfssibl>' ttrgeoli Bey. 1EXPLOSION 0F ACITYI.ENE TANK KIL.LS 1; .M$ANVHURT * ersey Ot>, N. JI Ma>' t-Oua vas kitlefi sadeleveL ijured vbeis an acetylene tank explodefi ou tbe tean- g hip Joula, LUckuebac tàda>' vIle tIse reaiel vas et ber plat bere. Ou.eof-lb.he Mureai la so serlousi>' hurt Il la teared he v ied. Fut-t reports dId nt state visther lIse vesset, of ,161 Ions, vas dam- aged. nissat etis ita G contrasi, ant D~#uOramielof Spee!d.World, L «rou)a ,Tie4d la ggard and Worn INIANAPOLIS, IND-Very fev cf tbe more than 100,000 people Who yl te the 500-mile dasb for glor>' andi goid t the Indanlsapols icter Spaedway. Tuesday. May' 30, vilt ap- preciata the sufferiug a driver under- gees la tb. course cf 500-miies of gruelling speed duellng vils tbe crack pilota et a pair of cotinents. Tek. Bosco. SotIes. pcured aboe.s -North -Chicagdj lu M.l5sflorence Hayes of South Park tesa Avenue la among the Giicsgo visitors av. today..a tber A nùmber of yonng girls of this cl>' attended the "Bsckward Party" aetlthe at Y. W. C. A . Iut eveninX, given In Cthebe onor of the Girls Reserve ef the and Waukegan Township Higb fichool. pacit>' Misses Beatrice Cook, Cleta Neabaus one and Eleaeore Jolie>' of tbis citY serv- The ed uasotesses. d, a A very beautiful and effective Me- ight- moriai service wuasbeldi yesterday r of mornlng at the Hol>' Famnil> Cbureb. mile ln memory of one of Nortb h icago'a ,ensmost popular and Ioved deceased wicki young mon. Gersld, Sullivan. son of 1 à Mr. and Mr. Jerry Sullivan. formeri>' 41b511 of this ciy. now reaiding ln Wauke- 'pt.OI ga. The young man's deatb cccurred ýWel- on May' 101h, 1920 IoiiowIng a prolont- ed Ilineas. i 1i r. Henry larrington of the Mc- wt ut inney-Hrrington Company'. iis witicit>, bas been confined to isborne ,waa for the piast couple of days with ii- luring neas iréat ratlM AÀ auniber of peeple of tis cil>' ai- tb. tended the Hotel Men's Show Kt the and ColIseum, Chicago, todaY. bof The Central Echool teacbers and Lider pupila bave gpent moet of tbe day at inter the Auditorium iHall geint thrOngb 1the ther final rebearsal and decoriting .this for their 1fay Operatta wblch viii bie -- . 1t caLrbcrqm l octeti la wbatle ammnoi ustise Wbte-Ofk section et tise 21ev ]Sve cul BalIs.-Tt consista et 174 toeas occupteaib>' men enspoyeainl sud about lbe minaes. Ou Aril lut score ton tw ua sndredan sd fDît>'men ver ampîoy.d lu lb. mine hImmdial.. b> adjacent tue tise tuvu 'Iia ppr grup of houés asovu le thse plcen aeof tour rocana anai equipped wilb runnlng valse sad eiec talc Ilgbta icblci amre lcodea ln tise reut o! $7.00 te $12.90 per montb. ,»oardIng Ioaset-bsnouer IYPO reut for froi $1500 1 toS.0'niee touses are frmesx tu aine reoma. Theisleer picture te Ibat of tise eider secilc oftise town but uhich le made UP ot comf0itable heusta v«eli oaed iltcasd viseh are renteai tu thse mun'fer mouseate renta. l*a c*b e as Iewhite cisurcbes aMd tIffi tIreai ebuio bot* aiunglaveragai s'ubday i l 4.&à a,. 1. and *thel lait va 3±~auhleesa fer Instance. This Beau Bruesiltel et tbe automobile racle profuitoe ner f alse te alract attention AiSe sauniter# sIeng the avenue cdiA le tise eoleit veaves, and desigus cf tailleraiEnt snappy'caps, brilliant bued sitti andi ther accessorles of Ia Uatl drenseai ma. Me latu tltUvI9. 'ris« look et hlm ai he appearea star SÉssblug seconu the b.long grinai lai year. 'lied. baggard sud voTe. H lest nine peundeansd COUIduÉt open bis banda, afler Ibey Wb.d bgeugbed te lbe steerlu>' vieel cf bis race Cu te ament six heurs, until Ivo ays iter. SarIe. auffereai more Iban MU 20. hecause vIctor>' takes part Of thse tiug land sufferlng avar. sud TommDyvwu oerroyed visen he beat tisa "Indig+à Boy" accou tb. tapa. belda nder tbeir auspices there Ibis esenîng. Botb Icachers and studenla bave verked ver>' slrenuOuesly. mak- lng reai> for the etertalut'ient, and e ver>' etaborate and attractive pro- gram ilasaaurred. C. W. McNally ef Milwaukee vas a business visiter lU Ibis cil> Ioda>'. The Shartîn Post, American Legion Dance vas veilt attended laisI ere- niug ai Posa Park, Il vas tise tiraI Weduesday ereuing danceO 0 the ses son, lbe pavilon eing opened a ta Satura> eveulue. The Legon estah- llshed sucli a repulation sud have ha- corne se veil kuovu for their geed dances ln past years, tisaI it la net mucha effort te gel lbem aelves ad- serlIsedai athIis lime. The )Methodial people vtab ail peo- ple vbo are ngl afi Itatei vitb su>' otiser church te bear Ïi minai Ibir SpecliMtber's Dar service 10 ha beld et tIse churcis. Sunda>' moriig. Ma>' 141h. As bas beau previeusty sn- noucceai, ail vbo attend, are leviteai te brlng a Basket Lunch witb tbem. and remain atter lIse service sud loin lu s pieute lunch tegether. The Ladies' Aid Society' Memnbers are planuing a fev vsrm diabes vbleb vill b. sery- edw vtheblunch"asfurelabeai b>'le- divîdual parties. imperlahazbi Attrlbuue. Wbtseoe lat be visn as lias hala.tisifIsi, eairs ad alMetulte sométbînt elesil, divine, aid. cus uutly, impelabi--Àliaotie. 1 ÀT NAVAIL JISPIAL I S TILL NECESSARY undreds, Of War Vets StI l n Piards Of, FamnEdtalish - ment Who Need Gare MME IJNDER BSERVATION One Question emetlly asked Nelson Hall, tb* ereseetatlve Of th Wankegan Y. M. 0. Great ,akes is, "Wby te IoffCW i elfare rork ecegr s0. b dlsabled eterans lu Ib the eptal et Great Lake«?,* -n réply to Ibis question fr. Hall gave sei. data to a rpp- resentatîhe of tIse tiallj Sun <rom rolch the followlng statemetits are akèn. L&The naval bOWMI i a Great -i s wbere mamy bundred a retecuns have been oessd for dulug tie pant year. la £a Dildi> cjlp.> >el and veil snausâod hbreiia1 cher.every effort là made te gîte the patients kind snd efficient i reptf nent. Tbere la e DeM Of Sctlvities, lowever. due tu tihe exlatiug !awv. where the verit of thse efficers and nurses le charge cen veli be snit plemnted by nofflela eff0r1s. Wltbin this f0e1d lbe Red (os Y. M. C. A. aid ollier organlzattons of a slmlor kiud are verking har- mociousl>' toward tbe common end of carlng fer Ihege dIsabled heioeu One thlug vblcb la always hard ýfor officiai agencles te accomiplisb, bled tlxem, Io tbe formlug of fiieiud- ly personai contacts. Thse "Y" sec- retary las made buedreds of tbrs wltî nmen pasalng tbrough tbeho is pitai and bas arranged the ener talriment in the bornes cf the tee pie aud elsewbere et a large nun.- ber of veterans. A weli attended Bible datss la beld each Sunday ntorning ln tise-ebapel anrd Long services have been beld froin time to time le tbe Red Cross builing. The use cf tbe building having been courteosul>" provided b>' that organlzation. Owing te tbe faCt tisaI man>'of thse patients are unader observation, and. tIsaIuder exlatlng lau the>' do flot recette compensatin,sorne of tse» men lu tbe bospital nv-ed n4aterbi assistance 'wWiet the naval authorities bave ne- legal va>' of giving. One of the ways ln whicb tbe -Y" bas helpcd to emeit Vi situation bas been i the issuing of clotblng te ver te voterons lacking IL. A ver>' liberal response te the appeais sent eut'b>' the "Y" fer clothlng bas been received. Notahi>' Mr. B. V. Price ef llighland Park, tb. Carson Finie Scott vbclesale store, tbe Frst Presbyterlan churcb and At. Lnke's ilipiscopal churcis of Evanston ,the Viret Cougregational cbtrrcb of Oaks Park; tbe iHyde Park Baptiat churcb. th@e Sixtis UnIt- ed Presbyterlan ehurcb ,of Chicago. North western University' and là- matous otiser Organisations bav* coutributed. Since Januar>' lot,1922. clothtag bas been Iaaued te user. filan, 00 men b>' tbe Waukegan Y. M. C. A. Tbis lucludes large numbers et cuits, overcoats, alhons, ebirti, Peuht, underwear sndhlnftcteverY Id cf clotbing a man uses. Tbis cleth- lng bas beau lssued entlrely free te the retersas. TWO WOMEN INJURE0 ver. injured lu a bemb explosion ber.e toda>'. KILLED INSTANTLY 1I*N EXPLOSION AT PLANT BOtet. mass., Ma>' l.--Oa m&a ,vas Usai sud enotiser possibi>' fa- talI>' njiiid loda>' làiKu ùpleato at lb. plant cftlthe Waldo Bro4bar5 anud Boai Ce.mpan>' lu CbarmOIevL. IThe ceInsian'handles CÔUtracIOWs sud bufiders supplies sudtlit la der Of dynamite asS explodeai. CITV 0F MANDALAY 18 SWEPT BY PIRE TOCAY Rangoon, ludis, Ma>' 1.-Tis l>'U ot Manudalay' vas avept b>' fixe ledaY. lien>' persens are bemelcs "d tise damage la ver>' Ieav>'. TWO CRUSHES TO DEArti IN RAIIROAO ACCIDEKT Bosten, May' 11.Tve MO e ver kililea oday vIselIse>' vers auiubed bevesu a svltchiug englue eeGA. platfern lu tise yard of th. WaiWOud Boud Company pant lu Cisarletve. Michael McCartb>', & meeblnhit, vas kttled lualanti>'. and Edaivait Nettil mecbsnlc. dda e b l><tplt iseefb Lyous vas aise stuck b>'th;is, nix. sud lsIaa ostital vIsere bu. onsdi, lion la regarded as serteus- TRAPPED IN SURNING 401>8E AGED' WOMAN LOS,Ll.ft New York, May' il.-7TePPM.b> & tire vIsicIs started lu tIse badUeut 01 tIse bomne o! Hart>' Ferry, democrali .,.inernher nt the Seond iOgUt. oaSn INow Delicate Toned Steeve BaW4 And Rubbers Also Are Coming Back, ALL COLORS MUJST MATCH, Fat her's nightshlrt-perape suesi the fuzy oele wtb tbe plie tipf and he alit at acb suie et tbe tail-Is coilng bsck. and- a1enX wlth it sapenlers. sleevebeki"s and rubbers, solidi, square-toed, ce»- A spicueuis rubbera. This foret et eri Ioda>' b>'tise Uited flsteS clotbiers holding ls sixteentis -go-l animal Convention lu cblcage. Cati Il Panîlese Paue Jusl when the old nigist garmesut had been ail but routeai by the1 rougish paJama and vas reisgsie> te Uic shelf vilIs sueit vankhkig * iuatitut tons as "my tast quart' came the renaissance. It la ag$ father ould hardi>' recognie thse 4 thlng fer Ill ail dolled up. The>' cati il the "Ironserless pa-. isma." Il cernes double-bressîed ailtIshe vay dowe 10 the sbtn-tbe ceatshirt ides. carrled frtbar. Iii Mai>' ccv frSs'o make the corset neeuaary. TbeY're ettalut, 0l& bas double roua of frog tastenaera> 1vcrld affars vith eing basQues, trim ais aansd akiti.AMd la called esperlaîlly smart confuseai trbffled vils Pralm Btinga. ahades of helitrope. elepbanî'e _______________________________________________________ breath gray' or pale lemon, and fre- "Soaotl - Dctor .-qucnlly bas a shawilsh cler cf cou- Whlteing ean.PainSoalod"K- c D> cw trasttng coter and raglan aleeras To cleat int Ctat ei ntebeAi, rýL a A sAil Colora Muet Mat*Ks To ceànpeit tàt l ]OILftmhOd bbfiLdivd fr A tote seceve supportera X take aa fl 1and'i aueuseneiirlydry . '~ atne.ioI vr tbssi1j out cf lidrrovater. sud lp lu a lhor ~~ esay: Ihe cenveulng clethlers a l . rbilening. Applit te speint. snd «roc sd amex 1 a& Inarn ,.At oues of pick, blue sud<- witb a H1111.rubb iIt viii Inug tlt iaw>'ar ".d y« î!>iy do(w tD 1 il The up-to-lhe-miuute dresser 1a ait rey ra weso. amke, o hiramrn t 10a - 1 1 6" i ~ pected lu nderatand fi c ce, stata. Wsis ilsvan ater.mua i i at QÏ CO lhatelhcr aleeve-hlders or*»uPOWd tub vl suifa Mll dOtiL Il vi» let'eu our t "Y iters alsuld match tiegarteti #1IE jure the mont delicatOe cO; »»X« lit et .r fe ' Jlitý't tun ihat ltse Brumuiels must ba,.sle"VO look like nev; sud laft Sèh ck«« tg iit cms ru to aitlu ud4 holders sud vspeuders te rMattk thau if cleaneai vils 50<511 554 val. mn t t judas.' saci shirt. i i I I I I i a More bouse a pool rocinan sd A mm"' ormeoc'uxnb ".,u meetingroces fr lb. iBréoonistreet teda>', lra. Saram qP' meetine bah pork.tle alw s e. pIes, 65-ysar-elt moîber of MrIs.Par' À bs bli ark l alü Povi0dr>, vas burneai 10deatis Iode>. for tise.empoez'.. In lte sPark le a lira. Ferry vas severel>' bureed l grand staad, bleachers sud a splendid an attempt te reach lise aged, VOI- dtsqamp. an' A famliy of seveit. livIng Jlu lb. ,An elgIs reombrIck scisool te main' opper floor, ver. savea b>' fiamefi. tained wvlh an average attendanca of MO cblidree. 'tuv, STbrough Scarisoro ruse a bardl sur-. Tise proualarlat lu Russila te set M faei road gconneclng tisa commniat> dénote th. lovosI. sud pooreot dae%s vls tise ceunI>' lest cf Fayette and Tt lu d.ivs. Ilrcugi ieIsé IlaieleisCouilles, frein thie Lat rsat tava.tbe On. ef lb. înteresling. featle ci- gtVele the ceuni Of ServiUS 'Mfllu necteai vilS Scailioro le tise tact tst tu tehte lovait of tise cintmt Wb» not cul>' d»es lb. compsny ovi may>' eto e 0 ced le indicate tisa ie> of lbe bouses, but lb. menau veil vexe 'ralcable te lb. 5152e ely #»s are allouaS te bu>' or buId thelr reftrers Of ffsprl&. The voit es oun home at au>" hd alS t. oï5mcb11 sel ielieaur SCRÉbioro la lb. beaqiarters for the et Fayttle CountY Red CroIs wblcb dur- . ing the ver end sanes las conuluctea a spWled d vrk. Ro ita eans put thie Svnr>s.t; waae' morbzlCwaueqieia bu na atestera i 4 tt **wnut ýteu is omult G h lui1 qAppre) àFor Women 4p mis« 228 No. Genesea Sttd May Sale of Wraps.. &MâkîmlBring avings,.That WiI1 Appeal to You Our Regular $59.50 $49.5 $39650 WRAPS AT- $34050 - $24.5O Dresses in the-May Sale. Priced Far Below Regular Values For Our Finest DRE SSES $ ý2.05 0. Canton Crepe, SiIk Tatfeta, Crepe Knit, Crepe de Chine SCARBORO, WEST VIRGBNI Typical mcg tova of tbe Now iver Comapany, locale &bMUt eut>' mies IeM Claaaie.t.atheetatO caPitaL 79- 4w