igRQuistTu CURT-A1NS. $tué V ixuty; atîtctive f-tterné M san CROCHIk'r COMN. 1e AL-. I ale Made ef £ne mercerited Marqul-. 16 et Kioster or Xoyal Solety; bL.-ite IC sett e lde; pair .5 . $.9 or ; w.biteSMCTONAL CURTAIIJE. 98- "le; . . si..... ..... ....................e.. .- - ...... Mime. liabella, excluiaita face 2~Pomlpelan Talcum Powder, 15$Se PGWtE e ; " g. . . ..29 se ..... ... ... c Thurschiy May 2Sth I»iek for the stgr«s Wflth dthe wunts - Bargaîn Basement <urtain Materials, 29ë Yard intluded art SUlk 'Merqoiette. t(Zreiàee, Blu. a! Filet Nets. norne art substandards. Ms&tlals *etle $* 1.26 yard, CIIILDERN'SDRESSES. liSe- ma"e of attractivetngt>*=;.-aIl ises; neatîy g trlSrued ............ ......Sec * WMRN'S SWEATERS, $1.98 -Sltp-over styles; knit o fine yol ybrna. Worth te 350:choice ........ 9 bh1RLS' BATS. 79c - Strs.v las,.ln black or colorsi trimmed -wilh ribbon streamena 79 choie................_7 9 12051. 15e-For men, vnen and cblidrefl; values to* #Se; choice pair ...... JJ H10es; 19-Men'a and voeu- elsa emcrimed hale hoae; £al50 Infantis!'erecerized hie 9 bc**, pair ............. 9 CEnIRNS BOX. 26c PAIR- Itegulation and' tbree.quârter Isegb; values te 45c; choies, pair ...............25 WOlcmENB ESTS, 15-Regie- lar and extra aises; pure 1c iwhlt*; - tle priee.... . NW4S SHIRTS AN»D N.AW- UmmIlle RÂCH-Fine hait bal- bgmau undervear; sumnmer ..........................39c EOTB ATK=LETI UNION %UIT, 480-Made of fine 3 dwity; ale price ...........4 WOE'S UNION SUITB île- Ruft e« sélet cotton yarns: pure atlu . .............. 49c ge hgmSaOYECRALS, 95o-ilAie et hdvy vwhite bpck, blue :r_ dioer; bib style ...... ~EEONRS. ~c-Blck steen misses.. .......... .......29 SXAMdLEUS UETMSO 8C- Sise 7300; foil i besiébed : atandard, quéliiy. ---- 9 BSS. iOe--Cotten Isoe for men, vomen and children;lO choie air ...........---- - - o *WO]d&W'SISLK BOSS. 69- Subtandarde o! r'egular $1.60 value; back and c clors ....................69 WOdEN'S SILK BOSE, 89c- Fauhioned hose; ulso chiffon bose; $20089 values .................. - 9 VOILES, 29c- TARD -Drnes voiles; neat patterns; 40 Iuches vide; valuesa to 79e yd; 29c yard...................... fl 1 WOMZNS UNION SUITS 29- Ail sommer tles; .ine kgnlt; saoeprie .... ....« 9 MENS ATHLETC UNION 811118. 79-Beet qialtty; made of cheeked madras; eut .... ... 79c uzeWU'UNION SUIT8, 1su- Somnmer -weight suits of! bal-, briggan: Bac 69 qualty .. . ......... sue- ie to%lue echambMaI, sgd r.d trimmed; velI " , 6C '.EWS KIIANI PANO, 11.49 -Weîi aewcd; eut full,$1; s price ......e... FieLarettlàRemuallnts yr pl Sc Ï90-/zc . S1C EU.ScE UNDEMITSINS.49-Govus. - eutbutaliqEna; laSc BAeCHom ai envelope chemise, tu whit.te mant c;an;)cee.Rm erlatub; silk t9eatch; .- trlhmd -...- ....Ora KNEE PANTS, 79- UNIRRUSLN.94e-Gowna Knickerbockers, eut f rom vool endi euxelope chemise, In white or- -suitiuas of serviceable 9 s; nmade ef lin' 9c ae ...... M nataok .-- ---. ~ '3 WSRPiNTU, 49- DRESER SAIFS 45C4eUmae ef <rai; spenid l'obrta an lauee dgemae O iet Z mn var... Munets flisbed materiais; . AOKRIXES eRC Tic YSue *.....~ -For mon and vomen; thos.fer lob baitX tteela. voyen la J*oo embroidered ......... .. »_ c ausgilOttenai cltelse10 iNGMMTCOATS 8e- o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l lees.. .. i oli colors or stripes; stand- * WÀNCY TOWELS, 690o-.I.r*g &rd qualty Jeavy Turkisb, toveli; wth col- iingat4 u... .............39C -otri" 1 1 WORX SHIRTS. 59c-Cut fuj» atripe. ....frene blue chambray; wll5< b ;coie8 Is.... e... » De.,e ip2-d'ee Seau; holce -...-~. IL«40iu&bout 1 1-4 lard auerag.; 3fl53j* IATIN. 8UVS"0fa nts; fiuIbed gige; mou <be $l.41Knit0f vol yrn, uQoaer llls; buther mIxtotcel uzi- el, "ech ......................-2c le lais;chOtO ~BRASSIBRES, 29- Brocaded ?UR1CBR TOELS,19-SisE brassières, lu fiesb co1or . g Xil Inlch; iofsNe *re4; t"rrys-otvelut .. ....... ..- &...... al#<b ~ < Ifr Sc rasiere'are 19e, IEN'SSHIRTS 89--Sport and *~~~~~~ J'i2~*fo-stk d. drsgstyles. Attractive Oùc metats affl !besvy 8"Itim; hec.......... u tiek; aeh .....'..CÈMIDEN'S COATS ANDO >15K ANO lACETWL CAPES 8.98-Made o!f fte vool- 10e BAC-ron omis; 18e vlpee; en materials; de 1a rabl $9 limit 4 teo '0 tyles e -...... customer... ... .......lV £C CURPTAIS. $te PAIR- BATEING SUITE,*.9-Fýor Fine 'follecurtalua; Iuostltofcd mnuand vomen; saxnlcoand lace trI mmed lUnos; $2560 vlues .$..98.1 ~O pair .......»................... . Footweoxrj 15% Disomt- OUT catira stock Of mev aPrIne fOOtlvear <MUoeepg Trdeied, tms plansd !ancy trap; fiat. loy aud spci ei.l ; aIBO tan, cal! aud ebUlire, ReU -60o814 QUOta QUalty knd other voîl kuovn makes, aboie.#4 14% dixcount.1 Underwear and Hosiery <lmtri cer) Women 's Pull Fashoned Silk Hose,$15par Siu»tandards ef regular .12.2rp values; can be "àa la black ur colore; pair ............. . . . . ..... ------- -- ----- *fLs, WOMRN' LIBL ROSE 25e 52 117UTAWuj'in"nvj s" PAIR-1SlgblY Mercctsed; ireeg Fine ribbed undarwear. 8 ulgre or 600. mnd 75e cuaIties; p ure white........---------- 8 hlae. *itcsnd rov, 2 MZN'S M&ERCERIZED LISTB pair..---........................ 5t, 3ePI-Al<coa black or white; c WOMEN'S FIBRE BILE NOSE. patr ............23 soc PAIR-Film sllk vtth - CIL 6S OK. 9 R Inch lime top; black or 50: naultom aDSOiM Sbe Ma; brovu; pair......... ..... -bue vetim and71e 4 )Mao; 259 PA1-Wltte, brovu or black 4.iSPAIR-Blaek, bis values. at'2nu">o "ad grey; pair... .W6 pair. -. . ....¶ woMiNs UNION Surm tu8- WOMEN'B UNON StfTS 794-. K»It oetfani ydrns. ligàtSc Fine 4uaîity, Frel4 trie 7* b , .... EgRB. 2S-Mlsc Maly; àa 1 WÙUMEN'BS S, 25e-Fne valme "Ï atsi tîri.gsi'C ribbed. Regular or extais q!sMEWS AxMIA8, suii- ases0Value .. .. ... .- 25t.pC upipmtoom9e;BratupiculI- CILDEEN'S ION SUITE, vila)_ ke-Rait o! fine select yarns; NEN's A'JLW1IC {N regular and vlut IA SIJIT, 8e "0-at styles . ....... .419e quaity a Ce bds l2.5Cr value. Pare thread 81k; àsb,_white aud orebi. S Je fig B rie.---...- ---.... . .. ........ Neckwear, Purses, M1en's TeEc blaek Lacem patt LE OtYVE, 41-Woen's 4ÔIIN'SPURSII.79e0 k sik gloves; 2 clampa*. ê square Fum, -lu bled or il ises oly; pair .~.. DCIbnon. .......-9 ACES, 4c' YARD-Torchon NECKWEAR, 59e -Broken e of good quality sud Aes -r- ---rd.. ------------- ....mues; deirable style; 9 close out s ..............So mnetsor vmn 5 ENIT TIRS, 4 5e-Plain Cours or fancy trlped patterns45 choie.... .......A L made ef good materlal, vitb blacke handle sud cord ............... (Piret Floor) Commuuity Day Silks PONGER, »Se YARD-Natu 1l iUTE 9e-34 imole Japanese ponge. &Il .011k A-O1I ide Nwhte or flemh qualty; yard ..._ ...... 8C yard;.......... 1-404310ff. ALLOLK (IRAN- MIEUOBE. Sle-.Gkmd Une of colora; yard .. -------------O9 C 36-INCHE TAYIMTrA, $11- Plaia color$, giachana checli, plafida and $ chaffeable ........... --.15 40-INCE R EP~EÇI $1.80-.Colnl>leteclr-$ 9 rang.: yard .. ......... 13 40-fINCÉ CANTON CREPE. $4.98-Black andi &Il Ivntd bau ..........$2 .98 40-INCHI OMORGErTTE, lie- Fine all.sik quality; 98 34-INCII ILE HNTUO 9&c.-Complete lUne ef9t colons; yard..... .........98 FOULARDS, $1.69-34 ,indes« vide; beautiful pat- terns; yard ......... 36-INCI1 CRRPRE NIT, 1.98 .-.Whte ad six nev shades, yard .......... ..U Towels & TIoweling <pirsat Floor) TURRIS TOWELS. 25c-Stse 1h11: plian white or vlth colorai border% -.----....25 TUEIM TOWELS 39c-Very bavy quaflty; sO22x44; 31c pln vkIte........------....JF 1TURNIS TOWELS, 79e - Faacy 811k strtped towela; setdom .01< for JEU than 1,125 là "is 21m0... . -.......... u BUCK TOWELS. I e-Plain or KITCHUN TOWELI.S 2 FOR 25ec --Oýrdbbtowels; bemmed a" taved; Miue border ; CRABE TOWELING, 10< Y».- 3S8-iit.b brovu crashlio ab yard --.------.......lo CRAUI TOWMULNG . 18e Y».- Il Ia81iu vif; yard .....- 8 Domestim ,Etc. BElSPREADS $1:,-c-ft" ipreada inlbhe72X#4 lf ta"h Aise ..-.f1vu -8-11E 'ABLE D)AMABE. 41Hevygallty, por- bieeb. yar# - 49c PILLW I"MM(;, lie TARD- ilescbd; yard 25....------ e -PMLLOW CAsES . I5f-Chotce ot 46x34 or 4ZZ36; full bleached; each-....... -25c 1SHUNTS. 31.00"D 811&5- T'a.eege; mise BSM. priced at 11.15. 72zlO 46-INCH 0» UCHRO US- LUN, 11ue TARD-in. qmalty; viii »Monbleaebi; 1%L * -NeMIUX lO4d YARD- Blsached or bowm (10 Y&.U1 9-4 ELSACRI» HUETINO, 47e ede 7d47 C 31-14K LXSAL »JEN. lic TAIMD-Us.d for my it, thildrn'n dr"M"E, ete, 1g 10TR OXA' WNG CLOTE, !og~ah 0 ard boit .. ... ..-.$1 le TARD BOL?- glll=a. Iti.»-Wbtte rouai threai; Mues i"; for Lamy or di-avn vrk, eestms, -etc; 17 boit ,....... n...... - LmiNOmxyI, SIe-choice et 45 or 54-inch vldth,; a cloth for faiaywork, drava vork, table clotu ,duese.; --39C yard ------------------. o! hnltted camles air $4.98 wlule 100 luita.Deirable col- on and cousbinetioe; fringed trimneed; isplendid for motor- Ing', «ec Community Bargain Day on the Second 1 ERMUSIS îOt BT&P.IN&S 19-Mode oetSaab color, cheeked - 3 MEN'S ]BATHINO SUITS. $ -Ail «yo ulis lu leaiber mm- tures; $2.60 i values .-.......... ....$.8 MMES'BATHINO SUITS, $1.95-Sample lines; values to 1500 -----.. 19 MOVEALL, 8e -Childr«e' Koveralb; red trimet $1.25 value........ . . . XWIUTERS. 12.9 - oveser Coats for boys and girls, print aud vool yaru ; a&lx- ê à .34 ,.....................$ . 9 rtre go ws sd petti- $ 4 coate; vwortb Io 12.00 .. 14 make; saine are Soied; fl rmade of Jean_.............49e' BOYSI PANTS, 9e-Made ot eervle.ble *Onlens knleberbocker style .....98C BOTS WASH BO ,iTA l 59- Made of durett.a cioth, ln white. tan or blue; 3 àtybue ... ............ . GIRS ' DRESSES, tg* ami 11.9-- Tvo lota; &Il are made o! gusham; C a #Se and_> AlRON«. "39e - Polly Primes OS'BOSE, i-oee Aproas, 4made o! cembina. OSBOSS O-oe0 tien maiertabs ....... .I .s...e...o.la. .....79c hala.rA".Ra ste;- 49<: ram choie. - .-------- 9 WAIMT. 31.29 -Wise' Walob; values ta 12 CORSETS AN» CORsErTT $8e-M)ade o et rvlceble Mater- l"I; vhite or teub ; 8 latent Modela....... SIC WAIMT, 12 98-lor- gette sud erepe-de-chine vaaisa broben$2 8 lnIas -.------....._$2 8 UiNDERMdusLN, lot - Eve- lape Chemise snd go"»u; 'f mae of nainusol.......... 79e BILE sCARFI, 11.91-Fibre sit in 5Bond colorasu'd $1 8 stripes; finge suds. -- 99 BOYS' st'IT. 19.75-Borne bave ivo pairse of13005- ors; $15.00 valueý..... $9.75 SLUIP.OVER BLOUSES. 1498- Faucy étripe fibre sik. j; mil ucu abades. . Community Day Wash Goods 45 cliImoril Eisorgailes; permament Batik. vbite ,. and ful liamf etonbabsade.; yard. .. ....... Pom Poi am" bl«eb elot; a&l Oum"I#, 25e TARD>-For cong- blutas vlth go« rmatevialfer i coW or IOt fr05115 1115 lote25 da eetg~rable; yard»..25 Ut-%McE Dam BPERCALEI Ili IVARD-LigIt or dark pat- terne; cleIM7yven lSc---- 84-INCK WRITle SKRNG. and Yatus"rd .........va.e..9< $ic-FIise satIn utripe adIue 32-INCEII INGRAxo, ils yv-, .-Pretty patternisu"d color 'ffects; yard . .-...IU»1 C 32-INCE TiSSUE AND» ZEPE- TR 4INGRAMS '390 YAIRD)- LAnge seleticu; se- pat- A terne; yard ........ .......3 C BILE STRIPRO TISSUES are, yard..... .~."U 32-124CM IMPORTRO 02140- BANS, sec-wanted aise ebeeku jand pretty plaid pattern$; L yard .................. ...... ..Cef Community Bargain Day i the Housewares Section, IL * ~I7 I I DD!~'DOur entIrestc reduced to-.. DP GOCARTS ata and Strollers. large se- O' yyP.g~ ju.AP E..188UI GOýCARS lecton. pAed m .................... 144-TLEF.1 WA- #MuOL& M ST. i»o-inelut. wrwm £Lm"Ms.1.19-- tECINFEZR 1 b«x et polieS. tee IQgPatent leather, baud. Cita le~y pries.<.,.-1LW value----é- " turued; ises 410ô8 . . ..... $119 tot,... ... (IHLXS'AN» lit AN UW1*NTS' *VNTAS L1PM3 è*e-WhIte; baud turued'98 ils 4 bol.... .............:. *P0K PRMMVER BRi Ant» 0701D. 10 75-alack or brovu. aSIoîY narrov vidtha. Mi or 310.00 sud Ul..1 ... - .....- ... 0ÇILDRiN AND»)MWFA WOMENS WHIITE CA#VA4S #1'PE .9$.3-ppt u th. I 011011EAND» STRAPtTUMPS. *; ra mii. a'l iaU#$tJ I1.flo-Kgansd loy er; is« 8% ¶to 2-...j ee-style 0............$3 < WOMSN'B PÂTENT PUMPS AN»' OXFOUDS, 14.79-La8teast Ylto; #Wul sud taaq' trap: .at, loy sud supeelal hcel; alo tan, Cal! sud Wio naod i bJXkid1< otords. Sboes that od up t-......$.9 SLAIIKNYS, ifl l'aise at.......... .. .... . 4 WALL PAPEN CLRIXEX..14e -A very effectiveclan 1PAWT . 298 AL?-lg grade bousekold paint. a&l de- frlecolon...22 WASH TUBS 8 -Sa bomabold oi*, gslvanized ...................43 D)OUBLE OS1R 1.5 Aluminum;lremis$1 round self hoesU roateripe oi TEL KU¶1*, e o-4%3-quasO gise; umod et alilndaMm vtth voed haie .... ... 9 4 plimm LÂ NIM COOER tic; 2 quart »pUding Panui&M à q ar traIîter, yh v4ltlIm.1.109 ALLON- ISR111PAN, ielOquart; for soora and *Il inter- jlluiu;round di a Ion woodwork, galo $.19 van .......... ............ C C OFFE P£COLATOR. île- Se.lmn ,lei spouta; besy a....nu....... >RTIEQ PAN, 39e - amily aise, Maie o ev 3< kettle igiymrd frone baudling) . .......... "WearEer" alumtnum; largç Laise; willlIsat !emver. Regular $3.35 value .O SAUCE PAN SETS, ile-Of "Wbarever' aluminum; 1 and '2 -quartises; vorth *205 on set . ....................... - oeiC WATM szt, 4ge-colouil de- aigu; comstlug et! piteher 4 and 4 tumbler; set .. 4--- 9 42-PIEWE BRIEAFSTBOT, 84.8-White semi-porcelain vils sold lin.; f0 set .... .. « ...........$ .9 TOILECT PAPER, 10 lnOLLS ic -Large nolla, l1Oe value., < good papen, 10 rolî ....... 9 WIRR CLOTE, 214e SQUARE SoOT-sceen vine Iblack; square foot .....--12 Grey engMeîed. about 1-quart sit; noe larger) *GARDEN 110E, 19c-Loeu baudie; veny special o» value ........................ 27x64 RAtS RUGOS $S- B4it sud MW dpatterns; heavy no< qtlt........ .... ....io TUMBLERMS e DOS -Colon. 1*1 design; full size, 8 dosen................ ..... 8 SPADIItG FORK. 89c-Stecîe19-aîoizdl tineB; D handle; eal FME o Alvnlt pries .................... .... 9 pail, ln 10-quart aise....1C BREADO Box. 3119-Large SPRUCE T32X MOI? SET, 8Se- aise: hite eenee. f A Cotton mop vith lhadle o89 rouid cornera »........ .$101 and large bottle o! al. oi Women'sa înd bMie0s' S ui ts,'Drt.essès, Coeta and Wraps For- ~4 5,19' .75 ad39.75 Forgroups of Snitr sses, (JoCats a»d Wraps presentiEug vahm~ thast have no-t beneqaIed for years. The f6nfst W oleus and ilks are uged to fanbion~these gannents and perfect workmanship is noted in eaeh instanee. Do not fail to take advantage of No Ref"ld; No RetumTs f or Creult« No Euhanges mE' DRUMEssE 5-I WASIIBillETS. 1e-Mai.et gCRILDRZNB BATS, $1.00-: eldn rmso sIad wlpgbe n;.r.'WOMEN'S TRIMMED BÂTS-2 gmE *I» Blacke batis of fins Milan strav; lneudng rese.! »kco $5g leI9 abrdne;5E e HT S01tm> »Waev prIng and sommer *ola f5~4s JItrirnmed with ribhon 10 voolem materilel; che.m pca a aresiers... .... ... bu l b - ~the j6 fe ýýw , ?* ridw- UI!o tWb > ilefoft "Tbh HBe e eartl enta à e puts àm iie tain T Car 1~ linue il y et t thoreae tisaItth Lieut. J les and maod, 1 a i.