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Libertyville Independent, 25 May 1922, p. 12

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ti fIWU HEVY FINE- .we*i cea., daet, vhio ÀM é - .orest ut, "Ue tbah hait *t1 - mu lu agu d e- s" Pt ectionsday sig thwtttheU..oa, u, ec te - te astotI -014 ras usa Epeat ittio a Setinoenen dttI1d etlL tICIi4eu 0 ul0t t f si a p liti » t ma mait eorbe II a = liyuhy lis bteara co! aet- -i tinte te tat u ieueand Cte aco fue t tht y, sal P-us Wba'a411oa ge l? th I tWla htht ed er liht , t MA doller. ur eà,*u 'Wm e lyd elt 7Pr ote b cauketa. te tht toa sud Caper-on so uaItbolghtgoreJbs. 0o4d*sudndrcoe hlmo-an tlatht petit e ttaion. chee cocastlcckt 'bepgfathe nit.rfena ino h Wtp qu& Aed wfurthermPntatu sAtd wtba e t"purchaselttJaidt 11.1 Je liv e st52 opirsttl 'y eb hlkareen t o o ou. Prestos cM as ought leeus. der*MScudalfsIbi forul smdofin. a régare ontelotht ofr thad =e avtne. lqufieroaac t P n 1h .Waukdau. Aai cth lmandcas aree otlker ATheatti. er ttu lai ofere Telisa ypulit ee aou br the Lgs cad ise poacel un-m 4dttr b-st Salstnilit foasmbing sf terael -a. liteyrer etd27th md tlappeetialog> athe9Ine sud l 1oWreteBohlken. ThedtthOeul ice!th station liegs s t-e otroc hlm.s If ter a ai-. hcner, *sudBken p 8"aUn Cat bulMtht Ufocr bat Weii obie atvelI byplc sud bIsencas ii e tefor.tr oh&u= thoatre compan> of Waukegau, cUl lbe incrporaflslvitbh apital atpôk ot $200.000, It tht avo*ed ' -Pufose of tncieasing île site cf lb. thtatre no Ihat Il ma u»d-atIta pr.- peli tht blggest selu tlaudevIle »t t ut Uh. saine ime putl qutheIpa-er -roaI shows.t W2 Heyiuan, ocuer of tht Ibotre1 159#4199g veut 10 Chicago telay tb coater dt Captallisa ho have inter estel thaIeslnlutht proposition. Tti1lM;posxlhle thal tht les! mey he £ltgtd4alt iis mains. TUe proposed plan, -acçoding 1e Xb. ittymua, do to inci-eas4Ibis boo f tis-front or thtbujilding goý tIî a4fgîbatcony eau le cc s*uct- cs e the a arg » ' otot aga4 te ut > itIr oul lbe remudeltd. àtcoraing te xMv. Heymian lb., dot! b" »561 yet progressel -ta hkpint -p-,*q t l psbtt to go 1010*11 tht There Ila a tmentosbétn. tisEr suportai![lanChicago-le nre- tericent formation of the 'a l Ockgp'-club and tht cioin; fî e!IMaseaa wthoue sud LibertU- vM rac co81ues lsan idilcaIjon e1thl.pgesDtu mdttocvard. the spal'flng oblect. !mrbus lMhtS frhunralsutmrbns ,Z OCIaI lh ansd %tata ixecutives -bbon. Siroen Île projeae etlipsafle *.»4cqrMtiOat alti.m ontnt ~ lepogrageit ou a bala chin ci O@epsmy udlkeltopreaideat or *~ inwl~ rgagz oky Club, - gel: Mobile sud la malug euth a zi-lla revival aI oSf the pis. -10Tlilinows Ve'tok*mAWMéic8 al ue:ýL TrEARS WNTAE 04 Wglt'IN fiTkX MOVIEt. Judes Efiaids .djoiunsd 'cour tu t4q trial or W a mli bhe m is <Ate«iioa M 'the, ituoat 01 a.ý ...41 Oviug picItre am W ho M ltA i1 g, jÙr. attaneys 1VbeIh thl *it oIt en aa4 it andl à~ -te-, lu ýth fmue triai. tlarough 'luetrur enothe X" là t rf ë . the, t1ourt. Tbe aluna-roi.ulta Àu ginat des, Of good M0810.- a. lthe part of tb, parlitàts -and latêsat. pd a crowi pf cintous ' auksii flas spectétors. Attorney Charles c. Let'orge la >àl cross examlnation of Assistant Treasurgl W. W. shermau 0 lEwift & Co.,' Iis arternoog, mel lesoly divsti ail the pocher. pre. nostestlmony of any ihpôrtane, ir the triai of Gev. Smin 06oitthe charge of consplraeY ta Ob"sf money t ram the State. * HI, attackl was basel pon the tact- that Mr. Sherman bal býen ansveriug aiu of Âttoriiey.. 1abp Uly's ùuestlous as tu notes. jiii cit..ck.given by Swiftta 1eCutis brdtbers only -afler refetring Io s Dejuphiet of iourteei pages vblch, Wa boëu been furnished te wli. ni"s by the prosfecution, wblch it- Bell bait mode up the paniphibI vîthoul suy aid on the. part. of ,Mr. Sherman of vIgtI & Co. Atty. La Forzee's attack camne af- ter deveral ,heurs of qidlzsâtg 'on the part oetlthe tte ilu rblch mil- Iuon0f i6ollars ot lotus sud %un- dreda of thousauda of dollars bal been shown by lhe witnesto have been Paid ta E. C. Curis or bis brother. Y. S. Curtds. The effeet on the >ury of the ai- tack wau marked and la toit ta have dgistroyed. any advantage lte PrDOsenton had gaintd 1»' ltâ long questlouiug of the packera rinanclal exprt Ille teuttmony won further w . t!ied wben Mr. Shermn idew t the admission that hoh. ad fhy men lu is depiant under hlm a»' that It woulii bedIffcult for hlm ta remai any speelile trans- action. Dry as duel detuils were bein; aId- ed, bour after hour. ta the testiniouy tht tht proseention la Viing np, but it vas hein; doue imder tbp objea- tIons of Attorney C. C. lor"pe% chie! of Goy. emair's battry of coun- 1el an4iAttorney Berotder, the. qoy. ernr' pisns atiorg7, ThOlt chwa objetions ta Mr. bhomaWa teatwmon todar vers taI the ctait as gw uet kug fromn zemoradta that had beau prepalesp«eCiul.'fAr liis triai a wb4ch did flot hava tht athetclt9 thé otiginal records, snd that vithout outil memsorffla tbhestOck yards fift auecial man wcoul-be nuable ta tate sur of bis concelusions with any r. Ulaijty. initie Elcards appIarfutly cas scydbta t ie 4 !the protutlon tu bis rulilg taI My. Iheriasu ho i iowed ta tegWy as ta the bu##ua cia! trauactions hy the cituaga' j.4 larAtgn taI -houail seçepItii Mmmrnda as bout ,rtllahle in lte eomuttoo! bis ocu tas."ie ThOe Court bas repeat*dlY inlitelï ltaI'b h.ucal alowlng the teatlmony or- patt tbree days ta go Intô te records fred by thelPc-k 'Yards chiefs the entj .temporaffl. He. tatel again ta- d"y Ibat It coiald ail be thrown out tlr tmless tht paosecutton itokol lb * up; definitely cltb the case hy latta- evioce. . JIUuaned uap tht evdence offertd sa fsýi appears taeprove euiy that B. C. tutyti,. and later bis brthtr, Venon EL Citrtis. loanel large smonis f aOueY té tht packers lu t4t years 19171 t 1921 udthat they a-tiraI i yetiaru Z =O.0o1la ntest. -Xotaul of Ibis evldeilce la lu as yet but It appears certain thst It will be> read la the h real fight le expetel tea tari chou the attorneys for tht prosecu- liqu Stl b1A show. ie they eau, tht diu. potRi1on of thet uta-tt ioey'. it "la n01 bellevel litI t. proeutio. ex- pecle ta show the Dacmra Ihemselves bal any knovilge of the paymeut.ot latenat money toa any allersasa to lteCurtis brothers on Ifie lans madé -tl1roughOilîbur et tht Cufll.brother,, and Ibis angle cf théese la thtnou. IligI tbhge In attendance at the trial are watchin; it losut Iintrest rigbî nov. Publie Interest lai lbe tris! bu asan et« ao s VA «xteatthat chen ourt openel Iis Mtutinithtre won only eleven stiectalors ef thtrcedn. Titis i"ckof intmaet Io aitdoc eur f rouithe charaer 0f te vdenat, no* beiug drawv bick l 1i' a -bock ýkeeplng jnature UnaI ,o a»I, onons lInlb. extreme, beluÈ a contin- Uai repetibiono! figures. Âtberuoy EIMj adMay cas stiU exsiuglu -. Shormaai wcenthe noon reces vau orderel. Ahson -asporta eproerfry Agu *mou beeple bouadsryina. i buumia a à esty, tncts vMsboit aMI opeufl m nade In the fentes. WhU =W ~ develOjualhueo UR I te dagels flaer -Irte fiaI --thé' plaie 'asoc -alIgs .WATER MItOW TY EUtTSU oti tas 81l* te Migit give te thei *9 Wlj hi~~~~I hécredalthté a bu lt for lusolc opfnl 1h. balle -la cutlaulo~ u tt lu the Rivey Jorisà Ir III UlMai o!ot he»Mut ' utib $, ' It vit elýltihlr çb.la g*, galti pap:i W t huit rW"h 1 eu lath luInit frotu l e îs 'rm te%1 aste hen;Il-,!&aq r;at- lIe ttip-hachc teflI<1 1 ss!ety. An interestinoso lag lt ha vas posant b 11< : as tbIscusteuna Sftcer iclaI up 111 hottUe in tht gntPwhs ~ 4 étý hear« tb a i WtrOn e la lg ga thousiâ l aey 1h11he had ffl1lacnl a hote of buose, tht onet hing w v>~ ail theo customa offcers iooked for;, "êff Editor urgol hlm not u'Iwraflâ tht package btcaust 1it tcas 80 niceiri proteel. but tbe man kèPt on a lpg th# cavering off. At lI tbe Editor, In despatr. can-~ ed t the youug mon cho couiti speak Kngllsh sud uuged hlm tb vara, th Fresnch oflcla not ta uncru» tht package ecouplettly because of le ambreti vaine. Ho e aeue"a-beIt el tutht cuatomusofiicdr just chat ho cas ta-y-1 lu; t0 gay snd tlually tîclaimed,. PITase dont unvnsp thatï;ackage. itV » fuataet - Water. you .iboc 'front River lJorIan, Jeruisalm-v*tet for bpptiam." land wtcit hbe toucb- [ti bis bonaI te Indicate juat chat tht voter vas lesignel for. At last the customs man bail the apper part 01 the paca4ge uncrap- ped sud aptmrentiy sac tht ses! vblcb bal botu place& on the hottie. sac the coler of tht contents, sav the baptismal aigu. etc.. tittref ore, ho Id ual coiupletrly uuwrsP lbe botlle. And se tht hotile vas carefultp packed lu ont o! tht critta's grpa and -il madt thetrtip on froua Joru- saleni back bo Waukegan wilh safe- ty. The Ceremony, ThetwIo pa-etsa arived ai tht Sun office ait 115 aud tht coi-k lItht qujaïtl bttît of sacred cat.er vas dracu. Thea the contents were paurred latp the asuisîla-bottîts chich haeeu paovded for the respective potUgUaud attht 'clergymen. carefully wrapiuag up lbefr bottieo. loch tbom home., t«pressing tppretatlon for tilt pfifiege-tattord thent of belpg ahi te bavée soin, of ibis caler for usoU la haptislg tht!- 11111e folks. it 1.4 reported. that there are msuyl parents i ciahave put off' hapt1slng.i tIli- chldaren lanttirehppes that they1 e)d use seuilof Ibis River Jordani war hicli th.e wter ltld Ma-.j Gmater suid othefs saine l$xne bath by ketarItie e cWUbringin$ home. Th t tee t-ls thus have thid smaill amount o! hoiy caler on band s1 wlii 'use Il vycarefully Iu or- der'10 'htve il go îa far as possible. Maur, perasn have a gi-et leal o! sentiaient lu' counetion citit tht Rivet 10o-in vliter aud that la Why lte EZditor ot the Sun chen ho vas cay over la Palestine thought il woul4 be a good îles ta brin& htck s soil portion lu orler that they mlght tare aIrants;. 0< Il. Front SacredSpot. It mikzllt le .511 aIibis limeltait tht cwater lu Question vas baken out 0f te River Jordan ly the. Editar Cdc, aut CoinEt-> sU:D i extra <aialt>'; 4Ocane ....$ Faner Que«a u fai quart Manon Jm ..........49é iSc>'large 1Sata -CLi.a-; a lb -.....-....... ..-.. Impelélpca-tueee, tg dq of; 2can . ............. Waain YPucde BclfVeo, li-ga lae cnly--- ... ,.-- .--.. .... s anal bhi#lAU-tahlé 90t a' i f 0o4ieiWW» chf& ite t - spo't ge luho«'bea Ode Ift mg ete Wthe el# < l t. loita spà,t -ilolfeyI ê 'paiut Pd Wtlot abu-- rele gales.lte vtr.told mtflic hItiejoal *Omueousthevelth. ?"Mt » Up'Over atta. b -tbefc a~ :tvu barrellf>-*t *iùam sptvIr Usa Vdu*no fe If .4 to ia lma lqStl# wliituhe.baelà loins.. tirrid sb* a iWiem U ~la ppreiatorx1 1 piamm . bae W4- ocaate4 l a aim dom" t TPee Sitor ot atéi broab fier I-. mp te hmt. o. cfchc léont or. £aà vli tO alter salît lwl albc# Çhrmt i0repowelta býuaed lu tht adnustMeMnug othe Sent lo! Baptism tlu Chtlat 'Vuc.Il vas . o» saismalter M., oory squart.pt caler tree. rtr round th* globe through6 MI sof ire Hor bava - fth«9 -.i. t $4, UhtJ*o owug Iy s's piti l te ýè4da«Pitwova% ,bif&emee.elaL i$ *#)v%«t9"iais Bri atetio meog Ie-uorth ed ole. lold tbbhm *s-be ttaut dbm dslue t e tolay. MUr. MIlItUre cas bot- n bwau- BRD BULLOK kegan March 3st11?,sud lad liveci ~ bei-e ever aluce. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wo DE AIT Rvntufret detivea-of mailîca ILNE TIAM IOME MntoduMi&-. ukm=0 ILLNE S AT801 lu;ngAndiro Bmeeict, Beebet- H. Sur. utît nd the laI t-e l Milimor. l'ael (Tef Builock. manager o! brother of tht deeasel . Ma. lti- tIe Chicago Telephone cm aura Mot-tcarrd ie 151for twtuiay-flve cqonterclal dePartzgent sud a ceil lita-s but refit-el faia tht patta se-. moqru Waukeganman cWho upea Il ai ce severtîYom &go1. O! late ho bisIl! boe, iedai i> ort a.aitoollu jaltor .1 lte Nortbwtal bléMe ere did a bi hoe o acoollnwaukefau. Ie«"anRosI, Sunday ev«eoga; aI Beides bis wdoc Io tavs t he îé: e h tîî-ttîa roo'I - jhltrn: Ma->s. een M. 'ýÙ4de4 fgoe aprloe lt-Bin arCia» .my Wm. and w-s hich diltel fra-oi uattack 0ofIlIcatd A.. bb t c hen ive aI turlsrouble. Liter kldney ccuipi& home. calldn set lu sud for tomet tinte pa5t 19 leavet thetbfloicla; bmtt,- Urt. Bullock bal b'heu ln, i stte sud tiaters:. George lltluore or Chi- che-e l cas fearel ho coulî not Cage, Ma-m. D. T. W*bsd mia. Ada IlIre long. -MUimore. bot o!t-Waukegan. yer a year 50 Ma-. Bullock bal YPunrai Tuesday Affermiiocu 5f Io bis fit-t attack sud cas nover ahi.eceloek &ttlhe home. Rer. 9. W. 0h11- te nesume bis cOrk cllh thetlit- eter oflctating. lutta-ment lauPi*, phone compauy lu choes émbley hé Viec eeeery. bal hotu these nithy ytars.Ho ipecceffl te the Position ofloa ma agerfer Ma-. Ford wuasmadeî~m tI fE I dis ltitnager. M O M T Ur. Buliock vas 4- yeta-a ouf and~ Was bore luWaukegan, & ton 0t Dr. MEUT IN WEST Buliocir, ILpioeer-and iea#la< nby- siéisu of bis, 4ay ibesethonme for yeaa-s cas SuaI iicrth o!tlthe ci Ma- John Grfith. a proulnenl Lake soute Temple. Sheilsa RosIa . l. a-est i-tai etaais dealtres Balock iras a bi-ot- et of ormaer SubIs> cith -a ntuiber. cf oîher mgyor Wiji ,»«Uoç)4lad cf- epaty niemh&p o!the Chicago Real EsW cucul>' ci"l-k J Bullcck. Their tale Eoaad te attend a bit meeting !eAther lira. cit lb.e faper la Chi- of lte i-tit>men , I1.sAgoles Cage. sulad Sau Francisco. Ile eXpects te It cas about 22 yearg &go fliat bo zone about a month. Fi-el Eniock moatired *lss Dor-Cor _ _ _ _ naIth e! Wautegau Wo aise lurirves hlm. Mr. Bullock ca a. heTbiia-y-stècnd lMounaisinaNameti for lndlsn Tille. liega-teIf!asex and a Shriner an(L \Tht Appelachisa montaln yteus meauler o!f te Couslstoi-y. reçtlred Ils name &M uthc Applsefit Futtial,. Wtdn«det i to fi-o r Apainclihi dans.Its h4iW opeint t ht résidence on Sheridan Ibid. Bur«-laI ZfutnîMichell. lun otl riaa-cl». lai lu sawocti. wbihlcain 6,711 feet hîgia.- S.aaty inthe se 8uth-. lu tht SouthitthO crepe mytbehb.- comes as mmiiitroc- unItut-us a hail- iant bronze aiment or qité i-el, gay n~-4 tht Aniem c P oa-ata-y Magazine.' I iniuel g" for its entamer and é. earI> fait towIrs, but lh aseobsvalue for tht celer. o! ils ripeunaflilagé on thae approadli of cold etathet-. 12 18i N. Genese St., Waukegu, lit. Maàon Fruit.Jars Quat ize 4 li $ $0 atone; No. 1; a~.25 snappyv ecl etsh; lb-.....4 r 1 1ide J îiii Sel-ppqCdr Ma<tcariii and S~get * Inported Fréneh; 1-1b. carton ... 1e Owansdogu: Cake 71=u Instant ...9Odoz. ......- - .$1.20 dos. Choies Isabs-u Barîts 25c .. ... ..................9 c paciluge -.- mieh healIh WAoa; 4 bars---------------.............25 ifte*,:' lb-....,---........23c Mwado-Hopa hi-ud----............ .. .... : - ýOttelIl steel eut, for lit-ils r -bitha; GIb6 -- W. mo çza t iepmat . l *gtb Ibm u. lB0rn-tl MMu tbut ckte tbgr 5*181. #lux olos. Consultattion ¶100 Brtdgework. P" ar 4. BARGAIN DAY SPECIALS At Waahgad's Puy Shoe Shop, Brown kl 2 strsp woion's . WomÈ4n'sBlack Brown Kid Oxfords Kid Oxfords Misses' White Canvas Oxfords $1.50 Boy Women 's deout Shoes White Canvis Puinps $3.50$18 mataf Other gains At« k WylIie -~ The Shbeman 22 N. Cenesee St j ~ I 'il -.. I t Subïeibe for IwBad$ot atelvhoew' Day i tue usy GocIL ab 11- i ------------ yvqv" -------------- . .............. . .... . bbbbâh6w If YOU Appreciate Good Work an424 Hour Serv!"ce BRJNG YOUR KODAK FILMS TO BRANCH WALTERSST___ in Liberyieor Decke's DrugStor OenDaUZ ore Afternoon Sittin3Made on Thursdays a nd eby Appointment WALTERS The Photographer In Your Town

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