h -~ $300000 VIcToRYI0Y>PJAL HOSI>ITAL - t DoeISIkY1 of WgukpnPrepar- ~I8_s n ý ON THEIR TOES aiwsy telA wlen June las the increase An mariageIl- e~rooords andtI.asv- lr.rh n thre soev E h4a rnshave befun 10 appearalice abd thre a=-, dcations for ileense have cresse. June, sud tire 3sf. kfy a few veeks a awy. ,«MeOr dar, a ma appear- %ce.f locaril ustce.of tihe r bd ir t biIen M*s ce fbue t ne . faxaaSr Wta. a Sood on.." iiad, iU*t yu sm~retura eus- ellieta later, a couple av- 9-t> =an scted ata vit- et ~ 0fWlscosn counpprograin for tire Annual Convention bf*e > redl and thre mi»- ¶of tire Congregatlonal churches of I berlhromtire neigih"tg laits Couaty, whlch wiii convene et ,* ,arried la lnereasing. l>-I the Congfegatlnnal churcir t Wauke- 0 prellet a record season lu gan, on June 13. iii aulcgan.Miss Atha MeKie of Chiîcago s rpendlng a week et the home of Mrs. 1 0 0000000 Small and other frientis. The play "Deacon Dubbs" which ÏA LF D AY given at thre town hall laut Saturday b600000000000: evenlug by tire Young People ot the eraUioi Day program wgUi b. Itaniroe clmrch was Weil attentied. It ORY. ay, 30. t P M, as reported that 200 persons were pres- timet u P* m., .et andi the ha] waa packeti. TIre play .-Mjll' Orchestra la a dandy and tire players al oit of tire Eepublc...Song iy al tireir parts n Ai style. "Yoost so gtide ___________au a show ln hbag"ant it wau th Sbx jü nrgIt et home and for a gooti cause. ,". y Are One-.-1 The total proceeda vexe about ;85.00. ' ~~~~by liait DrChoa o mucli pralse cannot Ire given 10 _____tbose young folka for the energy snd ~~~C uii~~ ciicag pol iey put into ther vorl. Il vas MZE Cuei1 Chceagoa Veil Worth thre prles utiie verdict M#h Orchetr of everene Whrosaav i. The choir au 4d&u _ ell as the oom.unty want 10 tale - dAm..ltrd6t lithé oapportnnity of tbanking tream ___ m ms eartAly for tiroir cx-oeratAon n - b)«UP orai». Mobeto "Y Our 'Sodg by AUl ~ ~ tvrs hnuaé by 4o A)OB ud bebi. Mai vakeiet Up. & ""- ait Dot1t forgelt the daires ast Hertel's tbe gogo*lsr pavlloan evoey Saturday zigt 0 FOIX LAKE o ~ >'~ Susses cim a tn Magargt ût ~ ~~~ #ui4g y e mu wMbei1 ~in asMr fome the unluaMIrvisitefi Im1 S.5.,.. and n-l. Thç~Wal*.nlg bu b".loibe gr by e. Nahanof Cbroao. aud vfil SChoir la i uina al Coin- h&We5 >;ovd btq heir nev potel on ait xcrm&re' al Mair slxet eài Piutoles road.This I o* $gturdy evenB&biing. p r05xiId#tg0 Ie one et ch. t te»sai lc orlades 'h flai setng cf the . T.fA. for be, g4ric tothe olineh fica=,srwill Ira béhd attire Fox Lake *A gced cessudatia sroolbouse Fxday, 'May 27. Ibis uaprd, EseiTone gow C orn mes present dlecouree hbrougitheballey villi avmir YOg Wiln bave to borm ansd wagons pulinitheir vans. gaptioir. B*ri. 5 irstresisr t4«.*ppqar-ed Nwg. 3,. o ýC~>s . J. one day carrylrg'tiré bulky machine anti Ailes motore to te itlaback.tlre séeeiied 1 ire but mhyaeulira atten ligoe expl«aafn poalbe 'te th~eijpo. 4wIunlttee bwretiirstr Wben thre mai came néar eno«hgirWi- 4*. *as» &deleate, b huit aaed symPlietlcahly: "Mlter, la an-d dciAé upon a y.ur herse tigalr ITca» be done every day by means of the I ELECIC VACUUM CLEANER. Rs, fur- nitue Iiagin, ail included, and tiiere wiil be no dzudgery in the operation, fW you simpIy guide the machie.I New FED1ÉRAL ]Electric Vacuum Cleaners Seid 9h e MotUly P*ymlts é'c -Service- -Company af Northeru Uhinois REAL PUBLIC OWj4ERSI4IP lIE^GROWING.RAPI DLV Y. ~ lUllIllIiIIIlllIlll Atlantic Cty, N. J. -More thaitI , GRLUNT 1B 200 public utility compantet many 0' Ahoet nd-ioe edMale *Gel tisem'serving Illinuois communities,' are AedHwr ae(c now urakbng their entomera part own- B y JESSIE ROBERTS ers of their biiaArreaa, John F. GI- christ, vlce-preideut of theCmmn iluIIilliiiiîHIlllIllIIlf 'gealtis Edison Company ot ChicagoE and chalrmarr of the'cnstom ovuer-j QU AL PAY shAp conimittee of tire Natioaa l Eec- trAe Llght AssoclatAin, reportedte th le;'r HEIIE la une hg Issue tu settIO lu annual convention ot that organîza_ *Athe worlu i i business ant ilabor, ton bere.lAhe -issUue eul 1payfor equal venr. Mr., GAlchrAt ta oullinlug thse .Evidenices of Injustice are founti growth of tise customer ownershlp eeryvirere. (Orn't,ian irelti a posA. movemett poitet ot chat whie de- ion ln a tolee. ' w viît se was viserA as a v&r finaucing .neaaure, II, piad $1.800 a yeurr. She resigneti he- Iras become se firmIY establshedt tat c'anse sire needed it igiser ssiary; s real publie owneraiAptas belng attalneti mas toolotire position. Re gets na sa- anti that t gvi not fade away vitis ary of $5.000. The Unitedi States gev- ch. returir te normAl conditions. ln ernment also payswo urn legs then ilAsols oser 600,000 men anti womtetr mesnlinnrany Irosi;onp. are now part ovuers o! tire publienutl. rrhere are severtri rensons for tiAs lîbes which serve tireur vir electrie state of affairs. Thse tact thet women lghts anti power, gas telephofle and were setvterà la one of thets. Tirat étreet car service. - VIII now Cease to he a deterretit. As ndatlng tire wie growth n Tires, woinen do nôtInsstsIon helsg publie owIOraip Of nity soeurities jirsty remîlnmrated. Women are .1111 turing tire iast Year, Mr. GlchiAt new lns business. PIt I something of citeti the figures of 84 elçctxlC liglit a wonder te them chat they are con. and pover com^Iee wviicAr sioveti: sideirsd woft àsslary t ail. They ao. That tirea 84 compaules solti air- ept wht as odrreet. and make sne prexiately 670,000 ,baren ef stock kd iras An t la less than their brother during tire year. gets for e sirslar position. *Tlrat tire rtalon ef total stoclirelders Then, unfotunntely, 501055 often te total cUstomera 01 tire comlpony do set gve tasgondi an aceunt of was on, te seveirteoiL tir*uisOA as men. Many vonren de 'rhattble average pUrehase et ail au vell ;e men, s fats do irtîter, but tire O=pwes wuasseven ahanres perrnany do sot do as 5.11.h la isse snoehhodeir. vio moite _t posaibleta exploit the. "Tirs year juil 981504 iras ire.on" rent. et grst actity n'pire sale et utlity it 11M8 vili sepen. fally, as te seuttis,"nid1f. tagIcigt at 4bis sirether or flot îirey sImli yes.equa repor't. -Ie ex' tirltir electrie piti. t shotilt he demrrided by every ligat ansd poer irUKOOO bias beas '* "45.w~Ie, the trullni of vouffn fer' I-&bd f e a ossi' a.wel "M t t si j aliving mnust re limproveti. -ç accoan it fhowatsliai.rsuoIy sud thre -standard,- of ber work bot- mricS.. net earaintn have beèa inox. terqil tort, Wh"lrI have madie ut.i1ty secari- ties attractive, cher. has been.thrr tari-* ing priee of zAlo nd th&iacorresponid-, ing rucrease* rtire aeilngprirte efse- ennutis et recegnizeti value, viricli t aiwsya afinulus te biring. 'TÔneofettire supnl8i*g lilngs wtich bai Atereste<d everené is e extert 10 whicb lire yuger people et tirti cornuunies are lasestlig lni utlttY se- curities. To'ns la Uzndobtediy due to tire tact tirat yenngfpole iras tur- ing tire puat five yars earned mure mouke? tian probabi? iren Ieen tirecas in any ireriet af tir e«nds hiztor?, sud as a resuit et thirlx eu tirit sd1 tire asvice et eider people ibas. sOU41ht Invest4ient for e certain part eft Ibis mone?. lHumait exp.i'ie5ce 10 chat If Investirre»t are matie lu yeuth whicir prove iatisfatorY, thinoa vstme1ts became ch. favorites = aArlite. As Indicative in he vide gdxwtlr in publie ovuerolpe ofutillty secunltieo, Mr. Glicirrst pofintedt 0tire e;perlenÇ ot ch. Commonwealth5Edilson Companly et Ciicago durIng tire tirreç Year perloti ndeti Jan. 1, 1922. Durtug chat periodthtie population et Chicago n' -cred ti4 rcetthnmertcl- * o.set 54 prcn nitr unrru 310 Per cent. Many 'Treasure Islands.' A large number of Isandsa ln sari. eus parts of the vorli have irathtir reputallon et holding burleti tresSirré. tt««tW»n's "reasure lalanff" irad no foundatian lu tact, but in stated 10 Ire lie real resuit ofiis restAnt o% storkee lii Defos, WashAn I rvinrg anti Poe, tita jobuminots lAen o Piratesand EglivaymsB.'StiPPîé menteti by his oaci expeleae oun al- ing ciipa. SteyeuosihlÈmeff it tiret lie <err, cf tire star> vas bS map travu for lie viii-Of irisete«> non'$ playroom Chinese Condemesbribe.. Tire.la a ftmons oriental saying ccmdemnlug briber>'. itl assalict an anciet Ohnse sagevire livtd ia tire Second century wua offéred a pirie.»s Sience belng accepteti as ireotation, lid 'guasasauredt hatIre vas perfectly caté e as on oe luew It. He replieti: "Heaven kirows 1. Barh knows t. .Yeu kmes Il. 1 lues IL Ùow cas yeu say tiret neonoe knowfl «Squanq the lb.Crois." Efforts to, "square tire crlé" date bacd to remote antliqurty. Thre prob- hem as diacuset in tire oldst iathLe- inatical document extant, tire Rilird Papyrus, tise date cf viric i l about 0o - THE ROMANCE OF WORDS N 1000 tbere wss foanded in Aa a secret society known as the "Pcdavis" or "Devoted Oses," the niembers, of whlcb were pledged to Impicit blinti obedlence to the orders of thelr superlors, no0 matter what di- rection these orders migbt take. Hasman lben Sabbab, the Per- aflan, who founded the. dresded oîder, wais extremnelà, explcit ln the rules he ýaId down for the goverument 0f the organization, which a as partly religic-ts andi partly secular In naitire. Thre ruembers of the lower sections oj the soclety were lçept In total .Ignorance of thre teachings sud aima of thse hody to whiclr they- belonged, and It was Impresset upon them tirat unfalAng oh- dience sab their onlY JceY to success n tIis 1f. and happA- pesaIn thse next,. in order tu gve tIrt a fore- teste of the joys whlch were In store for themn., Wovldcd they followed lnstruct 'ris, Hassa» ben Sabbah rirecteti that they lie given a spedifeti ratio» of hashish, or hem p-ê narcotie which p1rodnced off eCtSaua- alogous to those resultlng f rom the use of opumn-afld fr0o tiA practAce the membiers Of the sO- clety hecinme knOWn*- ai b83- Irashln or bersp-efters. RSUrO- peans sllghtly altered tbe word t0 "assassin" and applied It te anyoue guAty of murder, thl.5 crime leAg a favorite sor thre Tedavls. Qata. ln a 5amanflcamp. Thre "praotoran gatl" vas lie usure of lie frot, gale n a Roman caMP. It vas always tire gale chat facedth ie enemy. »sery Roomn camp md'four gcatea. Tire decuman Sgale" vas <Q> posite te tire praetoxltlt gate, anti vas lie farthst trem lie eneni?. Tiré gates on tire rigirt anti left aies 0 the camp vexe celleti resPectIvelY tie porta princpalis tértis 5»Î %blé Pot prlncipals sArrAstne. Name Dffernly Appled. Tire see "ddy lSon Io AD.p pliet la the Uited Statelta retue clouai? relatedti tespitte iiel Oâfiand 1t la gises te tire Cranediles. Wssds ia mocuesatismaisé pormtte o t Sed LUbqt.«-wi Aýiltuxa sot onlt>' r « b govemumenI a earitdeaibe em m Meqqý. b*eit Usustomu loto a mu- »blha prat it eetis antigrasstiret veétti othtridw e *ha bat lna ddition,4 gSspg re"cs be fLrir nth nle fofruts.e lu ome yet.it la estlnteti, the ne tiouai oftsaIsuxa Ont approxlimalel7 800,00,099 pounds of'lsmb sud muttosr anti 00,000,000 Povntis Of beef. ManY lal an boxa nite jfoets anti les,. tm çù1ol>' vire is>'amer-atiy to ie AnsAmie te Pt to tludrcb onIUme. lblisaeIttI< mn on gembling obu& btwatiarouiti got' tta« rgey. OpM&ing a bureau dravet. i ra"-W vlia 1 fiOOliI walMr mryeir bo« a4,,nsïd over te thae dock». 0f, hadk tbgc bctalth ad of a prcsulnet brawery -Ort. Simple Wlrodes. Messages. Tb*r. vu of M vreles. stations are unepaslngy PeLng throb Our bo»uss'an our boames ad vW*pWtjre sm ea Dm u'feultm. yetfIf tho ba Interpoéed a few sd'anmde of vire, a méwtalat* adOa fini gtowlamp and If tirh teme erles b. ranged ln order, tire wArlem mreéantens vili Camr tbe sound of a vetee semirag thep- sand cfor leawsj,-rookyn nIad&e A hundred years ago a weaithy bacS.. Illr, namnet Paige, wiro livesi near AI. bion, R. t., gave if party; op~e oftire Young ladies Jeft a giove. Mr. Paille raturneti Il wlth tthe follôw-ing note: "If from yonr giove you t4ke the let- ter G, Ceat glavf la love snd liat 1 baie for thee." 'l'h young lady r.- Pliesi: "If frorn youx name yon taire the letter P, tisat Palge luagle and that eon't do for me.", The story lu tourandup of usttire an a Niktiemal1 est ln Colorado. '4 ~ ~ ~ O ut s t aaoslDu cos- est b bI4 usy mu n t bing s lua r g he4eaes morn At s blAaltitude the atmo.»Pierd' presure is mucir leu. thon at «S Amie. This deeseseIn pt5UiO p91M> dises. a bowoetpg tlbthe peratura at wlrleh water bola. ines waîer eau b. betled et a tever temperature, au. egg Sen be'eooked more quiekly at se loyal, proidef tire temperature lead-i!' fleicay bigirt t Cook thé et& At a helgiri of 18.000 fet water canneo ba heated In opeir veusels above 18> degréea Pirreabuit, and ibis ln not. brot enourgir set thre white 0f au llope froum Mlkw.ed Piber. ber ou f some specles cf nl.- ireed tibo eenraîed Iun maklug rope. Ibo lint found In tire pods, witie I» and silky. lacIs twilst and cannaI b., Used for spInning, but It hen b..». Oied for Ptufling lrIfirswp. voucired for by a fresti 0f tiré Outbao,ITc Malte Paschmeent Paper. virose grandurother had Il;eatfiret Paper cm. be matie 10lookl ill hand-Theq Outlook. 'parcisrnt by ch. foliowlng simple proe- sas. To tirre. or four parts of saler atid on. part of suiphurle ecld-add Mîlîlena Have L.pro.y. the acîi to the water, neyer pour water It ti estlmatedtbti theré are 8,00 î ito rrclrl; niirre itihe puper- for a 55W MO0 lepers lu tire worid, rof virc secondîs ln tis solrution, andt ien wass Z,000,000 are ln China I swa auuns ahippedti t markret Tire 14000,000 sireep sud çattle tisat movo Into thre mf~1A&a. in % wIepeudouteaccure gsmits. ie &M a' f ores every spring are tiran froni a vide orea oM sunronudlng territor?, asu d y« SI 7UwMl . .eiceà d sud tAi»Y«oemisa th.cul. n chie fa11 tbey pour ont In great streama tasnob gentral ma bt s Ciriego, Hanfes City sud Ouraia, virere they are turned InAto meat prOti-_____________________________ ucIa chat go to ail Parts cf lie con-________________________________ bdF. W . IL ur&MI, vistn Psnd Mnager Itoear Race a mIxnlume Thr oeaae 9 a ller tisa ele tire (Inlege erJapanee.They are rebunt and v'rvadloors, Ideg*ttable v.qS.psa an la In p eut tsinnsiA - r»m mechasis. Tireanar td* thooW raeeailutirae Satry, anti thor lu a t diveraiy 0 feture&s.oe houa araentlielyvoSti 0bale; o«hers wul.tirs.ci Othre"apresst notblng but a coR arseIsgltimass t T~a IS U WizthoutIý'gr t ptlau on a lean, Cmfortale- North Shore Train Know the satisfaction of traveling over this Road of Servke A restful journey through the, scenic North Shore country; aprompt arrivai in the beari of Chicago. You enjoy the courteous attention of responsible employes and unquali- fied assurance of perfect safety. Whethex urg- cd by business or pleasure, make your next Chi-' cage trip un restful comfert over the North Shore Une. Ridinginto Chicago on a North Shrore Train you have the advant.age of a quick and easy ap- roacli ta any prart of the city with least possible effort via the Elevated. Trains leave Libextyville at thirly-minute intervals front 5:48 a. ni. to 10: 48 a. m., then at Il11:48 am., and evcry haif houx thereafter until 12:46 a. mi. These trains m4ke prjpipt con- nections ai Lake Bluff' for Chicago. Ail Lited Trains to Chicago operate throdgh to 63rd and Dorchester. Baggage Checked To Ail Points cho oeL ba.& MlakeR -Re P EVATKU IsQ *0ange Atten 1 By Mr. O, 'Warren 3Otir.lot ploneers, swanson Mr. Who" ht ehool h. the ofdi ]Rail cor At tire more me ecunty,1 two yea 'to Lake lu tire -MAsAi 'Warren dren. TI red ad Mr. IV -home IAn tyn ternl gave tmp ector fo town a@ $asessor othýr 10 At pr on his d eanie Co 'H e b, a lll<ed by 000 Mr.sa MUr. and~ daugirte on Sons O. C. on Mr. day. Mr. taîneti nesday Mrs. A spent '1 Mitchel Mre., days la Drue, 1 1Mr. a Jugent fi and .. Ur. a * ter i ime * tire foc on Pru M& r, 3931 Mm. Mr. 0 JSini4ai Ur. à ly &e Oeorge watt -'ere( U. Rous Mfr. chilt urday :000 000 Thse * our Girls Ang hi pectiit eryon a sui parce head. "A K ~. .- - - I I 0 SECURMT TITLE & TRUSTCO ATKACI 0F TIUL' - T=MLGUÏMW Capital: $125,000.OO WAuUGnS.. **ILIX For- TELEMM 74