.5__________________________________77____ Twenty Cents fTe a a muiamost ini thesedaYs.,isn't ii? Most anybody Uan dig tht amatit ouit of a purse or s.,ent pocket. This ie a f act however. IF e'very one of aur hundred million people woulci 'ave twpxty cents every day for aose yep the amaunt waul be more tdma six billioni dollars an amoimt- greater titn sanie of aur Llberty Loams Dou't fail to save because the amosunts You can lay by are mai11. Wba± yau save tosether wth wh lil the rest of us save is going ta be a sizeable sum. This bank receives deposits cf any inount. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Reduction in Laundry Prices W. are Saak wasbstu tia rdction iMpesonlIauury buis aude a imi uy wash srvice t. fit th. edao every bouse "ot. Loui .ve the sevenal services ve offer butoi, anti selec teeue y.. preer. Either serice is a dtnc saving oves aml allier way 7y« eu posihl have y.ur hmntry wirnsdoue. FANILY SERtVICE NO. 1. On Albumes fron7ilbs. t-6229xe. 11C per paund 23 to 25,Ibs'. $2.50 Over 25 Ibs, 1Oc per IL AUl flatwork ironed and wearlng apparel starched when needed and ddoed. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2. Your entire f anly wash fàinshed complete, 18 includin soft cuf f shirts, per lb.- . 18C- Tiservice most include all your flatwork, as ivcll as wearim apparel. FAMLY SERVICE No. 3. Damp Wash 25 pauids for.. 00èr 25 lbs., 5c per IL $121 No articles marked. eacb bundle sorted as to colors and wasl ed separately. One day service. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 4. -Damp wash with flatwork ironed S. 25 powids for - - - - - Flatwork pieces ironed 5c per IL extra. One dlay service. The Roliable Laundry. LAUNERERS, DRY CLEAERS AUI DYER Highiandn Park and iL.bertyville Phao, Highl ndn Park 17&.- Phone Libertyvilie 67- BUILD NOW--- _U BE PROGRESSIV OWN A HOMI SWith our plaxis .and service, ou~ unexcelled assortment ýpf materia Sweceau be of, great help to, yôi _ See Us and Save Money _ - Phone 47 LUYVILLE JmII*IWi« MAT 25~ 1922. "-J - - FIES? PRMSBYTERIA~N Rey. MariC. Morgan. Pastor. Sot tens of EAp.c" Intaeset to Lilietyvll People Sabbath chool, 9:45 a. ni,W. G. Wells superintendent luIThere vill be no morning service jiibnCole transacteil business in lMr. A.?&ulkner avent Monda> e this, church. lnstead this congrega Cbicao onFrldy Chcagotion wlii Jou with the Eplacopar and Chcaoon _ 4y Ciae. CWss.apn h MtoitEiISWaoPl ln the Union Mrg. C. IL. Oiney vas a CIao etArro Chicago, petth Memorial Sabbath services at the visitor on Saturda>'. veek end at tb* W6i4 Jochelm bone. Methodiat hlpigSoiai ch-bc, Il a-O.. Mn. W Ism merhas rtur av.erBatty vil b thie speker of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Knigge spent M&WIMZele enrtre the mornlng. Â Union choir viliising. Mt a nChicago. to ber <utl« in,*o Feêerai RésreTe. i àOriýl nie.p- t i ayb nk, Chicago, w tter a vacation con Tei pubhii n M ear 7 P M . MI" Mary Bush vas a Chcago' bythe ulneof beruther,' Mrs. Mary Ct hestiangse tuor, 7 p. m. FOIas visior o Wedesdy. leder "Lebono trous great foreiga Mission B~D.Hubad rnsctd usnes The n flakeaide cens-arias". Leader, miesnhlvelyn Houl. la .hiag ouu rasada bnetey mO a" b ed on Friday Preacbiig 8 P. Em. (note that this Rer.ans Mr. Cas.Dlke Ioto e ni derq t . 1, Sr., on tihe ereninÉ "Self iixtutiPl. el Rev.andMir. Cao.DiceY Otoed ewb,ý ,ýýconsolatin, Selfr Plty. B3elfisbieuB." to Waukegan ôn Satnrday. Jh eiofP'lbVevbspr rayer meeting Wednesday M&y 31. Davl Wlgg nd aitr MLaxgbJIi caiei tsa o. ptlma Alice I. Locke The hour viii b. 8 p,' m. olc" spet Snda evnin inWakeEfl. on Lake street. W*koie haclt J. K. Suyo oiiln II spn udy vnn -Wue there isnon place l Libertyvile.: Boy sSuts and camp iPire Girls viii ie. C. Gotil andi danabter. QZulita etTedyeeiig a 0 were Chicago sboppers on BridaY. Mr. and M& "Wendell Loveli and la a spaciai=metin= Wendell Jr., of E*cine, Wis., vere Choir pr&ctice each Friday evening, Rolland Moran of Waukegalt caflesi Sundaly guesta of 1Mr. Lorell's mother, p. j. Wright, Chorister, Mri E L on Libertyrile frieande on ThUrSdAY. Mus. ugusta IiOYn Sayre. organiat. Mrs. S. C. Kimbail and Mrs. C. P. LoisLitebtWedoi Waukegsn, caiied The Sabbath tichOOl vii ôbâerve Greenvood spent Thurada>' in Chicago. Sunda>' on bis brother, Henry Litch- Chistdrena' Day on June llth at thse field. rnornlng bour o! vorship. An>' par A son waa born to Mr. and Mrs G> MNI enta desiring baptisifor infant chlld Charles Jordan on FrIda>', May l9tli. 1wîtis Meterof isarnma, visited ren rnay présent îhem at thîs service. thhesseMrs. T, R. Moses and ________ Chiares D. Naiiey. Eifr the farinil>'. lnoiependteflt, la visiting 4elatve8 ~in Mr. and Mr&. P J Vodicka andl Chanige in Services in at St.,John"a Indiana. daughter. MrgnueWts of Wiimete. Ev. LuthCran Church. Mrs. Edward Carrol attended a' vere gues on"Suiiday of Mr. and Mrs.- Theatre in tCirlcago on Thursday Gerge H. Cooper. A nev arrengemnt of devine ser Mrs. A. A. ColbY of Nýwlerryav. viceswiil be inauguratesi at St. John'3 MissItea Akoie uts~lghaU ba ben o th sic lit fr svera IV,. 7utheran churcli next SundtiY. Mi len, lkfr i 71g dn ayseuo. te c ls o svrlinsu ad of having fthe Engltsh services arvisited rciative' in Libertyville.l in te evening. i lit as heen decidesi to Thursda>'. Mr. and 4Mrs. -Tbomajl Shields and1 tri out the plan to have tvo services littie son of Chicago,' visited'tunday eta1 in thre mrnifle lioti Eugll5ir and Ger Miss Doris Kaiser spent tule'wktiebref .Mayad. man. Thus ns-St Sndyfé e b ed witli friends ana relat.ve.'s in,' Stnda>' Scirooi at a quarter to fine. Chicago. 1 irs. iS. Evilsizar and Mrs. Anna The EnglisIr service vill foiiow the Diethorn vere Chicago visitors enl Sunda>' sebool, thes tiare iet for the' - i t2 zLb' 'iAikotet and Miss* Monda>'. Englîsir services heing a quarter tf0 Lilian Kohout Mrno1r oi.- f aukegafl - on Wednesda). l't'opl1 don't have to go fothie Fair tee. The Germas' services are fo lie nov lae se. an exhibition of prize gin at eleven o'ciock. Missi Grace f7ieis oit Highlanti Park. 'winning calves. Next Thursda>'. AscenslinDaY. vas a guest oi Miss Adale -ler oni there wiii b.e devine services in the Ger Thursday evening.1 Mr. and Mns.'George Cooper reture man ianguage at St. John's Uv. Luth > Mss beey ad NissSbei -danof'ed borne on Satursia> frorn St. Peters eran cburch, fus'. 10:30. 11she11adMssSeidn0 burg, Elonids, viere tirsy spent tire Chicago, ver. Sunday guess t fthe vielter montbs. B orw i. IN G ct Bert Lynch horne. a (Gus K uni y, Editof.) 1 1Sonday "uete o1 Mr. and Mr$. W. The Libertyville Baviing tearn disi ly Miss Marguerite Woolridge of Chics-1 F. lirazan vers; Mr. and Mrs. Frn fare as veil ai tihe State Bawliug Tou go, spent the week-end is' Lbertyville t Atenuerg of Deaplaines and Mr. and marnent as the>' disi ln previoiea years, visitieg li parents. ' Mm Edwin Framzen and daagbters, they have aivays got wel vithin thre Miss Anna Grahamt ot Austin, spex4Rt rnMrueieofSrn Goe oney but thus year the>' have but a Lie week-end vitir relatives and _________siim chance the score la as folava. fred n*1etvle 5 ment total pins. SCIIOOL 484. Mr. and i re. Clarence Coiby enter;By --_.......... tained a numiiex ci heir Ifriendsa t -Krumery-------__ -........51 horne on Sunda>'. Tennis Tournament Wilkinny --......-------__-------M WiierofAîb~n Mchgan). Loms people May wo -----ytheMiib.... .....52 Mrs. 4ng15 ennim court la being monopolized by- :i.Jsp e ler. ..of our avake athietin boys and Waters and BiYd. ...- ------1007 te':.tsAur>Wldx girls durin8 ail their upare tinte. Weil Wilkin y andi Mubîke- 1120 iand .i ."N.'orflrsf Waters egpect thse asirlar1 very "ipe as the cou- Siluydsil andi Krutmery.........1021 utove to Kenoshi soon, visere Mr. testants for tihe tournamseni are en- singles Waters te nov employesi. gagdUlu l playing off the "singles" and Boyd.........................----------495 ndube o etintt he>' vilii e "al set" Kritflery ...... .... ..ý4929 Barker's Superfine Fiavors make for the. final tournailent to lie beid Watesi........ ......... 479. c cakes and puddings sîmpi>' deliclous. June 2. Wiikinny _ .. ............... _...._524 For ale t al grcer stoes.More inteteat ls helng'shovn lun ten- Mulike . .. ......._.......... 489 1 o9al t"i roe>'sor 1 nia hits year than an>' year here-to-! or .Mr. andi Mrs. Herrnan Meyer cela- and t illvi soon become one ofL. T. H. SnOWS Auto Ljyev-Tali St btatedl their forty-stxth vedinifan- S'a major sports. - au nivi rsar> on Tbursday evening. N EPhoe S ____38 Mr. and Mrs. Johin Landis rnýîOred -Sympomatoîogy of Chronlc Fati- to, inaaleon ridy t atendthegue Intoxication." Yee. that la the arierai ef Mrs. Landis' mothet. 'dîsease thaf 80 rnany suifer f rom af Mf'.Hermali Heifer and daugitter, ibuis tirne Of the year. It'a jusi plain h Mrs. George Wehreeberg ael Mrs. -Spriutg Fever' wif h a fancy nick- Chas. Kiepper vs-ce Chicago shoppers naine. en' Monda>. ' Fin audents its L. T. H. S. ver. al e pret>' velin te ieclutches of ibis Mr. and Mrs. Lese Ware'aftndet i dsease Wladneeda>'. A good oid' surprise party givenilethie honor of fashioned pep imeeting vas lb. cure Lthsnb frfiears ie Mr. Harry Mallan, pressmniof the prescribesi for thern. tak o lw D ail>' Sun ai Waukegsni Saturday At asaemhiy tiure the cheer leader, Cotne to cheer your eveniuig. . Dadid Flagg, timed to amouse pep for weary hours Mr.aedMm w.i.Cailesan Elothie coming track meet. Re. founsi Mr.chendmotrsWta1.eColi.s anda> roofhsts'4ensquife villlng f0 raisethie ARE vs- thanliful for the Kithe mtord o eKabSaurd) afed break thie windows viftisteir blessings of lute floyer rnoriilng ta visif the lormers daugli- cheers. The cireerlng vas accompant- gordees and tire glass ter, Mise Virginia. who is attes'dlng esi b> speeches from, Glliy Voelker ansi sheltered gardent spots sciooltirra.Th>' etunes l.,i Mr. Tweed. The>'sfressed tiie necea final gmow for uns the tend- 7- '.nda>- venig, it>' of achool support for the îrack er. pretty biossorna thal Aroflier victonlt for thie Liliertyville rnen. Tb. score showesi 69 to 53 andi ieîp us to liv. ira.,vpiiy. J basebali teare was recordesi Sunday the conceitesi studeets atBU feel Hiat vns'hie local players mt thée Long thie Pep meeting liaht lots to do wîirh-e Gro- efsan ai the Fair Grouesi dia- t mond. Flie excellent teant wprk vas M 0Zo-1 Elas 10 ta 2. Tire students and frienda of L. T. H. S. evidenti>' took the atvice o!filie a The man>' frieeds of Herman J. Me>'- Sopisorore Presidefli and *"ireatesi ers viii be grievesi f0 lear e tie hl15themselves," yesierday, for ai the sufsring f romn a paraletic stroke sus- Track Meet thie sophomtoires raisedl tainesi Saturds-y rornlng vhile cutting about tventy-five dollars for thse benle- tire lave ai the Meibadist cirurcli. Tihe fit o!flthe Nautllis. Tise factthiat entire paralysis of is iglt aide and ever>' one vas feeling generous lbe- itle formation of a biobd dot on the cause of thse success ofthie track meet braie make Mr. Meyers' condition quit. also, probabl idsl mach to Sevil the= =serialis. funda o! thieNautflfls. j, Lt. LII. III"' = i i IIII~t I We have a comiplete lime of child- ren's Sand5ts, Play Oxfords and, Dress Slippers, that will please you. RAY N. SMITi LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS JD SWhite Dain Bleached S M Pure Linen _W.W. CA piv LI Safety& Servi 'ce Continueti conseva&ie mauageaent, ugtai- hereauce to banhing lairs, antidamOleugta anti suplus have aide ntt uotiondeseveti Iy kuairu as a safe banS. Unf airng ouresy anti thse constntedovr of officers anti emiployes te aicipate tihecoea- tomer' vants have iwon fer il ais. an enviàkI reputatio for helpful serice. You'II be cordially welcomed here' Planting and Tree Thimming Fruit Tree ýSpraying - Phonie 227-R or w~rite STEWART SMITH4 LIBF.RTr4U£L, ILLINOiS Y ou rlumber and buildint;m requirements cati be fili e ho your finandal advantagea In other words,.we will save 'you 'Mt on these priceis. Every price advantage * that the m& affords will be yrours if you ttade witl nty Checks, 36ain. per yd. Sheeting, 81-in. per yd. xTable Damask, 7O4nii- yd.$ RROLL & SONS' COMPA 3c 9c 9c 9c, .50 nj nday ~YURAKI DS G~ SUE REUL1 1= Libertyville, IB. 'hone 2,9 2 noir #IL 1