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Libertyville Independent, 25 May 1922, p. 7

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IThe Blues 09 the IPVai'tli Leaue eztertalaed taie rSmbrps df rieds etaparty Tueiîdîan d every one bad A T t frget the dames etete' pavillnVilLA SCIJOOL dgu ~'Boxlng 1On of Farm Sohool IrBtonte it fthk we. Boy's Training Course; o gatuji thlibe death o! bis uncle, DèVeloo Sérappffs Charls Tarbell. The Sommera Grays, tram Sommera, MAY AVE XHIIT I TOW ic., were the attraction ai the AinU- MAY AVEEXHBIT N TWN assbalîasklt Snday. - lirs. M. EL. Davis 904 dallbter viit- Coachi Armitago of the Aliendale ,d ver Sunday wth relatives la Ko- %'rm secoul has Just adopted a e new sport in wicb lie believes bis n@a yaungsters wili1 excel and content- At the gradte echool 1'riYay ater- plates comitg 10 Waukegan to ut noon and evenuiasthere was a bazaar on a fest exhiition matches w1thîn and acbool exhibit, vbch was very the next few morths. Somi- healthy good. under the auspices of the P. T. A. looklng spùe<en of youth have The workmanship on elUtbe bird houa' been taking Instruction In the art es was wondertiil and the neediework of swnglnz gloves and appear lo was muet excellent. At 8 o'clOCk a fn hold' sorte champlonshlp calibre prograto was rendered as foUloWs5 After a few moniliaof trapilng Piano Solo... .. .jDorothy Brogan he will put on somne exhibition laY "Murderng the Lanfflage" - shows here that, lie states. ouglt ..~Seveith end El;bth Grades ta be worfh a lot of lnterest among Fiag Drlll . ....Xut Grade local club men. Armitage produced The inqulsitive Boy, Recitatlofl -... a youngster In Colorado before comt. ..... .......-. telLevinsaz lng ta the Allendale schooi that le The Best Fui of AU, DWflg5...-.- n0w making a ame fo hînseif -............. . ... Second. Grade among thé junior Ighters on the Tilda and Sarnmy's Courtzibp, sang-.. west coast. H4elhas had sorti gooti Liflian VaifDt1eeOiaid John Dupre experlence in training the youths Sing A Sang of Sixpence, Polk Dance and la finding boxing an excellent ......--...... ...... . .. Third Grade sport lu which the youth are veIT The food, candy and parcel sale was lnterested. Knaikouts have feat- one of the bg teatures. ured the sehoolq rrig shows at Don't forgetîfli dances at HerteiTs mone fTtit iauling ia seen ofert. pavillon every Baturday night. (Artitage witt bring )ne ol two fthétsdito Waukegan wPihn the 0*ooo.oOOOOs>O O ooC near future and ras' fit Cta' uaY E 'i of arrangîng a nurnhr P..,houtq 0o V ,aR E TT S CH OO L c wiTh Waukpgafl vounvsters 60000000000 00000 lo'ig ag ii-,be-îTTalenitis orf of Thle îîlyslcat i-xpîeu of' t The Or chool elîl close Saturday withv Lake Villa Parc., achool lads rani1f19çiCiC. pmoving a hénI.flü>A exer c is. a, Misa Keough and Mies Sneddon wil w,.I am a CT l.ytJtlc t ýst -f th- leave for DeKalb, June 4, where the3 yotiî'K wit and -,1.t 1, m , a o'!' wiii attend Normal for six weeks. .,'ItorPed O lb. boys Those whoserintmes were un t 00Honor Rail for not being idie noi 000000000000000000 b ispeing were; Murray Campbel 0 LAKE ZURICH 0 1Helen Philip, Dorotby Yore, Rober 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0Verbeke, Leonard Lubeck. Elixabeti *oooooO0e>O<>OOOÇ~05îaJ,'alarie TulleGoreCob CARO 0F THANKO. j rlVanLanduyt, ' ilisxn Lboci Our orrvifa bartsareflfjd ith i t.'Seyi. Lorette.Tare, Ambras, ouriorowng eats re illd h Cnwa Br siKostfil, Robert Colby grlittude toirard Our frlends ln the vil- uir'ebkFresFak a lage for the srmpathy sbowî us lu ýKisrole, William Mante" Genevies our recent greaf borrOw, also the com- Luheck, Clyde Vanover'Lia Cramer, forting words by the M. W. A., the Adlph VanLmnduyt, Jlils Verbeke automoebile service sud te many beau- Her Montey and E t iea itul floral trlbutes. TMlr. Swif t ehipped aie carloado lir. Wm. Bueechlng and FamilY. haga ta the stock yards on Monday. Mr. nd r@. illm Tak sent Snc. the honor Roll was starte Mc. id ira Wilam ankspet ooe w> ba! a star every week were Buuday wif h Mr. and lira. Krueger at leesta Yore Junior Verbere, Stel Long Grave. Kotial, Genovieve Lubeck and Robe Mir. aid lira. Arthur WaggoOCr aBd Verbeke. famiiy of Barringtai. vstsd qver Son- jr ec rvon on Miay 19, at Si day at C. IL Weaver's. Patrick's a s a great auccSuana lire. Sufton, of Dundee, ap5it the ail reoosted a good time. The me weekt end with ber daugliter. lira won the prixea in eucbre were: Fins Lander&Chas. Redmoaid; second, G. P. Roi lir. and lira. Walter Lati. idra. 3. moud. Thei winnera of thé women ' HIga sa4 lirm Lucy Laun drovë in Orze in euchre were; Firat, Add on Sndayattrnôa. lra. F. second, lira Conway; thir L1,M Grove o udyatron .F Tuiiey. Thase who won t lir. and ira. John Hiranlinis and _'e~ riei 0 wr 'r family vere voo callers recenti4. lira Corcoran- second, Sussn KeD John Roua. of Ares vas a business thire, Mary Kelly. The wnners oailt caller here Tburaday. men'. prizes lun600 ver.; FiratliR. Mre. Henlry '.îeip , '.lo ha., bee iil the J RYmu:; second, Fred Elsinan. î,ast wpek Bs not 4r' se. a this writ- The Everetf basehaîl teim iiayed ing. gante with Highland Park, the 500 Walter Prehrn ts taking the collec- heilg 15 tu 5 lu favor of Eierett. tion for iling the aitreets whicb will The Bverett Jr. basebail teaam piaye sool be done. a gane with the Hat Day team fa Doi't forget the dances at Herteis Suttday, tho score being 23 ta 6,.In fa pavillon every Saturday ni;glt. or o! Haîf Day. Miss Katherille Flood spent the Those perfect in spelllng for it week end with Mrs. William Prehut. past week wero: The Misses Meyer sîîeof Sunday Harriet Tuley, George Lunhsm, DG with their tather. is Coiby. Barle Biomme, Elizabeth K The liovie beneflt given at the Cat- tiai. Helen Phill.p. George Colby, Cc iow hall, Barrington ou Wednesday nelios Huizenga, Leonard Lubet. l and Thuraday eveilg wss weli at- coin Seyl. Genevvleve Luheit, Ste, tended and a neat suce was realized Kostial, Robert Colby Edth Ziema towardelfi piano lunit for the prmary Eh-a Cramer. Ainbrose Conway ai room. Bessie Kastial. Mr. and Mire. William Bicknase and Laaf Frlday after a lieavy reain, daugbfer Pearl leff Slid.ay to visit Mr. Haines car skldden and went lîto il Bickiase's .ather at Paletifle who la ditch brealdng tbe wlîd shield whl serloualy il.ent the glass flyixig aid cuttlng I R. J. West ieft last week for an ex drivers band. One of the o*~upan tended trip thru the East. a girl about seven years aid was a Fred Nelson, the contractor bas a truin beneatb the car. Wbeu sbe w number of fealus at worit near Quin brouglit ouf. she vas severely eut, s: tMf's cornera gradiug the road. a doctur bad ta lie sumrnoned. AIt A Word was received Sunday of the fthe car vas dragged out ot the dit ~"bittb of a littie daugbter ta lMr. and sait repaîreit, tliey vent ou their vE NIrs. Wilson Henon at Barringlon. Miss Virginia Henun attended Ilite A Frog Coicert. Senior, parly at Barringion iast Friday As 1 est on tile îiîzza that eventr evenlng. 1I1noticeit fir't anxi in,tiq aabsence Saturday morning on bis way tO bird voices. snd next fthc presene 14ike Zurich, the Ward Bakery man a nunmerons frog population about t vas strucit hy a train aitNit. Prospet little laite close hy. The m11sical p and eacaped with mînor injuries. His formauces f these vnitifle reptil truckt vas demolislied and the mner- began about suxîcet and inireaseit chants ran short of liread blefore niglit. volume sund power f111 nohing el could lie heard. If ahl the thrusbes 0000000000000000000 flic state hait assembled la thaf sl 0 A N TI10C H 0 sdsung thier louitest, tbey couldi o a o o o sin o o oo oo have been heard alove flie awfui urne of frog volcee.-Ollve Thoi Mr. Scbmail las neturned toa bi ]r home la Jackson, Wlac., after speidingMler a few daya at the home of bie raugliter lira. George Kubaupt. Postesand the People. Urs. Jas. F111weber le spefdng some The repufation of fthe great po tîme ai Waukesha, taking the mud lias 00ftîeen maite ly the schoa bafliS. 0 eiles, clîleily. but rath,-r by ftle pl Mir. and lira. Donald Smarf of Wau- people of their own tfinie or ai kegai apent Suîday with Antiocli rel- years Immeultifely fllawlng-frar atives. Mattbews. Mss Cors Oison la spendlng somes-- tiime et the Jas. Filveber home. Objection te Smoke ls'aid. Mir. and lirs. Kuox Rseves and sou la thél Seveateeriti ,'ntiiry, dur bave returnei tet their home In St. FngiadC fii'st sinoke agiation, it Lii I ATA (1 Tfl>1~TMore than ail else,,h n iThe reel4età of fbe pretty village ve.exeited over ber coming. St 'WU îlm Gannon ihanquit lits Job eeiom that snythiug Out Of!th* Ordi- . t reef sveeper lu Lakte Forest. arl iappoeatsad thora w" ninch ,There's a ressort. Jlm lis e bac lntexetlng apeculatlon as to ber pur. elected alderman o! the third waîii pole in taying amalig tbem. lit vas sud le the representatîve o! many nott houzl 'te arrival ball been big men, lncludlng Louis F. Ss if t. thégre butors, or bad fionda lu the Laurance H. Armaur, ý etavan Sîiih vlaiîity. lither bad elleame the and lohn A. Kînit. Pryov place, It vas posltlvell knowa, Lakte Forest tu aIl agifateita until fthe day vien teho aligltetfruna limalectIon. No coe tbougluîlhe suaffernuon train and vaiked idly would ever gain the. office. Pao- rdovu the umn ttreet. pie laughed it thlm 'when lie cari- Thecie, vcatd ous atraeed ervasacd the. tovn lu his fllvver suit i lo ellae il us tret ier gotsignatures for hie petifuoTi .0 lu asang.foreli ba pestbefretitat le coulit enter the lista aus an Its braken gate and thon vaiket brIst. indepeudent. \Villia .n J. Quigley. ly lnidie. MmesPefera wtchlng, tti Interlur iecorator, vaf licheaide,- env the lady go over ta the hotI mangc candidate on the "ragular" %,here shlelbait been knovn toia 5k ticket. This ticket vas licati,(i l'y questions cancernlng the avuer o!fte Henry Rumsey. candidate for te- bouse. FIndlng tai ho hait long de- electiIon as mayar af Laite Foret. Tserte thlie place fcr the lU abl Jim led his oppolnal y fifty- sought ouf bis agent ln a grocery store one votes. He bas givea Up bis sud renteit the desolaf e residonce. worit as street cleaiter. He le aow e The new tenant ase prefty, Miss a member of the schaul boat d and Pefera admltled. ',1n an extreme citi- head o!flte commlttee ou buildings. flet sort of way."' Certain if proted_______ etiat the Young womn was 11extremety T pretty Aso, elle poseesseit a pieasala i manner vhicb charmeit the store- I keepera ta whom sellv ent for supplIis 1HM R i anit information. "I will neeit s woman fa h.lp m('-n FLO once." she sait. "Couit you suggest i) eome person ln gour iocaitmTV' 0 The grocer mis ggmt tea uggest Antu TURKEY EGOS FOR HATCHING Trimble. sud promptly Aon came._____ 0 It was a case of! mutuel admiration They Should Se Gathered Daily Whem frtr the irat. Aun stood in ave libe There le Danger of Themi fore bier lovely. moiiiYong mistress, seing Destrayed. -Wbîîe ,Judth Gay amilt tti th( 1 - vninkled fsce of the ganut od voinili Wliei there le danger dluit turkey y You are exsi-y fhe one 1leli eggs may lie chilleit or itestro»'ui they neeel7 she satit graclously. "ta oil0P iîhowdllie gat hereit every uts, aau1 )r xtter me--genersiiy." uet egg leff ln escb tic) aus, The taking o! the bonse Wal et, opossums rate, crova, aniduligs are rt Impulse, Judtit Gay expiaIned. Thleflic greatesf destroyers if turke-y iegsa. th beutiful country liadt fascinatet lîi aithougli occasionally miniis, îiciooas, 1,se that elle wlsbed tu retmaia fa eo)o coyotes, waives, foxes, ests, anit certain 'te fancy whiie If last cd. large stiakesaiase, est eggs. Wlienaa Y. -ihave decided ta furnisit only thret turiuey houn bas beet' uisturl,,-u y foe ul rooms" sle canidedtuf lte fo Ildable of these posta, elle may change bier e Mises Pters. Aunu WI boy rz M. neet tu saime other place anhdalbandon r, pliatIolaneeded bore lu towo. Ani thé eggs. e, Anao dit; that vas the MYsterY Pari Ege for batchig eboulit lic kept ai ofi If a temperaf are of as near 50 'figrecs or of When a beantiful woman sllves i" go degres Ir. as possible, suid shouit 80.lsolafoul country village witb mere hie urnet avec every dey, 'ay poultry ed ly s suit cose for baggage, and ifnr 'peialits [n the United States Depart- s; Blitbes tiiimedlafeiY Pari Of a tuabie 'ment af Agriculture. They aboulti lie !O tinnoh<usfor ocuancY. ter. If jarret as Impie as possible whule bau- .t s-urely something onuanal lu hlite podîîng suddeltaul! b. lncahated witle îepdlng. &"Suniyvllle dilacuaanla, fs rosit, neyer holding more than tv' ;. new nelghblor. lu vue-bCt'eelde!wae sIf if cm e eavolded. If lea s ad porches. can the galant ai POhII1bill excellent plan ta mark the date on en lies. sae egg as if la gathered, lu orde tu 64 $le îîight lie a feulais detectIve m lie certain tiat no egqs are kept tao M' duty. or an actueli mrtorealu bàitlg ltt ong baise.t$learm incnuateit. las Wlîufaver ber sacret, the yagunm rd, man appesred ta eatjy helrIaêl GD t FRBE IN Île auightily. 6h. coulfi b baud einl.ngn PICKINCDCSFRBEDN 94, about the tangled garden orning, m Atv, osyFmge fMdu t. ritttng asedly vlth AmnTrimballi Ote re eJih Fmels. cf er 3v. m a aside versnda at ftîjlgbtt, Ss AreMature Fulve. Ala bauglifma"y delescles lit Oy atreFol la gracery ad Judithi Gay' vllted ts, -"b teUie t" eýMn Ie susiere dri'amaiter for the plirpos of Ax1rlasitia..> of having fracita mate of dItmti. Ducits are ueualiy atisen fiaits ,si lTe stranger lookeit more chalmint ot about thlrti' fetualea vifi ive or six Ut If ibat could ble possible, ln licir ne,% taslesmu liste drakes do flot figlt one v- simple tracks, flan elleliait ln fts eanother. The nunuber ai maies may Itodiili go-n. lie reitucedtetaone for every seven fi» ho "Yau're ike a bit ai a girl.- Aim maies about the first af Mardi, and saIt adoringly. &gain chageit a mînft 15er fa one or- "Shes a stress, that wbat sibe aW male for eigbt te feu femaies. os- te dreasmaker dryiy remaritei. Active. heaitliy females of medium ýor- Sunnyvlles ivo anattacheit men-,i se- should le useul for breeding; that i-wfe-buntlog widover aut a wifs-ahi lat, welghtag about aiglit poanits vien ae bachelor, bravedthlie mocitery af titiculture. Only mature birds sanît t b atowu ta rail upon the mysierlous lady tset ase breeders. Select docks vIlb Ld The %vidaver iteparteit discouraged short necits, medium long boils, fii a vblle the souglif-aiter liacitelor val backs andt ai goîîi depili ta the lies ile decldedly peeveit. bones. Wafery cyee usualli' are asigr cl "Site cao teep ta bersefif Ilile Il ai veaiiesali ha uctus. The irake lie set on dolag If as elle asys," lie an coareer andt more masculine lu appea- its. nounceit. "I for ane won'f botier ber.' ance ttan the duct, ait bas a distinc en But thereaffer, thaugit le furmeità s m n l bis fail fenfhpce. Ducks sbotoe wa habit of pas4lng many timtes the. aie uit Pryar bouse, Its mîstresa continue& ter joyously lient upon ber owu soclefy tll If vas viien the tisthnguhahat aP ray. pearlag man beaso bi visita, that thti cutire owfou irev vîthin hfself Il sbociteit urpise. Tis fine ookIni ig, tranger isas %vont xta arrive on as ai ssrly moratng train frntm the cify fi of spenit the day vîfithJuithflGay' 1n bel the gariten. miss Pefera beard te gl .. ler« gve a stanikit cry ut bis tinal comlng lei titaneshe hait gtuallY seen the mai ln catch thie mysteri' lady close ho ai Ise enîliace. If was scaudalous tat i towaspeaple muet wtuesis sucli goingi qpot on. Dlot Site hiteit îausthcally aithflicoccur vol- renie viten Judithi crassed to til )re . bdge. "You're gohng to merry hlm a1 caurse," sait Miss Polars. "Oh!i No l'm na," laugliei the girl Ducs Shouc it d n.aAter Thoy AI iota Thea unexpeiteithy Sunnyville vas de Two VeasaOid. îrly voit o!fls ana lnterelit. The Myster] lalu. Lady hait dîsappeareti. lie soiM, usuatly, iter tlioy are t tse Left tovtý ou the niglit train witi yeara aId, aIt r.ui te hast breedi der that cif y felavw," thie station agen or layera may bu uF.u-lt îver their fli sa etrahdinaf'soglt Ysear, aay poiilui speilalîste tu tI Miss eesIdgatysuh ou Uniteit States I)'pntment of Agrlcu AnTrhtable, vlio was closiog aplt, fture. ýring btouse doors. 1 I lahialllng Tu)l), pick thein upt Wi5 "Sho'l not ýcorne laitliera," sale them anecies, as îluî-ur legs are von' eu lie lituesPters. ly lirokea. tiui,T, lai' their etl eo *'Sieieîl,' Atua riplied, chics gentE early ha the Tiuu.iiuuiig.anudshoulit1 B, totathe cily vit.liber itusd t( coafinedt te lb,'1)11'o r Peu untîl 9: arrange for ixin' this ot place up or 10. ocoit 11u theillioralug. ýfz Seems lIte sie sautai tef0 pCiu th' lovai tetarosai arty la the tuorai t In- suifirer ilutefuui-intry. An' ler lins they may lay i l pondaitor stream ai (gel banud Juihed ler sboutit qituî htcheeggs maylu" loitI. id n o ttîtulnt (tare fi). Su ,-luainuit r h, t lat _______1_______ are heraflftae low hlîn. She, liAl in 1 Ln ifaaiàL»fl i W si oc t a a 'e na In kt )e n le on 't lm mil s lie te- (P -1 MI su go an ai bi t( si Hupmobile," is thet ew Tools Are Yiequired on Average staysfitwiththelee Ferm end It la On. of RIeal n ikeig n Pffying Crops. adtneig i 'relc.d by theinstelttsd us. t Can you think of at ofAgriculture) priced or Iow-pricec Coolîng miik on the farm vil reduÇe 11lk tases. Ail thaà la requlred la a; kind of fine renutai 3pply af tee andt a uitie care. Natural e eau lie karvesteit on ferme where R EE M O S5 per cent af aur iuitlasproduceit. hnO L kud it ls une of thte ceai paylng crops ùf the farin. Pcv tools are reqtired, ad for the average tortu two saava. two pairs of tongs, two lie ooks, oie Poatet bar sud une straiglif board for nuarklog. sliould lie sufllclent. The firai fhlng fa do la to sr9vid aplace to store flic ice. If te lg'eçarce ait bard tu put up, qy frobably be weli ta. ud an *hW. plans for iYgbceh mai bl abtaueitfrom the ditry divielon, Unitedt States Department ai, Agriculture. When tee la abundantf *gd easily harvested It may be cheaper to disregard the shrInkfge factor aud store Ifla a plt. cellar, shedt or other pinace, ait insulate Il wlth sawditafor obuaigs. If flua la doue 20 fa 50 par cent adititioaa]teie shoulit be providOit to shlow for alirlakage. Whu-rfe creani anis la ta lie coolet a hng that iifcommlfofl wB3Tit ast of expert tunîng Jthe way it Imts. ny other car, high I,thathasthesame ation everywhore? )TOR CO. LIBERTYVILLE nu" shIow ut lenst iiîieli ton o! lie per The Sharp Ones. Remartable Trree. per <r0w. Tiiese qngntitles sthit li e: owy, iva are rarcu-it 10 îaf-Wayside fh'lc m e ia0rkable o! aur AnI*asI ,ýuugIiutu' leair- a îaargîu tar bouse- Tales. fiii,'st tracs. says the Atoeiftfl ' bol tise; but it il etcter tfavlis,'toi, ' ctryMagaziue. If msY grow ri aîuch fliantu t tile. Wlieaaver prai- fuily 100 feef lu hiegiti and, altffe tlci 11 luuIl - i- j'hoUisi' lni flicform LteRs rht lu. if la o efa i oani avec a SOMd pti aiaf iuulu' iliii 4r cuhui teet a ilu of'-ii i uiaetum atr nifet Sîstea, If la eu»o apace for eneli toin of ic.jSylu ,--1cýr i! :',. .,utii i cr-very rareet o! OtIt'foreStt r505 The puondluuîtr eiuuîleculdfîr cuit-gylllità,. i lu i il' -"i T luse- uitua- ting tea sliuiuWs, utf uiourse, li- treei trot j,,ii -l I i t, v-oi' itui-vi dirt or conutaminuatlin frîuuuu larnya.rils, ftii.-s llu T lii. -l. iuia Lnsl eRmmer priviesor refuse e mlii,. T ii,' tlic eb uld t fo tI ia'ie Iiii' TOIil ce- Il,'éWîm ' ile l fl ictheaid of au el lie kejîtclair ut eow, as citaisretards Cent iiscoverles un, ri-guril ut sita- ftezlng. Wleic fblas frozen ta a sut. mines BnMehcf thelicai-eaiiait Graham iloitcrgtaî-i'iu doubles hie o»; l tilunt ieptli mark off flue surface lat(I tour salitno*,%, u- huseseer neY eîy bu- uuliths ly Oa uperior MÀ cake a!the tesireit aise, msklng sure white laur nix,gil uith ti liltre bran, staningt' aises bis powell f0 sý ) fliaf thehUes form rectangles. Cut ouft rfac ocae-i r'a' st iîftti- hleilf o!the superfoir W a sfclp o! lie lîlite sas) te vldtt uupaiable aiaci.ig titi hounîtes vlth.-aiklý oft the 'cake itesireit, anit force tîs strlp jBurkte. aliter the lie, Ibua turming s chaumaI fa tae ludlng soit losding place. Large Changod ln Traneit. Mt' "araeal atripe may thon lie saveit off sotfltia- 1 A teacher asiteit ler pupils ta eug- Hoat, frigeal edto1 thte landing. vberetey mai' le g"ata sang tua lieusng by flicclam ansuit Marriago a ha lMode"a a eut ieu loto cakes. These cakes are a patrictie ittle fellow lante reer 5Mx paintînga lii William then baledtofa te stocsgcplace and <aled for "Mi' Country,'. Ts of Tiee." (169-173). vere acqireitin pactedIn laas clame togethor as posible, Hit voire wàs ovenk that the the Natir;nl t fallery uIn deu.- aal cracks te 1air spaces file in tesilier coulit fot audectat d .. a reotiaga ueefvfl inr esi* lt aviui Cakes that arc cul.' youngiler near hlm sang ota: "ovreso curne ntsl Iqt ly ui re unlform iln aise and vanta 'Hiet Country "PIe o HM __o e urtne. They are gouea'll! "aa Y ec ftu a sths arsaeBsonTasnp iderait ta lie the ertlae Wtp 'eut.areconvcniou i th 1as ide. - -onTrnfrit lte cafo'lets tusîanl. u t vWork generofl cornes during ii sick tlj IIi .sesan. Thorala n litthoret., t tire. Almoot Any Old Barn or Shed Cen B4 Converted Into a Suitable Icehouse. fore, wby every farmer lantae aturaI. ire section aliaulit not bave ice %vltt whhch ta cool has dalry produits, and to matre sucb delîcacles as ice creaiA lied tes, ced buttermilliliait fruit II~ vegetalilea, etc., passible ounflic tarf Monlments ien;orial Day IVili Soon Èe leoýe We invite yau to visit aur plant am i iivte- tlgate our large stock of Monuments. Our toçý"- coes f a veyof Graites adisthliq-ar est carried by any firun in Lakte CoSrty. W. have the vçry latest improveci machiauery- Wp getting out this work and esnploy noseW strictly first class workrnen Many persons ame disappointed on Memorial Day on account of siot placimg thei' orders in time to ýhave the work completed. Corne early and inspect aur stock and you wiIl be pleased with aur wark and pices. Colihs & Doane Co. :, UMn"VUFl M OM. 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0O O 0 oFOR ALL THE NEWS 0F LAKE e0 oCOUNTY, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE 0- 0INOEPENDENT--41.50 A YEAR o~'BIIItfhIIIlIIttIIUIIIIIIIIIIItItIhtID 0 00 00 00 0 000 0 two ara âid tho zaI- by as. D9g8 hab :30 !i- Qing and àoot- dam- Premium List and Hand Bo of the Lake County Fafr To be Held at Libertyville, Minois Sept. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1922 - L;ibor -DayWr ADVERTISING SPACE. in this book- is the best pubiit n er --or anywhere else M i -i o rc p -- o do n t n e o watf !ÉADDRESS: LAKE COUNTY FAIR, Libertyville, 9 r- -.-- the cUis Itnfi .,ke cfi for n that ami, rweU aval. InUOP ---a ILD AR zaami AI 14ARJU 1 URLJ 1 141

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