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Libertyville Independent, 25 May 1922, p. 9

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Nf P-ENJ LAiKE CUN INDEPENDEN MW ~~si eel.WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VL. XXX-NO. 21. STATE APPROVI3S MYANY MILES ROAD IN THE COUNTY. o- or 1 a.ý op- . aie O. )er- J. J-J. very yard; LCOM -W-2. ai-L NT ST HE LIBERTYVtELLE, LA.KE COUNTY, MMLNOIS,TEURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922.. f.e a Resuit of Smali's Inter- CCSSion, Quick 0. K. Given to Existing Plans- LûIAL1-MEN ARE ELATEO V l hat GOY. Len SmaIJlj limnsee )y i teretcd l ithe deaelopment of MtivI roads In Lake county han been f',rr elblly lndicamedIo 10 Calrman lFini i'ke of the. rail and bridge c,"iteof Lake couaty andl su. iniýteudent o! Hlgbways Charles %.si .reculrit, o!ev, i'malli avlng jffl-rceded, Il develepau tat an lm- j*tus i) il be gven 10 goed roa.d wiok La Lakte rounly and, lie tîuînres are that muei progrest wilIl e mrade along the Une of con- - irr'tlon ln certain sections andl e.ol will go ahead this year. When i' i al ibrough. Laite county caor 1t1 k thie ioverner for having giv e 'rrouai attention to this ý4 , itRussell caleil ti'Gover- aloi,, attention t0 the situation tiaI <-i,-(] l iere villi lhe auIli at rit(- Gevernor summgaed f romt 8î'îîîgt1eid Mr. 2Miller wvoIs ahair- iiuan ofthie department ef publie wofics of vhicb the state hlghway depîtrtinf-t la a part. hir. Miller came te Waukevma laiji vecliandl beld a enference vitît Gev. limaili. returning te Opringfield last Thuîsday wth Su- pei-vlàrer%'Ill Stralton of Grant township Wbe bas alvays been vorking bard on this road malter. 'i'ire la no deuil but Mr. Stratton pot ln is word urging 1the heail of the deparluient 10 gel bu.y lu Lakte couety. 10- nd then later Mr. Russel andl LIn Ficte ovent tW Sprngfield sud hli a personai conlssience vlth Mr Mitier wviiithe resut Ihaer the de- pa«rîment bas gien an . K. teultee 1,1itnoiwicb lhe local efliclasbtave lu inmd vith refereure to road cou- diienx in iis couniy. BIaIs Supt. intereuttd. Frankt Sies. vbo la stat.e super- it&cdent ef higbvay construction. i%aisa boern interesteil ln Lakes ,utaty, Do doubi as te rtesît of Geov. limaîl railaslite attention Wo ti'î- stuation boe. Ç Thies bail a very bg effiet La ge-Ling instant action snd theretore ait Lake rouuty viii remember that Cecralu Influences belp toihustWe tijaîge along lnciuding 11e efforts'o! t,.;v. SmilîlMtr. Mil11r. Mr. StraI- liii. tir. Sbeets, Nir. Finit. sud M. il iwieli. fîTheae men ail are happy teday ai theylesau uat the state 11g- waty depanîment bas . Kil al hie plîans whlcb the local officiaIs bail This rmeans liaI Uhecocntracts wii hajic in tie very imamediate tit.î'vc andi ilenabipa theaLakte s-îuty offciais Wa go aheail undar trie cotracta vilch they recently Jt, andl aIse te begin te maire fur- * tiac plans for roed buildingiluthie Couliiy. The plans for thii. oad vont bave ail bin ucempleleil and tie nit step viii be 10o btain tbe nec- eria îry rigit o! vay and tien the. couîty vill adverli.ae for bl3 for actual construction. As a resait of tch . iK. froua tie stats blgbway dç.-îîrtrunt lb. folowlng strips of tri i-i werk bave becu authorizeil andl wolt ill begin during th present ej('a'on L Rockiond road, ru.nlug frema tiite intersection of Telegrapli and itîcktaO1.,d road jus weft1e! Lale B3luff, clear threrîgh ID Ares. ,4- 2. ýaite Zurich te Wauconda. 'j Laite Villa te Antionli. 4. Through Antioch Village- plans for whlnh have been dravu and for wbich bde vili be ailver tiaed for 11hs eek probabiy viti- la s few ilsys. 5. Twe sections of Grand avenue one from Gurnea ta the concrete reait running te Lakte Villa snd 1the etier front Laite Villa runntug vant W l'ex laite. 6. An extension eofliha rosI rua- ning tbleugli Wauconila. Bealdes tiçae.tiers, are alveral otiier mincir matters on vich the ntate blgbvay debartment bas au. thitytoile st at IisUlime. County offfcIaIs teal that nov mal- tors have been atalgbtenad out vith reference la the route tWougi Grayalsite aud tiat;heloe.longa contraot can be lt so the roar wlii be bult tbrougb frem FOI Laite te Graysaale andl Iben ta a, Laite Villa." officiais nov arc oilalning lbe rigit of way f rom Wauitegan vast on Belvidere reail lu Miwaukee avenue. This la the ruait whlch Gos-. Smail bas sievu personal la- * terest. He beliaves Il le b.eue of lhe Important rosde as It la& mata highway leading te Wauitegan and shouid be taiten cars o! lu or der te conneet Up wllb tbe road runnlng tbreugi Voie. officiais are aise advlsed tiit the SiaIs expects te pusi tb. roid von seat fromt Vola te McHenxY aud lien on W WodBteck- Thk wouli l gve a complets concrelE roai f rom Wauitagau te W60xlilef wiîen. thejob la compioteil. Suràarlzing, It de'velops liat thetý la noýy about 2b mles e! const rosI tinder coatrmet la bu bulIt b) the State lut leke couct nso e Uiag Oer 9 mules tnaal tiahre are about ulune illei o! state bond Issue rosil#unaë contract. Wt thecpIS Ronc-id.i PoOl. Ttere la hnrt ly n roadlde pond OR Miol-a:ilcb bas Dot as mue;' tend- omaity vil let about fitteen mora miles o! road Construction before long. The 35 Siales of road nor tmdr contract Wini total Mo"e tq at tho p&Ye ý taholu. amkelu 15 A tiOVERNOR FREE1 TO SIIAE A PROFIRRED BON? iudge Edwards Appealed to Beoause State's Own Wt- neài Sauted Governor TO SIFtAKE OR NOT*TO SHAKE lust becaî&e. a goeruer o! a state happons tea1e a detendant la a court action la IL any reaseli vby liesiouid net arcepi a proferredil anilrlasp vien IL te idercil hlmi if be.. ltting la court should luru "tu acrme againat a man vbn beld eut hin baud tao hlm and assume a burt air because 11e man la question isp- ptneà ta lie a vîtnasa agaluat hlm, what gort of a governer voulil fois thinit 1e tndr isliull And if e DDfne i adt salI goyerner and If tbe goveruor mer eiy rî'cponded l i uts. vuid liat b. bulel te prejudire a juiry vhlch migit lie irying the governor? That vas vbaIt acaI Ooernor Smnal lnlu is bearing lu court Meuilay. W. W. Sherman. assistant treasurer ef Swift sud Co. bail testIfieil fer lhe claie snd lice againal Coveruer Salat. As ho e ift lb. vitnes sstand 1e passel lie gevemnOr vie vasseat- edin l bis usual place. ".Hello". Governor" said Shermani as lie bell out bis band sud lia gaver- uner, iitu istugin. mars11 acoapteil the baudshake sud liat vas ail tiers sesmed tale a tl. Bat tlie state'-s coumissisav Il sud imaedilately Mr. Da.iy. for lb. state, asiteejuilge ta permait lbe Jury ta retire sud tb. jurymen fiel ont. Tien Mr. Daily sarlait.lie. a ur- ed tia court liai Il vas net proper for1 lie lefendautheliagoerner. Wa shakO bande viti folks; tliat It vas not ln keeplng ith court proteeiure for Mr. Small Wa bave sisiten bauds vti Mr. Shermatn afler tbe latter bal lastlfied andl b, wauled the court te Praleat ILlu nfuture.. Mr. a;c. ceunsel for tia gev- erniot. jSrrieil le bits faet appialitly muci dlsgusted, fer. hoe said camir adlressixig tie court sud Mr. DadY: "'Wbal vouli yen baire liai lis gev- : rner de, slap Mr. Iberman's face iu- slead o! sbakring banda?" 1Juilge lilvards diIInet liii.thie mat- .ter being brongit Up lu court and eplalnly bld the lavyers lbheY must ,sottie a malter of tiat sort avay froua ethe court. Causes lRacltemwit And se tue Incident cloaed but il kserval tea cause a lurry la tie Court- 1reom for sema Lime and even somte of 1,11oe.favoring tie stata's. aide of lie 1casa fait th.e tale bail "builei" Inrais lus tie point, fer. tiay arguaI, "hoem va casa ovbshral th tte'c evn vît ,ness saw fit te go sud effer a baud- shakotete aman hohadiltealified againat csud Iherefere the governor vas merely ilecent la accepting tie greetlng." And oliers vie III net kmevo e i 111igb standing o! lie vituess. M. - Sherman, argued i lIt Iis: "Bld lie -stale TRY le gel lie governer la bail v illi lié jury by prearraliging vîit .Shermaxn te go andl offer ta shake !banda with M. Bumait sud vlth the ex- -paclancy that tb. gevemritewvulil re- f use tic b4nd-thereby making il ap pear ta thé* Jury liat lie. lie gevert- 'or vas soesat Siraru" Andl se. if lie gevemrer ail refusaI 8te shako the proferreil baud IL veuld b ave belpeil lie alate. - veullu't IL. 3because tbat veul manîfest anger aI b) the claIe viuesa-? Inxteail le vas roorteous and oikthle iand-and the. clsate feareil liat ieiped BIS rase vti Lie jury. a A few laye ago 'Km. Stratien e! -ý Waukegan. game, vardan eof1the stae.. 8 vas lan1the court routm. He a bai 0.as- Leontea1tlite geveriiof on an Im- a pertant sîste mater sud the gevera- 5. or lippeil off te eue aideansd diacuas- led lie malter. It vir ater leiarneil Of tbat 11e state ebjecleil te Ibis aIse. agaumlng the. stand liaI "psrbaps e cgornee!the jury knew Blil Stratton IL sud tiat tie goerner. by taliting te d hlm ln the court reom mîgil gain ce &rne sympalhy." le Thus. the goveruer la bevean tba '0 dcep sas, etc. If b. siakew-isulfl or :L-ailes ai a state vituesa lu ausver ta thelr salutation, the state thinks bd maites an Impression M thle jury .1 agaluct 1the clae-aud If he alaps Le their face the lefense veulilno itavt sa veul burt TB2IIR cse. r- Anlse tie geverner may b. askad il te vear blinder.anud havaeils hands Lied bhblulhIc backIt f ho lesires ta i pleace th. siate'sc cunsal. ,lo m i ils vifs, ,ow y NI Wlattred Hudnut. vhopu VaMiMo mamdla Mexico. Clslfoeem audtaece érsteavestgaum*9a i MASKEI) BANDITS IIOLD UP AUTOIST BUT <fiT NOTiIINfi Wire Werks Office Employe is Victim Daring Attempt at Robbery Sat. Nght SAVES HIS MONËY AND RING Auto bandits ggala bmoka booss Bat- urlsy igil about mîdugil vian mîarcus Halistrom e! Highland Park. employel la lie Wire-bMull office aI Waukegsn vaserilered eut of bie car byy tve yung mnai vibail baud- kercblefa ovar ibeir eyes, anti ai lis point o!tlIn aulomtan swu asbockt- ed Up asalnsl lb. fone a" tsud lte uraoveaIl valublesibepoeei. -an f it net been for the Splroach ai thaI momfent et Ive machas,-an automobile comag froa lia south sud a mtorcycle fronat te nrti tiarre la ne telas bowytheinlcident blgl bave tar-ainael. Bul tie ap- preaci o!tishse machinese auseil tis youag robera te gel ecareil sud. ieavlng BHisltreua agalusl lie feuce liey Jumpe jutoteirem llvver ail baalily il-ove tovard Waukegan. Hallâtrom bal been riding vîithbis, young lady frienil sud vien Jut souli o! Washington streel on Wau- kegan RosI encounlered englue trou- bis.'- H.elia gel eut ta adjust lb. bail just returnel lehils car suddvas gelling resily te starI viien tie 11v- ver puleil up la front et hlm. The Ivo yeuag men jumped, eut sud cor- sred han la bis coupe. orerilng bim ta set eut. Bailatroni, hefore ihole!rtthie car, Irgppeil is pocitbeott heliat- tom o lie car. il containeil $72 The youug veman cempanion qulcitly remoe ebedianulring aie vas v earing andl aIse droppeil liatIlut lbthebbttem of lb. car. 1 Anil tins the tIve-mails heir exil t aud th, robliara bakal Halîtrom up alUnâtlie feuce. pressing the -auouailoagainel bis rîba. Tie tilla. 17 arrivai o! tie .tva cib4er machines breugit lis incident tetaacuillen tcrminatlen but net before Balsîtron sisal qp lhe tva veu-be bandits. He ileclares they vere yeung men -apparentir about 19 or 20 years of age. not vani large. lmmediately after ther liaI made -tiair ilepartnre BaIIîlrom IrevevlItb ail possible epeed te Waukegan sut enotitiaI Sien! f Green. Witb ILlat as e sitant Bart Tyreil tie sherîf! droei ot al over levu and endeavrel te gain trace o!fp;ho !ellovs but vas un ;socoesasnl. Finds Abandoed Car. AI 1:30 oclec'a vian Asistanl Chil.!o! Police Tyrrl returnéi hem( bi e tound a flivrer lu front o! il Splace. Iltisil beenaasdonal appar Lently but lhe Ibougit lîtUe ofTtI unti Sunilyho 11e st billitiare. . * Teday tie machinue vas irougir iover te tovu and efforts ara bali Il amale- telocale tl imoea. Tic hi a lier prevailis Ilal poesibiy this ou vas lb.eone usaI by, tie bandt. li Squestion, vie sbsudooed TtI ruie of o!hle assistant chie home. 11 Ttinlaraller anIinterrstlag tiel Le Ir Iis vas lie case tate Iilath&i st ther voul-take i dr«ty ta tir se home o! tie police officer sud tb.î i abandon IL. Accea-dîxga eHallotror, a- tie bandits secureil abseluateîy nott ef lng for lhiu attemPt because Ibkc astanleil avay hera lier baltlin Ln te moite a searci o! the car 5!Ii r- dternining liaI ho bail netblag a ld hie persan. iA i.eîm1 ir h» -gthe lr1ie& ALL SET FOR BIG COMdUNITY BAR. UiAN DAY THURS. Ail Merchants Are Co-Operat- ing In Plan to Gîve Publie Rare Bargains NexI Thursday'la ýemmunity Bar- gain Day la Waakegsn and the rom- mitte. lai charge ot the arrangements report everytlzlg la readiness for the. big event. ý à&tthe Urne for the Bargala C=relal draws near many more merchatsbave entered Int enthussste supp«ofo the idea and ail the. pxemlant. stores will display the. penania that indicate their ce- operatIon la the - battis of bargain- g1vhqg. l'hé marchat. Intend trila to ba aaother ulgantle 'demonst ration o! the buylag pevea'of loney in Wau- kregan &Ud tbey vii preBent an array of moasy-.aVeArtiIviliiprove Wau- kegana s moremaoy lnvalue-glving. Extensi ivfltlalng bas been car- ried on &Ui ot the. county and ther, undoubtedLly vIl b. a large Influx of slogi rm the surrout4ins Offliry5= 1 =orthe. day. Every mer- cbM; antW&t±l»la .e b.carnivai t l* hd ta offer thé blgestmonay vig bargalua possible andl the. V- ent viii b. la reallty "A Bargain Holiday.- SIX APPLICANTS FOR TRAIN. CAMP Up te the liresent tinte but six ap- plications have been received by the Chamber ef Commerce Of Waukegan or Young men trom Lakte cbunty who ai e desirous et altendlng thie Citizens' Training camp tu be helil at Camp Custer, Battie Creek. Mlc11. between Augurit 2 and Sept. 2. Lakte county la cflitled to about 25 delegales. Ait ap- plications muet ha ini by the irst of lune. They slîould be le! t ulth Sery. Clirford or the Chamber o! Commerce. $1.50 PER YEAR. IN ADVANM IIiEST PRICE PAID FOR LAKE, Co. BULL AND) COW Ï Top The Sale Held in Fon du. Lac; Regarded as a High Honor For County BOTH HIGH BRED ANIMALS A yearling bul rmLakte ountY toppe-d the ie ae ven It vas dIs' pouRi of 1er $60at th- GuernseY' calo at Fon du Lac a day or t*e lu anuouncing Liiertyville's Bos- ago This b llKn;gJe! 1.A er Weeit ln 0cr Issue o! lait wvekitKlng" vas rousigueil te the safe a mîstake vas made tiith1e dates. by the Kariton Parut at Wadlé- Tii- big eveul vîli tart on lune Worth.» let sud continue for oee ekis. it A nov. "Ilmp. Ruby et Karlan.'" wa-i orlglnaily Intendeil ta etart ou alse couclgued by th1e Kaiton PariS, tite date previously auounreil bu' vas top now at tiec sale. bringing It bas been fouud ihat tb. lime lu- fl tervening la not scolOient te prap- The ewner of the farin assentA erly ergaxiizi- lie evpnt, bence thée thal lie pire of bimls sud cevs la change et date. As aiready eut nîuri lower than IL vas Ivo or lined. lie pli ta L maite Boser three years aga. If tie camne bult Weeit a sccres by 1the reperation -liai been sold e aItal ime be sale ai loi-ai stores sud brisinees men lua* t1he prît, voUlil bave been aI toast asperili eek o! value giving, -Faix go«s te ve reulhri $50000. oreWhat afler lie plan o! the. gins Ce. 25 lu Cicago au4 tollev. The Karlenu Parut. wbicb bas lie Cornmuiîy Bargain Dayc. viici lie llreUlhters rigit UV lhe lIdes-e reputation e! being oeef e! iefneel Wauitegcuii oldui St cîated linervais. __________________lu L.ake county, epe-ializes en rais- Butils lt Igodtha a aBooster ing bilagi mclcattie. Tii. Ivo nesl' Week it ii have a certain advantageA'~ 1 ' >rs<t est dama o! lie bul lnl questiffl over a eue day cale ln tint the -ALLENDÀJLE M ESI averaged 911 pouids o! fat. T1M weather may be lurlemeut andIspoîl ives uareel dams averageil sSi* s eue day cale, viere tie iaw of 'A555f7'55AJ>oJ> iunde o! fat. The bull bimsIf ln. averages ls pretty aune ta give UAMTE Wj jfl ITEITj the. thirdhilgiest butter breil hui corne flue veatier during tie week. o! lie Guerusey breed. - parîiculanly aI Ibis season of lhe 5 11IflI11fh1 it tg qite a distinction liatIrs year. Business men are ueuaiiy O[ LIBERTYVILLE bull aud nov froua Laite oOUItY iteen for lhe ides e!f co-peration eheulil brlng the hIgiest pica.stM aud glati o e! i.opportunity wvicîs-suri a large sale as liaI icl buA lb occasion vilI afforil for exploit- Alleudale liompel lthe Liberty- Fon du Lac. lug Liierlyvîlie as a business anil ville tecm 19 teaS8lulia eCeunty trading center sud fer giving pub- league game piayed aI LiberlyvlleO Loaves In an Acre of Whst liclty ta lis mauy snd vaied ail- Saturday afleruequ. Wagner, star & acre of whentslhoutl avra-ge vantags vilci Libertyville offers. o! lie Llhatyvllie teamn,lbi 2 tire. Anyx ubi. hswol uO If lia Beugler Week la given lib- baggena durnug lhe gamne. ChapMUaandbu-eIr-ala bubets. Tu veu pe oral supportlnluLibertyvilîe It may e! the Allenilala outtit buniel isdne1thepuil ! ler eeltp b. mals a regular feature. Beesier garne snd alioved hie oppoenus 2i14 pounaftO! bied-t le t, u aei ciiyl net confi e ne- but 7 bits. Bis hualed for Liber- ifour-poundl baveS Thiis wonl& il - lait stores bevever, as baiks. fac- tyvîlle. but vas net qulte as effeot- vida for a fmliu i o et tories sud la mauy cases proession- lve as tie Lite Villa snieol star. aI men enter lItothe Ide& aIl ielp Goil hlbîiug iy Allendale fealuraf I - fr avn lng tint anylbing wvi in la fr hie Round Lakte dreppel from lie AD maxi vie ndraun o n c a m o r geucral gueil o! tbe commuuity te CeunIr -League afler pi-e-ingnuna- bound le ha deeodefin Orltiv0 K" vortiy o! Support frou aal ruaI uaily veait for a Laie couuty or- cantvian lioeruattalua 04 gem dente. ganîxatien. lis PYOtts. anohber i auat e auacbn 1 AIl tégetber andIlet'e bave a lenînle lesauler a uev aae rBoosier Weeil vilchittli i.a reaI meut and name. îook le0 teudpogera of Today. euoe. Lakte beransu tatti ed è1"aY.onug feîîov vkbi fl a *4 'lm______ BO ili a vin rier Cala ata jeb o goi tob"aIDSQ t«- Frou a toniTielvng roorn taie. Next weeks echiedule bau Ailes- 50l laas muni ! insfa -ro P ros Th iWsviii5. grs w9o10 5seerth@j Ot Sly lespel threugli tie dbr te greet d aie at Craystake andItie PYOttginelr i a-udHepsda yeu2'eaILibertyvilie. - Pertlend Oregoulen. STOLEN CAR NEMI - TYRRELL'S HOME FranutH. Moifenzie vie 1l"-eIt t. corner e!fPcArea rosId ndrand av- enue, reportaI le 1the polira Satui-tiY ulgil tiaI hic Fend teurtng car bal beau stoien froua CeunIr sud Madison vtreets some lIme balveen 8.30 sud 11:20 'clock. When Âas. Clie!Tyr-- rail ralurned home abeut ene-Ilirîr o'cock Buniay mernlag be sav a Fenil touring car standing la front e! ilsX bonis. Bunlay mernins 1the machine mili1w va s, R..le checited up on lis lIcence numbe and fnutud ii r', lu vas lhe oestiatI abaieen tolen froua MoKenzle. Tiec cilfs! cars whvan be firaI sv lb.ecar tu froexilOf! is place he tieUgit somo on -bail mads him a pieaent -'A' - Boo st For Li bert-yville- - Bank In Libertyvill - Buy In Li'bertyville Town Boosting 'Week Comm- -ences Thursday, June i Continues Seven Days The enterprising stores and business men. inLibertyville are going to do things during Town Boosting Week that will make you be glad-to buy in Libry ville, to bank in Libertyville and toý' boostfor Libert-yville. ___

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