LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT Un OUN MFPME«-LAk< County's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEKY. SUN VOWME XX2C-NUMER 22.- LIBEYrWqLE, L4KE OMM. IT LLIS, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1922. $15AYAI IloNATZ POTZ TO IIANi JUNE 1,15S RULINfi 0F COURT iudge Edwards Denies Motion For- New Trial Ater- Hearinc Arguments latz Potz musth, g The alayer ai Mtorcyce Policeman William Petersen of Wintbrop Harli- o' yull expiate bis crime on the gal- loaaKt the Lake Cocot>' jallinb Wau- kegan on Juno 16. This vas the date set for the exécution b>' Judge C. C. Edvards afer be bad denieti the motion for a now trial. Attorneys Rab- or, V. Baker oi Konoaba and Lester E. Wlliams of Waukegam annouuced that the casae ould be appealed ta the Suprem e Court *wbich convenes Jane tb. Tislaaction passill>' n>' s- suit lu a short doliy> in the date af the execuion. nt more than a motb ln the opinion ai court sttaches. Pots received the desth sentence stolidl>'. lu response to a summons b>' the court he stoppeti forward and etood bafare the bar. His face vas aahen and is lips quivereti. Hia oyes vere dovncas;t. lHe swayad untesdily sud grasped tbe railing In front of hlmn for support. "Have yen suytbIng1tes>ay t tbis timas wby Judgement abauld net be pronouoced." the court asked. '«I don't onderatauti." the prisoner mumbleti in a lowvoles. Judge Edvards repeateti the 4ues- tien. "Havé yau anytblug ta say-bave Yeu ny ureason tae ffet' vby judgment ,ebould net be proaococed on the jus-y verdict ai this tirno. Do Yeu visb to ,ay> anyfiug? Yom bave tbe rigtf Io make a tatement if you wlab. Do you wlab te maie mu>'statement aitfiis time,» the court nikd. **I do net thiai I do.» Pots repilé veakly. Asi the court promonucd sentence Pots turasd a litte paler if possible. but gave no ottier Indication of smo- fliou. la the s-ar of fie cout rou threu» aasthec acual af aobblng on the pasfut raitxaadoea wva rda- -Utves sd close friands «et icoas lu Imposlng sentence Judge Bd varda apoke as follova: 1> ccourt desirea te sas>'thia ta Yeu Mr. Pots. I realise the responsibiity reseing upon me at thia Ure n crry- Ing out the verdict of fils jury and imPosng sentence upon Yeu, fa taie fiat trom Yeu vhicb ne morfal paver cau giv-yaur lit. I voold lks ta grant you a nev tri- ai; 1 veuld like te ive Yeu a- chaneA ta get ava> from ths sentence; but the sourt bas a dut>' t0 parform, nt oni>' te Yeu. mt ouI>' ta the memor>' af William Petersen. but fe the mil- lions ai People ai the State aif ilin- aIs Yau tiret became a aturalized ctiz- en of this country about ine yeara aga. Yeu took an oatli at that fimo ta obe>' our lava--ta) upbold tbis flag- Yeu bave net dame s0. Yeu bave via- lated aur-lawa, and yau bave vllated the rights whlcb this country gave you. Yeu ha, e taken i rom William Petersen bisIfle; a Young man vha ansvered ever>' caîl ta dut>' that is cauntry' made. He vas ln the perfor- ance ai bis dut>' wben yau killed hl. Your oly defense is that yau vere lntoxlcated. The jury vere net, and the Court lias nt at an>' lime durlng the stage of this trial. been lmpressed vitb that defanse. I do mt belleve ibat y-au vere se lntoxicated fliat you could mt iorm an tent f0 commit thisascf; and you shot straiglif; you vere mt taggerlng, and you were mt unceriain. but you shat tvlco througb ftle sanie hle In the back curtain of this automobile. You Put over tvo bcodred' abts Into this man's body. Even tbough >ou ma>' have been lntoxicated on that day. y-ur act vjms nt that Of an insane man, but In tbe judgmenf ai the Court >'ur aci vas impelled b>' a vie- lous beart; tbat durlng your wbolo lufe your habits and tbaugbls bave been running along the line that you would ratber bave klled ibis man in cold blood then te subit ta arreat for the violation of tbe law of tbls State that vould amI>' bave abligated you ta psy- a amali fine. Whatever ta- tention you ma>' bave had at that time merely brauglit out the brutal In- stinct Iu y-ur boart. There vas no cause other than a maliciaus heart for murdering flua man.,lYau are golng ta leave this 11e a yaung man, but possibly your lfe will net altogetlier lein1 vain; possibi>' there la some rea- son for y-au having lived. Your 11e and y-aur deatb vililie an exemnple ta al criminals ai the great City' of Chicago sud to others tliat the>' camnot nmeî IntoIte Caunt>' ai Lake, go roarimi up aur roada 1n higli powered automa. biles, armed vltb ahqt guns and wlien the ofticers af the LkAw atfempt ta do tbeir dut>' shoot them dovm 1ke doge. I am serrt is sentence lias been delayed as long as it bas, and I an gOingto makre a recommendation tc the Léislature that vbem a' Man i2 convicfed sud la ftelie sentencedt deatb, fiat the Court can impase tii sentence at once viflout vaittag sa) (comtnaI 0* pages>8 A1IeNDSTliEATRE; ~ AUTOI15STOLEN;i Alonzo Runyard ut Antiucb drove to Waukegan In bis Tord coupe luit week to witiiensatbepe rformaco atj the Academy theatre. Heie lat bs car just nortb of the theatre. Wben he leit the theatre at eleven oclock the car vas gone. He reported the tboft to the Police snd a tborougb aoarch vas madie vithout recuit. EXPECTEDI IN TEST Of SMOKING ORD.r Voliva WMI Endeavor to Defeat Attempt to Have an ln- juflctibn Issued A real sbowdown or. me custitu j tionallty of the Zion City Smoking "r- dinance la expected by Independent; reaidenta of th ' city as the resuit of the petitUon fiiid in circuit court lat Frlday lun vhbthe court ilasaked ta grant an injtnction retraining the city ai Monan sd the police department f rom arresting smokrera. A bitter fitht lailn store for it la known that Voliva viii not consent ta b avbi anti-tobacco ordiauce piac dverba ban until be bas exbausted every logal remedy. This la not the frst Urne that the Smoking ordinauce han been lu court. On auother occasion certain featurea of the ordinance vere held b>' the court to b. iuvalid and vere stricken out. The cil> coUncil of ZIon thon passet anaiber ordinance in which they co- strusd the une of tobacco aa a aire hasard. andtit bas heen under thia ordhnace. that arrest, b a v e been made. Mesara. erris Brown. Raiph me- Comey a" G. M. Silbnffer. in the Petiticu tbo have 8Ou ed as aert that the Visi«Matosa the ordinaace are ars-aated la siml sMd A»,taksu lato a esebelag. pstof0ttss xpees ut bis- tlm laattomey". ihe apU a miona of Urne. Theft. Vien the Oc one up lu circit court for trial, tIi.? are di laed b>' the Zim u athoritiea. it la clalmed. Thie Justice court in flot a court of record andt tifa mpoasible ta, appeal to the appellate or supere court vhere the vaildity of the ordiance ci oul p pasaed upon. if la clameti that thé pouibity of appeal ta the hlgb court le Preveuted b>' dlsmiasing the casés before the>' can be tried in circut court. Right nov Itla said there are fit*,. af these amake violation cases ready for trial in circuit court. That 600 men lu Zion want 1o: amoke sud vant the smoking ban, liteti la the statement oi the peti-, tionera. LAKE CO. IN CO- OPERATIVE MILK MARKETINGi Co. That Lake county !a iucluded in a pan that la belng worked out for the organizing ai a mlk-marketing cor- poration in the Chicago district le shown b>' the follavlng telegram: By international NiWs Service Chicago, May' 26.-Organization 0f a co-operative mlk-marketing cor- poration caxnposed ai producers in the Chicago dalry marketing district has been started, it vas aiinouuced today b>' the Illmis Agricultural as- sociation. The Chicago district Includes 12 Illinois counties, inluding L a k e, about Chicago and sections of bath Wisconsin and Indiana. The plan for t h e arganizatian contemplates t h e building up of the present marketing Company' upon a nov contract which »yul go ltt effect on September 1, if 6,000 members are signed b>' that time. The praducers of the district vere runited at one, timo ln a bargailng çcompany of 15000 members, but fac- ttianal disputes reduced thils number rta anl>' a fev tbosuand. The commit- ,tee oi nine apPointed ta build up the 1 ew compan>' hlred Aaron Sapira, co- via li as organlaed more tban 40 suc- i cesaful co-perative commumit>' mar- eketing organlzatians, ta drav ulr s 9nov conmrat. The argaulzatlon work in the Chi, cago district will begin within the 0next manth, tvas anounced. e ------------~l* YOU WILL thoes Sumer BdCncras thé NOpw' ~t HtT .1. BHITER 4EWE DRJFTING? - - -~ _ _____ ee_ lapit iii! onixr Iliot ti tU111bro Uurirb in NetbIi a1oe OhtdQtnut HALF DAY CEM ETERY L. H. BRACE- Ca. I., 147th Illinois. JAM SBURGE- Co. G., 9Guli Iinola. JOHN CAVANAUGH- Ca. D, 45th Ilinois. CHARLES CHAPMN- Ca. I., ith Illinois Cavalr>'. GEORGE CORBIN- 4tb Mchigan Cavaîr>'. WILSON DOTY- Co. F., 65th Illnois InfaUtY. WARREN DOTY- Co. P, 87fi Illinois infantry. JOHN HOS'T- Co. B. 12h Illinois Cavair>'. CHARLES JOHNSON- Co. D, 45th Wisconsin. MARTIN MOWERS-. 5tb Calora-do Batter>'. ALDEN STH- Ca. F, 37fl Illinois. E. H. SHIAPTER- Ca. f, 1Sth JDL sud l7th Cavais-y- JOHN THUASER- Ca. B, 6tb Ilinoisl. D. WOODRUW- Ca. P. 65th Illnois. DANIEL WRIGT- War of 1812. 3. H. wESTERBIELD- Ca. K, 4th Nov Jersey. JAMES JOHNSON- J. B. bLASON. H. H. YORK- Ca. B, jet Missouri Cavaîr>'. JUDISON A. MAS ON. FAIRFIELD OHM ETERY CHAULEýS PHILLIP- Ca. C. 96th Illinois. ED BATELS- Ca. C, 96th IlInais. HARRISON HTNTINGTON- Co. , 98tb Illinois. HARtDEN HUNTINGTON- Co. C, 96ýh Illinois. PETER STIIFPNS. JOHN CRUVER. -MILLARD. IVANHOE CEMETERY JOHN C. CLARK. SAMUEL CLEI)MMNT. JOHN J. PRICE WILLIAM PAYNE. T. B. HÂAWKIN. J. B. DYKES. -MARSH, War of 1812. IRA DOOLITTLE. JOSEPH NORTON. SAMUEL HL PATNE. HENRY C. PAYNE. THOMAS AMES. THOMAS STRICKLÂNDýý ORANGE M. AVERS. A. B. PARTRIDOR. H-. J., NICHOIS. C. A. IPPI1iCOTT. HEINRY PIlICE. SANFORD HARDY. LEE GORHAM. J. C. RAGAN. JAMES JOICE. PETER JACOBY. H. A. PAYNE. WILLIAM FULLER. ALBERT PRICE. CHARLES PARTIDGE. DAVID) PARIÇER. GEORGE HARDEN. HENRY GLASS (COnféderate) - P'ERD GEÂBBER HENRY KEMN. LEWIS H. BIRYANT FARNSWORTH CHETERY FRED PAYNE. . LIBERTYVILLE dEMETEI~ GEORGE TRiGGS. BENJAMIN SOLES. WILLIAM CRtANE- Was- ai 1812. EDWIN CRANE- 15th Illinois and Mexican. ERD MILLER- Co. K, 64th Illinois. NATHAN i-IATCHI- War of 1812. DAVID BENSON- War ai 181,'. DAVID GIBSON- 1sfotMichiganl Infantry. fIPE WILSON- 5iIst Illinois Infants-y. WILLIAM WILSON- L. CADWEL- Ca. C, 96th Illinois. DAVID JAMES. JOSEPH GERRARD- Ca. G. llst Dlunois. ISAAC JAMERS- Co. G. 96t fli hnol8 THOMA&S JAMES. GEORGE HUF¶WKAN. 'WILIAM PRICE. JOHN CROSBY- 96th Illinas. THOMAS DVIS- Co. G, 96th Ulgois. DR. Ç. W. BOND- GEDOXGE TAGER- Co. K, 64tb Illinois. RD ELI OTT- Ca. G. 25tb Ohio. DR. R. RICKEY. HENRY«WILLIAMS- 96th Iiuaiiis.- JOHN MADOLE. PETER LITCHPýIELD. 311 F EREMAN- 96tb Ilinais. F'RANK EDDIC SAM MOORE. JOHN GLEASON- 17tb Cavalry>. i. s. GLESON- 96tbhIinois. -___JOHNSON. E. L. DtSENBERY- 171li Illinois CavalrY. FRED SANDMAN. JOvIü;LYON. S. S. WOOD. ARTHUR WILL«[IAMS- Spanisb-Americafl War. JAMES TAYLOR. EDWIN BLACKILR FRITZ CARLSON- War vitie German>'. GEORGE HuTCHINSON. JAMES YOUNG FRED CAE- World War. 305 BENSON. JAMES DUSENBERRT. JOSHJUA L&THROP. HMmAN UCHOTANUS.ý- HENRY HARVEY. DIAMOND LAKE CZMET HENRY DARBT. FRANCIS BUTTERPIELI). WILLIAM WHBELEtR. JOHN BAKER. -SHAW. ALEXANDER BILINSKI. CHARLES TATTLER. JOHN WHITNEY. WILLIAM PLAGLER. DAVID B4AER. JOH-N LUE BE. SWAN CEMETERY JAMES WADE. H. C. SWAN. :ab. ore- .. 2c ta villis, tus-ca, la ýter Slna lip-, -om il% a-lu $4.98 btr Ik sweat- ,a, ulav. muna; %i $9.95 ai guaer. ipee*, la id cplara se tylesan 1 ef. yer> bana 1; sievel jPOURIN4G CONCRETE Bifi BAIN #Ae ON NEW BRIMfE RÀSEDM1 Te work of pouring concrote for II'Z the loor of the new Fax Lake bridge vas started this wleek. Supt. Russell estimates that tbe Hg tu bridge yull be losed ta traffic about Hg tru wue Sta4rl four weeks. Tbe vork of putting Same Spot Whsre.2 ln tbe steel rinforcement la prac- ù,OhrRs ticaîl>' completed. The bridge ls 120 feet long. iwoyfu er -ot May M29,189>, 1Mr. ,lro«Èt MAY carpenter-comtractor ln ft» 'IqÀX L FACES romont, con.ducted a bast - on the farm ni M. C. Wliý on 1the samo foundatou (iLI(i;A REST D barn beimg dostroyed by fh Sb>' ligbtning practically et Smuggled $30,000 in DIAM-j clear sk, ebruar> laut -onds, Charge; Also Held od 20 prpIear ci .1 Viennesien Captive mon wbo bolped "s-aise i. - i aga bing present on this e ChOi-cgo, May 29.-Jewels valued atj casion. Thé floar dissona $10.000 -wbich Max Greineder con-I 32x60 with an addition viU fessed toda>' to amuggling into the iesong 10x20. United Statea,v e r e recovered b>' Aiter tbe beavy vork .. agents ai the United States Treasury whlcb vas participsedf la» - department vbo took tbe prisoner on ber of notables frara iV a tour of safet>' doposit vauîts. The Ivanbae. Ârea, Prairie jeeos vere fauud lu tbe Masonie mond Lake, Waukega4 ne Temple building vamîts. Otber vaultsaseveral county.sprvas are belng sehrcbed for, additional as count>' officiaIs and è0 jovola boileved ta bave been con- ail eajoyed a&e> pe0 cealod b>' Grineder. wibvssra > <a- Greînoder la sald te bave mado a ber good nelghbort and 9 compete confession of bis activifies . Mr. W. Tr. WOMI14 vê. He vas formally charged vifb viola- Prairie Vie-rWvas one <of lion oftbe Mann act todaylula 1ec- liftera es veli s ouet tin wltb the bringing ta this ounrY eatrs.rThs MMa- aP 4, irarn Vienu» of Anna Hertog. Lake Vaunt>' Vair »onird If la allegod fiat Glr5loder 115U training for the bard tX.ý t asir a dupe la bisa sruggllg th, public thé blagW~taa Mx'axim,, allas Max Grinter, la bcatvithé bisycr.. former propriéfor ai the Obateau ~botn h aa Maxim, a roatibonse iocated St lthe Lake and Cook eut~ extrême south 04d of Loaecunl>'. the great Pourti ut la uoder arreat in Chicago on a tien a il boras rac o t charge of bayint amgglcd ý the 1a= oubtr V1* r liersoga a bee ufty ta& PO. >Yse- o0 f h« e tlly hsiuiooms ~oMs-. John G.,WltX, Mb asme is areaetios thn %y b& Io cselsed tbt se sk 00bldIo 2W, dttpa~ t acuti, lyatlng oer ret bs$art- pis«e 1 on s lia-ne aSmltb. ht as bs-omir. s canvite *$ an va tencoved t& pYM ys-bo i *.*Lake a ofneawI at 80a -adi onh14rve »WAna liN hi ,wgut monthaLake ceiraI>'laU ltheong. -la The , csenvas ape od te io f e e oi> ent lto Sptate tort.ySth. Heo "0l suflior- af5ies ofagre ot dr1op faedja eu-naflti;bu cfvu el oten axInm he o un py thé lué gbut le urnlbe Tbcbho eue. aftaPeard tthe A~I~sdta-i eo~ pellato court affirmed lthe Judg- nim eardent mnual ment but Maxim badt gone to Eu- 011. ia lI1 M bs audden Tedsanys tbpueb.ho i Hls sddndepartureoaccurreti' or two* bobina IIIIIIIn fitla ýald, vblle bo vaa under parture on sarlous o0000 charges of tliawfulîy poaseslng navet' reaIli losf oee xp 1 bomded whiskoy. More thanl 200 eut time. cases of vbiakey Were cQgnfiscated Mr. and Mma Wirtg luri fram the Cliateau Maxim. Ratber overyone vho attende kiM than face federal prosecutlon Max- uted to the succntau ti 18saaid ta have madie bis va>' their barn. 1 out ai America flirougli Canada. Ho John P. Bia.uck, oft thi vent ta German>' and later made Leader. Lau Bronchée». bis residonce la Vienna. Ra>' Paddock and, Webb It vas lu the latter cit>' le met Waucanda veré presentu' Miss Herzog sud luduced lier to handy at everythinr.. returu ta Amerîcan vltbhlm ntb> bis Mfr. H. C. W. Miyer. v starles oi the "land of promise" in Area, and la reitic vbere fortunes were made easil>. supervisor, vas one ef MA lit Is said that as scout as tbey arriv- arm aquad. . - . ed in the United States ber cam- H. A. Watson and X. J. 14 panian strlpped the jeveis fram prosent wlth their fuanlil wrkd uceaol in Vienna Maxim la sald ta have and wMr. John H. Ray ' made qulte a show of weallh adMs onHR spending ntoneY freely vhile hý not ever>' day a banber traveled ln the gay Ilfe ai tbe Cii>'. barn raiaing and buas *Yà Nelgbbora near the Kenmore ave- Il steeple-Jaclk sud the nue apartment becamne Suspicions aitQithe aide et a ar because Maxim nover took the girl out vifli him. The malter was re- SAPIRO TO ÇPEAK ýA parted ta the Police sud Maxim TUESOAY5"" vas arreeted at the point of a gu-. The girl vas found iII ln a Clark A biige mas» atreet botel. sniferlng tram the ai- ducera aofiéheÇWhiCWg~ fecte aof an operation. dsrc ilb o The rings vhecb the girl voro Hotel, Obicago, nuâfl wben she arriveni in America bad naon, Jue L ir0. been obfalned frOrM ber relatives caoefl atre'- and vere Passed by Wvithout dut>' dress. The because she vas an allen. Maxim la pommce tbatew alleged ta have made a partial con- lu fie future et 404,r fession ta théa-OCicago police. Chi'ag l Inao <,AlI~uTJIj~utAcnov contraç4 wx»pIb8 u VERV SAIS UUI 'KAS 0d b>'thé Oolàtteezs praducers e tfb Âybrjn'J v~wiigo lfuo eiet~ pt AIÀ II YNIAKKIEDaesgII b ba te Benjamin Halcomb at Libertyvillee hte roiisq," a ,p- laf veek fileoIbtla ldcrcuit court ask- ibo aancot fie cansuuel Iuxg for su auûulment of bis marriage py o lk 3 a te Lena Wells Holcomb on the. graund ,paysafot mIi ls P«u that abe bad a busband tram wbom 01Mr.' ao hmf' as b ad mot obtainod a divorce vben ~~s< a ahe rbarrled bie. Judge Edvards granut producers' coe-cl*V ed an injunetlon preveitint Ms-s, lOI- P&Mle5 - fuclltdilig be coin i rom dspoaing of housebeld fur- c"-Peaiu la i tuu-,Mra. HpJjo=lb h ba Cou 0frrativ, that hébe ductig arelteikiut ln th* 9Rilluet bui)dlug £fr ees-Sothsia& 11tte establishment VUa osl vbua t8é1fr Th* ,NOufflUM 7 W? $=uctol vas terved 'OP=uber bMr-tc*p0é1 s "h , .liberiff. euV - 1- '