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Libertyville Independent, 1 Jun 1922, p. 8

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rJBERTYvULE w~PE~vmr. t CII >AY. JUNE 2. t92~. DARNUM M A O O N A NI) W lii T E hellubortyYil rc.:too1r j~ pP= ap- y, they tieeleeo tbeY M 1 E> T~,O aciB R U A O- N " N 1shoola kWoi eto L. T.'H. 8. ure ot Iutting their trasandi raking ~ ~TJJ El?~l~M~ Editor n ,Chif-Eltamor Waldo Asisant Edtor-Movit GalIowaY 1>~,~ . 7.8 words per minute AUYfIT J nd, If thât lan't enough to îeep ~ "UlI Bsinss Mnage-Jon Th...Gun. 3 w3ortis port a nte. <) themt buay, they can hait one block --Iqf c Ocak Edltor&SCarolYfl Butterfiald. Kathryn I1TN (R S Morse and Ethel Hanson. Ok Park 30.9 -words Per minute. awjMMÀ ofthe etilero e n . PrOvt ir eto yerlobayaogn, te h JUNIORhPROMla bove t tewfl auj ocy rease . g they .1111 have unwaated mergy Aynesley terni, one mile Vest of i-~ JUIRPOMaJb~ te"i.'vr'eB;Y l in aeed since at year's test. The! idwn ute xrietemn Last Thuraday, May 25, the long-1 Dancing followeti, the mnusic belng ilahest average lest yearw as madie dvu ute xrietemu-mond LIee aturday evening,. the i*gn an .er of the Sun liv.. a alck ln the mgemunn t so.tlar- joegn ad Lberyvile ooke<l for 'Prom' arrlved. The aud- furnisbeti by Hapke's orcesctra. We by Fairbur'y, with aa pee f47ad <(ýpJuyi mIICsichn o pa>sitsîdirection front Jutige fid- Porteti that oniy abot $400 IDBWe i ium as artstlcaly decrated10 wer alo ed ducetiligorgeo. i~h oetvsMul ibased Exercise, Trims Up L.awfl i rds--anf the neiapaper men figure ,a, carlet on building andi contents. ý(j tý 1 green ~~~and white, the senior colore, and 1Rveryone lookeijut oreu. 2ti4.26.Fo ug dadth basetalte uict e T G meyatean alre o ~~ ~~ tis Yr. the footlightS vere flxed as a flover 1looketi as tbough the stores haitibee o-FrideEw dstabcueo!iltepbltyty Tv Oureyatlanalre - ~~box whlch vas banketi vith bridaliexhau3ted. I "WAY OOWN EAST" I4ERE THIS Lave given the Jury, tbey might reclp-anut fhyânmemi ranvr saUse It so happens that Martin vxeatb. -Harlet G. Putnam, '23. WEKTetev uye b r r ceate andti ait their homea.and put bunet in the inati'wr There were ten tables.lveOnusscn w-O-ar e y ars n rie. r.ned ntthe ier, o1 r< h 0" fHighlanxd Park, chairman Tee j toIabe.JO ac . W. Grlffltb's picturlaation of "Way lng tle, case againat Goveruor Len thead ntb.rrisn henatfrns l te adrnsharly her hoe Board of Supervisera, la a:table was a may-pole, the base 0f MOW SOME OF ~'EM REAL.LY jDw is. ae n h tg lySaî re luit o ful of energy tixat Ilwunth rpsngatheet »" fbce Itea eo r wici was banketi vith ferne andi pink 8TUDY 1by Lottle Blair Parker. wblbhfor tete lol athehecut i..selson of court If Attys. Beaublen faiemb e as l arnoertly Apprey or t.nan*tman vle vetpam. The entir«'color Wa lecnabdyd ie b at2 er a n !terural te ogrhuahfr ellgtan nDd y se tarn ienteit tere vr.anotling burnathon, ac- pie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bon wOT o e'e II ar cea sagreen andi vhite, even ln bas that awful yet pleasont treti f ei- ciglsa01lhe American theat praî eade ongrbhuss te ie r 0te ndethoir haoes.n odigt brsatmn ii oeas la usually lhe îthe neiru tths vas carrieti out. lng?SI tla seventh bour ln the asaem- be. ,resenled 'ai the AuditoritiuThon- could roamaat niguit, but they've patc nld hi oe.Andi At 9 'elock suei oticeti amesshoot thon Of9le founti, anty enoovbwayo o!ireettdoirg nrifdayond therdySun Imanfogersonw wr etyetdog tieofanmeSn maagef hromY doteestructurerom hansructremad onetie M1 lav provides that the majorlty Broiled baiiln aeti g pefruit bly, b r osde, but no esrleilÙt edoteko rdyLn audy fI their surplus energy by golng la the rilgut lu pyblie print. neigibora vio foughl futllly vîthlher ý1 Board o! evev ue o " oetef'-'a n - presidtng Jutige's housanti cuttIng againsl the blaze. ~~aredomion rosetarsybladtioe desk. anu siepîunsa prlnted l'That the pure love of Annua Moore,________ »' Peos. a s aincgny udrafîa p r-la .Readers of THEI INDEPENDIENT ntatr<ere ais!Ro- de.ýftretre.as akeeouty a IarsIeyeti newv potatoes green çeas on ail visible faces. Such la the situa- b ler hetrayal andi subeequent ufr- The Jurymen vere ase n lsîde the Cnrce ,og aco oo Wpnant BoI eciart ' Celery Olives ion, anti the folloving la taien frex jingin"ver.the big thing la 'Way Doli vire felncetiyard o! Jutige C. C. Ed- ALWAYS GET THE L.ATEBT abat tartet work thl e esi on the W'Itipbans on the eoard tatsRe-Raditai roses the t'_uI of tiongita of oue of theEasat" andi la viat bai madie It endure vard's5 home lait Wriday afternoon, NEW$ AND OIT IT ALL THE Lake Villa roedl. The prellmllbry V. x b. a . Parker House roUa lâdeut.- throngh au theee years, there om ho unuing a -'hai! dozen lava mcv.?! vwon 1lau the nature of gradlng anti 1 a[fher of Prairie Viev vas le tes "Lt'a ses, hat ls the leson? Oh, no doubt. it vas tuil a t5tppeaiod andi vieiding a bai! dosen raies. Tbey TIME. fillinzi a of culverta. DeMocratic meunher of the boardi Vegtable aspic aaiti Wafer boxes lysa' section'106 anti 'Be sure. te have to David W. Griffith la seleoiting l ai aswrced i vti a vIli and athougb the ...- h. 9 atfl . one year to serve. Slravberry ice <ream inl meringues your tesson' ver. the partlng vords of bis mediumu o! production. Her atOrl Jutige bas a large plot of grass, lhey - - -- wth Mr. Ragdahi a Democrat Frosteti bon bons lihe teacher yesterday. The Moh1aMe- la that of a vMfom ntfitnie Inme- managedtielado il ail in fine shape tibairman o! lie County board Il The girls' place carda vere dalla dans ruleti for centuries iu Africa. DM4 marial anti Griffith bas spared n10o o- from7 the time 'court adjournet i at4m bast&ted Mr. Maethsr resigning dressed ,u green sudwvilte, having a i sBy Africa or Asia? Afrîca, that's fort te brlng this forth lnanai the o'ctock lu lIme ta go ta tisir holel fora nsil gaeortiingly Jutige Persans net green sachet for a skurI. The boys' right. Where's Teggy goîng? Well, slrength et bis 'vision andi art. Ia do- six orlock dinr'er. Anti, full of pep anti y 'hai te appoint a man la lie place carda vere bulton bote l.lUes of the Mohammedans ruleti Âfrca-Now jng Bo lio bas mouldeti a moral for stil achin for more exorcise, they _____vl l tar way for the 2-year terni but; the valIeý, the Senior clasea nover. what are ail tioseida comlug lu maniix anti trikea home ta the 00- vaîkedth îe several blocks to the bo- b"q ta appoint a m~an ta succesti Donald FitzGeralti vas îoaatmaster. here for! It's stuffy enougb vithoat cailstronier sex a tesson vhlcb bas tel andi are reatiy for the next job o!f aeather. Abert Hagery. aur presieul. gave tbem. Wbat are you doing Denalfte 3forgotteu as ccerna thliasort tint may cames along. N To i o ui i ar eeotingy e nnunet is p- the 'Greelinga." drntng soup? single standard for mai nfiale . lite Jurars, care!ully valcieti i. a4nont Saturtiay. E. S. Barnum, Mý, Sandierg. via la îeavîng us, Let me see, lie Mobammedans vers probably alace lIhs age of sin. halliffq %VWlatn nti Etvards plisdti tc WXukegan succeeda Mr, Maetier a't.TH.S easaM" ruing lu Africa for many--,osh! t The monster production la the most tnowers aldti al._tF. passersby twiteil thei unexpireti terni a! one year. WMi sLunTt.S e antsang"Tiesbelle-vs liai dock stoppeti. Pull dovu epniela r rfiho uosiwm but the, Lagixetiback anti sîl dertmer . Mller o! Libertyville Qu. -uiajýj andi 'Ta Yeu." ' lai siade, l'Il be anl freckles. Npv 1 sîse ever matie.,trpeet oa they needed 1l:t' xerclse alter tie ted. NWOIted for lie 2-year terni. M.r. Cioy utred WyMr. A- muat slndy. AtiIbis imte lhe Mobatt- Cest o! more than eigbt bundredt4 iou- ltsdt ncut ler yeara ago vas cty engîneer Cin n u riet."by .MImèdans rulet in uAfrica. Oas, tva, s4nd dollars antiabouti aur bo suffi- The ,tucû(e -taIat teixtsthle lawn nikegan anti lS veluknovn tirtiaut rlV -;ae Up Golf." cligtirei.ngvs iet arpr .. zestWedding March" and "But- t se-only tibrteen more minutes i.'- 1 ciehtly ecnnterned as la Iilý feature . tx!'i t- i. i u',inet ric laa partl 'toxty as a surveyor. trUs yMs ir rrn ar. fore lie bell rings. Don'l go te leep. tiey coarscure for lie askna S W I t- iuxhe jdgiualt sijparla Le third member o!fie board of.tri b Ms ly urn-ar. Aile. asLtIement tram lie leadîng'audlm<Siyotcpu.in uie-u but .. ae isMr. Ringdahl as chairman Li, C. Ray, "Farewell." w e Ls coun rte re leri io oh b. board. - Donald FitzGerald tld soute real "Wetl, lie Mohammedans rur it corporation ln Nev York city w iscnere(' ln trhe txri oh 'li apollmnt its mti gîes'ctv'Jolies.'Albert Hagerty's "Greel- -Ding, ing, ding-Oh, borrors! 8h 1 booketi aflsr lie financlal computation Fo utig' rjlnce .9thstrhi' hom e t tLake Shore district tva members tie ere vûrY weîî delîveret, i.- hur iistory. anti t iaven't my lesqon." f-lie undertaiing. Mr. Grffihviii desrslanè hhoeo t 3 the board andthle Ibirt cornes tiaugi b.econieset iei. as af raid il -Writleu by Que Whxo Knova. es it alatedt tn t i i.bas noting btontene) Besubien, oof thlb,'Smtalit -ouýdtakelitsappeite.do vîti lie Imesie teproduxctionxas counssu, anti, hlie at-a lave ta!-'q s ti. ounry Isticttra Lier-watd lie is ppeile "~<>~regards lie audiences vho viev IL. mean praportio'xnand one whilixvel! Mile. i Miss Sandbeng tld us boy sorry NEWS 0F THE SCHOOL_______ twelvs Jurors coulti apent conalderable M~ la eXPlalaod Ihat Liiertyvilie ias asitewas ta go, even If asebas ireti of L aid a member on lis board alace living alone. Que more acuievemnt i. atiget Io IGNAT9 POTZ TO HANG JUNE 16, lime upan la gettîng ifto fit Icandi- lury Bger oerveti as chairman o! Miss Lunette Standisi'5sanogs vers he l- T. H. S. bal- o! tame hy thes S SENTEN'CE 0F COURT. lion. ranevsas Ti bad I o-enoel e rymc ya.î a plendid sbovlng o! lie Libertyvîlle- Furîberfixone. ivo bocks up fie i%* 7017 ahortly upon c.ial front resi treat ta bean bier. enîies, Capt. Olendor!, Tegtmeyer. <Conllinuet tram page one) streel !ram Jutige Etivartis home JMÈM Rngdhi Enlebech ad Prteus ad etthe- lIes Ralpi J. Dady. on. o! lie staie's k~ ~ra lgii.Carolyn Buter!leld's toast vas cer- Bieoitntirtcouamtie aékjt ti tsxyo ieydyastecu ll h ae tîaînîy very original andi loer. vr ctrasiatcTrc ent îiirt , ayo lnt a s w uetûio ud e w Mr.asi u iease tr.ai,e - veekStrel Cmmiaionr ,~j jra. Sayre's pan cion er a tagfield,. Chlcaog, lasî rritiaycaeare, vmuIdnoti- NvM.BabenniM.Ddy I n ek tet1 n aura.tlubo. tieeJsir ti le t ae. b'otbici lie ta ulgran ttria tho h.4mllaueeavne.greatty teujoyed by 5jllatiStutayeuhtreila e l. Spedy jstexaJuas tic. boli e t eeutay andlie . N you sit comfortably on the easy ridmg Pettti i ltimkeaene Mr.hOSt a s a reît tas go emy unaeta T h saer utbe a n the- li, te Jutigement o! Ibis Court, Jurons neeste tagel rîi o! sone o! lie 1 T AfeT oR w n e vr g9*%k4fratho itue lao! e 1o=aIIfndtramnke c ivede lie b 't gar o!tiI. Ct ourt lieion r -neey row getting exdly the cultivation you m1 lk! ,mmbr dle fcais a!thea o l i Cut te the u.cn-yi e -1e ttï gattueOfaure-frn i bo asd ve. gion pben of i.ua St tIse vifiage W»ver '- a otltqr M e.Fran.terteD Borg- lie fraternity and ti thle Unversity anti secure custody unlil the l6th day-- that you have a machine to do ail that W01IL __ ther W MtjiBvqlyn Hull, Richard Caas, ]Mor- ly aofn tertainnieut turing their lois- îveen lie houri o! sun-vise anti sua- WILL TAXEROOMERO "il D ill ies ol tii 8 fteycud e o ,là sew on trac and «one ence EePr atnIaibOi.ure bours. A banquet vas serveti aften set, liaI you i. taken by Ithe Sherif oers. Cail 328-. 224t rettmng over the Mied s8 rapidly, and "oig the work toltetii ire. In front of ver. Mors, Robelert 0"-AUce lut- lie Ment, te vuilci ail cotestanta o! Laie couuîy, accortilng te lav, .with etthnt'yeerd. ~Sa mysecr.tii c ta JHnrITt.., gol ea, Z'5dvn nieti? Aftfrvards the honora la Ihe vals o! saiti Jail, or la the WÂNTZD-MuII vlthcar te Bonlo10v cd Xr. .naurd, by itreasst- Webb,.Herola ny n lared ver. avardedte a inners. Laten thç yard or inciceure atiJoiningthebsae, priceti Cont Tires.. 100 per veek The Janlesile Floeting Arches solve the problern. Thejý 1M - ffl os MM l terem W IlaC,My tI s Rubard, G ad sI ger. "Black i m ,ia" an Organisation of the an ti hanged by the neck util yO o ni xpem . . W olf e Tire (Co., S75 l? n by e d l m fr m t e op ar a d wi g r m ortbt WI uuek. t tMay lMade lncittsr acted as heati-vit Univrsity ittidents,. etertalneti viti are des& .anti May oi have Mercy Canai. Bouton Harbor, Mich. 2,t are hunto sîde wit a pendulu he opeme n d swin for et tii.Ubtrmll.Gavage, ressud sho 01, ieeri) Ougt tO gel a Musical coruety entitieti "-âny1ody8 On youn sOUL. ________________ la aklg i s iie 0ar.gumenta I01for anvBAt-IKS BCO otgii l narrow the gangs fit the row with your feet. Or lock trltiay lie pn.linaluariea von. rus triaJaipe 100olm.cV-u fortaille bot t- 0< li504BoLTestmoyer tid t 10 j make .lu.c o then uatay width desired. niueltt frtbi e alttol, ut<iaMtabs lalOniioeriu blot b. ue.s. l: h~shovels naturafly foliow the rows, but you can shift elghtI cofltee*ta, anti fInalyis lsod lttr1Ot d tt bat b. ba'd lied oS WÂNTED-Amblioua girlsta»e 1mai- thern to either "Bid8quickly anîd 80 ep2ly that you San at il feet 3 juches. ' itueS tge d mllbthePotsecane»%mneo ocea os oktsopn h en RMd' ol Vid* ns; 1.vhen hlaie t bhWpiac..in th. ffilarvay 1h10 caflege; wvi Igire roci, board eW 'teseat ibars acts as a lever otrhe Rose Cold Vleiw» fs altauit ofqually o f ior tia Grne, ]IuL 1rh %e'vn hoeeyulw hu s¶n he W ~te tew Doç't Like June en." Iducilte te li ati 10 Paterthe Iustjtul1, __mg ffl wdvna of arln roa-jepe 22fLIl n- througi the Insisance o! detectires, FOR SALE-Sheppard stralu S. C. An-' W4 iàwn & xq i hlbm Capt. leator!, out o! large nume-wu lie swaru itatement o! lie Sa- COliS c@<ki'oii, 10 weeks aId, tram u _ : HI TliNo4.ber of entrilez, flisiet integootdfi lfo nkeeper. prise vlnning stock-.AX J.Oalfga, iCazibate 'wMt a Janesvie Two-Po-odY i i By J. H. Ilutin, D. 0., Ph. C1 andtimei, aitixougi not in lie money. Jutigo Etivanda sud he coulti net. Round Laie. 111. Pions 49J. Z2-tf W« eolrw bard work m cultwaaou Along ithe mrnth of june when He aiso shoveti uP wvnIin lie javelis e. vieretlita ciangeti testimony' roetbomad h bie a.le woxlt bave any reai iearng on lie WE HÂVE A itIGH GRADE UPRIGHT ~ rsesblom ad he rid mfYchfiW. Engiebrecitt i not qualify ln case as lie said it bal been brougit piano lu Libortyville, uilci vs vWin ta the altar, cornes a pcfliciOUS trou- tie shot put, tie disctte îirov, but bie out lu the trial on tie testlimoar o! $ 65prt h i cmlt malShnk fd u o hieknou a "rse old beaus itdit t'tiln th le 440 3yar tasi anti vas Pot. liaI lie vas tinder the Influsnce mouthly paymenta. Cable Piano Fac- lu nw s-rs od ecuei na tiuugerous position ai the finish. of lîquor. Hie sal i. i couti ses no tories, 301 So. Wabash Ave. Chicago. Phone 39 LIBERTY VILLE coames when lthe roses are ibloom Quiug te tie tact t libe vas "boxedti eason vby lb. sboutit idstuiblise22-St 4~9i2Zd and, ike ha>' fever, affects the air inu"lie couti ual gain anti bâti te b. verdict o! tie jury. Other format an- ___________________________________ content vith lie position lie von, guments vers matie by Jutige Baker FOR SALE-One smaoi Ford truck lun _______________________________ passages. Ail together. the boys matie n very anti Atorney Williims, but ail ver. gooti runaiug condition; Just over- flue sioving, consierlug tie tact liaI overruleti. - auleti; aita one Hayesa touring car. Rose-twld is a forerunner of ha>' fever. Those who tt vas the "cream" of prsp atilet-es 0ofva1tz la beiug kept tinter close Inquaie o! Chas. Seller Box 624, Lbr sufer from rosecold are invariabi>' Victimai of ha>'li nîet tacaetete!ot28ay ases thtieb.dose net mie tyvîble, 111. 0t sIntea. Th, lovn anti scitatl ahoulti aliatempt ou lils ovu ltis. Agunu-t __W l ayY ' o alA fever a fitdelater in the scason. Nôw it is agreed by 'tesi preund of "our" bars anti bncilal li e ue i vhi hm canstantlr. FOR SALI-A neanl' nev 7-roosul :~ il outie iatrose" è i 7sibxtraloidiin -av>for the next unoal, Core nai t Shenff Green almeati bas e 5' bouse, aone of the beat la Ares; bolhé L b ry il B tt y anti menti Smî>ail cashipnymeu_.; balance of tde air passages and can oui>' 4e- elimiuated by atramit!C-Elcag.,.22Tus. yul b.sh sel expalanelu exaoon vile! . L Il '2. tle court yard off the Jail anti ahilgi e *"stqping-ure' the vigor and toue of the- nerve cedls S-"ee me aingslocksie viliibe bulil arauntiil te Ilie rent. F. M. Harding, P lions 184-J and tissues. '[bs is paturali>' donc b>' chiropractic SI " Ye, ' cninalybea g ep h tu -tarm lhe gaze or Area, Ill. & -,.lectric Ser 'ce St aA spina adjusbncnts. No other way ta restore nerve He--"lH't! If yot'd once gel tie l vas ou the tIraI of April that LOST-Belveeu National EnvOlope iimptlses an>' given portion of the body is known. lier, rou vouldalt have ta break lu." tbe Jury la lie Pot. case returneti Facttr anti Libertyvîlie, Check for 'ftt i wh chropacic uccedawijreeveythng t le us.sevng îrce:thir verdict o! guiîfy'. The evtence thirty-ons dollars andt sixtY sîsî We Repair, Recharge and Replace Ilu s wy ciroracic uccedsvître eeryhin AttheBuz seingcirle:siovedti tntMotorcycle policemen cents. Flnur piesose relut-n la Et' ds a dd bt ntsdiscase aud ha>' fever. "Anti vhy dtes your buabauti ar Peterson vas abat tiov vile chai- dis Grimés, 202 E. Cok Avenue. els laifale, at i yesno are etavagant?" - ing the' car in vbii Pot, vas t-lt- Libertyville, Ilunoîs. 21-2t. "Juat becaie 1 vaut Pooer Fio'a i119. Poîz tiret boti barrots tram a monograin itamipetion is tog bis- shotgun triug5thersear dov of WNE Gil o gnrlbouse- A l M akes RUTHcuis."thecar t te oficr. Dathwasln- work Mutgpak oodEnglIsi. 707 CAUSE 15 RMOVED 0ELT alantansoas. The tragetiy loi place Prospect Avenue, Laie pluif, III. 2lt. dI~AcICCOU~TS HOW'8 EVERYTHING AT btenZo ni'Fues. MONEV TO LOAN--Onipxoved Laie B erie~a.Ls I satd et d n MPU MIM'UL . LAKE FOREST COLLEGE? IN MEMORV 'OF CHARLES J. VOUN Couuty Farmne. Taquine George Anti 110IN OMEM of . id rYtibave a gatad lime? Every- IN MEMORY 0F CHAS. J. VOUNQ. ersorn, Rom216, Anderson Bltig , W tered FEE. "Beiag Uhe vI3itîofaI l'se colti andi TNOuoneOA5: 0t5la atilus tae iinaw 4W titeWe vorieti so bard te gav roux, Laie Forest, 111. Pions 89. 21-4t. bay fever fon many years, anti iavillg Senior'trpltei> 0Lake k'orest tut-netS W. nursd etrn igbt antiday; W n lt n ttet e nt1*23lete, hiThe Lord kmev how you aufféreti, FOR SALE-I san nov selling hie best Generator and Ignition Repair gelvone, va seplcSlvis . 'e a ung whcla tiecitiedîr 100 v-el. Hecaîleti au aitishe noon bour, 'The Bull" Milklng machine. 1 have tege wrs,1 asskptcl be 1 NENol ougescorîti lthe group O! Te lake yeu frein yaur pain; semne vorkîng close te lova. C. FP-.iiIa.,h1 .ff trieti chiropractic, but aun my ati i KAfitteen Seniort-10Ratvel Fieldi, wviesYeu looketi up at un once, dean ftler, Richards, Antioci, II1. 10-t! When ii tr'puDIC ca.,. s.aSertyvilae 400s ARSaller the playera vers vounti up. tie As lia' tl aya tt arewel WITD ORNTO v1r e Letf G. J. WIbe Sur io reonsEve. B. AR - gainebegun andi conîlauxei tiru a gen- Unîili vsmeel agaie. NTD ORET- wnrme .j. it. hlorltReseriEBureauNUYEeraus tijzzle. The Laie Fot-est play- - 4>.-O... ilumazeti bouge. ln 90dgotai ghbor- Batteries called for and delivered Jons, llioPmtieReearh Brea LIERet-s abovetitheir superiority anti von CAROa 0F THANKS booi. Wil guarantes gooti car. of Statemeut No. 1272-H. SPMAtM tie ganxe tram Armant-. We vis tetabni -aur kint tionda pt-oPerttvant i viiipar goodrxet anti a PA11REM Afler tie game ail vete glati ta be anti neigibar ws i 0 lbrassilalet bonuse ite sae at> !pyment for op.- 651 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVE. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS DR. j. H. MUNI..INE v elcoaxe ta Duanti Commana, wbere us tuing lie siciness anti death o! tien ta purciase. Atitresa Renter, cars su pper vas servei by girls o! tie Do- aur busianti anti faliet-; aise for lis o! Indeixendent. 1-'J Cbirpacic PiyitSl stic Science Departmpnt.'A nain- beautitul florak !!oreings; andti itse HmTýcIG-eçrzi hed APeffX .bertof tie leachers talieti, boostiug vbo turniabeti automsobiles. Il vas 1HE TTCiG.eceidtrn, atu O e ad ll 2 e ad LDDER 1_ _ _ _ _ _ __rd YOUR HEALTHIM Laie Fot-set, aller vici ail rtisbed greatly appreclateti. ______________er_____yard,_________oint____ over 10 lis bail, vbere ther enJoreti Mm. Chao. j. Young anti Chltdren. Painxer's Ce-eut Bock Store, Lo t,'L orbL.th starts depends THEî wiNER «Ve U Ibemslves vilb dancing and one vaund- ITvo.Illnpone bouses oý- 1 n TFourlxStFettin v SvL gt.E sevr vol THE~ Dayton f icien J UVENII f.ori th4 blisIi', frat le I', .ttaloi vijePtri rit.' an th ctac ir o! "Ititi he and arroi thierhave Ths ent baud, etc Thiqss i La Sthe K. Tie ait o! the bel Ifigan Wb on Genea' The -pri -- te lad toit on 0 A Tt Ose-o! * lts anev o! itlie b ptîiet td tkiag Cil tct-ais au Acntii 1 rt.itui. fi"' ihe tuenant for lith lay ie Si uîisai ttg ititi Usthe om bouetai iii til1 iniite Tlie o costip' n-w pro. Te Dtl le-y i ti-ys fr0 nItri fie Ibeater. tih Pougbt tiiîeiy fil -W-uer a On lh Witt be ünlnandî tlits trout viich t tvoairtt ffly lia fawit bi Ibis Ms ut the t the hua, carriet SpecL lis mu an arge viii -be appilaut Whihi t' icville enougi i3how I contu Ibis vi nov ar ducIon Atfa lie col janesyi operate o! the Ini Il Ilît LUI jece e the l'le s %rate

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